HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-07-16, Page 1• n. kw . t. will. for the Clinton NOW' Ura to new Can. adla#t subscribers to the end of the year it you wish to know what is going on la your neighborhood read eke New Orth: EsTAshraBan 1866 No. 801 ROBS'. maims. Pnblliber, THE ROYAL BAN OF QANARA. CLINTON BRANCH PAYS SPEGIAL, ATTENTION TO SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Le°" FARMER'S BUSINESS garPlkilOrtiotiursts. Men's Summer Suite, Morrish epee1 The Molsons Bank. C E Dowding1 Best in the world. W 8 R Holmes. , ..1 "The whole town, Newcombes.... , , s A. hot season, Harland Bros 4 Sale news, rlumeteel Bros... 4. 'Tercentenary, C P R 4, Wanted, Mrs M D McTaggart 4 Chickens wanted, N Trewartha4 Peter's List, Jas Campbell 4 Stock -reducing sale, Walker & Ross 5 Bring your Goods, M Jacdson & Son -k5 'The cleaning _ot watches,Hellyar5 • We refer to Furniture, Hoover 5 "These Specials, Couch & Co 5 Remnant Sale, Poplestone.:..... 5 'Northern Navigation Co • 6 - Pianos,, Organs,etc , J. H. Chellew7 Save our profits, Tozer & Brown...- Jackson's row aackson's Midsummersale,F �.8 Jackson 8 Mcve On, Hodgen Bros 8 To Advertisers Copy for.tihanges of advertisement must be handed in by Tuesday Right. Small transient ads. will be received up to Thursday morning. Keir Hardie threatens to resign :Ms :seat in parliament and to seek re•elects ion on the issue ofis ex io h clus nfrom 'the King's garden party. imve Mcli chop DEATH- The death occurred in Me. Sinop of pTcw nahi p on-Fr iday of W m. "MacGregor. aged2OveaxB. Deceased was quite pu1aramong a wide circle friendsLast winter a had an un- usually hard attack of measles, and, when almost well, contracted a very severe cold. Complications followed, , and in spite of -all care, •the disease could not be stayed, The funeral t place Sunday afternoon to Maitland. hank cemetery and was very largely attended. Porter's Hill Warns -Mist Jennie and Edith Young who have been visiting in Buffalo, re:. turned home last week. Ul'dah 'New. ton and wife, of Detroit, visited at Clem Newton's this week.' Mr. and Mrs Robertson, of Kingarf, spent Sun- day at Peter McDougall's. John: Pick- ard, of St. Mary's,is visitinghis father this week. Ruby and Pearl Potter, are spending their holidays in Colborne Miss Florence and Alda McDonald, re- turned to Detroit on Saturday, . Mrs. Betties, who has been visiting .in De, trait, returned home on Wednesday. . vernal: Cannon A special sermon was preached to the brethren of the Orange Order of Varna in the Methodist church, by the ppastor, on the evening of July 1 12th. Rev. A H Brown, B. A. B. ;. D., is attending the Missionary Normal Training school, under the auspices of the London conference Ep- worth League now being held tit Alma. College, St. Thomas. 1"91"m"*"•S 0 0' stenographers and Telegraphers. trained by our management last y ea aper once counts.': Graduates "racist - successful. osb_successful. Speoigl Course for Teachers. Mail Courses. .send postal for• partia- ulars. 4 . FALL TERM .OPENS; SEPT, est, CLINTON BWSINE89'..• COLLEGE : Ci. S ootton. :Pdn pal. P Geo., Morr��h & C o ks ReadpmadeOrdered Clothing roClothing Men's Swnrner. . Grasp this Opportunity o e epee. Yu o r Summer ` eSulfi' • We have had a bigbusiness in 'Mens um • s S mer Suits, consequently we v a1 q y have severs broken lines and sizes. We don't want to carry a:single.suit over,; so they must: go Two only, Men's light gtey WORSTED $1100liIT r SUITS, regular ► g $15,, for ,. .. •Two only Men's Homes un TWEED Suits •: 85 Regular i z foro Three only, Men's Homespun TweedSuits • y p , 7.5 R0e 1r' u a 0 and ' z 11 for biz � � . ._. Two oily, LIGHT TWEED SUITS, Regular uar far 9 5.0 B.S a Four only, Men's dark g ''" Homespun' feen • 5 o 0Su!s regular 8 ofor.. • Three only Men's dark blue Suits, , with 35 0 smallstripe, t e regular 0 for.. p , g �$:$ .,epe, .,p. . ilorrisn &C-roaI$4 "King" and "Borsalino" Hat Headquarters. " A Square uare Deal For EveryMtn," q t n" THE MOLSONS BANK n Incorporated 1855 Capital, - ' - • • • 3,3V1,000 � 1. Rest Fund"a $3,37000 Has 66 Branches In Canada, and; Agents and Correspondents in a the Principal Cities in the- n all Principal World. A GENERAL RANKING BUSYNESS TRANSACTED. • SAVINGS • BANK DEPARTMENT at all ltranches, Interest allowed at highest elirrelit rate. Clinton Branch, . W C. E DOWManager. .DING, 4 MINTO,N. - PNTARIO: T'HURSI AY God•rieb. To RUN Exonaeu N-- Goderich will have another excursion tom T or on t1on A u ut8whe the Orangemenw• Ouedouble excursion froatanof e. One train going toSarnd on coming to. Goderich. Tickets Tick to for the Goderich trip will be good.from Sa • urday to Monday. A baseball match was, played Mon- day in Goderich between the home team and the Kincardine nine, This wag a game in the Lakeside League, and the home boys won out by a score of nine runs to three. The batteries. were: Goderich-Tait and. V Dean. Allan Dorf and Mcerdgor. The marriage took place Monday morning at St Peter's Church of Mise l road,to r ter Rose Doyle, daughter of hire Lam tus, Bayfield M Skelley, of Winnipeg. M es ioyle was a profess• ional nurse and for a time resided at Winnipeg. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev Father McRae. STORH. WAS. BUST- Monday was a great day for the hotels in Goderich in more ways than one. In the first place, there . were the hungering multitudes of Orange visitors• to feed but; besides this, in two .cases there were additions to the proprietors':. families, mine host,of the British, and mine host of the Colborne House,each with a daughter. being. presented It is 15 years since such an event happen- ed in, the home of Mr Swi.rts. • bo of b oro E • Arron SETTLER DIES -An . old and highly respected resident of Colborne township passed away Sunday even. ing at the home of W Durst, Maitland concession, in the person of Mrs. J. O. Moser.. She was in her 85th year, and her death was due to old agge, rather' than to any s eciflc ailment. The de-' ceaeed was born in Germany,and came to this country with her parents when'about twenty years 4f age. In 1846 she was happily united to her late husband, This union was blessed with eleven children, 7 sons and 4 daughters,' Four sons and one daughter, preceded her to the , blessed rest The family settled in Ellice township, and Mrs Moser remained ,here until the death of her husband, some twenty- eight wenty- ei htyears •ago.. For about' six years she lived at Blyth, and since then has made her home withher. son=in-law, W. C. Durst. She is sur- vived by 'a sister, Mrs Denstedt, in Ellice township, and a brother,Chris- topher, in Fullerton township. Six children survive, John Moser, Blyth; Rev Henry Moser, of Sherriton Ill., ; Edward_ Moser, of : Naperville, Ill., ; Mrs Michael Schwanz and Mrs Duret, of Colborne ; Mrs, Wisner, of Sunny- side,' Wash. For the last half century ye the deceased had been a member. of •theEvian elcal Association. The re- •mains were taken to Holmesville, and then by train to Sebringville,for inter- minton Tuesday. • Gloderlch Tovnshlp ASSESSMENT Mamma •-=. The' follow- ing figures are taken from the assess- ment roll of Goderich Township for 1908: Valueof land, 81,401,870 value of buildin • s 324 700• business asses:. men A-1; •.. tote assessment, $1,727,- 870. Total number of acres, 52,231; cleared; 42,299; woodland, 2746; slash, 1,431; waste and 'swamp, 5,847. Popu- lation 2,000,: • DEATH - One of the • early settlers of (Aherne died here on Wednesday, in the person of MrJohn .Cornish,aged 90 years. and 4. months. He was the father of Aire . ;D Glidden;. of the llth con., and hadmade: his home here for the last three years. He has not been. in good health for sonieitime, suffering both, f o r m droopy and diabetes "• He was a man held in high esteem, and. a believer in the teachings of the•Latter Day' Saints. The funeral tock place to Usborne, on Thursday, where other members of his family reside, • A special anniversary ser- vice was conducted in :.St. . John's church on Sunday morning last, the preacher being the Rev W H Dunbar, -Incumbent. There was a large, gather- ing of the .brethren comprising the members of L 0 L 306,. besides repres entatives from other. lodges. The church was filled to overflowing, and al seemed'to enterheart'1 ' 1 i into the service, The chants and special hymns were beautifully rendered by. an • effi- cient choir under fficientchoirunder the able leadership of the organist, Miss Emma Burnett. The preacher took for his text, Num- bees 15.38; from which he preached a splendid 'sermon, having special refer- ence to the occasion, which was listen- ed to with wrapt.attention by 'the en-: tire congregation At : theconclusion •the brethren heartily thanked mem- bers of the choir'and the preacher for. the : servicewhich ••they4had so thor- woughly enjoyed. Intended For Last Week SO11oo1,'REPORT-The following is report of S S No4 for J unle, the names being arranged in order of merit, 4th -Vera Lobb, 'Beulah Nesbitt. Sr. 3. - Nellie Townshend, May Sinclair, Har- old Lowery, Frank Lobb. Jr. 3 -Lulu Lobb, . Isabel Sinclair, Helen Nesbitt, Herbert Stoddart, Willie Townshend, Sr 2 -Alvin Townshend, Everett Lodi- ery, Mamie Biggin. Part II Emma Nesbitt, Beryl Huck, Olive Stoddart. Pt I - Gracie Tebbutt Morgan Jones.'' Holmesvllin LEG BROKEN-MrsMulholland,while picking cherries on Friday last, had the misfortune to . fall from the tree and'break her leg. • NoTEs-Mr Trewartha is buying all the chiokene he can get, as they are wanted for guests at. the Quebeccele- bration; having already sent about 100 there. After school starts Mr Geo Phipps will ,continue to buy all that he can secure. A broad smiles wreaths the face of our popular teacher over the arrival of a beautiful baby girl. It is pro;,oeed to introduce ' the coupon system in connection with the finenc ial support of the, Methodist church here. 8ruceiisdd lloTES -Last week Mr -Lock. one of the employees of the bricklayers, who are worki ng on the Presbyterian church, fell a distance of 22 feet ; he was nit seriously injured, and has gone to his home in Guelph, ..Miss Martin, Hamilton, is visiting her sieves, Mrs John Aikenhead, Tuckersmith. gnuncu-The anniversary services of the Brucefleld Methodist church will be_ held next. Sunday, July 1etb. bermone will be preached at 2.80 p. m. and seven, o'clock in the evening by . Rev S L Toll B. A., B. D,, of Reusall The. Brumfield and Varna -choirs will furnish suitable music for the occasion. Liberal collectionsare kindly asked' for, . to aid the trust funds of the church,.. ACCIDENT -O UMonday morning last our village was saddened to learn that George Munroe hadfallen from the. roof of his new butcher shop, a fall of 30i feet. Re was just prepar- ing to shingle, when in some manner he fell from the roof to the ground. John Kaiser saw him fall from across the street, but 'was too far away to render assistance. Dr Rodgers was .at once called, and with help he was car - tied to the house, where everything was done that could be done• for him, He became unconscious,and isat pres- ent very low. DEATH - Mrs Anna Rose, of Stras- burg, Sask-r recently received a cable from England, of the death of her ron- in -law. Rewe Mr. Grace, missionary at Allalahad. India. He, with his wife, (nee Mien Bessie Ross ( eRoss,) and three sone recentlyy, left India for a much needed rest where he had labored for eight years. On. reaching England he be- came ill of fever. His " brother, Dr. Grace and nurse, did allthat was pos. Bible for him, but on July and he pass - 'ed away to his .reward. He labored' for the Master, and death to himhad lost its. terrors. Aboutll years ago he. preached . in the Presbyterian church of our village for. two Sabbaths, while visiting in Clinton. Re was sent, out to India by. the Church of England, to carry out a new mission work of the Y M 0 A. Much sympathy is expressed for the young widow so well known in our midst,t-and the 3"fatherless boys. The funeral took place in England, the bereaved being a native of that place, Blyth. WE MIMO-A veryquiet wedding was solemnized on'T sday at. hig noon at the home.of Mr Alfred Carr, when his second daughter, Bettie, was married to Mr Ernest Bender, mer- chant of this place. 'The wedding was of the quietest nature,.. on account of the recent death ofthe bride's mother. The marriage was ,performed by the Rev Mr. Cooper, .of Blyth. The• bride was dressed in cream eolienne,trim. rued with Irish lacand silk, ad ' car': riad white roses. The bride'sgoing away dress -was of black chiffon tffet to with hat to match. The happy couple left for Toronto on ,the. 2;45 U. P. R., and on their return will reside on Drummond street. • Both bride and groom are well and favorably known in Blyth, and have the best wisher oi; a host of friends; • Constance NOTES -• MrHawke, of Clint( n preached in the Methodist church here Met Sunday, Wm. Button gave 1,'.' subject at the Epworth ue. Lea meet- ing Tuesday evening last. Chas; tit X., ter will take the subject next 1'uesciay evening. Mies De ver and nephew. E,r. gene McDonald of Seafort), aro visit,.ing friends in this vicinity .at present. A number of people of this place at- tended the Orange celebration at Gini,• erioh on the 12th, .. Summer • SERbf O ,-Rav :. N . air Dunbar Preached especial 'sermon: to the Orangemen last Sunday evening. :They Were ur - ed strongly to live up to their prince: pies and. altogether It was a masterly • discourse as, -•,-indeed; -all-the-reverend- gentleman's expositions of the divine word are, . • Cannon -Our church building has been. thoroughly renovated., A stone foundation was put under it the work being done by J. Colbourn: Th'eil the the interior n ork was proceeded with by J. Melville, Londesboro. The Win- dows were .• re•frosted, . the. woodwork painted and varnished and. the walla- papered. The expense of the itrprove- ments is borne by the Ladies Guild,the members of which indeed are desery credit. gg `n of great sit, •;,NOTS-Two. pupils from Mr Low- ery s school, Beulah Nesbitt and Vera Lobo, who wrote at the entrance,were successful in passing. Mrs Biggin has been improving the appearance other property by the addition of a quantity of paint, the work being done by Mr. Irwin, of Clinton. Mrs. Partello, of Detroit, hasbeen visiting at the oma of Mr. Jas. Stoddart and•Mr. Ii. Oakes. Miss' :Winnie Thompson, teacher of Blyth,is spending the holidays_�at home The Ladies Guild met'on•Wednesday afternoon' at the home ofMrs G Tyner Mise Mary Smith visited in Godrich the fore part of this week. Tuckersmltk DEATH 'OF MR WATT - On Thurs- day last. Mr Alex Watt; of the Mill road, died in his 80th year. ' Deceased was one of the early settlers of Huron. residing near Harlock for many years afterwards moving to the base line,a short distance from Clinton. He mov- ed to luckersmith about ten' years ago where he has since resided. He was a staunch Liberal, and member of the Presbyterian,churchla man held in the highest esteem. Awife andadopted son survive him. Zhe 'funeral, on Satur- day, to Harpurhey cemetery,' was largely attended Londesboro•-- Nevis -On Sunday eyening there was a very. full church on the occasion of the special sermon to the Orange. Lodge. Monday our village was almost deserted, the people going to Goderich some by G. T. R. some by C. P. R.,and several drove. Mies Leckie, of Hamil- ton, is a visitor atthe manse this week Haying is almost finished and some start- cutting fall wheat today. The last :wo weeks has been a busy time: picking cherries with very many around here and to the West ans.. Geo Snell spent a few days at Thorold eta tion and now goes to Denfield for a Sherr time. JULY 16, 1908. Fhe 12th Atgoderrieh • soot ox z y.�.r, in, "'sot ��.4Q i�iriiin aQt.wpsld, The streets of Goderlchwere ablaze with o oro n Mondayfor the Ora n e celebratio e'roalea leading toso n were early thronged with vehicles and the three special trains were heavily loaded. Two massive arches of cedars spanned the roadway on the route of this afternoon'sprocession, and ban- ners with words of welcome were to be seen everywhere. The excursion trains were run from Stratford,Guelph and Centralia, but the city termtuale were scantilyrepresented among. the 3,000 vititore, most of whom are frond points in the country, Fred Davis, past county master of Perth, wasmarshal of the parade, and the followinglodges were in the pro- cession: Hibert, Londesboro, Auburn Blyth, Dungannon, Belfast, Belgrave, Nile, Hensall, Walton, , Clinton,, Sum merhill, Bayfield, Winthrop, Seaforth. Rivereton, Colborne and Goderich. After the parade epeeches were given from a platform in the square. John. Wilford, past county master of North Huron was chairman. ' After addressee of welcome from Mayor Macklin and. Chairman Callow of the reception committee,' Rev C R Durrant, of Melbourne; Rev Wm Lowe, of Lunde ,n grand chaplain of Ontario West; Rev W H Cooper, of. Blyth, past Chaplain of •• Lambton county, and Rev W. F Graham, of Chatham, formerly of Eloderich, gave addresses.. , A vote of thanks was paid to the speakers on motion of Rev Dr Dougall and Hey R. Millyard, of Glode- rich. An exhibition of drumming was given by Willie Match, the flve.year- oldson of F Mutes of Clinton,: and was much admired and appp' lauded, fol- lowed by a program by the Goderich brass band. For the best fife and drum band Clinton won first place and Riverston band second. "A third competitor was the Summerhill band. , Londesboro; -Lodge-was awarded-the--prize-for-the- lodge withthe largest memberehip in' in the procession, with seventy mem- bers. This is the tenth year in suc- cession that this honor has ' gone to Londesboro. Hibbert Lodge took the prizefor•the.lode corning the far- thestdistance, and William Johnston, of L 0 -L. 813, :McKillop, was awarded the prize for the. oldest ' member in the procession, in active member- ship. Mr Johnston is 44 years of age. The day passed off without anything to merits pleasure. W Ingham ExonneiON.,The 'Winghaul Onion Sunday Schools will run their popular annual excursion from Mitchell. to Kin- cardine on Wingham s Ovid holiday, Thursday, July 30th'. Two special trair,s on that date. For time, fares and all,narticnlars see large posters. WEntaifi •i -A wedding took place at' 2 80 ih ednesday at the home of Mr. ,uul Mrs. Ed. Baer, When ,their second daughter, May Beatrice Victoria, was united in tnarriage:to Mr, Thornlinson of Woodstock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. i+,. Allen before a number of guests. Miss Gertio Baer, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid,and the wedding march 'was played by Mr. Cory .Scor. The bride will be ; missed in the Baptist Church, where she was an active worker.• Stanley NoTEs-Mr John Diehl cut his fall wheat,on Tuesday and • found it' a good. crop ; this is. very early. Mrs .Congo, .of Hamilton, is now 1t the hoiiye of Mr' John Moffatt forher summer holidays. Mrs. D. Melnnis and her grandson,. Donald McInnes;. of Detroit, and Mr. John'MeGi•egor, of ilarrisville, Mich., were last week attending the funeral of the .late Peter McGregor. Mr John McGregor and wife, of Guelph, were lasvisiting t week't a old home on the fourth. nooc iedby Mr. Willam a M 1�M Ewans nm a k balling at M all r c .14t and Mr Geo Baird's. It• is over forty years since he left. Stanley, and he found that considerable changes had. taken..place_in..that_pariod._Mrs Fllintt4. of.Seaforth and her sister,Mrs Monk • were last week visiting atthe home of; Mr Thos. Baird. Last week when Mrs Mal McEwan was on. the straw loft.a: board broke and she fell through to the -floor. below ; she received severe injur- ies; but we are pleased to say that she. 'is .slowly recovering. .Hayfield . • NOTES -The Rev Mr Moor;of • Spring- bankoireached in St Adrews Morning and evening of last Sabbath. 'Mr. and Mrs. Whiddon has returned from a. visiitto Strathroy:Mrs. 7.owsley; Tor- onto, formerly Miss Nellie. Marten, Marten, is visiting her friends here., Miss Stuart, of Toronto,. is the •'guest'of Mrs. Stan- bury. Miss Swarth, of Wingham, vis- ited at Mrs Heath's. Lieut L. Thom• son: has enlisted with the'London 7th. Fusileers :and will join that regiment for the tercentenary at Quebec. -.:The Methodist congregation will hold. a garden party on the 16th inst.,•a good ime my be expected. The White Dyke. Band, of Clinton, gave us anoth er visit Wednesday evening ; they are steadily improving, and are being well patronized by our citizens. - • Auburn Nous -Auburn 'Civic Holiday wi be he held on A u gust• 5th at Poin Farm ; Fa for'accomodp ation. apply 1 to H. Knox. Everyone is welcome. • Adattional. Sohn Zo risco, PAID BACK - This morning 'the members of :the Town Council and directors of the Doherty Organ Fac tory met in the Clerk's office to settle up mattes connection 'in 0 nection with the recent by-law affecting the factory. Mr Doherty handed the town a check for $5,000, being the amount agreed upon as meeting 1l the liabilities of. t ng a the' Doherty company, for the assis- tance rendered, it ten years ago, The town is to he congratulated upon hav- ing that much to the' good, and Mr Doherty deserves credit for his evi- dence of good faith, BOWLING NOTES -The Bowling Lawn relieves the monotony ;of man a dull summer afternoon. and nfTords considerable amusement to others than the players; time was when the play Ors numbered less than a half a dozen; now they number about "three score and ten;" a match between Mitchell and Clinton is expectedon the '-lawn here Friday. J.i Weis s giving a box of cigars for. competition Among the bowlere,and thecontest will take place on Saturday afternoon at 3, 'o'clock; "Jim",has got to be a verylenthusiastic bowler. The greens have never been in such shape as they are at present, and Mr Courtice deserves credit for his work. ODDFELL0WS-Mie J G Stanbury, of Exeter. D D G M installed the fol- lowing officers for'Ulinton Lodge No on Tuesday evening: -After the businese of the evening ,was attended to, the -company enjoyed a good lunch. Which was served by mine host Niro - wens. The following is a Hat Of the officers installed:-- P G -N. Renner N -11, Alexander V G A. 0. Turner it SAH, J. Gibbings P S-3. Wiseman Treas-R.13, Chant ' 1l 5 N G-J,H. Korr L s N G--11. Greig R S r G --•-well. Jtfhngon r, s V d•-W.1HcEwan O o 0 -1'.13 tlai1' 1 0--H. Auki Warden -A. Castle • ConductoraE. Wiiken R li i3-•W,Cadreere. L R Fl -rhos, Monasilan • ENTR,A,NfE EXA]III,NATION We give below the names of the auc- ' oeeaful candidates who wiote on the recent Entrance Examination. As a whole the examination was o#' about the usual difficulty. Some cam - plaints were heard as to the difficulty of the Arithmetic and Geography ppapers, but as the examiners are al- lowed a wide discretion in examining the papers,no candidate suffered on account on these papers, The total number of marks la 650. To pass a candidate must obtain 390 marks, and to obtain honors 480 marks must be taken. The marks of those that failed were mailed some daysago. OLINI'ON. Hoxo e. Ray Cantelon Dell Miller Edna Leyte Edgar Torrance Marjorie Manning Beene L Walker' Elgin Mason Pass.. Erma Andrews Wm McGregor iolet Barge Geo McKenzie Fern 'Beacom Willie Miller. . Lizzie Bedard Irene Miller Flossie Brown . Helena Middleton Homer. Cantelon Percy Munninge Willie. Carter . Beulah Nesbitt Wellington Cook Clauson O'Neil Retta Cook • Stuart. Paisley . Fred lCutler - Effie Pickett e Pearl Finch � Mary Reynolds yy c MaryL Flynn NellieRobinson MarJGlazier Fred Rumba• . Russel Harland James Smillie Cyril Hoare • - Fredndall• Mary A Jackson An ler Annie �al Elva Johnson . • Ruth Walkinshaw Elmer Kerr Wilmer Wallis Leslie Lawson Frank Williams Vera Lobb . - • BRUSSELS' 1ioNURs • Vera•Ainlay -Charlie Leokie . ie' n Harald Arme ran Wi Lo Bt 11. -James Armstrong • Ernest Plum Edith -Deadman Wyman Sperling Stuart Fox • .. - Muir ThompeOn Estella Gerry .Bob Warwick • Beatrice Harris . Kathleen Wilton Pass Alice Barr Winnie Long Robert Bell . Maggie Love Mabel Bennett Clara Lowry Harold Campbell Etta McDonald LillianJennie McKibbi Coiclough . � in • Jennie Colclough Mary McNichol Annie Cooper Beatrice McQuarrie Nelson Davidson Harry Mooney. $Sala Dayidson Grace Schnook Harris'Eckmier Frank Shaw. Vere F Eckmier Artie Shaw Rhea Emigh Harold Smalldon Irene Engler Hugh Smith Roes Fraser Alma Speiran • Ruth GreyGreyCassie J Stewart Charlie Hansuld LeslieSwitzer.' ussel Harvey Hoover .R Wilbee Emma 'Hunter • Schol arship for Brussel i P.S , Edith Deadman Fern Schsoll'ckaarshmi ire r for Rural Schools, Yer j. E BLYTH HONORS • Ruby'Manni g+ - Willie Burling :NorASS man J Mutch Lela E Begley PFrank McCaughey Bessie'Cockerline Archie McGowan Walter Cowan • W RoyNaegle• Mabel Colclough Milton Plunkett - Marjorie Doyle Erma E Pfeffer Eliza Kirkconnell Howard Robertson Lizzie Lawrence TereenceTiernay .. Mary M 1V1c0owan • Pearl Taman Olive McGill Dorothy, Tierney Wm.J 'Watson ,,, Sadie J W a Mainea • WROXETER, Horions Cora Gilkinson Eldon Wallace, PASS.. Thomas Abraham .Gordon Morrison Maggie Anderson James Perrin. John :Dixon -Della Rutherford Selby Dobbs, . Hazel Saunderson Janet Doubledee Inglis Saunderson Scott Hamilton; Maggie Saunderson Verna Harris sella Smith Mark:die Lovell Gwendolene Snell Collin McNaughtonWalter Stafford. John Miller Wesley Strong • • W.GHAM; HONORS IN Mary Cantelon : • Irlma Kennedy Vine Davidson `.Cora Kerr Annie E Geddes: Ina MacRitchie Dudley Holmes'PASS Nellie Nicholls. M Homuth Mamie Adams • aolu Holmes Ross. Anderson • Alba Hogg. Crissie Armour' Scott Irvine Carl Bennett • : harle Johns Annie Bell Allah Kneehtel , Zeila Black G' McCormack Ethel Beckwith_ Chegley McLena' Melissa Biehl • Bella Murchison Effie Bower 'Rich Mann Alice,E Cook Violetta' Miller Violet Cook • Clara Mitchell Harry Coutts. Norman Nicholls Richard Deacon hlossie Orr Harry Day Oliver Fender. • Hazel Drummond Paul Pugh Jae A Fergueon . Archie Simmons Charlie Fowler Elmer Taylor Gordon Gannett Willie Watson ; : • Alex Henry • N Wheeler Earle Hall Isabella Wishtman Willie Haines M Williamson Frank Howson - SEAFORaI E Danby BerryHoNORsm , Era Hammett J Clifford Bell Helen M Johnson Tom Dick Thos Melady R Gottschalk Mabel Oke Jennie Govenlock Buerman PASS Mary Al Moffatt R Carpenter Mary Mortis Jessie Chesney Thos Morris W m Cleary Jaa Morrison Mary Flanagan Cecil Oke Ross Forbes Dawson Reid Sidney Gemmell W Richardson M Grimoldby M D Riley ,Bert Hart C L Ross Russel Hays 0 Scott Homer Hunt Edith H Scott Irene Inglis ' Jessie Scott M B .Lockhart T Scott Ed McGrath D M Shaw Jas McGrath Jos Sills W McIntosh li Sprout Jean McMichael Gladys Thompson S McSpadden E P Whiteley • Ruth Frances 'Winter 41O1d.DW ASS ICH . P Nora Cook Maggie Spence Vera Edwards Eunice Sotit ern• I•l.11lyerd Fleet Hartwell Strang flareeld Johnston Oscar Wade. Edward Kanfinan Edna 'Wallace Verne McLeod Jessie Wilton ARTICLES IN SEASON - Paris Green The kind that kills, Red Ply Poison 5c a package. Wilson's Fly Pad . 10c a Package,. `I'angiiefoot - 2 double sheets, 6c Cow Ease • Keeps flys off cattle, Quart tine, 35.c W.A. McConnell Pim. . B. C.P.R. - Telegraph Agency 1 BUT INTIK W E E D � o Purity Baking Powder, F d r ,. 25c per lb. D,C. Talcum Powder, 25 Cents land's, IrPills, ills Improved,' • . 100 In bottle, 28e A com lete. line, Boa s Toilet P eat P Pp , . W of erfume�, etc., eve, • WE'HROUBR 1 LBlH>8EROS'1N. >4 W. S. N. Nowa Phm B • Manufacturing Chemist .N+iler N►•1+ 11 ITh Whitney Wagon , emo Our little:Whitney•° Wag- on will call at your place with 100 Ibs;. Redpath's Groa ulat ed Sugar for2 5. 0. T.. 0 N I ir,. THE HLUB: 'GROCER. Summer mmer S ch Oaf June, July. and- August leads into' Our.Fall: term without any break., Enter anytime. New CatalogueEree, Write for it to -day. .• Central BusinessCalle e. g TOiiONTO; ' the largest, most reliable of its laud, W.H..Shaw,::Prineipgt,.. Yonge: & Gerrardt3te., Toronto, Watch Quality Watch Prices In a buying watch Y . b a' � i buy as good , case as you can afford, but first get a - movement that will be accurate. - Every watch belongs to us until it measures time accurately. Pick the case and let us decide on the movement,. and yo%l will own a watch and a time keeper. • Drop in and let us talk Watches A. 3. G RU1G, Jeweler and Optician, - Issuer ;of Marriage . Licenses,' amommenommitinonnilimitini -The Fall Fairs Toronto, ........;, , ...Aug. 20 -Sept 14 London............+.••....Se t. 11 -1 llalnt....... '.....,..... Sept, 24-�55 Blyt(hp „ ..... Sept. 29• 8s Brussels........... ...........,00t.1- 2• .......l.. i Doyt..l; �nii A1111 11'r,r,,.,iW1,rTr,1,..Oct. /-