HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-07-16, Page 8• r 'WPMTilit W intA • et 99 CUN rO NEW ERA LOAFS FS - . The exceigilY01y� waw j SUOCIESSMIL FIRST YEAR. -Wee The: "Move On" Sale continue all this . o s 1 � is week,. We are.simply chasing out the goods with the big stick of low prices:: Qualities beyond question in every' case. Be: fair .to yourself and come - here. first for'your Dry Goods: wants, it will lay, Here is this weeks special: "MOVE ON" list. Lustre Skirts $2.30 4 only cream. lustre skirts, .rich lustrous finieh,S1) 5f. plaited style, regular $5 "Move On" price ............ v 4 s Embroideries and Insertions 3 yards for 100 A whole window full of them, nearly 1000 yards. in all.. We' are determined to "Move out" the em broidery stook to the last yard before the season is over, Your choice of this lot of embroideries and insertions, various widths and dozens of patterns,fin special "Move Op" price 3 yards for ..:: • .:, . •........ 1 UV p y 'Onion Carpets 25c 100 yards ot Union Carpet, an extra good pattern • and quality, feet cotors; reversible, 'regular' 35o and 25c worth every cent of it "Move 6W price per yard,. L Colored Laces le 300 yards odd' colored cotton, laces, yarious widths and colors, clearing them all out at special "Move On" price per yard .... �c Boys Eton Collars 103 ' .. Boys white linen Eton collors, sizer 12,12i and 13 . �1 Oli regular 20c and 25e, special "Wove On" price each..,, .. 1 '' Moving Ong" the ,Waists All the' waistsought • e u • ' this to • Move out t is week at prices like these. Not one but is new this season: All going at little prices: • Waists at 75e' • 20 or 25 of them, all 'good.designs, regular .. $1.10, $1.25 and '$185, special:"Move On" price choice of the lot 75c. An Good Waists $1.38 c This lot is made up,of waists .that sold at • $2.00, $2 25 to $3.00. Some of the best ones we showed this Beason. . Special : "Move On" price at .. .: Is3Y 50e Gloves, 29e • 30 or 401 ,airs of them. Black orwhite silk gloves 2•dome fasteners, standard 50c qualities. "Move On" price per yard ;:.• ,•..-• 50c Silk Mitts, 25c Ladies pure Silk Mitts. just _the .thing •for hot weather wear, all sizes. regular 50c, "Move On" price, per pair • .++.:. Silk Lace, 7c 200 yards black and cream Silk�;aces,�_to_5 in —wi'deT--A c1�n up of the Lace stock, clearing• at per. yard Saturday ............... . Auovers, 35c Five patterns 18 -inch Allover •Laces, white and - ecru shades, reg. 50a, 60c and 75e a yard. "Move On " price Saturday per yard ......... .', . Lace Flouncing, 25c 1i• -yard -wide Lace Flouncing, black or.. ecru shades Will mai a splendid Waists Special. "Move. On" prices, per yard .. , .. . Fancy Silks, 29c An ass.rted lot of Fancy Dress Silks, some black, some navy and.light shades. Regular 50c to 65c. Special "Move On 1frice per yard....... • .. 60e Dress Goods, 2$e 50 to 75 yards "'weed dress materials,. stripes and checks, these will make splendid Summer Skirts or. costumes. Regular 60c, "Move On'' price per yard Monotone Stripes, 35c Pure wool Tafetta monotone striped bress (tootle, Summer weight and summer saades Regular 75e, ,' "Move On" price; par yard ...„,, , , , , , , , 29c 25c 7Y 35c-. 25c 21c 25c 35c "Moying On” the - Millinery � Never such prices on good Millinery as here to -,ay. Just look at this : Any Shap 25c A list Of shapes to "Move.Out" Saturday. No matter what they sold for or what they Saturday "Move On" price is each are worth, Any iTrinnsued Hat $1.50 Fully 25 Trimmed Hats on our tables`o-day. These are ail good shapes, trimmed with first-class • wateaials. We hardly dare tell you that'the•re u . tar prices wage be,,but two or.•thre Mmes the "Move On" prices. wuld not be out get`' way fort many of them. Special "Move., On" pri ' aturda'yip u s 50• 25c Wash Goods Moving Out at 25e 350 yards Wash Dress Materials, comprising Or-. gandys, Meeting, Deess Linens,. Zephrs, etc. Regular 35e, 40c, Oe and tee. Special "Move On" price et per yard '... .••. • Mussed Corset Covers, 50e - 15 only Corset Covers, assorted st' les and e sizes. These Covers have become mussed from handling, 50c Regular price $1 to 31.25. "Move:On" price Saturday 50c Vests, 35e 25c 20 only Ladies' extra fine qqualitywhite lisle thread Under Vette. These are the best _goods we handle, and never_ sold for less than 50c. "Move On" price ..•• ...•�.... r.. i. •.,:..•••.+.I•..•.••• 25e Vests, 115e - 35c Ladies' fine quality white Cotton 'Under Vests, nicely trimmed with Lace. These are . all sleeveless garments, and are our regular 25c line, "Move On" 150 • ,price each ••,.,..,.•..+', ... •....,.y •.. •. Lace Hose, 17c 50 pairs Misses' and Ohildren's Cotton Lace liose, black and' tan shades. Seamless feet. Regular 25e• "Move On" price per pair ...,s. ..:........... •..•.... Parasols, Ei.00 • Ladies' Parasols, extra longfeeme, patent runner, steel rod, top guaranteed not to out. assorted fans handles, special "MoyeOn" pride eaeh.•.•.•.+••,i,.•.$ S11 15c weather experienced is alig tly un- McDermott. who will be retra+ember. WANTON. 0ET,, JULY 10, #•$08 eoatfeetelate. but tt ie Pet Witte la Ica► h ,irt,ar obese of the, needs! eh* of reed fort cur rrg_the bay and rt etilu l�has pa sed itis f est year with he fruit r�cJeketh y • aap� honors, at the Ontaric111edited dollege. ian Dwli are •lar�ltd at �... Sri.: Sia sister v Local Notices: Olive, whet was also well The White Dyke ,U4 known here, baa just finished her first Ile e Chia. 01asiTEL4N BROS., CHataa we are told ars now being mad in where she Mtaking a nur►.'. course. 4 Cherries Wanted �» Highest price a set of then inst to Tabular is year et the tinnier hoepitai in Detroit, Doe's and Mantle -making, Plain* many bands and add great! to the Sewing Pressing end Cleaning Latiles programmes Over 50e tiokets - GONE TO QTIEBE,x A composite were so a 1 n on sta on or Glode A.ppareI,-ADDIS L. KAUFMAN, ld t C i t tl f .1 battalion to be known as "The Red rich, on Monday,. , .. The: late Peter Corp." has been, madieup from difte• McGre or, of Brucefleld, bein an rent volunteer battalione, to take'part in. they Teroentennary celebration at Quebec, those going from Ullnton be. ing Messrs Jas W Manning, Louis DR. OVENS,London, Surgeuu. Ocu- list, Specialist, will be at W. $. R. Oddfelrow, a number from outside ,;Holmes' Drug word`, on Thursday July , places attended his funeral on Friday 80th, O'assee properly fitted, deafness those from . Munton. being Messrs J !lcatarrhours1 andto4 fap,mili.ng eyesight treated. I Wiseman, 0 E Dowding, .A J Morrish, and F Jackson ..:The many friends. of Mine Bessie Buss, a former, resident I4OWit 451otplto. • of town,will regret tobear of the death last• Conductor UNUSUAL-On s bad eha morn the of at husband. a err r Gr d news ed eng r trngoi bad i 0 Geige a the Elsewhere appears the: report of the ing paneeng if train.going int o C theraEntrance examseeM Ilartle Princi l Q significance of We lies in the fact o Public c 3" pa that when the road was first. built, Mr f the P bl c S hool, had 28 • pupils Rosa, helped to spread the ballast on writing, of whom 20 passed; the total: eince, cad 55, nuwhiohf included a wrote from. it, and had never been over the r cuteide schools and of these. 40 passed. held IVISION COURT•n Judge Holt a vary good percentage :, while: the couple o cases before day' were thered won't be airy more June brides, disposed of in a few minutes. When this year, dame rumor says there will be leftthe court room, hemcarr in a several September ones.; -„.The Y Fife and Druonlband is: to becongra„u- a very large and handsome bouquet o Iated on its success at Goderich; Josh sweet peas, presented him .by Chief Oooe's combination is hard to beat.... Wheatley. At a recent•provincial Gun' contest in LARGE LEAVES ..- On Saturday Oalgary,Dr John Gunn,late of Clinton Mr Amos Oaesels, 'while out in the tied in second place; winning 'a Rem- bush, gathered a handful of maple ington gun; Dr J E Holmes, of Saska-. -leaves; their unusual size attracting tons, formerly of Clinton„ was also his attention He left a ..number of one of the prize winners, ...The mem, them at the New Era office. They hers of the Orange Lodge expect • to measured a foot across, which is par• hold a garden party on the 4th ofAug, titularly large, ust. probably on the lawn of Mr P Manning, William Muni Mills A Forrester and Walter Wines; also Captain McTaggart. They expect to leave Friday morning for London, at which place all the western corps mob ilize, and then proceed: to Quebec.• THOSE WINDOWS=On Saturday a certain popular Clintonian, well known for his courtesy and gallantry., was comm down on a train from Roderick, In .she seat ahead a lady was. vainly trying' to raise an Obstinate window, so he graciously leaned oyer, and raised the window for her. Across the aisle was ;another lady to whose assistance he came in like manner, and he resumed his meat with the feeling of haying done a kind service to a couple of the fair sex. But he was eel settled in his seat before fleet on window slipped down with a bang,. and then the other, a little to the amusement of the passengers, and the annoyance of our friend, who. in plain old Anglo-Saxon vented his opinion of a railroad that bad such cars the iihipley, Mannan :71pp��Chas etcher- n,Vict Goodwin, Graben, Mafia dT b hn a inutyf tion of Mrs Oantelon.....Mr Thos 'Moore, Sr., of, windows would not remain up when. Goderich, formed of Clinton, is very raised, • I leading musicians of town assembled ill at present, and is recovery. is very at ber home, on. Friday evening, then- doubtful:.... , A horse !reins ginSto Me o Isaac'Bezzo dropped de :on .the street Mondaymorning.,..•Mrs Moser who: died in Colborne, on Sunday, was the grandmother of Mrs John Garden. sr.,...,Tho birth coliiopn will tell you why some .of out business men wear a broad sm'le...,..,Theopen'air concerto, given by the Citizen's Bane on Thurs• day evenings seem to be much apprec- . iated•yudged by the crowds that listen thereto....The early closing arrange- ment made by the grocers. has fallen, 7 y a recital given b_y some ot her pup- ils. Mr. George ' Fegerson and Miss Leila Hoover gave sabred piano selec- tions. while Miss Lillian Coats render- ed a nouple of vocal pieces ; all, of which were well executed and great- ly appreciated. SALARY INCREASES --- In In the supplementary estimates just brought down to parliament, some of the Civil Servants get comfortable increases to their salaries, Mr. R. R. Farrow, (son of T. Farrow, Sostmaster, Brussels,) who is Commissioner of Customs, gets a raise from $3000„,to: $3600 ; Prof. W. R Brock,(son of the late Rev T. Brock, through.. --Sew iiay.is. walling at $7 a ton .....Considerable wheat has al- ready been cut ,in the neighborhood of, Exeter, though we have not heard of any being' cut inthis immediate vioin- formerly. of Clinton,) goes up from ity....... Wild raspberries are plenti $2,200 to $2,800.' • foil, and sell at 6c per ib.. ..Victoria Street, from the Post Office to the PRIZEWINNERS -At the Bowling railroad track, is now as, good a piece tournament in, Stratford. last week, of road as can be found in Ontario Messrs J Taylor and R Agnew did, not the work pout on it, both by . the street participate in the rink., games, but gang and Mr Morrell, with his engine, made an entry te play doubles in the a credit to all concerned .... Hund - last two days, and were successful in reds of baskets of fruit are now being winning first prize,which was a Want- shipped daily by local dealers. ...Mrs iful silver mounted salad bowl, with . Thoe McDonald, of the 8th con., of ladles. ” This is the second time this Goderich Township, sent us some fine season they have been prize ' winners ripe tomatoes, picked on the llth of. in .doubles, having' been winners at July; this is -exceptionally early...... the, recent Seafortintournament. ; They Mr Thos Wiggington, of town, has seem to be a hard pair to beat. at, bought out the well drilling apparatus doubles. of Mr Il Bevansand will put the same Smith, . man.... Owing: to the continued ill who bas the contract for the painting : health of his wife, and , the house be- . of the Baptist church, has begun • the Sig larger than re uired; Mr Jacob work, and. will push. it to completion g as quickly as possible. Mr Smith has . Tayylor has rented hispresent residence just finished the to Mr D cluff,manager Organ Factory u painting of the rest- who gets possession in a 'month; he se-. once of Mr. J. (Tardus,. lie. also .has cures. a very comfortable and . conven- 'lentresiden e..... Dr Thompson who carries a $5( Accident Policy, receiv- ed a' cheque from Jacob Taylor, agent of the company, for $106, on Tuesday,. for injuries sustained. by him `.a short time ago • • 1'he_follow.ing s froze London paper, refers to a nephew of Rev Fe Hanlon:Thomas Hanlon, son of the late Thomas. and Helena Hanlon died at the residence of'his -grand- almost eeverything innpid shape of and t mother,= Tuesday, after a long illness; ett a the shape Jvet I the little fellow was 18 months.' old,. we have is been referring l alma , this is the third death in the family?. ver ya ssue a this' spring ing intithing 1 Mr Thos Hanlon; 'formerly- baggage - ',or td eome master. at the. G T R station, died with l,nr other that is the bur large; but' , typhoid fever, and_, shortly afterward nothing right one the street atks that .• the boys inotheedied,leaving hien and are h end grigg the Fonstreet t7ie; a twiii sister ',who still survives. , .: • north end of Foundry. • There is • really a magnificent crop of thew;of The wife: of Mr •:H W :Cook had the course it may not look: well•for them' ' misfortune to slip -,:on ':the. steps, •en to be<ona street, in.fun view of every- !'Wednesday, breaking one'rib, and body coding from the station.', . But r fracturing another...... Things., are, • then,; nobody is likely to notice them. I booming at the Organ Factory, especi- At any rate' nobody has noticed.them, : allyy. 'lithe Piano `:department, where; or they would;never have been allow- ordsrs are coming in daily in excess ed to attain their present dimensions ,•of the supply. ... .Boring has reached •r.a:depth of 350 feet, and a: •:very strong i S S• EXCURSION -Under conditions. • flow of running water has been struck that were ideal the Sunday School ex-: it havin filled the well to a depth of cursion to Goderich on Thursday last, �' of. about200.feet..:..:The White Dyke was a great success, . There were near- Band will play: in . the .band stand, to,; ly 500 people on the special train, Sea night,' the, Citizen's Band having' an forth contributing the greater num. en a_ ementat aBa fiel garden art ig t um g y d party ber,garden e while Clinton,CliMitchel, •..The liegi in daywill be observed stns, •-Stratford, , n v and other stations also sent good-sized on a Mondaythis year instead of crowds. Goderich is a splendid place Thursday as formerly; this is done: be; for a picnic or excursion and every- cause Commercial travellers objected thing was done to_ give the visitors a to the day coming in the middre of.the' good -.time. The.White Dyke Band, , week; it is a • good change......The which' accompanied the excursion,add- ; new Tercentenary postage `etanaps' ed very much to the day's pleasure,for will be on sale at the post office in a Pn addition to::play:ing'on the Harbor few days, they are the - same' prices as ark grounds, which were headquar- • the oldones,and good for all purposes. ters, they also: played in Court House •. H, F Gadsby,,the• best,.descriptivve Park in.the afternoon,. and at the wit in Canada, has been engageds Gran i, Trunk station in the' evening. editor of the Canadian edition of Col- .'heir music- was well rendered ' and . hers; he taught in • Clinton '''Collegiate thoroughly appreciated'by all '`who for. two weeks some years ago. • heard them. IMPROVEMENTS -Mr W TS` li in charge of a thoroughly competent the contract for the painting of Mr. Aberhardt's residence in Seafortb..... The residence of Mr's. J. Holloway is being improved by the addition of teat of paint ; this property ie worth considerably more money than when urchased-by-Mr-Holloway;- reason of improvements. A FINE CROP'- OF ITS KIND Jackson's Mid=summer Sale. Still Going on The' lines we have been offering for.. the past two weeks, are about all cleared out, Below we giveyou a list of choice new goods, all the ' sizes are not represented in every lute, but your size is sure to be found in one or more styles, and you can save money on your; present or future needs, if you buy while this sale is on. 30 pairs Ladies' Patent Volt Oxfords, all sizes, 8 to 7, regular $2.50, for •.,..•.••..•.••,•••••••••....a...$,L98 13 pairs Ladies' Patent Oxfords, plain toe, sizes 2f to d, - regulex $8, for.....••.••.•.••••.••r..•••+••r•••••• 2.40 27 pairs Ladies' Patent Oxfords, Goodyear welt, alt sizes, regular $g50,.for •,....,......•.•.••........•.....•. 2.80 15 pairs Ladies' Patent Button Oxford ' Welts, all sizes, regular $8.50, for.•,,...•.•...•••••.i.V•... 2.80 'I pairs Ladles' Chocolate Kid Oxfords, regular $4, for.... $,20 9 pairs Child's 8 -strap Sid Sandiest sites 8 to &, reg. $1.00 70e, 11 pairs Child's 4 -strap Sid: Sandals, sizes 8 to i.0, " 1.25 900'' 18 pairs Child's Choorlate Kid Slipper; sizes 8 to 10, 1.15 900 12 pairs Child's Patent slippers, sizes 8 to40, regular 1,10 85e TERMS STRICTLY CASH. :r-rf Repairs While You Wait. Fred. Jackson. • ,Hammocks Summer is here and hot weather is near, when there are few things so, desirable asa hammock, few things as. .cool, comfortable, and restful. Croquet A good. ° gentle outdoor sumnlier game. We offer a line.desirable in style, finish, quality, and price four, six or eight balls. Dominion . Express Money Order are safeconvenient, cheap, payablea ble in Canada d a or United States. Xssued any' bUsinesshour "of the day. The D W. Y.j Often the Che .est '-- #t fire •. Alper►,$ the Bost awe r I�rofits, ging Mere Saturday. We are carrying the largest stock of Dry. Goods.' in town: .W e buy in Large quantities, at the very closest prices,nd mark our goods ac- cordingly, c- cordin 1, giving our patrons cityprices in all cases,e. knowour. gy:gg P, W goods are the cheapest in town DO YOU? ` Deal where. you get.the best value.' We import all our. goods from the- largest Dry•:Goods • Pg.� for house in Canada, a firm that, has a Life-long record for DRY GOODS AT THE BEST PRICES. Bydealing with us, you get the best that brains and machinery can produce. ;During . this month, we. -are slaughtering a great many many lines in summer goods. Cents make dol- lars, and you will save a great many ' . dollars, by buying from ,us. See These Money -Saving. Values Saturday. Lawn Y Off La w Waists. /Off. cariiO4. . •_ .. Lawn and Mull :.'• ars in teat `•gam•---- ,' Wuol:.ancLTs este: rete, •Car is .varlet. from the cheapest to the .best, a - R— _X_P Pn Y P � and ;Squares: ' Every�•deslgn new . an bought. this ::season: • Saturday, rday.. your' choice of ;_. our stock at Otte:glarter• ofi'regular prices. Off Linojeurne made right and fit guaranteed.' Choice of our entire` stock Y Saturda at; One-quarter off regular prices. h Off Mullins. Do 'rvarit. a 1Vl �s ' _ you 11n Dress.? If you do com e to us Saturdayand see the many; new designs and colorings' on our ••at Bargain counters g y. One-quarter of regular prices. %. Off all Whitewear. The season for Whitewear is at its height, but not so with us. 'We want room and empty shelves for new goods, which means White ;Underskirts, :Cor- set movers, Night Robes, Drawers, etc.' to go at One.quarter off regular prigles. • Linoleums,.in.two, three and four yards wide. Maims' best make of Oil- cicth cloth and Flooroils, in I, i and 2 yards wide, Saturday One • quarter ofl`regular prices. English , Frintg, 1 lc Extra quality English Prints, . in light anddark colors,' goott width, heavy cloth. Realar Y z�c auZ1 15c, Saturday lie per yard. • • ' Saturdaysale • of artistic Millinery, in model shapes and Off Miahne,r�r. v. straws,• children s bonnets, etc:, at ; CNE -QUARTER OFF 'REGULAR PRICES.. MISS CANTILON & . CO THE MEN'S STORE off Men's . Mats a . During this sale, we will `give' 25 per cent, off all Straw and. Outing Hats we have many styles . to choose from, and sizes are complete,; Men`'s Shirts, 39C ' 10 doz. Men's soft- fronted Outing. Shirts, in stripes and checks, light an dark colors, all sizes, regular 50c and Z fie lines, Clearing.: at . ga. 3Slc.. each 4 oft:Rain Rain Coats 50 Ready-to-wear Rain' Coats, 'u to -date cuts d perfect fitters. Well made; all sizes: Regular $8 for $6. reg:. $10 for. $7.50; reg. $12 for $9, . etc ✓ off Men's Umbrellas 50 Men's Umbrellas, to , go at 25 per cent. off during the sale. Assorted handles and pieces. Come in and 'take your choice at • per cent. .51 oUR WI DOy DISPLAY. •