HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-07-23, Page 1* • „
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ir you wish tp know witot *-
going ou In your neighborhood
rend the New &a
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MOM golilitchn'Pe
PAYS. 11
IOW 1,734Verttstunnto
Just now,W $ It Holmes .... . .
'Third week,Newcembes.. ' 4
Souvenirs of Clinton,Cooperaist'ere..4
McCall Patteins,Couch-& On.; „ 5
ChieksforBale. M 0 Kaufman 5
-13ally -carriage for Bale, New Bra, ., .5.
Matra - Mr j T Crawford, father
of john Crawford M P and of Jas
Crawford, of thie place, died Friday
morning at Neepawa, Man,
DEATHS, -The old eettlers .of Hatc-
h:1k -are.faat'passing away. M.
nuan Jacquee .bas. gone. to join • the
majority, at the ripe age of 76,t,HiB
• death toole Jr.lacei On thel4th inet. He
Settled in gawk* over helf-aecentury
. ago, taking up land in 1854, A widow,
..five ,one and two daiAghtertt are 'Otto.
mourn his deceame He was a Membe.r
of Howick Baptiet Oloarcia and a Con-
servative. The first settlers will goon
be gene.. . • .
On Sunday, July 12th. there passed.
' away Wto. Hamilton, of 000, .0-• • ae,-
wpm • well known. ,and b his .0e1Sal, •
sociable -manner 'had •made hosts of
,felends.r' fie was one of :Illordoles
Vock reducing sale. W Raker, oss
Western Fair, London-. . . 5 I
-Sealed tenders, R o Desrochers..
Move On,Prices, Hoclgens Bros.- ,.8
To Advertisers
Oopy •for changes of aovertisement
must be handed in" by Tuesday
night. Small transient adswill be
received up to Thursday morning.
heaviest men, weighing nearly' 300 lbs.
and when in good health had tipped
the Bootee at 400 lb% From having
been so long in the lime business, he
was known as the "Lime King." He
was a member of the Naomi° Order.
and was ,65 years of age, and had been
for many' years a resident of this
township. His casket was probably
the largest and most expensive ever
seen in this vicinity. It was made • fore they will be accepted. The es inn
oakrwlth three iron bands, covered in ated cost of the two sewers is little
black and with rolled lid, trimmed '
Nasoptar„....esorer Bradford, wi3O NoTsti - Gordon IJohnston and wife
f 1 SUMitiehrbill
and famit_ visit at tiolyroOd on 'of East Wawanosh, visited Ma 0:
sunday4 u sande was up Awe Exe. .L000lvt,octutiroa on Soubnodamie.foliassfeesvirIdbaolaidnady06;
ter over Sunday, R Long attended
the uleettug 374 •tht" Malmni° Grand' Merliect Mr. and alrnbatIMngrein D. °it
Lodge held at Niagara Palls last week.
Rev.. Mr sawyer, of Ashilsid Oalbick and Master liarold, were vis-
QOPUgy thetrultit in the Method- ' here at W. Sr NesbittPle last week.
idaster Herbert Sobh000,1 of the Lake
ist chore neXt• 1M ay. Rev. W. Aa
Sunda)* in ugust. -Monday, August with bia +Wet,' MOOD, uegar.
Smith is 03..citeeted home by the arta Shore wad,. is ependirl his holidays
Ord has been pronlaiMed Olvic hdliday
111 our village ; all places of boat:less
will he closed On that day, am Polite NOTES -Mr. E. Bradwin of the
in the village *rad surrounding coirt" Galt Aetormer, and for merly kitor of
Munity may govern themeelves. Ann proprietor of the Blyth Standard,
, cordingly. •
with two children, is vieltiwg at the
home of • 'Meagan M33 rIsLufather-in-law,
'BUILD EINWIlna - Engineer Rogers is an enterprising business man, and
his been in Eteneall for some tinue past has this week had 4 telephone put, in
drawing out plans and 4,peciticatons his residence, Mr D 13 McKinnon has
for two new sewers which the council had the bodies of his father, mother
propose lay up south Richmond and ember exhumed from the old Pres -
street, and Wallington and Mill streets byterian cemetery and removed, to the
vespeetively, enbject to the approval Union cemetery ;thesebodies hadbeen
of the ratepayers receiving benefit buried 42 years. Mr. 3. Brown and
from the drains. A meeting ot said Mrs Brown left last Tuesday for a trip.
ratepayers was called last evening, in their automobile takine in StMerje,
when the plans were laid before theM. London and St. Themes, and visiting
No conclusioh _wee reached, it being „friends atthe- latter 'placer returning
probable that the plans will hafe to on Sunday, afternoon, after a very
be somewhat changeti andmodifled pe- .pleasant trip. Miss Emma Moser has
resigned her position cf leader of the
Methodiet Choir: Mists Margaret
'Moody has been appointedto the posi-
tion ; Miss Elmo, was leader some
years; ago. Mr E Bender and. bride,re-
turned on Tuesday, evening from their
trip to Toronto and Niaicarn. Me.
bolgen,"'an old Blyth boy; is visiting
at the .home of his mother on the
with Masonic ornaments and having
eight massive handles, finishedin
ebony and copper, Case ,and corns°
weighed about 800 lbs, and the cost of
the casket was about 4250.
Mr Fritz dropped dead at Grand
Bend. •
The Clinton New Era has celebrated.'
another birthday. It givett a large
share of brightly 'written news and;
• dte advertising columns are well pat- I
ronized by the business peoplembeno
doubt reap eorresponding -beneflte.- I
Brussels Post. I
Summer School.
June, truly and August kites rase
our Fan Toro without any break,
Enter any lune: NevriCatalogue tree.
Write for It today. • '
Central Business College:
the argest, most reliable Writs kind
• IV. 0. Shaw,.. Principal,
Tense k Gerrard fits., Toronto. •
Ordered 1VInrriih & Ctooks
Clothing - - Clothing
Su•yourmmer Suit •
We have had a big business in Men's Summer Suits,
consequently we have several broken lines and sizes.
We don't want to carry a single .suit over, sit they
must go,
Two only, Men's light gtey WORSTED el gi
SUITS, regular $15, for..., 4P"
Two only Men's Homespun TWEED Suiti,$Q C
Regular $12, for
Three only, Men's Homespun Tweed Suits; t7.
Regular $ TO and Sri, for. .. . . . . . . . . 411 •
Two (ply, ,LIGHT TWEED SUI 90
Regular $8.5o, '
Four only, Men's dark green Homespun $5 0
11 Suits, regular $8.59. 6
Three only Mert's dark blue Suits with $3 so
small Stripe, regular $3. 50, for
11101rl'ISIII &crooks,
"King" and "torialino" Hat Headquarters.
.4 Square Deal For Every Attu
over $2,400.
Gaderigh Township :
gramme PARTY - A. DA8441flequt
Surprise tiarty took place on wednes-
day evening, July I5th,at the residence
of 11Ir Burnett. About & o'clock the
members of St James' church began to
asembletin largenumbers until quite
a concourse of friends thronged the
place. .The . evening's enjoyment
commenced with gamer of different
kinds, after which Mr Robert Dunbar,
*sneer medal elocutionist, recited with
much efficiency "The Last Shot," .(a
tale of the Indian mutiny.) The Rev
W 11 Dunbar; in addressing the com-
pany, stated that they had assembled
there for a druble purpose. In the first
place they wished to do honor to their
organist, Miss Emma Burnett, and
secondly, they had come • to enjoy
themselyes, as Canadians were capable
of doing. With regard to Miss Burnett
he felt that anything he could say
would fall very far short of the high
esteem in which she was held by all
present. Looking back upon the past
we feel thankful for the success that
has attended her noble efforts in sup-
Viing the music for S. James church.
e are bound to confess that her ac-
tions have spoken •louder thaw any
words can now do. Since be, (the
speaker,) came amongst them, he had
never heard anything save words of
the highest admiration for Miss Burn-
ett and her work, 4 He would now ask
her to accept the sincere thanks of the
congregation with the accompanying
sum of money, awe. smalltoken of es-
teem, and in recognition of her gratui-
tous services. Trusting that she, may
be long spared to carry ran her labor of
love'and that the richest blessings . of
the Lord may_ be her daily, portion:
Miss Emma Burnett replied. an very
suitable terms.' The sandwiches and
ogees Were then enjoyed, Which, need-
less to say, were of the richest enOlity,
a-atd. Were served in good stYle, aft
which the convoy was entertained in
a talented way by the visitors present.
Master Wise added triuch to the even-
ing's enjoyment by numerous selec-
tions on his graraaphone. The • 04:131.
oughly satisfied 'wtili the • evening's
NOTES -George Snell, jr. came home
sick from Denfielcl on Monday, but is
on a fair road to recovery. Miss Pink-
ney, Of Seaforth, and Miss. Bradford,
of Dungannon, were. visiting' here last
"Week. 1V(Iss McGuire, of Brussels, is
the guest Of Miss Hell at present. • Mr.
nigh, a former, teacher, .spent a few
days around here. J Et Squire shipped
a car orwneet on Monday. The Fall
•wheat will be nearly all cut this week,%
and lots of barley also ; they are both
excellent. Butter and eggs keep climb-
ing up in mice. Our merchants are
getting intheir fall and winter goods.
We have been in. some hopes of having
a harneaternaker in our village, but .we
haven't succeeded yet.
. Tuelreismitli
Ptilisorw, - Miss Muriel Elcoat
daughter otAli, W Elcoat,hits gone to,
Winnipeg on a visit 'with k her uncle
and aunt, Mr and Mrs . John Lands -
borough, Who have been visiting here
for some tune. Miss Helena Corbett
of Tilsonburg, is visting her. friend
Miss Minnie Eleoat. Mi, Hartley Watts
will condrict the service in Terner's
church next Sabbath afternoon. .
Wes Huron "ntrauce
The following Ur the list of candtd4ra
red by the'board of examiners for
cot Thum, with the weeks obtained
try." each candidate. A. card giting the
marks in each subject has been sent ,.te•
each, pupil. The certifleathe will be
trent to the teachers- before the beginn-
ing of the fall term,
The candidates from a number of
schoolshad not covered the Work 13re,
scribed'in composition and geography
hence they considered these papers tan
difficult. The arithmetic being more
practical end coniplex than usual, re:.
enired a wider knowledge of the work
than many possessed. These difficul-
ties are a.hint tc teachers and pupils
that only thorough preparation will
insure sums% ,
That eoneeknew the work will be
seen from the highest maks obtained
in each subject, which are as followe
Reading -Eva Somerville, Mary Tem
Writing -Napoleon Qravelle, •
Spelling -Lillie Rowe, 60.
Literatu-Floesie McClure, .
Arithmetic- Walter 'Buchanan, Na-
poleon Gravelle, Wm. Welemiller. 06,
,Geography -Woe Weismiller, 83, "
Grammar McDonald, Fearl
Treitz. 86, "r
• Compoeition -Lulu Geiser. Roy Fair,
Total-Walter'Buchanan, .522.
Ilaveenen -Raby Woods 456, Marg-
aret Parker 425; Winifred McNeil 81)0
OENTRA.LIA-Iva Eesery 808, Mary
Hanlon 415, Adrian Coughlin 305,Max-
Baynham 395,Prank Handford 435
Colborne •
laminar; PASsEs - Another of the
pioneers to whom the country and
the present generation 'owes so much
passed away last Thursday night at,
the home of her ion Robert Quaid,.
Dunlop, Colborne township in the
person of Agnes MeMillarerelict of the
late Andrew Quaid. The -deceased
lacked. only a few days of beingninety
six years of age. Both she and her
partner -in -life, who predeceased her
by about thirty years were natives of
Ireland. They came to Canada sixty-
seven years ago and settled in NewBrunswick, where one of their 'sons
William still resides at Bailie. in
1861 the family came to this ' district
and settled in the Township of Col-
Twcrlittle girls, Annie, daughter Of
.Mr John Cameron-, :of Tuckersmith,,
and Gertrude Smith,. of Toronto, bath
grandchildren of Mr Wm Carnochan,
of • Tuckerentith, • were poisoned ' by
eating paris green on Wednesday
moPning. The children, who are be-
tween two And three years of age,
were at their grandfather's when the
accident happened, • The many •friends
will hope that the lives of the . little
ones may yet be spared. •
Onnnrron-Lulu Geiser 513, Pearl
Treitz • 505, Aineada Finkbeiner 495,
Emraery Fahrier 433, Alfred Wuerth
Ruesell Andrews 395, Ernest Appleton
462, '
Desawoon-Leslie Oceta428,01rester
Geiser 300, Wilbur Graybiel 398, Aldo
Hartleib 395, Clora Schrceder' 410. •
. . ,
Dundawaroze-George Case 478, Cora
Allen 390, Melvill (*len 393, Lorne
Young 390. . '
-7.-DEATlit-,George.-Mimroe who met
with a fatal accident on Monday of last
week, while preparing to shingle the
roof of the 'butcher shop, lived midi
Friday morning last,but never regain-
ed consciousness. All that doctors and
nurses could do was 'done, but his head
was so badly injured that nothing
'could bring relief.`' On Thursday Dre•
Gunn and Hill of Clinton, and Dr.
Rodgers performed an operation to re-
moye a clot of blood from the brain,
but on the Friday following he passed
away. The deceased was a clever
young man of 34 years of ago. He
sold out his business to his brother,
Dan Munro, and expected to go West
in, a ehort time. Great sympathy is
felt for the bereaved mother, sympathy
and resters, who were called to part
with a loved and honored brother. The
funeral, which was held on MondaY.
was a large one, showing the esteem
in which. he was held. The Rev E. H.
Personal -Not es
' taw lowly* relatives or friends
visiting in town • or pine away
metre us 01 the tare erken
Woala announce it in the NEW M.
Mr Fred Swinhank, of Wisconsin, IP
lecune on a visit,
Mitre May Webb. of Toronto, is leame
for the sunnuer rnonthe. .
Mr and Mrs Geo Barge, and ninny,
are holidaying at Woodetock,
Mr Bullie, et the Royal Bank, has
gene to Quebec, on a holiday.
Miss jeside Iteevele Detroit, is "Ala-
in Mrs -rhos Hawkins, Princes St,
Aliso Ida Walkinshaw leaves this
week, on a visit to friends in 13eeton.
Mr Kemp, Ottawa, is: visiting at the
Wive of Mr Jae Shepherd, Towneend
. Miss Reta, Richards. of London, is
spending a few dim With Miss MaY
Webb, •
Mrs, 3.'0. Miller, of the Soo is the
jirst of her daughter. Mre, E, 'M. Mo-
• Miss Jean Lindsay of o'Benrigi" le
visiting her uncle, Dr, Lindsay, of
Rev T W and Mrs CharleSWOrtb
left for a short visit to Toronto =
Tuesday, " •s, • •, •
' Master Russell Harland, son of Mr
• Will Harland, has gone to Sirocoe, on
a holiday. •
W. Spence and . wife, ' of Mitchell,
were the guests of W. C. Searle for 'a
• day or two.
Miss Gertrtide Thotepson,of Hems%
sp.ent a few days in town, the guest of
• Mies Ella Mahaffy.
Mr. Ames Cooper and wife and fam-
ily made a short -visit to Mr. Cooper's
parents last weak. '
Mrs French left town. for Wetatiki-
win on Monday, and was 'ticketed
through by W jaek,son.
• Miss Helen D Ford, daughter of Rev
J. E. Ford, Lucknow, is the guest of
Miss Genne at the Rectory. '
Miss Amelia 'lover:rend of town, but
late of Toronto, is spending a couple
of weeks with friends in Loyal.
Miss Lucy Cooper and cousin Bari
Beesley visited at the latter's uncle,Mr
Ed, Castle, Goderich, for a few days.
Mrs Thos X Mair, Hullett, has gone
on Er, visit to friends on Toronto, her
daughter' also went to .Madoc on a
•Mrs.•Gee E Beesley, of Ontario, Cal.,
is visiting at the home of Mrs. 3". T.
Emerton, Bervie, this week, also her
son Earl. , .
EERTER-Latimer Grieve 428. Wal-
lace Fuke 399, Wilfred Stewart 454,
Minnie Jewell 401, Lillie Rowe 402,
Blanche Atkinson 409, Lillian Boyle
Lily Frayne 435, Annie Jackson
Lloyd Rivers 414, Harry Fake 474,Reg-
Maid Knight 395, Harry Sweet 391,
Clair Wood 415,. Chester Harvey 392,
Raymond Dearing 466, Cecil Pickard
860, Elmo Howey 456, Earle Southcott
berme. The deceased is survi▪ ved by Sawera
s nd Rev. Neil Shaw, Egmorid-
one sister, MrtiCser in New Brunswick ville, conducted the services. Thepall
and by a family of, eight children, as
follows: Robt Quaid, of Dunlop, Jae ioarareurnereM
aiser.Alco11, T.
Quaid at Port Albert; Mrs Vroomaii., 1'. Scott. john McIntosh.1 Among the
of Goderieh; Mrs Wm Kearney, at beautiful floral designs was a wreath
Sheppardton, William in New Bruns- from Dr Metcalf, of Hayfield. Loudly
wick; Mrs McDonald in Washington the can is often repeated in our midst
Tetritory, V S A Miss Matildah living once more, "Be ye also ready.o,
With•fher brotherRobert, and Miss • NOTES -The Methodist congregation
3darga,retWith-her'sieberMra Kearney ii . -i anniversary services on
T cisor
4 . • .
Incorporated 005 •
aOltal,. 'a a $3,3/41000
°Rest Fund, e. $3,37119000
Has 66 Branohei In Canada, and Agents and l Correspondents lfl all
the:PrIticipal Cities in the World,
A. OINERAId ItAlvILINO IMUINEsa 1410114,003610,,
A 1N
• it MI Theattehcs, interest allowed at highest current ram,
Clinton Stanch, C, t. DOWPINGr, Manager.
Heneem-Lloyd'Steacy 435,‘' Albert
Cudmore 394, Roy Brandt, 392, Florin
Welsh 417, Will Weismiller 470, Will
Glenn 891, Ben Hoggarth 434, Vercy
Geiger. 894, Blanche Beek 393, Bertha
Welsh 392, Pearl Brown . 424, Mary
Hobicirk 452,Norma Ferguson 493,Anna
Moir 427. .• '
&Eldon -Alfred Bender 390, 1\ rman
Truenuner 419. • • • -
Asturzni,nToWiesEne-,No. 1-0tway
Hayden 392. 2 -Pauline :Reilly 400,
Lizzie Sullivan 399. 3 --Pearl Drannen
456, Jennie Johnston .418, tlermene
Griffin -413. 4 -Kathryn Finlayson 445,
W. J. Robb 407, 'Walter Hough 393,
Mary C. McLennan,E94. 6 -Lawrence
Gray 394- 7 -Lena Henderson 423,
Etannah Logan 395. 9 -Wm. Alton 392,
Walter Alton 398. 10 -EwartJauxiieson
Nain 391. 18 -Hazel tienry 394, .John
Cook. 15 -Ralph J. Blueglass 394,
Martha Hamilton 392. 16 wendoline
Templeton 393,.
ConnonsE Tovrssrim=.No. 1 -;Gert-
rude Young 14,34, Unsworth Jones 401.
2 -Victor Newell 444, Willie .Towell 435,
Elwyn Long 476. 5 - Darrell McCann
429. 6 -Maud. Million 445, Marjie•AdamE;
.893, Oliver. Goldthorpe' gee 7 -Rosie
Durst 391. 8. -Mable Bean 444. 1- (Un-
ion) Mable Wilson 390, Wilber Dunbar
451, Gertrude Kirkpatrick 394.
G011E11101 TowNsHiP-.No 1 -.Kathleen
Sutherland 396, Muriel Johnston 390,
8 -Flossie McClure 470, Eva Weston
Jessie Weston NO, Irene Harrison 802,
Hunan .Sabbath afternoon and evening. Xiev
Mr Toll of liensall, had charge of the
NO/ace-Mr. and Mrs. J. Shanahan service in the evening; a choir from
spentSunday-Ett-Mr and IVIre•W Swin- Vittiaa-was in attendance; Tames Mc -
bank's. Mr. S. Blake and sister Nora, Gee has returned from a two months'
visited their aunt, Mrs. P. Elealet of trip to Europe,where he went' with his
Morris, on Sunday, Miss' Anna Bell, brother,Harry McGee, Toronto, Misses
of Blyth, is the guest of Miss M Shah- Jennie and MarYB attie,Westminster,
ahem. Mrs. Thomas Purcell and son,
John, of Seaforth. are spending a few
days with the former's daughter, ,Mrs.
D. Flynn, Mr James McQuaid of Sea
forth, spent Sunday at John Shane.;
han's. Mrs. Bryne and fanaily,
land,are visiting at the home of Mr. P
3 Reynolds. ;
On Satutday :of last Week a quiet
funeral took place to Bur& cemetery,
aullett, Where the interment was
made of the late James Veinterviee,
late of Walketton. He died on Friday
at the age of 88 years and he wished
to be buried here, Saturday. Be leaves
a widow and two daughters. Deceased
was a brother to Thos rairserviee of
this township.
n'Oderick. .
PistlING PARTY Lytiont-A party of
pleasure Seekere left Goderich Monday
morning for a fortnight's fishing at
Johnston's Harbor and Pike Bay, The
party Went OP on the Berme, a gasoline
boat owned by John 13ruee The party
consists of Jno Tait, Arthur McLean,
Chas Smith, Chas Videan and Mon-
tague Colborne and the owner of the
boat Mr John Bruce,
are visiting relati
The railway bri
farm it being rep
station and seam
been painted. I&iying is now ample .
ed the crew was a good one ; wheat
and barley are now being cut; there
iFf'it fine crop of almost everything.'
Robt Morrison fell Off a load of bay
last week, but was not seriously injur-
ed. • Sohn Rattenbury, of the Bank of
Ilariailton, is spending his vacation at
home. Mr Banner, bank clerk,hae
returned from his vacation, Mr Dun-
lop'of Daehwood. visited in anr villago
on Senclay last Mr Boyne, reefourice
formerly of Stanley, has been sent to
a mission field near Saskatooe, Seek, ;
he iB a student of Queen's College,
On Saturday last Mr. john Itotellen
had the miefortene to be thrown torn
a dereOgyat While driving ftomEtensall
an auto permed -life on the road ; he
held the horse but unfortunately a line
broke. The horse then left the road
and Mr Itetchon nas thrown out but
nOt much hurt; it was a,nerrew etteaPs, vwolulinsr.444761: Sorarieenrellifirinn 434itage°14a07, i Mr I) Cantelore some time ago Se.
MI% James Gemmel, Teckerstnith, A Welter Buchanan 522. HarrY Celberne ' ret the old naitotianpgpirt:erYapion'rtaetliodri.
s in the village,
e MeMoody's
nted. , Our railway
house has reeentl
HAY TOWNSHIP -No 3 -Sophia Farqu-
har 390, Annie. Cochrane 390, Robin
McAllister 390: 12-Nena Schilbie 410,
STANLEY ToWNSHIP-,-No 4 -Leonard
Sparks 393, Fred Watson 892, Lillian
Stevens 408, Minnie Talbot 390. 5 -
Maggie Lamont 470, Milton Johnston
390. 9-Thes, J. Sheritt 477; Gordon A
Manson 397, Florence H. Capling,Mary•
J. G. Douglas 414. 10 -Ethel Collins 390
13 --Agnes Johnston 405,Florence Clark
416, 14 -Janet Logan 416, Herbert
Jones 394, John W. Kehl 398.
garth 410,Philomene Coughlin 424,Ada
Willis 418, Gordon Sanders .390, Gladys
Dearing 406, Sherman Willis 890, Flor-
ence Trtebner 390, Beulah Smith 408,
Herbert Wein 426, Leenerd Schroeder
890, Milton Ratz 390,Basil Sullivan 439,
James Hall -1423, Charles Glavin, 390,
Clare Glavin 390,Wernpliver 40.6,Levr.
rence Carrier° 405.
Pomo- On Saturday afternoon the
girls of the Jackson clothing
manufatturory had a jolly time at
Point Ferro, There Were Seventeen
damsels in the party and they put in
a good tiMa playing trolled and other
games. Theiy had their solver on the
lawn at the Point Viitiri ;Radio plc.
nio style and returned to town about
10 o'clock. The girls had intended go -
Ing to flayfield, hut found that the
etc:mot the peeemeedaye had caused
a couple Of Weelioute o* the read.
Mrs John Campbell, of Cadilac,iffieh
(MISS Trewartha). who hasbeen visiting
f rienda brads vicinity, left for home
Miss Rosie Dean, of, Toronto, who
• has been visiting at Mrs. Webb's, has
returned to the city; accompanied by
Master Willie Webb.
Mis..John Lindsay •
and children of
London, whe have been visiting relat-.
ives in the vicinity of Clinton
ed to London on Saturday.'
Mr John Reynolds,E:on of ir Seines
• Reynolds, itullett, left. on Saturday
morning to attend the annual reunion
of deaf mutes held Buffalo.•
,V'TVira-fts, who nati-benede7
livirring addresses at Women's Insti-
tutes in various parts of the province,
returned home last week,
• Mr 3- Howard Irwin, of Chicago, is
• enjoying a month's vacation aniong
frienclehere at present visiting lit the
• home of Mr Walkinshaw.
Wilson's Fly Pad .10c a Package.
2 double sheete, 50
Cow Ease .•
Keeps fly off cattle. quart
tins, 350 •
OX.R. Telegraph Agency
Venoms -Nellie Howcliffe 411.Barry
Dougall 429, Jennie. Srrang 39s, Mary
Desch 423, Maggie }Wilkie 4/5, Garnet
Passinore 465, Zoe Sillery 420, Myrtle
Moodie 441. Hazel Bissett 092, Nella
Heywood Roy Fair 481, Ernest Penrice
427, Wiry McQueen 407. .
WEST WA.wANOSII-fIVelyil Kearn-
ey 392, , Margaret Webb 463, Durnin
Phillips 457, Nina R WOods 3904 Tables
Finleon 407', Matilda Foran 300, Emma
Woods 891, Myrtle Webster 895, nob-
ert J. Laidlaw Aloysins Morrison
418, Ella D. Thompson MO, Tohn SeffEne
eon 436, Charles Nivins sot
Mrs Robb Callender, of Bellair, Ohio
Miss Lottie Hannah, of Toronto, (sis-
ter of Mrs S.S. Cooper,) and Mies Flor-
ence Hull, of Toronto,are vieltinglhere.
Mr F Macpherson, and Mr Andrew
E. Rathburn, Of Toronto. WertiAlso
guests at the home of Mr Cooper ever
Sunday. ,
Owing to Rev W Hartley being
absent, .he pulpit Of Trinity Church
Blyth; was occupied lasb Sunday
evening by Mr John Hartley, of Clin-
ton, and next Sunday morning and
evening Mr Clarence Johnston of
Clinton will supply it. ;
is visiting her father, Mr F Rumba,
. Mr Callender was also here for a day.
but had to leave on business.,
Miss Georgia Murray of Blyth, who
has been spending part of her vacation
with her sister Mrs. Lindsay, of Sum-
merhill,"has gone- tb-viairfriendS in
London. .
Mrs Dr liutrearri and her interesting
family started back to Ceylon on Mon-
day, having been here exactly a year. t
They were ticketed to New York by
F R Hodgens. ' •
Jar Itings, a so a doz.
corks, All sizes.
Paralin Wax, foe jellies,
Sealing Wax.
fly japer
Poison Pads.
E -
• The best Baking Ponder Mode.
25c per lb.
W. •
• Phm
Manufacturing 4hamiat
Bak, WA`Waaroste-Adam McBurney
468,11erson Irwin 434; Lilella Shiell 392,
Fern Patterson 503,
ITIOICERSMITIP-Vora Wilson 464, Cie.
Dillitig 400. ' • ,
• Omni:non Ptititab 8006:31,eMarjorie
Aitken 454, Alberta Clark 80%. Fanny
. Cox 464., Ida Currie 486, Charliatte Cuff
tteta Dinemore 417, Mabel Howard 412.
Mredopie Moore 591V Alto Macdonald
476.'Blanche de Peudry 428,Lillie Rani -
trey 428, Mated Itytnan 400, HVit Sore-
eriille 517. Mary Tom 495, Trio Warn -
k 430 Beatrice Wells 484, Velma
. Mr. J. P. of Buffalo, is spend-
ing a few days. among his old Clinton
friends. His eon Fred is also here, -be-
ing a guest at the ca•nip of Mr. G. Mc-
Mrs A T Cooper and son Willie,left
for Chicago:on Monday, to attend the
ixiarriage of her sisterAnd Will renlain
in the city for siE weeks. They • were
ticketed through by F Hodgens.
Mr T Ed Pratt,and wife and daught-.
er Neuna, are visiting at 'the home of
et Courtiers during the past week._
Mr Pratt is an enthusiastic .boWler
and very much enjoyed thaganie.With
Clinton Club. •
lVfessers Thomas Cottle, Mies Me -
Kenzie,. lVirs • J W Elliott and son
Mervin all left On a trip to the Soo on.
FridaY. They went by steamer Hut -
nnic from Sarnia, an I were . tickete,d.
by A. O'Pattison,
Mr and Mrs D. B Calbick,of Hamilton;
Who hataebeen visiting at the borne of
.Mrs. Calbiek's parents, Mr and Mrs. R.
Acheson, Gaderich township, left for
home on Wednesday. Mr Calbick was
formerly in business here. „ '
on vvill call at your place
100 lbs. Redpath's
Granulated Sugar
for 5.20.
Mre. McKay, Toronto, is the guest ok
449. Edward Cowan 426,Eddie Dietrich
tended the garden party at Varna On 412,0rie Hawkins 421, Hopetotert Mit- le flot yet decided' whether there Wil
riumber from our neighborhood at-
chell 450, Pred Roberts:in 431, Roy be fruit to warrant its nee this - fall.
Tuesday evening, reporting a good , 1,,,orman 488. Edgar stomas .-,
Ito Ben lie goes to Toronto this week. and On
time ; the tondOn Harpers proVided Qn his return Will decide the matter, •
the ionsic. Mae Minter, of Clinton, Shaw 454, itt°rY' r'nft(Ita 487* Referring to the death ' of Major
who hag been nursing in our village GOligntiell SICpARATE SoHOOL-tlita -------
3ohneton, brother of Mr Oliver
has gone to a Cane near Bayfield, Mr. Dodge 447.Napoleon Gravelle 4954ary
Mettry had his bare tabled enSaturday RutleY 461, Marjorie Xelly 42/, Vero- jotohthonstuotitoposaitorusraivseh:_.0Tothr:sie000ndenel
last. MISS EMMA, McIntosh is ritsti.-, lliealloOd 4/9, hed beenin. bueiness hue for Many
gating at Ilaye.
• The accounts a the late Deputy
Surveyor•tientral rieWelling, WOW
13runstvick, who was $18,052 in arrears,
arefbeit* audited,
I, mayor George i -------------------
111 it years and was held in the highest
o- esteem by ail who had dealings With
**wood,. is dead.. him lie WO Shrewd business nitt,11#
UP,V -Janina 'a nVett,a, Veteran Metho• but with all of a. genial emu eompo.
dtot minister of Toronto.died at his ionable Mei osition and Made many
stpnwer home efOrlMebY Park, warm -friends.
6 0 0 Stenographers and
Hook -keepers ,
trollied by our ulanagoment last rea
Experionoo counts. Graduates moat •
eucoesaful, • Special Course for Teaohere.
• Mail Conroe. Send postal tor Pattie:
Geei-lipetten-a-Princips,L -
Watch Quality.
Watch Prices
In buying a watch, buy
as good a caseasyou a21,1,1
afford; but first get a
movement that will be
accurate. Every watch
belongs to us until it
measures tithe accurately.
Pick the case and, let us
• decide on the movement,
and yokt.Will own a watch
and a time keeper,
owl) hi and let us talkliVatehes
J. GRIGG,• .:
dowager and optician,
Issuer of Marriage
• Licenses.
The .Pall Pairs
TOrtuito..***0 **Of...An/0 29 -Sept 14
London...W.1.416 6 • . .. 9 6,Sept,
.... Sept St-
13iyet.. . ... Sept., .20-80-
V0rdWieh. ......... .. .„ 2 •
Dlingattnent.. v 4,114E014 I 4•4,...yoth- 74-0