HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-07-09, Page 1••• •
will pay tor the Clinton
ANW urai to new Can-
adian subscribers to the
end of the year
EsTaernumee ness No. ease
hOlfr, HOLMES. Publisher.
Ir you wioh to know what is
going on In your neighborhood
read the New Ent.
- Zew7.341nrtHinlittlt$ •
• 25c Specials, Morrish de Crooks . .1
The Whitney Wagon.W T
Articles in Season, W A. McConnell. .1
Stocks roust be Reauced,Newcombes 4
Six Best Books,Cooper's Book Store. .4
'Tercentenary, F R Hodgens (G•T R)4
Tea not what you pay. 0 Hoard 5
Term,Stratford Bueiness Oollbge 5
Fall Terno,Central Business College -5
Iron, Rags etc.M Jackson & Son, . . 5
P•tinting, McIath & Overbury
Ferm for sale, R Acheson
Wanted, Stone & Wellington . 5
Move On, Hodgen Bros 8
Hammocks, Trie W D Fair Co. 8
It's:All Over, Tozeg & Brown
Copy for changes of advertisement
must be handed in by Tuesday
night. Antall transient ads. will be
raaeived up to Thursday morning.
i Cannon • The Revd. W, L Danhar
will preach a sermon to the brethren
• 12th of july, The• sermon' ve, coin -
of the L. O. L. No, 928, on. Suncity, the
mence at 7 30 p, nu sharp. =
Bane Una
ORITROH-The • ordinance of the
Lord'a,Supper will be observed after
the service next Sunday afternoon.
SOraoor. ReponT-- The following is
the June monthly report of S El No 14,
Stanley, Names are in order of merit;
Oth-G. E Stepheeson, NI M Fisher,
Rena Med:teeth, Sr 4 • A Petrie, s vy.
Kehl. j Ii Jones and Oda Meath,
equal. Jr 4-A H Jones, Lola Both-
well. Sr 3 -13. 0 Kehl, II A Fisher,
W M Mcl3eath. Jr 31 -Ida Rathwell,
,nfici, Hood, W 0 MoBeath. Sr 2 - L
R Wasman, A McMurtie, J N Hood.
Jr 2,-,Anatt Fisher. Second • Part-
Grace Ross First Part- W 0 13
J ohntton, W R Cooper,Maggie Cooper,
Id hese spellers in the monthly spell.
g matches were: -5th -Murray Fish.
et., Sr 4 -Hannah Dinsdale. Jr 4 --L.
Bathwell. Sr 3 - Herbert Kehl. Jr 3
a Rathwell. " Second - Lawrence
I VVasman.
Nos - The funeral last Friday, of
the late A p Kitchen. Deputy Minis-
ter of Agriculture, Sask., was very
largely attended; deep sympathy is
felt by everyone for his father and
other relatives here. On the 3rd inst.
ILot 5, S .13.; was offered for sale in ICippen; by auction by the owner Mr
John Traquair a Essex; $5300 was old,
while the reserve price asked was
$5400; it mill doubtless be sold soon as
it is very conveniently situated. Mr
Hugh Gilmour, Misg Mary Gilmour,
Mr Wm Boss and wife were in Turn -
berry last week attendingthe wedding
heir--eointillAtlesalbagie . Wilmette
daughter of the tate Themes Gilmour,
the loridegzoorn is Mr Mundle. Mr R
R Ross dentist of Seaforto, and wife,
I and Miss McNabb of Seaforth . spent
Dominion Day at the home of George
Baird, Mies Lizzie McGregor . spent
Dominion Day, and the last of the
week in Bayfield. Mr John McEwen,
1 of the Baefield Road, has been colt.
fined to his bed• with a serious illness;
we are pleased to hear that he will be
able to get around again .soon,though
unable to do any work.
. .
; Auburn
Miriam ---A prayer meeting will be
conducted by Rev. T W Charlesworth'
at the home of Mr. George Itaithhy on
Tuesday evening next at 8 o'clook.sub-
ject of the adlress, "Faith."
. . ,
Watch Quality
Watch Prices
In buying a wat:h, buy
as good a case as you can
afford, but first get a
movement that will be
accurate. Every watch
belongs to, us until it
measures time accurately.
Pick the case and let us
decide on the movement,
and you will own a watch
and a time keeper.
Drop in and let us talk Watches
Jeweler and Optician.
Issuer :of Marriage'
nook-kee ers
6 0 0 Pers and
trained by our management le; e yea
Experience counts. laminates most
baccessfui.. Special Course for iieachers.
• retail pianos. Send pc;atal Jon partic-
ulars.. '
Geo. Spotton. Erincipai.
Ready -Made
t'odthiendg Moitigt C.1.0.01CS 'Cloh
. . ••
1)Ref Twenty-five Cent
Ad 1 Specials.
600 pairs Men's Heavy Wool Socks
at 25 Cents.
We have just received from the manufacturer
600 pairs Men's Heavy Wool. Socks at a clearing
price. This line is worth 35c. Whife they last ,
4 pair for $1.03
75 pairs Boy's Knickers,
at 25 Cents.
Now is the time to buy Knickers for the Boys
to romp in during their holida.ys. We have just
cleared from the Jackson Manufacturing Co.; at a
Bargain, a line of Knickers made from white and
colored Duck, heavy 'Cotton Mulls, etc. Regular
35c and 4.0c.
For 25 Cents.
Children's Linen Sailors
at 25 Cork
in Linen Sailors assorted colors Regular
50c and 75c,
Your Choice for 25 Cents.
"1"1* "Itingland,"BorsaIine Hat Headquarters,
" Squarc Por Every Man
r Claderiell TawnshIP
aannivran's - Rev. W ii Dunbar
will preach a sermon in St. John's Oh.
to the brethren of the L 0 L No. 300,
on Sunday, 12th inst. The brethren
will Meet at the residence of Mr. la A
Cooper, and march in al. body to the
church; visiting brethren made wet.
come; the service will continence at
10.30 a,in. sharp, •
NoTes -Mr. S. Merrill had the mis-
fortune to lose it, fine four -Year-old
horse this week. Great excitement
prevailed in this vicinity on Sunday
over theballoon ascensions. it" feat- of
the Most daring bravery Mr, Harry
Elliott disposed of his driver to tir, T.
Cook, liveryman We are sorry to
note the illness of Mrs. John Sheppard
sr. ; the nature 0 her disease is paraly-
sis:; her daughter Mrs Wm Anclereon
of Dakota is attending her, Mr. Nei.
tionYeo's barn was struck by lightning
tocently splintering the gable end con.
siderably. Miss Flossie Cole left Sat-
urday on a visit to her Maher Randle,
of Collingwooci. Mr. George Burnett
had the misfortune to get kicked by a.
horse very recently. During Saturday
evening's electrical storm Mr. Robert
Cols had a colt attack by lightning.
Mr. John Beacom is the proud nosess.
or of a speedy driver, Miss Nib,* El-
wood of Clinton Hospital, is spending
her holidays under the parental root.
Mr John Middleton has in his employ-
ee another English farm hand. Mr Jno
Stewart and John Green have gone on.
a trip to Manitoba the latter for the
benefit of his health. The recent heavy
rain stoma are lodgingthe heavy
Reticle of grain in this neighborhood.
Mrs, Rutledge of the American Soo, is
visiting her. sister Mrs. Sheppard, who
is seriously ill. Mr. Fred • Welsh, of
Galt, is rustieating at his uncle's, Mr.
Alex Welsh. Rev, .Mr. Hiles delivered
's first sea,. on n ole's church last
Sabbath ancriiiMe a MOW a cam e
Constance -7-
In last weelesNew Era Was a Collect-
ion of items under the heading "from
an occasional correspondent;" that we
are told was a:mixture of truth, false-
hoods and Mean insinuations , from
&litto last They came to us over the
signature of a Mee Cook,whose name
was evidently forged, and the line
"from an occasional correspondent,"
was only used te divide them from
items received from our. regular cor-
respondent. There is evidently some
one in the neigh.locrliciod of Constance
who is making apractice of sending
out bowie items n order to injure in-
nocent Ondiespectable people, and • if
we are able to find out. : who it is we
will prosecute them. Only about three
weeks ego some items were sent us
over the name of a, most estimable
young lady. which we have since been
informed was forged. To parties who
areiejured by these, items, we express
our sincere regret that the New Era
'should unintentielly$ be the • medium
of causing them annoyance. • When
items reach a newspaper offico over a
genuine signature eia 10,,,pretty hard to
determine 'what vt true and what is
not, and me must say to the 'credit of
a large staff of contributors, very set;
doin has our confidence been abused.
Whether the offender in his instance
is a male or female we do no t know,
but it is a low-down. contemptible
niece of businetis,.for which th ey will John Tamer, Melville Walters, Russel
be-Riatcha -smart, it detected; Editor Crich.
New Era. "• Etta Riley, Myrtle Crich, Viola Wise,
Grace Walters,Myrtle RogersomMary
Turner. Sr Thos Gibson, Earl
Crich. Jr I -Elva Nett, WilburNott.•
J Grant, teacher, •
STemeriets The voters list for this.
year contains a total of 932 persons
entitled to vote at all electione,against
951 lett year. Those entitled to vote
at municipal elections only,173. Those
entitled to vote for the Legislative
Assembly only, 41. The persons en-
titled to serve on jury number 529.
There are 35 widows an the list.
PRIzE WINIsIgft The results of the
exaininations at the Collegiate In-
stitute for the Peter Adarieson mem-
orial scholarships and for conimercial
diplomas are announced. The teethe-
matical scholarship was won by Miss
Elizabeth Miller, of St Hearne, and
the scLolarship for general proficiency
was won by Horace Towill, of Ben-
PormaTiox- The court of revision
of the asoesemeut roll of the town of
Goderich washeld last week and a
reduction of $100 only was made from
the assessor's figures. The total asses-
ment of the town, as revised,is $1,957-
000, „tria increase over last year's of
mom The population this year is•
4.032, an increase of over last year of
N ew Paerdn-Dr Hugh Doug. all, the
new pastor of North Street Methodist
Church, preached to large congregat.
ions on Suncley on the occasion of his
first Sunday as pestorof his new
charge. Dr Dougall tante here from
Walkerton, and be has already made
a yery tavorible impression both in-
side and outside the pulpit. f4 0 L 1,82
attended divine service at the Baptist
church. 'Rev C R Tones; the pastor de-
livering the sermon.
Porter's RIM
tieletiss-Beetriceeetalitia-of -Lon-
don, is visiting at •the home. of Mrs.
McPhail Misses Aida and Florence
McDonald. of Detroit, are spending a
couple of weeks under the parental
roof. Mies Proudfoot of Goderich,
spent Dominion •.Day at Clem New-
ton's ,• Mr. Barge, of Hamilton, also
visited therethis week. Mr. F. Welsh,
ot Tortnto, spent a tew days at Mrs,
Lindsay's last week; Mrs. J. Hillock
and daughter, and Miss Clara Bacom,
from the Sault, are visiting • in the
neighborhood. •Rev. Mr. Bentley's
two children, of Belmont, spent a few
days last week With their aunt, Mrs.
S. McPhail, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of
Port Stanley, are visiting at the home
of the bride's mother, Mrs. Sterling.
Mrs. Sam Cox, and daughters Mrs.
Weloh, and Miss Mary Sane, „of Gode-
rich, and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cox, of
Chicago, visited at John Cox's on Fri-,
day lase The many friends of 'Miss
Annie Elliott will be glad to hear that
she has so far recovere
to leave the Hospital last' Monday,
and that she continues to improve in
,d tbe able
:, .
Smoot, ReteOira -Standing of pupils
of S S No 4, ,Tuckersmith. names in
• order of merit:- Class IV - Harold
Turner, Hattie Turner, Oscar Switzer,
Will Walters. Class III-Pemlea Ball
Frank O'Brien, Wellington Crich;
Nelson °rich. Sr II- Herman Crich.
West wawanosh '
Courioth•-•. Council met on the 30th.
The • treasurer's statement Showed a
balance on hand of $380.14. ' The: claim
of Alfred Errington was left in the
hands Of Messrs Thompson and Medd.
The township rate was struck at 1740
Mills on the dollar. The reeve and.
treasurer were empowered to borrow
$400 for township purposes. E 0 Flea
•was appointed township engineer. :Ac-
counts to the amount of oago were paid
Council adjourned to meet on July 30,
at 10 o'clock.. W S McOrpatie, Clerk
OICA.TH --!. tVe regret, to announce the
death of the wife of Mr John Lee jr.,
after a long and painful illness, which
occurred on Wednesday, July 8th ; she
was a daughter of Mr John Lashem,
and leaves a family of four bays and
one girl; the funeral takes place Fri-
dav-afterimon:' !---" - -
NOTES - Rev Currie and tainilyt are
away for holidays at :present. Miss L
Young is blame from Brantford for
her holidais. Misses Maine and Lyon
is home from Manitoba owing to the
death of his mother, 'Mathew Males
is laid ' up with " sickness at present,
John Spindler and wife are visiting
here a few days;they are on their way
from Lucknow to Manitoba. Several
of the Epworth" Leaguers visited Au-
burn on Wednesday. night. The Or-
ange Order will attend the Mother:list
Church on Sunday evening fora speeitil
service by Rev Leckie,naid. they visit .
Goderich on the fellavving Monday.
PUNEitAi, --. The funeral of A. P.
Ketchen. Whieh was held on Friday
last, was one of the largest ever
seen in the neighborhood. The servic-
es were conducted by the Rev. E. H.
Sewers, Rev Me Smith, Hensall, Rev.
D Urghart, of Kippen, and Rev. Mr
McKay, A large number frora all the
neighboring towns wein present to
show their respect for the departed.
NOtke, -Rev Mr Larkin; of Seaforth,
preached two impressive sermons on
Sabbath last to large congregations.
Dr Albert Aikenhead, (alStanley boy,)
passed his final examination In the
'Medical. Mitten successfully ; he has
been every brilliant student, not hav-
ing failed in any of his exams. He has
charge of Dr Tilling/1's practicein Lon-
don. Laura, Sewers has returned from
her school. The air ships that nestled
over our village on Sunday hetet duce
been the subject, Of much talk; our age
is Seeingigreat thinge.r.
DEATH—On Wednesday Morning of
1 this week Peter McGtegor passed
i away after a long illness. lie was in
peor health for a nuMber of yemsarnd
went to Clinton hospital lately for
treatment, but being weaker,' he re
burned hone last week, and although
very 11!0 the end came suddenlyat lest.
Ilia wife died some y_ears ago. He
leaves °lie doughter, Um Higgins, at
whose home he resided. He will be
emelt Missed in our Village and neigh.
boyhood, as he is one of our oldest Citi.
1 zens, as wen as one of the most Diem.
Inc of men. He was an expert lime -
onstration meeting. of the Woman's
Institute was held in the Count:II
Chamber Saturday July 4th. The
speakers were Miss Bose of Guelph,
and Mise Elliott of Hamilton,whogave
two excellent addresses toanappreci-
ative audience; those who -missed
hearing them are the losers.
Old Boy' a excursion from Toronto, on
Saturday, started.out with nine well.
filled cams. At Guelph two cars were
witched on to the branch to Wingliain
the renlainder coming on to Goderich
At Clinton about one hundred of the
passengers got off, and renaained until
Monday evening, .
THE TEST WELL -Some difficulty
Was experienced in connection with
the Test Well last week, by the augur
deviating from the straight line,caused
evidently by striking a softspot in the
Lock in which boring was under way.
It was necessary to partly fill up the
hole with rock and re-bcre it. This
was done, and work is now proceed-
ing satisfactorily itt a depth of nearly
200 feet.
• For resters of Clinton went to Goderich
on Monday evening and initiated ten
candidates for their Goderich Breth-
ren. The work was well and truly
dorie,,the •Clinton Betts being highly
complimented foe the proficiency. Alter
the business of the evening was corn•
plated the visitors were entertained to
a banquet, and returned home feeling
well re aid for their trouble.
W-E-griumbW- .-.`41gmliwrir mg r—om
Wolsley, Sask:, under date of June30,
Dr Churchill says:- We had a fine
winter and . spring and crops look
great, some wheat is three feet high,
and all geaie looks splendid; we have
lots of ram; there was a had wind
fifty miles on Friday, , it done some
demo& to buildings, but did not dam-
age the crop. If the crops pan out in
the fall as well as theylook nowI hope
it will make times better for money is
very scarce at present. . •
SCIOIAL-A good old fashioned soc-
ial will be held on • David Clantelon's
lawn uneier the auspices of the Junior
league of Wesley °laurel' on .Frida.y.
July 10th, ecirmnericing at 8 o'clock.
Some of the attractions are ; Candy
booth, log dabinaald fashioned maidens
dressed an the style of 25 years age ;
'Indiani selling art and fancy work in
their wigwam ; Japanese girls sewing
tea : all kinds of refreshments sold
Whyte Dyke band in attendance. Ad -
['mission, silver collection at the gate.
Mi T Cook Will drive persons who will
go to the square up to the grounds -for
5c each way. If a load will Meet at
any other coiner and let hini know. he
will call for them.: , •
terest in the Tozer & Brown ',nth*
contest is shown in the fact that the
w inner received over 41,000 votes,. al
though at the outset Mr Tozer ,had no
expectation the total would ,reach
more than 25;000. Mrs 'John MeOlac
herty won out, with a total of 41,420,
'Miss Rena Pickett coming 2nd with a
total of 39,825, and these • two get the
free•trip to Toronto and aTiagara, Falls
As two others also stood high, • Miss
May East receiving- 30169 votes,
and Miss Edith Torrance 30,025, Mr
Tozer has decided to give these young
-Ititlietealstro-freeetrip to Toronto. W
know a very nice good-looking ypung
man who would be delighted to.chap
etone any of these young ladies, when
they undertakethe trip.
Descent of a Balloon
It lands on the farra of Mr. Dodds,
Bayfield road
Residents of the southern part Of
Goderich township, were surprised at
about eigloto'elockon Sunday morning
to see a large balloon passing overhead
the occupants of which were able to
convetse With them. Coming from a
south westerly direetion,it named over
the house of Mr John 0 Elliott, on the
Bayfield road, then droppedand thump
ed into a tree, then into a, barbed wire
fence that separates the farm of Roht
Marshall,from that of Miss Craig, and
cut the heads of theaeronauts severely
on the barbs; then haying consider-
able momentum left, It cleare 1 the
fence, sailed a few feet in the air, and
banged across the field until the baeket
struck another wire fence on the west
side of the 10th con.,where it remained
stationary, farmers coming to the as-
sistance of the occupants, who were
nnable to get out of the basket, on ac-
count of the ropes that surrounded
them, the baloon iteeif tailing on the
back of Mr W Doddis farm.
Half an hour later another baloon
passed over nearly ' the same locality,
but sailing high in the air, -
Nine balloons started from Chicago
on Saturday afternoon, in what. was
4 called the Chicago to ocean race. ' Two
cups were offered, one for the baloon
longest in the air, and one. forthe
longest flIght.mea,sured by air nee to
the point of descent. The contest was
of international character. France and
Canada being represented, but the
French baloon dropped into Lake
Michigan, while the Canadian King
Edward only got attfar as Port Huron.
The one tint landed here was the
Columbia,it having left Chicago at
7.22 A.merican time the occupants be-
er of the Chicago Record Herald. Their
hands were bleeding quite freely from
the cuts received, and Peterson had
sustained a broken rib. As soon as
they were released from the basket,.
they were taken to the home of Mr
Jae H . Smith, Where their m (muds
were dressed, and ' they were given
•something to, eat; • they afterwards
came to town, hunted up Miss Cowan
of the C P R,and sent 1000 word mess•
ages back to thicago,after which they
had their Wounds' dreseed by a doctor.
In: speaking of theft. trip Copt Peter-
son said that on .the whole it was a
delightful one. They travelled, oeer
Parts .of Lake Michigan and Michigan
State at an altitudeof about 1000.feet,
and until they Wet their .megaphone,
were able to talkwith people below.
The night was , a beautiful • one, and
they struck Lake Huron ' at. about 5
o'clock Sunday morning, then being
• at an altitude a 5100 feet, or a little :
over a raile but ,the sun was shining
so brightly that it caused the gas in
their balloon to • expand, and they
were afraid that it would split,so they
had to let some of the.gas escape. They
had expected to travel. in the air all
Sunday, but more gag had escaped•
than intended, and they realized.they'
would soon make a landing. It - took
them it horirs.crossitig Lake, •Iiimon,:
and they reached Canadian territory
in the neighborhood of Bayfield, mak-
ing the distance •frain this point to.
where they landed in 20 minutes: The
Columbia, when inflated, stood 03 feet
high. and this was its first trip. Hun-
dreds of -people visited the scene of its
descent, even after it had been rolled
up and taken into townfor shipment
back to Chicago. • They *found. after
the balloon had been left at the freight
DEATH -There passed away Friday
afternoonat her home in Tuckersmith,
Isabella Story, aged 57 years. Much
sympathy Is felt for the sorrowing
friends, and particularly' for her taster,
with whom she had lived for some
years, . and by whom her. loss will he
keenly felt. The funeral took place
from her late .residence, con. 0, on
Sunday afternoon, to the Egniondville
cemetry. • ' .
NOTES—Mr. 3. E Robertson of Au-
burn spent a few. days the guest of A.
F. Johns this week. The Sabbath
School of Turner's Church, held its an-
nual picnic on Friday last. The• new
shed at Turner's church, is being fin.
ished this week. Statute Labor and
haying operations tire. engaging W.
attention of the farmers. Mrs. W. 0.
Landsboro, of Goderieh, emitting her
relatives here. '
are home rom London.. Everard Lee
.Local. Notices.
Cherries Wanted - Highest price
paid. OANTELON BROS., Clinton .
Marl, mid one Of the best judgee of
heavy horses It the Dhininion. The
funeral Will take pleee on Friday af-
• LACROSSE - Arrangements have
been made with the Seaforth Lacrosse
Club to play a game. in Clinton_, some
day next week; date gneeunced later.
BASEBALL -The Seaforth and Clin-
ton Baseball teains lined up for battle
on the Recreation park, Wednesday
evening last, but the visitors were
compelled to return horde with a se-
vere bump in their hat. While the
game couId;not he classed as a brilliant
one, so far as the visiting team is con-
cerned, there were some exciting pert.
ods. Score at finish 5-3' in faVor of
the homebrews. A return match will
be played in SeafortliTuesday evening
next. Ws understand arrangements
have been made with the Blyth Base.
pail team, to come to .•Clinton next
week, Watch for announcement.
of the Orange Order together with a
number of visiting brethren from sur-
rounding places, marched to St Paul's
church, on Sunday evening, headed
by the Fife & Drum band, when an
'appropriate and very aide sermon was
delivered by Rev R Gunne. The
church was crowded to its . Utmost,
many having to remain oittside. After
the brethren had returned to the
Lodge ROom, resolutions of thanks
passed to the Rector and Choir of the
ingha,m,seiretary of the Public School
Board, has received official notice
Inc m the GOvernttlent that the Model
School here will be discontinued from
this time. This will make considerable
difference to the School Board, which
last year teCeiVed $150 frOfn the Gov-
erment and sirk from the' County,
dating to it being A Model School; add
to this the Mount received from pa
UN halt year $225, a total of 5525
that the Truittees will not receive this
year, F.orn Can be deducted the
salary of the assisten tomployedduring
the 1110ciel term, $150, and the the loss
is $875. Stratford, hereafter+, Will be
the nearest Ntodel School.
• 'BRIEFS - Three rinks of bowlers
'went to Stratford on Tuesday, the
skips were Messrs W Jackson, Jars
Pair, and B J Hoover; it rained so hard
all day that no bowling was.done until
evening, 37 rinks being represented...
Thos Watt of the White Dyke band,
has just invested in a very fine cornet.
The old post office building occu-
pied by Mr Watt, was jacked hp and
moved fled feet south by Mr Wheatley
and it is said that another building
will be erected next year in the span
between McLennan's store and this
one - A special train will leave
here Inc Goderich. on Monday next,
July 13,.at 9:30 a m ad that;those who
wish to participate in the celebration
of the 12th can easilydo so ... : ...Mr A
Cousins, of town, has been given the
contract for building cement NO11E843/I
the main- streets -of -Dungannon -
Judge Holt will hold Division Court
on the 13th Mrs Hall, Mary St,
left'on Tuesday, for Aylmer. where
she will spend the summer visiting
friends; it is not improbable that she
may deckle to make that place her
permanent residence .The family
of Rev W E Kerr is occupying a cott-
age in J owett's grove, Bay field .Mrs
Farquhar, gravel road, Hullett, •re-
ceived wotd last week of thedeath of
her brother.in-law,Mr Andrews, which
occurred in Washington State - Mr
Thos Mason shipped a load of cattle
to Toronto Monday, but had the mis-
fortune to experience a falling market
• • • i • Mesons Wesley Walker and fam-
ily, and Geo L Walker and family, at.
terideda faitaily reunion at the home
of their father, tir , Isaac Walker, in
Bast Wawanosh, on Saturday; the
gathering was a very enjoyable one
and brought together quite a number
of people....Major Johnston,of Zurich
brother of Oliver Johnston, 'Tired on
Tuesday night...... Nearly all the
priests in this vicinity are in retreatat.
Sandwich this week ......The work of
putting macadam on the upper end of
Victoria &reale proceeding this week
and when completed the road will be
an excellent one......The old friends,
here of Mr Frank Mitchell, of Sarnia,
are sorry to see that he has been COM -
pelted to make an assignment
This is a busy week for the White
Dyke Band, as they had a Band Con-
cert at hayfield Wednesday night,
Sunday schocl excursion on Thursday,
Garden Party at D Cantelon's on Fri-
day night; and Band Concert here on
Saturday night... ...There were re -
Corded Withplerk Macpberson,for the
half-year. ending June 180, 18 births,
15 marriages and 22 deaths-- .Post •
wester Scott will keep the office open
on Saturday eveninge during Jill*
until 8.30,not 9 as mentioned la,st Week
Mrs Elsie, an inmate Of the Smite
of Refuge, celebrated her 101et birth-
day, on the 2nd, and is yet. in 'good
health; another person 95 yeas of age,
was added to the list Of inmates on
Wednesday Metiers McMath &
Overbury have just completed the
work of painting and papering the in-
terior of the Post Office building, and
it certainly looks much neater and
prettier, the work being well dime....
IVIorrish de Crooks Will close at 7 every
evening, except Saturday, daring Jule
and August, ...14.1Viunto lure daldiari,in
shed, that it began to "heat," and
spontaneous combustion 'might have
remitted, so it was necessary to unroll
it andlet it air, which was done Mon-
day afternoon., •
The one that made the longest trip,
landed in the Proyinee of Quebec Sun-
day evening.
A Btilliaut-Recital
A Moorehead, • Minnesota paper,Of a
recent date has the follovving reference
to a well.knewn Clintonion ; youngest
daughter of Mr Fred Iturnball:-
Before a brilliant audience that filled
every available seat in the spacious
auditorium, Ratnball and Miss
Hazelton gave the annual Normal re.
citalen Thursday evening. They were
assisted byMissMarie Paige, violinist,.
and Niss--.A.'srang-Olswraidenntranist;
both of Fargo.
The annual recitals generally under-
stood to be expressive of the higher ar-
tistic life of the educational institution
and in this sense. the work of Miss
Rumball and Miss Hazelton can easily
he said, to have set a new mark, for
upon every hand the recital of Thurs-
day evening is conceded to have been
an artistic triumph. •
Both Miss littmball and Miss Hazel"'
ton were, at the conclusion of their re-
spective nunitters, called before the
footlights and presented with tokens
of appreciaaon in the form of Magnifl-
cOut, boquets of roses and carnations.
Gerhart lia,upturan,one of the great-
est German dramatists, whose workIn
its social tendencies is in close touch
with that of Leo Tolstoi and Henrik
Ibson; departs somewhat from his us-
ual style of subject matter in his sym•
bolic drama of "The'Smilien Bell." It
has been called the • "fairy drama."
That being the atmosphere, it was fit-
ting that Miss Herniet Rumball should
select it for presentetion,since she her-
self suggests daintiness and quaintness
It was rendered in an artistic, picture-
esque and interesting rummer. The
poetic trend was well sustained. Per-
hapethe finest piece of work was reach-
ed in the climax, when Heinrieh sees
the phantoms of his children, hears the
siound of the bell,. and exclaims "The'
Sun-belfs and ringing."
Miss Rumball's work Wile (Ammeter'.
ized throughont by a line perception
oe th3 subtlettee of Haupt man's
masterpiece, and her sustained power
would have been a severe taxeyen upon
one of greater physical strength. There
has never been any qftestion at to Miss
Ruraball's art, but "The Sunken Bell"
gave opportunity for the display of
her Versatility, inaltrauch as it is called
for 9, powerful portrayal Of the Moat
varied and moat intense emotions of
which the human soul capable. That
she echoed the soul -throb of Haupt -
man's characters is uncinestianahle,
and therein lives the evidertee of her
Paris Green
The kind that kills,
Red Fly Poison
5da package.
Wilson's Fly Pad*.
lOca Package..
' Tangiefoot
. 2 double sheets, 5c
Cow Ease
Keeps flys off cattle, 'Quart
tins, 35c
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Phm, B. .
C.P.R. Telegraph Agency.
That's how you'll feel if:you bu
. e poor grade of
ris Green
Because your money, as well as
your time,•will be wasted.
If you come to us, you are sure
. of the BEST.
We buy the best for.
notysn Iiii/RNISHINGSaLast Week
Walker St Ross, furniture dealero, and
house tutnishere, fitted out, from hot.
tont to top, !minding carrels, ete" the
• hontes °fair G Stirling, Hemet% Mr.
Pidgeon, Stratford. and W S0:1 -
Mali, This speake well for the tapir.
blecan1.115 is MT early for them.. Wiles of a Olhitout store,
.-S. It„ 110111110
Manufacturing eheirdat
. -.• •'
Our little Whitney Wag-
on wilf-Call at your :Pt ace
100 .lbs. Re4path's
Granulated Sugar
for $5.20:
miner School -
June, July and August leade. into
our Fall Term without any break.
Enter any lime. New Catalogue free.
Write for it 10 day o
Central Business College.
Pot:ONTO, '
the tamest, imost treilalble Of its kind
W. R. Shaw; Principal, •
youge & Garrard St4iminis., TOrommihminent0.
TheYaII Fairs
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London ..................Sept. 11-19
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Capital Authorized . $5,000,000
Capital, paid up . $3,372,090
• Reserve Fund . . . $8,372,090
Total Assets over $82,000,000
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• *ow.
General Banking ^
, • Salina learnt Depoirtineett.
$1,00 is all thift$ is reouired bo oat ra
atom:tot money can be dePosibid in one
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chetila. Interest' paid i6Ur times 6 vaar.
Influent' Sale Note%
Dieebolatel Or collected 61i rettilidiablt
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