HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-06-11, Page 8TUX. MOWS NEW AM, rr' T-E.SE ARE THE •4 S at, " rda June une i3th Our weekly specials are growing more • popular as .the weeks. go by. They are e otne money-savers,.,.and 'appeal sal dsxe t1 o the pocket -book.. Clearing lines frotn all ver the stre. selling at theseprsPs just be- rause we want : to- turn them into. ready Loney right. away, orset Covers '19c 35 or. 30 Corset Covers, made from good quality ' English Cotton, cambric finished,ice! trimmed Q with Lace and Insertion, Saturday; emend at each ' tau ''Children's White • Colton Drawers 19e ' '15 or 20 pair Children's white cotton Drawers, as- sorted sizes, good quality cotton, nicely trimmed, 0 clearingSaturda .. at each...... „ «, ..««.,,.. « 10 Children's Knitted Waists 15e Childreies knitted Underwaists, with strappings . and buttons just the thing for summer wear, cream p only. Regular 255c, Saturday special at each, , .. , , • , IRA • 50e Lisle Gloyes 311 .• 3 dozen pair long white lisle: gloves, sizes 6 .to. 71, Y • extra fine:quality and sold all over.. at 50e. 3 dozen ,lgn pair to sell Saturday at per pair..... «:.. , .. «, , t7 Black .and Tan Lisle' Hose 29: 35 pair Ladies' lisle thread hose, blackand the popular tan shades, splendid quality Regular: `e5c and 37.1. We want to clear the ,two" lines out, and 20G Saturday they go on sale•at per pair ... ..,.,..,. Two Big Millinery Specials Two more specials•_from our••big Millinery department for Saturday: .Hat's' such as our ill trim, 1 hers •know how o. t tr m, selling : at just about the half-price mark.' $4.00 Hats at $2.15 • 15 of these Hats .trimmed up specially, for Satur- day. On them we are using short . lengths and: last '- ends ends of some of our most expensive trimmings. In the ordinary way. these hats could not sell for less than $4.00. Commencing Saturday .morning, we qq /� will have 15 to choose from. at each , L.45 $3.00 Hats at $1.50 These Hats are made up the same way as those at $2.45, only the trimmings used are . not quite so expensive; If we were getting them up . to the . ordinary way $3.00 is least we would sell them for., Now, we have started to clean .upthe Millinery de- partment,and Saturdaythere will roe 15 or'20 here to choose from at eac• p;:, $i,50 Buster Brown . Belts 19e. . Children's Buster Brown Belts, standard gliali- • ties,in black and all colors, Saturday special at each'19G y P Lisle Gloves 19c G-rey and light fawn shades in Lisle Gloves,: 1Regular length, dome'f stoners special for Saturday •.nO • A Big Dress Goods Extra. 50 yar:Js of extra fine quality French' Armure . Cloth, black only; will •Make handsome dresses for m irning or any_ purpose you want to use black for., Regular 1.' 5 an 1.411 Saturday morning er yd. 1 Ob g � a$ . ,. y gy Odd Parasols 2is • 8 or 10 odd Fancy Parasols: Moet a. these are slightly damaged, but they :cchle -in splendidly„e or Children's wear. Clearingl 'out Saturda ' at eneh • LSC C al .. a y A Big Lot of Embroideries at 5e • Over 400 yards in this lot. good quality' Swiss Em• brotderies and Insertions, assorted widths, not a poor. pattern• in the whole lot, ,nor a single piece .that is not worth a good deal more than ' 5e, . Choice of them- on 50 Saturday at per yard 25e Muslins 15e 400 or 500 yards Fancy Deese Muslins, Chambreys1 Ginghams, etc, A collection of various linesthat sold at 25c, 80c. 85c We wantto make short work:. of the Cotton Dress Goods :stociz, and commencing 1{; jt Saturday, you can take your choice at per yard • .... �JY Dresss.Iuslms 7%c • d inthis lot but the_last'.1en the of Not 100yar s gg some lines that sold at 121�c to Jill`; suitable' for. waists or children's wear, Saturday morning, choice 72G per yard • ., . 1 Table Damask at 34e` Half -bleached Table. Damask, will soon bleach nicely; good quality -jest the thing for ordinary - r} AG 'wear. A Saturday Special at per yard ... , 2 Better Ones at 55e �y Every thread of this piece guaranteed pure flax, One of our own direct importations. ;Regular 75c,• Saturday Special per yard 55e The Short Ends' of Carpet We sold a lot of these.Oarpets. last Saturday, still there are more of them 'than we could possibly hope to sell even in a week.. The assortment is still good. ' There are plenty of nice •patterns to ` choose from,,: and if you want a: length of Carpet for •an extra mat or two, doll t irtlss this chance: Dress . Skirts. at .$2.0o Do' not forget, we are clearing the bal.: ance of our stock of Dress Skirts at ' $2.90 each Tweeds or plain cloths, no matter what the former price, you can . take your choice now for only $1. ga. CLINTON NEW ERA TKURSDA'li', J (JN.1 11 1900. Local Notices. Deese at d. Mantle- making, Plain Sewing, Pressing and °leaning Ladies' Appazei,-ADDIS L. RAUFMAN. DR, OVENS,Liendon, Surgeon, Ocu- list, ;Specialist, will be at W. el. R. Holmes' Drug a ore, on Thursday. July 2nd. .G asses properly fitted, deafness catarrh and failing eyesight treated. ,13ours 1 to 4 p.rn. New Band, The White Dyke Bane, Clinton,. is epee for all kinds or engagements for the rem - me Benson. For tering, call at Wates Shoe Stein of wiit3.1'HOS. weave, box 227, Clinton, tf gown gtlollilc , A STORM- About 0.30 on Monday evening a terrible storm, passed'over this place, the wind with tornado force whipp011g up trees and s -ripping )naves in showers, While hail and ram fell in torrents, \The flag pole and iron crest- ing on the town hall, were torn` off; a part of the Evaporator roof was lifted, and minor damage done .in till direotions. LEGAL FEES -The. report` of the Inspector of Legal 011100 in Untaria for the • gives the following asthe h earnings of the' several Proviu tial officers in the county Sherriff, R G Reynolds, 51548.86; Surrogate. Jedge and Local Master, Judc•eDoyle, $1350,. 20 ; Grown. Attorney and Clerk of the Peace, C Seager, $1770 61 ; Loc&tl Regis- trar, County CaineClerk, :Surrogate RegCaestrar, D McDonald, $2517.07. IT IS EFFECTIVE• - The Business Men's Asseciateen has been trying to' •induce n,erchant5 to look more closely after their accounts-, and an° instance occurred the other day« showing how effective this has been. .A gentleman whose credit is good for any amount, •received,a dunner for10 cents due, -with this statement plainly stamped on the face, "prompt payment requested,' as I have a draft to meet." He paid the araeunt .A NEW MANAGER - Mr "D. S. Cluff, late travelling salesman for the Morris •Plano Co., .of Listowell,` has been engaged as General Manager for the Doherty Organ and Piano Co.,and wiI1 enter on his duties at once. Mr ' Cluff is an old Clintonian, having been at and has had a wide and varied experi one time ap enneloyee of the factory, . once. He is a thoroughly competent man for the position, and it is expect- early in life;' and for :a time kept the ed that, lie will push the business with store at Chiselhurst•movin "to Bonsai' its old-time ! ' � g soar gy� over ..6yeara•a o; he started a .bend- ing THING: -In factory. Of late years he had ids-:.: voted-�... •umn will he (ootid an interesting letter his attention to `building -rest. (roto Mr . ' Jack ;on r ask' g dentes, and; •several fine ' houses bear i , asking the cite. testimony to his enterprise. Some tens of !intoe citizens helps led arrago time ago he went to London whore he a committee of citizens to hold an a)ie reside for less than -a' :ear but his eenoon of.sports in�the perk,for all they h children of town, Last year this was earth, foiling he returned to 73ensall. stns at •the;Lotzgh .presentation, and;ELECTI - N • NQTES-'That people' was ;greatly enjoyed. We feel sure here • had special interest in several our citizens wilt be only too ,glad, to + election contests, is shown by the ie help and encourage such n. good idear lationship of some: of the ,candidates. Mr Andrew Porter, the Conservative candidate in Centre Huron, is ason in . law of Mr. F. Rumball, of town,:.,...:.. Wm. McKelvie, the defeated Liberal candidate in Teraiscamin , is married in cash or prizes. en has been decided;to a sister. of M s Nelson Bail ... , IT to hold the .event on >i'xiday;' June 26,: (Cul rie, the Liberal candidate in Bast. ' { Huron;ie a brother-in-law of Job; Coop- : THE MILITIA `CAMP -The 'cam . 'er Mr fs Vito nacott the'defeated' P p , nvf HOSPITAL NOTES -Miss Tri.,...,«, , 1 TRU - .. een de- . nurse, and Miss. Elliott, from Porter's l sided to sin lee.„ all on rite trm Hdl both underwent operations last cant lot lila i., , „,t septi of J he Fahr wee*, and' are letting along nicely, ; Mill pond, �al Peet$ contractor,. w nt anoperation, hasreooirered I B S go home. � fiance Examinations • . , - '.,Mrs Petrie, of letting alio starts Igor( is week, '1`� under e RIE1r -• ma next (Jolla tate En. sufficiently to enablehertoh it !the Ool ,.Mr. Robertson, of Oolborne, came leelate promotion Exa tions will here on. Monday, to undergo a slight he held on June 24.. 25, 25 .: , . male n: operation 1 and Denfield try conclusions at base A PENITENTIARY OFFENOE-- ball on the park to -night at 6.15;a good Some timeago we called attention to gaina ie anticipated.... A young pian the fact that insulting post cards were named Hall, about, 22 years of age,was he n t g.sent through the mails to young drowned at Mitchell, on Sunday.whfle .ladies, and had it not been for the bathing; he was a ne. hew of Miss reticence of the parties concerned, Cowing, of town..• Mr Ei Glacier is at prosecution would ,have followed. We Niagara Falls, attending the High are informed that similar cards are Court Canadian Order of Forresters, again being mailed, and if the aborti- - ., .. We are Sorry to learn that Mrs moble pr ietiseeis not diseontinue;l,the Murph , Princess Street is seriously party guilty will be put either in jail ill.... The •silver cup given by the or the asylum, where be 'belongs. 1 Molsons Bank in connection with the 1'VEDDINGS-A quiet wedding,00k Spring,Stock Show, and won by Dor, Innis, is on exhibition at the bank.... place at Wastey parsonage on.' ed- The rate to Detroit, on the Greyhound nesda , when Mr W. Marion, and Miss, e,Teursion, opo wap, with trunk, wfli• hlary. ieideinan were Married by Rev be 31.50... ,Mies a )iTast will..beco e W. Jolliffe ; hoth .are well kgown in one of the assistanntssinthe Post Office, ' town, and have the good wishes of enterin oe her duties onMonday next their many friends. No wonder people object to the Jn les S ons, areout for the m ictiag e ' autos on the road ; one went •thro. igh of Mise Susan Pearl Sterling, all ; town on Wednesday,going down Main Terrace, to Mr. piece J. Marshall ; the Street without stopping, at a speed of event nukes place on the 21to, ;.hoth , easily 3Q wiles: anhour,.,.,The Whyte- e popular r young people, to. whom yicon' the congratulations of their friends j Dcerke.t on band Saturdaywillgive-an nightop; en ar it is also - are extended in advance. 1 arranging t'or• agardenpart at an! „ Invitations are out for the marriage of Mellarvey Reid, brother of Mrs Harland, and,_ r , which takes piece at Lon- non on Wednesday next. ORANGE MEEEING -- The semi- 'aenuaI meeting of South lemon L 0 L he has had this year.......L'linton Jun. 1 held in Clinton on the Oth Inst, was icor, Football Club went to•I3ayf old on... representative and the attendance was `Friday, June 5th, and lost by the score I up toformer meetings; Amongst the • of 3-2. Bayfield plays in Clinton on I - officers and.memhers from a distance i I"niday,June.12,-Miss Mabel Twitchell • were John Scarlett, ex C M. Leadbury :!. has taken a position in Bartlifrs store. Walter Coursey, D Al Lucan, Frank Davis, 0 el Lamhsbury,p 0 Galbraith Div, Vile Bayfield; Chas Foster, Ex, Pearly day .,, ,,the friends of miss Rena ekett a evidently boind to send ' her to Toronto judging by the voting:' contest.... ,•. Mr Geo Davis is lard up ; with an attack of pleurisy, the second District it Varna, .Ftnalatrapgements / / were made for attending the annual• , celebration on the 13th Jul in. Code- aL 1W" S rich;. there being no other business of importance requiring. •:discussion or attention tee meeting closed in har= + , iniiny.!. 0 WILLIAM MOORE-.The following The Durability o Wall Paper ` 4 is the real factor that determines the. cost,. h costs as touch per.,roil, labor or cash, to hang a - 3c paper as. •it does one at a fear cents more that, ' will beautify your home for a much longer time. b -e Moral we want to snake is that. "there isa price below which it is not wise to go." We think we have the largest variety. We know( we have the . popular goods, and that our prices- are honest. prices at which you ;an decorate your ' rooms, Becoming the season. your purse, and above' all, your individual taste. We even have thec 3 , per roll kind.It will cost you nothing to see our, stock. It may cost you more not td see it,: The W... L. air o 0!ten the. Chea .est. Always . he. B ` . a3' the est. front a Hensel) "a paper, .refers to a a t u r a. • a . 1 Pp brother of Mr's Chambers, Queen St: - Another . of, the old settlers passed �.. . over to the. great beyond on Thursday afternoon, William Moore had been ailing for some menthe . and gradually grew'so weak that he 'was unable to rise from; his bed. He was carefully. nursed by his family;and received the .beat That medical skill could provide. He upas born near Peterboro over 07. years ago. He came to Huron county • • • No money goes out of town; it goes 'to the chhildren,'and we all get better ac- quainted with each other in a local af- fair of this kind.. Let eveeiyone help, Ootttrillutions •to Mr Frank H.odgens to be held. on the Attrill Farm, Goder- ich, will commence on the 15th, and 1will last for ten days. The addition of -nearly41100-hien and 500 horses to . the '1 i popula tiio n will mean a greatly increas- ed demand for provender,. It is eitpect- candidate in• East; Elgin; is an uncle of Mrs. A J. Grigg:.. --Dr. Godfrey, the Conservative elect in . West York, is married to a daughter of 'Mrs Tuffts, formerly. of Clinton.... - Mr. Lucas, the Conservative elect in Centre GGre , is,a ed that a sham battle will be held brother. of Mrs. J. E.:Bogeyy....7arnee i about the 25th.. Sir Frederick Borden, • McEwine, who won West Wellington, • Minister of Militia. will probably in- " was born in Tuckersmith. The Con- ,aspect: the ;Minn sometime: °during its, servati•ves•auetLiberalsjoined together � , existence, and it is probable .that he in receiving the election returns on • may be ;tccompanied byy the Hoo:' W. Monday night, in the Town• Hall, and Pugsley, of Pu lit Works. although the former had every o The holding of the cam at Goderich;. ortunit to•"roast" the latter' as the instead o P P Y a t f Lo don - n , as usual, was due entirely and direetle to the .efforts of R. Holmes, ably•backed and supported by the local officers. It is estimated~ that it will mean • an expenditure ' .of nearly $l75,000,'directly and indirectl HE; GOT THE HAT'. -Jiist as the I: bowling season was commencing Mr' James Weiss stated that hedid not in- tend tohowl this year. Mr. Dowding expressed doubt about Mr Weis's:liv- ing pp to this resolution,• when the lat ter taid.he would buy Dowding 'a uew hat if he broke his 'promise: Evidently the temptation of the careen .was too strong, for it was only' a few days be- fore Mr Weiss was bowling as enthuse ast`eally as any one. So ire invited Mrowding and a few friends to -the 1Com ercial on Friday evening, . and ' -.forma ly- ,presented-.•-him-with what looked like .a big ten cent straw hat, artistically trimmed withribbons, etc.' On the same being placed on his head, Mr. Dowding fogndthat beneath it was a.handsonie, up -to -date -straw -hat, Mr Weiss taking this method of pay ing hie wager. returns of Conservetivevictory poured. in, it 'must he admitted that they did nota use f: u mak se o the occ"s'o • '•th t aen, e .roost unanimity peeve iled, -and .while the Liberals were naturallydisappoint- ed at the result, they took their Medi eine with geed grace ;. . Sumer: ' Sch o1 one,' July and 'Auitist Iea,is'into -. ons• Fnil Term without any break. Enter xuy time. New. Catalegue free. Write for' it to•,lay, . .Central Business College.. • T0i1o1To, the largest+ most reliable .f Its kind •itro R. Sihaw, Principal, wonge "Ri q.rrar8-its., Toronto, Boots and Shoes, Trunks and ` Valises Custom Shoemaking —A iN Repairing. ' Cash. and Onc Price. gyred. Jackson. hite Lawn and uslin Waists We areapreparing for :'our next shipnient lent - of Summer : Muslin Waists, and to be ready for them, We, are putting on our Bargain. Tables Saturday the balance of our first: shipment at' unheard-of ' prices.' About ten dozen in the lot, and ' all new styles this- season, Don't . fail to be on hand early Saturday to get the first choice and the best value. Lot l to• 1• White' Lawn and Muslin' Waists, long ;sleeves, every style new and dainty :µde signs, These Waists are slightly muss- . 'ed uss .'•ed but hlt; soiled and :ever . one ;is a rare bargain Reg. $1,•• $:1..25 . et and O,Saturday' 'ri L5p' ce..«., $1.75 Mull Waists 98c Pine 'white Mull Waists, with very dainty Insertion, fronts, inseveral dainty styles, three-quarter sleeves only,in sizes • 34 to 40; regular 31.75 value, Saturday tio„ they go on sale for. al Ob . • ror e Odd C t• 3. 5r: s . s 25 pairs of odd sizes and flukes .in. Cor - eats.s set . Rego Ia•r.'T.Sc lip,' to $2 00 per pair,; clear.-' in the t Satu iia for per Fair... . . m u r.,, � , . 05G� Lot No. 2. ...Fine white Muslin and Mull . Waists, in three-quarter and lon .sleeves -sever al very dainty. styles. :These' lines have also been mussed from. handling, but are not in theleast soiled, and range in. price.frorn• $1.75 upto $2.25, ' Saturdayprice is 6�c 19 Mullins c S Ins tor _Int, Twenty pieces of Fancy Dress Musl •ins in` all 'the popular colorings, ' in stripes, checks and floral designs, regular, 100, Sat .q ` urday for :. �L 1L2111 Ready -to wear Bats About 20 Ready-to-wear Straw Hats, ' daintily trimined with Fancy Ribbon and: • Straw, regular $125 and. $800 Saturday choice . .. .... .. ..... .:.. • .. I" cov About `: Vour Summer Millinery. Our range of Summer. Millinery is complete in every detail,from the low est to the best Our styles are correct; our workmanship everything'' that can be desired. We strive to please the hard -to -please; with great ' success: We invite you to call and see our styles: MISS CA - T - ON & C g Landin_ of': the .Co� •.te : - . • � g sty 1- -Miss' Rena Miss Fanny Hibbs.. . 5040 Miss Mabel Lanxon 4105 Miss May East 3955 41, .N. Beacom ... 3410.1 Mrs Jno McClacherty.... 3170' Miss 'E Torrance.. ` 2525 Mrs A Beacom Miss•M. L.appine 1575' Miss May Rance : . r,4 z 0 Mrs C.0 Rance 1,405 Miss May Holland ... 1390 Miss Gertie 'Sage::.. ,,;,., r 275. Miss Hattie Holloway.... 1255 Miss Lou. Little , 1130 ". Ida Lindsay..... r t to Mrs .Jno. Hudie -............ 76o Mrs Geo. Hudie 760 Mrs Geo Tebbut .,:..:.,... 675 Miss Blanche Tebbutt.... 6/5 ,r C Steep 575 2315 1 Miss. ntellie. Hicks... 451). Letta Smith 355 Mrs 8. Switzer ;: ,..,.:335 Miss Glady Switzer ..:,325 `t J Routledge 290 NSteep.:....:......;... 285 " Hattie Judd. 285 S Haddock........ 26o ' Maude Carter............250 Mrs' R Carrick... . . . . ........250 " W. McIntyre 25o Miss'Maggie Steep...; 250 ., . S Nott....,.. . . ...... , .23.5 t� ... 230 CShipley ................225 • Cleta .Ford :,..225 " :P Shannon 220 Mrs. J GCrich....... 210 • H Carrick ' 205, " D Carrick 205 Miss L Pott$ ....... xo5 faatttww... Coupons gisien with every purchase in -Dry foods Men's Furnishings, ' Tallorin'g and Millinery, Help your friends to go on our FREE TRIP TO TORONTO, by doing 'your shopping here.