HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-06-18, Page 5• juna i8th1000. THE C1 N:TOW NEW ERA b 1 We have made special study of GIFT selection, What present to mke,. under i v e n circum* 'stances, is a •pro •b le in which 'we can help you, solve. We have chosen .our elaborate display of Ster, ling. Silver, Cut Glass, Silver-plated Ware' .and. Fancy. China with a view of meeting the most ex- acting demands. ' We have substantial gifts,t moderate a .. prices, as well as the more costly wares, and we need not assure you that our prices always represent real value, Jeweler and Optician. Opposite the Market CLINTON' 'eyes Tested Free Government Is Sustained.n. Following prices :main= tained, as has been •pro claimed: I tilbs Gran Sugar ....: $1. 1001bs •" " ....$5.15 20ibs Yellow ," $1. Above sugars are Red - paths we: handle no others. 4 tins Corn 30e 3 tins Peas 25e. Tomatoes per tin iOc We guarantee above can. ned goods and everything else. W. T.N I 0 EL THE HUB 'GROCER ,Iiirligi Marriages 41 Deaths HORN ERVINL-•In Godericb, June 4th to Mr and Mrs W J I+rvi2le, a son, `Spee- cer Earnest, KELLEY --In Exeter, June 3rd, to Mr and Mrs John Kellet, a daughter, MARRIAGES I:ILPATRIOK - CASE .- In St. Thomas' Church, 4eaforth, Tune 10th, by Rev 3 Barry Mr Bruce Kilpatrick,' of Roxbury, N Y.,to Clementine Ethel daughter of Mrs F Case. . FLANNER,Y-.. WALSti - In St. James Church, Seaforth, June 8th, by Rev P Corcoran, Mr James Flannery to Mlyiss Annie, daughter of Mr' Patrick'' Walsh, of Seaforth. . WILLIAMS-WALSHIn: St Cot- • vmban church, June 9, by Rev A Mc•. • Keon, Mr Daniel. Williams, son of Mr Michael Williams, of Tuckersmith, to Kate, daughter of Mr Micheal Walsh, of McKillop. YUNGBLUTT-SOHULTZ-At God. erich. June 10th, by Rey Jas A Ander, •son,B A., John. Yungblutt, to Ida. May Schultz, McKENZIE--GRANT---On Thurs• day June 10th, at the residence of the bride's parents, Goderich, by Rev Jas A Anderson, B A.. Kenneth J MoKen- hzie,of A.shfield,to. Annie Maggie.young- est daughter of James L and Mrs i Grant. YOUNG -• CARRUTHERS On Wednesday, June 10th, at therest- idence, of Thos Bell, 4th •Con. Gode. rich Tp., by Rev Jas A Anderson,. B A William Young, of Colborne, to Mary Jane,daughter of .the late James Carruthers. SAV AGE -. MI(7SEL-•Ao bre manse Cranbrook, June 10,• by Rev D B Mo- Rae, Mr W J Savage,• of. 1 oquaim,• Washington . State, to Miss Amelia, daughter of Mr and Mrs . 0 Michel of Grey. • STEWART- MoLAREN -- At the home of the -bride's parents,Wingham June 3rd, by Rey D;.Perrie,Mr Duncan Stewart, druggist of Detroit, formerly of Brussels, toMiss. Minnie, daughter._ of Me Peter McLaren, of Wingharn, GALBRAITH SCOTT.- At the i Psesbyterian church, Winthro , June ' 3rd, byRey N Shaw, n A„ : ,11r Fred Galbraith,son of Mr John Galbraith, to Mies Margaret Scott;' daughter of • Mr S ni Scott, all of ` McKillop. •• Mc1tENZIE -- MURDOCK to Brucefield, June 17, by' the Rev E H gawers, Marga ret, eldest daughter of. Robt Murdock to. William , McKenzie of •Stanley. • DIED• OURRIE-In Turnberry, June 8th, James (lurrie, aged'77 years, • DALGARNO --In Belgrave J u ne 3rd Mrs George Dalgarno, aged 75 years. UOU'LSON In. Turnberry, June 5 •Jane Nicholson. relict of the late Thos Coulson; aged 81 years. LAIITENSLA'.Y.ER-In Colborne tp June 7, Samuel Lautenslayer. aged 44 years.„ DOUGHERTY - In Ashfield, tp, June 7, William • 17ongherty,.-aged93 years. , ELLON-In East Wawanosh, :Tune' 2nd, Mrs Wm 'Elson; aged 23 years: and 8 months. • MURPHY In Clinton, June 11, 'Jane Millar,' relict of the late William Murphy, aged 77 years. every Monday afternoon, for three lucre.. BEACON •In Gwifeich Tp, June 13, Terme to inaore, 810. JNO. NASH, 11gr.. Matilda. Bailey, wife of Mr Robt ' ' •-General' • Reeve Guest of-Ancaster township has resigned. All parties indebted to the ander signed e was feltatare herebv'notsi'ied that the same Inlet" he A walla- of earthquake paid by the 27th, as subscriber has sold Cornwall, out Money received `end receipts .,riven Some damage is re orted' from frost'eo': W.arrener . R, WARREN." - recei `JEIt. g Pby. Cl. - in Western Ontario: Mr' John F McNamara of Walkerton dropped dead at London. Sister St Sinion,formerlyof',Ottawa, was killed by a fall at. Spencer,' Mass., County Clippings. .1 . .r....,,. A younir man named Edward 'Mc- Mahon died at the jail last %Intraday aftdrnoon. John Rowe of Hay loat'fl a valuable colt Monday evening, behig killed by lightnin in the field. It was :insured in the 'iray Mutual Company. , Mr John Musso. of Hay, has a fine lamb,whieh at its birth. weighed, 33 1-2 lbs; site girth eighteen inches and its. height seventeen inches band at one month. old weighed nearly 50 pounds, J Brunsdon & Son of Londesboro, implement agents, have purchased the property formerlyowned.b Ch les Halit fl, Blyth, orth of T J Hunk - steps block, and will open up an agencyshortly. • • The many friends of Mr John Hawk- shave Exeter, will regret to .learn that the recent, accident he sustained by the end of the harness line striking his eye' has resulted in the loss df the • aforth,• hap, acl;ident oh digging out result he • arm, and a On Tuesday Albert Anderson,,. of the 18th of Hallett, received a severe , in- jiiry which ' might prove fatal He was working with a crowbar on the fariin when`it flew up and struck him on the cheek below the right eye. The sad news was 'received on Thursday last of the death ,of one of Exeter's pioneer residents, in the personof Wm I ` Gould who.passed away at the home of Mr and Mrs Walter Andrews, Holly Mich„ on the 5th lust, The barn of Andrew Lamont. IOth con Grey was struck by lightnin g on. the last Friday of May but by prompt action of the proprietbr with water applied inside and with the help of the heavy rain on the roo f 'the . fire was" extinguished before, much damage was done,. LLd._ __: _• - too -June 2nd, 'at the home•of,Mr and. Mrs 'K J Johnston, Winnipeg,. a quiet wedding was celebrated. 'the con- tracting parties were Wm Smith, em- ployee of the MacPherson Fruit Co and Mies Harriet I Deacon, formerly Of Wingham, daughter of Henry Deacon East Wawanoeh. Friday. morning, fire wait discovered on the outskirts' in Mr Fell's slaughter house, Wingham. ' It was beyond the reach of the hose, and vas soon reduc- ed to ashes; of seven hogs in the build-. ,ing,only one was liberated,and the oth ersix were roasted tocinders..A carcas of beef. dressed the evening befcre, ready for the shop. was also .de- stroyed. Thedeath-of •Samuel • Lautenslayer, Colborne, which occurred on Sunday 7th met, removed from . our midst a sight of that eye. Mr Thomas Dickson, Seafor with a very painful Monday evening, While a fence post he fell and as is suffering from .t.roken fractured shoulder. TeRONTem*Rlr.B.T r'tl1r1111e1'8 Clubs JAarrna - The conditions prevalent o the Toronto cattle market seem to To prove the effect"uality of Farmer's indicate a, return more the teaarlier cont which f`eulip cab-lincides w th our o ieian ditione which prevailed during the of such organizati ns t-- , spring, The market of the present' • Walkerton, June 15, 1008 moment is.ostrong to firm, especially Mr G A Putnam, I for well -finished goods of a choice or I :Toronto, Ont fancy kind, which command all. the I My dear Sir'. - trade de premium they ought r ta, e the export On Saturday last, the 13th inet., We rade disgh prices. were asked, as tale held our annual meeting at the house Ors had bought at a high. price in the' g country and worked. hard to break of Mr Abram Rowand, and to say the. even. Choice exporters brought from least about it, it was a grand success, '8015 to $0,50,although the latter price: We have had larger attendance at an - was only reached by „something not nual meetings in the past, but it was the great interest taken in this one by our young men, that prompts me to say right here,that this organization of Farmer's Clubs throughout Ontario is going to be the great medium through which our banner's Institutes arego- ing to 'be most benefitted and built up. The Farmer's Institute Club is., going to be a preparatory sebool in which. young men will assemble, fit:. and pre- pare themselves for speaking and dis- cuasing subjects intelligently, when called upon to do so in our Institute meetings during the coming winter. I am, truly yours Jas. A Lamb. Sec. South Bruce Farmer's Institute, only first-class but fancy. Medium exporters sold at from $5.60 to 86,25 and export bulls were worth from 84 to $5. Veal calves, of which there were a few offering, were worth about the old 'prices, bringing from $3 to $5.40 per head. Sanaa-The arrivals of sheep on the Toronto Market are light,and supplies' are not coming forward fast enough to make export trade a noticable quantity. 'Export ewes are quotable at from $4 to $4.50," bucks $3 50 . to $4. Yearling lambs are now quoted as sheep, and spring lambs are quoted at $3 to :$8,50 each. according to size, character and quality, Hoes --There is a alight! better feel - any in the hog market in Toronto. The local demand for pork, ham; and bacon is a good healthy one, while%the Old Country conditions •are at -least no worse. There is a. light .:risee quoted in bacon in England, but' not enough to materially affect the quotations tor live hogs here, and packers claim still that the prices paid for bacon there are no inducement at prices:, here for 'the live hog. The : present quotations, about ten to fifteen cents above those of last week; are as fol- Q'unn's, Ltd•quote for lige hogs f o b $5.80 to $6; $6:15 to $6.20 fed and wat- ered, and $.40 off care. Wm Davies quote 6 f o b $6.25 fed and watered and $6.40 ofecars. `t)ltntou: Market Report Corrected' every Thursday .attrnoon • Cow Testing Associations Some recent results of monthly tests in associations . organized by tba staff. of the dairy and cold: storage commis sioner are:- May 10. Victoria,. B. C., 43 cows av- eraged 7081b. milk, -1.2 test, 30.2 lb, fat. May12,Milton, Ont., 97 cowe aver- aged 48 b..milk; 3,6 t, 19,9 ib. fat. May I5, Dixville, Que.. 40 cows aver- aged 451 lb. milk, 42 test. 19.2 lb. fat. One' of the best individual yield yet to hand throws these "average yields?'' very much in the shade. A 7-year•old cow in the association. atlnnerkip,Ont, that calved 25th March, gave in the 30 days of April no mess than 1910 lbs. of milk, testtng3.3, or63lb. of butter fat,' If only one ;cow has to. be housed, " fed and milked, in place". of three; there is an immense saving of labour and ma Wheat SO .to 80 teriel, , Look to the individual; not to. Oats • 048•to'0'48 the' average. yield. The:work of these. Borley .. .,0 50 to 56 'cow testing associations is helping far- Pees ..• 0 85 to '0 85 mers to detect the poor cows it is also Eggs 0 14 to 0 15 proving useful hi securing better treat- Buster .. . ^ 0 16 to 0 17 ment for good cows, so that more milk.. Hoge.' ... .• 5 85 to 5.85' from fewer animals can be obtained. Chickens., dry pinked, lb 0 07 to 0 10 There are now'over 70 associations in Ducks, per lb.......... 0 08 tox 0 10 Canada. Geese.. , .:: 0 08 to 0 10 . a.. Turkeys o• .,.:,0 10 to. 0 13. Rev W G. Fortune, field secretary of the. Alberta Temperance and Moral Reform League, predicted to•right•' that there will be no bar-rooms'in Al- berta five years hence. He says hotel• ; men have told the same thing. New Advertisements. Married man, experienced in general farm work. Apply at Plnmsteel Bros.' store. -13. PLUMSTEEL: man who was much esteemed by his ' neighbors and acquaintances. He hal been a resident of this township : only three or four years formerly living in the township, of Hullett.' He was forty.four years of. age and leaves a widow and three children House to Rent "• Good, comfort, hle '7 roomed holm, far - .GO. TO Il 1DER niched, including piano ; good cellar., bard t • G►intoirl fy Lagest apply at ERA.. Grocery- and China- Hall;. and soft water. For further particulars, . THE WELL ENO wN':ROADSTER ,_ 11 + N•tivd1 'N'N' 7r1 : . STALLION A. :r :SYDNEY r M ippenings /" A a7 fi alls•at the Comweroial sots!, Clinton, 1Beacom, aged 61 years, The Independent Order of Foresters Supreme Court is in session atToronto. this Week.- ` It in pro1Sable, . that there will be a.re•rating for members who joined nrior to 1889,and the scale. to' be 'adopted will likely be: on .a.par with. that now in use. . C1othingLtidH. i hit u rn s s e s• Piece Summer rte r Suit S • All the :newest Styles, single and double-breasted. Just the thin for summer Outings. J g 4Jrtlined Coats. , in black, stripe Lustres, T#reed, white, and black and white Duck. Summer Underwear' ti at0 c, .$ t.00 $I.2 , Special value at 50c.' 5 r 75 ► 5 P • xirts oc. 75C, $1..00. $1.25, and $2.00. Special value a c 75, -Hats Str ws Canvas,- Chip alts etc. J - W. JACO CLINTON t , Tailoring`dlothing J. B. Hoover. 1 1 ib‘ NING OoV Furnishings, 1 Nelson Bg11, An Artistic • Frame • ° makes a fair picture good and' a good Motive better. It need notbe expensive, bat it nnuat harmonize or contrast attractively, with the pictures. , Our picture Frames are desined to produce, just that . effect, iJet us have one or more of • your pictures to frame as an. experi• :trent. We think you will be more than pleased with the result ALL f. ''Cr.It1 7C•X' D I TAIt4I N,ptice Teacher Wanted. Wanted, teeoher, male' or .female, Nor Three hundred and eft mal preferred. for S b No. 10, .Goderioh fifty flsherrnen Tp. Duties to commence after Summer. have been drowned on the coast of holidays,' Applications, personal or other Japan, •. wise, up to July. 1743, PETER COI'JE,'l Hon. S. Et.'Biake said the Ohurch.of :4i Sec., Clinton P.O • I Pasturage England was largely responsible for the betting at the W oodbine, Joseph Hutchinson,an inmate of. Es Farm for Sale. . sex House of Refuge, has inheritedherr ted a , million d'olsa s in Manchester. $t present chaster, Thai valuable farm.be•ongiag to raj'. .From sent'indications the recent •the nndereigned, initiated three miles from. , Provincial elections are not to be fol Auburn station, air miles from Blyth. 200,. • A bay horse,. about 18 pears of age; abort lowed by 'any. 'protests and election sores, school at owner of lot; •20 acres of.mane, and the hair rubbed out of the top trials. . -- ; - -•• • - :,.: hard -wood bush. -2 -acres -of r.orobardr..firatr- ..et histali.-H. GOVIEE Lot 41• : Con; It is estimated that the hayand class bafldmge,`well fenced, well watered, 12,.Hnllett, Auburn P.O. . ansa high state. of onitivation and excellent grain crops of Ontario will this year soil • one of the best toms in the country. •-be.-with-$100;000,G00 more -than :last.- Terme ese9. Apply T1 Ug. B1 OWN; Hone to ell?. year. , 0,18,3m Blytb, Ont. ' The•briok house on Albert St„ occupied The increase in Mr Stock's majority k by the Iste Mrs. A. H. Manning,• is offered' in South Perth to 56 in the official re - ,1 to rent..' For particulars, apply'to turns was due to incorrect returns be- Assignee's. Sale JAMES SCOTT, Postmaster.. mg receives from: South Easthope on - 1 -electionnight,-.-MrMonteith decided.. of wail Pa er' Paints, Window 1 on Friday to call for a •recount, but • , • I • P s that is now out of the question. shades, menials eta Tenders will be received up to Jane 27th ins?,.. at 12 o'clock noon for the stook of W. T. Smith, on the following: I Parcel 1, Wall. Paper ....8517.'60 Parcel 2; Pdint........... 8191 Paroal 3, Window Shades, .4167-.4 ., Parcel 4, Moulding • ., ...... 32 74 Terms sash.: This stock may be inspeot- ed. by application to oilier of the .under- signed, ' Tendersmay ue delivered to ei.th• er of the undersigned, No tenders necee- earily accepted. • . Dated at Clinton this 18th day of June, 1208. H. T. RANCE, W. BEYDONE, Assignee. Solicitor for the estate Sttltnmer Session for Tear hers and others during. 11.11.i and AUGUST. • TORONTO, ONT.. Remains open throughout the summer and, many students enter at thistime. we:. ate a greater.attendance this year than erg• before, readily secure e m- toame t • Write to -day for handsome gue,It pays to attend the best. W. J. E.11iott,.Prin. ' COR. YONGE AND ALEXANDER TORONTO. Subscriber has 100• agree of splendid. pasturage with running water ANGUS MoLEOD, Clinton, A country paper in • Iowa had a •11ttie item the c Cher day' sayingthat one of the ministers there heel bis 'hies nearly gouged out by a merry widow,' The minister was • furious so the paper printed another item saying the merry widow was a hat. The Joneervatives have decided not to ask for ' a recount in East klamilton, It was claimed that a number of bal- lot marked in Mr Sc s Scott's; favor Were rejected by the deputy returning officers. and it was thought these would have been counted in an official inquiry.. The -United. States . crops of .1008 will be worth nearly $8,000,000 ac- cording to figures prepared eyy Depart- 1 -nient of Agriculture officials. For . eight years the American Tarnier has engaged unprecedetit Prosperity and now the nineth promising harvest is practically Assured. Besides the doubling of telephone rates to certain mercantile and pro-. fessional classes in Winnipeg, pro- vincialownership has brought to the city a loss of $12,000 in taxes which it formerly received from the Bell Co.. and it still has to pay $1,851 a year for its 44 telephones used by the city. Mrs Abram .Uotofsky, of TroyHills N J thirty-two years of age, is the - - mothergf thirty-two children, fourteen b We Want .to Land ' .of whom are living. On Thursday she became the mother of four healthy boys whose combined weight is 16 lbs, 4 ozs, Sines her marriage in 1892 Mrs Gotofek has presented her husband with one, e Cab two and threees • each i year. A sad fatal occurred in a fared hone near ,Brookiin. The three•year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Ratty left the room where her parents were, got at a box of strychnine trills, ate several of theta, returned to her parents, and fell to thefloor~. She was promptly hurried to it doctoir at, Brnoklht, but she expired a few min• Utes' after reachin the doctoir'e' tate, , your ftrst Order, because vie know that the satisfactioa you will derive from that will open your eyes to the fact that you cannot dobetter anywhere else. that your eau with us. Yon will find that we are not "all at sea" in our business,' tut thoroughly "up. to ..the minutes" and watchful of the intdlreets of our easterners, knowing that, by so doing,. we are really acting for our own ultimate benefit. Q. A. DOWNS. al tittleon6 tacit he only child of •hdr pawtttnte, Merchant TaiXar, Clinton, Summer Cottage to Rent.. s' One • of . she beet .,cottages in Jewette Grove, Bayfield.. Almost entirely . fur- nished. Moet favorable terms. Apply for furtherparticulars, at this offior, or to M. D. McTAGGART.. New Dress s •Mu$lins Now' is the time select ilne. to elect your goods for a cool dress for hot weather. We have them in a full range pf the newest desigrs, just -in. Prices 'rang a ,from 15c' to sec. all and see them. White Underskirts. For the pretty sheer Muslin gown,' one needs a dainty Underskirt, and we have a .F beautiful assortment of these to showyou, These are all brand new and the prices will please you, from $1.25 up to $4 oo. hose Special. Just a few dozen Left, small sizes only, from 5 to 8, Black Cotton p Hopair. 7c a g 'T` Shirt Waist Special No. i Just a few odd sizes in thisst style, articulle, P y brand new styles, embroidered fronts, tuck- ed backk sleeves,- only 85c, reg. $1.25, • Shirt Special Waist o s.N , 2 Just nine of these left, White Lawn, .lace. trimmed fronts, tucked back, i sleeves • at a 0OOa-bye price 29c. Children's Fancy Parasols An assortment of Children's Parasol's, in. all colors,., neat patterns, from 25C .to $1 o0 very Courtesy and Attention. It Yo: Ne e . Teacher •Wanted. For S.S. No, 12, Goderioh and ' Bullet*, (Summerhill.) SecondClose rofe sional preferred. APPlicstione received tip to .Jpne 16th.. Duties to commence August. lith Apply, stating qualifications, ex- aler wanted penance, and cutlery , to T H. HARDY, Clinton P. 0, Seo. -Trois, U.S,S. No, 12, Goderioh Tp. end Mullett. • • Amax Store and Booms to hent The nniereigned offerti to `rent the 'office on Isaac Si.,just book of Morrish & Crooke, recently vacated by Mr. 3, Taylor, this a good site for a store and suitable for any business, and will be put in shape to milt the needs of any tenant. Also roome up stairs, formerly occupied by Mr, P. B, Sibeley:suitable for dwelling' or sooiety. Rent reasonable. Keys may be had at New Era Officio. J. 0, ELLtOTT,.. ' • Clinton,. P.O. C pTRAL STRATrORD, ONT., is the leading btueinese training school in . Western Ontario. wo give a thorough, practical training on Commorelal Sttb dots Isaacs Pitman's Shorthand TouchType- writing, and in Commercial and nallroad Operating. latch department 1e in the hands of experienced ltatrnetors. 'We grade - toes stctdonts fro uositiene. our g u otos always sueddOd, for our courses aro the boot. Get out tree catalogue and learn more about tis. 'Ron may enter now. Elliott St McLachlin. PRINCIPALS. Slim Prices . Stout Values Small profits, Quick returns . Music Emporium MARE Shoe'. Parlor Cool Footwear For Hot Weather - Our •stock of;Summer Footwear for hot weather is complete.' LADIES'. • ite Canvas Oxfords prices $1.25 to$1.50. • T.an; and Chocolate Oxfords, neat and st) lish, `.prices".$i.75, $I.90 $2:00, '$2.25. Our Pat Oxford, tie, is very neat and stylish, :price $2.25. Outing Shoes for the boys . and "girls at ' 55c, Children's Bare -foot Sandels, prices 9oc, We do "Neat" Shoe Repairing MUSIC: --Are you thinking of buying a Piano :• or an Organ? We are sole agents here for Doherty and Newcombe Pianos; Doherty and Sherlock • & :Manning Organs, • • . • • . • Everything .in Musical Supplies • in. Stock. UIRLY CLOSING 011 IIIURSIMY EVENINGS FrItLow CITIzENS .- " , - In July and August we propose, closing our place of business every Thursday'eveningg au six o'Clock Every other night we will be open as usual, We do not wish to inconvenience any person, but we heel it a duty to our employees; as well as person- ally, to have oneriiightfree during our summer evenings. Yours wel1•disposed, llopplestone & Gardiner. Summer 'sorest" la White A big range of Batiste, light weight jean and white net corsets at • • • ...., . , 50c.. BUM Mat ParasOi$ and umbrenine • Black, white and colored •Palcasols. We have, a large assortment 780$1-.006 $125,,$1.50, Pi.75 and 1$2'.00. summer Vests and Drawers. A large stbek of Ladies' and Children's Vests, in cream and white, at 8, 10, 1.2 1.20, 1/See 18c, 20c and 215c. Ladles' White Waists Our Ladies' White Waists are the best of value at 81, $11.211, 81.50, 811.15, " 2,. .25 2.5O $2.715, 41,81 Cash tor Butter and E ' UARD1NE1 Kgs• ` PTCI i.+fPOPS Terms Cash or Produce • ,13LfYTH i