HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-07-09, Page 2The New Era Sir Wilfrid is Sure the riblisbed even'ItedaY the:MAY VRAZFfrinting 110440 ..0741,3tir CLINTON.. Tonne of truhecription--41 per year ••• ittedvanee t $1.50 may be charged if net Be Patd. No paper diecentirMed all arrears are paid, ;unlerits at the option.of the 'publis. er. The date to wliich e -leery eithseription is paldis. de- • noted on the label, ••• Advertising rate.-T.ronsient ft431er,. 4r1210130I1 10 Cents per nonpare17line. tar ftret Ineertion and a cents per line or etteli subsequent insertiore Small Advertisements not to exceed one inch fiteh as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen." inserted once for 85 cents; or one monthfor$1.0ommunications intended /or publication must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the *Mote of the writer. To insure publication in current -lame copy of advertisements shOUld be tient in early. Contract rates - The followingtable shows our rates for specified periods a 41 space. 1 yr. Ono. 31no. loto • 1 Column $7600 $40 00 $25 00 $19 00 Column 40 00 2500 la 00 600 1 Column 25 00 15 00 800 300 Column 18 00 10 00 550 200 1 inch 600 350 200 100 Rosa% Iforanns • I Rolitray Time Table CliangeS. OLINToN Going West 11.07 tem 1.25 p m 6.40 p.ru 11.28 pan Going North 11.04 a.in STATION Going East 7 3».m3.07 p.m 5.20 p in ficang South 7.29 aon 6.40 p.nt 4.18 p.m TE OLINT9N Nople Will Trust Him "To learn bow Sir Wilfrid Laurier feels about the beating his provincial friends of Ontario got in Wit Week's election is a mission open which I have been sent writes Mr Jil W Thom, sou, Ottawa correspondent in the Bos- ton Transcript. Vv ell after all, Sir Wilfrid doesn't seem a bit sore. Re takes tits event like everything.else, as an Incident of` the ganie or journey. "The world is a place ot troubles," be says, 'Certainly the blow to my party friends in Ontario was a severe One. But they had to encounter in 111,r Whitney a very strong man and they themselves were under a leader whose large ability is not go well un- derstood as it yet will be -he has been leader but a short time. In pome sense the remit may be construed as' a stroke against my Goveennient,but really it should not he se regaraed. Soule men's minds are for the moment confused. They confound the parties of Ontario Prov- ince with the parties of the country in general. In the same way some of my friends in Quebec conceive their victory there, which is only less strik- ing than thet of the Conservatives in Ontario, to signify the unusual elect, oral victory for our party in hederal ,politics. Neither one or the •other set of these rejoicers and disappointed have yet got the smoke .of the two simultaneous but opposed provincial victories out of their eyes. My Government may .do less well at the next Dominion elections than Mr Gouin's success eeems to indidate and far better than Mr Whitndy's may appear to note. I am not d'scouraged, not worried at all. • Stands on Record Yiou should consider that j • ust as Mr CLINTON NEW ERA Whitoey and My Gonin had to 'stand THURSDAY. JULY 9 1908 PART OF THE PRICF Ottawa Free Press, Canada is a countryof sharply defin ed seasons -of summers suitable for outdoor occupations and of winters wben cutdoor work genera ly cannot se` be advantageously carried on. It ie probably a safe estimate to say that nine-ter,ths of the outside work of the country roust be done in summer, if it is to he done satisfactorily and econorit. featly. • The Dcinituon Government has g large amount of Such' work always On hand, and it must alwaVs be so. The, survey of new lat.d in the unsettled portions of the West, the erection of • public heildinge, the repair of publia tvor tbe bouoing of railwayY- sueh work most go on pidly if the country is to be derelopea, and 411°4 g° un LOY3,1r,g tile months frotil April to De- iiiifber Or het at alir year ago Parliament altered the Dominion financial year to better allow this work to proceed in the only season : when it could properly be Carried on. Previous to that time the financial year • ended on June 30 and the new year be. an on July 1. The money voted by : Parliament for such work for any year could only be used.therefore,after July 1, that is, after three months of the summer season had been lost. Under „these conditions it was not p: sale to '-ao during the summer out of the appro. priations for the current year more 4.L..,.,:thanhalf the work that could he done 'and should be dune. To remedy this the financial year was made to end on March 31, the new ear beginning on April I. ' Then Par- s lament was cailed together in Nevem- • ber, giving four clear months in which to pass the supplies of money needed and still allow the season to work to •' • login with the beginning of the sum - Mer seas -on. Thus,, it was hoped the eight months of the year when con- struction work and outdoor work gen- • erally ma:y best be carried on would be fleas, utilized on works undertaken by the Government or with Governtnent assistance. But Parliament sat through the four months without voting the money,and when the summer opened the season's t, work did not open, tor the simple rem op that there was no money available .•.„...ae, it.' However rapidly the money • IltaY be voted now,three months of the ..working velll have passed before Ma Paled, with little or • Auditing done. on their I aeord office, so most 1 on mine It is not one of, which I have. re- gret, The people must judge it and 13 TO In nath nrt t eir common. sense, e have had some mistakes -not, many, I believe, and not important, Our successes are obvious, and.I think important. The - sanity of the electorate in Canada is not to be questioned by me, The people aresoiux final court of appeal. We ere little disturbed by the al- leged scandals- at worst they are of trwal magnitude, mostly they have been dissipated by• sworn testimony some are still under exaniinittion.. The •t honor of no Minister has been im- punged. I bave not even observed the o Canadian people to be nmeh mieled by- c the mere euspicions, iniputatioee, and p iteorteatione ot any opposition. Alga t we heee lenty of time before us. Our ternt pes notegpire Novera- As an example of what this meant to the country, take the Department of the InteriOr alone. Settlement in the 'West is si reading over the land as fast SS it is surveyed. Settlers have even , gone into unserveyed sections and, ItoRatted, trusting that when the stir. -yoys ar'e made they will be accorded ed rights of prior posseffsion. In other • • sections settlement has beeen positive- ly prevented becanse the survey parte les were unable to block out the land fast enough, Yet two parties of sur- veyors are to day held up and have been held up from work tor nearly three 'months because no money is 'available tc put them in the fieid. Of the thirty-five parties in the field many are handicapped, and in some eases the men in the parties have been so long without pay they are threat- • ening to prosecute the surveyors for • their Wages. Three sinvey parties started for the 'Yukon early this spring :to cc -operate with the American surveyors in locat- ing theanternational b ounda,ry. These parties are now lying at Vancouver, unable to proceed until money is • forthcoming to provide supplies and pay wages. Meantime the United States survey parties are on the ground, hut unable to proceed until • the Canadians arrive. Ibis is the situation in one depart- ment alone, which has been produced by the refueal of the Opposition to consider the estimates. But it is fairly typical of the conditions prevailing in alUdenartments. This is part of the price Canada pays for an Opposition Whose business in life is to prevent the despa,teh of business. How's This? • ' • We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any ease of Catarrh that can. not be cured by Ball's Catarrh Cure. V .1 CHENEY & 00, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known - V. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and WIWI° him perfectly honorable in all Winos transactions and financially Able to carry out obligations made by Vailtto. WarJoino, KrtheAN MAIVVIte Wife legate Dreiggists, Totedo,0 ,Mall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern. atilYineting directly Upon the Ellied and mucous surfacee of the system, Testi. Ofeltials Sent freed Price 75e per bottle SOld by. all Druggists. Take Han Fancily Pilla for COnsti- ogiatioild ber of next year, It Is true we may go to the country earlier -or ma not. oTe• -as u g t ea Y no ' reason Of CoMmon Renee why a min- • istry should hold elections a year or more Wore they are legally neces- sary, :1Zhe choice of time has„ been a paetter,usually, of rainis'erial strategy Premiers halve formed a habit of going to the country when ctecumstaneee • treemed propittoui. Whether it be so now, or may be eo later, I have really, not taken into serious consideration. am a Man who crosses bridges when he comes to them. . Foe.my part I quite foil to pereehte any evidence that my Government has lost •public confidence. Quite the con- trary. Our nutatority is unimpaired in both Houses. The bye -elections have favored us. There is no turmoil of ag- itation against us. It would be ritlic• *thous to Interpret an exhibition of 0040'0,cent/dance in Mr Whitney as one of a lack of Ontario contidence in me. I am conscious of having done Well by Ontario, of having striven to •deserve approval from the people there AS fr0111, those everywhere else. If they refuse it well, it must be se the world is a place of disappoint, raent, sometimes or may be. that On- tario will treat me very- well. In any case I soall not complein of the de- cision of people vvhom I respect. And there is plenty of time. I must not be supposed to report his vvords accurately, ter- his sentenCes were written in the course of talk, broken by question, reply, comment and reference, to matters local person- al and excluded here. But the gist of his remarks is there. And the colloeat- ion indlcates fairly I believe, Sir Wil- frid's deliberate philosephic :amiable way of thinking. • He doesn't ta,ke his politics hard, . though lie does take duty seriously. ' The effects ot listening to Sir ljtrih frid whether he speaks to one or to many, is that the hearer _gets a sense of that which Matthew Arnold, sigrit, Iles regarding Goethe who "saw life steadily and saw it•whole,"or like that, ot Saint Bettye, who conducts an es- say so persuasively as to effect Miracles of conversion to his view. Laurier causes comprehenSion that the over whelming victory of .Mr Whitney's j •Ontario cabinet ought uot to he telteni as prognosticatin a majority. of. that presonce against eerier. It is, true hat the inference might well be quite • otherwise, Mr WhitneY's course in ffiee has been very sane, Sir Wilfrid's Ours* has been eminently so.. In sup- orting sanity at Toronto, Ontario,to he eye of pure reason,ought,to appear wholly favorable to L ministry... This" is logic. KEEP THE KIONEYS " WiLL 11.,arilh Saving lihcplained by a Olinton ( Citizen Who Knows From • t IExperien ce Many Clinton people take their lives in their hands by neglecting the kid, , need help. • • • .• • I neys when they know these. organs Sick kidneys are respoissiblc. for a I I great) ameent ef setiering and ill health. • I The reason sa manyuse Booth's Kidney Pills is their_quick relief tor ' all Kidney Wealefferi-ffire is VihTtt-e, I Clinton citizen says: - John West..of Mary Street, Clinton, : Ont says: Each t e cold 1 would contract front being- twee heated or exposure to cold weather would settle 1 across the small part of inV back and j kidneys. The .urine would become highly colored and filled with 13articlea! of a sand- like sediment:- There was' also a scalding in passing that7. was , very annoying. • My back would be I so tender that when I would. stooplor ' any length of time 1, cou'd scarcely 1 straighten myself up again. There was also a weaknessthat was very' notfeeable when lifting anything of consequence. Booth's Kidney Pilis were recommended by. Mr • Hohttes, the Druggist, and they quickly cured me of every sign of kidney trouble when all else•I had tried failed, and I . ant stronger and better evera. waff." Sold by dealers. Price 50. cents: The R T Booth Co Ltd., Fort Erie Ont., 594tIianAgents, ` • • P.1 or A "rough Sentence. ! r' The late Bieber! T. Dudley of Kentucky declared that he was Indebtp, ed to a Mountaineer of that State for the most .ungranamitieel .sentence Itt ever heard i This is it, "Them there , Miss Blake" are three of ati. pretty fl gal I ever See." • The Sassafrie Tree. I , . Although fOssil remains' of the sas- safras tree are to be found In 'other parts 01' the World, it noW exists as a native only in America. It has the dis- tinetion of being the only tree to beer three kinds of :leaves on the same branch.' It is valtied chiefly for the flavor Which its roots, bark and weed give to other medicines. . ' • Drinking Healthe. The Menton custom of thinking healths had a curious might. In the days when theDanes lorded it in Eng- land they had a Way of stabbing Eng- lislimen ill the throat when drinking. To neold this villainy 4 man when drinkfog would request some of the sittersby to he his pledge or euretY white taking his draft. . Babylon. Babylon was probably the nrst -city to attain a popiflation of a tn1111011. The area Of the City was 225 square miles. Stale Bread, An eemiontical Use for Stale bread is to clit it into thin slices, which are butterett and placed in a- Pie dish, Sprinkle 4 few well waehed eurrante between the layers. Sit eggs beaten int() one quart Of milk, with sligar and flavoring, nutmeg or cinnamon, are then poured Over the eliees. Bake for about an hour and ten minutes end send to table in the dish in which it was baked. 1%6 .61soltItii Heaveh. In the Mohammedan religion there re Steen heevens, etteh a little finer than the ,other, the lost tulminating In the "thltirenie &Ore mug (till Of the "divine light -which it is beyond the nOWer a tosefth 40 deacrlhe," Vary naepasfic. "Lady," said Meandering • Mike "I 'clon't Waite dat dog of yours for tryite to bite rae,!'stro7",'71."'ri""1"-r-ea• • "Why hot?" ';r4 • "Because it shows his intelligence.; , De teat time I came dis ray .1-. handed him a piece of pie you: pee Washington Star. ....1 • • 40•••••4Coming! 'Again the 'violets and jonquils grow; ' And Maytithe zephyrs once more softly • sigh. • • Again from leathered throats glad Carols flow. Oh, welcome, • harbingers 'of cherry pie! • VVithout • Soul! "Do you. enjoy bearing ,the robina singing joyOusly In the tree. tops?" • austve r. Sirius Barker, • • 46 ,41 • ' • •• • • "1 don't. If a 'herein being prac-. ..ficing the some tune. forever,: like a. robin, they'd run him Out of the aam- rounitsr."-!-Washington Star. ' • • • 'its, Origin.' : ive clipped oft .four met pato. Then trfinmed and rolled it nat.- . • "What% thatr' asked A.dani at her side. ."rm making -myself," fair Eve lotted, "A 'Merry Widow' -• -Sinart Set. Far Prorri Funny. The Bachelor -The whole country eeems to consider the "Merry -Widow"' hat a joke. •- The Benediet' tgiconnlb3lAtI -don't' . , -lustsettleita -for-0k "Mer- ry Viridure" my wife wears. --Detroit Tribune."entilliagftetWt. ""glitt'••'""` The Orator's Unstioken ThOttillit..° • Of mighty* thoughts he .shows a host. ' Yet these are Litlipitatians .COmpared to thoughte that move hint Most ' • On campsite .contributions. • -tvaehingtort Star - Bad Oreeetlent. •"Yes; 1 can let you in on the ground floor it you went a little, of thin stride." "No; you can't. The last time came fn on the ground door the" Whole scheme promptly tumbled into the leis ceilar."-Cleveland Plain Dealer. • .. Easily Remedied. • Raid a maid Who was Quite hontettri "Oh, 1 really do not caret If board a passing street car, Boon I Would be patising fare." -St. Louts Republic'. IDestroys .. HairGerms Iteeentdiseoveries have shown that falling hair is caused ,by germs at the roots of the hair. Therefore, to atop falling hair, yOu must first completely de- stroy &Can germs. Ayer's Hair Vigor, new Improved formula, will certainly do this, Then leave the rest to nature. bees red Arnie tAe ester of did Ito, Torattii* with melt Settle It Stow it te slam ,„Sdoctor • Ask isa-riteut it, then de site says Recent discoveries hive else proved that dindruitis caused by germ, °tithe icalO• voodoo, te cure demituft, the iblathing ti do is to completely destroy theeidatt. druff germs, Hat) the seine Ayerl Moir Viger give the saint splendid restate, owtiligide SO WO OA le Aloe oat broto.loorOoftioi etsoggesiessmiendLealinial EitA elections HUDSON RIVER BRIDGE. The Now Structure Will Be the. Eiehth Wonder of the World. The 'magnitude of the projected Bud 0011 rIver bridge doe S not at drift Strike the unthinking person, but when 11 does strike it comes with a breathless, aerial significanee. It will be the eighth wonder of the World, aid the °yeti 0 foreign engineers are turned to New York with expectancy, - The plans of the new structure are practieelly those of .the original North giver project wes a long step from • 1, span, en an still the Ongest in the world, to over 3,000 feet, the distande•to be et:meted between the piers on either side of the broad Hud. oe. To Make. a bridge almost double -he • length of the Brooklyn bridge meant building the towers 'nearly twice as high, and in order to allow for ad,: ditioual 'roadways n and tracks the bridges of double length must be else wice as wide. Thils the preposition In- olved Was really very nmett more han' building a bridge with a double ength span; for three dimensions had 0 be considered, making, the entire theture nearly eight times as large as he •Brooklyn bridge. . At first other engineers were loath -to believe that • modern materiala made possible so great a bridge, but the en. tire 'profession is now agreed that the bridge is possible and practicable,' and thweetimatee of construction cost varY between 835;000,000 and $50,000,000, de- pending upon/ the number of tracks and the carrying capacity designsted; These figures do not include the post of Seaaneesoaasfeelghaselaset It Is an astonishing ,fect that Is 'con templatect, this of suspending between steel, towers distent .inore than half a Mile eight- great railWay, tracks Alla four driyekvayS. gays Charles H. Coch Mat in the New Broadway Magazine As a•;.triumpti of engineering the.Work Will have 330 equal, Tbere Will be four Stupendons[towers at the piers, each suggesting In- appearance the cerebrat- ed Eiffel tower. These four towers will be about .800 feet. front foundaticei stones to, bap. .They will carry ' the eight •mantreoth steel cables that will Curve gracefully across the' noble Hud son and ••suppOrt the • two deck steel ..truss bridge 140 feet Wide. capable Cr thar• found a *kid and bald mire for etstaint Note remedy that will ittaighten dUstorted limbo of chronic cripples, nor turn bori irthlt I con now Emir klu the Palos arl4 intek ta Atoll . itt JO imam* is deplorable disease. zn • Obemeit in the Olt/ Of Illartestadt-trund the last ingroltent with Which Dr. Sboop'althetuaa, tie Remedy was qine a perfected. deseadabie Prescription. witnout Shst last ingredient. I succelefully treated many, raniCates of Rheumatism; but now, a last, it orm y oarsman curable cases of thi:heretorre. tattesuch dreadedaeunindilisfrouinage. tiTI3erlood".nseed-Urnketogdraissonularive glasprithit :way under the action of this remedy as 4 then, whenlitsolved. tbese poiar when added ciaororeus wwaastetli co1y pa from the system, and the cause of Seal need -mo actual excuse to sage minter with. amen= is sone forever. Thr is now no gat bob. We 104 and In eglifiche recoatmsei f Dr. Shoop's , . •Rheumatic Remedy W. R.MoCORoNtmNEr41.11. traneportieg 1e0,000 persona ln .one ittrarpg,hroUpaine .crewdlitg. • • • • • New Stunts of • Beggars,. To be. tio. up to •date beggar requires a lot of . higeituity, and • one ' would think thattbe sim� ainount of thought tilting different line a • would produce something more Worth whiie Tho let- e.st scheme lnNew' York Is -to stop the passerby and ask for meney enough to have -a Prescription filled •and 'shove the paper just ' ' 'get' out of the hospital,.and . . the doctor •told :me I ' 'must take this regular," .the • beggar ' will -.say, and usually he wilts, 'for no one cares tO _feel-thet--he-tilay--batte-:_sent,?-theAlOar- ..devil away without the -• medicine re- qiilred to keep him alive, . There is an-, other chip running about' the CRY. Be •;•earriee., tt,• loaf • .of bread .on Whichhe mune-hes- hungrily. All he asks % Is a • . nickel to get • a cup of Coffee to finish. off his • meager fitre.-'-,Nete Yorlr Olobe. • . " free.' Siir.iply write 'Dr. Shoop; 'Racine; • Itteving a Town In it Boat. • • The tranOtory nature or life In Alaskti 'fa shown by an 111044a -in Dr FA Cook's *count of his ascent of' 'Mount •atcKitiley,• •PTct the Top Of the ' Conti - ...vat." • Re Was In •search of a. town on •Yentea river when "e/ gbeut rclu1. al* a big tioTiy . drifting Tetra the stream. .4. •ceIrpuleet. Miner, with, all kindio of things, was in the boat. To • our ,question, 'How. far to Youngstown?' he 'anewered; 'it Used to . be 'tweet, miles above, bireft just 'moved. 1 have • u*.town-hr thadory•-and.:•ainisking.ir " • • pewri.g..4 ' • Leather dandy. 'Leather is often heavily dressed. with etigar to increase 'Its. weight. In order, to show that theft' :leather is not faked.. With tamer the government of the Aus- tralian eemtnonwealth s.taraps leather expOtts ;with an of:eclat declaration that they contain "not More than 5 per cent of 'crystal Stigar.". .Certain bales so stamped Were recently held back by the Cuittem house here as goods partly. • coMposed of. sugar -l. e., confectionery ••--and were not released 'till the sugar' thir had been paid upon thent.r--Londoe Spectator. ' ' A Feline Firebrand. A cat in Ireland, startled from sleep by the sudden barking ot a•dog, Jump- ed on the table, overturned the lamp, Was drenched with blazing oil, leaped through a 'whitlow in agonized flight, ran . amuck, a living torch, in the farmyard and set fire to halt a dozen stacks before it could be killed, The resulting conflagration- was disastrous. The Firefly. .. It is believed that the Orefly secretes a peculiar substance which when oxi- dized by the air is consumed, giving out only luminous rays. The time may come when this substance can be made artificially, "Mona 'Lisa." "Mona Lisa" was painted by Leo - nerd°. da Vinci and is now hung in the Louvre Paris. It is a • ortrait •of e w a marr e o ran.- cesco del Gioconda whence called "La Glocouda." It was painted in 1500-4, the artist having hacl It four years in hahd. Franc& L paid . 4,000 gold crowns for it a few years later, • . The Suez Canal. The actUal cost of the Suez canal Was $120,750,000. . • . . :sassy Keys. Misty keys shoind be laid to soak ter some time in e vessel containing _paraffin oil. After setteng fora day dr. two the oil will have acted epee the tost mid loosened it to Such an extent that it- will be. quite easy ..to remove ;with little•rubbing Belg ;Litre, 'Belgium is :the most c onfiised little nationality ' earth tit the great cities the poPolation made ap of. io- • .extricable nib:tares Of Flemish races and the Walloons, . pure French and . Germans. Add t� this bread splashes . of, the Spanish blood thaihcanie 113. with • the princes of 'the last century, and you haYe a curious' Conglomerate Mae -the 'olive little Belgian. • . • Hairbrushes. Always in. the selection of a hair- itsh-rentern bee -that. the qiiiility_of_thia- bristles is A superior consideration to the. esttunifilM__..... . . Get ,Ixiy"booir No 4 for Women 11 will give weak women . many. valuable suggestions of strietIV confidential medical advice is entirely Photographic Introduotion, , Owing to many swindles perpetrated recently through forged and stolen' let- ters of introduction; a eard of photo- graphic identification invented by a Pittsburg man has become popular in that city. Now when the Pittsburger's friend oaks him for a letter of Intro- Aluetion he takes the friend to the near- est photographer iod is photographed With him In an attitude of presentation. Then he writes hie note on the picture. Andwhen it is presented the recipient has tie doubt as to the identity of his taller Autos In City Parka. Boston hastakena whack at the am tomobilista, following New York's ex. Retitle in eiChlding from its perks. Mo. tor ears eqtilpprll with the .eltaine Oe Metal covered tires. . The efetrogolitan nark commission of Boston. has deeld. ed that the anti-skid 'devices on the heavy erns tear up the parkways faster than an army of Mtn eati repair thern and has dee-teed thaefrotti neW on any Ohatiffetir operating a machine With 8Plked, 'Chained or studded •WheelS shell be Molded to the tune of $20. A voypeculiar accident happened to Corporal Mart of London, who is In camp,with the Meclical torpe Of that eity. While sneezing the effort dia. lod-pecl hie eyeball, which tame out on his theek. The eye was replaced by a phyektion, and he is little the worse for the strange incident, . 414*****0.*****Tekilie.T.ATTmaTTaTakka. litiorir&etheisisois Oared Caret tit Calm Wisconsin. ; The • book :No. 4 Otis MI' about •Dr. Sheep s• 'Night .Oure • and how these seething,' healing antiseptic euppositories can be successfully ap•. :plied • to correct these. weaknesses. Write for .the book. • Dr Shoop's.Night -Cure is sold by TY'S R Mohnes and. W A'MeConnell. . • ' . I,Ocrgerow • slobbery; .94 The mut/Crum ROY. The. Boy • With the Catapult--Noty, then, give me those bird's eggs! ' His Explanation. "You don't Seem happy, and yet you have nothing to growl at?" That's just the trouble. You need a little misery by way of vatiety."-.41- butts. Conetitntion.• A Sinking, Hollow, " All - Gone " Sensation at the Pit of Ole Stomach. • "THAT IS DYSPEPSIA" A remedy which- bilis rarely failed tO give prompt relief and effect perinenent cures even In the moat °Whist° Casey la BURDOCK rt Acts by regulatingand teeing the digeetive organs, removing PeetiVeneMi and inersteine the appetite, and tester* health and vigor to the itytitette Mrs. Alice Skates, Spriegthild, IviirAia:*,',1 lave' wied -Burdock Bleed Bitters and &a that few medicines mut give snob relief hi Stoma:At Troubles Alia Dysp.ysIs. 1 was troubled for years with ll*spepode end weld gbt no rail until X tiled IL B. It / took three battlement]. bewail anted, and nett I gin oat snythbxg *Wank l hurAftote, nel teooW aa 4. au toicitot ,'-•';61wh, *vet* Farin for sale july 0 th. 1111,W11814" For Sale that farm of 120 serge, being 1011 F08-34, lst con., Gotierich towireihip. ood triune house, frame barn, etableS, Ye bootie, good spring Creek, 10 sore* of sherd, alt cleared but about 25 acmes and in good Sete of cultivation, Soil rich chi loom. Reiltocible terms to snit pnrehie- I. or, Apply to 0.J, Wallis, I Farm tor Sale. Proprietor offere for latch's farm on the I 77 and 78, situated 1 1-2 ranee trom maitland Con. Chalerieh Township, Lots villsge of Hohnesville, church end school. The ' farm contains 288 sores of choice lab, II good frame house, and bank barn, 5 *ores of oroherd end 80 sores of good maple besaland. The farm is traversed by a run, nine brook. This hirm will be sold in 1010th Or in parte. Apply to ALEX BA•rOIJR, •Bolmeeville. Choice eroperty For tittle The undersianed offers for sale his choice garden property of three sores situated in Gorden 8 -limy, Clinton. There is it com- fortable house with stone cellar, on the place; with stable, hard and soft water, kinds of fruit trees and in good state of oultivationi will be sold with entire outfit, on reasonable terms, II, JOYNER,. 1119iise or StVe On Maple St, one bail more of ground, good fruit trees and other small frith, houselin good °condition, Apply to .. NIMENS- • House for Sale. A cootfortable frarae house ;on Mill St, containing 3 bedrooms, sitting mons, Pnn- try woodshed, good (teller, hard and. soft' water. One-quarter more lot. Will be sold cheap.. Apply at NEW ERA Office, or pdl$ IIENRY FOLLAND, Clinton. House for Sale The large cottage on Queen street, be .longing to the ests.tv of the late E.'Bolmes . is offered foe sale. The lot is one-half acre, with bearing frith trees, bard and soft water, AI bargain, Apply at NEW ERA office, • ' Good Frame House ler. Sale or to ' Rept . Subscriberoffers for eale or to rent his large and Comfortable frame' house on Heron Street west, containing 9 rooms, with bath robin, closets, wash. ,rCoro and pantry. Good. cellar and" fOrnace, alga good stable, J. B. LINDSAY,. Cliaton.'. Two Lets.' for -Sale.. For sale, two lots on the south side of Rattentury St.,. west, bringNos. 498 tied 429.. Apply to W. W. hARBAN, s' FOr Sate . . well established Root and shce bind nese; at Ilinbtirn, • also House and 'Lot terms.easy. • • JAMES STANLEY. •=1•Mimag...ma. Lot tor:Sale For sale e /quarter aCiii lot on dame's St- apy 10 TOWNSEND, Clinton. Thresher put fit lot Salt.LL .Bubscriber ,offe e. for ;,..ale a ootiplete threshing 11 good order, °enlisting Of 17-borse-powtr Engine,. and Challenge Separator, hlt.rqady.to start work:Wull be sold en oily terms. . . . GILBERT MAllt, Clinton; F,O. Enron Road Giiderkth ' TO • Porthuld Cement • 411 orders far Portland Cement prompt- ly:filled. Simpson Brand Portland Cement the best in the world. J. A, liAMILTOS, coal dealer, Pasturage Raving tented the Draper 'Farm, I am prepared to take in a limited number of Wile for summer. Plenty of water. 4in C. W, WiLLTAMS. Hobneiville Shorthorns for 2 good young bnila 10 end 12 months old, sired by Doke of iticlimondand bred frOM mood cows,prioes to suit tbe tinlee M110 gnantity at good seed barley. • E WISE . Clinton Pf0, .Fanners Farmers wanting hetp..please' cell On write W. SMITH, 11 Hapailton St., Gotdon Block; Stretford, Small wages for first ,year. Farm tor Sale. That Veyi valuable farm belonging to the undamped, situated three mike front Auburn station, six milee trom Blyth, 200 tores, sohoel at owner of lot, 20 mina of hard -wood bush, 2 acres of orchard, . first. olass hilildirgs, well fenced, well watered, In h high Finite of cultivation end excellent Soil; one ot the best farms in the ocontry. Terms esoy. Apply TROS. BROWN, &Minn Blyth, Store and Booms, to Rent The tmlersigned offers to rent the office oniIsatto St.,just book of ttforrieh &Crookg; recently vacated by Mr. 3. Taylor, this is a good site for &atom and suiteble for any business, and will be put in shape to snit the needs of any tenant. Alta r00133g up, stairs, formerly occupied by Mr. P. B. Sibelev; suitable for, dwellingor society. Rent reasonable. Keys may be had at New Bra- Mee. J. O. ELLIOTT, Clinton( P.O. Ads. in the ,A1E11- ERA pay. Piles are &telly and quickly checked with Dr Shoop's Magic Ointment. To prove it I will mail a small trial box as a convincing test. Simply address Dr Shoop, Racine. Wis. I surely would not send it free Mikes- X was certain that Dr Shoop'sM agie Ointment would stand the test. Remember It is made eapressly and alone for swollen, pain. ftil, bleeding, or itching plies, either • external or internal. Large Jae :50e. Sold by W. S. K. Holmes atid W. McConnell. bowies ateloweati tires Olds, oto PROFESSIONAL W. OUTDONE, f$4181110THE trIMOITOR. Ifloymor ru.suc, ETC, CLINTON ft MOUT & 14.A1?.E OokOrgYANOERS, NariMats comassiONERs, , MONEY TO LOAM ;ORR 111DODTI 0, B. HALM Medjt,a1. 6. W. THOMPSON Physician. Surgeon„"f gto etreolaltatt•ention given to diseases oCtbe Ityal.REar. Thmat. god Nose.. Office and Residence. - 'iwo doors west of the Commercial IWO warms PK. Dye. Gann &Alegi* or. yr. calm. a. R. R. fr. ROD, Office -Ontario Street, Clinton, Right. cages front door of. office or reeidenee, RattenbF? Street. :Dr, T. T, Reline, University or Toronto, ' '914ce hours at hosicital:-1 to 3 p.m: to 0 DR** W• SHAW. riaysiciart, Bulls:1E0N. e tenbury t3t.„ °epode W, Farran's residence,' Accoucheur, eto. °Mee and residence on, • O. P. **FAXON DENTIST (Successor to Dr. HOIntes idiecialist in Crown and iiridste Work:: ikraduate ol the Royal ()allege of Deutai cow , geone ot Ontario. Hoaor graduate ortraiversity of Toronto Dem. 'tal Department, Graduate of Chicago College of Dental Screen" %Aces°. . • will visit Baylield every Monday.' DR. IL FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEI12S stor6. .....4essoial.eareseirtoeitakesclenteat me nt as painless as oossibie, IVIiseellaneous. 1 AMS Cara2BELL, LONDBISBORO. tJ • SSITER,011 AfARRIAGls LICENSES No wItnesses reouired 'Money _tatiate.lundS to Wan. 07.,Igni)ibeRt and h117.. wards r THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and .general'Aixotiorrier. GODERIOH ONT 1 ea ET. ATTU elides a Bpi:lain, r.ei , sr NEW ERA race, Clinton. prtniPty ,attantreel' to. Terms reasolls131e, FUnners sale nnilso'' discounted • G, VICTOR GOODWIN TAXIDERMIST • Birds and Animals Stuffed and Mountie true to life. TerMs Reasonable CLINTON, ONT G. D. 3il.eTaggart Ili, D. MoTaggar McTaggart Bros. • BRNICERS • ALBERT: ST, • CLINTON t...;sentiral Slaking BuiIa • tratioaCtod NOT_ES DISCONTED Drafts issued. ' Interees showed on deposits. The Meicill10,0 Mutual) Fire Insurance ea. !Perm and Isolated Town Proleam ertrienly lammed** . . . , 'OFFICERS. • - McLeari,President,Seafortbi Thos. Eraser, Vice-pres., l3rucefield; Thos. b- " Hays, Secy. Treas., Seaforth; • DIRECTORS' • Jas. Connelly, Bohnesville; I Jog* Watt, Flgilikki G. Dale, Clintrin; M. Chesney, Seafoith; J. Evans, • Beech - .Wooni J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Eris- ueweis, Brodhagen. Each Director is inspector of losses ho his own locality. Aoinis. • Kitht*. Smith, Flarlock; Ed, Hinchlc' -Seaforth; -James -Cumming;--EgIrgioste ville; 1. W. Yid, HolmesVille W. cUTLER, iPAInter and:Paplir gleaner* - All work guaranteed ' Prices :reasonable! Residence, nearly opposite the Collegiate Institute, IJAC.0!'.1T;ifkYLOR Vire, ife and Accident Inswanee • • Reel entitle bought and se*. idoney to lean. Office Issee Street, next door to NOW ' . Brat • Agy Baolog taken the agencYri for the Massey -Harris Co., will be glad to orshrowtru'rpairentrne6rnstantyhelnddesolfteMaclittindeethry Mowers, Cultivators, Gasoline' Eighies Axel all kinds of Farm Machinery. AMUS MeLEOD Opposite Malsels Hank, Clinton. The Myers' MusielViethpd Ida ,03. Hohnes, Teacher. The Myers' Music Method, for begirt neve, proAides ts thorough preparetsixost course in the tuditieents of MUSIC. The lemons are concluded on Kindergarten models* and inelude practical -Plano teaching, making the study pleatiant and interesting.. Private lessons MOO given, and papae prepared tor thetilithettgatOryJnilier OAS laa..