HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-06-04, Page 5We have made special study of „GIFT selection,.. What present to make, tiu ler given lcireum stances, is a p r o• b 1re iia which we can help you solve, We have chosen our elaborate display of Ster- ling Silver, Qut Glass, Silver-plated 'Ware. and Fancy China with a view of .meeting, tile. - Most e c acting demands. We have substantial gifts, at moderate prices, as well as the more costly wares, and we need not assure you .that our prices always represent real. v a l u` e. IILL. • Jeweler and Op•tticiaa, Opposite the Market `CLINTON rareyes Tested Free`.;, `.l 0000tY Uiippinll , Oiirtio Marriages di Oaths • Henry 3 Punchard, ;late. of Seafort4, to Mr meNo l el 11 Doeetrt, a eon, I including the gtrle and their. fr en e, visit friends. The time, to see Detroit Deceased 'was a victim of consumption. DOWN -_en ott ton, on June "2nd, numbered about 75, and a happy time Saturday afternoon and evening and and had. been in ill -health for some r mid Mrs Bobs Dawns, a Son. wase . nt at what is kaowo pa Pole Belle IeJe on Sunday. time. Ile was for a number of years. to ter ley'* Farm. The day wase: fine one, The new Greyhound i one of the assistant inethe Seaforth post office, CRAWFORD--In °lintpn, on June the rapt holding oft nicely, till the largest, speediest, and most magnifi- afterwards going West. He was 38 2nd to Mr and U. David Ceawford, a merrymaking was all over. cently •equipped, day boatslnthe world. daughter, Milian, old Everything will be arranged for the Manyy will regret to learn of the BORN Claes of Keo h h a pleasant lake cath in NewYYork, on Maq 26th, of DEWART -a In Ctlinton, June 1st, Picnic Saturday, afternoon: The park tri to Michigan's metropolis Slid to FzCNIC--The r1n inttetenediete Bible Extorsion 1Q Detroit x urC bad their. THE OL1NTQN NEW ERA annual An opportunity for gars of age. R DEATH dames . i .an, an• o convenience and pleasure of the excur- resident . of Goderich, died Saturday • sionista. Meats enroute 50 cents at the residence of his son-in•law,D�n The new Greyhound will leave God- eeich at 8:30 a m., June 20th, on ar- rival of special trains from Wingham, Stratford and Guelph, arriving in Detroit at 4p. m. Returning, it will leave Detroit Monday. at 1 p. m. (cen- tral time), The faze for the round trip•,will be only two dollars; children will be charged half fare and ordinary baggage • free. The Elmira band will accompany the excursion. YA s eciai train will leave Goderich • An old and well-known resident of Morris, in the, person of. Mira Gilpert Speir, passed away on Monday, She was in her Nth year and had enjoy good health up to a year ago, when she bad the misfortune to break her thigh, fro -m which she. never fully re- covered. • The death occurred on Wednesday last at Zealand of Bessie Thorn, wife •.of Mr D W MoDonald,in her 27th year Deceased was a daughter of Mr Uhas. Thom and had resided in the vicinity of Zealand for sorne time, leaving mar- tied her bereaved husband a few years !ago. s, Dr Betbune,wbo has been a resident of Wingbam for same years, intends leafing in the near future for the Rainy River District where he will: •reside 1 i with jets son, Dr.Bethune is one. ,of the oldest physicians .fie ' the County ' having settled in Wingham in March. 1877. He has been practicing for,fifty years, having graduated at Kingston in 185$. • Thomas Mc$ee, whose death took place on Friday last, was a native of Goderich township and a resident of the same township all his life until about nine years, ago, when he moved to Goderich; a strok e of paralysis at that tithe rendering him unable.. to work on the farm, For some years after corning tp ton Mr McKee was able to about and'help hiutself, but for the past few years' he was quite, helpless, and latterly awaited death's coming as a relief. UA,IST In Brussels, May 20th; to Wand $rs W E Heist, a son, MoDOWEJ ,,--In Brussels, Ma.yy.28. 10 Mr and Mrd Gordon McDowell, a daughter, a . • McVETTIE • In Morris, May 19th,to Mr and Mrs Milton. McVettie, a on. TAY•.LOR - At Zurich, May 200 to Mr and Mrs John Taylor; a ,daughter. ABERHA'CtT-In Tuckersmith, May 24th, to Mr and Mrs George B Aber - hart, .a daughter. CASORO : At the 14th Con. Hay,on iv1ay 25th, to Mr and. Mrs Daniel Gas. Glace a daughter, I:CAU-. t. Zurich, on May 27th, to Mr and Mrs J Rau,a son, (still -born.) JEFFREY --At the bauble Line, Stanley,on the 22nd .of May, to M' and Mrs George Jeffrey, a daughter. . • aUGGINS-In Brucefield, May 28th, to Mr and Mrs B R Higgins, a son. MARRIA GIBS GO TO LIN.D ,Clinton's Latest Grocery and. China Hall Godoric AND Buchanan, where he had been living forthe past few years. Mr Millan was. only three months short of being an octogenarian. Besides hie widow,he, leaves two daughters,MrsBuchanan, e town, and Mee Artur, in Manitoba of H was a member of the Orange order; FROST, do STORDART •— Mr Justice MacMahon has dismissed the action of the Frost '& Wood Company against• David Stoddart and Thos Gundry; as. s% nec s for the: benefit of the creditors • for Wingham, Guelph and Stratfore oto David Stoddart, The plaintiffs, and way stations on arrival of the whose head office ii at Smith's Falls. steamer, from Detroit Monday even - claimed to be 'creditors on joint notes ins, Stoddart, a Goderich harness maker, larexcursions, etat-ting' on the City of and A McKinnon, The assignee refus- Toledo in 1809, ed to acknowledge the claim and Mr, Take notice'of the date this year,. Justice MacMalion has now dismissed- June 20.22, and make calculations ac - the action to enforce the 'claim, cordingly. PREPARED TO START . WORK ON' " m Abundance of room, a picnic. all the RAILWAY--- J W Moyes, of Toronto, way' amounting to $8,30,75, wade by Davi 7`liis is the tenth year of these. poen.• preen en of the •Ontario . West Shore MoTAGGART-THOMPSON --• At Electric hallway company, was in the residence of the,bride's mother, town Monday�and met the Council in Clinton. on June,3,by Rev C R Gunne, formally. 13e.stated that all the pre. Mr Geo,"McTaggart, •of.13'yth, to liminary Work in connection with the tette Beatrice, daughter of Mrs Thomp road from Goderich to Kincardine was on,, t completed and the company was now DIED''. ready to proceed', with the pick .'and MATHESON-In Clinton, on Wed- shovel work. The contract for the nesday, June 3, Christina Reid, relict road had been let,and the iwork would of the late. Neil Matheson, aged'03 yrs, be commenced from Goderich north and 4mos,. Funeral Saturday after- ward, from Kincardine onward, and noon, from Port Wilbert, where there is - KEFFER=-InEthel,May255th,Aaron considerable cutting to be done and Keifer, aged 58 years 2e months and $ where the -road will cross the river at days. an elevation pf forty feet. With the SPEIR-In Morris,May 24th, Jeanet exception of about three points nn the Lauchland, relict cif the, late Gilbert road,. the line Chief •Engineer Roberts Spir. aged 88 years. had located was a n +agnificently level NORTON -•In Colborne, May 27th,. one, and even at Purt Albert the Elizabeth, Ann Gliddon, daughter cf grade was only 2.5 per cent. Mr and Mrs Richard Giiddon, wife of EXAGGERATED TADS—. three young Archi aid Horton, 'aged 25 years 6 men were arraigned before •ells Honor ,months and=1,8n dayys.' Judge Doyle :Saturday pn a charge of WELSH Goderich, May 27th; holding up a visitor to town and rob - Mrs Jane Retiedge Welsh, relict of ening him. The stranger came from the late Thos Welsh, of Goderich Tp.. n Viarton, and his story • looked pretty aged 82 years, serious when he toldof losing. upwards MoKEE-In Goderich, May 22nd, of $90, and a,revolver, being placed at Thos McKee, born March:1-th, .1834. ° his head, with the threat to shoot if McGILLIVRAY-1n Beverley, Mass - his money were not handed ,over. The May 21st, Peter McGillivray,, son ofhold-up took piece on the 1.8th of. May,. Mr; and 'Mrs Arch McGillivray, of : at night.-•«'l'he Story, ' however,• loses Wingham,agged28years. and 10months. , some ratite scare when it develops that MILLS- In West Wawanosh, May ; 22nd, Fannie Robinson, wife of John Mills., aged 33 ?rears 3' months. • HOSKINS'-In'Exeter, May .21st, 'Wm Hoskins. aged 80 years MOIR-•In-Hensell, Slav 21st, Peter reaches. thein destination they de. Moir, aged 76 years, and 11 months mended 50 cents for taking the visitor WILLERT-In Dashwood, Charles to'his home .:The story of 'the coin- Willert,. Sr.; in his 80th ycar,, plainant'was that his pockets werel McDONALD- In Turnherry, May, gone . through, end a roll of hills t 20, Bessie Thune wife of D W McDon- arnountina to $90 and: sortie email aid, aged 26. change taken,• but thea finding of'the i; judge wee that:two of the younghien•, were guilty of the .theft of 60 cents 9.� _ _ _ _ only, evhila the toile was dischai ed: f The other yoking men were released on suspended sentence. !• Steel Steamer KING EDWA,R of the Algoma Central Line; Leaye THE CROP 0111LOOKe-The who'g countryside is gladdened by the ap- pearance of the, cror•s. Never tr. the history of W eetern Ontario was the pasture eci lush and pleneiful, never the flow of milk more rieh and, abund- ant, -or the dairy outlook more hopeful It le the same story all over Ontario; From Eastern Canada comes. no jarr- ing mite. ln the great West the stet* crop is reported to have passeel the dangerous stage of enritig-time, and the proppeets of all abundant yield. -were never brighter. at this season On all hands there is ground for con. gratialaeion and encouragemeet. The purchasing power of the people next autumn bids fair to be increased hy tens 'of milliees. Clinton Market Report. W.heat 00 to 00 Butter 0 16 to 0 17 the visitor had been having a; good ghicker,s, dry piose'd, lb 0 07 to 0 10 • them et the hotels in the afternoon,and Docks, per lb° • 0 Os to 0 10 again at night, and that the alleged Geese .( • 08 to 0 10 robbers were some young men who rurkeye. " 0 10 to 0 13 were seeing him home, 'When they • , Return June. igth and 26th. Leave' Detroit O:oo Central time. Local Agent. •:TraffiC Manager. ants JuSt Arrived We are offering.these pants at.prices that can- , not be beaten. They come m Tweeds and Wor- steds and extra wearing qualitychave a look,at those we are Offering it diese prices. " ' Men s Spring Suits- , We are running $10. Specials... in Greys, .and: Browns, best values ever Shown.. in. Clinton. Other BoyS' Suits Our Boys' Suit trade has been very' large this Spring which we attribute tO the exCeptional values we have been giving. Our furnishing stock iS complete, new goods in E. W. JACOB CLINTON , Tailoring Clothing 0,1 Nelsen Ball. An Artistic Frame makes a fair picture good and a good picture better. 4 It need not be expeneive, bat it must harmonize or eentrast Attractively with the pictures. Our Picture Frames. arc; designed to produce just thee effect, Let its have one or more of Tone pictores to frame Reale experi- teeet meta. We think you will be more ee' than pleased with the tesult auttel July and Atniust leads tato our Fall Terra ,wilhout any break. Bute ally evew Callalogue free. Central Business ,College. Mc. largest, most reliable of Its klUtil • It is said etev.•Dr Husser, of Fere. I Elein.Co for the coining term Bert Martin, formerly of Greye le now. leader ef an orchestra In "Hamil- ton drawing a big .,Week salary. . field, who Jeft here ,for Castletou, le. • D died • •there front' heart failure On 'WORT hist, aged about 7(). Rev TH Farr, Who has had• charge 'or -the Episcbpat church, 'Wroxeter, for a little ovei tem years, is likely ,to Last week Daniel aleGovean, . con 3 East Wawanosh,• sold his purebred . 'to. John Galbraith, of Brussels, for 4 . In the matter' of, Walter' T. Smith, guud figure; ' ' ' I ' NOttee is hereby given thwt the:above named 'May 21st. in her 72nd year. The 'de' I as a painter and paper -banger at the Town of ceased' . ha0 'been ailing . fnr a 1°ng I insolvent Walter T. Smith, carrying on business Clinton in the County of Burin, has Made an for the general, benefit of his ore i ors. The Energetic eIhreeher: ' Co. ot i , assignment to 11. T. Rance; of Clinton; aforesaid. The creditors are notified to meet at the office Tuckerstuith, have •engaged Messrs • day of June,19013, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Robert and James Dalrymple to ope- ' te, tee Assignee, in Clinton, on Friday, the 1,2th for the purpose of receiving a statement of the rate their ' threshing. eutflt for. 'the, W. Shaido Principal, • *doge & Gerrard. Sts., Toronto. - New Advertisements. Fancy L.Inpn$ Jpne WOdings, Fancy Linen Doilies, Tray Cloths,. Sideboard Scarfs, Five-o'elock-Tea Cloths, in All the new- est and daintiest•designs. Our prices are. tight. °See thein before you buy, Table Clpths-and Napkini to Match These are something out • of, the ordinary; 'double damask, beautiful patternS and all are brand new' goods, Various prices ; good aS7 sorttnent: Ask to see them. FanCy Parasols We have just opened up another new assort- rnent of Fancy Silk 'Parasols. Just the thing for summer irk, in a pretty iange of colorings and designS. -No two alike.- PricesTronili.75 Natty Summer Neckwear. net and silk bows, some of the latest :;tiovelties we can procure, and the prizes you. Newfrlelts -We have more of these in, correct styles and beautiful designs in Dresdens, Gilt, Leather and .Wash-13elts, at all prices, from 26c ur. Death on Friday last remove,d mie soectoKs. aria for giving diMctions with refer- CHILDREN . HALF FARE MEA,LS 50c. ' All persons claiming to rank in me eAtate must of Exeter's .oldest setelers at the age , FOR GODERICH • after which date the amignee will proceed to lee person o m os in, . f W FI k' after an Leave Detroit for Goder.ich 8.00 a, m. of 80 years; 10 monthe and 6 days, 112 the their claims with the assignee, or the under, ffistribute the asseta thereof; baying regard only illness of two- months. .. , .... .'. 1 _ _ .(1_,..e.aye Port Huron 12 n000) ceived notice. • uecu Treieaven, • who has held el- - FRIDAY JUNE 19th. to those claims of which he shall then haVe re- — — — - 11, T, RANCE, W. BRYDONE, position in the Sterlint Bank, Dun - Assignee, Solicitor for Assignee. annOti fO1 two years, as been' trans- - CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. • Is the leading business training school in Western Ontario. We give a thorough, Practical training on Commercial SubJects Blame Pitman's Shorthand, Toueh Type- writing, and in Commercial and Railroad Operating., Each department Is lb the hands of experienced Instrudtors, We assist students 'to positiOns, Our gradu- alWays succeed, for our courses are the best, Get mit free catalogue and learn more about uS, Rou May enter nOW. Elliott McLachlin, srearreraerrawarammwmameemmessisteme 1 terred to the breech a.t Watford, whet e he will be teller 4nd accountapt 1 The contract of marriage between lienteePhillips, of Algoma,. end Miss Mary Jane Shackleton, of Crewe, was 1 solerimized se the horee of the bride's unele,Thoinali Shackleton, on Wed nes. day of last week. • Tuesday evening during the thunder Tutobtiles residence was struck by tightning. Will Turnbull was stand- ing in the doorway end felt the heat fron, the electric charge but did not The people of Weet Wawanosh were surprised te hear of the sudden death of Fannie Robinson, wife of John 11. Mills, who passed away at her home Lot 26, Con 2 on Friday after suffer- tng from paralysis for SO lient•s,during which time a child 'was born and is still living. She was a inerober of the Methodistpburch at Ebenezer appoint- ment We 'Want to Land • ypur first otdet, because we knoW that the satisfaction you will derive from that will open your eyes to the fact diet you cannot do better anywhere fible that you can with us. You will find that we are net "all at sea" in our minute" and veatchfixl of the interests of our customers, knowing that. by -so doing, we are really acting for our Pasturage Subscriber bee 100 iereli of 'splendid patourage with running water Hauge tO !tent. The brick hone° on Allitrt Ste occupied by the late Mrs. A. Metving. is offered to relit, Per pitriltielere, apply to JAME§ SCOTT, Postmaster. Summer Cottage to Relit One of the beet ceatagem in jeWett'e Grove, Hayfield. Almost entirely for- nishea, Moat favorable terms Apply for further pettionlane at thie deo or to M. D, MoTAGGART. 'Teacher Wanted (Suremerbile) Second Oittee Proem -Ionia Ione 16th, 'helm to eommeeee -A netist l'rth Apply, Mating rmelifleatione, ex lenience, lied Salary Wanted. tO * 'c.• T. It llAitIMOlistee P.O. GOIDERICII RAND MOONLIGHT 8 p.m. Friday, JuneAth • FON, DETROIT Speeial train leaves Clinton 7.85 a.m.' June 20th. RETURN TO GODERICH. Leave Detroit for Goderich 1.00 g. Moaday, June 22nd. Ceneral Time. Arrive in. Goderzch 0.30 pen.- Leave for Clinton,' per special train, on ar- rival of steamer. .WHITE STAR LINE TSW Change of Government. :Although the Govern- ment may change on 'Monday' our prices will remain the same as follows 'Sibs Gran Sugar $i. Above sugars are ked-' paths we handle no •others.° 3 tins Peas Tomatoes per'tin 10e Vs guarantee obeys Calla Med goads and eitarything v ry Courtesy And Attention Awaits You Here. Slim Prices Stout Values Music HOAREEmporium , en generally are becoming as, pernickety about sty le in their shoes ,as in their hats _or neck- . wear. It is right that they should; no matter how stylish wpersons other clothes may be if they have shabby and ill fitting shoes it spoils the ,effect. , • We have an "assortment" of stylish tan and patent leather Oxfords ,and,high Blucheri dt $3,50, ----- Ladies and Childrens4:;hocolate Oxfords. at prices from 90c up to $2.50. We do "Neat" shoe Repairing The *Place Wjiere Your Dallar Does its Duty thhililii(MethialhaViViliWINUMMWWWWWWWV4 IMP 5oC tweed Dress Goods 35c., Cook ff.' Co's. make, the best values. Vtra hctve had, reduced front 50c to .95c per yard. Ilhese.goods are placed dourn price for onZy one -creek. 36 inch Art Muslin at 10e--5 pieces English Att Muslins, 36 inches wide, in particularly good patterns, at 10e. • 30 inch Art Serino at 8d-8 pieces of American Att Serim and ' Muslin, in beautiful ftoral patterns and stripes, at 8e. Ptak and lietta tioalery—Childrea's and Ladies' Pink and, " Blue Hosiery, from 4i to (,),i ineh, evarfanted fast colors, • ' 88.50 Men 'a Rain Cants ter 114.00-A special walue he Men's Rain ,Coate, lined throughotit, made of dark grey craven. etteeett $7.00. Ores. Mualina,=-12, pieces ofreFeney Dress Musline, in stripe., • and floral designs, at 10e,'12ec, 15e and 18e. White Vesting. and Muslims -28 pieces of vesting, plain and, spot Mushns, at 8e, 10e, 12ece 15c, 17, 20e and eAee. . Tan °startle—We have large ranges of Tan ,Oxfords, Tim * High Shoes in Tans and Choeolates, in ohildren's, miseeie 1 .and ladles' goods. POPLESTONE &GARDINER' Terms Cash or Produce BLYTH ARNWOVOMWOMANYWO