HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-06-25, Page 2i- ­ - _____ I—= ____ . -, — -7--_ - _.W7 �­ , , - - , V77 -,�illillipmoll�pmr���l"llllllllrrmn W�­ �V,_�� - I I-.--- .;-Jjw�--W. — 7----,- -A-- V--- lq�q , ilm�" ­ - ­ - ­ 1111ir 11 - WWRO 10 1, — _____ - — � . . , I . . � -W-,""W"----- , , I I I -TT 7w,""�, - ... I 1. , ­ � . I % . T I . , I .. " . �, � . � � � � . _. 61 1 1 1 1 1. I � It* '_ I I . .. . 11 � I ­ � .. �� . , . 11_1�_"�*�, . 4W � . . 'O . I . I , . I I 11 '1,4�� ". � I .� . & I . . � . � I I � .2 - '. I V 1; I � 10 . I - I TIM ",QUXTOS XXW ICRA I I I . . I I I j4ne ;r5th, I"$ _�_, � - - ..''. .. ­ I I , � . I "I, I 1". I 1. I ­� 010. I 0-01, I - , , i , I I- � 11 ­ � I -1 ...1.1'..., ... -.1. ".."_ _ __ _. I . I �' �;, � I . I � I . I - I I'll I I . . . � - I � IF 9 11. t � - - ., ­­­ ­­.- -1 .1 I.. ­.. I " F . I T bo NOW Era I Find Diamonds ft Scrap Reap, TpE n,&L,Ni , ' 4 11rou Z". 04tor Attadw Its , I . I ro -010hood i . Farm for We , I Io-pu4II#ho4,§v0ryThu1?q4 At , I - .F w i Keeper� I . 1 14Y � Tblsliiaotory�of $IWO. *orth,of - W AN DIAMOKO I . � V0,0414 that to I . 1. . I � I Im of 19 ZSS �, .� � * , the' � 4 01-fe- 'I . 8�U,� lit 00 , 0 isom, 0401; . 'Ngwr E"4"Printlog q I . . ., 110480A , idi,amonds whio after 17log 'bidden To Middle L , , � The sz� Pound Reptile Ituag Z 094orlob towasb1p. . � . . �,� MA40 OT -for M years in A ,mirror Wine, wore I I 11 . — , I . ck ., !go#, ftse it lotil . , , ktANT, m - #� 4$ p, . MiftOl% �. In Florida . Good frame house, frame born, slobloi. W., 'UnToes E'. I I ' I . I Oat and fouu4 again, . - -, eed the Rlcb� Re(I , CIFT OF TRANSVAA.4 ,TO KING Ox O,dvq Uouse, 00.04grino or"]k �- , � . ­ lt"s.of aubqcriptio -$ � All, Women N - .. of RARIUSTOR )$QX#IC . , . 4 1 per, year , . � 0 lo.pores . _ , ITOR� $UTARV L � I , , JustAbout a month 0 a Young. I � S,OWARD BEING QU 1. Bec,%ase Ilia Jungle surroundin v site ogoboa, all clear but ab rij Z acres and I , - I . -10,04 'Pills, T. 'on PUBLIC, V,To. , vsun6. ., $1.150 A.M.AY ,be 01141?10cl it woman from Armotirdosfl� werit to 410 Ink & , , . od Dr WIllfains F itoollowelikelo too veasort asagned in good. state otgullilvotlan, Soily:loh,olsy ! 1. . 1! I . n4eo paid. NO Paper .4IscQntmu6* I . I I . 04INT011 . �, I W C'Flodlay's mirt store in wA i .� -an attaq . sm, I ? I . ' . , Inut I Aetually Make ' - . . for , k made by Moe, the big, ic, Reasonable terms to anti purchas- � . � '# .1 - I � � iirittl, All kreAko, 4regid, unless so. the [ Street, , I . . �, '. �., . I . I I . - , I alligator athe BVOUX J?ATk Z00,11POU 04 Apply to O_.J, Wallis, Olin I ". — - . oc.3004 Of -the publis or, The, date ,tQ, , ton"Ont, I * . I bavi a Yet old Irior, - ho , J.? 030 orgsat�plitrnowl,lrl the World-ThO Keeper C arlos,Snyder. . RIDOUT 4. HALU .. 1. . I which overysobspriptipti,is paid la.d e 7_ in at we , rem girlhood to middle life I L' . I I , . I , e- ancl I want it retrained, she said, health arid happiness of every woman KohInoor Cast In the Shad6.-Wlll Moe, Nry . O. weighs W.pounds and Is - I , . I . . I I ,ni,)Wd. on the labbl. 11firoglams is good, but iloce the 4epextdo -on. her blood. It h4$r bloodt, to . � .1. ----- - F -0. I 1: A,41rertioiug ra.09,,;Tratislent ad _r. . nine fe , long, carne from Florida . arm for Sale. . . , I I va flood in 1003, when the ni poor find watery she becomi . I Oe, Placed Amoni; the, Crown threeyeareag; Therein the Eve , r, . . VI .. � I L �jr v, weak, . . ror was — - . . NOTA31101 � I . . �,, * , tiq4merits, 10 cents pet, "noliparel. line � washed, Away, the .frame has languid. pale and nervous, . COXMIWION91941 . �. . � I � . .. been 418- , If hex, Jewols-H,Rw It Was. $pllts�Pollsh- gladea, alon St John's River, he P90PrIet0toffors for, sale his form on the , � - i � r. ­ 'Ov Wit in � - 'c0orecland caked with mud, It:ha - . - a 'Idaii , I � I . I :. -wertionAlidScents per line I I .a blocd, ,6up y I ilmnil Can, o.oa MONI�Y TO LOAN, � � _P1 . tadroacbe. hisgrowth. At . eridh Tow' . I , I - guisequent, . ii is jrregu4or, she ouffera 11 , . the zoo . I nehip, Lots , , or w b iuiertiori, Small rema,luedin � Init Re"_Ifto,Spoclal In*tr1JMGnt;--_ up was placed in th � ted 1 1-2 miles trout village 4191IN 111DOUT3 — C. B. 114154151 . I I . _ ft � a dark carrier, and we from haadAQ as and backaches, and I e reptile .tank 77 and, 79, si$um V � I . 'aar6i4soluents not to exceed P06. Inch havenot used It since then.: other unspeakable distress wbichonly . How ft Is Guarded, . bouse, alms, shaded him when he OtOolmeavillo, church and oohqol. The , . , - -_ . . ,.I I 40ch As - IlLbst", I'Stray6d " "Stolen " ' -.1 . I . . 9"1111 gorilatne 2.38 � I � 1. . , . I., 4. 9 Mr .Fladlay sent a man, t& the little r women know. At every stage of a. wanted to Sleep-, and th6 pun . acres at abolce Illul, a . I" . . _ ��' � . *,O, inserted oric.e for 85 cents, or' one home on South Mill Street and the old woman's life Dr William's Pink Pills lBeside the details given out by the wben, hecared to cx�awl warmed i0olt trmwe house, And bank Medit, . , � . . � � ' bim- . Outupon "a . ,barn, 0, mares . al. . � . Vulontlifor$1.0ow. , tions intended brought -from vho are, iaegQt1atIrig the'work of . to ot probtra mud 9 � . int Q, . mirl;Or was the attio, are her beat friend, because they, actu. Men ,V - , V I �..'' unt 4 � . f bI ,uaranto of I I the sand And talk gAtor four follow I 0 Acres, at good - maple ;. DR. P.. W. THOM)PSOX ell . � : Qtpu, . idation must,. as A r L q. Tholrame of gilt And atucipQ was torn ally make that rich, red blood, which outting tile Cullinan diamond; the, who had, been taken from their happy brablatod, The form is ttaverosil bF. a r A. I � _1 I I � 40C �h, be acconi�auied by the off ' zing, brook. This farm will be 9014 i a � . PUY8101510� SWgeou.NEta , , . . -4 fail . and thrown on a pile, of rubbish, gives health and btrength ,%rid tone to , ' t of the Transvaal to, King Ward home and consigned to a tank life,' I .. � n I . L I -: ,� ,pime at the writer, doom d to the furnace In the base� every organ of the body. They help VIL, the historic stories,of the Kolilm Moe :escaped from the tanli and block or in, parts. App.11to �4 4100010:06tteutiou given tiP diseases or.lb,o � ,,%. 1. �. . . To . insure p 0 1 . X.ye..fHar, Threat, And Noss, . , 1. , .tiblicatiou in current want of the, art shop.' Then too a worohlaJust when oat re makes � the noor, Queen Victoria's aelobr4tec!t $`oM,,L sought the pebbled walk until the, . ALEX BA , . 011B, L . � OMee And lle0dence. . � I - be.. mirror was inal sed in a now greatest demands upon-ulier mosville. . � ,pae copy of Advertisements Should I � I 11 . . I . 0 . , frame 00 I SUP- .�pale their ineffectual fires. quietly keepervame Along. Then Moe, hn. Hall I , , . . .1 TWO dOOVA Well& of the " '".-at J*n early. I And last ,9aturdAy was sent back to ply� a ­ b ..., ... I ­..... � . Coiniusceial Hg4gir � . I L I . Ws, , Gagnon, who Air twenty and unostorttatiously L6,uis Asseheir ginin e was back lipme, sw'iabeit, , " I . - , . I � . 1, J - . IL , I I - : 1, - The 10 'the Armourdale home. .., . yeb,, as been one of the best. .known - -and Henty Duizend of � tile,firm .1 .btwtatF,and-tb6---keepwwent-.dowa 1.4 Q1C0--frQR0 ty­ . . . Rurowm. - I . , o4 , ' L I "A I ,f late I . . .1, ... I I.. . Contract rates tollowingtali'l of- :' _ �� oboWa our rates for specified part 6 Saturdayafter'noon Mr tiud ros to bta of S4 Roches ue, a& .- 3 , .0 ' I , I . lay was den Lys , a Pea , - For � . I , , - 46Dr. illiam's Pink , ill . rowded, with I I '''. sitqitig in the front of the store when ,ill bate been, ls� and Amster - Now � , Pre. Gunn& :� . ­ � , % 4 space, , Joseph As char & Co, of Landon, Per Thep , ,reptile house was a — . McRae L ". I I yr. 6mo. 8100. IWO a man cam�e -in. His bair was gray ablessingtame. Iwas weak, ' ' 4am, came into , The undersigned offerp. for sale his ch to , R, I . , . . . .. L - worn, York for their � first -Visit, but they visitors. While some made - a - rush . I L o1ce nr.w.Guy, ,L 0P,,L.R..C.8.,yA.Hu- � �., , ". I Column $7400 $4000 $2500$1000 and ragged and his shoulders sto9ped, . our, and scarcely able to drag myself ' for the'doore,the,large boa conatrict9t, araen property of three acres sitqA L in � I , . L' . were found out'ind made to talk of - tq(t.. Qfil�e-ontirio:Straet, ountgui Mik 04110, at I . . . .. . 1. , tor.den Survey, Olinton. There is 6,00M. front door of office or rgaidines, tion i I i; Column 4000 2500 1500 0,00- His face w4o'emaciated and White;aud- About.: ladgered from headaches And - I . c I to-refeiee I � . ,, bury . . - I L . . I , . � I "L �. - ,A column 00 1500 800 31 (A) he wore a tbreii4baro suit of once dizziness, m appetite was looqr,' and the greatest jewel perhaps, ,the, world , limbe4 the tree in his cage )eetators' 4ortable house with- stone cellar, on the West. . . . . . . . , tbe,,Agbt, and many of thie al . � ­­­- I I . , . If . . I has ever known. , Isoe, with atable, bard'und soft water, all I ' L , . V, * ' Ooluuin 00 10 00 5 50 2 00 ; black clothee. . . I toattesilot ousework left me utterly . In the. firs mained to witness the battle; dome. Crids of fjrult trbes an . d in good stat ' .)Dr - W, T, X.oMte, Ualvatsity or woroisie. . , I . . I . . �. I Inch 6 00 3 50 2 00 I 00 The framel I want, that mirror worn out, I slept badly sA night, apd t place the Cullinon dia- i re I . e of I .1 � Llai - .0 hours at hospital: , . ., . 11 . I 6 C Ingrid, after it has been -out, 4s to be one;%fraid df police interference, an- I Om, -1 to 3 P.M.. 7 to 0 Van'. :: � , I e . ROBT. HoITIMPS ant0themanex, -ined,stoppi whateleep1gotdidnot refresh Mo. � noune6d tbat, - he was,ar "inetriber of. cultivation'-, will be sold, with. entire outfit, I I . I I . . I . I . . I rig lit on rea4ogable,terms * , H. L JOYN11R, I . ' ' . .. ,. . 1 I � Mr Findlay's deak, .and . fingering For nearly thr�e years I -was in this Placed among the crown jewels., of the ,this Club." . . I - I i% 1 .1 - L . . -Ronstantly -taking royal family of Great Britain, and the, I . L � DRo J- W. SHAWo . ' . � . I . � nervoti-31Y Rli Sarre on the desk, condition And was . . L4ny4er was knocked (town three ' . . I I , L ' " � � , �'.�., , Questioriing draw from. the roaA medicine, but fnund no benefit from it, Work of Se�arating it into ,parts and times before t - he alarm, which he had I1,yISeL 01 Sk,.e PH)tSICXA$,' OVROWN, I . . - I . * a .. office %Ad residence on q i : t CLINTON -NEW E � ., _�. . that it was his 'daughter who had One of in hors who had used Dr removing possible defects was essert- sentin foy help brought aid. Then -' . tenbury t.L,()UDOBItOW.Fe'�ratl,S,reGiClongf),. . - I ,�!-, �t. aentthe old flood-dainag �T netri , bone Joseph Agsche I L IL . 11 —_ — , I _ I lt� , OLINTOki, ONT.. JUNE -25, 1908 . L ed mirror to Willi4ma Plu Pills with much I - tially. a delicate one, ,r,, several, keepers threw a net over Moe 0, . ... I . 1. �, 11 �. - be reframed. : � . fit advised me to try them. I did so . head of fflie firm, undertook the.tOsk in And the 3W. poundsof animated leather good Maple St� one half more or grouna, . I - . I . . I, I .. I I ' ' . . I iruit trees mud other small fruit, . DRe F. R. AXON' . . I . . . �� .: 1. Why that frame was throWn on the AnW the whole story; to told in th� -person. . I I .Satchel material were'. haule4 back to bouselin good condition, A I t . . DEN1111147 - ' ' I , � The Call Of Wine rubbiqh heap I long- ago, Mr Findlay .words.. "lam. well again." Thore are First he cleft the diamond into twQ the tank . - I ppy 0 , . . ., .. . "�,.�.,l . I said.'but the man was insistent. t1inesyet when .1 take the pills, for - pieces in suell-'a way that a defective L Snide;`�as badly brulso I where the - * . - L . , W. W.XIMENS. . (Successor to, X)r, Hoir*es i . . . " . I I kill L l6must be found, he said. . I , , I . 11 I . ..,.— 0 0 � �, specialist lit ilrowii. and n ' .. ,,",!,". 'I'm the old tired woman now, for they Seem to me a ,guarantee agailost got in it wag split'exactlV in the een­� alligator had struck him with its L . � . . . . ' n f ,e ridge Wark.; . . I � I 11�. I .. . . ad ate o the Royal College of Deut%l fau.7 .. �',', that work is done, . Mi,Findlay to satisfy " end- the' trdubl I i t 0, ' . . . 11otise for Sale , reenr 5 of Ontario, . � , L . , him, desc es Which so many wopen' leaving a part of this defeat on ta;il, . �L . . 1. . I , .��, . I sit here in my daughter's house, as ed to the -basement and a search for Suffer.", L . ..� I each piece, of 'the atone. Now, from � I ..L . , , -9 -, . . : . __ .� I .1 I , Honor. graduate of University of Toronto,. now. . I . , 1. . ,rame began, .' Dr Williams'Pink Pit I . d' '" ' .$al Daroartment, . "I . �� any lady might: . . the old f Is ,do nob�4ct­6ne piece is - being cut the large, is- .a Mill, 8't ��, , ,�, I found the relic after a long search on the boweili� They contain J 4 the , mond and the oth6r.part will'be out. ANXIOUS 1110HEWS A comfortable frame bous6' n I .IL- Graduate of Obleago College of Deu%l SUV*M, , .. I '�L I , ,. )U. an one I Obicago, L , , . . L. . . . -1 " r Findlay said. - old man stood ele j Into smaller ,sizes, and everil th .. F BOTHERS . . . � .1! . t from each and every one, The merits, that actually malce new room " Will visit Dayiftelcl Qve;.ry Monday. , I 00(l . I .r stones,when finished . , I. - . . . .. 1�, over me .rubbing his hands -while 1. bi "and strengthen ,the -fierves. , of these smalle I ORYOUNIG x . ' ' d 'p�'� I . I We "Take your ease, old womaq,dear . M . - . n ac ning 8 bedrooms' aitt"' 00 ' ' bed , good ,rid : I And willing hands to wait on mina . � . try W ads , ael"r, bar ill b � a .14 � . L . I . .. , , . . - f worked. . . - That's why they cure anaernia, indi I I . .: . .1 —_ . I . water, On �� uArte a ii, .. . 1� I I row When I -caught eight I of the frame estid'a, -rheumatism, lumbago, 'iff, � . r -o'd lot W � 1, 17 , , .. ., morning until night. . bea - I will be one of the.largest diamonds. a , , Ap y at 'k OfaCe, or . . . wt. U. f6wtElk� .. . I . I. r L . I in existence. The 'large stone prob- The hot,iveather months arean anx- p h " XEW Eit .. . . . � ; is ' al$p UH��X FOLLAXI), CImJo,. .. I - . .. � I . �, . But -I have tl.e longing on me that I left a), pot ter �to dig it out And went abhes, heart palpitabioti and skin .dism � ably will be drop, shaped. , ' ious, time for 411, ihothers. - but-partiou- L . .. - - I I I . L. I DEXTIST, . . I .. .1 I . I I l�,� . . heavieLr than tear% 1�ack to my office, . oases like pimples and exzema�. 'That. laitly for young mothers, They are the . . I I . ., I I . . � , Though themselves could never know - p in .In the'Hotel . Knickerboaker Louis I - 5 Lin the year : � Offides ov6i OINEILIE store, .� - . � L. "".. Itradst have been *an 'hour of ter IS Why they are thegreatest hel ' the I the'work was tbost fatal month for , L ouse for.Skle , , L ' . . . . . . ..-.:. Ir, from any word I say that I started to close- the store, I had 'world for growing*girls who need new � Asscher explained' how - babies and youngohildren, becauseof 11 ! I � . � . . s`t�­L . I . p, 1Vs half the way across the world that ton about .the- old .man, Just blodd and for *cmen jvboare troubled' dono. First, he said, it was -necessary ) � — L I .1 Tiet 'be. . - ; k1peo . let oare taken to make dental: ire � � . I . I 'or ot I I I to proceed slowly in L�o import -ant an i,the giLeat-prevalance of stomach and ,, The large oottl . ment, as painless as. Po8dible. . I L I . I , , I would be the day, �eford leaving' the store I went down with- irregular. health. L - Sold by all I �., L . %go oit 'Queen at ._ �...­­. - . . - , . ... .� . ­­ M L . bowel tr bles. These came almost. . longing to tbq estato. of the late E. --.'. .� 1 L ' I . - ' - - .�. And back-in.my own fatber's,houses tothebAsement-to.�see�if�the back edicine dealers, or byL maiF-at'506 .a u;i&rtakb3g. A.m6del'of.tb6 cliarn6,nd.i.wi.thodtN'i"nui�ning� and�OfWn befOte'theo fo''�'S&le.'. , , , - � I ' - - - , I , I . ". . �. 0 '50 from the Dr� . . is offered r The lot is-one-i0i � Miscellaneous. , I . . ... . ., , was prepared In.clay iinA'experinients I . I . I . I've left'these fifty years. . door was closed, Back in th� corrier, box: r six boxes, for 0 mother realizes that' there is danger I . . I . �1-1 . I of the. Collar I L � Vbre L r!L .me, with bearing, fruit trees, hard ima _ I . � I � I.. :,I': Ile not that I'm not happy here,who's, found..the'ola manL Wiilliamal Medicine Co., Brockville,. tried upon, this- model, in orde the little one may be b6�ond aid. It is .041 -bargai Apply at NEW. AMES OAMPBELL, LONDEbBOBO - - . - - A I - . . I � - Ontario. � .1 I - prcH. soft water, A n. . L :, �, - . . . ' th t use all ERA offtue. , . � . .. SSUER OF MABRIAGE LIChNSHh' i�" living like a queen; .. pronched, down near a narrow window . � L ,. . . to arrive at a definite plan of .. the duty'of every mg er . . . X- . I . " He had the old frame all . Apart and - ., I . .�! .1 ... - Cedmfe. ' . . . . I . L. 0 A oft I . I I . . �. . L ''. L -:. I .1 I No wituouseE i�eQu*ed . . . . . . . L . . .,% 'L The children's children at -me knee, was looking at something in t . he I' ' . I WAll . Paper -FaCtS L �' '. i 'When it had been determined how .' reasonable preeautfts to wax , - . . ' . 1. I : . . . I . I . I 11, . . . �! pa in Summer'cornplaffits, For this outipose I . 1.11 I I I . . ,.. � " I'd not be leaving these; of his hand and: holding it- . near the '. - � . I � t a pecial box,,with., slid- . 1, no other, edlaine can equal Baty's - Goad Frame Ilousel r$a1e - - , . - .. g . . . I ��. Tie never any word thaV.s come acrdm , light.. . I . .. I ­ A � L", " : . . . . in oney - � . L� I . I I . . . . . T I I . .. I. . I I . . . � . .. . . . I i - I . . . . . ' I -v I ing-sides).. was prepared and the di& Own'Tablets. . An.occasionalAose will ' . � . I_ ,or. 16 Rent. . . �.. .1 . — I . I . ­ the miles between if One single oil of common wall paper m6nd ]kedpLthe stomach' andL' towels ftom. - - I ­ ;�.. . For ought I know, the parish's self is t I �m, he said a's I , carne� . - was * imbedded' in cement and . . . . . .. . Private funds to loan at 4114 -per bent und ur- , I Is 8 yds long � by I i;� ' ' :reede .' L ' r1HYDON9. : . .. . vala pil 8 'inches wide, L,and placed on the top of. a stick, not unlike , offendirig niatfer, and will ensure'the '4a , - . . . ' " �,� . bling to the seas. Irwin Ilar imd tonfro'nted him one si�gle roll of inffia6, felt or cart- �. L dill ' Subscriber Qffers le or to rent 'his: I . . I � � � . I Crum , . suddenly, , ­ ,. I . . id e pf4per is 8 yar a long.by 30 inches a large _MSti6�, L and an inalsioit ,',little 011u..p,g0�,J IlLalth. lf:'the-tr6uble 'Upon L ' ' ' . . I . ' . . I L - ��,�� . I I . . eta � will I�rgO ind comfortable' frame house on in I., �-,. But I have the langing on me thatis' As he said it lie put big handL fit his rl.y about ohe-lialf of an inch , in depth . come, uneximetedly' the Va.bl H Street mest, containing 9 ro6ma" THOMAS-.-­GUNDmV ,' ' ' ''. - - 1. I e . . . � I � ,,, - it, Every home. therefore with Uth' rdbm, olooets, ivash rcom. 'and. .'' Live Stock and general Auction-vy ., . ' ­ . � . -st'iJil , was mhde by ahother -stiCk,'in *hich', a eedly curc . W1 a I . . . then '"begarl tq �order is 8 yar �'Ioiig_ by, 18 - inches I . pockets nervously, . - One single roll of on heavier than tears, , i L . I . I L r, I "Oh, Take your ease, old woman, dear gather up the -pieces of the irame., , - I of L was *:embeddiod. - a sbaryi-autting .dia- 1 sEould keep the Tablets -on' harid al,. -pantry, Good cbllsr And furnace, also , , , . , I . � " ., . .. . 11 . wide and contains 8 yards border. , . ' J. BI.LINDSAY, Ciinion'. .� , OMT. . . .. .. �,, lip well for them to say -Got wha 0 . . . . mondi. edge upward.. When th I , . . , � . t. L ". . . One single roll of two strip border is ... e iTici. - ways, they may be -the means of. sav- good&stable, I R : . . . . r . ing your child's life. They -, . IL L . . . I �,- Tis just the Mtle wild colleen I'd be The dianio ds*.* . L . I . Sion was made a ST10cially cmisiructed . I --..- ..... .­ - -.—. ,_ . ' ' �teia--&% A,t,, - ".� tc.2 _f 11 again to da . e I . ' . . 8 yarAslong by IS inches. wide aind I $I -and teed free from opiates and . narcouics, . . ­ 1. I . ' � 0 - - . . . ��'. L I .y . Then he told me that * 4 *. yea Lcontafnil6yardsoftord6r. Common knife blade wRs placed in the. ' it . X", .� . a -P mraptly actencirk , ' � 1, . �..... .And back. -In my own fatherIg house, . re tq, a r'e with a thin , Two Lots I' le. L to. T."., r.:., Cli�t' be bad ' idden' two .41amoll . i�LgQ : with, terrifle fo a ,k , and may be given with -perfect safety .n.W.. rmers' sale.'notva , . w - i% . wall paper is put uR, in double rolls, struck or.Sa . I . I . L � . I've left theoc fifty -years, . croVice .1� the Cornet, -'. �of ae, OF paporjo , L. . RVIng the L Stone ' to &'now bord babei Sold by medicine .. . _­ - , . . . . ,�'. I . .. . .. I andIngrai.0,feh oi Cartridge ` . a a of steel, Cle in : d'ealers'or by -'mail at 25, cents a box L:.' For* . . . .11 . , . I ... I lls� . � ' I . mirror. . , i ,% � - -!. . ... - . .. % � '* jitLin C , . The ', cleaving,- . which ` took - , . ., . sale, two lots on the''Routh �side of , , ' . I - . I ola�ae S�'t.im� ag.oi W . ICTLOR*GOODWIN - - - And to think I left 'it 1 anghing with A . .. � - , , " . trifle roll�, � Priogs are : quoted " q fr6m The Dr Willihms' Mediolne.0 I I . _11- - ­ ­ . p . .. . _ . as. . , G' V . . . I I I . . I . I OIIS� . . ' ing Nbs.'498- spil . . . � L i � I . ,,, . . . JA.- . . I .L . _ .. . p6rf&rned. . 9-i. �Rattent,ury St., rkeef�'bc I . L . . ..�. i '' " , '' . 11 . �.., . I on sing e r4 . . I � - - ockville, Ont. :. . 1, .. . . Emurls,± . . " true lads hand in mine! * . � Br L ,,,;� SO110 -11 ling by , in the P�esen;e. of.several expeit� �, I . L . . I .. 409 - Apply, to W. NV. VARRAN. I I . The -lips that kissed me going oh, tis. WINGVAN EDONE '.� - Multiply tbe lbngth. of,thdael I L � . 11 . I 1 : . ,. . . � I , ­ . . .. L ... . , - TAXID : . .. . . . I . I I I , - ­ . ?, has. been ,'cleft, , , � 11 1. . I . I I 1 � L� I .. . I rl� I . �Now that- th6 * stono . , ­ I . I L 'L L 1 -�� Birds an,a inimals Stuffed ,and Md'i.nie,j , -t . I., � I - .. . . . th6.:wldth arid deivide by.36 for 'Con . . ta.— ­ - f .41,01.� I . I . . , . ' ' ' * � � :;, long that they have been cold! . . Mr. L 0 ,Oic. $10001'or An Apple '' - ... I �� � . .. . . .. I 1. . I . . . . n d little was the grief I had that' To Stop the Increase of .0atarr - u- ' - And divide by. 01Qr ingrain Asqahe-i sedd;.. , process o . . ", . . � L .. .. For Sale - , ,.- - . ,true to life, Terms Reasonable - ., .. ' 'I � . . An . . It in on paper. . - -nd n � I . , . .. . . . . . . . . - - . L. . .. . .. . . 11 _ . � I . . :� L Ilevergave me sign I . ­ Clinton ' - . .1 � fpIt�breaktridge*pappr to 'Obtain the , i9hingAt is u (1 way.... Three, n -f e . . , . . , � . . * , , . . .* . OLINTON,- ONT . L . I ,. . . I ' �­ � . - . I ., I . . uahii6y of -single.. rolls .rbquiced for '_ _&m'7, o'cloel� in thp Fifty thousand dollars, including.. I - I .V. J I . . . . . I . A That need iT would teat the heart the -- . Z , . I �.., �. � . ­. I . OpUla�i MR, 'i " , 1#5109 tff -0-17 _roon� . - . =- , . --- . I .1 . . . . ., , , .. � . day that saw me old, . C 0 inbreasing, not . ch&n cs � JL L' (I 'irrigated, frilit tradts, will: be L. A'well eatiblished Boot and e&6,'busi --' -- -- - '- � . L I I . . .. . 11 , several . I . '. . I . L . . � &e. deiling.��-P i6 .. 1. L I . morning until 9 o'clock at: night� ar� r L ,no'ss, at, HinburDi 'also House und Lot G. D. NcTa gart tL " Al " b. �'McTaggarl . � _ L, '' - . �atarrl:iaf ti, ubles.are:. L . . . .. . — I .. .� I . r .one WA�nt Auri . . , -offered as pretniums by the National. . � .. .g I I . 4 . . .. '. . oulyinClinCon but all over the ebubtry . . . ... . ; . I I , i , never . leav6, fo L, ' . Ing Apple.8how Association', of Spokane, terms eapy;- 1� I JAMES STANLEY . . . L ... . . ,'7�, . But I have the longing on me -oh, tis toLa ' . � that -period of .time. These -.men are �: . I. . . . .i . . �. . .. ' ' L . �L.l well we own time nears, Catarrh is it germ disease And- .ure . To atop ant,pain, Anywhere,'.. in 20 in . a. Specially ari�an'gied.,ioom- and:no . 1� headed'hy. Louis W Hill, president of .1 . .. . . 1. . . � . I . � . I '. McTliagarf., 181r,els, s'. I I A �.L. - her 11, germ 1116 in the -nose, throat and '. I t .a* I . take -just one'. of Dr. .i'L' ,,it - with_ ,he'Great Northern Railway Company, " .. I . ' - . . . � .. I . ... . . I . Since I'm waiting like astranger a minu esp,, inity . . I . . I . I � . .. with those I love -the best. lun a must be destrbyed and, this can one olse ,is nermitted to ebte, Lot'lor �ale ' . . .-BANKERS ` . I � , - , . Pain TRblets, 'Pain � xposktion 'in the. � . ' *� . L. . . � . . . I . . I '. : � ' .1 . , dut the Con seinK 6f soine. tnember - of the: 'tit the dompetive el , =7 , ,� 1:-7 — .. , . ' . . . I . . '� be 91one only by breathing Hyorripi. mear?s.'eonges'tic;n��blood pressure� . . .Spokane, state ai�mory and,pavillons, I I . I ' ALBERT ST - CLINTON''.. - .. *., I �,,, It's "Take your ease, old woman.d6kr . I , 'Who thereupon accompanies the becember-7 to 14. - Harry ,'Neeley-, For sala a, quarter acre lot on Jamee St . . . .4 but oh, tis there I'd rest- . Thero.is nodangerous stomach drug- tbatis all, ­ Dr Shoop's HeRdach'e-6r t film, .. I 1. . I � .1 . . I . . . . . . I _ .. . . '4, . ging wb4PnHyoine1 is usLd,; rio.'tablet . �,. visitor.- . �.. . . 1%prly toj!� , ,WALTER -TOWN ,. Once back in wy own father's huu.-:e,. - Pirik P�,in.,T-,lbfpts"*Ill'.qtiiek-1-y coax - secretary and minager.of the n3z_ . . .- � . . bEND,:. ' , '11anki.1mi., - . Buiiilke4sv , , ''I ; .lAemartiC , - ': ; . . �or liu � wb6i,eiry the did ,The poli,�hhlg� ol'the diamonds. big 1. atibu; who has 1'ust'r6turnedoc�19�1111 a � ..., I � ... I .1 C:i."Lon. . - , .. trailisac e .. I .1 I , . � . . .�­ . .., I've left these fifty years. eq- blood pressure away from pain'cenixes I . - - .. � I I � I . . . . . I . i . I � . tion is often des6royed. . I - I I manuf 'eturp of - special , trip thru the, m!ddle western stat0s, I . i _. . , . . . ,! I 1, . After that, pain. .is 03e. Hoadache I � =ed � the a . � 1, . I . . 111. � Breathed through theneatVoeketin- Nouralgia,painful.poriods with women . ments. A spoolal "d6p.­- ,6 it '. imnotinces that the apple show, which . Thresher 0111 fit. for Sak,.' .. , !.; � NOTES ]PASCOUNTED � .. . . � .. . . I . I e o '' 1 . ' ' haler that comes with every outfit, its etc4 get ins ,is called, has been made, - weighing.. will b ' pen o the world, give ",am - . � . . �. tant - bat 20 Tablets 256. I a I . . I __ I ., . ,. I Drafts iieu6�. Interen ai.cwed' on ' ,. . - ' Confesses in Dream . . Hog.' Lds and -mea,; . . . :. �__ _. healing balsams penetrate the.mbst re- gold by W- S a. es,,.and W A Mo - -about 20 poun .uring about. !so of being the largest of its. MU ever . . , . .1 . � . � . . Subscriber offers for sale %. complete � deposits. � � ' I . attempted on if not, in ., . I . . "I ' mote air cells,destroying the catarrhal Connell. - . I., I . . . ,� six. incli6s'across� -The- mill � U'sed is I the'congiricht, threshing. outfit, in good . oraer, obnolAing , - I . I .I. ... �— . , I �, I . . . . . - 1-2 the World, In �-additioh to -'$1000 in of. I I . . . I . . I I . . killov 'MutdaD . I . - , :� Chas Rocker, who in trried wife Of germs 96 that quick r6covery'follows. . I .1 -of 'east iron and� steel wan4. is 15 I . 17-horse-powevEngine, end Obftllei3ge . . I I . - . . indh6s across, walcing 2,400 revolu- , gold for the. beat sing -le' apple - start work. , W 11 . . I . . . . . . , , Man he killed, Confesses in Dream The complete-- uotfit Costs but $1, and 1. I . I I . � . � . Separator, all ready to, I The::Mc I 1, W S R Holmes agieias: to:-refurid the vvna'c� 'is a ­bT1CK1X,rmnisTet­- , , tions a min0e. The. mill is -lubricated hibited, there'.4ill be prem- be . . . -,; I : Pire -Insurance eot .; -­ - -.. , I . �, I � . , 11 I * :. - 1. 1. ,ex I , . r �� 8old.,cn efi'sy.toime.- , ,.,� . , - . . I . I . � I -: - .. I ` I ­ ­ . e . .� - , - - ,: � I , ionalstinj 6fcrush� - , itinis of'. at * least $1000. ; each - fo' . . GIL13P,RT MAllt, dii on . I ....' i!� .Seven years dela and three appeals money should �,Hyorn !,,, f9it to, .do all -'sense in�,*ich '�stichitll Is ap__. ,with, a preparation't . . I- - ; - nt ,,F 0. - , , '' I to the highest court (if Iowa, have fail � I ; . . The , . - , .�car load. ekhibits, also for displays " ` r - .1 . that is claimed f6t, it.. mond powd.��. I : . . d::l I i ' . . ... ed to save Charles Rocker,Des Moines, . 1. 1. . ,... . � :, , .* � , .' - . .. , a,Ad 6il'drid'necea4 � . . �IofL Huron Roa;d,.Gpaerich..T . . '. , '. '.: :V0 M Au so. ated 'Town. Prop,w,*.. . . I I I . . plibd to Domini6�Salupson Where he `ed dih ' , � . . . .1 . . ., . . I I ;.:,. _- de . . . .. .'. � ....,.,Is-eiUc,,�l,in,."(-'riii-'IAfannoring," bap- , y a large quantity"is commerce As . nanpe,( . 01. I , I. � .., .1 , p. I ,� —, 1, ....- , e0y, O b � Y' 0, . . . � '.� from the confession of murder he ma . I . I . . . . . wil , . � utilized-,. As h' fi' I the project I 10sured. , -_ - . I . . � ­ .1 . . .. 1. , t I � - . , I... . . . -a . bIb I . . I . I ... . . � '. � Atirely.. the' '.fdop" is:he.-avy,'itJs i�jp6sSi the extent of $10;000, 'but more than .. . I ,.- I . Qrrlcrllks� Is, . � . . ,Year Old Loverg R19ped . ter 2 - 4`stickl',% . . : :, wiloncl Jroca,Al , $1�,o adoitional has been ple'dg6a Arid . 1. -P ­ latid Cement � -�� .,�,:r-,, in a nightmare. The' superior .bourt No: 80 - , .1 ! . � . I t ,tibblert' Js .a � . � -,,. . . .. . , t�4.. Z � : � , I . . . ... . 0 - disUn - stic r.sth.b- . . - to;- take 9 I � , le mill . . . I . . ­ ort I I I . J. B. McLtaujPresidant,s ...�.b : . has decided the case, cele brated thi ough I � I . .� I ot..from that of'. king 0 the bi' d -expected as touch niore will .be . .1 . ... . .. ; ". � out the middle west_ against Rocker, Wis bing, with it muld neVer*p6s-. with th4. head, as, is usual,- and I . I 1. . .�� �. � . I .. I . I � 'gias& . Vice;4pre_s . ., Bruc.t.�e-�­ 71 , . , 9 11 a . , -whidli i . , ",. . there; i it Is . I . . I .. .,-,I or, A& .. - , . '. . . .w inst mt -ha , itia, e - ,All. orders for Portinna Cerheit prompt-- . . . t".. , and unless he is pardoned he will consin Wid. Nv R .ti ' Away ��Tb sibly be -cofifoiZpJe(.1 by one fa�niiliar -, fore ,a - specit rume a :been sUbscriBed in.the next few days, k � , . ... . �, , ,� I . . Wod Sweethoart Who -Had � . ' tr: - � . . �ca i ' Th mechRnl- ing-an' aggregate Of -fully - $50,UW - in. ly. fillid.' '8srii&bn Brand-Portlarid Ctmeht . Hays, Se�y.` Tizns., Zse,�_4z=:- - .: .,. - I . . ­ �� spend his life in priaon, � - ' ,. witli tRe Scottish - b. Al tib, maA6 for. the Purpose, : e at . . .1 .. ' ' ,_=.Tbks� .. .. ... . I - I : . . 7... 1 i�. . . '. . . * . premiums; �The association, . which4b; the beat in the world, J. A, H&NULTON - , . . Dir . , . ife e,,- . . bie�" compbsect of Spoka'aa,meh 1sJncorpor­ I . . . 'ddal dealer.' . � - W Ll Ailn - cal. device %'-so 6natiuctod th' it . , 11 I I ait6d, . � , was. a, harvest"111 .. Rocker workedfor August8chroeder . .. I . . tel whose x1tity it I I I - I I , I . . . .. : � �. , I Wprks .by' ,f t wor:g�nd ra�ises .the . . ,,.:. . I.. I -_:aetlly, " HolmitsT4_e" �F� J 0 k. =,: I awealthyfarmer near Rock Rapids. I . I � I - -e of the reap- oz. . I . , . I I . I . . . al, . _ 000. --- . -_ I J'as. C,0 I , 11 I �. . . . . was to kd(�p in the. w . 9 I I I , - I .. � . . 1. Oreedy for his employer's wealth and � I ie '11. _f2&=2Mr_TF_ ate.d. ,for $100. I I.. I I I . ;O �. . .. � : �'? '.Zt.vil, �M­ . . . ; (in the dayS'of..the sickle). and. dia___ - -1 - . - R , ml I . . . a- , I . , . I . . . . . Watt, Hari ck, .G. Dal&. C. . .. infatuated with Mrs Schroeder, Rock- . Bluding . the vighance I of hi�s Six.' � Qf1 - - ... I I . I Chesn�v, -'--" 'J�eech- . . cut,of pluck anil gather -from the stub- ,.,' That part -qf 'ifie 9f6Ar;yb-icb Is bo�' -� , � : � I -1 .. .. � -�. . , P . Seafca il - 1. 17-A 4--. 1 * . . . . .. .... : I I * -%, e,. -grandsons I . . gsturfige . � . ,. . woon, , . �,.",e ' � - er strangled Schroeder and hung his ,adults6ns and a, sc6re of. . f ,­� . * g prepare . foi *and Asth- , , I . . I 'J' G G'� - ' , VintSrzt� J.. Ben- . body in the barn. La * ble what one alid allpther had left' in " --d r Xing. Edward will -1 Was 0�-&Ct -of Bion'chitis I I � - . ter be married who were opposed'to his second. vdn- . I . b I �,_ �m 1. sin nivveis� . . ­ I . tureinmatrimony. Rudolph" "Plo'etz, tlntouch6d,� So.'a pto ptioho.-e, or a be , between ''500 =4, 600 carats in , ma by MINAk(D'S, LINIMENT. - - ' I I . � I Mrs Schroeder, but one night in.his . . . . I � . MRS. A-. -X,lVrNGSTONE. . - .' Rs-,ing iented the 1)r!p�r Foi _ I '_ - .. I - .., re'cher without .a charge, .))reached.-� weight arid -of the :purest color,'said I . I . : . I � I "'i _' 1'�' ,. - C! , , , . sleep he clutched her by 'the throa Wido I D ,v='Ts� 'Isp ct^,�,, .i�sses lv� t aged 70, A: !wealthy .Wqr Of �the ..,p a I I prepared'to take in a limited. 6nmber of. , Each I � 1= , I i er , du Skiij Wis, eloped, vibaiiously as lie: wodId- lind io'pp0r*-, , Mr, Asseher.. Then fie told -'of th6 dx-' , Lot 5, )P. E. -1, �, I . .1.1.1 . .. I cattle for suminer, Pleut�o I f water. � ; his; awn IpWityi ­-. . .. . - I I ' ' and re-enacted the scene of the inurd village of Prairie ved a mary pr ry . . � . .. . _. .1 . . I... . I . . , I . ­ Thenext morning he th toMadison. wich. his childhood Sweet. 'tunity, anil'if lie lieVer --Tecp .. tradid' eca�Vtiona ob�e ed,, to. I was Cured cf a� severe, atba6k of iiii.. C...W', WiLLIAMS, Hchnosvilli I .1 I . . ... 2 �m I - .1 . _�- � ' . . reatened to heart and neiglibor, Miss Ursula Huh� permanent �p�ointnl6nt- in the chur6h*;1! - 4V h i ' 'bus possession. ! ; Rheurnatism', by I MINARD?S ,LINI- . I . 1. . .­ ... I .1 . . I AGEN . I . - . . k ill her if she ever told. After several sue a, pre0i, . 11. I .1 . . �� � . I - � I I . . �,., I I . 6, _ . I SO... 1-� m6nom I . .., . . . . . . - Robt.-. Stnith Har�odk--, E4 Hinchlr,14 ., , .. . weeks r ger, aged .The rliiriiage took place �but lapsed into the, molancho, . e diamorid," he'said, "is kept- MENT. . . . . 1. � � 4 , . ,he wife,told [of Rocker's con- I ' ' ' 1, - .� . ' . . ft n I .:. 'J AOMk . � - jwhes 'Cumna--t.g. : grmon ­ ... I . . . . Jossiou And cwisQ4 his oo4viction, in thg 9ffiwbfthe Justice o, , he Pda�e­ --Cbn�-of­a�-&minfe�s tyranny, he was in the gtro i j rooin, of bur new factory Mahone Bay' OHN M - Sholtborns for Safe, seafici*', E ' d I 1. . . . I . . - . I at 4 �­. , " _­_­­__­­­ --1_-____----_.-_ VAle; -h-_AV_. , . - 1. - ­­_­ _.. - I . ' ap� i - , , -1:6 . . ­­­.- d -faifed- 4­stliclt-a- .-d-day- mcl, .night,'hy- fpur-- ­­I� Nvag: 6ured-6f -a'"'s'evi , A , ;,a - d -� r� � , ­Ht!'=��-V.4. --I � I . " , - I - ­.­_ I , . , , - I � pre y prame , . � . ,; . . ."�_ . 1.1 I .� - � . -y- 100, . I . . I I �?� . .. . . . - -.1. --.J.CFehlandt,. ­ -­ . � � -as-.--one ihat-7--b-, I i, or - * � . I... . .� I . I . . . � I . � tied At �his- 11stickit stlbbleiO' br a I Mickit . . This .strong room lbs old "�_� . I I .. - Ploetg .w.autedto be-witi? . I minis- ar a (Aidemen., . .leg by MIXARD'S LINIMENT, . 2 pod young b018.10 Ana 12-mcii - I . I . . 0 ---- � I ' . I .. th 5un(I n6dr of the factory . - I . . �E - 11 . . . . I � . r . I home town, -but his six sta!warb sons tei,�' ' .7_W ­* ,' -. — . JOSII UA A. WYNACHT. iire&by Duke of Ricbmona,Wd bred fro , I I . .. .r _.�tj�� . . I - -1 - . , , ., is on a 4 . I . � I . I . .1 h .. . , �ku . I . , I . .�� I . I . .a vigorously oppused the unlov, - They' . V �=1,!L`____­__ '_ - 'I and the W9116 of it� are threeaquarters ,.. r I . . % , ,85r I",, ,eTn ,Z:1 , .� �, ,Zw.." It is anticipated that King Edward I I ,�,r.;; � I , . .. , � � ::B idipwater.' I I... I. : 16odcows,ptin,es to, enit t a thmes. . - I . I , , ", Londoi strong irom .1 I . . . I I.. � I . -f gobd teed baflev. . . I 6 TLE I . _� not only Opposed it,litit they persuaded ' �4 ' n'd Sh.Ab! 61 a �ard thick 'and of ., . I . . . I . % quantity , , . R W .".Cu ; . i� will ray his promised visit to the Can' all the niiiijiters. and .'magisfratels�� in � ' The doar,'6iri-bo op�hed only by'A, . , , I . . .. . . .. . . I .. . I.. R4 � . : adian Pavilion ,Lt London Ex6ibition I tfat th6 Tow&r * 1we ) ,hm -eyes. -open I . . 0 n " . A H tkn�SE, � ' ' i . . I ' , . i C011111L11U4iUXA . I I - __Dani6l, Wilso�, 6x-niayor of .0. 11' - � * - - intoo p,o. ­. ! Pallittro and Paper'.Ra*aero . - 1. ! . on Dominion Da . , . . the'v ilaga'and vicinity to - refuse to � ag. ht walkA - tondon, and . 1�e ; of i !-ittrrbe­rsT-which--1s-1 "'Is . � ; � . ' � : - .cf . , . �. L . .: I... . . . .Y but three members w6odot�as nominated by the Llbe,-o . I . ., I ­ . I � I I � . . . .- . , .1 � . perforM Dbe. ceremony. Then ..with ..witl See oh �eVCIY % . � I h Sinico-a in Stayner. LGMd ' ­ . . . . 1. . __ . m � �All w6ik juaraxi,,eee d., - '. ', - % .. I ,idd�bfbim the brok- known to -no one .. . ': . "' * . . . . 1� . . - . . . . to the, firm. " � I - - �. . � I . .1. - . . ' . _' :. : , � I ... - �. .. . ! I I 1. . s ; , Toronto paid prilticely . homage- thealdof theft, 'numerous Sons; they .en s6laiexA bf a inriume'rhblo'army,' Of . 100'Z�Ohl'y" M P was. ifferect the',unani_ . .. .. .. .... I I .. � ., . 1. , . . . say, president Of dstabli6hed- i , . . . � T141-rm ey s I . ­ I . . I I . 111to W -'. , � �� Sir Thowas Shaughue .. I thorough - sy6tem. : of The. bid j6ui-balist the old Clerk the " ` '"Once the doorig opened a .strong I � I . .. I . , . . 11 . W*s �11& - r, Vle� . " .". . .1 I I . . I I ".. . � . , � - -the Canadian Pacific Railway,Mon eagni na e o ' irop-barred door is displayed to view, . I I . I .., . �. . . , bel�.§ rleas� 'call oil -Re-sidence nearly opr;'.6site . * 1 0 , g , voi, & venerable l6ver&" mane. nomination, but declined. :' ' I .. . I I . . ,.. . . I I. day ,t . -old adtokl,,the ';Id! sh.oprndn, the' old . . , I ­ � . . .. / , I er- th'd dr.dent bridegroom,was, not this has fo.be�unloeked 'before . Farmers wartim , th4.-, . . . �,,, y - Light, wbea the board of trade ant � h,ohA6sdklp6, of those odd and, multi- '. and, . Pay what you will, -and go whete ,'write ,NV. q,q . I . .. ,, 11�11, 11 H&W)llou $t., .. - ... - . . . 11 ". � tamed him at a magnificant bantluet to,be'ehockmated. Qliiletly .slipping -strong room can ba'entere4. At . 'i I I I og- Away; froth b-orne. he taint) to'Madisoli tatiolx% emplojrhonts� whose, very - the 'a, nialiog.; ycu like, you cannot get a better,purer, ' � . . a . ,.Colle&iate 111st tute., � -: . . . � . � Gordon Block, Stratfori, Small wago I Z5 . . � , at the King Edward Hotel, in tea , . ' - the- left of the room Vi6re. is '. ious tea than 1SjaladA-.' 33 for first, year . ..� . I 1. . I . . . , and confldvd'- his 66011es ta Justice tiathet are unknown to. inost Of us .ordinary. ap raned, � or more ddlici . . , . . I I I — . . . ... � . . . . . 'I', nition of the opehitig of the Toronto ' . 'there th * perislonless, comfort- anybupboard of' . p6d .. . . I . . . I - . . . . . . . Sudbury line which gives access to a; Vehlarift, wh, ' fiiffl - to per. : go . with two handles, but W-ith no.locks I , _---_-_--_---6s . ! - . ' . .­� I � . ., I .. . . ' . . ' . I . .. . "! - I itless, in . I .1 � a. form the'6e� oetz.return- ' 1, , -1 the COB TAYLOR ' 1. * .� reed leasland7omls4, living o'A 'Ihe.�ra. , I . 11 . I . � . , . . I — �. large unexplolted area, brings'Toroi - A . visible. There are, however nine I If one Mels dull And &ph &A I �.. to withid 36 hours of Winnipeg, hnd ed lioin&, donfided his plans for elope- tuities� of their, clilldr6n timl tasking . . - �:. Farm for .� Sale, ,. I . . . i . in chance e )1mments to 0arii a looks. behfiid, tb� Slid ing p,anol. The . spring or early sammer, they call , it! . . . . . ... . � * ' ' ' I I .... � , . , � . I I , adds a new artery between the Canad. -ment, to Miss Hunger and won -her mY - I door of the safe is eigil,t inches, thick "Springlever".. But there i's tio fe-ver , " ­ ' , — , . - . . I . .. . I eLINT4).v - . , % . . 1. I .1 . — �:' ' fan west and the Metropolis of Ontario a casuAl-'sixPeft66'f0r thdir-hun6ilki The , . . . . I � . . . - � � i The spacious banquetting hall wa lRoe3t,lopeesospap Ithew'i . itb - u1ness - eomni6ii lodging housei, th6 miAo.table . and it conceals two saies, in one of 1--;6su6lly. It -is. the after. effect of our, , That V�rj Valuable farm bolonging to, � I . I .. . , '. I . .... I I. . . I .. . . I ' . . I : 1. . I . I I . '177 1 I I I h h et ) i I . i I I I I I 11 I I. ) I I I I �) 1! 1. 11 I I I .1 i I I � I - I � .6c which the Oullihin diamond to' babites,'' The n ves are mostly the undtieigned, sitnittd three miles from I � ' � "I " brpwded to overflowitg with merch a of th% 'sons . and krandsorm r, . . -in court and alley and' the . poses , winter or, I � F ire, Life.'and Amdent -' . I.. i. ,. I Ant ly rig rrets. � at fault. Tired worn-out nerves leave Auburn. Simian, six miles from Blyth, 2xx) . . . �, rr , inces and o,her representative pub- to 'Isakik Oit 0 9� Efliort distallite -o" m. I = beitroolng , in small " suburban'. I 4t night. - � . ' * - � I as, school at oi nor of lot, 20 acrea of I -,�' � . , ' Insurance , . . -1 . ".1 . i to mdon's ."We observe At -ill filriber piecaum. us languid, lifeless, and wit out. spifit aqk I I . d ge, early It% Itho dior 'rig streets are. al 11 of Lc , I of attibition. W %, .. . " , . . �� [,a men of Tomnto and Ontario, an PrMrie-dwyi Ili, . wa�s Ju " I , . tions however. The head .of the- firm Afe doae8of r8b6op's har&wocd blush, 2 acres of crebard, first. , . . . . . I . . r reh% Madison. sh-Abby P(,Op e, , I . . . I I olaso buildinki, well fen'ced, well waterea - . '. � , ;- 7 . . .. . - . . I � and boArdino the trdin Sor . I . �paniejl by no fewer than I V : '� -state bought and'Sold . I '�, , e hamytiet was notable for the g I ' 1 Restorative will absolutely andquiek 3r . I . I . �; hout While six of the sons Were busy trillk. , , . Racal teri - - I enthusiasm that prevailed throug . � . . ' takes the.'diamond to%its olisinge all of'these depre8silig' ayin . ia m * bikh state of oiltivation Wnd ex'c;ellent Real 6 � . . � . . men, ,%ocive . . � . I . I ing the cows aud doibg othei, - 6borea '. . . I � . ­ � I � .. tonis. 1be Restorative of coitr�o 'won t ,,oil ; .atio of the brst farms,)n ibe ct,viitry. 1 . . . ' . ... � . � P �,. I I I I . "HMO" resting place for tho night ant] ro- , I . .. w - on their Six lar,ge ftriuq ne%v Prairie ." - � I - . . I I)r:n'g you -oack t .ea8Vi Apply THUS, Blt . Money to loan, �, : - M� * du 8ac the happy old cou p, a 'we . - " I . . I . , it to the working rhom in the o fiill:-��hmhh in a dav Te r in 8 0 wz;, I I . 1. . 1. . . re he- . . �j turns ov two,. but it will do enongh' ill 6.IA,3n1 I _�_ , ' - .. Blylb, Ont. O., � � - . . ,� 1. . . . 48 �4_ I . � . ­ � . .. � . I I - I-4. 1 -3 W 11 . 6 morninfo - Th46 is 'a synall patemt, re� I � I � ng w L. u awa,,v 6 adisom Arriving al� Mwdlson Mr 'Ploetz mid , ... I I ,ile.-thi- Strong -m , "urs to S"'Sty'Tou --- t1lat-the kelliedy * - _ women s,. AlIments . 1, co.rding clock outsi . rar) is reaching that "tired - spot, Drug4 * . I � 1. . � -_ - = ' . . � Offlee h,sac Street. next d&r. to, New � . � Era.. � I . Miss Hunger to,ok 9, ,cartiage bo lus. .ticeriehlandt(j'Moe,Viherethab6ft-iciaI I I . . . There is no need -whatever for so tnem � y and it is the duty of'11he night watch gists everywhere advising its use as a� . [ *"Women to�o,afferf�ompaitio�andwt)tLkiiemp Mall to.malce a, oortain mark on tbl� splendid and prompt general toole, It S t 0 ke, and No6nis to.. Rent - . — 0 ��. . . � . � . � . . I I . . . . I . ... I . . ,was waiting them, Summoning, his Stenographer Miss Alta H ChatWeton, . I . -k every hnlf hour, an4 lie imist _ . nervousness and oleeplerjhhess) aniernit, cloc , gives more vim and more spirit to the faint and dizzy live up to his (bity to t1lo'-f4p.mild'Aa. i hysteria arid melancholia ". . . spoonful than tiny other known nerve !Vbe un3er0ignen tffers to rent the office ou'lease St,,Jum book of,Worrisll & Orooltri I . . Y_ . I - mclsse* Harr'is Agy �. I and Several other persons for, witness- as, Justice Vehlandt quickly married kissed I'll '"' 'or 6onatitutional tonic, It.sharpens A spells, and the h'undre Other troubles 8PIt", the fact that the arnw(l. I" �d , which tender the Wa of too lniny'womett 11 men . are on patrol throughout the falling amplatifte,'. ai& diklegtlon, frees `Wir, 11 i 0J liveA,s I recently vacate d by Air. J. Ts))or, ilite is a good eiie forek store �ud aurmblo for any . . 11 . I I � ... tak?n the agency for the- . MAS'60"Marris' Co.. 1,will be to � them, the blushing bride,. knd shookbands.With the happy bride- I - and kidno, a and brinKs #6 round of siakneso and onftering. - , , building.every moment -.of t) e al g J I . u gab . . . .1 . �. _ . .. new Ifte'strength'and aniTlitioll. 'Peat it, ' huaintes, and will to &t in shape to suit the noode of any teriant, Also roome up, glad ,�, Inerr. Shaw. farmers any'kind of M ich I i groom� Pluetz atitt his wifewere sweetheart . I . , I . I . � I colivincod. .4 . H li,ing itiaalcon of iNorway rim scieto a few days and be old by. , MILURN S EART . - �L WSR llolmei and W AINfeContioll, * tifio taqt6s. Ito is interested in new , � formerly, occupied by Mr. p. B. stair t, Sibal �; suitab'o for dwe """ "' 'a""" inder a,, Implement tb ,ey desire, S .4 1 , Mowers, Cultivatotsi i5imolint Erigints in& .. -inthildhood,but were acperated,by ri, � I I . . .1 AND PILLS I inveittionf; and'ospoeially In any con* I I , i , , �, __!n!n_._._,_. ­ � . ­_­ Rent reasonable, Xeyo mi a Is i', all kinds of Farm Machinery. . petty,quarroh Holater married,but . 'r ­ Ift �'. she vowed shb would neve a -NERVE . .. , i tri anop, which, may, ba .of use at "a . . Have Restored Thouulldg of Canadian , � Os Sale or in the navy. He also likeg sport,"[ � Assignec 10,1,T� .j E4b Ntw Bra Office.. J...O. C1, . '100 , P.O. I .... . .118 WILEOD I . ANGL - I ` . 1, one if she Could not have im., inall his Wife died, and after a pet -in of - . . .1 . . I . Women to IleAlth.And Stro.n9th is a fill,e shot, tides *011 to hounds - . . . — . . ' . . � I . I I Opposite Maison's Bank, Clinton, I . I . I . . � I Mortgage Sale' I . . timing he succeassfully !?a- yoav"dmhoiff siege to the heart of iss pewe � I Winger, � YOUn first rate bil,liard plavot. ot wail Paper, Valutso Window ho on ( f mith piins and headaches, and Xing Haakon Is a knight, of the Gar- . ,v, W girls budding into *om4n'ho6d - and is 'A ; _ Shados� Moulding etc I whose face is holds saveral 13ritish n I a d blood WOW, of ter 1� I . . ­�, ., — �. . I I 1 . # , I The �Ayers . . . . , . - , , .11 . - .. .1. I I . ,4 . , I pale and ,other ahange of life who are nor- dignitie�. It is curious to ,note that Tendofq will be received up to June 27th womenat the I hist., at 12 o'clock no6n for tbo stock of � , . voum, du�jaob to hob&6488, feeling my there Are 'no of pine , at 'the Court Of Xoru I ' Undor a nd by virtue t)t-tbe powers coutAlned , In a certain mortgnge, 0ifeb vill 'be !)reduced at the time Will be offered f6l'Sal# I .. . . " Method [MUSIC Perhaps the brilAigrWOU Of W61140- I . . — . and needles, etc, , are tided over th6so ti7- nobI(%,,g anA no ti.tlea, and it thila respect W. T . Smith, oil khb.tollowitip: I of sale, tlleft bY rublic Auctidn on Ttieodq *119"t 30, 1108- do American farmers has ,,Ispoiledll the paminion. At tiny rate, itis g6ling I Ing tiniba by Milburn'sReut *rid Nerve it, re,,�c mirtR of Athena, 1161. 'PAtool IV %Vail Paper .... 0617.M mblos the . .2 �­­­ Pills. ­ Psreel paint'. - - 81' ' grade Ard BuchAt'00. '- WhOtl 116, came I at the bour -of in, pleloobin ilia afternoon at tbe Commercial Hotel, in the town of Clinton, by Jag, A, Smith, Lls4.j Auctioneer. the following 0 j r � . . . . Ida 0. Holmest - Teetcher, I . . to be Very J)Artipfilar henceforth, even if the eKet, of its, restribitions be to I They have it,�dt On & to'the throne ho'aboligho(l the- prefix atoei s. window hikaaa. 41.0il _ a wonderful t 11 I woman's System, iniking pains mud &ebaa � - patical 4, Moulaing...,� .... 8274 - of "yotir oxeolleno" lot Vinistorg and ki h, brm orolor to the t6 r 'arm --li, I cheek Tbrl# otoe'k J�aa be Inspeot. llrblicrty.- - All Itild A11091116y tbe6t certain ramoj . of 1&ndq and prtnilsea, sltu&t6, lylhg and beino 10 the Toiwu of 011hiton, In t116 County Of Huron . . . . I ,,, . . I cheek pereogtib $� the movehient of atiadaward, Aniericans . . UZ 41 .: .. om A a. A pale and other ffigiffladat snA even wished !fermo omob, v, I ' ffm ,f / dilapenso with the title of ajesty., I Ek 106 § tp th't a o a The old, Wain applicstion to of bar 6i tho pba6t, ut, I&I ' "" I . 4"e0defs M&V ,A delivered fi�*lth. n.2.1 twin 16 "I&C6 to It '141,Mtovineeorotitavio,110111 commoed6f Lott F, N 12 on the torner of Will am and PtlnOels Streets Clinton. Tbo btopert,V Vill be OHLIM4 !he Myets' Musto Blethod. for Wgin, . I - ners, provides a thorough prepgratbj-3� - . ! IL At ­4�b A# -I.1, Mu , r I I . .� ,A&& v m. a"" M KUPUS K115.1 , As we- now Mike bur fift Half Vigor It � , examinations and inspection of all ar� I - does tiot have the slightest effect upb -ft I " _ tharid Vitality, tndlAi 464ras wotth ' . . t�#6n g li —_ I 1 ,# The Three Peoples of the World, ' , ;;--of- i'b6 bri4enigntd.7 No tenders uedeF�. for sale, subject to 6 keftrVO bid. I ettvis erected a, cobitortabia and -Opfod. �On the Prow colurne n t u Kta A.- V. W eonunodiom lemous Are comancted On XinderJV&rtel6' O' ' r - s , . rivals not) excepting first Class pAsson., 1; .; tht 0AIlar of the hillf, you ibq use . � � It , geta, 'There Is no laxity ill Oahadialu ;, I ittid (or thy l6ritift of tiftle *Ith. I fft% law. - I � . �j 6 so cams ter bolt) orfl. �6x,k tot $1.96, at'all titU9101*1 or 00611w, 4 1jr,kton " Prom tho Costnio (or lohn Bull) , ' outlook the, Wo44 is Pro erly r,egard- . .. . Tatinct Astav ado frame bolloo. . . ))6lod At Clinton thi$ 18t h d my of lubo, THMMS—Ten Par colit, of tbe . 1 1008. . . to be pkid aowu at the thno pf sale, � y models, anti include practicAl lanto, 1)"hh" "b" to&ehlog, miLking t1le ttudy pl#amnl� arid the bal- . interesting. , ", efifoiftment of I . Ott le 6614ti $tooll .., ,fr ,h,,,I,,, ff 6 "obipt of Vd66 y od as peopled bt- thtft raaell 1 *oWit&JO thirty d&Yif, *1th6ut . 6,UL itItAt And Oat, Per PrIVkler Joel, of AM% Pl. also I I � fallitithalf. cilres. dittiliftli, .1 �rl I -, ... I , _'­ ,,,,, ­, _1#� r I - .�� 21gX1r.Ulvs0XXOa."V**T*,**6* � —Anglo-Saxon&, 1WQ110ts, AM Xg. g. w. Ith'Nox. W. snywxn, ftirtber rartioularg And obbditl6bg Asilgate. $61161tot tot thi'#W% to *6 AiWouoit* or to W. 13RTWNIN , one glvajo� atid pop" """ .4r, ths,mos"w0tiolor Oanil I I : � —*�AOVW*0000. 00 0,*4 uma,— vilkerAld "allatitt *114*60 X"ft*JA � � . tives. � . -- .A0—***4----.,. I eltutoll,' 1�611oifokot I I 10, this or, . I . I I � . to I � 11 . . ; . . � . I . � � . . " I � . '. . . I . � . � I . . . I I - . I I I . .1 � �: I .1 . . r I "Ir -1 .. � " . . . 1- . _. - - _. . . � ­ . ­-A-:_­L_-A,i�� .;­ - ­ . - W"�Aik�- i- -_,im�M�-191,4t-%,.;�- I �, ___.,��.-�.",_ _i&_. .. - - � I . . . . . . . . . . I "I'll, 44 . �___�_.� � I ..... I �Av&&&­_�, kj,"A. "a." � - . ".A., - ­ ­_ - , , � � _ __ _ I ­---!­A.A­��' _,.111_ 19