HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-06-18, Page 7aot
june i8ih,19061
The PeWar atoalliOnti WI117,04.144 tble
9R5E 11(C)16'irr '10°01 Neglect
The Choicely -Bred Olydeadale Stallion Cold
a Cough or
"114 /king CAN' HAVE STIT ON.8
Don, 4.Hullett an d proceed weft OM. elew a ' OR BOW
nn: then westto Base Line, to ;.Cornialt's
'I0 fl11t. TUESDAY. will proceed north three
UhI1e. thon Weis to 0rLPY1n 1/'00 l5th oon.
f101I To., for noon; then south to J.B. Lindsay's.
Mutat, WEDNESDAY. west to Ifolmesviile.
_thnn along teht(htt Line to T., Prolitoes. Oth con,
unner1013 Tp., for noon; then south to 4. G.
dteell'S. for 'night. THURSDAY. by Bayfield
Reed to end Coo. Stanley,then south to WM.
Taylors. Or noon Oben north and east to Ire
Johns , Tuthersmith, for night. FRIDAY, pro*
need to hia own Stable. Where be Will remain
until the following Monday. This route will
be eontioued throughout the sensOn• beilliduand
McGREGOR & t3POODER. Proprietor&
111. SPOONER, Manager. '
210. 19178, Vol. 29, 3. g. E.. of Great/ Erie* 1,
and Ireland/ 210/714i13N01. 44. Clanadt•
will Stand for the 11311w0Veneent et Pteek. aa f9'''
IOwtn-MONDAY, Millesres his own istatee.,Lot
The imported Shire Stallion
Birdsall Illelanite
No 20250. will stand for the improvement of
stook this teason as follows:— MONDAY, will
'este his own stable, Olititort. and .Prodeed west
9 miles on the ilayfield Vile then sonth 1 mile to
John Bothwell, for noon; then west on the
IlaYtield Line to thelth concession, then north
to John Green's. for , night, TUESDAY, north
to the Telephone Read, that 11-4 mites. then
north 214 miles to Herbert Cox,s. for noon; then
east on the Put Line to Holmesville for night.
wEDNESDAY., p_orth on the Maitland 3 miles,
theli east to W. Nesbitt's, for noon: and remain
or zught. TRIMSDAD. zast. to Semmerbill, and insist 011 having Dr. Wood's, It, ie
then north by the Vase Mille. to concession 8-11 put up in a yelloW wrapper, three pine
Mullett. to Wm, Mair's. for noon; then east to . ,
Gravel Road, then south 114 miles, then, east trees the trade mark, and price 20 ot,s.
2 mini to ;oast% Blake's. -for night. FRIDAY, ,
H SbHtint. •
Proceed south 21-2 n3iles, then east 2 miles to . rs` nrv earook etiwor4O
M. Glew's, for noon. then :south to unto Read. writes: "1 have used Dr. Wood's Ndrway
then west to Commercial Hotel. Olin on, for the
night. SATURDAY. poutli to George HarileY'S, Pine Syrep in aur family for the poet three
Glranton, 'Bora 9 to DI o'clock, then hack to Cora-
reercial Hotel. to remain till Monday morniog, years and I consider it the best remedy
D. REYNOLDS. Proprietor and Managerknown for the our% of colt's. It hag =rod
\i• su my children and myself.*
The Choicely Bred Imported
Clydesdale StalRon
Cla3more No 11980'
MONDAY, May 4th will leave his own stable
at Constance, and proceed south to Alma, then
east to Dorman -Carter's for [noon. then east and
north by Way of Harporheyand Roxborough tO •
John McDowel's for night. TUESDAY, by way.
of the Town line to his own stable for noon, then
north to Allan Bros„ Hemlock, Inc night, WED-
NESDAY — West on the Thirteenth to John
Tamblyn's for noon, then west and tout. to the
Temperance Boos& Londesboro. for night.
TEMRSDAY—West to 11 .1 Hill's for noon, then
west and south along the Base Line to W. H. I
Ball's for night. FRIDAY—East along the Stkt l-
and Oth to Jet, Oart3vright's for noon, then home !
to his own statute, where he will remain until
the following Monday morning. 13. B. STEPH-
ENSON, Proprietor and Manager,
on. woon NORWAY PINE
YOUNEED.: o 'IP it le of, • a
•It ill With011t an equal ae remedy he
Coughs, -Oolda, Bronchitis, Sore Throat,
Pain in the Cibest, Alithine, Whooping
Cough, Quinsy and all affeetione of the
Throat and ,Lungs.
A single dose of Tir. Wood's Norway ,
Pine Syrup will stop the cough, soothe the
throat, and it the cough or cold has tie-
eoMe settled on the hings, the healing
properties of the Norway Pine Tree will
frociaim 03 great virtue by promptly
eradicating the bad effects, and a pereistt
ent 'use of the remedy cannot fail to bring •
plenit aeoniplote cure,
Do not be humbugged into buying ese.
called Norway Pine Syrups, but be tuns'
The Importedrlydesdale
Mnirpark -13111
MONDAY, will leave his own stable,.Hohues-
vine, and proceed by way of Foiyrester's bridge
to Colborne, to Henry Youth's for noon!; then
to Aaron Fisher's for the night TUESDAY.'
proceed across and down the 41h . con., theta
across to the 6th. to A. Eilpatrick's for noon;
then to J Millers, Carlow, for the night. WED, •
NESDAY, iwoceed to A. McDerinid's, Nile, for •
noon ; then across past Percy Stewart's to Glaz-
ier's Hotel, Dunlop, for night, THURSDAY,
proeeed to Bogies Corner,then to Albert Mug
ford's for noon •, then to Mr Plummer's, Ben -
miller, for slight FRIDAY, proceed into -Gode-
rich township to Nt Clark's bth -con. for noon;
then by Porter's Hill, and the Cut line to his
own stable. SATURDAY, to .the Commercial
Hotel. Clinton, for noon ; then back to his own
stable. JOHN NASH, Mcliillop, Proprietor:
The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion •
Young Clendrie
MONDAY, will leave los own stable, Lot 40.
on. 2, L R S, Tuckersmitb, thensouth to the
ill Road, then east to George EberhareWs for
oon ; then through Seaforth and west on the
uron Road. to George Dale's jr..for the night.
TUESDAY, west on Inc Huron Road, to Louis
Cnch s for noon, then by way of Ransfords sidd
reed to his own stable, where he will remain Un-
til Thursday morning. THURSDAY, west to
the London Road, then south 11 miles, then
west li miles to George Baird's, for noon ; then
tRortb up the 2nd of Stanley, ,to James Sinith's,
yileld Road. Goderich Tp. for the night.
MAY. proceed by way of Clinton and the
ndon Road to his own stable,' where he witi
remain till the following Monday morning. • -I endrie Prince
(No. 13534, vol. 13,) will stand at his own stable
during liz.*/3 season. G, W. NOTT, Proprietor
and Manager.
The elydesdale Stallion '
MONDAY, will leave his. own stable, lot 94,
n. 11, litillett.then east to the sideroad, then
p Con. 13, Hullett to G. H. Bali's, for noon,
en acrossbridge to Colborne, to Peter Fisher's,
r the night. TUESDAY. proceed to Benmiller,
en to Melvin Jewell's. west of Beomiller, for
on ; then north to Zion Courch, across to
roith's Hill, to R. Bean's for night WEDNES-
AY.proceed to Nile, to W. Johnston's Con. I.
. - shfleld, for noon., •then. north three .311110i3A0.
Th. • Shaekleton's. eon. 6, Ashfield; 'for the
- ht. ThURSDAY, 'Proceed • to 'Mountain's
-Hotel, Dungannon, for noon; then south to
!David Sproul's. con. 2. West Wawanosh, for tbe
night. FRIDAY, east to Auburn Hotel for
noon; tnen east to Jacob Yungblut's, for the
nig,' ht. SATURDAY, proceed east to Blyth for
one hour. then south to Fred. idhobbrook's. con.
19, Hullett, for noon; then to bit own stable,
here he will remain till the following Monday
anornibg. Phis route will be continued through-
out tbe season, health and weather permitting:
HOWSON & BALL, Props. •
The Imported Clydesdale Stallion
(No. 11151. Vol. XXIII.)
leaWill stand for the improvement of stock this
son, a3 follows: MONDAY. will lesive his
wn stable, lot 10, con.11 Hallett, and proceed
north one mile, then west to Adam Elliott's for
•on . thence west and north to Mason's Hotel,
Yth. for the night. TUESDAY. preceed east
Win. Taylor's Con. 9. Morris, for noon; thence
nth. by Harlock, to his own stable ko; the
night, WEDNESDAlk will proceed west to
Londesboro, thence,wouth to Mr. Fear's for
4 , noon; thence south to Graham's Hotel, Clinton,
for the nisht—THURSDAYeproceed east along
f - the Huron Road Xa miles, theo north to FM Cis
or noon, thence north/ then eas to
John Scott's, Roxboro, for the night. FRIDAY.
nroceed north to Hugh Ross', Winthrop for
noon; then west and north to his on stable, to
rektinin till the following Monday XDOilling. This
route will be continued throughout the season,
health and weather permittlog.
LEFPER & MOON, Props. W. H. 3to011.
The Clydesdale Stallion
lute Baron, 11,341
will stead at his own stable, Buren Road. 1111I,
lett. near Clinton, for the seasbn/
The we114130wn Medley •
Braeside Goldsmit ,
*in also stand at hit Stable, Huron RoadaitilletP
THOS. SHIPLEY & CO., ProPrieters,
The linported Clyeleedale Stallion
0.(12531)elydttiti1jle Stud book
O. (8180)- etinadinn stud kook
11011TE-1d0NEAlt-wi1l leave his own stithie
inr, Cori. 11 and precool:Ltd' John BriSharos
or noon_l_thence to hialson'S HOW_ Blitth, for the
Ight TUESDAY, will 1)100(0(1 North to Sioana
Orner.,thert tag to Theil, Beilby's. for hoed;
enee south to the BeittedrY, than to bit own
bib. WEDNESDAY, itt noon will Preened
ht then South 10 Eitthurri to Davit" Allinson s
r the eight TilUBSI)AY, will ozeeeec twit
tbe Town line, theft 13011th Iwo Miloa andi a
If then West try Woos. LIvitlastone's for neon;
li'nee &Seth ter the 111.1ton goad thek Wen to
Clinton, for the night. PhD
, will Woad North 'to Thos, roar's for
I; theilee br hid PWO stiible where be t#111 tea, f•
Petit the fol160.411g Monday nadrotagt
'EB,4frE0Otertoeir, Jae. M LIIIPZR.
Patience and Persistence of the B.ast
Indian Trader.
The Patience of certain Indian tradere
is almost ,beYOnd. beliefs TIoNVI4vers ati
a virtue Is Seldom a sluiple and single
hearted affair, but usually consists of
a mixture of several n2ot1ves It is safe
to conclude that greed mingled with a
good share of Ohstinaey goes to make
up the measure of these peddlers' pa-
tience,' rt thus beeomes only a passive
formof the persistence which belongs
to the • skillful trader everywhere A..
D . McCormick in "An• Artist In the
Himalayas" gives an accoent of :a
transaction in which. he had a part'
. Wes camping in the mountain re -
glen, and merchants were continually
coming to his tent in the hope of dies
posing of their wares. They did not
seernito mind if they goods were not
bought. •
"Only -just leek at this beatittful wee -
sahib,". said one. . ' •
"I am toe Nay," replied kr. illegOr;
"Oh, I don't Mind. rn welt"
At the end of the day lhere was the
trader. . •
"I Witnt to Show eahlb this beautiful
$‘1 don't want any dog," iniiiste-d-
"sahtb." "Ger'
"But, sahib, 1: sell this ring 'very
cheap." .
• "I tell you 1 don't want RI"
. .
"I weft, hazor (bighness).• If sahib
only see the ring he will buy." : ' •
• The next morales he was seated
about 100 yards from the tent,' gazing"
into Space. Two hours later he was
in the same 'position. 'At nightfall he
was still there: Mrs McCOrmick man
stand it no longer. - "Shew me the
ring!" he galled. "What de you want
--for-it?"- • , -
"Oh, bazor, It is it beautiful due 1
• made it myself!" • •
. "Here, you old scandal, this isn't a
stone -it's a piece of glass!"
"Oh, sahib, e -stone is good.....estone.:
Gil -lass no!". •
4'Well, what do you want for it, Yelf
swindle?" ' -
"Fifty rill3ees."
"Make tracks quick! I, wouldn'tgive
more then tent"
The twit day the merchant reappear.
ed, offering the ring for 45 rupees; the
dee after he came -down to. twenty;
the third his price was ten.
-agilith-eala he would givis'ieul"-he -
insisted. . • • •
Mr. McCormick fleetly in desperation
banded ont 10 rupees, and .the trader '
went away smiling, having fairly bored
his way to Success. '
,I3unyan's „Sharp Antswer.
John Bunyan Wrote "The .Pliglim'e
Progress" in • Bedford jails where, be •
'Was confeled for his religion. A Quirk- •
er eame to the prison and thus ad:
dressed films
"Friend Bilnyan, the Lord bath 'sent
me to seek for thee, and I have been
through 'several counties in search of
thee, and now 1 win glad I have foiled
thee." • • • ' • • •
Bunyan replied, "Friend, thou dost
not speak truth in sayidg this„ Lord
sent thee to .tieek for me, fdi the ior4 1
well know s that 1 have been in Mt
jail for immayearir end Whit had senC
thee he would have emit thee here die
natty.* . •
_ V
.Shoe Polisb
A wise dealer will always
allow his honest desire to
serve you by giving what'
you ask tor. .
Static /tact
11 MI &Oen,
lOc. sad 25s
of L.ap Year
!i3*.ANNE unotAyi,
CopYrigitted., 8o8, y, Associated.
"rtoterary Preset
Dora Wright -bad prectieally mas-
tered the' difficult art' of being poor
when fate Dresented her Whimsically
with Abundance, While she :was still,
Wondeling, *hat Stle was going to Op
with It all aisrue relatives 'swooped
down ution her and Whisked her oft to,
Newport for the season.
Abeut two mOnths letee Miss Wright
returned front an elaborate function
very late one night, or, rather, very.
early One morning, •
Biddiug her aunt and cousine geed
night,she wearily ascended the *statist
to her room, her shimmering bail dress
.billowing gracefully veiled 'her slender*
figure, One bow later she walked •
briakly doWirthe.same stairs attired in
'a natty: traveling snit and carry-
.ing a smell satchel. e.
"I am' going Away for a visit," she
informed the astoniseed butler , as be'
enloched the front door'et her cony,
!nand. "You'll rind a small trunk,
locked and strapped, le my' room.
Please send it to this adclrees," band.
Mg the man a card ancl•a bill of gererc,
Otis denomination, "No, thanks,' I eau
cairyI this grip myself." -Then she.
• Made iaer way to the depot . • .
* * * •5 4.
• The labokS of the . day Were ended.'
Mrs. Watson and F.eyeral of her board -
t s were eut On the front porch in rest.
fel enjoyment of the "cool o' the even -
lie." •
"Yes. Miss .Weiglat'e Cutttn' a wide
swath,siecordin': to ,the papers," the
landlady.. was declaiming to the tittle
millitier, 'a • new boarder. .•"Today's
Clarion said as' 'how' a ferrin noble -
Man., appeared to be •gettin', the inside
track. ThoVei why •be's•sioekin" more
moped * than • usual s tonight," • pointing
through the at a stilitary
roanin the sliabby sitting room,•• his
heed leaning wearily. on his Reed, an
enopenedpaper on Ids' knee. • .
"He ain't been the: sante. man since
'ehe left," tenth:toed /iirs..Wateen in a
lowered 'Veice. • "In love. -..with her?
Lend sakes, .I should say he was!
01,' one ' could "see It. except •Mise
Wright,. •• Why didn't .he up arid tell
her? Wby, 91111d, they were both too,
boort Miss Wright didn't make to
More'n her own keep, • an' Mr, Lang -
doe bas it mother an' sister to support
„back in '0121e. An' When Mies' WrIgiat'Et
-untie died an'.Ieft her all that proP'utL,
of .pot,iter..sauf n his Sails. -
'for geed. He'S toe erotic' a man to live
on big wife's money. It's :a dreadful
laity, 'though,for if - evertwo. people
Were cut out for each other"- Just
then she turned' her . head and taw
Dora Wright walking up the path. •
"For. the :land ••sakes 'alive!" ejacirlat-
ed 'Mtn." Watson., "This Oil never
•!youl ,Iteivir".glad I am' to See Toil, an
'hew Well you're looking'". • • • •
',•••:Conelderable thee was. consumed in
•creigrtitulations and explanations. Then
• Mrs. .Wation hurried upstalia to see
about a room for 'her unexpected guest,
and Dora Went Intotheparlor add
seated herself beside Mr. Langdon,
"Have y,oit tnirised •Itohert?" she
asked. •• • • * •
."111iSsed your echoed Langdon. He
thought how intensely he tad missed
her, How, 7dUrIng..the two menthe of
her absence, ' he had longed . for the '
•soundsof-bersvoicee-the-meere laugh- in
her eyes!
• "WS like it dreiim to have you 'sit!
tins beside me, Dora. I don't under -
Stand it For the first time in years
had ‘got comfortably away trete
the everlasthig grind and., were free to
Spend your tinie as you liked, yet here
you stte. Weir' 'again in the bet, dusty
city in the pildrile of Amain:A. Now,
DOM, What's tile reason?" • • .
"Well, one of the reasons is that this
talk about money making you free is
.511 nonseese, Money Made inc a elave
or two reoeths. Instead et, doing whet
i Wetted I had to do what anyhody
rIse wanted.
"I had .to- be outdoors when 'I was
(.014- end 'indoor% ivhen I was hot. I
had to sit through two hour dinnerk
every night and tat things I detested.
I had to dance when 1 was tired and
listen to poor music and go Into eeeter •
elm over execrable singine when
At the Hamilton sessiOne, Wm Pan.
dell, convicted of gabbing fain Hate
rls,WaS sentenced to ten years in Ring.
atm penitent** by Judge Snider. In
eentencing him Judge Snidet said that
stabbing was altogether test tornmon
and Must be stopped. It. was bad
enough to have Cettaiti nationalities
predfsposed this Way without—having
catiadians using knives on each other,
YOU Varr '.1X) Out vrga
Careful tee* have proved beyond
eueetien ibet Menge Juice has clear-
lss defined medicinal virtues Those
Who sego/V. with Indigestion -are coon,
polled "te diet"-nfind that atter eat*
log emnges 'regularlY for hreakfiset
there, is no Ostrom, ne nalpitation.
Where that's; vote a tendency to'
Wards conitipatten, the eating of or,.
elves regnetted the bowel*
In skin treelblee, those. who *Men'
the morning meal With au orange
were uotioably impreered.
There is, however, #1.. giAleker way to
get better results. Thie Is to hike
one or two "lorulteaetivese, tablets at
heititne in addition to the Juice ot •an
orange before bteakfast. the next
morning. AfFortt-ledives" 114, the
Juices ot orange% apples', age and
Prunes, in Whieb the Inteltoinal action
18 many times httensified by the .spe-:
eiai way of combIning them. Value,
able tonics are then added. ' • • „
Take the Aline of an orange before
breakfast -take "Prult-a-trives" at
night -and you will quiChly be :tit ot
Indigestion, Stomach Troubles, Con-
stipation and Biliouireess. "ternit-a-
tives" are sold by all dealers at 501 a
box -4 for $2,50, Beat on receipt ef
price by "lernitsostivee,"
Ottawa. •
was. sleepy and my head adhed. I bad
to ride in automobiles and go.yachting.
A. yacht always makes me sick, and
you know what 1 think .of automo-
biles." ,• '
Mr. Langdon did not seem properly
impressed, so Dora continued in an
a.ggrieied ' '
'"1 spent hours racing around with
golf sticks when I'd. much rather sit
down quietly with, an agreeable book.
Rt. Very well to 'do wh t yott dislike
it you're accoroplishing . anything, but -
en this activity was accomplishing
nothing except spoiling my temper
aed making me thin. But you haven't
• said yet that you were glad to see me,
Robert" • ,
Langderi's look of adoration seemed
to be nothing mote than she expected.
"Yes, Dora, 1 ain glad," he said Sim-
ply. "I thought you had forgotten
me; I didn't blameyou," he continued
• hastily as she made a dissenting ges-
ture. •.‘,1 was glad to think that at last
you were enjoying what your beauty
and your nature ,entitled you to and
that your brave conduct. in -adversity
. .
was being properly rewarded. . But .
why did you come . back here; Dora?,
Whysdid you (same back to this dreary
etanufiteturing town when you .bad the
• whole- world to choose from?"'
Dere looked intently at him While he
was speaking. • She noted the streaks
of gray lu bis well kept hair, the sad
droop of ,elit patient !sleuth; theaxiany...
lines nroundhis tired. eyes, •
"For more: reasons then or e. knew
you needed' looking after, Robert t
knew you were lonely and working
hard in Order •to forget. I. kite* you
were tireci, and that youreyes were .
• used Up • I• Anew Yeti felt the heat
More than ever and wouldn't take any
Tim Upside Down' „Cruise of the Cow
*In of the fiend*
An SIMOIlit Incredible Instance of the
perils attending thole' who go 40 sea
was the basia of a stet": Old In a Marl*
Untie court of Dantsie some years AV
by the ceptain of the esSillog OLP
Brinite. Nothing that Jelett Verne,
Clark Bnesell and U. fils Wella ever
fancied in their wonderful talkiesUr
Passed the story told by Captain En-
gellandt, •
He bed Balled from Memel with
I argo
'captain remained at the wheel during
. of planks. foe Oldenbilrg. The
gale which overtook the vessel'next
night and at 4 le the morning went to
hia cabin to change his wet clothes.
Re had jest got into dry undercloth.. •
Ing when IA% vessel capsized, and he
• found himself standing on the roof Of
the eabin, the door of which the MI
had hermetically elosed.. I
By loosening the boards of .valrat was
• , ,
now "did roof he got into the bold, •
• which contained only loose Sails. For-
tunately eotne, shelves of a high cute
board remained intact and trona them
eolleeted some cans of condensed
milk, some prunes, rice, sugar and sau-
• sage, He else found, a hammer. '
For twelve days the master of the
ship Eyed iti 114 'arisen, eating as spar -
'ugly as possible and drinking sea
water, 'which appeared to have" no Ill
. effect cna him. He employed his free
tiroe in hammering on the steel bottera
of the ship to attract the attention of
Passing vessels. He knew wine it was
day,. for a. dim light penetrated tile
Op the twelfth day the Nerwegian
steamer Aurora eiglated the wreck and
sent a beat to take it in tow. Engel-
landt had fallen; asleep; bet, hearing
footsteps over' his head, hebegan
knocking -with his hammer and sbOut- '
• Ing for help. The Atirora's men re-
turned to their ship for tools, with
which they bored a hole through the
bottom of the Ernclte where they brad •
heard the shouting. When:they drew ,
out their drill, a man' i finger followed;*
and they soon learned that Ertgellandt
had rood for four days more and v`iish-
ed to be towed to land, for it was im-
possible to release him in the open sea.,
The Aurora towed the *reek Safely
to Neufahmasser, Where with eonsid.
erable difficulty it was attacbed to a •.'•
huge creme, a plate was unloosened. '
and the imprisoned master was freed.
He was Perfectly conscious raid even
able to went alone. The three men
who bad constituted his crew were of j
ceurst drowned when the vessercap-
An Appetit tR Cominon. $eri0
Ter one euffering from Indige4on. Dyepepsta, Heattinarir, 041pita-
Mon, Flatulence, Reatlache,"Billoueneee, Sour Stomach, etc., there 044 be
onlv one natural course, to pursue, nautely
rivet 1 Strengthening the stomach, making it take out of food
the valuable properties which go to build up the body.
Second ; The correct working of liver and bowels to carry
away the Useless properties and waste matter.
Till$ is the designed purpose or
National Dyspersi.a Tablets
• ThisTkentrnent is compiete. The larger tablets 11.0t 011 the ''SialnaPh
and digestive organs the small, tablets on the liver and bowel's Both
kinds of tabletseaCh hox, also complete directions.
• Price per box, Odee 6 for $2 50.
For sale toy W. A. IleC4ItNNE1I chemrlaVor""
• A . Nims- ..CAFE; •
. . . .
•The:Winning Ways of a Smooth and
• -• ' Wiry :-giciortionist•. •
• At •Paillard's and the Cafe de
Pate,. wind!' ;latter, le now owned by. .
Ledoyer, who began life as a, bottle .
washer and Is today werth' 2,000,000
Hfranes, .you''. will be fairly, certain Of a
carte with the prices affixed, butat the '
Cafe- de 'Paris, ,rfuless you .are known, ••
yell will meet, tbe carte:. Witte no price
stated,. "whidh nieans that you will' be:
, charged. whatever ;the- maitre .sfliotel
.thinks you are able or Willing .te pay:
It may be that •you will eegoost. that
• the .useal 'Carte 'would., be a •grentee '
compliment to your ecenoionsense, but
'if :you do that you are a .brave ;man
. The cowards May Console themselves
with. the •reflection that in the • dyes
• of the Management they are either.'
princes, rieh :Americana; or loots...
have .seen hall a bentired '..prIstees,.
few rich 'Ametleane, and a greet many
• feels, for Unless one ts born to the per-
. pie the maitre .iThetelof such a piece.
as the Oafe- de: Parte is ripeto towee,
above one, a greater man than Saul of
Tarsus.. :t . teceIl the, incident of an
Arepriceo who did ;object* not .t.o. the..
carte, but to •the hill asreendered,,,aed •
what do you: think happened to him?
inonsielir pleases," stievely • paid
the Maitre d'hoOl: "it will afford us
the greatestpleasore to extend to mon-
steer the • hospitality • of the. house.. ha
'welch ease Monsieur will of course pay
riething,, but Unless monsieurwishes to •
accept we Oast ask him to pay the full
amount of :_the bit! as rendefed. We
Cannot pernilt that Oor teriff should bp
questioned," .
Oh, there are ..ivaYsl-HiranyOus Cafea
and 1,Restaurants Abroad," by Aubrey
tanston,' in Bohemian Idagagine.
refreshlttg .trolley rides out into the
..breezy country or go on any Cosy little
picnics' without your old friend. Now
going to inveigle you out every
afternoon, and we'll Teed our fawarite•
authors in the eveniegs, jest aes,We'
used to'before I became an heiress.",
•Langdon drew a deep breath and
looked longingly at the girl, 'who ap-
peared to be ,unconseleus Of besting
said"anything unesual.
"I wee tired," he said. . His eyes and
voice were perilously near tears, the
porch Was deserted, and he laid Ids
hand gently on hers. "But In the fn.;
ture the knowledge that you thought •
of me and came back to ,cheer. Me up*,
will keep me, from 'fatigue and every
other ,ill. But you must returit to your
relatives. If yOu don't like Newport,
there are other places.' Travel, Dora,
and let the gobd of the money that
cable V) you late, but, plank God, not
too later'
• Dora regarded him with an amused
"You don't know inc half as well as
I know you, Robert I have no inten-
tion of ohm back to the relatives who
ignored my vety existence until tria-
de. Timothy left me e fortune. And I
don't want to spend my money *
travel at Preseet. 1 I came to the plasm
like, and here. I'm going to stay.
, Langdon leaned suddenly toward
bora. :lila pale face flushed, and his
hands trembled, but he pulled hinaself
up again resolutely.
"I'm rigid., though, Dora. In spite of
your heavenly .kindness it can't be the
same as it was when We -Were both
poor. My dear girl, don't yu see that
it is different?" •
Dora smiled tenderly at him. .
•"Certainly I see that its different,
beeauile now I have the meanto pro-
vide luxuriously for the old Mother
and. delicate sister and to keep up a
house for us both."
Langdon was Shaking visibly.
"Dora, it Win pot do; Trier husband
must be a more brilliant an than this
old. bleed, though he can never be st
more faithfill, Re roust be of your oven
age and your own ilnenelal istanding.
Teti Make it hard, dear one, but you •
must go back tomorrow."
. shell never so peek," she sald
reaolutely. "And I shall nester have a
husband, Robert, unless it is this ttifla
selfish old friend." '
Langdon raised his bend to his tired
eyes to hide e rush -of happy'tearet
"Do you mean"- he stammered.
lanswered Dora gayly; "I
mean this awe proposal. It'e leap year,
you know."
Ahna Ladies College
Satli yeerl "A leading Canadian
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ceptionally reasonable rates. A full
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Por Cataleithe,a4ifeess ,
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sensation-11Kr mate you feet Wan the aenuse tam Ago. Min 110._,_IWP
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Ogin digeseim mums' Oat dam win commas rm. 01mM. Bea ' ' •
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H o -
vey, Clinton,
Shrewd Advice,
The virtoes of tekeen bushier -is msui
are often negative ' rather than posi-
tive. It is -said that -41---great broker
once teld his son that only two things
Were aecessarY to make a great anent
"And *hat are those, paper the SOD
asked. •
"Honeety add sagacitr." '
"But what do you eonsider the mark
of bonesty to be?"
"Always to keep your word."
"And *the mark of sagacity?"
• "Never to give your word,"
- •
Not at His Best.
"1 Was surprised," Said the Rey. Mr,
Goodman sternly, "to see you playing
golf _last Sabbath1 should think you'd
clo better"- ^
• "Oh;" replied Hardman, Usually. ,
do. 1 Was in wretched fetal last Sine
All depends on the tuition you receive in a. college -
whether you will'make a 'success of business life. Hyper ,
' teacher allows you to depend on other students and •
look in the bath of the hook • for answers, your course
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Booklet free: . School term: Sept. jeae,
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Canadian Hair ReStotiets.
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Will restore gray hair to its natural color.
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heade. Curesdandrufeimiaing, scalp diseariese
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A. good, reliable Canadian Preparation.
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Beller= 'irall8711111:981.40Ctriletianitair
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Canadian Hair Restorer hits worked wonders.
My heed is.,nearly all covered with thick
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• &dal, y all wholesale and retail druggithe
• Mailed to any Metre -Ell' in the civilized world
On °t price,61: clsiv,indeorthi
Sid in Clintli by Ar. S. R
Holmes, J. E. alvey, W. A
Our Photos are the most:life-
like and artistic that can be
:made, and the prices are rea-
sonable for this class of work
McConnell, druggists.
Seeley, .& West
„Subscribers havinglormed:e.perther:-.
hip, are carrying on business in Seeley's
Id stand, Rattenbnry ,st.„ where
hey are -prepated to give prOrript per-.
onal attention to anything tiara' line.
Satisfaction Gttaranteed.
E. Seeley & West
sacksmiths,. ainon I
• Polyglot Surely. .
Hewitt-sDoes your Wife know Moro
than one language? Jewett -SW cer-
tainly does. She reads Feeneh novels ,
in the original, talks in her Sleep it
8nglish, discharges the servant it (ler-
Mali and cooverses with our youngest
In baby talk..-Excbange„ .
It Sounded Right.
Teacher-- Wbo can coMplete this Oren- I
tente, "He Went trom bad to"- Wit- 1;
Parents) - Baden-Uaden. -NeW Vork
Wil -
red (who has been abroad with his I
Press. .
.. I
Not So Bed.
Ur. elebbsOtifter engaging eotik)-
Theree one btliee 014 I euppose you
should know, Miss Metthigae-eil. wire •
Ila. a ehronic invalid, confined to hat
Wee FlaritliganThat's dilti. I Wolf
sherd she might be wee Is, alto
throule kickers that er-rti oilhaeit r
thli Itit.chen, begob41,-.Ptielt.
„um mom Mehl
llesi ;
illaOaeepeeattMcad ese
Neewlsi pl
anti take Wripeoefif shear
sok awl ti hocitinst riaklng pisaMy
ai wales
The aborts twasurignisa hair how
feusd invaleable lathe treatment of
.kidney, bladder and urinkry troubles,
and tifeeasee /whin therefrom, Ruth
as rheumatism, se &tide, Larne back
rad lumbago, and we fool that the
peblie are entitled to particular,
A prontineatIlitysioiati stetes that
the excellent rSsults that have been
obtained from the me of the mixture
are dab to its direct aotion upon the,
kidneys, aasisting them Ixi their work
of filtering -all poitionotts vant6 MAU*
and aid* from the blood and expelling
mini In the ohm, and et the mune
time restoring the kidney* tO khGlithY
• rendition.
He further states that anyone Nat
haat dilations Of tit% Atthiref
Ids Ind it se he v.ry heutifloial, and
illookiel Ala 1 bit girlie it tad,
Photo „Artist, • Clititcurt
Make Your Buggy
Look New.
I .Now is the time to have
your buggy repainted or rt -
trimmed to make , it look as
good as new. Don't leave it
off -until you want to use it,
but hive it done now;
W&11 guarantee a good Joh
and pricesjight,
Auttiball's-old stand, Clifton
&Isla the NEW Mum.,