HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-07-23, Page 4-.1.4=1.1,11•11;a061.
entering on the third week of our July
S. g•-.41ndLliARGAINS are just as numerous as.
when thivale started. We've saved many of our
Specials -for the last of the month, and it's to your
advantage to be here early for, the following list,
whjch goes on sale Friday morning
$?,•50 0411611brie Gowns, 97c
18 only -Women's tine Cambric Gowns, trimmed
with line. EMbroldery. a splendid gown at $1.50. July 070
, Sae • • • • • • , ••••••••••••• * •••••11•••• ... e ....... •••- u st
01.4.41,..,geMbrie _Skirts, *1,00 • " •
'Suet a dozen fine Cambric Skirts, trimmed iYith
•Ilne Insertien and wide Val. Lace, Tbe beet $1.75.1 fin
Skirts in stock, July Page.. • . • •• • • • • • • 0 I 'WO
$1.25 Whit. Waists, 59e
You'll have to hurry tor these sixteen only white
Lawn Waists, sizes $2 to $8.• Regular price $1 and 59c
$1•W' Pleating .. .... • • • • • A
• e
$3.00 and $3.56 wpate 'Waists, 81.09
This lot of %Valets includes our entire stook of
• fine Mull. Swiss ahd All over Embroidery. Waists
that sell at $3 and $3,50 every day. A splendid
• chance to get aline Waist at less than the pude of ei Ra
material, • July price • ,••• • -•91 1100.
S1x More Coats, at *2.50 eaelt,
Have you seen the Coats we're selling at Slat
They are,maue from fine all -wool cloth, 50 inches
long, trimmed with stta,npings of cloth and yelvet 1. gn
Regular price V.50 eackt. clearing at • . • • , ,......... 1.01J,
Two Big Batgaiiis in
Wash Goods.
This big Wash Goods chalice we have saved ,.
until the last of the saleRead what an offer we
25c and 35c Maslins, for 12e
.About 500 yards tine Organdie and Svn4sMitslintt,
in light and dark colors, incInding navy blue, pink, •
pale blue, grey, helio, etcan elegant lot of this year's
newest wash goods. - All* on sale; .commencing to 121t
morrow, at per yard.. ....
50e Wash Vailra, 24s
. 3 ust six dress lengths, fine quality printed, Voilds, .
mosti'y rose pattern, in pipit, grey, hello, pale blue
aud brown. Regular price 50c. July sale '
25c ar.d 3 7c Entbroidery, 15c .
. .
' The best Embroidery Bargain 'we have ever`
given, All kinds of Insertion and Edgings „ Whip__ I
and narruw, up to 350 per yard, All one_priCemoW-. I
. .
20c Valenciennes Laces and Inserti ns, 10c ,
Four huadred yards fine German and French
Valenciennes Laces and Iuserticins, wide and narrow
widths, regular priee up to 20c. 'July price
1 Oc
Dozens of other •Bargains throughout the store.
It will pay you to b.y- here.
tOfbritlii tnitwric
July gnat tok Animist 1st; 19O;
Excursion tickets will be eold from
Clinttin to, Quebec and.return tor
$1.8.25 ;
owns dates, July 18th to JOY '20th,
• return limit Aug. 3rd, 1908•
For ticketa and full informatiop
• apply to .
ODOM, Towiagent.
. TETURSDAT. JULY. 20, 1908 •
Political Pointers,
• Hon. Mr. Foy is acting as premier
intheabeeitce of Mr Whitney at the
Tercentenary. .
Seven prisoners exeaped front Tor-
onto'jail almost as easy as if the doors
bad been opened for them, ,If the
governor of the jail bad been a Liber-
al,. how he would have been scored
by a certain section of the press.
The Peace COngress, which coitiprises
members of every civilized darliament
in the world, has been invited to hold
its next meeting in Ottawa. No place
is more appropriate, especially during
the sitting of parliament.
The Toronto World published a re
pert to the effect that Sir 'Wilfrid Lau-
rier would contest one of the Toronto
seate, as well as a seat in Quebec, but
this haesince been denied, As South
• Toronto has a, large Catholic, element
therein, it would not be strange if Sir
Wilfrid ran there yet,
Parliament has established a new
record tor •length of sesPion2 Since
the opening of the lious.e•in November
lest 235 days have, elapsed. • The ptev,
out3 longest session Vras that. of 1903,
'Which lasted 227 days, The present
session will have lasted seven nionths
and 21 dayS; ai1 eclipses • all previous
• records by seven days.
It is stated.that the Prince of.Wales
carries a special Message from Xing
i• Edward, expressing anappre.ciation of
the serviees of sir Wilfrid Lauriet-,and
1 the offer -of a peerage May he renewed
1 the previous offer of a peerage was
'I made, it is understeed,on the occasion
of Sir Wilfrida visit to England in
t.19.02 to attend the Coronation ceremon-
les and the first._ Colonial Conference.
The Toronto World says the -7M has
semi offfeial. information that., Hen.:
Nelsen Monteith will remain in.. the
Ontario Cabinet, running for North . ••Comay. (lippnigs.
The Weellon Pollee
Manufacturers of.-1;rtalti lines of
woollen goode have been toqa In their
complaints that they baye not
clent protection to enable thorn to bold
the home market, and Not beforethe
House adjourned, a Pereraptory tele-
gram Was 000 to Sir Wilfrid Laurier
on their behalf, sking for further as-
Vs:00c;whlch g
412:hat; f toll replyowa. Ives sent,
"The Government regrets that with
present infOrMation 12/47 are unable to
agree to the proposals resp tin in.
creased duties On wool goo s, • n a
country with the climate of Canada,
the coot of wbolen clothing becomes
question of very great importance. A
proposal to increase the taxes on what
might almost be called a necessity of
life naturally arouses much opposition'
atnonX.' the consumers and their repro*
sentatiyes. The Government have on
more than one occasiongiven evidence
of their appreciation of the importance
of the woollen, interest and their de-
sire to give reasonable encouragement
to it. They hope that to some extent
the difficulties *Mull the manufactur-
ers'are Meeting are due not to tariff
conditions,but to.a depression in trade
which they believe is but temparitry.
This view is supported by the fact that
in the neighboring Republic, *here a
vtbeerrYehhitigsh bwe°en°1trtaradeiffdeisPrinessoitenr.atTillne‘
Government, with due regard to the
people of all sections of the country,
feel that this is not the moment at
Which they should adopt a policy of
increased taxation, especially, on artic-
les of a necessary: character. The clues -
tion of tariff revision as ,'respects the
woollen industries cannot possibly be
'dealt within the few hours of this ses-
sion.that remain. We can assure the
manufacturers that We are fully ap-
preciative of the industry, and that if
we cannot at this stage meet their
wishes it is because we are eb)iged to
consider the wishes of all classes
'throughout the country."'
An invefstigation of the bnporta of
woollens does not indicate that the tar-
iff is' as low as they; Would 'lead the
ublic to believe: On nearly a million
oilers' worth of German Woolens , the
duty works out at close on 50 per cent
Taking it all round woollen manufac-
turers have an average protection on
their finished Product of something
over 30 per cent, *hie they are allow -
The Quebec Tercentenary
4 correspondent in Quebec, vaitest-,,,
word,"°gult 1°1'4; milite7vciwbetutrebregklmaeite:
ly used than in describing the crowds
that thronr Quebec and melte the
city * mixture of many races,
re0130 030r1111:10 to night the streets
are filled with an ever-changing, ever
shifting crowd llaat like a Weida -
scope, forms one picture of vivid hues
after another, no two alike, and all
well Wirth: the seeing.
The news of the celebration, has
gone abroad, and as a result there e4te
visitors trot° every country, some of
great eminence, eotoe of fair' equal
prominence, though not °DM ally re-
cognized, and also literally thousands
of the tourist class, each group differ-
ing from the other, and all equally
t'YrclariLumerous- as the Civilians may
be,the soldiers ancleailors seem equally
numerous. Wearers of red "coats and
blue coatsand: karkl, naval Oa- •
forms and military, they come and go
by the dozens, fraternizing with wit,
other, interpretingin some casee with
gestures where "1 entente cordial" can
net be expressed verballY_ owing to.
she fact that Belton and Frenchman
do not speak the.same tongue. •
. The presence of the soldiers and
sailors,the posting of sentinels; the
abundance of military details give old
Quebec a color and movenaent she has
long lacked.
, 'Sunday there were times when the
crowda.formed a regular precession
and every one kept in line, it being at
times necessary to step into the rated
if one wished to walk fasten"thaniany
one else along the streets.
Steamers, steamboats, and trains
continue to bring their quota to add
to the crowd. There are Americans,
shirt waisted, short skirted and kodak
armed; Englishwomen in motor hats,
tweed suits and flowing veils; girls in
the fluffiest of creations, and girls who
„appear to be travelling on the con-
tents of one suit- ease. There are
happy families who do their sight-see-
ing thoroughly, even the babies being
held up_ to view the monuments, or
crow at the many colored lights which
brighten the oulidings.
• Seldom; if ever has Quebec •been
so crowded, and possibly never before
Was ther been such a demand for ac-
comrnocl4i.tioii at boarding houses,
hotels and private ,residences. Un-
doubtedly the enthusiasm of the oc-
.casion has spread throughout the
country, as well' as reschiog over the
border into the United States, and
ecl to import raw ma. erials iu the forni cross the Atlantic
oso y and certain urifinishe fab
f h dcl d
ries at 7* per cent, and. 15 per cent re-
spectively. To the man 011 the street
it would seem as if the 'protection on
the one hand, and,•the concessions on
raw materials on the other work out
on a fairly liberal scale..
But what of the consumer of wool-
lens? He is compelled to pay under
the present tariff 30 per cent more for
nearly all his woollen clothing than he
would have to paY if British woollens
came -in -free. The aggregate of the.
woollen clothing iropoited at this rate,
In a normal yeav, is in the neighbor-
hood of $13,000,000. A 30 per cent tax,
on that volume of iniports comes to
nearly $4 000.000; or over a million dol.
larstnore than the census of 19.01 _cred-
ited the manufacturers of hosiery,
woolen's and dyeing . and furnishing
census year. • •• •
. . : : ,.• ALL 07 PIOXVRE
Bands, processions, pegeant•costuin-
ed persons, soldiets,•sailors , and civili-
ans, all. mixed in one splendid and gig -
'antic picture. • And sines his arrival
the central person Whenever he ap-
pears is that dishing little soldier gen-
erally known ' as "Bobs". otherwise
Lord Roberts. • •
Wherever he goes be ' awakens en-
thusiaera,those recogolzing him speed-
ily inaking tbe tact known, while.
.those who do not know hint by. sight,
1•. 4.auei cokvi ya:tl ?pant; .n ins icle,ntifY and Jain in
7 . .
'Interesting as the day scenes are,
it is perhaps more rectureeque at night.
,when the electric lights are glowing in
thousands, and the crowds pass to and
.fro uiider e, 6 eamingrin, . . . .
of Dufferm Teirace.
"•evening, not a scat is to be had, eveiy
bench being occupied by•little rows of 1
our own and foreign people, while I
every available:ledge. and step is oc-
cupied with a gay and gossiping group: I
as light hearted as ' thd throngs that, i
fill the Parisian Boaleverds or con- ,
gregabraf an eveniug . in Venteirltri
nonannt is at once Continental, I
the Square, of St Mark, QUebec for
the t
4ths alien. rp a word it ieserVing as the
eriban, French; Canadian, and I'
itish; a garrison town, and a naval "
playground'of the country, With 'thou-
sands.eager to take a hand in the
.atile and be, "happy.
Atne time has a single vessel touch-
. ,
ing at a Canadian pert .held somany
descriptions of ;amen 1, who have per-
formed so many ancl *done services
for Caneda. There landed Friday Capt
the Hontikable Midler Carleton, a, de-
scendant of the second 'Governor of
Qciebec; Lord Bruce son of the Earl of
Elgin, a former Governor General;
Cant the Hon •Arthtir Murray, 111,P
' soh of the Earl of Elnibank, : whose
.ancestor was one of Welfe's brigadiers
and became the first Governor of Que. 1
heat Lord Lovel, of, South Africa, head
of the Fraser clan,whose ancestor was 1
another. of •Wolfee brigadiers; Sir 7
Keith Fonser,atiother descendant; and
lady Violet Elliott, daughter of the
Earl' of Minto, . Governor-General he -
fere Earl Grey. Another interesting
passenger was the Marchioness Of.
Donegal, a former Halifax girl,, Mr
MaxWell, of The'Londen Daily man,
the well-known war . correspondent,
Who wits With•the Prince of Wales on
hie last visit, Was also on board. '
The Duke of Norfolk wines as the
official representative a the English
Roman Catholics. ,
Thereare now nine splendid War.
ships in the harboraiix British fl bailor -
ed opposite the Citadel, the United
States warship' below thein, and belovr •
her again the two French warships
Canada's own denser, the Canadasi• has
a position closer on slier) than the
big vessels and near to the British line
She looks tiny against theimshe seems
no bigger, indeed then a good-sized
pleasure yatcht., But she is our Very
poivir.ne, and not to be overlooked as a
unit in the military forces of the Enn
Apart froni the battlenields,or Chain -
plain, or the Prince of Wales, or the
fleet of battleships,. or Bobs, even, the
most wonderful thing about. the cele-
bration aro the 004110. It would
he an undying, regret to anyone who
mild understand the beauty anti th.,
tf.170St'oe the speetades to think that
he had willingly ittissed them.
Nothing on the Athertaito cOntinent
has ever been produced like it, and it
is doubtful if Europe has seen such
pictures of her romantie past, ••,vhile
the dramatio incidents of porely Can-
adian story could only, be reproduced
on native soil, '
Souvenirs of
Clinton. •
Plates, 15c; 25c, 35c and 40c.
- -0Ups and Saucers, 2$c, 35c and 50C
Muga; .25c •
• Trays.x, 20c and 25e
Burnt Leather'
View Book, 25c and 50c
" Postal Cards, with view, zoc
Photo Frames, 3$c, 50c to $1,50
Purses,. 25c,.50c and 75c
Book Covers, 50e and 75c
Postal Cards
.12 splendid colored views, 2 for 5c
6 black and white views, 2 for 5c
i8 views, "in and around Clinton s
Cushion Tops, 35c.. Souvenir Pins, 25c to 75c. Can'oes,
Match Safes and many other lines, making a splendid
collection of Souvenir goods.
oopers IlOOk SIM
would imagine that the heaven's had
rained thousands of their brigntest
stars upon the buildings.
The admirals and captains of the
British warships,acconipaniedby Rear
Admiral Kingsville, of the Canadian
marine departmenymmediately went
on board to pay tam respects to the
prince. Ten minutes later Bari Grey
and Earl Roberts paid their respects
and they were followed by Sir Wilfrid
Laurier and other members of the
Goyernment. The representatives of
the United States and France n ere
next' in order, Vice -President Fair•
• banks, of the United States, .. arrived
this morning and visited the Prince
along withthe other representatives
of his country. Intervals of ten min-
utes were strictly timedbetween all
these whose privilege it was to pay
their respects to his Royal Highness.
The timekeeper stood, watch in hand
and at, the tick of the second, away
sped the launch:
'Miss Annie Foley, a Toronto singer,
Was killed almost instantly in a runa-
way near Streetsville.
The Sultan of Turkey has refused to
grant an amnesty to his mutinous offi-
cers, and has declared that all his Min-
isters are traitors. •
After eleven years in the courts the
case of Saunoy, vs. city of London,has
ended by, an award of $2,140; and the
costs total over $70.000,- ' •
The election of Hon. UharleS
M P 13, fax Three Rivers, has been pro-
tested, and he may retire front Quebec:
politics in consequence
Lord Roberts will spend Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, August 5th, Oth.
and 71h; 111 Toronto. These dates were
definitely named by -himself, and 'a
complete Programme, for his stay in
Toronto will be planned as speedily as
ha• J E Best, Seaforth,is ill with typhoid t, and that Mr 2arrance t re
P -8- fever.
•-etit holding -the seat.-will-be-a4binted Thursday,.July 30th: *11 b '. ' '
Registrar. On the other hand the Tor -will e Wing- •
onto Telegra ni says that Mont ith 114'11' . •
/1 e civic holiday. - • .
retire and be succeeded by Mer McwDii- Miss Berva Bryaiiebaebeen engaged .
•:i aural: .1.116',e,orif 4Wppeostin.B.telgitile: att,,yaas, • $teele . as assistant teaeher in theEthel school
re . as successor
to Miss Pomeroy.
_____, • . . . David - Spencer, postmaster .. at St
, Joseph rit
, there f 4? a . dd 1.1
, Sip Wilfrid Laurier will Make a tour or Yerweltknowi I
, of Ontario betbre .he • goes west. The , week. •-••4i3cidelllY last
. •
11. ff.631.'!ie who, it was . Einu'un"a"'"'cl ; ,--The liensall foundry has just signed
i spend a fe.w days at Artfia.baskayille . a theee.3rear contract with • a firm in
after the Quebec fetee,
will, it ' now I Port Stanley to supply. it witli the
metal parts pf ploughs. -
, turns out, return at once to Ottawa,.
I wind ua number of outstanding Loui
p. s,the 12 year ole son Of Teesdale
' Matters, . including the appointments ..Whitfield, 13th con 'Grey, was thrown
to the railway C001Mi88.1011 and the re- o if hacktlaerhoi; right
horsetn71.,1ast Monday..
, organization of the cabinet, and will I and brake
1. start ciut'on a tour of Ontario about 1. Mr J Broderick, Seaforth, had his:
. Aug 20. Then he 1.1 probably go left shoulder bone broken while plaY-
' 441.West, and should return. to. Ottawa in..baieball at the Turf Club kreunds
1 about the end of September. .. .! I on. Thursday :Svening of last week.
411.111141.11110111111111111 ! 'Parlinment Prorogued. ' .1
At the Masonic Grand Lodge held in
Niagara Palls, Dr R E Cooper, of Sea- 1
., . forth, • Was elected District, Deputy 1
.. . •
largeliatieladedb_ e o er me ers .
, The longest session in the history of Grand Master for South Huron Ms -
y MI Id mb
the seniors• Th dideal . .
the jc' titt Cahadian Parliament Was prorogued I t i t • • . .
of ..• rs, as well as by several of
...rT,,che annohneetnent of the death of
, e ay was an pic- by the Deputy Governor Sir Charles I.
noon Monday. in. the 1
rae any. The youpger members of the PitzPatritk, at
I t , • h 1 , . presence of a remnant,ot the member_ ars Joseph G Gesch, of the Bronson
8 • Line,:ilay; which sad event tciok piece
able home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete. x caPIA bhip of both Houses.. The nuttority,
on Saturday evening came ea a sur-.
elomand it would be impossihle to say , both of the Senators and members,
theiaces newarcl prise to manrin the vicinity.
turned r ftiorWit Week,
vvhich of the two elements enjoyed the
outing the most, the young& or the Sand those who lingered for the Indio,
gation •ceremonial will go • to ' Quebec
older members,
sT pAuLs* . for the tercentenary celebration. home of her son in Mentana, on July
.1 he annual Sunday School pioniC In the minds alike ot the Govern- 1st, aged 80 years. The deceased lady
ac n.„, nieht arid Opposition following, there lived in this section a, dumber of years,
and Was well LI attYended. °The da; -w-aje is an impression that •the tenth Perna- ago. , • . ,
ment has concluded ,Its deliberations,„' After a long illness, Arthur Hagan
fine, not being too warm. and every- and that there will he a dissolution died at his home Parr Line, Stanley,
thing Conabined to make the occesion and ensuing general elecCon in the on •Saturday, July 114.in his 31st, year.
one of genuine pleasure, . . month of October or Nevembeenext. The deceased ••,:died of consumption, '
WILE'S!: ' But the Prime Minister has given no Hewas a young man much thought
A male quartette by Messrs McRae, intimation, even to his best friends, of of by his associates.
C'ampbell, Pearson' and Goodwin was his Mind in this matter, and the short -
.4'4441 rendered on sucdaY eveciii8 last. tion, therefore, is.still one of uncertain -
Miss Maine Houston will sing itt the ity, s6 tar as the possibility of n gener.
evening service on Sunday next. al election'is concerned.
A pichic under the auspices of St
joseph's °Inver), will be held, about
the 25th of Aaigust in Farquhar's
grove, This is usually 4 well patron-
ized and most enjoyable affair, and if
the weather is fine, will likely have A
1440 CrOWd, present. Purther para.
culars will be given later'
11•41.Awit /14,Asfra 4106 ly V,Z4 4101011,1to
:Church Chime
"0,1100loseividA&-4 !
A goodly number of leaguers mem- '
bled Monday night to hear the report
- • of Miss Lucy Stevens their represen-
tative to the Normal Training School.
for missions held at St Thomas recent-
ly. The repert presented %vas 110111
interesting and instructive and the
way Miss Stevens was able to enter in-
to the details of,the work done at the
college demonstrated how fully she ap-
preciated the responsibility its will as
the bones: conferred upon her by the
league. We trust that missionary en-
thusiasm may be aroused that will re-
sult in still greater efforts for the
spreading of the gospel. Next Monday
night will he a social eviining.
• Quarterly services will le held next
Sabbath. Love feast from 10. to 11.
Public service at 11 a. tn. followed by
the sacrament New members will he
welcomed. The spleedid male- 0)1111' -
tette of the church '.1 111 lead through
' -the day in the serviee of praise. The
pastor, Rev. W. E. Kerr, will have
Thera will be no service for the next
twO Sundays, while the building is
undergoing renovation. The reopen.
log derviees will take plaCe Oh Sinidity,
August 9th, and the Rev Ernest Grigg
• B. A, Who is shortly to return to
Burma, will preach Morning end even -
Ing. Mr Grigg made many friends In
Clinton durin' the winter, and all will
be glad of this opportunity to hear
4 him again before he return e to Dolma.
The Baplla* 'Sunday School pintail,
•'‘ Which was held at Bayfield Saturday,
lastswas largely attended by the mem.
hers and adherents of the church and
, other friends. The day was fine, al-
though the water was too rough for
teal ennaytrient at the beach, Running
races, and other sports were eondueted
arid much appreciated.
• Mr D M Anderson; mother of , Mrs
, Wm Isbister, of Mortis, died at the
No'res--Miss Fraser, teacher of the
Junior clepartinent of ourP ublic School
hits resigned, Mrs. W. J. Smith, who
has heed in the Hospital for throe
weeks with pnetimonia.returned to her
home on Tuesday, S. 1). Cara hell, son
of Mr, P. Campbell of Whig am, has
been engaged. as Pritielpal of OhesleY
High School at it salary of 81,100.
DgATti Mu, Ohtt--This Week, be-
reavement aucl sorrow have darkened
the Brunswick hotel, eaused by the
death ot thnproprietor. Mr. Alex. Orr,
in his 55th year, He had not been in
good healthfor some time past; but for
tne pasttwo weeks he had been much
Worse. .An operation was _performed
ori Tuesday,and it VMS fOttlid that elm -
ter had so taken hold of the bowels,
Shat death W48 inevitable. Ile never,
rallied froni the operation. and (Aviv'
on Wednesday morning it was an
neunced that he had passed away. 'Mr
Orr was widely known in this section
of the country having lived inBel more,
Wynn Pordwieh and Wingintm,
came to Wmgham for the second time
about seven years lige, and had recent-
ly fitted np the Brunswick with latest,
conveniences. He leaves 0, wife, two
son* and three daughter*,
Rev 1) Rogers, chairman of the die.
triet,who preaehed here last Sunday,
Was the nest ()2 1213 Ohatit while in
town. On flfl1lLy fl0t U.iIThid
fend ot Stratton& whoeis studying for
the ministry, will occupy the pulpit.
The Junior League Verde, which
wai held at 13ayfleld on l'Itesd), Witis
An exchange has been made in
farms between Harry Keys and Thos
veddea,. The former gives his 50 acre
'property zlh miles west of Ethel, and
$1.800 for the 100 acres known as the
Fisher farm near that village.
PROBABLE OHANGE—It, is report -
Friday, jury 3rd a barn 78x80 feet
ed that owing to continued ill health,
Mr W W Patron will resign his posit- was raised on the farrn of Wm Eistan,
2nd line, Morris. Unfertunately three
ion iiiiDivision Wert Clerk; it position
lie has ably and creditably filled for a men were injured. Wm Iiihister
a°°d man/ Y°are' Ms' success°1' wihI fell 10 feet dislocating one elbow andamate.ng his Side. joe Sellers had
probably e his son.m.law, MrT
one foot crushed and Jno Mustard had
Reece, whose appointment will be hurt.very popular. is toe hurt.
• _Miss Elden D Ford, who has done
POPULAR, EXCURSION—The Pon' such aceeptable and satisfactorily
tiler 10 0 P exchesion to Sarnia and work in the High School department
Detroit will be held on Saturday, Aug. of Brussels school has tendered her
fith. Train leaves Clinton at 7.so 11,m. resignation. She has accepted the
Return fare to Sarnia is $1,00. Return let assistant's position in the Norwood
fare on the magnificent steamer 'Tlish.
moo," from Sarnia to Detroit is /50,
Boat tickets are good to return Oil any
boat in time to ditch special train
leaving Sarnia at 10 p.m. on MoudttY•
August tOth, running through to Kite
cerdine, Arrange to spend a few days
in the beantiful city of Detroit.
Shat; the Whighani Times has hese' un-
der the managetnent of Mr It B Elliott
for the past 11 years ; he has kept it
up its a, good paper, and it well repro.
sents tin Libetal party in the North
Riding. The Brussels Post has been
under the inanagetr OM, Of Mr Kerr for Pinworms,. -Miss Martha, Pettigrew
48 of its 25 years of.existence 1 it is one and Miss•Isithella Leggitte from Pitts -
of the best Weal papers in Canada.. We hurg,Isinere lit pir
reeent visiting the
-think it can he safely said Chet no oth- mum, Mrs. John Torrance. Alta, John
er enmity in the Dominion has so large itteUltien, of Dungannon, is,visiting at
number of realty excellent local pap• aohn Cant s. MIA bred Moore and
High School at an moreased salary,
L Ci Van Eginond had an un-
pleasant experience other clay,and
one that cobfined hina to the house for
POMO clay% Ile was attending to it
1)1111, vvhen the epithet turned on him.
It took him up on its. horns and gave
him a vieioue toss, Although Mr Tan
Eginoral was eonsiderably bruised and
shaken up, no bones were broken, and
he was fortunate, in getting off as
easily its tee dia.
., ehhoh.m.44f
Porters 11111
ere, as Thiron, and what is also credit.! children, of /,Itinroe,itre visiting in the
able is the foot that there is very little „' neighborhood Ohester McDonald en.
of the bitterness of discus on among f tertairied a number of his friends to 4
theinthatissometimesfutin elsewhere birthday party on Tnestlay
At two o'clook on Wednesday after-
noon his Royal Highness the Prineirof
\Vales arrived, He wins escoeted by
the itrnionred erniseks Indomitable
and Minotaur to che King's wharf,
where Earl Grey' received hiirtAnd an
address wee presented hint by SirWil.
ftitl Lnitirier on behalf of the Govern.
inent.A royalsalute o221 guns made the
earth tremble for tlie oecitsion. The
arrival of MS royal highness tvas the
first of a series of soul•stiprng events
and. if the prow tit indications of All.
thusiasm truthfully fol•e:tadove the
future then the days to come will be
of enrestrairied delight. Deeorationa
upon which art seems to have exhano•
ted its. ,oesourecishave transforrried the
sombre old rock eity Into a scene of
bewildering beauty, At nigh: one
4646160 4642111049011140
H ot Season
The tbttesrWeXtlier yet to Prepare,by
getting. a Gasoline or Coal 011 Stove. few.
• 1c yet, and at teduced prices •
50 Gasoline Stoves, for75
6.5o Gasoline Stoves, for:.
- '-15-50 Gasoline Stoves, . ... ... . .:,...14.80
17,50 Gasollhe Stoves, for 15.00.
1150 Gasoline Stove (second hand)... 5.50
11 00 Coal Oil Stove (second hand) ...; 3.50 .
FS -gallon Milk Cans 4 4 t5'
30 -gallon Milk Cans . . . . 5:00
• 40 gallon. Milk Cans , 6.25
al STOVES anandnos.,
xibit,60044/o94111 41410111V41.4041411"
.. .
We hope very soon to be able to announce .the date when this
"Laving Town Sale" will be brought to a close. In the
meantime we *ant to convert as muchas possible of the bal-
ance of our stock of merchand'se into ready money. Below -
will be found a list of bargains well worthy of your closest at-
tention. Equally low.prices on all lines to continue.ivhile the
sale lasts, . ,, , .
Ladies Parasols, veg. 65c, sale price 450 Men's fancy hose, regular 250, sale
loulles Parasol% reg OM, sale price m ,
Ladles Pkrasels, reg. 00c and. $1, sale price18c
veguito zei sale pt ite is
en s cotton and flannelette Night
pride 10c . •• .
$1.25 Shirts. regular 85e, sale price.ii8,,
An Books, 'first
Silitine, all shade's, regular 50 per 151)001
sale pries She
quality, repo" price ' Mseanni'spresh,istlei ihhtilryt tsi;i$Iledaitisclogieli2Ori alai osoe es
lloy's Writ Shirte,•regular 50a for 80c
Cotton Towels 5a per pair '
5t, sale price 2 for 5c
1 Mei3nrilc:8:bination Smock and Over,
' all, regular Price $2, sale price 81 .
White. qv:looks, reg. price Mc, Sale
Boy's striped' Overalls reg. 40e sale
priee 2iie •
SirzegViii181-,150T,L,Pler PriecTilele Co
ers' Men's bine bib Overall's, regular 75e,
sale price Me
Meketg heaviest Shoes, regular price
Ohildrea's Oolored Hose, sizes 4h Us 8,
in cardinal, blue, pink Mid tan; also
all lines Ladies cotton, cashmere and
wool hose, at wholesale prices
Suits and Odd Pants rechiced to the
last notch quality will allow
Men's tan hose, -regular 200, side price tU.do, 20110 price ,
2 pairs fin? 250 Best 150 Shoe Polish,,two for 1.5e
If too busy .to shop during the day, you will iind the store open
every dvening,
• Plumsteel