HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-06-04, Page 84 tz' ,na• laaa • e Specials „ a Saturday and Monday. We have an interesting program for June., One that will save money for people who do their Dry Goods , buying here, These are bits of news that show the trend of value. Each and .every one is good. Our two store direct buying enables us to have big assortment and best values. This is a positivefact and we are ready to prove it to you at any time, Come Saturday or next wiek for any of these. They will 14 ready first thing Saturday morning. - Two Millitiery. Specials Two extra speqials in this big Millinery de- partment. Hats with just the right style to .them. Prices that. are saving for Saturday selling. Our. Milliners have preparedthem specially for that day, they are genuine specials and worth corning for. 12 Hats at $2.50 each • L• Regular $4 aiia $4,5o each • . 12 only new and 'Stylish Rats. Correct shapes • and good trimmings used on all them. Regular $4.00t gn and $4.50, choice of the 12 on Saturday each - . APIL I U 12 hats at $3;15 Regular $5.00 12 of these to choose:from if y^ciu. come early. on • Saturday morning. Gotten up by our Milliners in • the best style, ouly good trimmings' used. Regular," $5.00, choice of this lot each . 411 15 • • Embroidered Waist: Fronis Half Price •inc!.1.,e, ‘. We are willing to take half price for the ,h•al.: ance of our Embroidered Waist Fronts. Most of them are pure linen and all hand enibroidered. Of some there is enough for the complete Waist, others only enough for thelrOnt. Waist PrOnts .75c Regular $1.50 to $1.65 g-724-41.' 15 -to 20 Embroidered Linn l'Waist, Fronts. All hand worked, good quality, half, a dozen patterns. 7gh Regular $1.50. and S1.65, on Saturday each...,...... I afli 25C Lisle Gloves.for irgc • • 100 pairs' Lisle Thread Gloves, shades of fawn, grey, etc., all sizes -a clearing of various lines that Inn sold at 25c, your choice, per, pair. . .... ....... • 1011 • Children's Gloves isc • 50 pairs Silk Tafetta and Lace Gloves; black, tan and grey shades, all children's sizes, regular 25c to 1 50 40c, to clear Saturday at per pair .......... . . ... Carpet . Ends 25 ends Tapestry, Brussels and Velvet Car- pets, lengths of if to 1 yards, make splendid Mats Tapestry Carpet Ends each .50C • • Brussels Carpet Ends each 75c Velvet Carpet Ends eacfr $1.00 • . One-quarter off White Underwear. We are clearing the balance of our stock of Corset Covers, Drawers, Gowns and White Underskirts, at exactly one-quarter less" than regular prices. This should give you a splendid opportunity to lay in your Summer Underwear, at Bargain prices. If you come Saturday, you will get a very good assortment to choose from. Every day it grows less, and when the stock is once sold, it will not be replaced. Remember all Whitewear One-quarter off A Skirt Special Skirts made from good quality English Cotton, seams double eewn, trimmed wiltrLacp and Em. broidery, regular price 15c, commencing Saturday each . ... ... tia1.4 ..... 0,441,4111"1114.* ...... 4 .... •11.1611,4 itu ° 600 Vards Wash Goods at •15c 600 yards fancy wash materials, Muslins, Cotton ' Voi led, etc,„ a splendid assortment of patterns, lines r hat sold'At25c to' 40c per yard, clearing saturda,y iRp • tYrt' yard . to." OIN*1 ...... ...... V•Plav r t,t ..... 44, UU t 40* • . t1t, 4- 1 ••• CLIWON 1'4J A. 1 THURSDAY% TUNE 4, .1103 total Notices. Dress and Mantle - making% Plain Sewing, Pressing and Cleaning Ladlea' Apparel,- ADDU lt, KAUFMAN. New' nand The White 1:,,, ke Bend, Cliaton, is Open for all kinds of engagenreats ler the emu. nig sesion. For terms, will at Watt's Shoe Shop. or mho Taos, wATTS, box 227, Clinton,' tt . . ' ing while Mr, J, Fagan was taking llis fliAawnerhwey60i to dozentbwpsbenirleeoeanodii ns(rb,secthtulta lar: will hit hi e: tranbs s:seii, sant? bio ontpehyi ei Enqz;:abv:es A.CCIDENT.- On Wednesday even- ' 41114 810IlliCS. . • "Ti: A: YEARMicI's POI: An Convention." n- tTiohne. A YhPer: The prorna mill be a leap.ntrilay, wiltgtve an entertainment in St .Paul's - School Room, on Friday June 12th% ing.the Woo wagon came near to having a serious aceident. The engine stopped at .r. Ouninghlune's corner, Huron St., and when starting the whistle blew% frightening the teatn, so it ran awavtiThe boy who wasdriving was .thrown out, the wagon passing over his leg. No serious injury, other than bruises, was 'sustained, but it might easily have been worse. , THE FIRST OF THE SEASON -A in 'Latvia Social will be held by the On- p° entertaiment for by the League to make this a pleaaant 10th. Every effort will •be exercised ° bines grounds, 9. uesclay evening, Juoe an, the macron:1mo ; be will he supplied by the best talent ob- tainable. Music will be furnished by • di the Town Reed and the Menu will u, consist of Strawberries, Ice Cream and other dainty table delicacies. 'See to the band bills for paiticulars,ancl meet go me there. • • • 00 1,11t7SIO-- The theory examinati ns o intb connection with the Conservatory fr Music, Toronto, will he held in ..-the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Clinton, 'IT oir June 16th and vet), and the condi- Ai• dates writing will be follows: -Tues. on day Morning 9.30 two candidates 131 Tuesdartfternoon 2,30 two candidates; F„' Wednesday morning 9.30 three condi. " dates ; Wednesday afternoon 2,30. two I lin 'candid des.. It is expected thin. these exahnnations will be in charge of Miss 1-1, Doherty. -'"""1"S",•r7.71!"7weriAll7Per.r."7" TON 14111W. EBA DRAM OF MR BLAVICAftEe.-•M Edward Blackall, died at Ilderton, f*Ar days *ince% in hie 70th 704,„ D ceased was the fatner of Dr Blftekal formerly ef town,and was welt-km:Jur DEATH 00 MRS. OEQ, JOHNSON -Our readers will learn with regret of the death, of Mrs Johneon, wire of Mr Geo Johnson, a former resident of town, which occurred near tiriewold, Mane lest week, as the result of cancer She was a daughter of Mrs Moffat, High Street and leaves two daughters and one son. To add to the sadness of the circumstance, Mr Johnson is very ill, • with kidney trouble, 11e is a brother of Mr lhos D Johnson. DEATH OF MRS MATHESON. The people, of Clinton will learn wit deep and sincere•regret of the death o Mrs. Neil Matheson, which occurre no Wease,dnepsdnaoyezvedeniwnaga. aaftewrottsaenvero strong personality, held in the ver highest 'esteem, \ and was. a devote member of Willikehurch. She leave a grownup family of three daughter Mary and Tina at bottle, and Mrs Frank Smith, of Petrolea, and one son Peter, of Durham. Much sympathy felt for the bereaved fatailyt BR1.70EFIBLD RUMPS OLINTO - The above Football teams lined u for battle, In the earl; here Wednee day evening, when the former prove too In for the t‘lecal pick-ups" continued bombardment of the loco oal, by the tflaitors, came as, a sur rise to the best goal -keeper in Clit to xi the terson of Percy Couch. Th orward line worked Well for the local and did telling work, but the ' weak Oa of the defence proved their undo g. .['lie visitors toe a sturdy hunch f players. and 'Would put up a good ractice game for stnne of the W. I% F 11 %VA= SOLD -Me W WbOatley of a town has sold his farm the Nth e von. of Oodetich Tp_ known as the I, Richardson farm to Mr 11 J Thompson n fer a sum in the neighborhood' of $4000. Thti. give% the Tiaompeon family four excellent and well -kept farms all close together, and shows what thrift and Industry earl aceoin. plish. MoTd0OART .-TROMPSON, The home of Mrs Thompson, Albert St, was the scene of a very pretty wed. ding,.on Wednesday June 3rd, when her daughter Violetta Beavvice bore. came the bride ot Mr Geo McTaggart of Blyth The house was prettily decorated for the event; the wedding ceremony being performed by Rev. u, Mr Octane. At high noon the bride 1 vvearing' a bridal veil and orange d blossoms, and carrying° a hxmet of e, and maiden hair. •I ferns entered the room, on the arni of. her brother George, by whom she was given away, to the strains of the wedding march, which was rendered' 0% by her sister Mrs A H Tierney. of Blyth. After the ceremony, the party sat down to a, nice wedding $ dinner. They left on the afternoon train for the P acifie (keit, via Owen Sound. The bride wore a pretty N Princess gown of cream pailetter P. with trimmings of lace and insertion. • Her travelling, eown was a Oopehhag. d blue broadcleth,with an all.over.lace a waist, and hat to match. tkliss Thomp- son was a highly popular • young lady' g of Clinton, and sbe has the good wish - u es of her many friends. Mr .111cTriggatt e is the popular station agent of the s Grand. Trunk Railway at Blyth, at • •whiee place the young couple will take residence. • tario Street Leaguet, on Air john Gib- A fearns Score at finish 2-). in favor , -7' f the viiitors, BRIEFS -Murphy Bros Store has en linianYed by a, new window front John Kaine of Gurria, who ed on Sunday, at the age of 81 years, as an'uncle of Was Krone of town. s 'Wright, who 'is Limon stye; r for Pure %Gold Goods, has had od many tieople attending her dern strations at Linder's Store during e peat few days... „Mrs W Cook °cured an egg from .i Black WHOM, st week; measnring.. War n McLean and the members' of the °u -i.- of Refuge Coxinnittee met hero ' effort is being ode to form a liaee Ball team • from hong the members of the Odilfellows IVIliCh there is plenty of material %to ake a, good strong team. ,, ...The use of "Mr james Kerr has been Ina:. ovecl by a coat of paint, Fred Brown int; .t,htV work Mr Frank ()Weil having.' his house painted and other- • , ^ , WANT RIM BACK - - Some time ago the cripple son of 11/rs •McBradY, (daughter of Mrs Carter) was success.' fully treated at the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto. and althe ugh not eompletely cured, is certainly a great deal better than he Was; Recelltly,1 the , Superintendent of the Respitai 'wrote Mrs MoBrady; stating that they would like to have the boy returned to the Hospital, if agreeable to her, in order that he might undergo further treatment,.ancl it is likely • he will be sent down. • A COMING EVENT -- During her residence of eight years in townoVith her aunt, Mrs Joseph Townsend, one of the most popular young ladies of town was Miss Jennie. .Jones, who fig- ured "in mulail entertainments and sOcial circles. Recently she has been living at St ThomasXDakota, and on wise improved, B Kaiser doing the work.. . .Mrs Barge, sr., desires to exPress: her tippreciation of the genet.:. ousesyinpathy.stiovvri by the public and Mende. during the illness and death sif her son, Alfred. The annual . meeting of West Ruron Farmer& In. qtitute, will be held at Nile,on June 12; East. Huron:at Brussels, on :Tune 12; South Huron at Hensel], on:June 17. ----Mr John Fagan, of Carlow, pass- through town on Wedneaday,. with a new threshing outfit-Engir and eparator,proeured from the acDon- aid, Co,., Stratford. . ' .A meeting in ., the interests of Mr.fo“r.ter will be held t in the town hall this evening,. to be ed. by Mr Proudfoet and Mr Thos Me- addressed by Rey J Elliott an•Mayor Macklin, •Goderieb ; a meeting in the . interests of MI' Prolidfoot will be held here op Saturday.right, to be address - Milian . . . .Nr Lorne Scott, foriiierly. Married to Mr Chas B^3'er%'df Wetag- the 17th of • this --montlf-she-will -be. ! „ke•win, Alberta,e, young man also well rw:134.thde 'county .......................................... ife Iensurance Co.... :The first of July ' known as a former Olintonian. We will be the next holiday, and. fade on theasure of bild9Ploess.• ' - . ' . of black to his live's'', outfit ; one was: are sure their many friends•here will Wednesday.'...Mr Walker has just join, in 'in wishing' theta the' largest added a veryhandsome Matched team 4:10USE OF REFETGE-.-__ ., ivlr'.. .. .6 purchasecl.frora Mr unningham, Col - 1 'air elderly man from Brucefield, who borne, 11011 the other from Mr Canier. 'entered the House of Refuge on the 11th.of May, retired on Friday ing. apparently halls usnallealth but pleasants.. erven.. pah.......Mr. W. Johnson &milt a,very on. Tuckerstaith,apd they are a dandy time from May Kt° Tune l', in 4 0 0 ns i 4 h ee hilts. o Baiton t w h p.•....T r r f was .founcirdcad in bed next Morning% Ile was the last Patient who had enter- bowlers went to Mitchell' on Friday; 'ed the House. The contract for sup. and were successfutin Winning out.... 'lies vvasiet. by the committee, manes- The friends •of Rey. B. Clement Will ay ; Fitzsimons & Son were awarded' the contract -for meat ; 11. Bartliff the contract for bread, and W. binder the contract for groceries, this store hav-. ing had the conlract, with the excep- regret to learn that he is not recover-. ing from his stroke of paralysis as nice- ly as might be wished, but the doctors think he has ;i. bare fighting chance.. .The county seini.annual Convention 1. of one terthe house. W . Oesey, ofluckersanith, tun) m, since the openingof Orange Hall, ii ,ci. n ton, on sa t da 7 o f , iin ofthe L. 0,‘L. will, be held in toe I:entered the house on Wednesday.) : this week ; it is expected that practic• 1. very large number of persons, showed 'gaye"a good open-air .concert 013 . the yOrder in the. county will lie FUNERAL ON MISS ally everHLMES-A represented ....The White Dyke Braid. their sympathy for the family of Miss.. Square on Sattirday:nightand expect - -II tilings,rby attending her ' innerfil on to he Ont again this week ; for a new - Saturday last, the•floral tributes being' band they play Tety well..The .Volun- teers go into camp, at Goderich, on June 15th. . It is expected there will be a full complement of men :The Citizen's Band rendered their first open air concert from the band stand Thine - day night, and the variety of the pro.. gram was certainly a creditable: one. The band turned out nineteen strong, and showed the result of their winter's Practice; They are, as usual, open for engagements, a,nd the program given. especially profuse. • Service was con- ducted by her pastor, Rev Mr Solliffe, assisted by Revs Mr Greene and Mr Snowden; the Pall -bearers were Messrs J. Crooks, 'E. Emit, H. Armstrong, E. . Shepherd, J Rurnball. and G Cutting- hame. Among those present from , outside were Mr and 1VIrs J B Thomp. son, and bliss Rohn es, Seaforth ; Milton Pearen, London; W 11. Robertson, Goclerich; Howard B. Holmes St Catharines; Miss Pear/ Cantdlon, of Thursday night is an assUrance of Orillia ; and Mrs Reece, jorclan. good music. .1, • imsomisommommumniguimintirsi ,Ehm4s zulid 4!;)11 o Trunks and Valises Custom! Shoemaking Repairing. Cash and One Price 0 • Fred. Jackson. • , • alatt.1. LL.L. IMO • The DOrtibility •-•• • 'Wail, Paper is the real factor that determines the cost. It costs as much per roll, labor or cash; to hang a 3c paper as it does one at a few cents more, that will beautify your home for a much longei time. The Moral we want to makg is that "there- is a price below • which it is not wise to go," We think we have the laigest variety. We know- we have the popular goods, and that our prices are honest prices at which you can decorate your rooms. Becoming the season. your purse, and abo all, your individual taste. We even have th per roll It will cost you nothing' to our stock. It may cost you more4kotto-ee TheW. D i • . a often the apest. Always the Be ansougausausatemimmismammessaam • __Ptort.4_4444?- oildaos Its not too late, yet to win out our free trip to Tor - Onto and Niagara Falls for five days. Get. on the list and get your friends to help go. Ask your friends to buy their dry goods bore and save the, coupon for- you. • 5,020 Miss. Blanche Tebbutt.,.. 6.35. ... ...318o " C Steep' 3170 Miss Nellie.Hicks • 450' • 2745 Miss Gla.dy Switzer 325 Standing of the Contest. Miss Rena, Picket.,.:; Miss Mabel Lanxon .. M iss 'Fanny Hibbs Miss May East Miss E Torrance,. Mrs jno McClacherty Mrs A. J3eacom • Miss N, Beacom Miss M. Lappine • Miss May Rance 'Mrs CC Rance Miss Hattie Holloway Miss Lou,LittIe " Ida Lindsay: Miss May Holland Miss. Gertie Sage........ Mrs Jno. Hudie . . lVirs Geo. Hudie ....... Mrs Geo 'Tebbutt • ......2385 ' Mrs b Switzer ,......,.. 315 g.,, 2050 Miss Letta Smith ' 305 169,5 Miss S Haddock..„....... 26o .1680 • Miss Maude Carter...,.....2 50 . :. . .....1505 Mrs R Carrick 250 1,355 Miss S Nott- .. . .. .......... 235 .. 1,35o , Miss D Walker.... ..... .,....,, .230 ;,. 1220 ' " J..Routledge . ..„: . . 230 1050 • " N Steep. . 225 1050 " 0 Shipley ......„.,225 975 • " Cletaord„ , 225 -.. .940 Mrs J G Crich . . . . .. ........ 210 : ...., 76o • Miss Hattie Judd.,,......... 210 ...., 76o Miss L Potes ..'......,... ... ;:,205 ' 6 - - ' . • prin oats . . We have made up our Minds to clear out the Ladies' Spring Coats at a 1os, only 15 in the lot come early Sat- urday and get first choice they won't lagt long at. these__ . noes • 45..00 Coats for Two only. black cheviot Coats, sizes. 34 and 36, iiiceJy. made,this seasons style. Regular $5.00 ID $5.00 TweOd 'Coats $8.15.,. Two only grey tweed coats, hip length, semi fitting, velvet sizes34 and 36. Regular "$5.00d,74 for.... .... 1Iao .... . ...... .40.61,“••4111). 15 $10.00 Coats for $7.00 Three only fawn covert coats in the very latest style, beautiful made and ,trimined, sizes 34, 86 and Reguler $10.00:for ......,.. . ... . . .. ..114JU • ,• $1.2.00 Coats tor p.ott One only black coat, size 34, hip length, Gibson shoulder, silk braid „.. strappings. 'Regular $i2 00 for....U,UU $0;.501Pawtt coat$4 75 Two only' fawn covert cloth cat, semi fitting, nicely tririuned; velvet stole collar, size 36 and 38. Regular, $6.50 for .fl,a $12.00 Coats for $8.00 Five only fawn Covert cloth coats hip length, butterfly sleeves, close and seini:•fitting backs, bea.utiful, madeM.' and trimmed, regular $12 00 f6y.....UU Midsummer . -Millinery Display Miss Leigh has just returned fri>in Toronto with all the new ideas in Summer Millinery and we are having a special display of the newest novelises on Saturday and fallowing days See our WINDOW DISPLAY Miss Cantelon & Co. 217