Clinton New Era, 1908-07-30, Page 1will pay for the Clinton
New Eire to new Can-
adian subscribers to the
end of the year
Erranzianim 1865 No.' ege()
AOBT. Berms% eternalise,
ikat •ertionuents
Cow Ease, W. A. 1
Kodaks, W. S. R. Holmes.. . 1
Manufacturer's Sale,Newcomloe's, 2
The popular way, (G. T. R).............4
Newcombe% Manufacturer's Sale. 4
Wash Goode,Couell & Co 5
Men's Night Robes. Po lestone 5
Property for sale, Fred Brown . 5
New Livery_„ T. Cook " 5 I
Lost, New Era .. ..,.... 5;
Farm for sale, Jai.' A. Smith: , 5 '
For sale.W A Harrition - 5
• "Mov.0n," Hodgens Bros.... . 8
• .
16'& -Py for changes of advertisemeht •
must be handed, in by Tuesday ;
night .Small transient ads. will be ;
received up to Thursday morning. ,
The Exeter school board have fixed.
-on the following salaries for the teach-
ers: high school -department let as-.
sistant, $600, 2nd assistant,$600; public 1
school department, let assistant, $450,
-2nd assistant, $375, third assistant, j
1350, fourth assistant $325, fifth as-
sistant. $825.
OLD RESIDENT Ditela .- The death
took place Sunday,
at Port Albert of
an old resident Of ;Aelifield TOWnehie,
In the pore= of John Tering. Mr.
Young was a native Of the township
and was sixty yearsandeleven wonths
of age. He is survived by his widow
formerly a Miss Simpson,and a family
of two sons and two daughtersall at
• Port Albert. The BODO are William
and Thomaaand the daughters Misses
Elizabeth and Jane. Mr Young is
survived also ey two brothers and two
sieters,Wra at Sheppardton and Alex-
ander, on the old homestee:c1 in Ash-
field, and Mrs John Ontshesell and
Mrs Thoniaa Wilson, at Port Albert:
He was a Presbyterian in peligion.
Porters Bill
Novas - Mrs James Thorton and
children of Goderich;spent a few days
at Hall Rutledge's last weck. Miss
Walters of London, visited her sister
• Mrs Lindsay recently, 0 ViT Potter
and family Sundayed in Colborne.Mrs
Moore ah children returned to their
home at Munroe, last • week. Maggie
Cox is spending a week at W A Loblo's
Maitland Con. Ruby and PeariPotter
have returned horne,after a,twe weeks
visit in Colborne among friends. Mr
Vanderburg and William Currie are
away on a trip to Algoma. Mrs Roht.
McClean of Goderich, visited her sister
Mrs Jno Cox, on Monday last. E.
Leonard of Holmesville, is spending a
fesiv days at C McPhaile. -Mr and Mrs
James McIntosh, of McKillop, have
been guests at the home of Mr Tor.
Summer School
Jane, July and August leads into
our Fail Terns withont shy break.
Enter any time. New Caktiognefroo.
Write for it today.
Central Business College.
tie iiirgetit, most reilable of its ithid
. .
' W. B,. ShaW, Principal,
Yonge & Gerrard Sta., Toronto.
orrish & GooksItCelaolriand;..
• Grasp this9pportunity to..get,
your Summer Suit.
We have had a big business in Men's Suninier Suits,
consequently we have several broken lines and sizes.
We . don't want to carry a single suit over, So they
must go.
Two only, Men's light giey WORSTED
SU ITS, regular $15, . ... . 00
Two only Men's Homespun TWEED Suits,. --
Regular- $12, for •, VLutou
Three only, Men's Homespun Tweed, Suits,$7.50
Regular $10 and $1 for
Two °Ply, LIGHT TWEED SUITS, $5 90
Regular $8.5o, for. . . . . ...... . . . . .
Four only, Men's dark green Homespun $5 00
Suits, regular $8.50 .. ....,............,... 1 ,
Three only Men's dark blue Suits, with e2
small stripe, regular $3.50, for.......;, .....•. ..*Pueutr
orris!' &Crooks,
"King" and "Borsaline Hat Headquarters. .
" A Square Deal FonkEvery Man"
..;01-1.NTON., • ONTARIO.. IllURSDAY" JULY 30, 1908
If you WM to UMW what Is
going on In your ueighborhofid
•read the New Era.
susignumontilw 4041,1,4144,1,,*
1110111SeSV1I1SS 11010111114
NOTES - Mvs O'Dell and 0011000Na. AIM BROKEN - Last ;week; 'while
of Midland, are visiting the fernier's outside, Mrs Kne* had the misfortune
parente, Mr and Mrs Ladd, for severalto fall upon her left arm, breaking it
weeks, Mrs Ladd and Mrs O'Dell 'vise near the meat. She is progressing
ited with Clinton, fiiends this week.
ONGE011 FiNAN0148 -- The MAWR'
report; of the Methodist churches on
thie circuit has jest been issued. The
amounts raise* were as follows re,-
flolmesville, to Palitor% salary 8559;
pew rent $139 ; iniesionfund 8108;
educational and other funds, $ ; par-
sonage furnace $117; Ebenezer, pastor's
salary 888; mission fund $23 ; Ed. and
other funds. $8 ; furnace $12 ; new
shed $257; Sharon, pastor's salary, $84;
mission fund, $12 ;Ed and other funds,
$d ; furnace $6. ContribWeons to con-
nexianal funds and church purposes -
Superannuation $57,:00 ; Missionary,
$203.75; $60.50 ; Educational,
816.35; Contingent $4 ; Union Church
'Relief, $11,35 ; Bustentation, $2; S. B.
Aid, $1 ; Temperance, $2 ; General
worth,. League $1 ; Quarterly Board,
$782.72 ; Trustee Board, $427.26 ; Ep-
worth. League, $66.55; Sunday Schools,
$75. Total $1599.48,
, Godeelelts Township ,
MEETING\ – A meeting of Liberals
for this division will be held at the
home of Mr W Sinclair, 15th con., on
Tuesday evening, Aug 4ch; to look
AMR RAISING -Mr J. Hoare's large
new barn was raised on Friday, 24th,
The frame went together very nicely:,
and being difficult to frame, reflected
much credit to the cool, level beaded
alid skillful framer' at the head of af-
fairs, Mr Oliver Clark, The new barn
will greetly add to the convenience of
Mr Hoare's farm.
NEW CHURCH -The Baptist ;noel°
will build their new church on the va-
cant let on Front street, opposite the
Temperance WM. Ur J Francis Brown;
architect, of Toronto, le getting out
plans for the building, which will be a
neat, modern edifice, and a credit to
the village. Work will be commenced
as soon as the plans are finished,whIch,
are expected in a few days.
NOTES -Miss W E Thompson is vis -
king at the Emelt home this week.
Miss Lizzie McLaehlin is with her
brother, Robert McGee, and among
old Weeds in this vicinity, Miss Mc,
Leggan, of Derryer, Col, spent part of
the week with the Sturdy family.
Miss Knox has returned from London.
Rev A E Jones will take his circuit
work next Sunday, after three 'weeks'
over the voters list this yeer, and see if t holidays spent in Bruce 0o, Mrs H.
any changes are required, and tran-
sact any other business.
On Sunday,Alhert E McOullagy died
at his father's residence, Huron Read,
.Goderich Tp aged 18 years and 10
tonal& The cause of death was ap-
pendicitis, and much sorrow was
shown by the familiar's friends at the
early calling away of the. youthful
one. • .
NOTES -The trustees of School No.
10 have engaged Miss Ella Hansel of
Ethel, her duties to cennmence after
holidays. Mr Wesley Beacom and lit-
tle daughter of Harlock • Sundayed
with friends on the BayfieldJee, as
did also Miss Webster of Clinton. Mr
Will McGregor Eon of Mr Charlie Mc-
Gregor is laid up at present due we be-
lieve to a strain he received .at the
raisingoftheir barn. • Mr -Will Elliott
has taken the contract of themasonary
of Mr William Perdue's house; Mr
McKenzie we understand takes charge
of the frame work. operations will be
hushed along as rapidly as possible. :. •
Miss Edna: Jowett, who has . been the
guest of the Misses Burnett, returned
teher home in Port Huron on Satur-
day. Miss Lizzie Burnett, accompan-
ied by her sister, Mrs Will Townsend
and son; of Strathroyeetre vieitiog un-
der the parental roof, ,
.. Brussels
Noess-The junior football team de;
feated Walton at a match played on,
Victoria Park here by 3, to O. Four
rinks of Brussels-) bowleraviema victory
from Listowel at ehattown on Tues.
day:. Tuesday, August 4, will be our
civic holiday, when a big excursion
will be run te_Kineardine_by_special•
train. One ot the pioneers of the
community who died this week .vs as
Mrs Elijah Bateman,who had attained
-to her 85th year; her husbandprede-
ceased her by four years; paralysis of
the throat was the cause of Mrs Bate•
man's death; an adult, family survive,
George and Miss Bateman being the
only members here. The very heavy
ram last week swept out the flood
gates at the mill 'dam and took sway
the foot bridge; 'Messrs Peyne will
build more cement abutements in
makihgthe renairs at the ham. Mrs
81 PPaulin,pounty president of the
W 0 T U gave an interesting address
on Thursday evening in the basement
of the Methodist - church; Rev. Mr.
Wishart, a A presided. A Govern-
ment judge,ito the person of Ale Camp-
bell, of Victoria county, was here dur-
ing the past week in connection With
the field cropcornpetition inaugurated
by East Huron Agricultural. Society;
there were 18 entries of oat crops; the
official statement as to whom the five'
prizes go to will hewed° shortly; the
heavy rain beat down &goodly portion
.of gram in a number of instances, so
that it not appearas well as before,
. Wm Cullough, of London, who lost
' his life at Port Stanley bydrowning
Wmas a former Brusselii
te, n fact was
horn here. The Arnent Reading Vac.
tory is inhustling their work on the
heavy stock in their yard; from 25 to
-M, hands are employed in various de-
partments.; • • . ,,, •
NoTEs-The Rev Mr Moore, ;Spring -
bank, occupied St Andrews pulpit last
Sabbath morning and evening. Mise
Linna Erwin has returned to his home
after taking out a course as trained
nurse. Miss Myrtle McLeod of Toledo
O., is visiting her home. Mr and Mrs
Ross of Strathcona, are guests of Mr
and Mrs Whiddou. Mrs John Jowett,
and her sister Ruby Whiddon, is
camping at Grand- Bend. Boarders
are very scarce here yet, but campers
are in great numbers atjowetts grove.
Snyder, of Goderich, is spending a
Couple of weeks at her
Mr Marshall and son, are visiting in
Erie. Mrs Dave Mole and two children
are holidaying a,,t Mr John Mole's. Mr.
W D Wilson and daughter Marion
spent a few cleys• among Auburn
friends, Mr Smith, of the Saturday
Evening Globe staff, accompanied by
his wife, spent the week end- at W
Riddell's. Fruit, shipments Made re-
cently by W. T. Riddell aggregate
about 1,400 baskets, being cherries,and
a few black currants and gooseberries.
'Remember Civic holiday on Aug 5th;
everybody is Welcome at the; picnicht
Point Farm ; for accommodation in
rigs apply. to H Knox not later than
Aug 4th. Miss •Mann and •the two
sons of Rey Mr Mann are visiting in
Coburg. ' .
LendellihrO •
Chuncii.,M4TTEES-Rev. Mr. Currie
and family -have lately retureied from.
a Well deseived holiday, which was en-
joyed very much. During Mr: Oprrie's
absence, Rev. N. M. • Leckie supplied
two Sunday evening's, and was much
appreciated bythe congregation. Last
Sabbath morning the Society' Repre-
sentatives to the Quarterly _official
Board of the Londesboto Methodist
Church were elected at the close of the
service. Messrs J. Tamblyn, .Wm. Mc-
Cool, Thos, Hunking, and T. IL Squire
lied been representatives for some time
and were • all iv -elected for another
term. The services in the Methodist
Church here next Sabbath' morning
will be withdrawn in order to give the
congregatiok an opportunity of attend"-
ing the communion serviceat the Con-
stance Church at 10.30 a. .m. There
will beservice in the evening as usual
at 7 o'clock. AU welcome .at both
churches. "
T E L•$ Oi. NIHS H.15AN K
• lateorporateci 1855
teapital, . • $3,311000
Rest Fund. a $3,314)000
Thu 65 'Winches in Canada, and Agents and Corespondents In
the:14404d Cftiles in the World •
Branches. Inured allowed at highest current rata, .
lititon llranch," C. E. DOWDING, Manager.
Personal Notes
It those hoviaarelativeortrte
notify its of the fact mob week, wo,
would eamounee In the mow Ime.4.
Mrs Wesley Walker is Spending a
few days* at the home of her father.
Miss V Rowe, of Exeter, is visiting
with Hattie Holloway, this week.
Mr A J Holloway left on a, business
-trip to the Cobalt district on Monday,
Ales Ross, of Mount Forest, is visit-
ing her daughter, Mrs Murray Mc.
Erects •Andrews is spending a
few days vacation, with friends at
Mesas F R Hodgens and J W NOW -
combs were visitors to Toronto on
Mrs B- Cole and Mrs H W Cook have
gone on a month's visit to friends in
• Mr. C. Stewart. who represents the
Goold. Shepley 0o.; in London, has
been visiting friends here.
liaise Pearl Ca,ntelon, who has been
spending a few weeks at home, return-
ed to Orillia, on Monday.
Mrs H. Routledge, and daughter
Maud. left Tuesday, for a two weeks
visit, with friends at Winteha,m,
' Airs. W. G, Arnold and daughters,
Vera and Marie, of Chatham, are vis-
iting at the homieof Mrs E. Butt.
Mrs J P Tiede.% Buffalo, has been
the guest of Mrs George McTaggart,
Bayfield, hut returned home Wednes-
NOTES -Mies Myrtle Phillips has re-
turned home after spending a week
with friends in Ger:tench* Miss Holmes,
has been to Whiteclourch for a week
owing to the illness of one of her broth-
ers. Butter has taken another advance
in price although the quality has not
improved. GeorgerBarr and Joseph
Mending each lost &valuable horse this
Week, ' The hetir of Tuesday and Wed-
nesday made it very hard to do work
of any kind.. There has been a plague
of Skeeters @lire Tuesciiiari night, the
worst for many years. James Mode.
land and -Mrs. Modeland, of Miletai
Manitoba,are visiting friends here this
week ; they have spent over 25 years
in the west. Wednesday there were
Cattle. Iloga an Wheat shipped from
88; Hogs 86.80; and wheat 80c. Inc
syndicate ' machine Made the atart for
the season on Thursday, R. Carter be-
ing the first to get reaay. •••
CEttECE-SeAndrews congregation
will celebrate the anniversary of the
'aliening of their new chureh.on Sab
bath, August Oth. Rev' Dr Barnett, of
London Presbytery, will ()colony the
pulpit and there will be 'special music
at both Morning and evoning services.
The Ladies Aid are arranging for a
,concert, the following Monday even-
ing, the talent to be supplied by the
summer visit ors. .
here by di erent parties ; Oat le about
• ADDEESSEs - Mr H. L. Troyer, of
McMaster University, Termite, Will
give a aeries of niiilsionery addreseee
here (hiring the first week of August.
On Tuesday and Thursdiiy evefinigh,
the 4th and. Sth, ist eight 0 clock, in the
Methodist church,he will show a num-
ber of stereoptican views on China and
Japan. On Irridityevening, in the
Presbyterian church hewillexhibit a
large Mid valuable collection of curies
from many foreign countries, and will
also glee & brief travel talk on South
Ancerica, .Africa, India, China and J.
pan. and will be dressed in thecostuMe
of these lands. Mr Troyer haa beets
for three years the President of the
'Students' Missionary Society" Of the
Toronto Bible Training School, and is'
also an exechtive officer of the Student
Voletittier Union of that city. Special
Muth) has been arranged for.. There
will be an offering taken at each meet.
Ing to defray etpenses.
CRITEci/-A very pleasant tiiie ;was
anent in the league here tin Tuesday
evening. The Literary committee had
provided an excellent literary enter-
tainment and a large number were
present to enjoy it. The programme
consisted of vocal and instrumental
music, recitations and. addresses. Rev
H. E.. Currie occupied the chair and
also gave -an address on The Ideal hp:
worth Leagper.' On the whole a very
pleasant and profitable time was spent
frhe Quarterly Communion service of
the Londesboro circuit will be held in
the Methodist Church here next Sabb-
ath morning at 10 30 o'clock. There is
no service in the Londesboro Church.
in the morning so that the congrega-
tion may worehip with us here. The
Quarterly Official Board will meet in
the basement of the Church here next
Monday at 2 p. in,
clay.. '
Mayor Wilts's) has a personal In•Vitae
tion to attend the London Old Boys'
celebration next week, and it is prob-
able he will accept it.
Mr and Mrs•J W Irwin left on a trip
to Kincardine, going via the King's
highway. Next week they will .visit
St Thomas in the 'saline way.
Miss Della Walker, who recently
went to Strathconis, has returned to
town ; aloe had an enjoyable time, and
met many former Clintonians.
Mr Richard Patterson and wife; of
Woodstock, • are visiting . their old
Clinton friends, they having resided
here some eighteen years ago: ,
Miss Carrie Butt gave a party in
honor of her cousins, Vera and Marie
Arnold, of Ceathani ; a pleasant after-
noon weir; spent in games and music.
Mr David Gardner, of Winnipeg,. is
home on a visit to his mother and oth-
er relatives.- He says that great exPec-
tations•are being built on- this year's
• Miss Helen Ford. of Lucknow, Who
has been. the guest of Miss H. Gunpe,
has accepted the position of first assist.
ant it the Norwood High. School at a
salary of $700 per year..:
Harry.Bartliff, of Clinton, sang
• a choler) solo in St John's Church here
last Sunday evening. She • was a
former, valued member , before her
merriage.-Brussels Post. •
----Amon the bowlers participating in
the London tail -fain en t are -Megan Vir
Jackson, J 33 Hoover, 0 E Dowding.
Stevenson. Will Harland,jr., George
Barge, A J. Courtice and others.
Mrs 3. L. McLean, Mrs G.E. Roemer,
and sons, Master Justin and babe Mal-
colm Mrs. • E. M. Zimmerman and
da,ugter Lucile, and Mrs J Marshall,
all of St. Louis, are guests et the home
of Mr. Thos. Trick;
Miss Reynolds, milliner; leaves this
week for her home in Wirigham,
where she will remain for the month
of August. In September she goes to
Goderich to take charge of the millin-
ery department for Hodgens Bros.
NOTES -Mr. David Weir has return -
'ed tb his bootie at Union, Mrs. Weir
and children remaining for a time with
friends in this vicinity. There was a
good attendance at the Literary meet-
ing Tuesday evening all apparently en-
joyed themselves. Alt Gilbert Jamie-
son and sister Kate.who are at present
in Detroit, but will leave in a few days
for Manitoba ; they are well-known in
this vicinity, and their many friends
here wed' them a pleasant and safe
Cfnuncii- Turner's Church Services
next Sabbath will beconducted at 2.80
by ttev E if Se,Were of Brucefield and
itt /.30 by Mr 01-1 Holland of Clinton.
The offeringto of the day will be de.
voted to the shed building fund.
Mies Pclith Torrance, daughter of
Inspector Torrance, had the offer of a
lucrative position in the office of a pa-
per at Lethbridge. with which her
brother is connected, but it is probable
she will not accept it for the present
Mi James Smith goes to London
next week to participate in the Old
Boys' Reunien. Fitty.nine years ago,
and in the year 1859, he learned his
trade in that city, and he can there-
fore well qualify as one of the London
Old Boys. • • '-•
MrFred Kibler, of Listowel, a forxner
resident -of Zurich, was a visitor here
last week. Mr Kibler is in the shoe
business at Listowel, where he has es-
tablished a big trade. He was former-
ly connected with the Williams' Shoe
Co., Brampton.
The many friends of Miss Jean Mac-
pherson will regret to learo that illness
has convened her to ceasedor the pre-
eenther course in training at the Mae.
sachusett's State Hospital: She is now
at the home, of her uncle, Mr W.
Coats, of Goderich. '
Personal Notes
Mies Ida ()arnica is visiting friendfl
in Aylmer.
Mr A. T Coo_per .spending a few
days at Grand Bend.
Rev. F. Mahaffy; wife and daughter
Marion, is visiting at the home of J B
Lindsay this week.
Ne. Marshall, ef Auburn, went
through here on Tuesday, on higi waY
to visit friends at Fort Brie.
Mrs' I Prout, of Woodstock,a former
resident of Clinton, has been (mending
a week with Mrs George Rice,
-Miss Mary Dawson, who has been
holidaying with relatives on theaanY"
lon line, Stanley, hair returned to her
place in Tozer dc'Brown's.
Misses Ida and Lena Holmes, Who
have been away for a inotitb's holiday,
return home to -day. Miss L Holmes,
of Orangeville 13usiness College, will
also spend a month at home.
Mrs. John Bice and Master Lloyd,
have returned home after a monthar
visit at Port Bowmanville, where they
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O.
'Rice, at their summer cottage, "Sand-
MieSPO Fay and Blanche Kaufman,
of .Ridgetown, are visiting their grand-
mother, Queen Street, for a few days.
Little Blanche, who is an attendant at
the Brantferd Blind Institute, is a very
clever entertainer, and has at differene
times been highly coinneended by
the Brantford newspapers.
gaitional Eon .woptro.
PRIZE WINNERS- At the recent
Dominfoh 'Fair in Calgary, the first
prize on 50 lb package of. butter, in
prints was won by H MacGregor
who was manager of the Londesbore
Creamery for two years.
• PIANOS -Messrs Walker and Ross
sold a, beautiful upright Doherty piano
t a citizen of Goderich last week....:.
Theyalso sold a fine upright piano to
Mr Wilson, Of •Kinburn, They have
arse sold a very handsome upright
Doherty Piano to Mr A J Morrish.
BASEBALL- The Olintion Baseball
Olubjourneyed to Seaforth, Thursday
last, and succeeded in tucking away
another win from the Olub. The score
this time Was 12-8 in • favor of the
visitors. On ,Tuesday evening they
again took a trip,. this thne tel3lyth;
it was a lovely drive," but ohl the finish,
only 8 • 3; this time in favor of Blyth.
However, a return'game, will be play-
ed. in Clinton, in the near future, when
We all hope for better results.
of Mr S J -Andrews, narrowly escaped
destruction by the fire element • Tues-
day afternoon, and was just detected •
in the nick of time,hyneig.hhors. Mrs
Andrews had been cleaning out the
stove pipes and chimney, .and had
placed and burned 'a quantity of paper
therein; in hope Of clearing the chim-
ney' of looseesoot,"the flying particles
ignited the roof, and had burned quite
a hole when detected, but was quench-
ed :with a few pails of water.
The Many friends of Miss Maggie
McCool. daughter of MON'. McCool,
Hullete will be pleased to hear that
she has secured a position with the
Singer Sewing Machine Co., Toronto*
Miss McCool is a ;graduate Of the
Clinton Business College.
'Mr and Mr's 'Linder, of Toronto,
' father of Mr W Linder and Mrs Doig,
have been here for a few days owing
to the serious illness of Mrs W Linder,
who has been in a, precarious condition
for reaveral days from blood poisoning,
Her many friends will be pleased to
know that she is now on the way to
Waste W 0 and John 3" Robertson.
Robertson, two Liberal stalwarts from
Oothotrie, who were on their way to
visit relatives in Seaforth, Were callers
'at the Now Era office on Saturday.
The latter is particularly weli informed
on the yariety and nature of weeds,
having made this a special study, In
addition to the practical branches, of
agrioulture, and Can give an address
not equalled by many who have college
Brueefietd ,
Noma -Rev. E. H. Savverri and Rev.
Donald 'Urquhart; Kippen, exchanged
pulpits. On Sabbath hist. Mies Alm
Grey, 4nftaio, is visiting at home.
Louis Eiberhert has sold out his bladk.
smith business to J Wheeler. _who has
already taken possession ; Mr Eiber-
hartiliaa moved Into Mr Brook's house.
George Hill and wife spent Sunday at
the home of W. Sinclair, Goderich tp.
Mrii Charles Reid and family are visit-
ing at the home) of her father, Mr.
Clark, Stanley. The cadent bridge on
the Mill Road near Mr Reid's,Is now
completed. Mr Addison and wifc spent
Sunday itt*Londesbor0. Miss Lottie
?elide, London, is visiting at home.
to ibs Alice Carr is,visithig at home. --
Wilson Turner,of Komptville,hae been
called home owing to his mother's 111.
Mre MOWS, slater of Mrs W 0 Reid, . miss Semi; ittlatifkr Maxwell. Ofit*.
Seaforth, happened with a painful how; Mrs F MeEWtin and Mee Anna.
riecident briBaturday morning. While bell McEwan; and IVIrs Alexander.
engaged in doing some house work, mv and tete Jno Eraser, and moo si.
She ritefipedbecktearde and fell through 'lett of Bavfletd, were also present.
4 trap door Which had been left !open. A most enjoyable time was snout, Aire
As the result of the accident Mrs Hicks Murdock providing a bountiful tea,
is suffering from it broken shouider ,and the gueete, on Ietwitig all wishing
bone and a had shaking up. her "lusty happy returns of the day.'
of Scotlandwill-boldtheirannualeele
bration in Seaforth on August 12th.
The feminer 48th Highlanders band, .of
Toronto has been engaged for the day,
and will also give an open-air concert
in the evening. . There is a good pro-
gramme of sports. and Highland dam-
mg.and piping. A special feature Will
be a championship baseball match be-
tween Wingbam and Fullerton, two
of the best amateur teams in Western
Ontario. Eeery person should be in
Seaforth on August 12th. •
rather amusing, yet annoying eircum-
staude eccurred in town the other day.
A lady,who lives alone, had taken the
precaution to look all the windows
and doors of the house, except the
front screen door, through which she
paased and sat down on the verandah.
The screen closed with a slam, and the
hook on the inside caught, thus locking
the lady out of her .own house. She
sent for some of the neighbors to help
her, and they were in -a quandary as •
to gettinginside until sorneeene sug-
gested taking this), screen door off its
hinges. A screw driver was procured,
and the door taken off, so that the lady
finally had access to her own house. .
A. SADDENED'ililliFileotartE-The many
friends of Mr, and Mrs. Ohas. li/fcGreg.
or will sympathize deeply with ' them
in the sad bereavement that has. come
upon their home. in the loss of their
oldest, son, aged 7 years and 6 months.
He was a particularly bright and active"
boy, but suffered from whooping cough
which is said to have caused Vie rup-
ture of a blood vessel in the heed. He
also had spinal menigitis, which caused
aand d death.Monday
very largely attended. •
On Monday hist it ,:oad of people
drove down to The Phiessthe beautiful
residence of Mr VirMurdeckakid Con.,
of Stanley'. the occasion being the
birthday of Mei Murdock. Those
comprising the 1610 Were Mr end Mrs
W Graham; Mr and Well Rees Mid
APPnee te a preparation fur
keelaeg files off cattle. Your
- cow; cannot do Well when con-
tinuously tormented 'with these
is especially prepared for gib
purpose, and a little applied
over the animal will rid them of
files, •
If you are interested ask ue
about COW lEASIff.
w A.flicCoUpell
C.P.R. Telegraph Agency '
Be Your Own $
The moteries of Pbotogrohy
fade away, and you can make as
good pictures as any Photo?
grapher if you have a •
. We explain everything, and
show yeu how to do it.
Developing and printing care-
fully and promptlyattended to.
We are able agents for East-
man's Koda,ks and Supplies, the
only perfect Photo materials
made, •
S. N. .1101111e$
. • Phm 13 • .
Manufacturing Basttilst
Our little Whitney Wag-
on will call at your place
100 *lbs. Redpith's
Granulated Sugar
for $5.20.
• • •
6 • 0.:0 Tolegrapbers
trained by olfr Management las t.yea
Experience connta. Gratluatea mod
auccesaini. %mid Coupe for Twine*.
Mail Courses. bend poataI for partic-
. Mara.
• Geo. Spottop. Principal. ,
NOT ea—Miss Mary Waltees,of Tuck.
ersmith, was Hist week visiting at the
home of Mr. Hugh McGregor. Master,
I Loney and Master 3 Bryant, of Lon-
doniare at present visiting at the home
of their grandmother, Mes. John Moe
Cowan. Mr. T. Baird left on Tuesday
to atttend the funerfil of Mr: J. Young
ef Ashfield. Mr* Andrew Lawrence,
formerly & resident ofTuckersmith, but
new Of Manitoba, and Mr. Wm Cern°.
ahem, of Tuckersmith, paid a short vis-
it to the home of Mr. 1:31eo, Baird on
Tuesday. Dr. Jas. Butchart, arith his
• Wife and two children of Lee Ghee file
Ohincearrived at the home tif his fah
er, Mr. john Butcharkon Monday, for
a well.eerned furlough of a few months
It is tine years since he was home last;
he has a large inedleal practice in his
hospital at Lucheo 64.
James Young, Auburn, had rather
a severe accident heat week. While he
was driving down to the eawinill the
red earn° mit that holds the shafts
in the wagon, causing the horse to
run away. Mr Young Wa8 thrown oat
He was UndolleciOnii for it While, and
has not been able to do anything
01110. . .
Mrs E A llacEee, of Molesworth,
has sold her 100 acre farm in Grey to
Thomas Simpson, Turnberry, who has
already taken possession. Mrs McKee
sold, °alarm, stock. implements and
drop as it dried, and will move to
Peterbeeo. The nth% obteited is not
announced, but 11 113 understood to be
somewhere about $0,000.
Watch Quality
Watch Prices
Ili buying a watch, buy
as good a case a.s you can
afford, but • first get'a
movement., that will be
accuraft. Every watch
belongs to us until it
measures time accurately.
Pick the case and let us
"decide on the movement,
and yokt will own a watch
and a time keeper.
Drop in and let usr talk Watches
IL J. R1100,
40,04br and dijytidasie
Issuer lof IVIarriage
The Pall Pairs
Termite*. • ....* ... .. Aug, 29 -Sent 14
-11 Wlngbam.
Thyt .... ;„ .. Sept. 2A-49.
Iltussels Ifs .00to 1. 2
InDraWiCh..11011111116•.”.S.11.10 111.• Ifolatf 2
Dungannon, "14 ..10 • 01311616 1-8