Clinton New Era, 1908-07-02, Page 8d Things For.
r .
Extras price inducements for people who come
here Saturday.Specials thlt point, in no mistak-
able way. the plain' path to money -saving. Con•
'siddr the interest of your -pocket book, and take
advantage of them. your
price stands for mer-
chandise of undoubted d . Worth,
Trimmed Hats half price.'
We are determined to makea clean sweep of the Millinery
stock, Every dollar's worth must be sold, and that before :Miss
Reynolds leaves, the middle of July. Not what' the. goods coat,
not what they are worth. but what they will briny, le the ques-
tion of,, There are 30 or 40 ready. trimmed Hats, gotten
upsour Milliners know bow to trim. All are new shapes this
se so and
season, materials used are good, Saturday morning you can
take your choice of the lot for
' Flowers. at Half Price. ,
' Every Flower to be sold, 75 w 100 Of. them.. Former price
250 to $1.50 each. Saturday morning, choice Lalf price
12tc 10 75c
See the Window of Dress skirts at $2 50
flee the window full 'of stylish Tweed Dress
Skirts at $2.50. All cut in good styles, made from
dark and light fancy tweeds. Garments that are
worth $3.50 to $4.50•each. A window full of then, $2 50
on view Friday, to sell, commencing Saturday at app
9 c'
Bonnets, 5
B b
• 25 Muslin Baby Bonnets, assorted styles and sizes,
regular 50e, 75e and $1, Saturday your choice,
Rasp Coats at.$1.$0 •
rms�sRa'very httle-pries to pay`for-a- Rails -tics
Quality of material is just as good as that in $10
and $12 Coats. The styles ' are those we sold at.
35 and $6. They are splendid Coats to make down
for children, or make capital dust coats for driving
as well as being shower -proof. Fawns, greys, etc., (11`0
special at each $
A hong Silk Goat it $16,50"
Just one left—a handsome black Tafetta Silk Coat,
__ tined throughout..nicely trimmed, with fa__n�,���,c,i�y. J,�, ilk
Braid. A new garment this season, Regular I ' 50
$24, Saturday you can buy it for ...'.. W N s
Short Coats $1.50
Just 5 or 6 of them, short fawn' ()overt . and black:
Broadcloth (7oats. These' are garments.. we carried
over from last season.. Allstylish .and very little. •
different from those worn. to -day. Just this little .
lot. Regular prices $5 to $7.50, choice .Saturday Si 50
each • .
Union Carpet 19e • •
One end only, about 50 yards,, good quality re-'
Union Caret, good weight, splendid car- p ,S n
Saturday .a per yard oh
,pets for bed -rooms. Clearing i y t yard
Share of the.
Have You
Had YourSh r
Wash Goods. Bargains'?
If you .haven't, come before they are gone. h`,•
We have set out to sell. every yard of Wash Goods.
inthe store before the summer' is.` over. :There. is
no doubt about us doing it, for. the: prices we are
selling at are bringing us: crowds -of buyers.
at lOC
Ohambreys, Muslins, O.inghams,. etc. Dozens and
dozens of patterns, of various lines, that sold at 156 100
to 20e a yard, now clearing at per yard Y
at i5c
suitable o
ins al s
s r
' Wash Goods of.many.. ,
dresses, .waists and children's wear.'.Regular' . 25e
and 30c. Clearin ,now at per yard ,, • • :.
See the Window of [Underwear at One-ntiarter• Off
Friday, one of our big front windows will be Blled with.
ladles' white Muslin Underwear. Every garment 'wills be
ticketed. There will be Corset Covers, Skirts, Drawers, . .
and Gowns. All good' styles, and• made from good mater-
ials. Each and every one will be sold at
• One-quarter Less Than •Itegillar Prices. ,
Embroideries and•,insertions, -15c- -
itore Swiss Embroidery and Insertion at 15c a yard.'
The last ends of a dozen different lines, that sold. at .
20c to 30c. Clearing thein all out now at your choice 1
per yard. .,. .......• .. .:«;..., .!
Veilings at 1.5e • •
Good Veilin s, black and colored, 'short' ends of a
g 'di qualities, regular25c o ,
dozen or more different t35c
qff 15�
. choice Saturday, per yard... . , ,
SOc Rose, 35`c g
Ladies' extra quality -lisle thread Hose, black or tan, .0 gh
all sizes, regular 50o, -S at_urday, choice, per pair ....g •
50c Gloves, 350 •
50 pair Ladies' Silk G'ovee, black and white, all sixes. 35c
regular 50e, choice now Y
Fancy Silks, 29c +
One-half dozen ends fancy Silks, suitable for Waists
or full dresses, qualities that will give_ splendid wear, *Me
most of them neat cheeks, clearing at per yard .....: • LL al
Corset Cover Embroidery, r290
One-half dozen ends good quality Swiss Corset Cover
Embroidery", nice patterns, regular 50e, clearing at 9f1A
per yard .... .,,,,.. • LOU
Children's Mitts and Cloves, 5c
100 pairs Children's Tura Silk Mitts and Gloves, as. Re
sorted, fawns, tans and browns, clearing at per pair
90e :Light Dross Goods, 504 ' :
Hall -a -dozen patterns- in light Dress Goods, mostly
broken checks, in light shades, very suitable for sum-
mer skirts. Regular 90e, Saturday at per yard % mu
$.1.25 Black Dress Gods, 79c',
One end only very line quality Black French Dress
Goode, neat stripe, will make a very handsome dress,
Regular $1425, Saturday this end at per yard :..,..,. 1 Mt
Striped W ooi-Tafetta 45c.
rive suit ends only, pure wool self.etrlped 'Iaf.
etta Dress Goods. The colors are navy Copen'
hagen blue, brown, reseda and fawn. They, are
481nahes wide, Each end contains seven yards,
regular price is 75c. Saturday the price of these 4 A U
five dress lengths is, peri yard .441111161/”$•,..f.110
:curTor ,:' . RBA
outrrOW O1`TT., U_ULY 2. 11108
l: .�'ot
a des•
Cherrtes wanted ••-• ];iiitheit pipe
gala, 0,IM.TELON Boos., ()Raton
Dress and Mantle , Malting, Hain
s nfelg in and Cleaning' Lad'
ies Ap.-APD 14, KAUFMAN.
• •
DR. QVENS.London,: Surgeon, Ocu.
list, Specialist, will be at W. S. R.
1 Holmes' Drug s ore, on Thursday July'
20, Weems properly fitted, .deafness
catarrh and failing eyesight treated.'
Hours.1 to 4 p.m.
New -Band.
The White Dyke Bend, Clinton, ie open
for all kinds of engagements for the com-
ing 'leason, 2'or terms, cell at Watt's
Shoe Shop, or write Taos. WATTS, box
227, (Meson. tf
. , ,Nowa, g74101.
New York, President of the Clinton
Knitting Oo., was bare last week, and
was so much pleased with the progress
of the factory, and theprospects, that
he decided to very considerably in-
crease the output,and additional mach-
.jnery will at once be [installed for the
A SMASH -On. Friday evening last
as some young men were returning• years old this weeklatepresent editor
from, the Holmesville garden party, `helped to get out the first issue, and
and bad just got iueide the corpora- j the great majority f those since
tion, they collided with ,a'buggy go. , The government askedfor tenders for
ing in the opposite. direction, Both ''Wantn and lmpraving thePostOtice,
buggies, were. considerably damagged, the co met being awarded to' Messrs.
the occupants being thrown .out. One'Overt y & McMath, their tender, at
of . the rigs belonged. to,Mr Elliott's $25, beim, it is said, the lowest....Mr.
lively. ' L.. Jackson has rened,t 1
BRlBF ..A. bun'
left at this: ofilce f
the wnts..ards of tha
patie..Iu a
eriebp• last week,
Dowding C
s .lin rte,
We lyes 1 EXAMINATIONS-•-�►o�la who ware
writing here at the Entrance Thome
teat At God. ' there were.% from ,Hinton,, and , 25
camp. A, E. from pouutside. The examiner* wbre
the b�i�jQ+�best Prinei l' Gundry, of the Oollegiate,as.
1'r V!
1 are fail l rat week got through om Friday night
t e (iia n
score � i
o ihV
Searle and wife and, Jobn McClacherty
and wife Were Tir t t the weddin
of Mr Norrrs and s Taoteon, in Ful-
iarton lastWedneteittp0.,,•..Ray Rum -
ball leaves in
few a e
to take a
ition in t e Stratford aelephone-
eiited bgPripcipai Hartley* of the
Public School, The High School
exams commenced on Monday, 44
writing, and the examine$ being Mr..
Hartley, assisted by Mr. korsythe, of
July gild, ,110001.
r Now w�i�l ,�ou boy.
change,— •. .Messrs Watts and W.0 1—A. Sunday School excursion that ern-
Stevens,who have been In the old coos braces "all paints between' Stratford
try for a few weeks eail-for home O. ' .and Goderi lost
is advertised for Thurs..
morrow The l iitizeps' Band too day. 9th• lns , . The train will be a spe-
part in a garden. party .at B yth one cial one, and Will leave Clinton at 9.20
nifibt:last week .,... Mr W Taylor. of The fare le only me for *setts and me
Oh cage, brother of. Mr Jacob • Taylor. for children,. and should the day be fine
ie evidently prosperingill that city, there shou'd be a large turn out.; The
he having just bought'* fine residence White Dyke baud wits be in attendance
membere of the L O I,. who Seafbrth Methodist and Presbyterian
attend service onsunday evening next Sunday schools, attd other schools
are requested to meet in the hallat 8.30 along the line, bave,signified theft
sharpy.. Closed
S tton ,nosiness 001- .intention of partronizing this ex -
lege. hat; closed for the Writhe of July ` cursion.
and august, and will reopen in Sep-
tember ; Mr Eby, manager, has gone A NEW SKATING RINH •-,- We
to his home .At New Hamburg for the . understand that somee of our business
holidays: all theupils passed with men are discussing the possibilities
honpprs. , , , ,. The' f�alnilies of Mr G. D. of buildinga new Skating and curling
McTaggart anDr Guns, have gone to rink for the coming winter.. We sin
Bayfield for the sun mer, where they cerely hope that the discussion will
have a cottage in Jewett's grove leadto steps being taken for the
Miss Butler received a telegram on erection of the same, a skating and
Monday, announcing the death of her curling rink is something, this town
sister; Mrs. John Wer, at Ontario,Cal, needs badly. There is no healthier
she leaves three married and one un- and better enjoyment than skating,
married daughter,..The first issue and it is something that every' citizen
of the New ra made its appearance should ggive help andencouragement.
on July 6. 17.65, andiris,; therefore, 43 to a buildingof this,,kind, which could
also be usein the summer season for
a e'reat many gatherings. We would
suggest that it be located near the
Recreation Park. so that it could be
used for other purposes. ,
LEFT THF A14MY--Lieut. Williams,
who has been connected with the Sal
yation Ariny bare for some time, has
withdrawn from the.same, and will en•
ter: mission work in connection with
the Methodist Church. His reason:for
edtloing is a slight difference of opinion
o in held b
regardingsome,of rhes ctr► es y
the .Army, particularly those relating
to baptism and the saacrament,
oys xcursion 'rom oron ,ta es
place on Saturday, July 4. Two special
trains leave the city at 1.10. a, m, -one
for Winghamand the. other forGloder-
icb,'so that it will arrive: at Clinton
somewhere about noon. The Huron
Association claims to be the largest of
its.kind in the Dominion, having over
700 members. •
- ABOUT .BREAD _ On July lst.. the
Ttalrespecting the standard weight—of"
bread came Into force in Ontario.
bread other than fancy bread must
weigh either. 1} lbs. 'or 31be. per loaf,
Fancy bread must weigh either 16 or 20
ounces per loaf,and have affixed to the
he Downs store
on Albert' St and 1• air s yard and wi l
probably use it as a, business place and
storehouse for the purobase of oldmet-
ale, rags, etc. He will have a represen-
tative here permanently 'At a re-
cent meeting of the•Oddfellows of this
District, Mr. Jaool.Tayy for was 'elected•
District Deputy
or also conferred. on him once before..
....Mrs Bennet. of Blyth,sister of Mrs
Walter ging, who recently underwent
an operation in the 11ospital,isvetting
uldhe-exxppected: - —
Council meeting next Monday....The
next holidays in order -.will be Civic—
date not fixed --Labor' Day—Sept 7,
Thanksgiving day. and .Christmas....:4
On Monday Mr J EHovey was nomin-
ated as School Trustee for St.' James
Ward, and there being no other nomi
;na.,ions he was declared elected;he will
make a useful and efficient member of
the board.:.' A• 12 -page announcement
settinglorth the dvantawes ofolinton
Collegiate, has just been distributed
among those likely to seek a first-class
training school.; it was printed at the
New Era , ofiice,and is admitted: to be a
very tasty and attractive catalogue...
The boring at the test -well has
bottom of the loaf a label showing the.
name of the 'maker; the weight of the got down about .200 feet ; rock was
loaf and that the bread's fancy bread.
`, •• SOME POIN,,tERS--here is a wash-
out near the north 'end of the London:
• road bridge, that is exceedingly dan-
gerous for people driving that way....
The grass along the sidewalks should
be.•but : it is unpleasant for. ladies, who
naturally opject to soiling. their clothes
with, dirty .and •damp grads.. —The
granolitbic ..walk on Altert St, north;
should be extended to the corner, at
i the expense of the town,- as so many
peoplego to the cemetery, - ,
`• FLOWER SOCIAL-Theflower soc-
ial ;held in Wesley Churc under the
=Spices of the SeniT
or Leaguewas well
attended; The schoolroom was very
prettily decorated with flowers and
maple leaves. The following splendid
programme had been prepared: Vocal
i duet, Misses Boles and Raid; chorus by
three members: of the Primary. Class ;
duet, ,Merle and Olive Moore ; Violin
solo, Miss R-Jolliffe: solo, `•Mrs•• Wilson,,.
• of''Toronto ; reading by Mr Bartley ;
short addresses on the flowers of.Eng
land, Scotland, Ireland, C.alifornia,and
Canada; were Rev Tolliffe.Mr
Doig, Miss punnin'gghame, and _Miss E.
Cooper, .respectively.After - a floral,
gesig 'cotest "rfreshments were
served. •
evening last Mr. and Mrs. $, B, Chant. hinter, ,.Gee evening last
celebrated the 25th .anniversary dof
e 10,0001bs of biw.eelc while the members ::cif 'Mr. Ben .�
their wedding, a riur er of friende Cole's househol wereabsent,someone:
having been invited in to spend the entered the house .ofd took a pair of
blankets; they also pecalred $17 belong-
ing to. Miss Colclough .... 'Mr James
Southconibe,•.l3ullett, .bas corn meas-
uring nearly 5:feet high:.. -.The let of
July was spent very quietly here; five
rinks of bowlers went tdSeaforth, and
tbose'who remained at- home' enjoyed
themselves on. the green; Shite a num.
ber. of private picnics were held ..,.
The Examinations for London Conser-
vatory of Music were -held iti charge of
Mr Ba vr�n, of London.•;;quite ais tried them, ' but. the .result s not
yet known...:...Examination in piano,
for the Toronto p.(lonservatory of
Music, are being held:here: to -day by
Mr, Williams, of Toronto.... Mr.' Geo:
Rice is on the sick list,
reached at 100 feet, and it is 'expected
that about 400 feettuiore will have to
be gone through before Wood water is
reached.... , ,The Story in circulation -
that Capt; H. B. Combe was the officer
at camp who Struck a man with a stick
df• wood and seriously .injured him was
entirely. untrue 1 the circumstance was
grossly exaggerated, and dib not apply
to a Boron' officer in apy. event
Mrs Geo Cook, .high St... picked ripe
garden. raspberries on the Ist.. , : Clin-
tonis pretty well • offfor music this
season having theCitiaens Band, White
Dyke Band, Fife and Drum Band, and
Salvation Army, ta•sayy nothing df a
certain amount of - }tcliin music
Comcrencp g with Saturday next the
PostOffice will be kept open that even-
ing during July, until$i'clock, for the
convenience of'farrnets, who way -be
tumble toga in RinJ r:...Thefonb�+=
ing are the increas$s[Aor the. week in
the voting contest --Miss R Pickett,3,-
745; Miss Al East 3,405; Miss E Torrance
1,635 ; Mrs J McOlacherty 1,295; Miss. H
ECollowap• 970:;Miss M. $olland , 800 ;
Mise N.Beaco,n 035, Mies .M Lanxon
640; Miss HJudd ii30 .,.Qantelo
n Bros:'
made their first shipment -of cherries
on. Friday; they report this as being.
the earliest shipment they ever made.
....Mrs Alfred Carr, of Blyth,., who
dieon Monday; was:a sister of Messrs
—Diving the
C and G. Hoare, of towtl....D.
las` week Oantelon Bros' shinned over
Glassware bought direct from the mane*
it in our north window..
Vase, 61 inches :■y■ high..........r■.(/mac
Vase, I I. inehe�' 1 •.R.,R„4,.R. ... •R..15
Vase, 16 inches high ...,
Berry Bowl, 7'in. diameter ..�. 5
Pickle : Dish .•4.....RR4..R.,iR, 4e.44
Fiteler 6 inch 4 hi h,:. .....R4.RR.....
Tin Top Jell Glass, per'dtoz,.,.3$
Tumblers,per dog,,...«..,.4b and.6 .
tie W.1 D. Fair Co.,
Often the Cheapest, - Always ” the Bost,.
:),,p1,4- AR 5-Tio
el inyour
This is the last week
vntest closes ..
� accounts with alt outstanding .
Coupons given .•
Standing of. the
Miss Rena Pickett 17,580 Mrs.
May Bast ....... . 15,720 Miss
Mrs. ;Liao. McOlacherty,.: