HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-07-16, Page 5jury 16th, Imo,
of 'Watches
With us, is
thoroughly done.
Each time-pirce is taken
entirely to pieces, and
each minute piece is con-
scientiously c? e a n e d.
This takes timeand .much
care, and although every-
thing else is . higher in
price, we still charge only
Trust your watch to us
for safety and satisfaction
Jeweler and Optician.
Opposite the Market
ieyes Tested Free Free4011
Clinton Market Report.
porreotid ereri Timmy atorpoop
Wheat „r..,, +k,Rr•�,wR 80 to 80
Oats r, 0 48 to 0 48
Barley . 0W to Q5tr
Fells 0044 19•1.-.4.1#1,t(� 851w 085 t0'N1
Eggs, ..,,. „w,•.• 0lbto.010
Butter..,,.,,, . , ,,,. 0 16 to'18
aog e ,...Y _ 0000000
OblekePe, dry picked, ib 0 07 tc 010.
Doke, per lb., ,,,,.•,,, 008 to 0 10
Glasse. 13,. „ ,.... 0 4d to 0 1Q
Tettoatomar i itra
`•Hoes— This week Guano Ltd quote
1 for live hogs f o b $0.05; fed and water-
ed at Toronto 86,90, and for live hogs
off cars Toronto $7.15. Park Blackwell
quote for live hogs f o b $0,75 and $7.15
off cars at Toronto.
• Elanir-- Export ewes sold at from
$850 to $3,75,bucks at from 83 to $3.25
and spring lambs at $7 to $8 per cwt.
CATTLE — At West Toronto the
market run was a light one of 37 cars
with 777 head of cattle and 12 calves
but even this light run met with slow
trade, Had the run been a large one
there wou,d have been still worse re-
ports to make. :The lack of demand
at t the present time was very notice-
able, and the worst sufferer was the
export trade. At 85.90 to $5,75 export-
ers were off a good . solid dollar, from
quotations of two weeks ago. Medium
export cattle were quoted at $5 to $5.-
50,aud hulls at $L50 to $5, and cows at
$4,50 to 4.75,
House for Sale
Lane frame house and four lots on Victo
ria St., all in firer class repair. Aho gcod
house and lot on North Street. MISS
House to.Rent. '
The.brick house on Albert St., occupied
by the late Mrs. A. H. Manning, is offered
to rent. For particulars, apply to
JAMES SCOTT, Postmaster
an of goof, address and ability to re.,presen
t us at Clinton, A permanent
position for the right man, with a chance
of working into a general Agency, •
2in Toronto, Ont.
Machinery, cast iron., ....62,1c per cwt
Wrought Iron. 400 '"
Ltoves..... 42ic
Mixed iron ... -according to quality
.5c per lb
Rags Rubbers • .. . , .... ,45c per cwt
Horse Hair : 23c .per lb
Copper and $rasa . 7ic "
Sheet Zine andlead .2c.' "'
Bones, ...• . , . ..40c per cwt
Wool' pickings:. according to quality
• wE sE•L1.
Iron Fence . Posts at 25e each; Iron,
Pipe for fencing your lawn in; Candle
Sticks 63 a pair.
M. Jackson & Son.,
Albert St„Minton, 3 doors south of
:'Fair's mill.
Pall Terni Opens Sept. 1st
"Those who know bet the merits of this
school are is stauncheets supporters: '
` N,:.LIOTT`
This College stands FIRST in. Popularity..
Thoroughness and Genuine Merit. Go
where you will, you . will 'find our gradu-
atespushing to the front.'Their''superior
training, enables them. to: GET end OLD
first•class rositione. •College open all
summer. .Enter any '•time. Write for
catalogue. :
W. J. Elliott, Prin.
l'or. Yo.nge & Alexander, Toronto
tock -Reducing Salt!
aiker.& Ross”
. sideratio. we have decided to put on a sal; and when we
FTER a great deal, of consideration, rl,
sayStock-Reducin Sale, WE MEAN .
g IT, We are making a noise, like a man
doing business. We have never put.on a sale in Clinton, and we will make, this
one to be remembered. Last July, we advertised' some lines, and it paid us to cut the price
on them, but this sale isdifferent—the price on every article in the store will be cut -fox the
balance. of July and all of August, POSITIVELY NO' LON'8tER, so if you want to grasp
the opportunity which is knocking at your door, come andshare in the • 15ARGAINS• that
prevail• throughout every denattment,of the store.
Dresser. s and Stands.-
The best c.olle°
tion outside of a
city to choose
from, Prices
range from•.
59.50. to '810,50;
$11.50, 513, $14,
$17, $21: $2i, $26,
$28, 833 535 and
up to $45.00.
Sale -price •.
per cent.
A swell cilitetron to select from. Some beauties in the
lot. Nunsreserved. The, prices cut cur every one.
This is .4 Rare Bargain.
Extension - Tables .
Six Ext nsion Tables, re P
reg. p rice. $ I t; $12
and $13, ''Stock -reducing price, choice for
8.9.50 and $1.0.00• •
Three .only reg $9.50 for .$7.50,
All the above Tables are Surface Oak, nicely finished:.
• Entend eight feet.. •.
Boards -20 per ct ofrf
:.B>ffets :..
Regu ar$55"for'$ �-2;. $5. for $45; $25.'for
h • 4 5.3
•$1:8. �111 the .Buffets' are .• in select. i -cut
Oak, :polished.: ,
Three Specials in
bite Lawn .Shirt blasts.
Special No. 1 '
Fine white Lawn Shirt. Waiets, embroidered fronts,
tucked backs. f sleeves -•these goods are brand new
styles. Just nine of these left,, and in order to clear
them out, 'we offerthem to you at a great reduction in•go
price,. • Regular $1,25, for •
Special No.:?
Just four of this line left these are fine white Lawn, .
embroidered trimmed, 4 sleeves, tucked backs, were
splendid value at $1460 but for quick selling, our asp
price,.now. ... ',, •._, ... . ...,,.., 4,. , ,
Special No., 3
Fine white Lawn Waists, fronts trinicned, with:
tucks and lace, tucked backs, sleeves, buttoned 371
fronts, good value at75c;our Orrice , I 2
Hosiery Special'
Just five dozen of this parttoutar-lbie left; sixes 8i,. -
9 and 9i, nice,, fine lace cotton hose reg, price 25c, to Igo
clear at , �77V
oxo••414.•► •rw*.w• %I,* +a 41H0s41.0.404.0e
Childress Black' Cotton Rose, small sizes only I
• - while they last -.only. - a
5c a pair. i
•••'s4• o ooso 4440•••••••••••••••••••40444N
Black Sateen Skirts
Black Sateen Skirts, full size, good quality, reg -n
ular .$1,00 for quick selling . , . 691
Black Sateen Skirts, fine quality, large sizes. cleat fifty, �7 ,.74
ly trimmed; with Vandyke frills, reg $1,25, our price..
Clearing of Muslins
Fancy Ditriitiee;spot Mus' ins, suitable. for childrens
or misses 'dresses, these, were cheap .at .our regular
► so'C weoffer them to 1
price of setting but to clear ur P k q
you at exactly, half price, reg. 15c selling, now at • .., .. 1241
Every Courtesy Attention
•�•and A
Awaits You Here.
Rall Term Opens Sept. 1St .
The sooner you complete a course in
this school, the sooner you may expect to
hold a position of trust. Our courses are
thorough and practical. Our students al-
ways succeed. We assist graduates to
positions. We have three departments:—
Commercial. Shorthand and Telegraphic.
We employ experienced instrlrotors. Cate:
loupefree. -
Elliott •Sc McLachlin
.Thii Ranted
Married. man. experienced in general
formwork. Apply et Plumeteel Brae.'
store. -H. PLUhlSTEEL.
Teacher Wanted.
Wanted,teacher, male er female, . Nor
mal preferred. for S.b. No. 10, Goderich
Tp. Duties to commence after summer
holidays;., _;Applioatione, personal or other-
wise, up to July1742. PETER COLE.
i Sec., Clinton P.O,
Clothing at I
• s .s ..
Fu.rnishin -s
e Summer, er, Sults
2 Pies mmt 5
All the newest styles, single. and double-breasted.
Just the thingfor summer outings. •
Unlined Coats r
in black, stripe Lustres, Tweed, white, and black
and white Duck.
Summer Underwear
at 5oc, 75C, $1.00, $1.25, Special value at .50c. •
5oc. 75c,- $ t.00. $r.25, and $2.00. . Special value
at 75c.
Straws, Canvas, Chip -Felts, etc.
Tailoring Clothing - Furnishings,
Iron 'Beds
: 30. in the lot, arid at the stock•i`educin price, they
will be quick sellers, 20 per cent. discount off
every bed over $0: below $6,10 per cent, discount.
All sizes... ,
Prices range from $.90 up: to $ 8,00;
Wire Hammocks
Strong. and servicable, fully guaranteed,`
will: last a life -time. Reg, $3.50 for'$2.50.
'Only thrc e'1eft..
Sewing Machines
Bed :Springs
x"'"54 Bed Springs, req. prices $2.50, $2.75, $3• $3.50.
Stock. reducing Sale price 25 per 'cent off
Profits are lost sight of through this sale. Only
Ittwo Springs supplied toany one customer.
'Our stools is limited -oily- 30 in the kit, so' act
• quick,,forithis' is a: b"hance for you• to get a
$5 Matress„for '$3:75:. -,25, per cent off.
pie They are in a fancy art tick, Sea grass and Whitt•
cotton filling; Guaranteed purely •sanitary. •'We
. - would not handle a cheap Matress,
Buy the best on
the, market --'The
Prices for 5 -drawer
drophead, solid oak
polished, fully guar-
anteed, range from
$19.r5 to $45 co.
Picture Framing.
In this branch, we can please the most
particular patron.
-Pianos: and Organs
. We . are sole agents for the world -renown.-
.ed Doherty Pianos•'and-Organs, ¢for which
we control a large territory.. •
Fancy Rockers"
25 per ceni,, off all Fancy Rockers. '
Here is: a chance to'get some high• class `..
Rockers at what a cheap' one .would;"cost
you. A good selection to choose front
Parlor Suites
Seven in the lot, Now here is where we will be
• heard. The noise willsoon stop, When the people
who have any notion of buying a Suite. will visit
this Stock Reducing Sale - .
$6i Suites for $50; $55 Suites for $45;
$36 Suites for $2o;'$48 Suites for $39.50,
others as low in proportion,
A clean sweep will be made of all odd
pieces. A. visit through our 'Upholstered - -
goods will surprise you.
J. 8. !blower.'
Nielson Sall.
We. Refer to . Furniture
now in use in many homes to prove
is quality'. People always like our
urniture more .and more as they
learn its fine wearing qualities for
actual service.
LOCK 000»
' 110 1Y/ VER
but it's use that brings out the real
quality, it. you need Furniture,
buy it here, where attractive ap-
pearante is matched by equally at-
fraetive honest ' in construction.
That each furniture is the cheap.
est you will agree after you have
used it and learned its worth*
V'ei ands -
Chairs. "
We carry an extra good -
line d Veranda Chairs,
and this Sale should put
many in 'others hands,
,Sale price $f.O0 only. .
Rugs! .Rugg! .Rugs!
Enough said ; ,away they go ; profit
. will never be thought- of: .We must ie. -
'duce our stock,and we can surprise you
with the selection of Velvets, Brussels,
Wiltons,• Smyrna's, and 'Unions.' Prices
nearly cut in two. Doz't let this chance
go by .without seeing for yourself. No
trouble to show them. We went: to make
our Rug room the busy';one.
Veranda Shades
Split Bamboo Shades keep cool; 'i'hey
won't cost you much:, if you buy now.
Sizes S ft.; 8 ft., Io ft., for .75c,.$1.5o and
$2.00, cernplete with ropes and pulleys;
ready to hang. -
• Second - hand 5- octave Organ for sale
cheap, and on small weekly payments.
Oo-Carts .
Lay away your Carriage, it's
too heavy to use these hot days. •
Get the little ones a folding .Go.
Cart, -which tan be carried under
• -� your arm. 10 inch Wheel, 'rubber -
tires, green enamelled, reg. 93 50
and $4.00, Only four left, so. don't
Miss this chance. Your choice for only' 100,0
Slim Prices -
- Small profits.
Stout Values ' Quick returns
It is Not Whatyou . Pay,
Butthe:�"aue You Oe
Commeucin ' Friday. 4fuly loth we will offer ex-
ceP tional' values in several lines of footwear `during
'the balance of :the. month: We wish.,'to "clear out"
all ourbroken'lines, before getting in ourfall stocks.
$3.00 Pat. Blucher • Mat, kid. top••. ...,$2.25.
1.50 and. 1.75 Kid Blucher and Balsa 1.25
2.75 Patent Oxfords, clearing at ;
' 225 Kid Oxfords, patent tip, at
1.50 and 1.75 Kid Oxfords, at.. -
Ladies' strap slippers at
' 250 Kid Blucher, at .:... . 1.88 -
2.00 Grain Bale, at ' 1..75
1.75 and 1.50 Split Eats, at:; .:. , . • .. . .. 1;35
:1.75• -
A" Snap for Joys
Boy's $2 Box Calf Blucher, at....
These :goods will be placed out on our counters
your inspection Come early and get the "BEST.
.1.50: .
, Music Emporium) �..oAI�,E
liNAIN it yWi'liliIMMAIWAIII1i 1 iY>ttti 1 Y
NOTICE—This store closes on Thursday evenings at 6 o'clock,.
during duly and August.
Remnant Sale.
Remnants of Dress Goods, Muslins and Prints,
Flannelettes, ,All kinds. Come right away, and
buy- our mill ends of Blue ]Derry at far •below cost. -
Splendidly tritemed White Underskirts a' 51, 1.25 and 1,50.
Ladies' White Cambric N*ht Gowns at 76o, 51, 1;25, 1.50
and 1,75. - -
Ladies White Cheniles at 50e, 75e, DSc and $1.
Black trisderskirts worth $1.3it for 81.00
This Black 'Underskirt is the best value we have had•in years,
In lengths of 38, ,40 and 42 inch and at $1.00, •
White WaiSts at Reduced Prices '
81 for 855e $1.25 for 51; $1.G0 for 51.20; $2 for $1.50; $2.255• for
d1.75 $2.50 for 52; 58 for $2.50; $2,15 for 82,25; $3.50 for 53.00,
(lash for Batter and Eggs.
- —
B .-. , i1NpERTA•EING
Night evils r ALKER
Promptly { \ .ria.►. �.� ,
Attended to
Furniture Dealers and Undertake'
St ClintOirli
TOMS Ca h er Pradttce BLYTH