HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-07-23, Page 813
014INTOli t111* ERA
July 2$rd, 1900
99 •
, .
Still 11old the,..Fort:
"Move On' prices on:everything in:this big
store to -day. They spell " SAVING" in kreat
big capital letters for every buyer. who takes ad-
vantage of them. No matter how big or how
little your Dry Goods wants may be, come here
first. We will surely save you money. Qualities
beyond question in each and every case. Here, is
- the list of specials for Saturday.
Airy Hat $1.00 •
Any triinmed hat b. the Show Room Saturday
for a dollar bill. The final cleaning up of our big
• Millinery department, before, Miss Reynolds leaver;
for her holidays. No matter what a hat is worth.
$1 Saturday morning you can. buy any of them for 100
Any Shape 19e
Just about two 'dozen left, all good seasonable •
styles, black and colors. No matter what the former Ilan
price, you can take any one of them, Saturday for.. • 11 Oli
Airy Flower 250 . •
Any bunch of Flowers in the show room, dark or
light, no matter what the firstof the season prices f)Ca
Were, Saturday you can buy it for
Striped Dress Goods Tric
Very fine quality black Dress Goods, narrow
stripe made from the best Australian wools,
make a very handsome dress. Regular $1.25, Salm- 7Rn
day morning you can buy it at per yard ...... I sib
. . . .
- •
. .
Colored Suitings •25c • -
75 yards colored Dress Suiting% two stripes and
one check, light Crlorings, regular 60c,. Saturday. 250 .
morning, per yard
Black Dress Goods 63e •
• .
, One end only Black Dress Goods, pebble weave, •
will make very stylish and serviceable skirts. Special Ron
"Move On": price per yard... :.. .. ........
Black Crepe de Cherie 83c • •
• Silk and Wool Black Crepe de Chene, beautiful
material for summer costumes. The best quality. we •
handle. One end left to sell. Special " Move On" oga
• price Saturday per yard, ........... ... . .. . .. . .. ..; two
Colored Dress Goods 55c
Colored Wool Dress Goods, monotone checks
• and fancy pebble vveaves. •Suitable for Fall costumes .
or separate skirts, nrivy, myrtle and red. Regular • 55e.
$1. "Move On" price per yard • •
Organdys 25e , • •
250 yards colored Organdys, Dress Muslim. etc.
A clean-up of our Cotton Dress Goods stock. Regu-
lar 40c and 50e. Saturday morning per yard...... POO
Bath Towels. 29e - •
• Extra large arid heavy. Bath • Towel's,. plain
ground with red stripe, regular 371e, Move On " oftra
puce at each..... .... Leh
Huck Towelling 10e. • , • . •
. •
Two ends Linen Iluck-a-back Towelling, 17 to 13
inches wide. A splendid' dr ying Towell for any pur-
pose. " Move On " price per yard • 1 OC „
. , .
Crasli Towelling 6e • ,
Linen Crash Towelling, medium •weight, .re•d 'Oh
border. Special."Move On " •price per yard• • ugli
Glass Towelling 6e
Checked Glass Towelling, good weight, not quite 60
all linen. Special "Move On" price per yard
Turkish Towelling 12ie
Heavy Turkish Towelling, fancy stripe, makes a
splendid drying Powell. 50 to sell. Special Move
On" price per yard
Ladies' Vests
These Vests are extra fine qualitY, but • we have
too many of them, Some have half sleeves, some no
sleeves at all. Nicely finished around neck and arm Win
hole Special "Move On" .price each .. • , , LUU
Corset Covers 35e • • •
Corset Covers, made from very fine quality 'Eng -
lb& Cotton, nicely trimmed with Lace and Embroid-, •
;my. All sizes. Regular • 50c, special " Move ' On" OKA
price each •••••• .......... ••••••••••I••.•# . .• . • . .. • .. club
Laces le. •
200 yards fancy colored Lades, nalow and wide
widths, suitable for trimming children'e dresses10
Clearing at per yard ••
Boys' Heavy Hose 19e
This is the kind of stockings for boys' everyday
wear, made from good, strong yarns, seamless feet
and fast dye. All sizes. Regular 25c, special "Move
On" price, per pair• 4• • .
Embroideries 3 yds for 10e • ••
•• -Still hundrede of yards Swiss Ambroidery to sell, •
some Insertions In the lot, Good patterns, strong • lfl
cloths, firm edges. •Special " Move On" price, 8 yds • I LIU
Waist Ends 'tee •
Waist ends of fatter Swiss Embroidery, each
• length enough for front of a Shirt Waist. Very fine •
patterns. Special "Move On' price per end.. ... ..
Long Lisle Gloves Vie •• ••
Ladies' Lisle Thread Gloves, black or white,
elbow length, fine quality and finish, Special "Move
On price, per pair 66 6*464:5•46iii•t• 6 ••• •••••• .6 .. •• : 450
Long Lisle Mayes $1.20 •
• Elbow,length ptire Silk:Gloves, double' ,finger
tips. Extra quality, black or cream. Move On "1
price per pair" .644646.0p 6 ••• • 6% 616611.•*•••••••4•41.% hiLu
• Wash Belts and Collars 35e.
We have gathered together all the Panay Wash
Cellars and Belts that sold at $00 to 806 You Vont
find them rnilhe ShOW*Cafie Sittnrclay morning, ticketed Ic„
. . .. . • : . *6 . UUU
•VII 0
• CLINTON. ONT.. JULY 28, 1908
• -ClierrIes Wanted .-- molest price
peo, 04NTELON: rilt0S,, Clinton
Dreee and Mantle., Making, Plain
Sewing, Preseingffind Cleaning Ladies'
Apparel."A.DD1E L. KAUFMAN. .
• "Dlt....OVENS,Lonclon,.Surgeon Ocu-
list, Specialist, will at W. S. R.
Drug wore, On Thursday July
80th, Glassee properly fitted, deafness
catarrh and failing eyesight treated.
Bears 1.to 4 p.m.
gown goptc.0, •
interesting game of baseball was pulled
off Monday evening last, -between the
local Tailors and Cutters,- The tailors
area younger elernent,generally speak.
ing. and this partially accounts. for the
overwhelming deteat'of the latter,upon
"whom year are leaving, its imprint,we.
refer ail who are amclaus. to learn the
score to W. Johnston and Geo. Barge.
.A T Cooper was the tiro purchaser,
of the new stamps: here; the full set
rnakean pretty '.collection for those
who indulge in this sort of thing. They
are being.Used..pretty generally, 'al-
though twice •the size of the , old ones.
One econonfical individual purchased
a two cent tercentenarypostage stamp
tore it in two and put the Hinge head
on one letter and the :Queen's -on the'
other; with the result that the letters
went to the Dead Letter Ofilce.
•downlast week, but there are plenty Cii111011‘. s Mitchell
more eta,nding on private property- • •
1eport gained currency last Iveek,
that a oertain prominent citizen,whose
health has not keen the best for Borne
time. had Medi we are glad to gay
that not only was the rumor untrue,
but the citizen in question is improv-
ing in health air Oster Wade, lig-
indatorfor the Thresher o., .was in
town this week, in connection there.
with....311813 Labial Clarke,of Gueiph.
daughter of Mrs. Clarke, formerly of
Milton, is to be married on the 3rd manJohnMr.
John Ward, late of Varna, sowin-law
of Mr, W. Cudmore, has gone into the
butchering business in Woodstock,
Miss Lettie Smith is taking her hell -
days, and her place in the office of Mr.
Brydone is being supplied by Miss
Steep, late with the Thresher 04....
Mrs, Crich,Albert St, has added a very
neat verandah to her house......The
volunteers who got away to Quebec
last Friday,had an uncomfortable time
at the start, as it raffled "like sixty" as
the boys would say ; they Moiled the
ancient city by about 6 o'clock Satur-
day event,* and have since ,been par-
ticIpating tn, the various events con-
nected with the tercentenary.... „The
many friends of Mrs 'Wm East will be
sorry to hear that she has been seri-
ously ill for the past three weeks, bu
pleased to know that she is now im-
proving . ,.Mr, James Flynn has
bought from Mr Tisdall, two iota on
Ontario Street, just to the rear of the
Maisons Bank Commencing this
week the employees of the Organ Fac-
tory ivill only work four days a week •
it is expected that Ina short time wor
REY- will be resumed on full time..., Work
win at the test well is at a stand -still,
NOLDS, -Many old friends here
regret to learn of the death of Mr. awaiting the arrival of a four inch
pump, in order that a thorough test
Richard Reynolds, whiCh occurred at
the home Of his scat in Minnekpolis. InTnaar tahlyeady ebaltpireentmererlelYe'day: °
the 8th of July. Mr Reynolds former.
ly. kert hotel in Bewail, afterwards .Aug 10, Civic holiday., . We are sorrY
to -learn of the serious illriesir of
moving to .01intriflrikhere he ran a
livery ; afterwards filling • the position the wife of Mr W. Lveryinder, whose con.
of caretaker in . the 'cemetery, doing
his work in a mostexemplary manner,
Several years ago he went west,where
several of his children reside. His wife,
three sons and five daughters survive
him. He was a member of the Masonic
Order, and was in his 78th year. Mrs.
Owing to the ram en Friday last the
lntendedAraMe of bowls between Clin-
ton and Mitchell was not . played un-
til Monday, when a ver good game
took place, resulting in Clinton's favor
Y 12 shots
Among the Mitchell players was
Rev James Livingstone,. now station-
ed there, and at one tune a pastor
here. Ile is an enthusiastic bowler,
and Played a good game, but thought
It pretty hard that he had to play lead
against so good 'a play_er as Mr. John,
Watt. 'While here Mr. Livingstone,
mTeth ae Ifloullmowbeinr g°fihs Itsh°eldseforrieel4
J L Courtice
JW Jackson
•J Harland
J Nediger
WC sEkGiDpr;.;adufing'..
E Lappihe
J Watt
Ed, CourticS
W J Stevenson
O A Forrester
, skip ..... „, ....
J Taylor •
1 Wiseman
W Brydrafe
Dr Agnew
• W CamerOn
• F A Marin
E F Davis
F A Campbell
.85 skip .,.18
' W Thompson
• T S Ford
Dr. Burritt
Rev 3 Livingstone
• W 3 Thompson • '
• Jas Jones •
D L McKeand.
.16 skip
W Hurlburt •• '
• W Forrester
• Dr McGill
001. Dougherty
.21 skip. 0.14
Total - 86 Total .. • .... • ..74
Clinton 12 up. •••
• Several rinks go to the London tour-
nament next week.
dition is regarded as critical,
AWAY-,• The following refers to the
mother of Mr Jamie Dunford, is from
the Brussels Post,. of this week: -An
old, and well known and most highly
esteemed resident of Brussels, paid
W. O. Searle is a ranee.. • ,. nature's_in
debt. on Thursday evening of
last week the person of Mrs Thee
Moore; who has been living in Gods. Dunfard, who passed away peacefully
rich, for a couple of • years, • died on aged 77years. at her home Turnherry
Street, surrounded by members of her
Friday evening in his 76th year. HeStreet,
was one of the old residents of this family, in whom deceased had always
manifested' so Marge an interest. Mrs
section, having lived. on the Lon
' don
Road,for ,nearly 60 years, He was Dunford's demise was not unexpected
born in the old country,but came here
as she had been in : failing health •for
With his father, when a inere lad, the the past twoyears, and bedfast & good.
farm at present occupied by Mk Big- lY Portion of the tine Since last °cl.'°'
her. Old age and the•failure of Flowers
gins. being their original hame, until
Mr Moore Moved to the opposite Side dtie to it was the chief cause of death.
of the road. Mr Moore was unmarried The subject of this notice was born in
and leaves two brothers in Bruce. Wiltshire, England, where she was
• County, and one sister. Three sisters . also married abarit•55' Years ago to her
predeceased him; these were all rest- late husband, who • predeceased her
2ti years last lune. Her maiden name
dents of town, being the . wives of was Caroline Dredge. It is over 50
Messrs Fred Rnmball, John Pickett,: years since they canto to Caria,datheir
and -11 Cantelon. Mr )(pore was of a' voyage in .a sailing vessel across the
very quiet, 'retiring disposition, and
did not take much interest in public Atlantic consuming ' q weeks After
a short residence in Dummer Mr and .
affairs, tough his sympathies were Mrs Dunford game west to Brussels;
with the Conservatives. The remainstheir called • Ainlayville where thew
were interred in Clinton cemeteryun- home was • continuously until called
1 Sunday.: - : ..: • ' . • • : awayto the Better Home in the skies.
A MODERN DELUGE -The typ. Five sons were born to them vizt-
ical %Meet inhabitant never 'knew it Harry ancl-Thos , of Langdon. . North
to rain so hard and do' continuously asDakota; Edward of Brussels; Walter
it did between the • hours of:. 3 a in • 'of Great rails, Montana; and Jae of
Friday and 5 a m Saturday. It literally. (Minton, all :were present excepting
came down in sheets. and soon 'intim .illgalttoerifinwehsas.wmasruenTarliQlleiottio, of
of ,the .streets were like a raging torrent Peter -
The water, mains not , being • able to boro', a sister of, deceased was also
•carry it off quick enough. Cellars .in here. Mrs Dunford enjoyed the good
various localities were flooded. Xn the will of the community. in7her long
country oats and barley Were flattened residence here. She was industrious,
and tangled in a mess that will make neighborly, ever ready to lend a help -
them and always with ea kindly
them hard to harvest. Mr Gen .Baird
of Stanley, who looks afterineterolog, word, In church 'relationship she be,
ical matters in this vicinity, says the longed 'to the Church of England and
rainfall duilitgthe 24 hours amourited_! had the abiding hope that 'reaches be,
to five and three-fifths inches,Whach is:, vond-The tifirreetnil. The funeral took
abnomally great, and Much more than I-, place Sunday afternoon, Bev,' H. M.
has been kno wn in the game .time for Lang -Ford, rector of St John's church
.Conducting IL suitable service at ' the any years, • Some idea of the enorm-
•ous amount of water that fell may be home, The aerOceconcliidsrd with the
gathered from the fact that one inch' always appropriate hymn . 'ivhen. a
of water to the acre represents 125 i
• , Christian passes away, ."Safe in. the
tons of water; se that during s arms a . esus.,, a, earers were W.
storm as much as 635 tons per acre this
i H McCracken,Thos 'Farrow, Alex •
Ellis, George ir , ., WinOakley, of
G 13" t '
In Eastern Ontario the rain was need-
ed, and in New Brunswick the ertou, and 'Thos • Ainlay of Listowel.
• are a failure because of drouth. e , Interment was. made In the •frunily
,• 1 rain and still have enough' left for our. could easily spare • them 'Same of our selves. . i
plot in Brussels cernetery; There were
casket. The bereaved have the sym.
• • ' pathy o meaty old friends m this and
• '
• BRIEFS -The Landon Old Boys are I other comniunities in their Barra*.
holding wieurticin and Summer Oar., I Mrs Harry Dunford and daughter and
nivel on Aug 3- 8, and look for a big , Mrs Thc•s Dunford and daughter. were
time. ;. ; . Mr Thos McKenzie has been I also .here, as were the members of Jas
awarded. the contract of making ex,' . DUnfOrd's family front (Minton. Mr.
tensive repairs to the Goderich • light- Dunford sr., was well known intne
house The wife of Mr JasMcMath ,„ earlier history of.- Brussels, 'baiting
was in the hospital fora couple' of days ' chargeof the dra,ying business front
know that she is now all right again..
last week, undergoing a slight °Per"' 1 here to eeaforth 'before- our railway
Vint her friends will, be ',leased to ; was constructed and then handled' the
, fi*
Mrclharles Wallis expects to leave in i freight rau). Brussea depot. -
1 about ten claye.with a couple of cars I GOOD. GROWTH -Mr J. Ransford
of horses,Weyburn &sir. „ , .. !The has a field of timothy that stands near -
family of Mr J B Hoover • and Miss - ly 6 feet high. Mr McMurray, his fore-
Lydia Smith have one to • the • Iron! man, pulled a stalk of oats which (
Springs on the shore of Lake Hiiron, measured 5 foot 8 inches, and in the
to Camp........, Those particular bur- head of which was exactly 99 grains,.
docks near *e Pclundry have, been Mr Charlesworth, Huron St., has corn
cut down,as II, matter of fact they were 10 feet high; that's pretty. good.
Jackson's illtd=sunimer. Sale
Still Going on.
The lines we have been offering for the past
. two weeks, are about all cleared opt, Below we
give you a list of choice new goods, all the sizes
• ate not represented in every line, but fOur size is
• sure to be 'found in one or more Atyles, and you
can save money on your present or future needs, if
you buy while this sale is on.
• so pairs LOW? Patent Colt Oiforde, all sizeo, 8 to
• regular $2.50, for $ 1.98
• 18 pairs taclies4 Patent Oxfords, plain toe, sizes 2.i to.,0, •
•• regular $3, for
27pairs Ladies' Patent Oxfords, Goodyear welt, all sizeit,
regular $3 80, for ......... .. . . . •••••6•6 2.80
15 pairs Ladies' Patent Button Oxford 'Welts, all sizes,
•regular $3,50, for.. .. „ „ ............. Z80
7 pairs Ladies' Chocolate Kid Oxforlis,,regular $4, for.... 9.20
9 pairs Chil008-strap Kid Sandles, sizes 8 to 8, reg. $1.00 • •79e
11 pairs Child's 4 -strap Kid Sandals, alzes 8 to 10, 1.25 • 99e
18 pairs Child's OhocriMe Kid Slipper, sizes 8 to 10, 115 90e
• 12 pairs Child's PatentSlippers, sizes 8 to 10, regular 1.10 850
,Repairs While You Wait.
Summer is here ama hot weather is near,
when there are few things so desirable as a
hammock, few things cool, comfortable, apd
• A good gentle out -door summer game.
We offer a line desirable in style, finish, quality,
and price; four, six or eight balls.
Dominion Express Money Orders
are safe, convenient, cheap, payable in Canada ,
or United States Issued any business hour of
the day.
The W. D. Fair Co.,
Often. the Cheapest •— •Always the Best
Si Popzatm Sroi#0/
ave Our Profits, by
iuying Here Saturday.
• We are carrying the largest stock of Dry Goods in town. We buy
in large quantities, at the very closest prices, nd mark our goods ac-
cordingly, giving our patrons city prices in all cases, We know our
goods are the cheapest in town. DO YOU? Deal where you get the
• best value. We import all our goods from the largest Dry Goods,
house in Canada,a firm that has a life-long record for DRY GOODS
AT THE BEST PRICES. By dealing with us, you get the best
that brains and machinery can produce. During this month, we are
slaughtering a great many lines in summer goods. Cents make dol-
lars, and you will save a great many dollars, by buying from us.
See These Money -Saving :Values Saturday.,
Off Lawn Waists.
Lawn and Mull Waists, in great
variety, from the cheapest to. the best,
made right and fit guaranteed. Choice,
of our entire, stock Saturday at
One-quarter off regular prices.
. OarPets.
• Wool and Tapestry piece Carpets
and Squares. Every design new and' bought this season. Saturday, your• ,. I'd
choice of r stock.at .
h Off 1Viaslins.
Do you want a MdslinDress . If
you do, come to us Saturdayy andsee
the many new designs and colorings on
- our Bargain counters, at
• One-quarter off regular prices.
Off alt Whiteweak..
• •
The season for Whitewear is at its .•
height, but not so with: us', We want
room and empty shelves for new goods,
which means White lUnderskirts, Cor-
set fdovers,..Night Robes, Drawers, etc. •,
to go at. .• • '
• ' 011e -quarter off regular prices.
• ()be:quarter offregularviees!..
% Off Linoleums
Linoleums in two1 't d four
yards wide. Nairns' best make of Oil-
cicth and Flooroils, in t, r and 2 yards
wide,. Saturday' • •
One quarter of regular prices.
English Prints, 110 "
Extra quality English Prints, in
light and dark colors, good width,
heavy cloth. Regular r 2,C and 75c,
Saturday 1.1e per yard.
h off IVIininery. Saturday sale of artistic 'Millinery, in model shapes and
straws, children's bonnets, etc., at
offMen's Hats
• During' this sale, we will give 25
per cent. off all Straw and Outing Hats;
we have many styles to choose from,
and sizes are complete,
• Men's Shirts, 39c
• 10 doz. Men's soft -fronted Outing
Shirts, in stripes and checks, light and
dark colors, all sizes, regular 5oc and
. °
Clearing at 39c each •
•.4 off Rain •Coats
50 Ready-to-wear Rain Coats, up- -
tordate cuts s nd. perfect fitters.Well
made; all sizes. Regular $8 for $6
reg. $10 for $7.50; reg. $12 for $91,....etc
•h off Men's Umbrellas
50 Men's .timi3rellas, to go at 25
per cent. off during the sale.. Assorted
handles and pieces. Come in and take
your choice at•
25 per cent.