HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-06-25, Page 7�
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perluirental v#ssel of, re -enforced coill.'
. a Howard, daughter of the Sixth
- � 1. ---.--..- �
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I i I "'QRSE, ROUTES .' . I i , � SHIPS OF' CONCRETL- I I . - -1 I i NEWAMBAWA004-FOR BtIfL11K I
' , I 00* "41f oi M"ChAte from vessis0s, 04 , . Litscolles Stops Qut, Lowther Stops In
The. pq -allio'n ;a . I . . .
. ,:.
.1 , pulex at I ,III ta,U4 ibis I
. 604400 44 , wo 1* * . Am Fireproof, t ! - .... �.: --Somo Facts of Their Qatoors.
. .:!
' . �. � � � o I RA-Wor"d concrete b4a actuality I . IL
I Sh, Gerard 'Lowiller, British Minis -
.1 �
I . - ;,6 14 been employed. In sbIpbol1dIn& to t4e I . . . . . . . . I ter in Tan
The 0bQ,ic0Iy.Bre4,CIy4es0aIe $t4llion . ! , . r gier, has. been appointed
. I first Paris exposition In 18r4s. opiall, ii......" " � , -, N."Iltl:
I I . * , I fi .. Ambassador at Berlin, In. suboessioul
I .:: I ..
" 1 1 11 acre . .
NO K I] ' , Nat made of re-viatorcod to to Was . .�'i"Y".r..
., �
4 _9 . "....... to Sir F. La.scelles, who, Vacate$, the
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I . I r. . I :* _...66111011k 01�N .: . I nnat in th A
� I I . . PyhIhItP.A hv T&mhnt MOON WAAMAI .0 -il'; : Jq I.J.: mlillm�
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I � - I I -_ . 1- - ,-,--,, --- -,-- --,-----. � -
No. 13470. Vol, 99. 0. S, B,., .of Great Britain , - I - �... . __ _. _., "�A I . I * -gq; . . . - - .. . I.
il' . -------.q1.-tfi - .--.
1LnCI,IroI%nd NQ�y142,Vol.J5.Q's.B'.Q Wb$c I 1, 111 f .. ... I W . C -.----.-.-. _�______ 1-- � t
, An I _b was .CoXistructed of wire oetong i*V;..':!:: 1h*:;;.-,-::� The Right Ron. Sir Frank , avea- I Z . . - .
will stood for the Improvement of Stock. "
lt,WQZ-XONDAY, lo, big Stable, Lot
1 0
oa ,
covered with cement Is still all t Roo
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d ish Lascelles, who has been -nearl 7
fort)r:-seven in
Vill 4VO QWU
f,UuIIe%t. An 4 proceed w00% to U. Glew's
81;40no.p; t ien westso Base T .go, to J. 0ornJoh's
A ,,41
1, 1.
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0=1 cdkt a .! MO! eal Aii,!c.
26 �
-will soon W Installed In a t4c holea
M.Iiq;eqm. It was regarded as a mer q
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years the Diplomatic
13ervice., is the son of the late Right
. _
or laignt. , WUBIJUAII, w W11r9ceed north three
. e
r � fmiles. then West to.4:�,Lo elo,15th 0046,
r . con.
env -.9 i .
I a
.4 billoup state of the Sys , , Ch As
im.slaoss, Iiituses, prowelao """a "'
. _
curiosity .o practical resrllt�
i and led to u ,,
.; ._�.. ......;
lix. .. .;.
Mimi i... ...
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Hon. William Sebright Lascelles,
M.P.,, third son of the Second Earl of
r1olt TP.. for noon,. then sou�b, to J.D. Lin
- . 4SAY's,
forialght. 'WEDNESDAY. wrest to Holmooville.
antic I a the Side .
Ig obli-ti"I'Vol
Na q0tiogilabas ah wn in out, I
New I
In, ING 04bellini, of Rome built an ex,
. .. .
I'll - ..
Harewood,and Qf-Lady Caroline Geor-
then Along te.biCut Line, to L. Prootorls, Oth con,
... -
perluirental v#ssel of, re -enforced coill.'
_. I
. a Howard, daughter of the Sixth
Goderleb Tp for j�o_ou. then south to 4. G.
steep .a. for �Ight. THURSDAY, by Bayflold
I rS .r
qrote, which. 10 Still in service on the
t Earl of Carlisle. Born in 1841, he en -
Road,bogadCo,a. Sta, nley, then South �to, Win.
. . � . �
\ -
TI ber,and In ex6elleut condition. The
� I
I � - .. .
tered the Diplomatic Service at the
Ta,y1or1a.fQrnooq,,tUeAuortb. And east to Ira
, r
yet C Liver rills Mo.
RoadveIie Ar � ter'lo
e firm has since coitstru'eted a large
.. I .
�age of 20, and was soon afterwards
Johns'. Tackeramith, for night, FRIDAY. pro�
Ceed to'1116 QV,Vnr stable. whore he will enisin,
equally, Yr I u0IQ D
. , In QQUst p4tIon, curlagim4pro,
, 11 r
number of concrete vessels deelped
. .
appointed Attache' at Madri Until
antil. th . Wl ,..,
r a folio ng Monday This route Will
be continued throughont, the �e son, lioalthlAud,
weather Permitting.
n thiSlanno 11
Vdatl . y0mraValtit,whilethey4l4o, ,
- came all.disor4erse. thoo omach, . SO alatatlab
-_ I in
llverAuO regulate tla 11WY"
I r . oboWWo. Byen
chlePy for Stationary service as bridgs. .
I .
pontoons, for wblcb, purpose they are
.1 .. . -
More proof t t Lydia E. Pilmlp-
,11 we ... r, 0 , , , .
anit We I nw und clurpll
1878*he filled many subordinate, posts
f- p - r
in aris, Berlin, Copenhagen, ]Rome,
r r
;. .
H. NER .
SPOO 0" �Majlaoer.
- 0
erolpently well fitted owing to their
sick W0111000
Washington, and Athens, . and in all
i these, varied positions gained the char -
gallaMosl Nprk.,.
J,,,,r, cost of Main
. tenance. as t1hey
31ba X. 1R. MOrla, 335 Ontaxl6ft,.
r I
I .. r.
Adhotimly,1w.. cl�b Istotlioselow
need not eveu be painted.
%lontieal writes to Mrs. Fi4k4am:
-acter of an arble, painstaking
matist. In IM and 1579 he, on three
- I .
. ' .
. I The importediShire Stallion
. "M ,
safor from thlodletiessizigeomplatnt; biatforta'r
. )1"Y their goodness does notendhore.aW.tbase
I who oncittry therawill findthese little pills vola-
It Is pqssIbI4- to build vessels of re.
eororc rd,co re ,f any desir form
0 oc to 0 ea
&& I
woo In very p, our health and doe,
Wred for.months, receiving,very little
. .
occasions for several rhonths, -was
- A" gent and Consul -General in Egypf�
Wirdsalt blanite
, it
; , able in so many ways that they will not be
and dimensions, The frames and Ion
r gi.
benefit. I had lost All ambition, was
Zd in that capacity convinced his
r 94 . . ,
140 W00. Will stand for the improvewen f
I stock ibis teason 46 follows:- MONDAY. will
* 1141 0=4 :13.4tiftorallolo,
H rhae.1re-
tuditual beams are made rof Collorete re-
enforced with ro '
* und bars of Iron, and
� nervous,, and subject to dizzy spe'114,wad �
Painful periodo each mouth, .
11 A friend suggested L ydia-Z. Pink-
official superiors of his fitness for
higher and morejudependent spheres
r ' .
his own stable t1linton and Proceed west
3 miles on the Bay 1191d Line Een south I mile to
. .
the skin consists of a single or double
- . ,
h r
aWs Vegetable "Compound as the
of action. I . .
Joplin Ratbwollls,� for noon; then west. on the
Bayfleld Line -tor the Ith concession. then north
! � .
Astholl1fillootoog flia! la Vphere
I boas pulacureltwbile
We make our great CZ t.
liyer of concrete stiffened Ith wire
Ilettl4g, and made perfectly Smooth
p roper modicilue for me,' I procured a
bottle of, this remedy and began tak-
Accordingly he was sent to Bulgaria
in NOVO r
'niber, 1879, and filled that di'_r
tojohn Greeplo, for night, TUESDAY, north
to the Telephone ltoad� east 1 14 miles,� then.
I others CIO nor I I . I
I .1 ...
CarterIaLittle LIver Us am very small Itud
and water tight �by an, external. c6o.t. pf
Ing, and before it was finished, I felt
ficult position With So, much ability -
thf'. discretion that in 1886' he' was '
north JJrl-2 Miles to Herbert Cox,s for noon, then
east on the Cub Line'to'Bohnsaville for niql4t.
voty easy to take. r ouset Illsing adom
Thig am strictl i-,Vt#bl an Ao not 4W
pure cement, The boots cost almost.
U a
so much better that I continued its use
ant] -ave It a. thoro-h test -;+-k v6.
made a K, C, M.G., and on Tan. 1.
WEDNESDAY. north on the Maltiand S. miles, at by � __ nOL ng for maMtenance. are ureproof 9 . I I . I
then piket to W. Nesbitt'a, for noon-, and rqmain 2 , , � .. I I �. % I I , . . 1$.87, was appointed Envoy Extraordin- � -_ I I � I .
I . � I . and. can be constructed. almost .. realili I am to-d'ay well and a ,much . I � . . � 1. -1. 1. . . .
. .
I. for night. THURSDAY, aast to Sr,nnierbill, I . . . � , I - any healthier girl than I was three years ary and Minister Plenipotentiary at I , . I . I -_ . �
, -- - h halt as much it o. I have no more painful periods , Bucharest, From that 'post be was = Cal
then north by the Base Mine to concession 8.9 10 WV�W ".' whem, T ey cost dbout -
Hallett, to win. MAWS. for noon; then east to .. 0 �. � , No = .
'Gravel, Road, then southIl-lintle., then cast as Iron vessels of the.' same.capacity. dlzzine.%s or nekvoxis troubles." � "' transferred, in July, 1891, to the,court , . . . . . � .1. I I . . � ..
W . Their independence of ,regular 'of Teheran, succeeding Sir Henrr-' . I
M.P I" hd ba kd, Ift , IULJ . I . ,
I mile to Joseph Blake's. for night. FRIDAY, . I . "'p- FACTS !FOR SICK WOMEN.. Wolff there as Minister I -.1 1 �__9-.Ip . I I �, I . . I
Pr4meed'south 2 4-2 miles, then east ,%. mileq to - i - .. �
, , . .ards mhkes them espectally� suttable I k" Diummond
_ ,_. � � �__ ____ _.____ = y . I For -thirty, years L � - . .. I . �
M. Glew's, for noon. then south to thiron Xcead I 11 I .. I I ill
� .1
then west to Commercial Hotel. Clinton. for & � . . 1. . I for colonies an(! ISMat6d inlaod waters. - - .. ydia R, P.m , Plenipotentiary. His success n Ter- � �� __ -11 go . . . .
might. SATURDAY, south to George Matiley's. ' . origin of' Myths. . Re -enforced concrete armor. oil war- ha�-ln',s Vegetable',CIixitbound, made . � . sia led� to his being promotedIto one - . - . . ... IV fl:�Pl . -� I I . - r I . I . . I :
Granton. ftom. 0 to 13 o'clock, then back to Com- froili.roots and herbs, has been the 'of the most important posts in the � . I
mercial tel, to remain till Monday morning, , The huixiad mind, whether that of -ships. has ricently been suggested. Ali � I I ml
R LDS. Proprietor and Manager, I . ill' service. He was inade Ambas.%ador I - � .
D. REYN8 the I Savage or ,'the civilized man, Is Itall" engineer has bee stand6rd -remedy -for female I s� . I I - I . I �� .
oatuL , -All� -It thinking . . I and has positively cured thousands of to 9t, Petersbuig at the close of 1893, 1 1 1 - -
. 1. �
. . I machine. In early success (?f concrete land. fortifi&tlons, I Women"Who h%ve been troubled with in Succession to the late Sir Robert . I . . . � 1
. LThe Ghoicely Bred Tritported times; before, - Science was born, thei. as revealed In the Russianw3apanese ' i . . � � . I
Clydesdale,k0lion, . . � d 1,61ace,rrle'n-W inflammation, ulcera- , ' Morim Since. Oct. 24, J895, he has .. ...
pbenoinewi of, nature required an, ex- war, to construct armor plates of re -en. . tion - f! I broid. tumors, irregularities, �beenAmbassadorat,Berlin. Sir.Frank I ( I .. I 1. � :
, .
Cla3more No 11985 Dianatio.d, 'and. the savage .beholder forced .concirete, �O*ered' with' thin ekaelie; that bear. married; in 1867, Mary,` . I . of - . . .1 . I I . �, It
I shappd the myth, whi6h.sattsiled hl.s plates of steel, as a V l)(11ri)dic'pains, ba . . :dau.ghter il . , t I .* . � I 1. I I
0tection against ., Sir Joseph Francis 011iffe, Wlan . . I , . . . I.. .. . I 11� .
. . � �11*-dcnvn fee ,*- . . , I . , . I . I v. .
. MONDAY. May 4th will, leave his own Stable untutored mind. It -is out 'of -man's the Immediate.' _.. . .cy,in iges t mbassy in ar 81, but ; . � . . . . . _ I I L
a . - I . � effects of the. Impact of ling, flatulen III 0 the Britsh P R �� . I � .. . I
. I 1. 9s-ornervousprostration. ear . . I I . . ". � . . . I.. I I .
t Constance. and proceed south to Alma, then l0n, dizzine, . . ky M. . . .
east to Norman Carter's for noon. then east and natural crav�ng to know, the "reason shells.. The stibatitutidu of re -enforced was ,left a widqwer tefi*y .s " . . I I 0, - .
Mort YwayofEarpurbeyandRoxborough-0 I . a . 5 a . . . Why don't you try it 'Sir � G'erard. Lo'�their I � I � . . - - . ..
. I. why" . that. all * m,vthg are bom . - AS co crete for teel r on � a, � * Angus § dMMb,. - 1. � \ - ..
:: .. -.-. _ in 2r. AOL 8 I Ltm ,ill , - tl�§ - - .., I � � - .a im. I . _. - - .
oftb-Townline to his own stable for noon,thdft Ene CLISQngU1Sfle.G ILUVIrOpolOgIS1,1171or, . TCCNYT.W� tytxv MAR Mn.. - I I I I . , �7- 1
north to Allen Bros.. Harlo6k. tot- night. '�ED- puts It, "When, the attention of a man erable. saving. . The .practicability. of' . eakef, -,'� .. .
N blyn'r for noon, then west and sout" to the -of Intellee - b *to' and a nephew. of -the r . - I .1
. - --ft-ldship would .e. ect a consUP women, to write her for ial�fW the 'younger brother of the Sp . I
E� DAY - West on the Tbirteen�h to ohn - I Class ba hip wouja � -be Alas guided thousbuds. .1 . . . __0 VeS . I
third MLA of :� � � Z 3A '7 1 .�
It H , * . .. . � k I � . . - - I ,
Tam In the, myth anking-0n7ge t =.tu.bs I otlon will be & ' d1ded by the.' . lie. Ith.'_ Address, Lynn, IWags, , I,Onsdado 6 joined' the Diplomatic : ' � . . .. . . . . . .
perance 11ouse, Londesboro. for night, Is drawn 6, 'L . . . . . . . � . .� I .
Tem ex I . . I I _' . �
I TH . to any. phen6menon which . . . I I . � . I , .
URSDAY-wesb to 11 J Bill's -for noon, then - . , periments sooix to be made . � � I Serviqe.- in 1870,', and has filled with . I . 1#0 all, I . . I
� � __.- - __. - . I . is only j Other ,way, of saying 1,1 Aiiibition.'-` .. .
west and south Along the Base Line to W. H. has to him an obvious reason, he In-, I on. ther ..effect of shots on', the . re -en-, :. . .. - . . . n arq . �. 11 ..
. . listinction * ious posts, i � .1
.. . � ar .
d to ed I I . . . - . Pa'i tor Constantinople . ' r . I
Hall's for night, FRIDAY -East along the sth , vents au' . tells a stbry"t�o. account for, . re concreie pl4te.-dhlcagb News, , ' . . . ambitious -we all want, - to rea - - .
and Oth to jas cartwright,a for noon, then home � � Qarden Time. � ng from r s . . ch .the t6p, bift if the_ftat .. -
' ' . . raDgi . . . .
to his own Stable, where he will remain until it"' In'such way alt mytho;oky - orig- I : - __ I r Garden'tince has ' fh r I I I . . and from Tokio toVashington, where. I fe* livings in 'ibe laddor'of .success are MiSSingr , it's prefty-, . I - I
t - . - .. I r � . - , co e agaitil ..- I - I . r . r . . . � .
33. 13. bT � EPH losted. I I . . i - - .was Secretary of rd r . ..
he following Monday morning. I . . I Th. Manufactured Diamond. . oxne time he
EN SON, Proprietor and Manager, . r . , I r I I I � - . . r . , Ground is getting soft and mellow. - for ,, � . . ha to get a foothold, isn't. it ? . . . . .*'. I .
. I
I . . r. , '.. I I I .. ... . � .r. I . ,r . , Accordi . ng ;to ap English. 'scientist . . And the yearning for the'soll, . . � . .1. . Embassy. - In 196i 'he become Frivoy . .. � r r -CITY � -B . I .. . . I . I . I r . 11 . . �
I I . I . Minister Tlenip" ' Begin right and iiiiend the FoRNST usualsts & . - * , . - �
. _ Thp� Lltera�y -Sweatshop .. . � Takes possession ot a fellow. . I Extraordinary 'and. 0- 11 ' ' I ,
i . . . Europe, Is indking'.ik great. fuss iiboilit . � NOW he Wants to'�15iLde and rake. ,�.. - - but SHORTHANP C&LEd's. Nothing is taught that '� 4 . 1.
I I I . P9.1ir' . Vlsltor_Wb�. 1. had' no idea that � . I . !' ' Tucking seeds In little. furrows, � tentiar.V to�t�e Rep�ulylic ot;Cbile, . . � ; . . . . is not'Deed*d I i , I . ., .
. . . . manufactured dliatrionds. 11rhey seem 41 . I I .. . .
The Ira ported&Clyd esdal e .. novels were -written In this way. F &e- . . . I . throe -years later was chosen for the I , . in business life. .The rungs are I in ouR ladder, and who* q . .
. . .to forget that the moment a real' dIa-- . , Playing hAvoc with the home ' . I . . .
man of .Six 'Rest" Seiler Facto -Oh, , th* . Of the. oaxthworm as.h6 burrowx... t` di�ffitiult post of - - B-titish ,Minister - .to. : . YOU graduate you stand alone on -a, firth foundaticillL . . 1.
. . I I . .
... . I � . . . .. .
Nuirpark 13111 . .. . . ry mdud -is manufa6tured ',the go . '. Morocco, being' created 01. B.- at, -the . . " I
. . oose at* r . . � I � . I . . . . � .
.. . I � . . . .
k, MONDAY, will leave his own stable. Holmes-' yes! - At these machines -t4ey punch In - laid tile golden egg: is - killed,'t says the. � I Garden time. has *,come agiftil - . I I sixxie tim6. He represented t*. coun- . . Business and Shorthand work our specialty.' ,. . ' - " I . . . . . .
. - . . . '
. I f 1. . - . .
ville, and proceed by way of Forrester's bridge , the plo.ts. acrosi the-*roOm the,v stitch "scientist "Wheit -diamond ..dog collars . ' . . . .. '' ,; - . � . . ... . - .
,, then in. the: & cri I . . . � � ... 7 1 Loast ybar's failures. Lail forgotten. . , try.. throughout the tedious .and tor-' * . T"I to q (W t . f '. 4 lt. 0 , fit . � . . . ... . . 11
to Colborne. to Henry Young's for noon i S mloo'. the dialb 11iippily he works away . ' . . .. ir av-i.* PV . . I . ( . . . . . �� �
to Aaron Fisher's TVr I .gud''Is put become so nume�ouls`that'auy one cau.'� Atious proceedipgs �of the Conference . . . _ - . . . . I
, for the night. i,S I. Though his last year's'crop was �.rotw . . � , , ,. �. I �
. .1. . . . . �. I . . . I
proceed across and clown the 4th con., Dt'l .to by. band,. and -th6 whole then goes wear them diamonos will no.longer be . . . . . I � I ighooit"I ...... . j . I . ; �
. . � .. I of Algeciras, -and for his, services in . . I . I , atptenAim .. Q UK .- - A..'.'.' , 1, . . . I �
I . I
to the finishing r6orn, where If Is-!Rawed v . . . , - Own the tender leav I es I will start. .; 0 this eqftne'etion-he was -in 1907 made a . . � . . It . . . ... � I.. I I . � I ..�
across to the 6tb. to A. Kilpatrick's for noon; . ton. .,
then to J williers, Carlow, fox the bight. -%VHD� .� � . .1 . . alued. . It It were. possible to mauU- I . . I . . I. - 1.11 . . I . �. � � . . . . leb�'- � I I 1, . �
. I . . I
. I . I � �
h .. . . - - . . Soon thb k4rden will be growing; - � I
,E Into chapte I . � . I Id. � I . . � . ��
� . . I I . .. .. . I . .. .. .. .. .., �_ r . I .1 1. V . " . ". . . ..
,,ag..I., Percy Stewart's to - �.. �' ;. � I . g0rest - ciw- .BU'S'iness .co -1 %. - I .* .
SDAY, *Q d to A. MeDermid's, Nile. for rp-7Puck ' I factiure diamonds �it woo pay the .., - x; c� M 6 : I . � I . � :
noon Vith ea c r 0%6 4,amf Ghix- . � ' ' . Then the Weeds will get. ahe'ad� :..,,.,: . . ".. . - . . i
. . . . - I � I . r .� . " . . 1. .
,or's , or night. THURSDAY, I .. I.. r .. . , mlne.owners to bily ' up the1brulula, no : . �tf gl, . I . ' .. . , , � � . . . % . �. 11, .. �.. . - , r I . I' . r . I .. . r . d I . I :11
. I . . r. I ' ,ason. Insufflolqnt . hoein . r. r
. . - I .. ` 1. I I i
roc ! to Bogie's Corner, then to Albert Ding, . . . .6� tvto . .. * , mAter whiit it cost, .and -it: wofild pay . 'I -SoKnervflle Journal.. r . r r ElAiTAIN.- DISAPOP-ARING. I . L - - i ,.*. : V . " � . .. .. .: .
P ! t, ' .- A , .Sit A .1 I � . I � " i . : .. �
ford or noon ; then to Mr 11hrammer's, Ban- I ".Do '.O ' . 1. I I I . . . . . . . . J. WVESTEP,VEL,T. PCIMCW , . a. 0. A. 19mg.... 4ond". .
miller, for night. FRIDAY. proceed into Gode� - . .y q say you pald a'conipliment. the. med engaged in such eiperiments", .' L . .�_ . I 1. . I . . � . I . ! . . - , i .. . ' � . . I . � . . � .1 � . � . . . .. .1 .. �.
eSS ?L . �1,1.� , I I � I m .... '. . . . , . .� .. . � . .. L , � . ". . I I .. I.. . . . I.! I I . . . � . � . . I I ... �
rich township to NVC14rh's.5th con. foe noon; to.that bldeous and spitibfui'llaron' � much m"or6if they vybihId-turn their . . Washed . . . - - . I . �
then by Porter's Hill' and the Cut line to his ' I 1, I . . : Logical. ,� :1 The Island Being. Gradually - I .: .
, ' .1 I . 'A
own stable. SATURDAY, to the Commercial I diwt,think you ,c�uld be so ibsin-. ep�gles to discovering a -means 0i which , tThe man wear"Ing � 'I'deid an umb�, . .. I . . 11 � � . . t
. ceftov.. . " , . . . . I . . I., . 1 �44 1. . ..Away!:.. I 11 .. .., I .. . � . .. . . - .. I .. . ,�, - ..� - . J
Hotel,Xlinton, for noon; thdir back to his own . . . � ' . - ' rubber co Id be manufactured Instead. . placard.§tood before the ju, .. - - ' - �- .I-- . . . � � . I . � . I I . I ,
. � . I .11 , I . 11 . I dk,, . .. _J , . ; I .
Mcl6llop, 11roprietor. 41 1*rely�.told. he . i Under' the ictlarming..'heading, "Tbp ,' -_ _ - � - - - � _ . . I I I
W W FISHER. Manager. . . . . r that hef. face was ' It*we could make a rubber as *good as ', "Your botior," he shK` 1�1 - do. not . I $I . . . . ,. I . . "MTM14%. : . , ,
. as begutiffil as her beart.111 , � I ' I I Digappearance of - Rmgland , . .,The ; * �- � . I . - � . '. % � . . . � . I . � �
I . � . :
. . I .. . .. . . . the piodu& 6f. Africa We would. bene- Wish to take undue. technical, advan- I I., . . . . I . .1 � . . . � . I . . .- . . I . ,.
I - _. V ... '. . I .... I � '' . . � . .. i3aulciis' pubW4ho.� an aitield b�v -'M: 4 . � I . . .. . . . I . I I . �vl.. I
.. . I . I . . . . fit the whole,'world.,,:. Regardless of i tage. I do.' 'not claim to be .without', G'Juy D-orval. on the, erosion of the E g-.1! I . I .� I . .. . I I . I
'. � .- , , , . . . . . . .�n , I . �
I -
. ... . . ly' . seem to, k ep lip with. I . ' 'dear , liqh coasts. . . . I.! . . . . I . . 1. . � : I . 1. I . . . I I I I . . ,
ev6ry eff6rt, the. supply has failed* to , hearing or speech. :The words , . '. . I . .. . 11 I
' . . I I I
The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion The ard people' wh6 on ' . . . � I
I re � . " - to.1h predicti I . � .
. I . . take pride In'- tellffig 'tho tkbth - when . e. . - . I . the deinan&.11. . '. :, .. - '4:D:.d dumb,' 'Vitliout 'quallficatlou,, are � The. wiiter refers e on-,. . W, I . . � I � :
Voting Clendrie - , . . J ' , . ., I 1. . . .. i . . I . )yords arid nothing more. *.$opposing, of 6ertain 13rit4sh selentists,'whorn he,! 11 1. . � - . I 1. � . . I .1. .... .. . . I
I They lmow WIS POIng to huff -Some- �- f:thO'G:W.6#iam. - . . . I I , . doo,'G tv)t name 'llial, Fi�gllind,irill. nil' 1 : I . . .r,. .-S PAr. 0r.47cz . . . � . .
MONDAY, will leave his r wii stable, rmt 40, : bodyfS . I � I Speed* u . I had worn a number on a ta1q, Would , 0 I I I 11 . 1. .. s . . I
feelings."New Orleans Times- . . . so NO
Con. 2. L R S. Tuckersuilth, then south to the . .. . - The report that the gulf stream how I that: have' madd md gullty of asserting - day Aisap.p6iir alfogeth�r .bepeath .tb6 � , .44 I - . 1_
. � .
M, , Democrat .� -1 . � . . run I s w . Ith . gpeat I el- sp d than . f wav�s.. He says that this fek-rible.news . -_ k IL k . . I . I
11 Road, then cast to George Eberhardt's for � . . .. . . I - " . . I . . ee ormerlY. I myself a dog or an antom6b.110'. I - k 0 _ . , I � . . .. 1. .
noon ;then through Sea,forth and West -0 I .__� . . i _ I .
B . . - and 'Its Influence on the time required I 11.Morgver, Our hianor, a man may. has halfim on the 1�ritish public MO . . . .
, uron Road, to George D le'sjr.for the night. a I I I y I . . __ I ____ - - -0 .-�-.---1 . I- ----7 - --
x o--Loutis-4 To__W4[coraa__FaIfiAre& . .. . -`-forJb0_7crossing-ot- -the, -Ati4ntid -fur.;�-j-ue ___._ _ . , � . 71- . I � - 3AC I . . . .. . . �. . �. I I
UESDAY.. west, am. th8_Wur-on.-_Road__t . rt-br)lt- from leaves his I '- � .
. . . .
oad to his own stable, where lie will renial . 81 , �, . I . . . � . .. . . . : I . : I . ,
in un-. x In . .ole by Dr. *, That's. In -statu , qg business .tio-n an,, Aupor pioduced I y. I . , . . : :: Better - -_ . . '. 11 I . . � ..... . .
tilThursday morning. THURSDAY, west t6. visit�. England no' t onth'it"will be. p Y , I . . . . . 15, it . . . 'Than - PHI& . .1 . .
Crich's for noon; than by way of Ransfords side; ' . I . . . ........... f and dumb ,constructively. Fr6n6b. ,-readers to imagine the dmo- I -1 _4r 1 .
, -n Pre IdeDt-Vallieres of France nishes the.theme for an artl , durl , , - ,
r Whe , s ..
' lh.t � . . . . 1. I . � . .
the London Road. then south 11 , . .. rew - iecke L. . he.. G.erman magazine . ,hours."' . . ' , - '. L . .. � - , . � , I 11 . ".
. Miles tli6n .the.signal,fof. one ofthe biggeiA naval. -- � .1 . . . . �.,,Vnder' p�ossur6'�'of public. opinion, 011101011 . I . . . I I
. ' . . .1 . . � . .
. . 11 ,� � . . I . : . I
west ii miles to George Balrd's, for noon flv�a - dem. onstr :ev seen - Uffishau., Dr. Brennecke� analyzes the . "Your t�asonlng is . ekeellent 11 ra-� - ho`,�contind6s,: the 1<i g, in'oriTei . �- , . . I IF . I I .
north up the 2nd of Stanley, to 'James Smith, ationg ' Or i 1 off . the iiOa9t,'. . - I .. .11 .1 i S� L, . n r to, I :, 1 . .. . , t .' * .11 . . . .
Hayfield Road. Goderich Tp. for the u s, .. . � ; :� . � ,: -climatic and.,900graphical redsops -for-., . ' nil, though . . �i �� � , � . , . � . '. .or I .
� , . .... � 11, .
. .
. � � .
' I , .
FRIDAY, proceed by way of-Clintron an)d the , e, -e Istencia and continuance bf � t . . , . . . dr.. Iver, � � , '_ I . .� I ..
'isfit. . of Engl d , I . I : sp6oded the court, I a lid' lill&v th�'Jears . of'his subjects; . ,ILP- �� �.. . . . �.� L ... I , I 1 .4
d to his own stable. where he P� 4 he' F. - - tfi .. x . ,he .you to jail for thlr�y, days� you are':nof polvited. -a Commis.q�n'of Tnqi!iT'y. M.. . � . .- .1 I �.. . I I . 11 . .. io .0 . I I
I'M '� :1 0 M�on, i rench Am * , . . . 'i . . . .1 . . . - ..�' . : %,. � . � I
. 1.
'If . ' ( giulf.-stream arid points out'how the . Do al .then prDeee . . . .1 L . I I . .. .1 . -;, 4 .. - 4 . . . . . q ,. . .
London Will . . a OR bii'ehy 16 ,surn- . I I . I � � ;. "....'..;� I I � I I
remain ti lathe following'Alon'day morning bZado � London,. has been' in, . to.be,deprived of tfi� Rght to consider � . ry , 1, . r . . I . . - . ____ I --!.--
. .
. I . I - , i . I I
- . ourrents. �and. th ' - nil 6mfa s.fikon; I Is liew,fte is scb b .. . .
I endrie PrIne.e, ,, dral Weeks making ar (.ch.angaln 'the wind, 9 yourself constructively free.�P-�-Phlla- irize the findings. of the �c DI �& UM . I
France evmLe . I . . � � Mtare'& Resbw ow . . .
I 1. '.� . . It sintarihm the stotna& a Dkegliou cbm =*= I .1 . ..
(No. 81534, vol. 13,) will stand at his own stable rang6m6nts for .the visit. of the French density of the atmosphem all. affect the. 14 r. - , : ...�. .: 'V!�icb hard1v bekr dt the'sensational . :.�Ch6 curin r - � .- - - . - . - '' .. � . :� ...: . .1 . .1 1,
� . . . .1dolphl Le8gq I � . .1 . � . . , 0 ` I . I -Owtip'," I . . fu..._� I I III .. . I I. . . . I- .� . , , I I
and Manager. . . . . President,:,.snd the 'dvent.1 is- looked life aiad'power of the famou's current . . .1 .I ,, . I .� . . . , exor - � Cob- Usuitllyboc 01311. Tablet Is A'dw b . - , '' ` 10 . . .t '. 1. ., . I . .
during tre Season. G. W. NOTT,.ProVrietor . . . I I I . .1 i , � . � � . .., . I I - . . . ditfm.�, still lip, r6prais his . I - - Rto loop - .. . . . . . .. 1, �-
I . . - on' -_ . . � , - ffiAh, Isles %vi'll. soon- fn tbc Swat mW surcho duoucls Qw.Lbw. Klilo*md - . 41610h . .": .
I s D. very, important e, in diplow : Thisis able,fly. dependent, he.points out . �ietioh tbgt'the Bri . I :s. wkoc ---% I . . . . . � ,
. . tn a � � I � k He Bo-jght'.tko :Bell.* - 1. , I ' : i, . nothing Ai a toet. - . . - . . .
. . upo i � . I I . . . . . .
I - ___ ma and Go'vernmontal circles.: It . I . . ,er or. later sink nder the,ocean un- .S. , 11 r .
. "
. a . on the location -rind areas of'higli ilind . .4aot ,any .� ' NK TabW an always luxt rf& ita$ o0jo *$Fm�i*�tiitm'nv - ". I . .�10 , I . I. . I
cow , boomfid 41100 I
The elydesdale Stallion JIM 'been practically settled that the :.bells?". inquired 'a . less the inbabitants sho* greater zeal - - . I . I I . 11 � s,
* * . .
I . �
..1ow pressurd 6ver the. sea. A serles'of - 'f a clerk In a I cilat. .,GET A 25& BOIL. . .- . . . I . I I I . .. .
. entiie'Frerieh- Chaiincl squaAron will I . I .. � . - .country .looking, to n o. a. , .. in the construetipn ;. of , protective,,. ' . � . ' I . ' * . ' . . . I . . 1.
' I . . I . .
* '
DERRY DOWN I esdort'President' Vallieres to ,)Over, ly made reports over,a oug,po. hardware store, , , , -, . _ _ , ,, , ,_ " ,,. , I , . ' ' - I . . . .. I I
I careful I L '.
� . . I � '" rlbd of tl y .rp marine ob- , �� 17 works", , I -1 I - �� _-1_.___-_ -_ --- - � �
where it Nvill be received by t`116 -home. I T6 6 ilx6 Ger an I . "Yes,' 'Sir; ....Step. this. way'�' repit6d.7 In his anxietv concernine- the fate - - . . I I ,. �. .
MONDAY, will leave his own stable lot K , ' servatortum seems to,indicate'that the " 1. .. � I .. . . ont , i :1 , I . �. I . - .. . 1.� . � � . .,
con. 11, Bullett. then east to the sideroa'd, then' fleet. There.1011 be.sixty French and . . � I the youiig ,Xnan, � � -,. . . of the ent4 c-.;r�,i-.i.Iii;'M�"f)'O'.rval'has . . ..t , , , a I � . . . . . . .,. � . . � I . I ..
. . . . �
up Con. 13.'Bullett. to G. B. Ball's, for noon , .British ',i�ar6il?��4;".' licit 'Counting the� .gulf -igtream, no* racives more�'ra'pldly The former picked .,Up the large]§V te" ( intftviewed sev6ral,French Acientists-1 - . .1 .. . . . . . . .
I � � , .1 . I . ' . . . I . ..
, ,
",en across bridge to Colborne, to r, ter Fiabor's, torpodo boats. I .: I I .... . .. ... . . I. i than fbrm' rly. , - .1. . I I � � : . ',b � the . * - Bouquet d6 la I .., . - , I .
. 1. � I . ,
. 11 ,
� . _q . . . I -- "Have - k no on I subject, M. ; Clinton
. Ir the night, TUESDAY, proceed to Benwiller. . . I � � . I . I � I .. , . could"' find and said ' . on . � I -
. ..... ..-...-- .
ton t . , . . I I . . I . ' . I .. ..G,rye�, a, rdomN,r 6f.the Tnstitute. hag ; I Is vey - , , .
0 Melvin Jeweil's. west of Benmiller, for ! I - .1. larger'iban this?" ; I , Sold' !.- by �i''. .Eo., .'Ho. � -, . I . I .. ,,
. , . ' . . . I ' '
. .
, ,-,con ; then north to Zion Onureh, across to I . As' It Should Be... .'' 1' 0 . , ., iit reassur�d him bv 64imating - 1. I I . � I � . . :- " . I . . � . 1 I
I � I � , Farmhous6; Antiques. . . '. - ,�,.' No.. . sl r. The largest ones I are.,.all., IbInewl'i _ � 1. � . I I .. .. I . I I . . 1�
5 Fannt!�-f h.eal, y.ou struck , . I � 1.� to 'of-.�rosion' a w . ., ) I . . . .
mith's Hill, to R. Bean's for night WEDNES. First Oil A - � highly , Ingenious device-. for pot- 1 the ra I Vt 6 -thirds Of-_ . _ I . . I . ,
DAY, proceed to Nile, to W. Johnston's Con. 1. . � . I I . sold." " ..* I -t - - . �' . I .1 .! .. � I .- . -_ . . .
Ashileldi for noon, then north throe miles to Jae It. 1. -1 , . .. ting oh the market 1�o@ll f I . . . . mile in a thousand yea:i7s. lie juard- I , I . . . . . . I . . ..,, . . � . . I
st Nveel �, � � . . urnItUr6,:the T e former, on hearing thls,_tuined , � I � . . . I.. . � .1.1 ..". . . I . .�,
Win. Sbackleton's. con. 6� Ashfield, for the - Sj , - . + *****" . . . � . . . .
. icond VanuQll-ye�A; - � . .1 bdly' states � as h is personal opinion � . .. .. . I ; :t . . �
nIgbt_T);URSDAY, irocood.19. Viinntaia'a 1. faking of,which is quite a considera- -lea*.e and.. had ;reached Ahe door ,it" . . � . �: __ I I 11 :I.", 1, -, I'L 1. I --11, . I .
llijii�_ -11. _ _... --_1-._ I to. th, --tl1e1-EngJl5b 00oplo" . . . dt.. I I L. ,� - - � .......... 1�. - -1 `�. '_ , .
.. " . I . . I . . I
� . . . . � .
.. I . would *-be * ' I I , I .
71TAt uirnil) .' er; i , Western told ands, , When . . I I , � of ' . � HOME -M ' NlEtD1.0lNE,1 - � . � I . , , . i
Hotel, Dungannon, for noon ; then Kouth to Fffl"Or"-_R_�nt�_��'it_`rL -':-- 7 _b][C ifidus I4 I . i . . , . � .
Dwhd Sproul's, con. 2. West Wawanosh, for I I "111;)`t, . -the. clerk called after lilin .� wrong in exagl�6rating the dangers : I I I I . ADE . I . . � I I . . - . . ., V...
the Se6onq-71-'ar 1. e,1--:',, 0.1-11 .. 44 I . . I , 2, - . . a..� � . . . I . . . �� 11 I . ,: � I... . .... . I
night.- F11IDAYj -east- Io- A-nburn--�-HotoI...for_ _ - I—- - ... . . I Y, , * - . has �-heon:-told".by, ot..dqalei�. .Ele had !!Look--.bdre,-'�u.ar�gerL--Tn.kb-. on i I I fti-a-tion-. . - - . - . . . � I .. . . I I . I
. .1 . - 1. . - _' -----'--' . � i�d X�dnoy*�Trouble_44 .. _4----:-_! . . . . . . ;
. � , . ,rmhou h id I I - .
noon; tnen east to Jacob Yungblub's. for the . . . eighty Welsh fli ses on Is books, these Small th" Meaunier, - who is, at to. Relic . . . I ,' 4.
night. SATURDAY, proceed east to Blyth for I .. . . . . ., . * , , bells for your c&*, and . . Prof. 8tanislas , �. . " . . . . ... . __ � _ .1
. ' -w . - - ; . , . . .1 4 1 1 . -
.one hour. then rou th to Fred. bhobbrook's, con. , . Benefirial Exercise. .. in each of hich he had deposited for you won't, have half %aa.much bother. *e,qiiallv 'comforting, deckros it, the ' ____ .. d'Rh6umati , . I I .
18, Hullbtb, for noon: then to his pwn Stahl . . I . . . . I . .. an , .. sin, .1 11, ; . �-vn6psis ot - Canadian : ; � - ..
e.. ISO. In. the I I 6titset'that *tlic cnnsteinat6n.lof aTe . . ! . . . ..
vbere be will remain till the following Monday "Are you- takinf,'dny .exercise for the use.of ihe tenant, but'a' I finding her, for when' you* hear the belf. . One ouricst Fluid Extract -Dando- I . . I ; ..
. . . .
morning,. This route will be continued through- your healtlIV bts m 'the wolf. of thl, ',hope that holiday, people might d9stre British. peoi)l� is based on -icientific . . . . . . " . I
I I ked . I you will always know. that she. cawif. lion ; ; . ' . . . .. Notlh-Webt : - I . .
out the season, health and weather permitting. fo,., . '. .. 1. . I : �16 buy, them,,1.1oI#" .4ressers -and,cup- . I 11 . I I .. . 'facts-. He icomp,ilms England to,a - � . ' ' . ., I . '.. ' ,
. . I I . I . . . . ' �
HOWSON &. BALL, Props. . I . .. .1 I . be far off."' . . � One, ounce Compo�nd Sal4iolie; I .
. . "- . . . ; - of sugar In water. but ,Ray§ . '16fir: ounces [ - - 116AIESTEAD UEGUT,ATIONS .- I
. . FRED. YUNGBLUT, Manager. 410h . Y6s,".responded the latter; arid boardsand tables., The Inex'perlenced Xle hpu.chi the: 6p�L_Ljudr1L �' � , la�ge piece . .. V,ompound -Syrup. i , . I . . .
. . I
. .
, ,
I . . I lial Improving . ra�fqly;.' I am takizxg', , hunter. for old tu'ruli6re Invariably . I .1 . I . .. .1 . . I �� that France is in tli6;saJiicTligl1t, and . Sirsapatilla; . . Any even numbered, section of Dotairtion. . �. . .
. � � . �� 1. . I
- I -1 , . S. . , , � I . * . � I 1. I . . Belgium. J16llarid,.,-..Gerffi,�nv I atid '. Mixed and taken in tealpoonful I' Lands in Misnitobi Saska,tobewan and Al- ' �
n li'mateur. country. ckib &, looks for worm. holes. They � re pro-, ' I ow- __ - . ' n the ._ �
. � part I � an '., I . .c , . .. . Scandinavia are:also, xnierestt�l i . I na 26, not reaerved,may - �
- The Imported Clydesdale Stallion . hunt.11 .., , . v4ded. for him by a judicious pepoer- . I . . I I . . I I . . ". ,doses after ineals aiid-at bedtime, is - botts,oceptino a .
ROYAL MUM% . . I I I . I . . . � ; . � Ing with small shot, and lest i should . - I . . . guesti6n at the., same time, The. panic, 4tAted by a Promifient, lihysicia�. to I be homesteaded by any person who Is the ' I .
, ' I
. . I . , I , . he � ' . . ... in Vngtlihd is due' to igriordtde "of I . gi*e.naost, excellent residta in kidney I solo head,of a familyt or- Any -male over *18 - I I
I , .be Suspicious. and probe tor . worm ,. g�ologlea,l processes.' .,. . for urin�ry aflli.-tious,, ittid Also in years of.age, to tbe.extent of, one 4urArter ,
(No, 11165. Vol. XXIII.) * It Is called.. strong drink beetwse It 1. I For ' . . I
I �
I thvow,.ah�, mau who tackles ft,- � dust f.ully ."salted'.' with' I ,7 � . . � , untittigni aiid se(atica. The mix- . se6tiob'of 260 -sores, more or lies = I .,
Will stand for the improvement of stock this can they are care Diarrho*ea, . , rho . I.
. . .. . . , fine -711anch"ter. Guardian.. . . , ., ' � 1. � . . I pp lost I I
season, &3 follows: MONDAY, will te[LvO his Dslia�'News: . . . . I good. I 11 I - . .1 1. . Aiatn't PunishMent. ttire opens tho. 89 d' ores� of tbe.. A Ii ion for entry must be made in . I I
I . . . . No .
own stable, lot 10, con. 11 Hullett. and proceed - I- 11 . . . I I ., 1. . I I .. . ., �, - . kidneys, thus Assisting ttem. in their person by the applicant, At a Dominiori - - * . . I �
_.___!,___ � � ' .
north one mile, then west to Adplu E . ., . I I . ; I . . 1. . , . D - S ntery , � Arnold Daly is rosponsibl6 for this � ric, of Ancy for the di& .
Iflott's. for . . I � . I .. wo filtering E611 waste and poison-, Lands Agency or Stib-ag.
. noon 1, thence west and north to Mason's Hotel, I I I .1 . . . . I . . � - . -1 , . 1. I . Himielf. . .;.. A�'-.. : . . I I . �
�, - . ' . er nd expels triot in which the lana is situatiti, gutry I
Blyth, for the night. TUHISDAY. proceed'ohst I . ' new'kiall: In addressing envelopes .: y.e . . 1 one, wfil6h hr�pponcd in a school where oua fhatt Itom the blaod, a .
to Win. Taylor's Con. 9. Morris, for noon; thence . . . . I . . . I . .1 .. . . I A. - ! .. ; . � I .. I I .1 ..� .W. . .. . Bible, study is part of the course, . these in, the (irine. To Allow this. by praiv may, ,however, be made at an I ;�
south. by Harlock. to his own stable for the . .. . AM= has been noticed -recently by some of - . I '' �. . ; "What gin did Adam cornmite? . -' poisonous matter 10 remain means Agency on certain conditions 'by the � . ,
night. WEDNESDAY, will proceed weS6 to I 0- I . I . I the postoftlee clerks. , Instead' -of the . .. I . AND ALL ' -. I I I "He 4te 'forbidden fruit." ., . , , fibber, � , . I
Londesboro. thence south to Iff.r. Ecar's for , . .1 . . . . I ., that it will settle in the mumcular mother, son, daughter, brother ,or . . � I . :
' I
noon . I ..word "person Ill on these eavelopes;, to . . . 11R'flit,� What tempted ,Adam?" '. I , . iiasuo or joints, And cause the- untold doter of an intending homesteader. . .
4 thence south to Graligin's Hotel. Clinton, . a . - 19 , . � - p I . I . . . I
for the nielit, THURSDAY, proceed east along I Inilicate that the letter is - Intended ifttg ." . '."Eve." .. I . . . � misojir known as rhountatism. , . The homesteader is requi �od to perform . . I I
the Huron Road 2J miles, then north to Francis M, . Summer Complal ' - the fol . I
Hattie's for noon; thence north, then east to . :. only for the. eye'of the. person ad-. I . . . "Not- really Eve, but the F;er ontP The rnfxture is eompos�d of harm- the homestead duties under ono of .
. L I I I . . .1 . I I
John Sc'ott's, Roxboro, for the night. FRIT)AY, I . . . 11 w wing plans, �
nroceed north to Hugh Ross', Winthroi) for S . . . ' ' The girl 'llpsitated 0 . purchased'at Any ilqcd Ang state, (1) At lea8l; six Months' residence upft . .
� I ' - written "himself 11 * A d how was Adarft punipbed?'? .. loss vegetable ingredients hloh can 10
. . I are sed, has been - . , .
noon; then west and north to his own Stable; to . I In each case'these letters had bc�a,� DR. .FOWLERP.§ . * ancl I olte4 con- I;; I ..
remain till the following Monday inornipg, This . I I . . . . . . -sent from IjIngland. In some parts of . . I I . � . .11 bisod, Bohind her saf a little. 14 -year- and mixed at home. . I &nil cultivation of the land in each . year for _ I �
te will be continued throughout the seasoilt . EXTRAOT OF - - I . 0141 wha rais6d hor ban(T and said:- � � - Anyofolluflering from'& y of thims shree yesrir� , - � � I � .
roulth and waii,thtr permit I HOP, POLISH Ireland the head of the household'is.. , . . n (2) A homestc
be& t S I aillictions will no doubt bd leased to iad,r X)004� ifle so -desires, .
LEIPER & MOON. Prove, 147. H. AfOON. Nge. .. . . . "Please; palstm, T lmow�ll I '
ti -if I -tell you, IloqA, Y!Oople Itte A�par- always referred to by the members of " . . . "Nvoll tell us; how wa.4 Adam pun.; learh of so simple and , idghTy r000m. , erform ihe regaired residence duties by I
- ------I- , dular about the Shoo 1)oli�ix they the family its "himself," and the Infla- I ed?' I .. . . . mended remedy. - - , fiving on , farming inna dwncd solely by - . .1.
� . . ' WILD STRAWBEW sh ' � I him, not less than 80 acrea in extent, In . �
use that, tlloi�arlc me each night to be � ence of that custom inity have had its , . "He had to mairy Evp." I
. The Ciyaescipic stallion . . . auto and use *.I 2 1xi li .-, . . effect on the Etiglish. ivriters, or possi- � � . . .. .1 . I I I *++**"*+*" the vicinity of It's borneetead. Joint own- .. . .
. Eute Baron, 11,'642 - ea,sler fd� me, too and ,Y,O,u bly the writers were Irishmen living . 18 AN fASTANTANEDUS CURL' : , I Princo '01"Wales"Travellrig R I I . .4 . I . . . . I � . ership itt land will not meet this yaquire. ., '
, .J011111114 see tile. sixilio I �dt, in e . . I . . went, I . I ! . .. ..
vill stand at bls own stnblo, Hut -on Road. Hut. morning.,, I . In England. -New York Soo. ' I I I . . The Prtiade of Wales'9 visit to.Cail- . . I . I If the father (or mother, if the f6dhor . .
I I I . � ' . ") .
lett. near Clinton, for the Avason, �. I � . I . . I . is(dea'eased)of the homesteader bob per-
. . .. � - � I I � I It has been used inAhoussfids of homes adli will add considerably to the tra- - . . . " denco on farming land bwbod' I 1. 11,�
The well-known Hackney . At 'a14 .. I . Attbr Effects of tiia Grip. I veling rt -cord whidli makes him t110 0 � iLLIA&A I I I W O mAneut roof .
]D-06�1-eri . Dr. kj�ouston of Edinburgh said- It 4uAftg the Past $Wy�tWo years and ,has -greatest trawiler of all the royal fami- - XPERIENCis oolelybyhim, not leas than eighty (80� , .
BraeSide Gotds,ndth,t I loc. and " ., seemed as If no disease of Whoseef- always.' * "tisQtiou. . -lip.s. His Bacchante cruise� with the . . - . � bores in extenti In the vidnity of the �
*5C., tinis 1�': I , I given I prosont Czn.r; softie years ago extend- Mh homostead� or upon a homestead ent6rod I I
wlJliLlnoatan(lathiRstabl�141lr6nnoltd,tltitlott. , _=_1 fects there Was any correct record had E very home Should have a bottle so as I . I got by him in the vioit ity, anah homestead- -
THOS. SHIPLV & Co., proprietors, , . " : I . such farreaching evil effects as this '. I ed over 54,670 milon, During his; ool:. I �, A I br may perform his own vellidencie duties
� . I
� ,.? . . oh6, find among Its Sequelae be enu to. be ready in tam of emergency. . onial tour, ,%Ix Years ago, lie and -the , , . �.. I by living with the fathor or mother. ,
__ - I . . 45,000 mile,,i, .
. . merat6d a depraging Influence on the princess traveled, over I , (4) The termi "vicinity" In the two pre�
11he Imported Clydesdale Stallion , 11 . ,_ . �. . Price 35 .cents A all druggists and and in allfhoge. Journeyings, with the I ding paragraphs is aefitim to nAesping; I .
, I . ) whole tervons energy, melancholia, de4letb. , . Do not lot some unpri�ejpalled ption Of Port Said, tic neAvei Ret 1rftA09 KIARXG do
I L ry Vbiou . OCSIGNS I not more than nine miles in & .direct line, -, - : ,
. . � neurnsthenlo conditions, ptoniature se- . �. *;(",(ellc .�n it . land -Whore the Union . I
I Dunny-Deer ea I . nillty, varlooli forms of paralysis, neu- druggist humbug you Into talsing so- ,Tflc1t (li(l 114 fly. - Aguin,.on his trip 40610VAIGHTik'" oiol,j@,vs of the width of ro&d allowances I �
Xo.(12557)4Iyd,PadaIe stud book I . Any .
11 ralgle artoctions and a gonerftf. IndAPAe- e4od Strawberry Compound. The or- to TLndJq flip prir�oc traveled 8,807 miles ,one gbildhig t nkotolt and doglitIptlein idaY roopea in the m .Pretritnt.
No. (8130) 0-anadlen 6ttild b46k I I I mttdkiy aseertAtit mir opinion, free W other An_ - -(6) A Homet --der inten�dingto.perfornv- -�_ � .: - _ _111.1-1.
ROUTE -MONDAY -will leave big own stable I � I Ity for work.-Dubdee Advertiser. . . . . I invention lei prolirtbly lintel Wattles.
6 � I . by railwaS alone. . . tionostriods 1060M his tobdenee dudes In socordatte with th6 -
. � k I . � I � - iginal is Dul ftwmIt's. The rest am sub- . 11 I., ... .11 1-1 -peantidentlal. on PAtibutil .
, lt,4t 10. Con. 11 ftod'111`0660d to John Drigbanis , . . I . sent tree, oldest A "ley fglr Securing
I . -.-- � V,046"i'16. above *bito living with parents or on. .
for noon, thence to Mason , ". .. latento takOn tD.Ugh Muntl & . Iratel" I
' . 1�" I stitut4s. I otew ftotRdf W Itliout 011hraoi In the
4 Hotel Blybb, for the ...... . . . Nveak womeh should try Dr Shoop a, - I
nlgb, .WHUAY. will 13% dehdRottht6Slo&ni% I I 1 , . 11 L . . . . farming land oWned by himself,L mo$t no$-
. " .11 4dp, AlU6. h .
14� __ 1. 4 ,�o "A ermt .%vtok , � I CA00 , 11,
4� 'Jorner. then East to Thos. Bellby's _ .., � . J Tod's 154,61�1%q un, 0. 1we, Lethb ,Xfght Cure.' Those toothiVealingo a Agent for t 6 district of,arlob Ilaten. �
,bonce South to tballotindry, then to bla own . - I . antiseptic suppositotleef tic freet to $dt"fific ANN 16Y61!!i / I
' . . "' ' 11 . , allmoukholhotlee in wtiting 'must bo
EESY At h6on Will Proceed Tonesmilinvi ed*eeklY Wit"60116
East then South by Hinburrito David Niolsoft,s I - x0ra thow writes - "We have used DR, Powtan's the seat of these Weil, fieAboil, MY A handAbiholy 11108trht
A' orvou'd I Altomo 08 Vallatlon of thy AtlentIflo Journal. Tervag Irl tV,ert to the oamortibaidner'i)f Dominion,
for tho night. THURSDAY. will proceed Rest. THE WDU XNOWX X&OAX)STPi - , 10�1 "booi o 4 fok Women" containg many,
STALLION_ . lood in ozd Voin " EXTUAar ,or Wum STnAW11%RR'r find ValuN1114a hiffits to, women,quil It suadr., x 3.1 wyearopostAgoproo" SOW tad o* Ottftwh, of luttation tapply tot,
to the Toi% lino; then South two miles And A � is free. all news Won,
b th,
ft Modal mid Braft .
eat to T1168, thlogstont,'s for noon, - It 't & great remedy * for Dlarrhoes,, Ask Dr, Shoop tadin% Wisconsin, to 081 I WFA,
half than ,
, N 'E, it '.. , A , Iound I �, P � Orosday, NO 0`, -L Atent, -
Soutb to the Un ton Road theft west to I nta weakne.u. .. qqq . -
. -
STO MA#d, to. A 6 ... Ask,tho Doctor in strlet,ohb� d ACO 4 Mfk� � W. W. CORY, . 1�
Tft'ils[601. Clifitob, for the bIgIrt, FRI. III*& b r at. WON a - .
.for , pe b %for 0 a I Summer CoMplaift ,taod Crawl* We W al d"� n t quoistion you with an.
, ., .0ob '
In W6060d Worth to whom" V60'ria I d4ld all 4bo Conimarolat Jaotel, 0116ton, all to or a I .w...d. ee Im . .1, Dapaty of the Minister -of the laMtkt. f '
slonee t Ills OT hero b#Atllt re. I Would n4*'W to be without 4 i 1 oopleNfirlit cute Is sold I 1-11, � !!�b_� I ;
until t11616116W Jig Mo byary ltondiy shorlad6o fat iht6d hour# . of Co. , - , ___ 'NA-Umouth6tima ciblitijition of this
, in UAW# 10 .0 *J*
nao,yfflorniost, CA I I �,
SH &MOO* wome to IfIevit6, $10. MO, t4AS11"Mor. .. ho I I bq� W S H Itolme a WA XeCon ;� ,;ftM1,6AA4**9 0 Pi3a for, "A
NO lvt6p#, ,,Atj,. 9 PMEA, I I V I I O" houlliko � 11 "'A's avottlitment will'
. 0 4 � �. I � e ,V , , ,� bill. I " I . , i
.; I 'I, I I � '0. I . . I A.
I . . 0 � I � I . . I
1. I . I . ��
�. � .