HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-06-04, Page 2I;rr.
QIj:ON. NEW zm
june 4th, 1006
ettlasetensemesemessiwewes awe
The, New Era
*le prIgiehed every Thursday at
the NEW EnAZ,Printing 40tIse.
fleAAO STBallar . . CLINTON.
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I -Column $75 00 $40 00 $25 00 $10 00
a Column 40 00 2500 15 00 600
Oolumn 25 00 1500' 800 300
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Railway Time Table Changes
Going West
11.07 a.m .
1.01 p m
640 p.m
11.11 pan
Going North
11.07 a.m
0.35 paio
Going East
0.22 a.rn
•7 35 aan
3.15 pan -
5.20p m
Going South
7.50 a.m*
4.23 p.m
liepOrt ot.The Committee on, Temperance%Nnseets
Temperance, ' • I
00 bU t e
As presented to and alniOst unanimous. Col. 11 W. Boulwarek the eminent
ly confirmed by the Synod of jurist, in Fulton (Mo.) Gazette
1 have defended forty-one men and
Koren* its seselon held women for murder In my life, and
last week in London 'nineteen out of twenty of the criroee
Your Committee are pleased to be' were caused by Whiskey I have de-
- fended lots of other criminal came in
noy life, and I am safe ' in eaying that
nineteen out of twenty of them were
caused by liquor.
Ole te report a continuance of the ren -
prevenient .noted at last fiynod in the
observance. of the license Laws of the
Protium of Ontario, and they are Set.,
istlea that if the'llaws at present in
.force,dealiug with the question a tem. 1-
peranee, were persistently and rigidly Atka in the United States during 1880
••• atetase. thee arts° greatly to be 0040. Tribune's list of whiskey inurdete
"Infereed, would go very far to teitis and 180(. Finm 1880 to 1890 the; Cha
.epiored arieing. from the excessive use numbered 53,S30 in the United States,
There were 8,001 wife inurcleradue to
Bourassa, who is running for the_
-tatiebec Local Legislature, has asked
the Conservatives not to nominate
him for'a cabinet position if they are
returned to power. That is one thing
be need not worry over, for it is hard-
ly probable that there will be any ma-
terial change in Quebec. •
R L Borden will open his Dominion -
campaign in Halifax on or about June
23 This tour will include the Maritime
Provinces, Quebec and Ontario. There
will only be one meeting inNovaScotia
and that at Halifax. Special trains
will run from pi ovine's,' "'pints. Mr
Borden will he accompanied by Prem-
iers McBride, Whitney, Roblin, and
The Toronto IVurlu, in order to pre-
vent manipulation of ballots, suggests
the adoption ot the British system,
which requires the voter. after mark-
ing his ballet paper. to fold it up so as
to show the official stampon the back
of the folded paper, and thereafter to
deposit the latter in the box with his
own hand. This, however, would only
insure the ballot being placed in the
box. It is no safeguard against ballots
being manipulated or spoil, while
they, are being counted. The law
pistoled provide f or imprisonmentavith
out option of a fine, ef any one found
guilty of tampering with ballots for
the purpose of affecting the result of
an election.
Alloard's Liniment Relieves Nonruinla
A Perennial Youth
of intoxicating beverages.
But yourtanomittee are also of opin-
ion that, although' laws of greatea or
less stringency In connection with the
question of Temperance have their
place,•and no doubt ba,ye a most bent.
tidal effect upon the state of morals
and temperance,yet they cannot too
etrongty emphasize the belief that the
thorough acceptance of personal and
iniividual responsibility is the truest
awl strongest power that can be exer-
cised, looking to the extermination or
even amelioration of thif dangerous
and degrading evils that arise from the
intemperate use of intoxicants. And.
while much is being done, .and public
attention everywhere' with great zeal
and earnestness is being drawn toward
the lessening or removal of this temp-
tation, the Chat ch which, is concerned
in the moral and, spiritual welfare Of
the people must not for one moment
lose sight of the duty of ,personal
teaching and moral suasion, 'Those are
the weapons God's Word puts in her
hands to lead to the regeneration and
elevation, of men, and for the evercorn-
ing of every form of in.
It is better to convince than to 'com-
pel. To strengthen against tempta-
tion is always possible, in a,bablutely
remove temptation ;is notposeible, and
for the nighest development of human
character, would seen' not to be advie.
able. •
However, your Committee recognize
that we ate Canadian citizens as well
as members of the Christian 'Church,
and that We RhORld not negiect•or treat
lightly the duties of citizenship' Our
strongest influence and support 'should
be given to the enactment and carry-
ing into effect of what we believe to be
the best and wisest la,ws. Where re-
straint or curtailment of the actions of
the individual is just and necessary.
fee the general vveffare, let there be an
honest and determined public opinion
that will gee to that our laws. areen-
forced. A free people may change and
siffileitnesthetr-ratvriant-thay aannots
safely break theni. If in this, extreme-
ly difficult question of Tenoperance
Legislation, your ..Oommittee might.
advise any advancement on the pres-
ent License Laws of Ontario, a sugges-
tion seems to Ghent open to considera-
tion. •
They find that one of the rilOst &bits
ful sources .of intemperance,' especially
among young men, as the widespread
custom of treating, which, in.pelled, by
the line quality of social instuoct,.
through intended friendliness, opens
the way to deployable and ottenames
degrading excesses,
There is no doubt this nzuch-to-be
condemned custom had its origin, and
has its possibility ..)f continuance, ill
the saloon and hotel bar. A law ab91-
ishing the bar would, in the opinion of
your Coinieittee, be an untold benefit,
and they -would not consider such a
law in any way an interference with
tne highest persona' freedom of • the
individual. ,
All of which is respectfully subinitt-
ed. RIOH A. RD .1110.KS, Oh airman.
Nine-tenthset the cases to be tried
iiaroevicesed by drink.-Oldef Justice
. •
Ninety-nine casesout of every hun-
•dred are catteed by drinking....Judge over or straighten myself up. I learns
Erskine, ed of Bootti!er Kidner Pills and prom**-
OM OF DIZZINESS 1 Assistance in Irrigation
Clome to Many Olinton People
_ There are days of dizzinese, spells, of
drowsineaer headache, eideache, back-
Sometimes 'rheumatic pain Oyer
twittery teouble.
You are plainly told that the Kid -
Kidney Pills cure all Kid-
lr!listIlogridge, Ontario Ste 011ns I
nal had sufferedwith occasional spells ,
of eadaohe and dizziness and there
was a constant' bearing down pain
across than:nail part of my back,
felt latiguid and done out and my gen-
eral health was greatly run down. I
had tried several renoedies but found
little Cr no relief. The lumbago be-
came so severe that,I could not stoop
ton Ont., saYs:-"From the early IOW I
Mr I. B. Lucas, M.P.P„Centre Grey,
and brother of Mrs J. E. Hovey, was
for sorne years known as the "Boy
Orator of the Legislature,"and though
ten years have gone by since he first
entered public life, Mr Lucas still re-
tains his youthful appearance. A story
is told of his first campaign. He was
driving through one of the country
districts of the riding on a very stormy
wintry day. He stopped at a farmer's
house. The farmer being an old.time
Conservative, "Ikey ' Lied his horse at
the gate, went up to the house, and
aKnocked at the door, which was open-
ed to hien by the old man, hn was
.unfortunately rather deaf. The condi-
-Sate explained the purpose of his visit,
but the old man 3nly beard -the word
"Lucas," and did not recoenize in the
youthful personage before him the
real candidate.
"Yes, yes,"he said, "tell your fether
that I will be out in a minute and put
your horse in. You and he must stop
for dinner"
William Wisdom, a farmer in Mono
Township, and his wife were drowned
Thursday afternoon on the Hocley
road. Ides 'Wisdom, with her children,
left home•with a lunchfor the men
working on the rear of the farm. Re-
turning with her husband, the party
was overtaken by a storm, and took
refuge under an old bridge uver the
dried up creek, which was without
warning swept away by the rushing
waters, or a cloud -burst. All five were
drawn into the vortex. The father and
mother were drowned, the eldeet boy
saved himself and the two other ehild-
ren. A family of seven or eight child-
ren are left orphans A team of horses
-narrowly escaped destruction4
ATT.11 ar
11 you wish a high-class hair
dressing, we are sure Ayer's
Hair Vigor, new improved for-
mula, will greatly please you.
It keeps the hair' soft and
smooth, makes it look rich and
luxuriant, prevents splitting at
the ends. And it keeps the
scalp free from dandruff.
Does not change the color of the hair.
Yormula with omit bottle
jp show it to Tour
ers it.
then de Ube
• At the dame time the new Ayer's Hair
Vigor is a strong hair tonic, promoting
the growth Of the hair, keeping all the
tissues of the heir and :melts Inchealthy
tettelItinti. The hilt stops falling, din.
dtuff alaappeees. A splendid droning.
t•onsumption Of Liquor •
" Decreasing
Whether because of the .growth Of
the prohibition movement in Canada
or the present financial. -stringency
advocates of temperance may regard
as significant the fact that returns of
the Inland Revenue Department for
the past six months show there hes
been a decided decrease in the amount
of liquor consumed in Canada .For
the months of November, 1907, to
April, 1908, ;inclusive the „aggregate
internal revenue receipts from the
liquor traffic show adecrease of nearly
$450,000, or over ten per dent. In No-
vember the decrease was in round
numbers, $104,000; in December, $58.-
000; in January, $30,000; in Febru-
ary, $53.000; itt March, $62,000; and in
April, $140,000. The decrease in the
receipts for list month as compared
With April, 1907, wile twenty per
" ram Drainage demonetrations
The Department of Phyalcs at the
Ontario Agricultural Oellegedeeiree to
announce the Oontinnence of its prey -
Ms offer of assistance to farmers in
matters pertaining to drainage. For
the past three years we a hyaTfearmbeeer:
authorised by the Minister of Agricul-
titregitnamelS purposes,t levels of.tnpbliasnnlands for
go out an assist
reoiieavanrageotrs systems ofilfraitnher,
and in calculating the grades and sizes
of tile for the different drains. A fl -
ished'xnap bearing all the Informati,
is sent to the owner. This serves tar t
purposessfiret, it IS used as a guide in;
construeting the drains ; second, it
may be preserved as a record of the
exact location of every drain, so that
if for any reason It should be necessary
in years to come to find any drain it
could be done accurately at a moment's
optic°, • •
ing a hox at Mr Ines' PharmacT I The number of applications for assita
AnSong the Generals who are officers
dation are the following: Lord Wolse-
commenced treatment. The headaeneal
st aontchea ht al as situ cyreeaard ewde vhe mr aapniyd 1 ym, sro
in theBritish Army Temperance Asso-
and dizziness had sewn gone and in the e
ly,, Sir Geo, S. White, Lord Metheun, feBaono4thisaKstirgeyetiPriellirfIorfoutnhde than we could attend to. lo enable us
Sir Charles H Warten,J Kelly -Kenn?' lumbago.. I am as strong an well a$
aQnceombqzple9t to meet this increased demand thelffin-
Sir W. F. Gatacre, Sir R. B. Butler. ister of Agriculture has this year giv-
Among the vice-presidents of the asso- ,ever and feel greateful in recommend- en us a special appropriation whereby
ing Booth's • Kidney Pills, Sold bY
ciatien are seventy-three of the leading dettlers,price 50c. •The R T Booth Co" we have been enabled to double our
staff for this work.
Generals of the British Army. • Ltd, Fort Erie, Ont., Sole Palladian A new feature is being added; We
have found in the past that frequently
the neighbours in the vicinity of the
farm being surveyed were interested
and wished to observe the operations.
This suggested the desirability of 'mak-
ing these demonstrations public,' and
this will be done wherever possible.
Anyone interested will be welcome on
all decisions. By this Means we shall
be able tolnstruct a much larger num-
ber' in matters pertaining to drainage
Anyone wisbing drainage surveying
done should apply to Wm. H. Bray
Departmeet, of Physics, 0. A. C.,
Guelph. The only outlay connected
with the work is the travelling expens-
es of one noan,including meals, cartage
of instruments and railway fare at one
rant a mile each way. '
The Department has just issued a
new pan phait on "Farm Drainage Op-
erations," which may be had on appli.,.
cation. WM. ft,'DAYs
• • . Lecturer in Physic's. •
"No man cansucceed in railway
work nowadays unless he is a total ab-
stainer;,' said Mr. M. Brown, a super-
intendent in the G. T. R. freight de -
pertinent. "The railway corporations
will not take a man unless he is a total
abstainer, or if the stein -of the cigar-
ette is on his finger. Employers al-
ways look for that. In some places
a man is dismissed even if seen going
into a sidnon put of working hours.
It is said that Rudyerd Kipling, the
great English literary genius, one time
believed m the inalienable right of the
individual to exercise self-contr and
self-regulation on the liquor question,
but was converted to prohibition by
witnessing the leading of two, young
girls to ruin through drink,after which
he wrote as follows: "Then, recanting
previous opinions, I became a prohi-
bitionist. Better sat is that a man
should go without his beer- in public
places and cOnterithimself with swear-
ing at the narrow mindedness of the
majority ; better it is to poison the ia-
side with very vile temperance drinks'
and to buy lager furtively ,at back
dor re than to bring temptation to the
lips of young fools such as the four I
had peen. 1 understand now why
preachers rage against •drink. I have
-aaldstharada-unilarrn in itatsiken
erately: and yet my own demand for
beer helped directlyto send those two
girls reeling down a back street' to -
God alone knows 'What end."
Judge Charles, of Ottawas.111., says:
• "The liquor habit is the proximate
cause of more °ebbe pauperism and
Misery Wench other evils conshineda
, .
From my long plopervation extending
over aatearter cart century, in the care.
and treatment of the insane, . the
pression has become very firmly fixed
in my nutid that more than one-half of
the idiocy, imbecility and insanity of
bur day is due. either directly or indir-
ectlyto the use of alcoholic
Superintendentaf the Alabarna Insane
Asylum, 1884. • • •
• .
Drink is a greater destroying • folce
than all other physical evils.combined
-Henry Ward Beecher, D. D. ' " •
. • •
"To sell rum for a livelihood is bad
enough, but for a whole comMunity to
share the responsibility and guilt of
sucha traffic SSOMS Lb worse bargain
.than that of Eve • or Judas."-florace,
Archbishop John Irelidod of St Paul,
Minnesota, le one of the most widely
known and•highly • esteemed prelates
of the Roman Catholic Church. He is
a strong opponentof the liquor traffic,
Thu followingparagraph is,taken Wow
an address delivered b hiin,Lefore the
Minnesota Catholic Totel abstinence
Union; -"We thought we Meant busi-
ness years ego in this warfare, but I
hope God will forgive us for our Weak=
nese, for we went intothe battlefield
without sufficient resolution. We !a-
ltered under the fatal mistake that We
could argue out the question with the
rumsellers We imaginethat there
was some rioter in moral suasion,that
when we Would show them the evil rit
their, waya they would abandon the
trainer We have seen that there is no
hope of improving in any shape or form
the liquor traffic. • There is nothing
now tos he done but to wipe.it.ont com.
The decrease in the production and pletely.
consumption of liquor ,may, of course
be only temporary, but it is significant
that it has taken place despite a time
of rapid growth in„ the population,and
reflects a similar shrinkage in liquor
production in the United Stateawhere
during the first ninety days • of 1.008
there was a shrinkage of. nearly 325,-
000,000 in the quantity of liquor manta
facture& Of this decrease in ' mann,
facture in the States -approximately
sixty per cent,.or about 414.500,000 is
whiskey production, and forty per
cent or $9,880,000, represents the fall-
ing off in the beermaking business.
No internal revenue figures inforty
years have shown such an astonish-
ing decline in the liquor. production
of theStetes.
The figures above given in respect
to both Canada and the States may be
due to exceptional causes, but it is
not improbable that the growth of
the temperance Movement in both
countries, the passing of local option
by-laws, etc, may have had a large
effect in producing such a resell. ,
Use Him For A Gate Post
At the cabin of a Tennesee settler
where I stopped 0170Tv night, says
traveler, they told me of is widow BY-
ing three miles ramp who, finding that
the body of her husband had been pet-
rifiec. after lying in the ground for
five or six years, had sold him to a
showman for $50 in cash. The people
were not at all sentimental, but they
didn't look upon the transaction as
kik right. , •
Neat day as I journeyed along
stopped at the house of the widow
named for a glass of ' water. When
she learned where I had stayed over
night she asked: •
"Did they tell you about my dead
Intsband turning to stone?"
He COUltIn't-, Fail .
. .
Agents. •
New Brunswick Likes Apples
- From Ontario
.• •
Crooked Markings on Barrels of the
'Wove Scotian Product Have 9
Ruined Their Trade
• Ontario fruit growers have,' by hon-
est dealing, captured the New.Brune-
wick markets. Carrying coals to
Newcastle is no more strange than for
Upper Canadian packers tobesending
fruit to this province, , which is next
door to the Annapelis Valley, the
.finest apple -growing • district In the
world, but home dealers have learned.
from sad experience that they dannot
depend upon the steak 'received from
actoss the bay.
Novia Scotia packers, in their Over-
whelming desire to 'obtain a hold OD
the British, market, have neglected
the smaller • but mete profitable field
in the Maritime; provinces, and have
beet sending to New Brunswick only
the very. poorest of their fruit. If the
barrels, had , been mixed ,"windfalls",
the dealers would have been content
. to handie the apples as such, but when
the markiia s indicate that the con-
tents ran - as o , an • w en fa's,
fruit is little better• than the very
poorest, cuptorners soon lose conficta
. For years New Brunswick buyers
have been endeavoring to persuade
.Nova Scotian packers to send honest-
ly maaked consigntnerits here, but their
.efferts failed. . •• •
In various anspections biade. last
.summer it was found that trom sev-
enty to eighty per cent of the Nova
Scotian apples were falsely marked,
that, the shipments were not reliable
and that if a man wanted good apples
it was best ' not to send him any Nova
Scotian stock. . • • •
• Gradually. the Ontario fruithad
•been gaining is hold in this Province.
The Northern Spy is rewarded as far
superior to any other winter .apples
sold here. but there are different var-
ieties of Nova Scotian fruit which 11
porbperly packed Would be strongly
favotaa in the &newer and aettimn.
Yet because Ontario fruit is found to
be just as the markings on the barrels
represent it, and in spite of the .fact
that the prices are vely much higher
than those asked for Nova. Scetien
apples, the sister province. has lostthe
'local trade. •
It is difficult now to give away
barrel of Nova Scotian apples., while
She Ontario product finds a rapid sale.
Imports from across, the bay fell off
very considerably last season.
Ontario shipments increased, _The de -
mend for Ontario fruit is staling, arid
Will grow steadily aslorig as the hon
est record of the past is 'maintained.
If Id been clOing business in the
eat when the panic mime on I might
heate made a good thing of it," .said
the Idaho hanker, but we have .to rurr
things a littlediffetent out West. I
fortunately had money on hand to
pay, all depositors who asked for it
and there was no run. But the de-
positors wanted to know, you know.
I had to let a Committee come into.
the bankaind count the cash and look
over the securities for themselves.
A rope with a hangman's nobsewas
hung on a nal driven into the door.
Two men guarded thebank during
the day, and two guardedmy house,
during the night. ,
Beery day or two some fellow
wearing a sombrero would .walk into
the bank and inquire: ,
"Is Tom here?",
ES is, I would' reply and stepped
, HOW% the bank, Tom,
"Bully." • -
Money abi safe?
Safe as safe.
And you haven't skidooed,'
No I'm right herd.
Tnings went on in this Way for three
months before there was any let -tip,
continued the banker,and even when
started east the other day I had to
"satisfy' the crowd that the bank fl1114if
Were to be left behind. No we can't
make any ten -strikes running banks
in the west: We have got to be sat-
isfied with tair.profits, or dangle At a
limb. and none of us cares to dangle.
p --Kansas Citg :aural&
Yarmouth, NS
GENtatlitnx-/n Sanitary last Fran.
"And about my 86111,14 him to a eis Leclare, one of the Med employed
show?"by me, working in the lumbee woods,
"Yes."had A tree fall on him. crushing him
"And they don't think it was right? fearfully. He WAS when fonnci,placed
"Oh, they don't say much."on a sled and taken honle, where
"But 1 know what they have said grave fears were entertained for his
to others, and how they feel about it. veeoverv, his hips being badly bruised
Mebee Ir Wean% jestthe right thing to and his body turned black from -11;s
do, but I'll telt you What's in my ribs te his feet ,Ntre use MINARD'S
wind If I kin get an offer from a rlen LINIMENT on hint freely to deaden
ME UAW, and the first the pain and With the inie of three
thing after that Ili buy Jim's body bottles he was oompletelycured and
back and Mei it for a gatepost, and, able to return to his work.,
have him near inc all the rest of In' - bl/VAL
Disease attackethe little onethrough
sthe digestive organs. . Baby's own
Tablets are the iciest thing in the
world fria-alraiteinaclissaiati- bovvel
troubasi of children., They art quick.'
lYsand areabsolutely safe. If neces;
wiry the tablets can be crushed to 'a
powder or dissolved in water. arra
Wm Gay, St Eleanois, ,P E If; says -
"I know of nothing to equal Baby's
Own Tablets for the Ore of stomach
and bowel troubles. • I "cannot speak
too highlyof this medieirais and do not,
feel safe without a Iona of Tablets in
..the house. Sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr Williams' Medicine Co Brockville.
Whales And Lessor Fish
- There passed through Loudon a
day or two ago two live white whales
destined for a park in Chicago. They,
were taken off the coast of Nova
Scotia, and transported successfully
in tanks the whole distance by rail-
Thereby hangs a tale or rather a
very fair suggestion. Why ate not
food fishes forwarded inland as fresh
and frisky, "all alive," ohl" as they
are taken from the sea or
We are told that in Gerrnany,when
most things are np-to•date fish ate
carried to market in this condition
it is against the law to Sell fish for
humeral consumption except they are
alive. This is to prevent the posse.
bility of ptomaine poisoning.
The Prussian railways are new haul-
ing live fish from distances as far as
Southern France and Roumania by
the application 9f a no* sinew
Which allows two tone of flair to one
tori or water- This Means that the
live fish can be wicked almost as den-
sleysis se/Mines yet without harm.
There is ale° systern known as Wet
and dry etorairei in Which the tanker
carry no more water than is neces-
sary to keep the fish' moist,
We have refrigerating cars, for
meat and dairyproducts, tend by this
Menne fruit and vegetables ere ear -
;tied thousands of Magee, :Performing
seals are hauled in tank Wagons all
over the country 'for public MIMS-
'Went. •
Why net tank. cols for the convey-
ance of live 'fiat to' inland cities and
towns, whese the true flevoe could be
preseraed and duly appreciated.
, Monde in the Current River burst a
I dam, andflthe Water poured down,
sweeping away a 0 P It bridge at Port
Arthur* aria etiatillinKit freight engine
and several ears. Three members of
the train .OreW and possibly some
For side *het fern% of 130 mond bIeing '
Iota 9844 let con., Goderieb township.
Good free hone*, frame barn, elledries,
drive hereto, good spring ereek, 10 acres cit
orchard, ill °leered bat about 25 Acres and 1
in good 'tate of cultivation. Soil rich clay
loam. Bealonable terms toot& Parable" i
er. Apply to o.0:. Wallie, Olinton;Ont. )
raraL,'" side PROFESSIONAL
Beware Of Ointments for Catarrh
• • rht Contain Mercury.
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completelyderange
the whole system when entering it
thrdugh the mucous surfaces. Such
articles ehould'never-beased except on
prescriptions from *reputable physic-
ians, as the damage they will do is ten
fold to the good you can possioly* de-
rive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure,
'manufactured by F J Oheray '& Co.,
Toledo, O., contains • no mercury., an I
is taken internallysacting directly epee
the blood and mucous surfaces . of the
system. In.buying Hall's 'Catarrh Inure
be sure you get the genuine. It is tak-
en internally, and 'made in Toledo, 0„
by ' F J Cheney' & co; Testimonials
Hall'sPials•sor coristip
.ation, . • '
. Starving GentlewOtheil .
Daughter of a Baronet Who Sold Shoe
strings on London Streets-
Ektraordinary series. of .stary leg
gentle -women have come to lighasach
as superannuated governesses, widows
of improvident husbands; and those
who in the days of their youth were
able to make (tette a- comfortable in-
come RS clerks or otherwise.
. Bs, gradual stages' representatives.,
of all these types have sunk lower and
bower'. and sometithes, having sought
forgafullneris .in drink, havine tale
to the lowest grade betnre drifting ita
,tb the shelter of the institute. '
'Hee was, for instance, a wretched'
looking „creature, but with unmistak-
able signs of hating been •.`a, lady"
whose only source of . income ',lay in
her handful of boot laces, which she
timid to merchants in • their midday
rest. She proved to be the daughter
of a baronet, whore. mal.riag lead Ldis-
pleased her faintly, '"
Estranged from her relativ by:4 (I
quarrel of early life; she had
pride to reveal to them the poverty by
which she had of late been oiertaken,
but, absolutely Miserable, she Crept
,about the Mean Tataeetri ,of rate yast-
,city as successfully hidden as if living
in another hemisphere, far from the
gorgeous mansion, the carriages and
servants NI hich once were *here by
...right of birth.. "
Farm lor Sale.
Proprietor offerer for sale his farm on the
Idahland Can. GriderlOh Township, Una'
77 and 78, eituated 1 1-2 miles tom village
of Holnseeville, church and school. The
farm containe 238 , aorta of choice land. *
good frame house, and bank bens 5 aores
of . orchard and 610 wee of good maple
Wieland. The farm is Seaweed by a run-
ning brook. This farm will be Bold in a
blook or in parts. ' Apply to
• ALEX B.A.110Eflt,
Soup • .
Choice froperty For. Sale
The undersigned offerer for sale his choice -
garden property of three mores situated in
El- orden Survey, Clinton. There is corn-
fortable house with stone cellar, OA the ,
place, with stable, hard and soft water, all
kinds offruit' trees' and in good state of
cultivation; will be sold with entire outfit,
en reasonable terma H, JOYNER.
ox Sale
On Maple St, one belt sore of ground,
good ftuit trees and other small fruit.
honeenn good condition, Apply to
House for Sale..
. A comfortable frame house on Mill St,
containing 3 bedrooms, sitting room, Pan-
try woodshed, good cellar, bard and, soft
water, One-quarter acre lot. Will be sold
cheep. Apply at NEW ERA, Office, or
pdl$ HENRY FOLLAND, Clinton.
House for Sale
The large cottage On Queen street, be.
longing to the estate of the late E. Holmes
PU,81.410. ETC,
Jour; amoral a Ft"'
ooNvayA.Noaas, Narkaugs
. commissioNaus,
eneciaierabneYsnitlet ellturesigtoemdetts oa.tioe
Eye,,iEar. Throat, and Nose,
Two doors w°effisetelioastrorndthilellesCalto,dnimencee'relal MOO
Drs. Gunn lit Mellen
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton, Night Gain 55,
front door of office or residence, Eatteab8trOTT '
ere.t T.'. T. Donee, Untvaralty Or Toronto.) • ,
office bouts at hoseltak-a to p.m.; 710 9 VAS.
..gave044N, lltlItODON.
Accoucheur, etc,, office and residence on
tenbury St., opposite W. Farran'a residence,
• DR. F. .11. AXON
• ecessellrENto7DirS.TRointes
• Specialist ln Crown and Bridge Worlit.;'
• Graduate of the lloyal College of Dental Om
geroSnol ratturait oeUniversity cit Toronto Doi.
taGri Malrettemoefuthioado College of Dent(1 Stir*Alt "'
WW visit Barneld even' Mendez,.
. Offices over O'NEIL'e store,
epeeist care taken to make dental treats
meat se painless as possible. '
is offered 'for sale. The lot ie one-half • -is
acre, with baubleA
fruit trees, hard 'and • " see 1
soft water. A bargain. Apply at NEW JAMES CAMPBELL. I.ONDESBOBO,
• No witnesses reauired
Ord 11!_use_for Sale.
'Subeoriber offers for eale his lenge and
oomfortablererame house on Albert Street,
The home has every convenienoe for ordin-
ary tarniTso-o ar; Tiord an sena
water on the bot; • .three-quarters-ofanacra
of land; bearing fruit trees, also good
stable. Will be sold on reasonable terms
• Clieton.aieli 30th
Good Frame House tor Sale
• • • or to Rent' -
,Subeiniber offersior sale Or to rent his
large . and comfortable ' frame house on
'Huron Street west, ocintaiiihig 9 rooMe,
with bath mom, elosete, wash teem sed
'pantry.. Good cellar and furnace, also
• good stable, J. B. LINDSAY, (Minton.
From the Detroit Free Press
"What makes this vegetable soup
taste so different?" asked the . young
husband of the October bride. •
"Only theleeks you sent home." re- .
plied the bride. "Yon remember von
said you going to order leeks
"I didn't order any leeks," growled
the husband, but he finished . his bowl
of soup rather than disappoint her.
That afternoon he stopped at ;the
grocery store. '
"How eict you come to send leeks up
to the house this morning?" he demand -
ern "I didn't crder thenn " ,
.1'6/teat Scott! Did you. eat theloo?"
exclaimed the grocer, •
"Sure, we ate them," '
"0 for land's take. They, were Mrs.
Jackson's tulip bulbs. She left them
on the counter and they gotinto•your
basket by mistake."
ink. oar b Inaba sired in the bodY7 tN
Mks is te mi. from the. blood en mereetiss
IOWA( ham, Odic Whoa tili. Dee la torpid mad
hammed It ateast hush& bar to the bewar,
ammian the:atm beMone bound and costae. The
srmodeme are a testing el fulness or trelegla
Oho nalot dee, and ritiloting Oahu the
asatss. koalas between the shouldeas
11 151 shim awl esia. barrels trtmadat seeded
align* imitemple itt the iimaiss.. see. •
Store to Rent
The unlersigned offers to rent the office
on Isaac Sajust back of Morrishet Crooke,
recently vacated by Mr, J. Taylor, this is
a good site for a store and suitable for any
bueiness, and will be put in ehape 4, suit
the needs of any tenant. Apply to '
• . ' NEW E A or to
Cllinton, Ont.,
Two Lois tor Sale.
For sale; two lots on the south side of
Retteettiry „fin, west; being Noe. 498 and
.499. Apply to W. W. FARRAN;
For Sate
A well eitabliehed Boot and shoe bud
nese, is Rinburn, also House • end Lot
terms easy. . JAMES STANLEY. '
Lot tor Sale- ,
For sale a quitter acre lot on James Se
s- Clinton. •
*Clinton Court of Revision.
ON SWAM sad easy to take. al lei vbs.
*don erdekts. Move all In their ease* mid
Oahe tar the eaten sual erdelcast rsimida
diseame se disorders ihe Ileac
'Print 25 'tenni. er Wiles for $1.4
al *aloft or mailed dire.* oft boollpe04
Was by Thir t. Milburn 04.0 iibabad,
sereetikie bi the 01 ayes 00..r.etteu4 artiomm. ilfenss.s City. itidepthtleht , Elgin Road, Violet 004 Que trollops were drowned,
ane ato.a.as• asaass• . saaakiehtTistillinagiiianwileksin‘•
.Notice. is nereby given that the Ann sit.
• Money
Private funds to loan at illg_per cent and up-
wards .. • • W..,.BRITDONE.
Live stook and general AuctionSer, •
to la Motu gams a spluafilli (Adore st
Now ERA. office, Clinton, pm.mptly abtencisd. •
to .% Terme reasonable,. k'arrners' sale notice. '
Birds and Animals Siuffee Att001110..
: true to lila Terms Reasonable
D MCTaggart. M. D. MeTaggair
.,aseneral !Snalidlialt
• transacted
. . .
•Drafte issued. Interest allowed. pa
The : MaCilioti Mutnal
..Fire..Insurante eb.: :
. .
Farm And.. 170oilFait:itlitsi:I`own .P7o, pi... -
Oty Only Ineinred. ,
J. B..McLean,PresidenaSeifoette ThOle
Eraser, 'Vice -press. Brucefieldss Thos. R.*
Bays, Secy. Treas., Seaforth:.
, _
' Watt,ja's'Chesney, HC9rnS1'1°1eCaekflPoljyTtl 1;11C TJD.:1_1 a Evans, Beech'
mitleS:eavillel 1 johns
Clinton; M.
Each Director is inspector of losses In
his ownlocality. : i •
nweowoneLJ;BGro. d_Chriagevee,n1WiithroP_. J. Bell-
' • somas.
Robt. Smith, HarloCk; Ed, 1 Hinckley
Seaforth; James - Cut -inning, Egmondo -
vide; J. Ar. Ye°. Hohiesvine .
ting of the Court for the Revision of the
Assessment Roll of' the Town of Clinton
for the year 1908, will be held m the
Council Chamber, ClintOn, on Wednes-
day, May 271b, at 8 %M. All interested
Femme will take notice' and govern them-
seiv est &cobra ingly. •
Hulleit Court of Revision.
Notice is hereby given that the Court
for the Revision of the Amassment Roll of
the Townehip Of Htillett will be held in
She Township Hall, on Friday. the 291h
day of May, at 10 a. m., for the purecee
ox bearizig Bed rattling complaints &gannet
the said Areesement Roll. Person e having
lousiness at the Court will please attend at
the add tithe and place, without further
notice, JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Loudesboro, May.6th, 1908.
Munihy. Bros.
Succeesors to Cololoura Bras
Etaving bought tint this bneiness We
aoihilt a shoe of. patronage' .amering the
public we will do our beet tosupply their
wents at reasor able price.
thick Block, Clinton'
Thresher Oniiit tor Sale.
Subscriber offerit for rale a coneolete
threshirg outfit, hi good order, aeneisting
of 17-horee-prever Engine, awl Challenge
Separator, all ready to start work. Will
be sold cn wont terms.
• GILBERT HAIR, Clinton, P.O•
Huron Road, Goderich To.
Portland Cement
klI orderit fel POrtland Clement prompt-
ly Ailed,' nempoon Naha ropana CeMent;
the beat in ths world. I. A. HAMILTON,
cot) &Ater.
.thersteMettienti Curtaniors It
. painter and Paper. Ranoer.
All work guaranteed. .
Prices ; reasoneble.
Residence nearly opposite the
Collegiate Institute.
Fire, Life and Accident
Real *state bought and sold
Money to loan
Office Issac Street, next door to New
. Era.
Having taken the agency :for the
Massey -Harris Co., I will be glad to
show farmers any kind of Machinery
or Implement they desire. Bidder* •
Mowers, Cultivators, Gasoline &glob sant
ANGUS 111014E0D
OaU pposite ofra:18MOnacellinitacrYnk., Clinton,
, The My 'elm',
Ida a. Holmes. 7 Teacher..
The Myers' Music method, for begin
nem provhies a thorough preparatory
oourse in the rudiments of rellele6 The
lessons are conducted on Kindergarten
models and inelude practical Piano
teachinig, Making the etudy pleasant,
and interesting.
Private 'berme able gives, and pupils
prepared tor the Ooneervatory Sankt asetat