HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-06-04, Page 431, Tidi{,I13 ^
- -"'"--ernleesastelterrifficTree—e'eweereeey
.areatJtine .Sale
of Wah..goo4s.'. •
Saturday ntbrning next, Newconibe's great
June Sale of Wash goods starts. No need to tell
you that this collection of Wash Goods is by far
the finest in town. 'thousands and thousands of
yards of the newest Mills! Batistes...Organdies,
Cambrics, Dimities, Gingham, Ducks, Vestingst
ete., to choose from at the lowest possible prices
We want to make Saturday a big day in our Wash
Goods •Department, and offer the -following in-
ducements to bring you hereon' that day, Cord-
mencing Saturday morning, we will sell ,
Scotch Ginghams and Chanthrays at !tie
One thousand yards Canadian and Scotch
Ginghams and Chambray's, in brown, green,
grey, ox -blood, et°. The best washing colors,
on earth, selling regularly up to 18c, Satur-
day at
S50 yards Colored Dress Muslins at 19e
Eight hundred and fifty yards fine quality
Dress Muslins,. in eaters of pink, pale blue,
• brown, etc., in stripes, pleads earl flower
effects; a magnificent array of this season's
newest designs, regular price up to 45c per yd,
on sale Saturday •
Sea Island Yachting Cloth
. Direet from New York 'env. .
We expect to have on our counters on Saturday
a shipment of the new Wash Goods, called "Sea
Island Yachting Cloth": brought direct ' from:
New York City. This material • is between a
linen and a duck, is full one yard wide,' and
comes in scarce shades; such as tans, browns;
blue and liner. shades, euhable for the -new styles
in skirts and coats, on sale at per yard
, 86 illeh Colored Dress Linens., •.49e.
Just received a lot of .the new Colored Dress .
Linens, including FIVE SHADES Ole BLUE, '
bought direct from the manufacturer' in Ire-
land. which is a guarantee of good value
FULL 36 INCHES WIDE, at per yard :
Exclusive Muslin Dress Ends at $5410
Ten only beautiful Silk Mull dress ends (12 yerds).
in pale blue. old rose, pink and heliotrope,. nioes-
rose and wild rose flower effects. No two alike.
Some of the most beautiful designs- ever shown ;in
Clinton. Regular $6.50 and ,$7.50 per dress, Satur.•
day, each 12 yards.. , ..
357 yards Dainty Dress Muslin at Se •
• Three hundred and fifty-seven yards .fine quality
Dress Muslin, in a number of pretty .designis, in-
cluding pale hue, grey, etc. You would, willingly
pay 18c per yard for themeSaturdast •
A Big- Saturday Special
Silk Ciloves.
Fifty-four pair long Silk Gloves; in black'. and
white; guaranteed Pure Silk, and equal to anyt
$1.25- Silk Glove on the market; sizes 6 -to on i
sale Saturday at - )
c •
RAI L.vv,",,.•
s'er, r
TOurist Tickets to The official nomination at the Town
Relit on Mehdaee WOO entirely formal,
MuSkoka, Lake of Bays, TOMagansi, Mr S AndreersheirtgolerktoMrJohn.
Maguetawan River, Georgian. Bay, titan, the returning officer. MrAudrew
Centre Huron Nomination
completely filled thellit.11 settled down
to listen to the opeschee ef•the Candi-
dates and their eupporters, The ar.
ralagetnent of time was as foliovis;--.
Arch, Rielop, ee.M. P. P. (for Mr Oars
Fie), $0 minutes ; George Spotton (for
Mr Mos ove , 45 minutes ; Dr Ma s
or e B•od. Donald. for r Ottrrie) 40 tneautes; r
etc., now on sale.
Tickets to KaWartha bakes on sale lok% of Seaforth, and seconded hi 31F, Musgrove, I hour and 15 minutes; Mr.
June Good. all Season. •• Hoover, town. baring Mr.. E, (Nolo le minutes.
Dickinson of Getiericheis his Financial Though .we have a lengthy report of
Romeseeherg ExeursiOns. a eat. Me Proutlfoot's nominees were the speeches, see balm not apace for
'Second...aloes retUrri ticketa to princi-
pal pointe in Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and ,Alberta at tolloWing rates
WinielP00 end return, Se2•00
Edmonton and return $42.50
Proportionate. rates to other points. Next ex -
, I.. worth pay Jane gni.. sarnie and
r Moe Cottle, of Clinton. and Mr, J.
Watt,oe Harlock, Mr W a Robe/10one,
Goderich, Financial agent.
Mr Ptondfoot having • engaged the
hall, therneeting that followed eras
really his, but Rev. J. Elliott, who was
present to speakon behalf ofMr Porter,
declined to speak unless he was ailotve
Northern Navigation Co. Steaintr 1eave ed to close the meetineriwhich male°.
Sarni& at s.se's•s1.* June' WU' '4134eus 0'4 ibv lY contrary topOliticarethiCa; ho Weyer
allay .days.
sooner than disappoint the audience
For tickets and full information MrProudfoot consented to his errenge4
. apply to mene It was agreed that each side
F. R. HODOENS, Town Agent, should have one hour, Mr Elliott to
have ten minutes out of the hour; at
theplese in which to reply. R'Holmes
occupied' the chair.
Mr Porter said he expected to win,
notwithstanding the statement of ins
'opponents to the contrary, Rethought
he could look after the interest of the
roliticai Pointers ' farmers as wen as. Mr. Proudfoot, and
although the later claimed support 012'
Next week the politioaA season will the ground, of beieg. born in the counti,
be over for a tinae at least, and readers he could lose him unliuron yet. He
will have some other form of reading 'asserted that the license law had, been
matter.' ' ,, well administered: we now had .good
election laws and a clean ballot, and he
The Toronto News, (Conservative') jocularly said if some one had not eat -
expresses the epinion'that "it is likely eh a ballot at the Seafortli Convention
• Mr McMillan would have been the can- only by his strong personality among
that sooner or later 4 system Of cies- didate. The opposition lae said, claims his °ciente men that the face of things
ere will have to beadopted in the Can- ed the. 'government. Would be defeated :has been c anged and that he has been
,adian parliament." Sure it will, on the three-fifths clause. The redis- enabled tocroll up his boasted major-
*, tribution was better than it ever had itY• . But things have 'wain' changed,
and indications point out that the line
if abeen-goobefore, etc oe rx ei
iblaendpetibigee,g°Lvirenritilsertstitebnaldd old Liberal principles that are native
Does 'anyone really think that
there had been 4 chance of winning in blush Witlisha,me ever the rasoalities to the German character will 'show
Centre Huron, except by the,careless.
that had prevailed under the Ross ad- themselves at this election, and teat
• noinietisation. .,, • the electors of the good old townships
ness•of Liberals) that an • old political ' Mr Thos McMi'lan, reeve Of Fluliettt of Stephen, Stanley and Hay will
war-horse like David Cantelon Tonic!. ;was • second speaker, and live,- trench-
once more return to their Best love,
have allowed the nomination to go to ant speech he attacked the License now that they have an able candidate
scree one else? •
Administration of Mr Whitney, show- of- their own nationality in the person
-. ' . •
ing how license boards and inspectors ofelacob Kellermann.
luacl been dismissed to Make way, or- . ___......-.--.....—.-_____
supporters of the party in eobtver„ net -
withstanding the Premier' s declaration B118114108S Here's A ssociation.
, •••••••• —
that he wool(' take the Itemise admin. .
istration out of polities ; ho showed A well -attended meeting of the Butsi• '
that the administration in this depart- flees, Men's Association, , was held . at
meta had been so eliscreditable that Nimeres Restanrant on Tuesdey night..
the Toronto Board of Commissioners R Holmes in the chair. An excellent
had resigned in . a bodyisen, as, a protest ; supper was disposed amid the•consid-
eration of subjects of interest taken up.
that .scandals had-arin various The, report of the credit system com-
pote of the Province. Touching on '
.the spoils system, he pointed out n3ittee was presentedby Fred Jackson, ;
that over "600 eppointnients . lied It recorninended Monthly statements, :
'Seri Made in the 3i years, although and that. three months be the extreme
outs, 35 vaeancies'had • occurred in the ihnit of 'credit. •
Ordinary way. As t the Gerry-. ' It was also suggested that a list of
those who are known to be had pay be
mender, he did not see how ,any hon-
est teen could defend it, and 'claimed kel3t.by the secretary as a warning to
that Whitney's boast of his Willing -
new merchants. and the opening Of
- nese: te trust the people was contra. now accounts. . '
Me Wesley W Meer also spoke on the
eicted by his every move ; the gOv-
CLINTON, ONT.,. JI.TNE 4, 1908
thern, and theyareomittedaccordingly
South Huron Nominations.
The campaign in South Huron is vile.
orously carried on by the candidates,
Messrs Kellerman and Either. At the
nomination in Repeal' on Monday the
Liberal candidate made a most favor-
able impression on those present, and
Perhaleshis opponent. Mr Eilber may
end out that the riding that has been ,
so skillfully gerryuiandered for him
may not be such an easy else to capture
after all. It is true that at the last
Provincial election, four years ago,
Mr Eilberae majority was a large one,
but that *as in a great memiure ow-
ing to his being a popular man among'
his'countrymen, who are mostly of
German descent, but he will find next
'Monday that there is a inan just as
,popular es he is in the person of eacob,
leellernaan, who will giserettim the •
fight of his life at the polls. This rid-
ing returned for a rumbler of years,
in bygone elections, a Liberal member
by as large a majority as Mr Either
could ever boast of, and it has been
. 'Why shOuld not a woman have the
.same voting privileges as a man? The?
, •
are intelligent,. eain .0r. lose by many
of the laws; and are more interested
in the leading issues than many men.
We believe good would 'come by the
. Milargine of the feanchise so that the
women of this Dominion could mark a
ballbt.-,- Brussels Post.
. • ___...
A despatch from Halifax says :-"It
is rumored on excellent authority that
PremierMurray wilUresign to contest
North Cape Beeton and. Victoria in
-the Liberal interests, and will ' enter
the Dominion cabinet as either minis-
ter of Marine, Or Minister of Militia.-
. [Since contradicted.)
• _ •
, •
Mr Oeothers, Who was a, member of
the School Book Commission, stated
at a public meeting in St Thomas last
week, that Mr Whitney will issue free
soliool 'books when the new readers
come out, When Mr Whitney's atten-
tion was called to this Statement, he
refused to credit it, and Mx. Crothers
has since withdrawn it absolutely.. ,..
Tucker and Cooke, and a sheet address
t 1 bystuhbeiergteorr,
:Church Chimes f next Sunday •Morninf,
ilhowlyswhowitosAi.embloveen, ! "In rensembrance of •Hirii." Lord s
ever ;
Supper and reception of new members
WILLIS , 1 after the naorning . service. Evening
etk 1 pulpit will he occupied by a represent-
' Communion serVi6e will be he'd
• ative of the Dominion Alliance. Tho
-e hervice witt.be conducted by Rev. Mr. 1 L t e
. The redistribution will deprive quite
-Sunday mowing nee . g adies' Mission Circle will .meet at
pa,stor's honeeen Thursday evening at
subject, and. heartily • eridorsed the ef.
ernment was afraid to appeal e to the. fort to shorten credits, and urged that
People, hence.its Unfair allotment. of everyone do a cash business as far as
the constitueneies He criticised,: T.Tni
and said the eepenei„ 'ppssible. .
both assured the asseciation that, in
vereitY matters Reeve Gibbings and ei-reeVe ()ante;
. tura on rural ..sehoo!s was unjust.as Ion spoke,of the Colborne Bridge,. and
compared therewith. .
. , .
, . Mr Mott vehemently claimed that their Opieion,- the site of the bridge
gross Corruption had prevailed under would not likely be altered, as. far as
the previous administration. It . was information could be secured. • '
a petty thing to allude, tO the dismiss- Mr A. T. COoper introduced a resb-
.al 01' e. few minor officials,. while these lution leaking to the toWn owning its
holdilig bigger offices had beentetithe awn Electric Light plant, and thereby
The license laws were . better en- seeuring an equalization of rates. He
That Me WhitneY will. be retetned 'ed. ..
breed now, and the amendthents .te . e + „ fi . .
:to power has been generally ceneeeded.
the license law required that hotel men 't-- - ' •
uo ea gures to show discrepancies
But. that is.ne reason why the Hurons iu the priceepaid by merchants, also
Who violated the law Were tried fel-a • • • •
shouldeend him Supporters. thir op. .. . ' , as compared with prices in Goderich.
ponents tell us theta strong opposition 'first secz nd or third offence, as 'he
uF. Frank Redoes endoreed' Me poop-
case4 might be ; vehereaS ft was alsvays
for. that teason the. electore should tt, a first otrence.undee lho sooner ..i..ei,_„, _er s reniarks in So far as the camper'.
is essential tip- good govetr meta, and . .1.
gime. He admitted that Mr Proulfoo .93eris made between Clintonand (leder.
Was favorable to abolishing tbe three; le, was concerned. Mr,John Rensford
strengthen the hands of 11.m. Mr. Mc-
Kay,MT•casting their votes foe Liberal heartily endorsed the proposal for
Can iidates. . • • ' ' .. . • .
. fifths clause. He Said that it 'wbuld be 0& municipal ownership of Eleotnic Light
. . •, • a misfortune to adopt Local Option in , but thought the Assothiation had no
' "--- ` ' Goaerich,• knowing as he did tne etes
The rotorieo News; ..tecnservirtive. I business to deal With the question of
mthats in the town Mr McKay had no rates, which Which was purely a matter be -
says: -The . present majority of the pleetbrere• Fee had aleteedeo things in -
tween the company and its customers.
Governmeet is 42 in a Legislature ief 08 1 •
meinbees. Allotting .the Opposition platform. The gaVernment guarantee -
us PP on I.Mr Hoover pointed out the p,.. sition of
the Electric Light -Co iii::its require- .
Sax •out of the eleven doebttuls, the Of -the C. P. R., bonds was a good. -
:iiients to' 'have "regeree, power" for
Government majority in the next Leg-'
islature Will he 38 in the House of 100 miss transaction. The grant ofi$180,000 'Which it got no return 'The .debate
in rnhera," a reduption Of font. The in- to the Lanese Mining Coe svas perfect- ' led to the adoptions of the -following
Iv justifiable and the disposal of other : resolution :- "hat - the chairman
, dioations are. that there will he • very Mining prePerties brought more mon- ,.appoint a cemmittte of three 40 leek
little change in the standing of the;
parties as'a result of next Monday's ey into the freewill., In so far as school ;
1 into the matter of •Electric Lighting,
•poll,, • . ' ' ' • legislation was concerned, he pointed • witb a view to its being taken oyer by
out that the neueicipalities receieed. a. -
. larger government grant -now than ..
the town!' 1 • - •
The following resolution was intro'
Under the direction Of the Field they did in 190 and this was also true duced ' and 'parried:- That . this A s-
; Secretary, Rev W Kettlewell; the Do- in . reference to the disposal . of the , sedation of business men 'and others -
-your ROoMS
170::,et0. .Now
Customers are delighted with our 1908 selection, and
• are ch.eerful buyers. Without a doubt we have the
choicest papers and best values in the history ofthis
. department. ..Renierober, Matirof the lines are ex-
clusive, and'rnade only to our order, so „the first Cus-
tomers always ha Ve the best choice.
• , .
BORDERS same price as side walls
A.PEIL sales have been good.%
MAY. 3houlcl Le much better
All paper trimmed free
Special Prices on IZemnants
and small lots ,
Telt, us exactly the number:of rolls you need and we
can make it easy for you ,
ooper Co.,
•C L N N -
.. . • . .
.Clinton Model School.
The following is the report for • the
month of May. Marks obtainable 400.
• -• , . Division].
Med Manning 863 Annie Walker 284
'Ray Cantelon . 347 ()tauten O'Neil 276
Dell Millar 313.-Ernse Andrews -275
Elgin Mason 831 Effie Pickett 27()
Bessie Welker: 825. Violet Barge 261
Edna Levis 322.Mary Jackson 26.3
Ed T,orrance 315 Elva Johnston 262
Walkinshaw312 Wilma, Wallis 262
Russell Moffatt310 Nellie Robinson 240
Elmer Ker 297 Feed Cutler 247
Fred Rureyall Division
287Stuart . Paisley 242 242
_ Junior Fourth ---Lizzie Ford, ,Tohn
Hall, Maggie Wheatley; Lawrence
,Greig, _Willie Carling, Grace Walker,
Fee Ford, Fred Slonian.
Senior Third --Willie Walker, Dora
Barr, Manly Shipley,' Willie Rutledge,.
Pearl Junor, Harold Cantelon. Jean
Merles, lean Payment. L MacPhers-
en, teacher. .
. • , Division 8. ,
Senior-George McTaggart, Elmer
Beacom', Sydney Watts, Pettit Glazier,
Irene Welkin, Russell Moore, • Edna
Wastiattn; Nation Gunn, Clifford Har-
land, Fred Thempsoe.
Junior --Mamie Hail, Lulu Howe
Olive Cole, Leona Elliott, Lula Con-
nelle Harvey Harland, Roy Forrester,
Willie Britton. J Wilson, teacher.
Division 4
Senior -Alma, Judd, Arnold'Rath-
well, Cela Beacom, , Loretta Barge,
Walter Shier, Irene Gould, Lloyd Wil-
kie, Wilfrid DickinsoreLtiek Kennedy, -
D. A. Oantelon,
Junior .Heien Rodeway. Viola Cook,
Harold Holmes, Willie Appleby,
Austin Martha; Charlie Thonapson,
Violet Argent, Itoy chomp. Clare
Ohidley, TeachDeriv. Division
.5 ••
Senior -Harry Shine Charlie Can-
telon; Austin Nediger, Clare, Twitch-
ell, Eleanor McKenzie, Will Cook,
Merle Moore, Oliver lbert
Shier, Gotha Wallis, Jessie Johnston,Watkins:
minion Alliance is arranging for Temp- License fund,. The school book rine, place on record their distinct disappro.
exance Sundays in the different cities. , he alleged, had been broken, and the val of the dilateriness • and hostility
and towns of the Province,and next 'levee sums'improperly taken from the displayed by smite merebers of the
Sunday, -June. 71h, it will bgiven to pockets Of the people would be saved Council toward VVaterworks, and now
Clieten. ArrangeteentEi are being by the reduction . that a move has , been made, will ex -
made that Alliance speakers will be in 1Vir• Preudfoot would Much realer pect the Council' to use business like
each of the churches, and a mass meet. have joint meetings, at which theean- expedition in • farthering the wishes
mg is to be held in the Town Hall at 4 didatee alone would address the elec- of the people. as expressed by a large
p m. The program in full will be print- tors, While both 'Porter and Elliott rnajorityof the ratepayers lest Septern-
ed and distributed on' Saturdaye hed referred vaguely to the three-fifths bei
' e Clause neither of Ahem had . stated . et le s - :
ere es n ord v. orousl denounced
a number ofepeople of their votes For
Irwin, of Thamesyille. . eight o'clock. instance several, parties have moved
It will be Teturrance Ily day on t Personal Notes' •
1 Sunday next, an address will be de-
• Mrs Peter Cantelon is visieing friends
livered by Rev Mr Kettlewell in the
morning, and the evenint setvice is and re'atives at Carlow.
not yet decided..
Mrs R.lbert Logan, of Saginaw, is
visiting her mothere-ldrs Gilchrist.
WESLEY Mrs P. Evans,of Minnedosas is visite
will be ine her 'nether, Mts Rudd; of Mare'
Next Sunday, June thb, s ree .
Revs. Jolliffey:Greelie and Kerr are
in attendance on Conference, which lee
in session at Exeter. -
Miss E. L, McGill, of Chicago, is vis-
iting at "The Maples," the guest of lest,
aunt. Mss. F. W. Watts.
Miss Bertha Doris., who has been in
Detroit for soine tune, has refuelled
home bringing her lie hew witleberi
Temperance Rally Day at 11 a we
Rev R F Irwin f Thamesville will
preach. 7 p m Rev Wm Kettlewell,
of Toronto will conduct the service.
A large attendance is expected. '
The League meeting on Mcnday
eveningevas taken by the Temperance
..CommitteeetRev Mr Greene in charge.
A cornet duet was rendered by Mr.
into town from Goderich Township. -
They are on the Het there, which is
now hi South Huron, and not on the
list in tosen.which is in Centre Huron.
The consequence they have no vete
in either riding. Instances of this
kind have happened before; and we
suppose will happen again, but they
are nevertheless unfair, and soriM pro-
vision should be made to avoid it.
man, Liberal oteCoeservative, should
lose his vote under such circumstances.
A clespateh from St Tbomas, says: -
"West Elgin is only now getting over
the reputation established for it in pre-
vious years, In the elections since the
scandals many Liberals have refused
Ball and F Andrews ; recitations by eIrs J G Chewers will be at home on to go out to vote, and many at the lase
Russell Moore and Carman Turner: Thurs.-lay afternoon of next week from election voted for the Conservative
reading bv Cai man Hall, on the result 3 10 6,and in the evening from 7 until °, nominee. At each of the last few elec.
of Local Option in Midland ; Question Mrs Harry Beattie, who has been at tions West Elgin has been held up as
drawer by Mrs E cantos n, miss Potts Seaforth since theternoval of her bus ' the 'horrible example.' Now, after
gave a solo ; and a nice duet was play- band from Clinton, joined him at quietness has reigned for some years,
ed by Misses Olive and Merle Moore. Winnipeg this week, people are seeing things more clearly,
the whole program being very inter- Miss Rose Tebbutt; who has been ill and even the Conservatives did not
eating; in Goderich with typheid foyer for the hold 'West Elgin Liberalisin respons-
• BAPTIST past three weeks, is, we are pleased to ib bleer the things wirleh pat it out of
hear, improving. ' power. A thousand new voters breve
' A goodly number of the members Miss Ida Walkinshaw, has given up registered.'
and friends of the Baptist church met her position in,the Post Office on ac-
tor a social "At Home' on Thursday count of ill -health, and has gone to Thefollowing, from the Goderich
evening last. The ladies provided an the country in the hope that the Signal, is a pretty 'safe election- fere-
excellent repast. 'and time was given change will be beriefieial, • cast:.,-- Election predictions are gener.
for social intercourse, and an oppor-
tunity afforded for the friends to be. Miss L . Holmes, one of the teach- suly at a disColutt after the voter ar
counted, but we should like to indulge
come acquainted with the pastor and ers in the Spawn Business College,
his wife. A short programme WWI Orangeville, who has been home for a little. After a careful survey of the
sitteetion we are led to believe that in
rendered, presided over by Mr. J. B. s. couple el weeks, returned to her dut,
all probability, taking every circum-
ies on weeneeeey.
Hoover, who spoke encouregingly of stance itito account, the succeseful can -
the work, and gave a welcome to the Mr I Et Lindsey loft for Wirtniteee Ofl didate inCentre Huron Will be A gentle.
Monday, bele ticketed by Frank Hod- nian Whose name begins with .P In
Soutlelluron the result is More uncer-
tain but from our knowledge of the
constituency we have very littlehesita.
Menlo Stating our firm eobvietion that
the majority of votea will be cast for it
gentleman of German descent who
hails (tom Stephen township, VP in
North littrOn the situation is still
more diffieult to define, but at. it is an
agricultural constituency, and 48
there is only one farmer in the tield, it
is not unreasonable to Suppose that
tbe ferment 'Will elect the Man of
pastor and his wife In the naine of the
church. The White Dyke harsd, under gene. Mt. John Fraser, and Wife, and
the leadership of Mr H. Cook, was in eisteriii-law. Miss Elliott, of Bayfield.
attendance, and played several Wee- left for the same place on Saturday,
dons outside the church, and conteibte being ticketed by W Jackson. They
. ted four numbers on the propene all go ae delegates to attend the Geo,
Their playing was heartily enjoyed by eral Assemhly of the Presbyterian
all, and many .favorable cornmeal Church. ' .
were made. A hearty vote of thanks Ws F. W Watts, district secretary
was tendered them, being moved bv of West Huron VVomee's Institute,
Mr w Rohl'Land See°11ded /*' M r 3) Itit
Mrs , ii, nail. and Mr. Prank dal!.
Prier. Witu tiiittie more practice, district directors of Clinton branch,
. this Band of bright young temperalide attended the annual district meeting
*len will Malin to an enviable position held at Wingham onThursday of last
'among the load bands of the province. 'week. It was decided at this meeting
The other items on the ptOgram were:
to hereafter held the annual Meeting
Recitation, Mr, S, Cooke t duet, Mrs. in Clinton, it being the tnOtb central
Hoover and Mitt Petinebaker LItead.
.ing, Miss Ulla Akan; deft, MOPS. piaen in the district,
. *.
their own ceding to represent them at
Toronte. If they dent the ether fellow teAcetivtihnegenk)otittie intigatthi :nth' Mlitea8y6ote (1W° h aktri
will be .lected New, juSt paste this Hennes was Oheaelit to preside over the
In ou litigt hard° no eel irt 400narghit 000,,stot Meeting, and the 'big crowd w.liich
to bei
their ciivn Trews thereon ehe" no : the Council
tor iilleged apathy mid ey.
hesitation; however, in letting the ident intention to set aside the expres-
erectors know that he was out and oue sed will of the people. . .
cippoeed to it, and would vote for its Reeve ibbings admitted that the
repeal. With Mr Porter he hoped for criticis ight apply to somemembers
an honest and dean election, bet it die. of the C nnoil, but not to all. , •
not become the Conserv:items to say The eeting was one of the best yet
the"blush Of shame should mantle 'the .held b the Association
brew of every Liberal," fur While
things have been done in the past that
'should not have been done, ' the 00U, / tTownl ouncil
servatives had been theAreatest offend. . /
ers, the evidence showing that niore ' The regular meeting of the Town
Conservatives had been unseated than 'Council was held on Mouday night, .a
Liberals. Notwithstanding the boast petition Asking for a °tossing on Hur-
of Mr Whitney, he had been utetble to on Street was referred eo the Street
expose any corruption in connection Committee. A petition asking for an
with the former administration. No Electric light on Erie St was referred
credit was due Mr Whitney for adopt- „teethe ElectricLight_Uotriunittee.-At-
ing the so-called clean baflot,fer it had a previous meeting a petition had been
been introduced by the present Doe received from the White Dyke Band,
minion Government. The License ad- asking for a grant, and at the current
ministration lied been wofulle bad. meeting a petition was received troni
Mr Elliott was willing to quote from the Citizens Band asking for a grant
the Presbyterian in support of his erg- of $150; bothethese were referred to a
laments, but was not willing to quote committee, consisting of the Mayor,
the statements of a minister of Reeve arid Coun Ford, to confer n 1th
his own church,,Rev Mr Hossack, Itie both bends and see if some arrange.
Proudfoot Was fas or of absolutely inept couldnot be Made between them
ee text betake., and he concluded by the festal grant not to exceed $150. It
aekirg for, their support on the 8th. was decided to rebuild the fence on the
Mr Elliott, he a few minutes reply, east side of the Park, ' The Finance
referred to the disfranchising of North Committee recommended payment of
Renfrew by the Ross Government, the et. nember of accounts. The receipts
Gamey case, ane Alleged that Mr Hos were:- stock -scales $14.05; market -
sack had always been more of a politie scales, $17.80: cemetery, $88.75. ,
cian than a mieister. .
The meeting closed with three cheers
for the King,
London Conference .
North Unroll Nomination .--,,, i
The Conference is in seSsion at Elm-
- ' teroind the lira draftof stations,which
is tiever final, announces the proposed
, The official nominations for the rid. changes in this vicinity: - G. H. Ha ton,
bthyemtroW wnit itn, Wlitnefahaalimon, oonrMeteuhrndia,
ing of North Huron were received in eloderich, to. Centenmal Church. Lon -
5 don. IA S Dougall to North St., Gorier-
ich. T. A. Stedman from hayfield to
°Meer.. Th notninations were as fol-
Iowa:- . , ' Grand Bend. W. H. Cooper to myth,
L. S. Peid from Nile ta. Atwood 1 E.
A. H. Musgrove, teacher, of Wing: W. Conway to Nile. G. R. Durand
ham -..by S Bowman, of MOM!, „alio from Eentoiller to Melbourne '4' J, 0.
Geo. Spotton, of Wingliam. . ,_ Freeman to .Beritniller. A. I Brown
J. T. Curt*. fattrleP. 44 Eon WaWa. to 13luevele. la Tyler, to Walton,
nosh, by John N. IlieKenzie,, Of .A.sh-
field, and De, P. MaeLlohald, of Wing. . •Ir .
ham, ....• ,.. .. -Nifingnam Ai)
AtthUr J. Irwin, of ANtingham, was WAN'rell-60.0ceibs. Wool, teletext 'prices
named as election agent for Mr. Mao. paid, Also any quantity Nitta aim Essi4.
grove and 3, A. Marton, of Whigharn, GEO. E. laNer. Winetunn.
AS agent for Mr Currie., NoTge-Miss McLarenwm married
to Mr Stewart, of Detroit, on Wedned.
day, Mrs A Reid, of town, who was
operated on recently for appendieltits
is doitig bicely,,,
lunior--Bert. Deeves,.. Larene Lang-
ford, 'Sadie Steep, Arthur' Grundy,
Carl Argent, Lorne Peeves, Fred Law-
rence,: Eddie McDonald, Nettie Morris.
L. Stevens,Teacher. '
. Senior -Frank Pennebaker, Haiiiett,
Cantelon, Poster Copp, Doreen Steph-
enson. Clinton Cook, Loyd, Rice, Mer -
vim Elliott, Norval McLeanfItene
Bernie Hall, jle Neleon, •
Junior -Nora Kennedy,Georsia Kau&
man, Willie Blacker, Percy Ladd,Sisse
el3aities, May Rutledge, Giffoid Beaton,
Eva Carter, •Wi-llie Doherty, .Nellie -
Watkins. Hattie Courtice, teacher.
Division 7
'Class 8 -Erskine ' Evans, Itleldred. '
Cooke Kathleen Dowzer, Lulu Bailey,
Leozia Nediger, Margaret Kerr, Eva '
•3:04'°1,:is'214-LMe°taaritay: Uhidley, Alice Peck-
ett, Bessie Oilmen, Marion eribbings,
Hattie Greig, Fred Grimes, Mable -
-Marshall, George Evens, -
Claes le -Marjory Barge, Earl Lieer-
moeeeWilbur Welsh, Wilfred Seeley,
Cecil Peckette Vex Agne*, Elsie
Graelis, ulfoed. M Wiltse,
Division 8
Senior -Murray 'McNeil, Lyda Liv-
ermore, Edna -West, Mary Rathwelle
Earnest; Livermore, Nettie Glazier;
Earnest Hall, Pearlie Shipley; Frankie
Smithiereei.t. ie.
eteMcGuhe, Annie
lison Mary Clatter,Oarl Warner, Retie
Mcdath, Cecil Cook, 'Willie Ireland,
Ambidse Meguree, Georgie S4111Ie.v.
A Taylor, teacher
The Expositor, . says:- Mr Norrcian
McDougall, of Porter's Hill, has prov-
ed himself to be one of the beat run-
ners in Western Ontario. In the big .
Stratford to St Marys road race oe '
1 Victoria Day, he won out quite hand -
1 ily, being two minutes ahead of th
second man. We heartily congratu-
late Mr McDougall on his success. Bee
, is a nephew of Mr Wm- McDougall, oe
' Egrnondville.,
$10;000.00 Stock
of Dry Goods,' Clothing, Mots'
and Shoes to be cleared
at Cost.
Having decided to return to the west, we wish
to dispose of our entire stock as quickly as possible,
Low prices will do the business. The, stock is all
new and up -to date, and, at the present time, is well
assorted. The early buyer will assuredly have the
best assOrtroent to choose from, and will undoubtedly
secure the best bargains. 'Shop early.
'Sale- Begins Sat. 'May 16th.
MI accounts must be paid at once.
Piumsteel Bros.