HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-07-23, Page 3Jo* 234 tgo$ TU OTirrolf .6411W BEA NOTICE arroOn" W' tak pleaoure Ii4orineursk t Co Hoare V CI oriesi some4whial husky ill.'illudemincititti,"Ire: i counted tho hunalliatiOg foot that he hey woe tiassa. 4,0FtiOrk an Arreal had 4013 deceived:, Basely, inhumans ter together. By their Sicle the nigger ; ly token in, and mold. 140W he thought dell csref011Y Packedin long white !sox ell along it was only a Joke, that no Little did they dream that I knew 1 real preeentation Was ever intended, everything. Oppoeite Irak and MO- hOW he apologised for wounding the Phonon at ready to old and abet. As feelinge of laic( dear friend me. jaegeen far dOWn AS be could get, itWay at the holt he odd all thbh and a good deal rnore, Maki the thendering, laughter. ridden applause of the aomPetlY, amongst which could be distinctly no- ticed, tb,eeubolie "Ile! Hal" of Mr For. gee' of Bitty, or the low lived amass., struck arren Sinatnone, e protninent lusendomIll ghlancler, DI, itietsiseniens a terrible wound in the side. Be is in Ibut not deseribed. It would take the I fen of a' Obefelos Dickens to !IOW i • *-ogoiraill.r. ViliatOn EiliPO4.1101 fogeecured the Ogeneyrry the gale of and Bowler for 4111Y. Tho_cirettonitance other end, reedy and handy for a rapid Dokertty -Pianos and Organs i it chiefly alludes th is little old, but exit, sat the, man I Ina known as a babe. I, SAW Jack11100. and Forrester add ielone enlyrtiethesegeet agent ht the story is Well told and the sketch "Clinton viciaitr fee the Bala of our clever mid worth reading, more partic- confer in whiepere. The attenuated • ly when the characters are so well Scotchman nodded encouragement, At By John Haniford, Oree, Clinton X4own Dowling Club, o ars in the Curler . qr e",ruPill li ,:leig etcte, dswo' ethd" ataQh: el Ise ' , og E. 1.irnuat ht It lofwei naphgidalwb°432ifer gelick.eyhpar lotatolill yttabhodueet . 3 lihfluent,Rmore 1 "ahowtSearidWW:e1407aricaseahesear:::ct° 113. eea 'adti sthastYt leg rituen:lkeitteto'e'at tl'P' ehton Int law' 11 be ovnet:orud itaciewre'eel laetn:13;:ttushf:Meleeonliee41 Ara4metsil 1:eintemaapiduideedhase eols:ail inenaPut°11:enal latgwa°.°4c leeeurbhgwkci°gIntkrnvsighveseie.ii 3:neeel 3e81:baeiriseinas:Td'btalWaYti : lea: rolesatT lytenhIV:PletshdftE ttla.betaltwill luerreaerre:mbinyeaogegturnipsa13.i-albiseegegtir:nevaatdkae-nbralcissehnaelletiggeboa4lteei▪ tifeltr!ilatig rill 3pe• nelln8: ra:thtssitsliarg'it:at acillia. t taqt:btionaeria*:tiree:dln:c!di-f-1:-," civet ran across, give me w --k." ravenous a MN moutbus, as our entente ORTHERN &I II RVIGRTION . • that friend of the reeknber of Hies,. L. B. Cshe must say, Georgian BayA . •40trillnelata. 11414 thank•our ktiOwa ,a,a,tbey are here -flimorou. trionci. Ana ,customers, to Lawn howlers are eseentially go'd vatronize ' gr., If they area:est, they are riot Iff• ththerty Plans* Organ Cialtd, , zed on the green. A man to be a W pottertv. Esse, lawn bowler must be above everything else a good-natured all round man. 'again, 'Sit dome' Irepoated, "You'll se-----v-e----s---"----"""1"-7.1 The joking and cheffing, the language dm, used Ott a bowling green are sui gener- niaas itvaNTedup is; and some clubs are Werth than oth- eta • • ' - I re for Jews If I were asked. to name he elu that stands pre-eminent for Cash paid flax. Skins rod.natisred jokers, give me Clinton, And Tallow4 noltrneeiranatobwun:bilVaartehaetv1471:airtingly litt4e petting up, setne practical joke or oars lEtItzslinmOns lie Sou., orie or more of their number, pt ong since a Clinton lawn bowler • ______-_, visited a County town not 100 miles from Olinton. He came backosaajawhan game could hardly keep their faces. though fairly coherently (it was not QOMPANy Vhe true redeOn fOristhie mysterious more than 9,45 m m.) said, "That. as a that )In all the course of his extended career in that club, at all the meetings he had ever attended, and he claimed to have some experience irk these mat- ters, alt -all the social events, the din- ners, the suppers, the picnicsatt all the gatherings, political, religious or social that he Was ever .present at, he had never. he could go furiher and say, he • did not believe that anybody on the earth's surface at that days no matter what hissvaried and extended experi, ence might be, could be, or ever would Tours of Great Lakes and ' • g kla f h. uffencled visit, took cap' to write down gentleman ea queation, owing o For Sault Ste. Marie, erre Arthur and (naiads- Leave Sarnia kW P.M.. Mender. Wed, nesday and Friday. Friday ,sailing through to 'Duluth, Witr,3141111t01111111 Island, Soo avid Mackinac Steamers leave Collingwood 1.80 p.n.. Omit Sound 1130 p.m.. Tuesdays and Saturdays, For Parry Sound, Feint aflat and Millenary- Leave Collingwood Monday and Friday,10.30 p.m. For Sans Sane' llite. and Parry. Sound... Leave Pedetang week day, at SAID p.m. • SIJAIMER OATES NOW IN 1$1111NOT. Tickets and information fromaall Rennet( Agin. R M. Gildersleeve, C, NicholSon, v A NAGE% TX4PI0 Steam COLLINGWOOD. MRNIL UM, Murphy Bros. Sucoessorsit0 Colelough Bros. BUTCHERS -- Raving bought out this business we solicit a share of petronageolliPirjug the public we will do our best to supply ;their wenn at reesor able price. MURPHY -BROS. 4 . Brick Blos'-, (Melton PAINTING AN TRIMMING. We can painlyOur house or paint and trim your buggy, and make them look like new. All work guaranteed, and our prices are right. . AlicMATH & OVERBURY Leslie'sCarriage Shop, Clinton a, day before his arrival and tell the botelers there that so and eo was com- ing for a day or two,but as he had been laid up for weeks vvith a dangerous ill- ness, 'tette:sired above all else,tci be jeft alone, He wanted to c be strictly quiet, and very temperate', They believed it, and acted accordingly, to the amaze.? silent of the victim, There is,hovvever, in the Clinton Club an old time nucleus, grandfathers you may wit them, (most of them are, or be,bad ever heard ot such a monstrous ought to be) who' are chief offenders example of high-handed, dictatorial, in this joking business, There is Wil- un-Britishomconstitutional, autocrat - liana 'Jackson, alias "'Rosebud," • alias to action,.ob the part of a chairman,as "Billy," alias anything you liketo call be had witnessed that evening, • him D A, Forrester to whom the alias He got thus far before hntook breath t News Notes otemym...$4.c•c••• A. ow of teed "8410410 Tea, Will be found WOOF refreehing Ole warm weather, As eooling aa A euMmer ' preen. 50 The InAarnational Berveeting Wm- I pekny of trandlton received an order for eeventy-ilve carleadont machinery for the west. Sending an automobile by poet sounds arr reasonabbi as sending an autemobile by wireleea. Nevertheless that le just what a nom didin England. rester, to :say -nothing of the shrill 'Tee hagork, fawns in the. asetv• tic, treble-tonecl enickerings of the Derehana Ven•tre fanner. and inflicted quickly as I could' Wet What I felt a elltical marlitian' ' Obliged to say, and as quickly after- -1, , According to the 'Westminster Gas. Wards as possible . with d000130Y, I vs- ette, Premier Asquith has refused to catet1 the chair, and ruelled to the (Ali. I consider the removal Of the Canadian er end of the room, if but only to lay cattle embargo under present Omuta - my hands upon thane* of that double atanceek' dyed sneak and ruffian, H. B. Consbe, 1 Th Barbolomi Legislature has paske but he had fled. And ci0 ended the ed slaw giving, °wawa preferential memorable presentation, and today the claret jag standa on my sideboard, a silent tvitnese to the truth of the above story. • KEEP. Tan KIDNEYS WELL . • Health Saving Explainer' by a Clinton • Citizen Who Knows From Experience • Many Clinton people take their lives In their hands by neglecting the kid- uneeyeds whehlepn. they know tlaese. organs Sick kidneys are responsible for a great ansount of suffering and, ill he• alth. P.•1110' is their quick relief for The reason so many use Booth's' all Kidney weakness. Here is what a (Minton citizen sktyin- • • John West, of Mary Street, (Minton, Ont says: 'Each I;ttle cold I would -contract from being over heated or exposure to cold weather Would settle mews the Mali part, of my back and kidney). The urine would become highly colored and filled with particles of a sand 'like sediment. There was of "Trusty" was gissen. This alms I thong I We aleo a scalding, in • passing that was • steain for • about three minetes. It I Pleased him. amused the company,and gave me time. to think. I then turned on -him, •"Mr. Forrester," ,4cfaid. "If yoa think you are addressing &Farm- ers' Institute or a Grangers' Conven- • tion, or a Supreme Past Grand Lodge • consequence. Booth s JiIGUSY of Affiliated Principals of Patrons of were recommended by alr 'Holmes, Incluetey, or a Select Lode of United the Druggist and they quickly cured TetnPerate Cold Water Drinking Sons • me of every sign of kidney trouble of-Rolinesville, who have no mind of 1 when all else I had tried failed, and I their.ovvn,you are mighty mistaken. I am stronger and better every way." • t tbe chair sir. Do you doubt it? Sold by aealers. Price 50 (cents, The R TBooth Oo Ltd., Fort Erie Ont., • Sole Canadian Agents. • need:kilo explanation,for nobody would ever call him "Trusty" now. There • was, an evenijag he wandered in alone from London, wielding, a double bar-' relied gun,ana seeing it didn't go off,he was supposed to be capable of being trusted. with anything forever after- wards. But there was a time when he played. a fairly reliable toed game. Hence the soubriquet. But not howl It is a clear ease. Of 11, B. There is an elongated Scotch Canadian,JamieFair;• aim is all right, plays a good game,and am is yet really "Trusty." There's moth- As long as I ern in this chair I rule er elongated,long flugered,spare waist- • this meeaing. Do you. hear yrte? An when you or Mr. Jackson or elr. any - very annoying. My back would be so tender that when I would, stoop for any length of Hine I could scareely straighten myself up again. There was also a weakness that was very noticeable when liftin anythin .of ed Scotch Canuck, D. L. McPherson, alias- 'Fingeres' so called because it is -generally believed his fingers can lap right around a ball with the greatest ease. I must not forget co mention my- • self -the father of toe club -but mod- • esty forbids the description. Then there , is a comparatively youthful member, although goodness knows he looks old enough, especially when in bathing if a playful wave tenderly brushes away his carefully arranged long hairs on one side of that large white. expankiesbut I mean. he is roung • in years compared t� those •pretkously, mentioned -1i p Combe. Hugh Barry' 113-11 iewel, Hels:best at a suppernalays Voters' Lists_1908 Municipality of the Townahip of Mullett, County of Huron. -- Notice is hereby given that I have iransthitted or delivered to the persons mentioned • in sec- ' dons 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, the c.opies required by said sections to be so transraitted or delivered of the list made, pur- suant to said Act, of all persons apPearihg by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Ifiunieipality to ne ensitled to Vote at 'elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at. Municipal Elections; and that the said list was first posted up in my office in Millet, on the nth, day of July.1908, and remains the..e for inspec- tion. Electors are called upon to examine the list, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to haye the said errors corrected according to law, Dated tnifi 131la day of July, 1909. JAMES CAMP ELL, Clerk. lommommomossummoor R. Fitzsimons tt Son. We are still in the But- chering .business, and are in a position to fill alt.or- ders for seasonable meats, intfust?d tc cu.' care, Our new business stand is in the Combe Block, R. Mahn= On Poke 711 Clititon semeimeinNINIM NEM NM body else desires to sayor do anything• here tonight, the gracious- perntission . of me. the Chairman, must firet be ob- . • THE CRICK. EV SONG . 'tabled. Do you hear that,sir? Sit dowii ,• ,--.: • W. Jackson speak. again until I give "(hese to theiheart is Nature's voiee at once, and don't let me hear you 'or : - -Up rose, half falteringly, that 'clang. The -ceaseless hum of insect life. With 'varied harmonies ; - yon leave." Re (39,t dOWil. , •-• ated D. L. McPherson, to enter h faint The murmuring summer breeze- . ventriloquial protest against the Meg- What visions of departed hours ality of the ruling from the chair. 1• Doth memory to me bring,, promptly settled him with a glare that A s thairgohuth . the. long, long sainier made him speedily absquatulate. But ta,ehson was was quickly again on his I bear the cricket. sing. ' mord= enema; _ir ,,,,,tam at _ a &lice There comes& gleam of' sunny youth, When all. of Weaves fair i ' feet, korrester ditto,and soon a panda - treatment of 2D per cent; On condition that the Canadianpreference is altered 80 8.8 to leave a clear 50.72 per ton in favor of West Indian imageries egainst sugars from foreign couptress. i"ecfuliar pccident happened to Mr Jack A.yliner, eldest sea ot Lord Ayb, mer, Ottawa, on Saturday, He. bad been attending the races of the Rideau Canoe club and was returning home, when a 'Off of wipd raised his hat. He 4 put his eight hand tip quickly to eave his headgear, when he heard a sheep crack. ram collar bone had broken in the act of raising his arm. Mr Aylmer Is confined Ns his home. Twenty thousand dollars, tied up in ' brown wrapping inner was found in the train shed of the OP It Winnipeg, ; as the result of rain dropping through ' the roof upon the package, thus reveal - bag its contente. It said to have • been banded to an express messenger by a news agent,who found he had too Much money on hand, and was too in- experienced 130 knowthe correct pro. • eedure. The valuable package had been handled like an ordinary butich of laundry, among a lot of packages with which it wastransported. bones fairly,but his great game is snife that a vigorous blutl was in order u1And falls a; shadow on the award and fork and tumbler. I have referred was to play out my hand. So rising,iia Of castles in the air- • incidentally tit) these six members he. appareutiv. the highest stets of right- Of many a bright aud joyous hope cause theyare -connected more or leaks intimately • with me in the best joke ever playet in our club. It was on the occasion or otir annual suprker. The . P. -redden trthat -S-Inei nta been laporing llamas:patty for kionae.years'th bring tile club up to a respectable stanckard. Grounds had been bought, paid: for, house buikt, fences erected, good lawn laid:down, etc., quid this supper was •the 'ctinclusion, Many in the club felt that some saitill recognition of the „very able and arduous efforts of the President. should be suitably made,but while the proposal naet nith general favor end suppoit, yet even a presen- tation could. not be made. without in- dulging in a practical, Fake, and this is how it was clone,. . As President, of course, I occupied the Ohair at the supper.: 'A very nice cut glass claret jug was purchaseciAnd Was to be presented at a suitable time after supper by Mr. Wm. Jackson. I • was to be kept *entire ignorance, It was to bee -a surprise. A. surprise it was all right enatign. Jackson gothis gang of conspirators together,:s and after sleepless days and nights, if not Weeks of scheming, they concocted , what was sprung on me in the following day. About p,m. the day of the sup. per, that gehtletnane I have alreakay referred to, under the :name of Combo. met me, I have known him ever since he was an infant in mins, • you might say he has grown up under ver eye.• I was present at his eous indignatiop and condign wra,th, , thanksto my lung power which is not AnTabastinfildg2nTigunhtse soil longfleet vvelgo, d despicable, made myself heard above When 1 heard:the crickets sing. the tumult, angrily pushed back my .. -chair,---and tolt-thern -alespiainlyetha -0;scrieketkreonty thatsalibight-long---- if the authority of the Chair were 1,10t My listening ear that heed, • 1 ' majestically upheld, end that prompt- How many a chord from memory. ly, ( should leave the room. I Will Your ceaseless chirp hath stirred never ferget the amazed face of a nekw- The loves, the lives, the yanithed ly arrived offielal•of the Maisons Bank • dreams, ' 1 --since those' days appointed Manager That still to memory cling. _ he was sure there veould be blood spile Comes bank withtentold strength and ed if not worse. However. I knew 133Y • power , _ ' ' •• . men, and the bluff 'worked. Down Whilst I hear the crickets sings , they sat and there Was peace. I went . . • _ on with the programme. - •- And loved ones parted from my side, They held whispered conferences the. Whose graves have long been green, attenuated Scotch members nodded, The winter nights and summer days, winked, shook their heads, etc. After 'Of the years that rolled betWeen: keeping tkaemin suspense for at leaiit • Thus oft and oft,the long night thee' twenty. minutes, I looked at Jackson' Doth fancy to n*ack bring ' and said in a very porapous tone, "You Those vivid pictures of the past. have my permission to • say -what Whilst I hear the crickets sing, , vou so rudely attempted an an earl- ier stage of the evening.' I noticed Forrester nudge him as muela as to sav son rose, Re did Ins part well. I give , KEEP CHILDREN WELL -Get up and get going.' 11p W. leek- _._ him due credit for it. I never thought • Billy had it in •him. He roasted me up hill and down dale. Ile spoke in de- nunciation of ray imperious,clomineer- ing way. --HeSaid there Was ' nothing intended on his part but, enly the ut- Minard's Liniment Garee Genet la cows THE' ANT EATER. bear% Chemicii Mleurnotio RINGS are guaranted to cure Rheumatisni and Neuralgia, The Electro Chemical Ring' is not an ignorant charm or faith cure, but a scientific medium for the elimination of tnic acid from the blood, The secret, the power, the merit in this ring lies the conr bination of various metals of which the ring is made, no matter what the trouble is, if it is caused by excess of uric acid the Electro Chemical Ring will effect a cUre, 1004 just like any other ring, can be worn day and night. We guarantee these Rings to do all we claim, Call and exaoine these W. .R. .COUNTER JEWELER; CLINTON 11111 411111111151991101111111115111111151111.0111191111111111011.11111111111111111.10MIHNIMMIIIII0 .. A ' Hkwenless .Animal That Will Fight Hard When at Bay. •A' peculiar looking animal . li the ant eater, which is closely allied to the • sloth faintly. Its 'head is drawn . out into a long, tubular muzzle, at the end of which is a tiny tnouth,ltist big enough to permit the exit of its -long, wormlike tongue, which. is eovered . with a sticey senate • • This •tongue is ' tbruit among the 'hosts of ants with• great rapidity, cern- Ing hack laden with. the tiny insects. To obtain ,its prey the ant eater breaks. , open. the•ant hills, when all the active . • irshibittints wearna• to the- breach, and , . are instantaneously swept away by•the 'remorseless tongue. ' • ;•. The jairs of the ant eater are entire., ly without teeth, and the eyes • and ears are very , small. : '• . • • There are several species of int eat- er, the, largest kind being about tour . feet Jong and ..having e t.all covered • with very long hair,' terming a Mtge', brush. The claw on the third -too. of , each fore lifib is of great size and is, used for breakieg Open ants' and other Insects' neon». ' . 4,1.4 -..'3R•II.Mr4d$Aii.,,. „ ' Generally speaking, the ant eater is a harmless animal, but at timea.when at hay it Will fight with. great conv I saige,s•sitting ant-on-itesshind-slegi-and, (- bugging itsloe with its powerful arms. 4 • t -London ,Expreas. ' • . , ' ‘11111111H1111111.111141111111111111111H1119111111111P' -Something New• Now is the time to place your order for a NEW WIRE FENCE before'the advance n wire. All ()oiled Spring Wire used. Also agent for the Celebrated Heintznian Piano Prank W. Evans A gent Canadian Pence bo., 1••• Before placing your orders fey your seesOn's supply of Coal, get our emcee. The very best geode carried lit stoek mid sold at the lowest possible price. • Orders may be left at Davis & RoWlamrs Hardware store, or with . 41. SteVenS0110 Hillegrig Light Mate -MRS, J. LAP INE - • • 'Th. Perfumed. Olead.s: The- -dentied sleeve - Was smeared with pale dest.. He beat it ,trith Ma' , pahacand a Perfemed elan' arose, •• • "Makeup," be wild, laughing, "the ilSre nefuell harvest of :makeup. Why the 'dencilci front the fierce . whites iigit of .a dental. :chair, w Open 'come. to the • With Riakellti: plastered • :thiek- On their ,pretty faces? They all, or nearly.' all, act it Their ilas ; are' red- dened, • their b=6.7.‘ penoed, , their. 'cheeks rouged,. and in it few cases the , tiny network of:veins hi the teirkples Is .anttined In blue. s Peggipg' away ae- . ,their teeth, mop up all that makeup DURING:ROT WEATHER Phew! Look Out!" , • '-wollehhanglintey:.7sitest,71rlavcek. 'olverf3Plelipinkr Cibeeke.over leaPed back to escape the sweet smell- ing Mond .that filled. :the: Or:- lext: lind, brushing' his' cuff 'again, h. IS Every mother knows how fatal the summer months are to small children. most kindness and good will. . at a Cholerainfantum, diarrhoea, dysentry his friends Were only actuated alike, and stomach troubles are alerraingly and seeing at last he had been permit. frequent thintime, and too often a tad. to speak, he would merely add. that Precious life is lost after a few, hours' • illness, The mother who keeps Baby's °era .2e,bletki in the house ,feels safe. The occasional Use of Baby's Own Tab - '1818 prevent stomach and bowel troub- -lest or • if the trouble tomes suddenly - as it generally does the Tablets, will bring the little ones through safely. Mrs. George Rowell, Sandy Beach, Que. says ,-My baby was suffering with' colic, vomiting. atkd diarrhoea, betafter giving hini-Baby"s Own Tab- lets the trouble disappeared. Iswould advise aleanothera 'to keep a box of Tablets aIvSays at hand." Sold by med- icine dealers or by mail at %a box. from the Dr IN interns' Medicine (o., BrOckville, Ont christening. 1 gave him away at his the club had requested., him to act as marriage," proposed the health ot him- their spokesman and refer in the•kind- self and his bride at the breakfast, I Hest mariner to my very efficient embraced his bride paternally after, Wards, I bevel:leen a second father to him. Encountering me outside of the Pest Office, 'with one of the most con- fidin nocent mugs ever worn, be intiniaa to me that he had something very confidential to communicate. We tioul3r opened the box,dukplaying not a black doll, t veritably, exactiy just what he had een describing, I•would willing,ly at this point draw a veil. Perhaps it would be better to do so,., My feelings can be :ibutgined, vices, which they desired to recognize by presenting me with a very hand- some cut glass claret jug, suspended round the neck of which was a silver chain, from which depended an incrib- ed shield. At the same time he ostenta- retired to a suitable localitY(ff cost me 50c) and when quietly euseoneed, he opened up by saying that he always looked upon me as his mentor. His re. spect, affection, veneration for me knew no bounds, and it was with un- diluted horror (he never takes mucli. soda) that he had. heard of a plet,a low baseplot, to make it fool Of me that . evening at the supper. Somehow When Have You Stispected Your you have *pawn a child in short el othes • K11 ys as the Cause of Your.Trouble • If you have haaireohe, swelling of the feet stud ankles, frequcint Or Oppressed urine, pahdul eensetion whet urinating, ,speche floating before the eyes, greet thirst, br1ck-40st deposit in the urine. 'teat thing weft with the urinary orgies, them your kidneysare affected.' . It ist really not dlcttit to cure kidney trouble in it* that stets**. All you base to de is give flamed ItiRtar rifle 4 trisl. They aro the most effective remedy Os be had for all kidney and urinary troubles. .Mrs. Alfred LeBlanc), Sleek Cepa, Qua" write:au-I feel it my duty to say is word shout your Dotter Kidney ?lib. I'd - feted dreadful part WON ray heck at• but oould not iltoop or bend. After having, used two boxes 1 io.dnnw plod 401110/A4y eared **Ike to your OIL I highly reootnmend Dam's Itidney kill*. 'hies< 50emits per box or 3bates for &b ell dealers, or eerie direct on reoeipt4 pries by,th6Dc...n.z3ibuy 9o., Tormito, Ont. you are not so apt to suspect him as - on are a Stranger. I give the buneh credit for having chosen a good emus - sexy. They did that partsliek, Well, I tumbled in, I listened, I beheyed his el3ecirms lies, I 'Wok it all down, and at- tentively heard how Billy J. was going to pretend to make a presentation to me, aided and abetted by Forrester, ' Fair, McPherson, et al, but 1 must be on my guard to stop it, because when I Opened the box, 1 would only find a nigger doll, and great would, be the roar of laughter that would ensue. / say believed that man. I didi And he drank my Scotch and soda while I believed. lie partook of my thanks without a, tremor. I shook his hand warmly at parting. 1 old Win I could never forget this touching proof of hick life long affection. And all he asked, for this unwonted 'display of esteelai Was my word of honor never to divulge his part in this Wanton deviltry, I re- turned to my date, and thought it out how I would get even With Jackson & Everting came, Supper served. We sat down some sixty ail told, Elan* done, cigars', drinks, toasts Were in or. der. I arose and roposed the health of Iler IVittjesty tura i Ram. 'One or two other toasts follow- haa toy tle on the conspirators ekesteele Who, gating obtained an honest bill for the inediSini, w•fil Atli& to have partieniers of the doctor'is "protesaiofl- at eervicesi?' Imagine a hill made up! with web nicetzr as this; "Vo count Ing pulseffspence; to viewing bellgukt, • threepeece; to asking tette Otleittions (three irrelevant); fourPeace! to telling Pefleate to ea 'ninety-nine,' *he, pence; to medicine, Ie. 0,14 to bottle, tereperkee; to label, 1 penny; total, at. ad.k-Vorimblie Obeerver. • Advoytaa. a.ersda. "My big sister has a been." • °gee Mine. but I diett like him." *Difficult...peens "Here are some extracts from a few modern popular novels,", said. in au- thor as he took down a scrap. boglr. Then he read; , • "The worthy packtoreppeared at the Mantle d004 h113 hands thrust deep in . the 'pockets of his loose jacket, while he turned the leaved of his prayer book thoightfully and wiped his glasses with a distraught girl , " eifter the door was closed a • stealthy foot slipped into the room and with cautions hand extinguished the light.' • ' " 'Fitzgibbon lingered over his final lemonade, when a gentle voice tapped him on the shoulder, and, turning, lie beheld h18old friend Once again) "'Tho chariot Of revolution IS 1113111mg mould, gnashing Its teeth as it rolls.' .• . EAT. IVIIAT "VOL WANT. Rut rind tht+ way to Digest, what Yon DO Eat, • The fltst thing to do in the case of indigestion or stomach weakness is te strengthen the muscular walla of the stomach and intestines, 130 that they will care for the food that is eaterl, Itt °Snow what my Mater qi 40 if I no other way can this be done as well didn't like her beau," AO taking a Meoma tablet before each meal, 'his restores etretigth 18"No. What'd she do?' d M hd. • the stomach muscles and stimulates stie'Fenhire back and get u changed. ,onnto *vivo got st charge tthe pouring out of gastric Juice% then the food digests readily, and you be, count at the 'tett he comes from. girt toget the full benefit from what you eat. 1180 1121.6•131k WhelleVer you bitve sick Different Opinions. • headache, heartburn, bad taste in the autka bite biro attd derAnd on mow eyes, s eciplesstiess, and he trieny otb.• 888. a man intends to let a rattle. mouthi coated tongtio 018 before the Or re irecesat symms rielhdt r for acute. call that faith." • pto of Indigestiontlritte . - '41 call it cruelty to animals mums w b R Holmes gives with every 50e Setteabody's going to pray for the WOO box of l'al-tom a guarantee to 1111111a Sitter it' bitten snob n Mel AS that" the money unlees the remedy awes - me waik.over SIHIC We have secured the ex- , elusive agency 9f. the' fain,- ous American Walk - Over Shoe for Clinton and invite • our friends to call and see a full and complete line in the various shapes,. sizes and widths. The Walk -Over Shoe because• of its general excellence, is sold in 44 countries, and is conceded to be the height of shoe • perfection by the world's wisest dressers. We Cordially invite you to visit us, and inspect these goods for yourself. TWITCHELL: VICTORIA, •CLIN.Tco, Repairing Ne141);,..nd.,Promptl);.Exeet4ecl,. 1 ANA DIAN NA .CIONAL Sept. 14 Alifi. 29' IE X III • Greatest and Best Attended Annual Exhibition in all the World $100 0 0 OG Mammoth EverysePurlsvince 9 . e • 51, acsosnecde.Briasnd • Its Products in Prizes and Attractions Grand Art Loan Collection From the Paris Salon and other Old4orld Galleries., International Military Tattoo and Realistic Spectacle' he Siege of,Sebastopol With 960 Performers. International. pod Show. 4nternational. Cat. Show .8,000 • Live.. Stock on View far trio ljais, Baby Ms* aid all lefersoltoi madras .3i 0. ma, liasader, City Ball, Iowa* CHEAP FARES FROM EV•IERYWHERE• • SEAS7ABL,E '0001)8. Fruit Jar., Wepaire there in i gals, quarts and pintS, oleo rulabers. Otitis Green, Berfeeria' English, at 35e. Rake, Perks, Scythet,' Snatbs, Stones, Machine 011, etc. Dry Gooda,_ Milslins, dinghttres; krinte,,Oollars, Ties, Embroidcries, Lacers; • OlOves, Hosiery, etd. \ • . . BOots and .ilioess, fine and coerse for anew, Women and children; just right. ernterlossi Our stook •Is always full and- fresh, with the. very. best Of all kinds, , Butter'and eggs wanted; any quantity. \ Don't forget about Saltctiiiro and Goal. • Emporium Innanannto, July OS R. ADAMS. ARES GREEN -English ' You want the best at the lowest. price. WE CANscpra tou WITH BERGER'S. THE BEAST ENGLISH MAKE, IT 40e PER LB. J. E. HOVEY, Dispenaing Chemist, CLINTON. Pfanos, Organs and Sewing Machines Those wishing to get &gond, reliable instrunient cannot do better than deal ot this store. We nandle the celebrated HEINTZMAN PIANOS, BEM and DOMINIOu getN OHGANS. in buying any of these instrumentst you take no W ILLIAMS OWING(' MAOHINES al low prices and easy terms. ri ski asyoet the best that rooney will buy, NEW RAYMOND _and.N 7. J. H. Chellew, Blyth 1, Advertise in he New ,• r-