HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-06-04, Page 1„
li 1i ontro Karon ihonfd
*Ohl ballOto OiF Monday', oUMr, Pradfooti
5000117 itton- fOiMr.Kellerrnafl,- and in North Iluro IOr.- Mr,
will• pay lor the Clinton.
New Era to %few Can-
adian subscribers to the
'-end of the year
I ir you wish to. know what' Is
•going on In your neighborhood
read the New Era.
Esepratasile naa No. sew
nom; nor,oase, Pcbluber,-
• Incorporated 1869.
Pard -up capital ,111 8,900,06(,
liceerve Fund, ..... - 4,390,000
Total Assets, , • , 40,500,000
Read Office • Montreal.
1.frenche3 in every Province in
eanadat Newfoundland,
euha and New York.
Correspondents throughout
the world,
• r
• MINTON /1-12kisl011,
E. R. Dervart,
'SUDDEN DlliterEr- 1.`he peoNle cf thle XOTES -Tb0 corner stone ot the Pres.
vicinity were deeVy grieve on Tues. ireferian church will be laid on June 14
day, to bear of t e sudsier' death of i'.10,A.3trie went Clinton hospital to
ale wife of 11,4 R fenny, fly, 4• p•o it critical operation. Mr Au -
coned as a result of a stroke ... Murdock vieited in Hamilton
alysis, She was a weinan pnivei gt week. The Ilensall foot -ball team
eeteeined, and leaves her husband am:. via,‘"ed a return game in our village
a Pon and daughter to mown her un- ln veek, resulting in a tie, the•score
being 1-1. Robert Boyce and wife vie
timely death. She was a sister -m -law
oefociMerriobjTollp.n Oolborne, 15th con.,
Pun, Jas. Boyce- Mr and Mrs Grace,
Red, last week at the home of their
.erissionaries of Allatiad, Indict, and
olmos*I lie their three sons, are on their waY home
puerao mr Kellerman fox furlough.; Mrs Grace is forxnerly this place, being the e &
ldest Argil -
Liberal candidate in South Huron,wili
address a meeting here ati. the evening er of the.late John 'Ross ; they .have
been in Incliw-7 years J. Walker is
of Thursday June 4th, at 8 o'clock. Putting up a new brick kitchen to his
Nowne - Miss Lily McCartney of house. Mr and Mrs Thompson, Port-
Goderich, is visiting at her home on land, Oregon, visited.this week at the
the Maitland. Miss Bertha Stanley of tome of John Reed, Miss Mary Johns -
Toronto, is home for a yisit. At the .ton has returned from St 'Helens,
cheese factory the amount of.pailk re. Messrs *Alex Thompson and James
ceived is indreasing; on Monday morn- Boyce are grading the roads in Tuck-
ing Mr W Lobb, himself sent.730 lbs tirsonith with the steam grader. •
on ()tiler days of the week
' Seatorth
NOTES- Mr Taylor, who has been
in the emproy of the, Donlinion Bank?
for sometime, has accepted a position
in a mininwofnce in Cohan and will
leave for there shortly. Last evening
the members of the- Dominion Bank
staff and a number Of other framds
tendered Mr Taylor a f rewell supper
at which he was pre nted with a
very handsome pipe. • Dan Ma,
Oormiek will take the p sition as
junior in the bank. Mr R E Cresswell
exPects to spend the summer. Mr.
and Mrs Win Hart of Varna, left this
week for Edmonton, Alberta. Mrs
Barwick,' • of MpKillop,.and• her son
Rev Mr Parish, of Boston left yester-
day for Pine City, Minneseta. The
many friends of 1V1r Samuel Barton
will regret to learn that he is still
quite seriously ill; and his strength is
not returning as readily as could be
desired. -
DEA.TET -.After a lingering- illneiss ex,
tending over a period of several. yea,rs
Margaret Murray, wife of Joseph,
and usua,
sends ovelif 500 lb; cheese is paying far
a . , better than butter this season asd the
Itatierittiaptitimifet present price the patron will receive
w "0'4' 6•',:"^”rtiA ler his chereseje equal to fleetly 25
Pure Olive Oil, W cents per lb for butter Trevvartha
Good Talcums, W A McConnell ..., ]. •Bros sold a Ian* 58 days old to Mr J
Surnmer School, Clinton B 0...........11 Scrutoh, which weighed 62 lbs; it was
Straw fiats, Morrish & Crooks ......1 bought specially for the persons lay -
Furniture -and Carpets, J H Chellew-3-ing the corner steno on Sunday
The great June Sale, Newcombes.... 4 , Soiroor, REpoRT, - The following is
Fancy Linens, Oouch & Co, , ....... 5 a. report of the pupils of S S No 3 for
•r• Tweed Dress Goods, Poplestone .... 5 the month of May based on regularity
Go to w Linder , . .... , „ „ . .. , 5 geed deportment and general profi-
_____Weatartrato land, it.ik Downs 5 ciencya 5th-Ernnaeline Holland. Sr.
White Star Line,GOderich toDetroit 5 4 -Will Uarterc-IT”,
Goderich to Detroit, Algoma Oen,- 5 Bedard, Frank Williams,. Perey Mun-
Change of Government, W T O'Neil, 5 nirigs, L Jervis, Charlie Levis. Jr 4 -
Notjto Creditors, •W Bryclone.. 5 Lorne ,1%,1c0artney, Artber Farrell,
June Specials, Hedgens Tiros, 8 Norman Hallancia P. Glidden, aia,
Oolclough, Sr Walter Nelson, E.
Mc0a,rtriey, Delbert Huller,. L Lexie,
Joseph Palmer, . Tr. 3-A, Alcock, 8.
.1 Nelson; Frank Jenkins, Clifford Fisher
Gopy for changes of advertisement :0 Connell, Carl Mair, UlittoidHolland
must be -handed in by Tuesday , Harold Lavis, Edna Farren Janaes
night. Stasi' transient ads. will be , Fisher. Sr 2 -4 Elva PrDctor, JF 2 -
rezeived up to Thursday inorning. • Verna Jervis, P Palmer, Roy • Mun-
i nings, Stewart Mair,' St Pt 2- Leslie
0011 422.1' Huller. Della Carter, L Ie is, Milton-
. • Holland, paniel Glidden, Alvin Leon,
Ward, 0 Procter.. Jr Pt 2 -Fred -Litvis,
atch Quality- • Wm Alcock, Blanche Nelson.' .Ft 1---
,Essie Fisher, Briice Holland, Altalind
Wotch. Prices McCartney, Emily Ford. No, on roll,
48. Average 42.-. N. W. Trereartha.,
In buying alvat:h, buy Teacher,
as good. a case as you can
afford, but :first .get a
movement that will be
accurate, Every .watch
belongs to 08 , it
,measures dine accurately.'
Pick the case, a.nd let us
• decide on the. Musieinent,
and you will own a watch
and a. tiirie keeper.
Drop in and let ne talk Watches
• TO Advertiser
A.: -4; GR104,_
Jeweler riniteptician.
Issuer of Marriage -
:Licenses: '
NOTES Mr Earnest Adamshas
newbuggy which will make pleasant.
Outings for the girls this summer.., Mr..
George Lietch son of Alex Lietch and
Miss' Charlette Miflson was the ,guests
of his uncle a.feve days at Ohiselhurst,
• last week. a There•has been a base ball
team organized in the village "the
Rover.' -1dr Thos Adams drives . a
brand new rubber tire, Mr Wm Hirgill
and Wm Lindsay were in. London on
business last week. A large crowd at-
tended the political meetings held in
the village last week. Miss Jean Love
spent the 24th at her, home in Lead -
bury. Mr John Ferguson got his leg
injured in a foot ball game at Clinton,'
on the 24th.. Mr Charles Riley has
taken. a positionmith Wm Thompson
for a naentiaL-:,-mWantedn--agood Base
.Ball twirler for. the Kinburea,Rovers
state wages and experience: Mr Thos• .
Adams visited friends in•Tuckersmith
last Sunday:. Wedding bells *ill son
be ringing in our midst, •
'Sproat passedpeacefully away at 'he
home in Egmonclville early Friday
• morning. Dectiasecl was .in her 61.st.'
WoMENettINSTIToTE-The Wm:Irene'
Institute will hold its June meeting at
the home of Mrs (Pr) Smith, on Thure,
day, evening, June llth, ata quarter to
eight o'clock. An interesting meeting
is expected, as several members have
been appointed to prepare Palma on
different subjects.
Too fate for latt week,
NoTEs-.Tan:fes Cameron will take
charge of the public school to fill the
vacancy camped by the death of the
late Thos Brownlee. Dr eitanbuly has
for scinin time heen confined by a seri-
ous illness. X. Moorhouse and his
friend from London', are here on a
fishing expeciition. Mr. and Mrs. At-
kinson and family, a Detroit, have
meYed te their cottage for the summer,
Two Goderich yachts called at our
harbour on Theadey last. The corn -
plaints at the Revision Court were
settled With satisfaction by bur coun-
cil on Tueaday last. John Mcalbe Is
•slowly recovering frdn his very dan-
gerous itineaS
*VOTING -Tile voting of the Local
election which has hitherto 'taken
place in No. 4 School 'House will next
Monday, take; place ip Broatifoot's
NOTES -Tho Beef Ring commenced
operations this week.- Rivers of
Oineelhurst'lies been engaged as but-
cher for the ,season. Mrs Peffer of
Mornington Tp. returned home on.
' DEATH -Major Sohn Itaine,of River-
view 'Varm,paased awaySunday night,
after only a few houra' illness from
pneumonia, at the home uf hiadaiigh-
ter; Mrs Sanderson. He was several.
times reeve of HoWick,.andwas con-
nected with the 33rd Regiment for a Nash and Mrs Bryan Cleary, Nverc.
nuniber of,years; he" was an , his gist Made supporters of the Seaforth see.
year. His wid , four 'sons and . six orate Schools. Jas Devetaux.and Mich-
eaughters survive.) Deceased was in
his early clays quitea factor • in the
public life of North Huron, being a
strong Oonservatlie. One of his sons
is Rev. C 0 'Keane,. stationed in the
London Conference of the Methodiet
Church. . • . •
of 8 S No 4, Teltersmith for month of
. Seirooa REP RT --Standing of Moils
May. Class JV -Oscar Ball, Harold
Turner, Hattie Turner, Oscar Switzer,
Will'Walters, Sadie Walters. Class
a--Perntea, Ball, Frank O'Brien, Nelson
Orich, Wellington Orich, Class 2 -Sr
-John Turner,. Herman ()rich, Melville
Walters, Russel- °rich. Ulass .2 -Jr -
Ida Ball, Myrtle °rich, Alma Gibson,
Mary Turner; Grace Walters, Viola
Wise,- Myrtle Rogerson, :Etta, Riley.
Part 2 - Dalbera Riley. Part 1.Sr -
Earl 01;ich, Thomas Gibson.' :Patti Jr
,a -Elva, Nett, Wilbur Nott. Grailt,
Teacher. '
COURT os REVISION -The Court cif
Revision met in Seaforth on Tuesday,
May 20oh, when the following: docket
was: disposed of:- Mr Vir M Doig a -
pealed against an assessment of $5.400
on. his farm, lot 14,.con 2, L 8; and
the Court lowered it.te $5,000. Nine-
teen separate schools were disposed of
as follows: - Messrs Peter Cleary, Jas
, .
Noaas -Henry Schwalm has not yet
recovered sufficiently to resume work;
We hope to hear soon of a decided
piovement in his 'condition. The
wedding , last week , mentioned
has not materialized as yet; will- last
meek's correspondent , enlighten us
stillifurther? Jelin Flick spent Sun-
-day on the Maitland.. Bee E F Bidet.
will 'preach in Victoria "St Church,.
Goderich, next Sunday evening. .The
Royal Teraplars Of Benmiller are.still
increasingin -numbers, several new
members have been added to their
number • recently, among them; the
village pedagogue. The severe thun-
Ber-storm ellast Friday did not dam-
age anything on this line, with the
exception of slight damage done .to
Mr Pennington's barn. •
The Time
Has. comp
to get a nice Straw or Crash Hat for the warm
-summer 'days we are likely to have fOr. the -heicti few
months.. We have our new stock in, in all thelatest
styles, and at.prices to suit the purchaser.
We have a large stock of
Spnimer 11 tide meat; to 'Choose
from, in Balbriggan and light-
weight wool; ranging iti prices
from 50c to $1.50 per gar -
men t.
Extra, nice garment in Balbriggan.
in all sizes at .. . . .. . ..
• Fitter, •quality,' in • liner finish.
atel.d.4•1•1,1,1***Y•i010 .. • . 1.6061.116 . .. ti•Ake•noiipq*i•I •11649.1“,.
Our Iightwcight wool, Which is a
,beautilul garment to vicar.,at
'Ask to see Our Special $to,Suit
morrish CP0OkS
"King" and treadqua.rtere
" A Square Dei,i1 For; Every Mau
..ffarlOck, '• • ,
$ETTLENENT - On Tuesday
st eek the fine barn of Mr.
Iiard was entirely destroyed
by- fire, and on Friday of the same
week he received from theMcKillop
Insurance Olathe sum of $2175, being
the amount of tnsurance in full on the
barnerid its colitenti. This is Very
pronapt settlement indeed, and shows
-tbe-Williugheee of -the Company to
settle all claims which they are satis-
fied are correct. Mr Sheppard •desires
to thank the Company for its proMpt.
nese, and also tO express his apprecia-
tion of the timely aid rendered by.
neighbors. ' ,
•' tiOdericif Tawrienip
NoTxs -Mr Christopher and wife'of •
Walton Spout Sunday at Mr R Oete'S.
'EUSIGNED -Miss Tichbourne teach-
er of the Bayfieln ' Line School sent, jn...
-her resighlation th the truefeesrtii take
effect at mid -sun -mer holidays we
understand she intends taking ' a
course at the Normal,
RE -ORGANIZED -The Choir at Oole's
Church has been re -organized at ifh
Miss Perdue as organise, mostly: new
niembers have consented to join in the
praise service. The 'older members
having retired feeling it their privilege
to give way for younger Went.,
ENTERTADWENT - The entertain-
ment given in the public schcols by
Mr Steer the Blind Allan and his daugh-
ter are fairly well attended although
the program was a little slack to
those who htrye seen and heard better.
A ProNtkrt-The death took p'ace
on Thursday at the residence of ' her
daughter, Mrs AL Weir, Goderich, of
Mrs Jane Routledge Welsh, relictof
the late Thomas Welsh, at the age of
s2 years,. Mrs Welsh was one of the'
pioneers of Goderich tp, but has for
some years made her home in Goder-
ich She aid her husband were mein .
bers of Cole's church in the olden clays
ittni were held in gay, high esteem.
Connoir,- Coutted met as a Court of
revision. Members tcok the necessary
oath as members of said court. Moved
by John Rathwell, seconded by Sohn
MeOlureithat appeal of L E AldsWorth
against lots 83 and 34, 1 con,'its bein
under assessed in acreage, be sustain-
ed, and that said lots be assessed 110
acres in plaCe•of 104 acres zieeording to
county registrar's r',. Amen t. IVIovect
by j W Yeti, seconded by W II Lobb,
that lots 83 and 31 be raised $200 Ap
peals of the followiri 35 lots were not
sustained 35, con, 2, Jae Wiling
owner, too low sesta ed ; 37, 87, con 1:
2, L la Aldsworth, owner, too high
assessed, lot pt 4. hayfield eoncessiont
J Thompson,. owner, not assessable'.
Win Coats appeal of lots 20, 20, 0, con
10, was sustained and reduced 6100.
Assessment roll read, revised,and pass.
ed, The following aeconnts were paid
J. Thoincon, assessor . Wary $00.
Postage 2. Adjourned to to meet on
the first matey hi July at 1 ofclock4
Nixon Sturdy, Clerk.
ael 1VIcQuade were placed in S S No. 5.,
and John Fortune, Albert Fortune, R
Fortime, Wrn J Devera,ux. M Heiler.
Man, 31 Flannery, D Flannery,Luke
Fortune Wm Nigh, Wm Flannery, G
Dietriek: Robert Devereaux and Ellen
Devereaux were placed in Union Pub-
lic School, .No I. McKillop. Tucker:
smith and tlibbert. Ten dollars of dog
tax were struck off' for 'parties Who
have disposed of their dings since being
assessed. A number of ahangeseavere
also made where property has eha,nged
hands. After closing the Court of
vision t! council met for general bus-
iness, the only busingteaneing
ing of accounts arabunting to .$428.24:
The next meetinv will be -held in Sea -
feral on Saturday,June 27 at 1 0 o'clock
• '
SCHOOL. EEP08111.I7rthli. 11
thenames14no......alteteriaeoti rt Lit aho pre si thei gotnmo, month
nrRt 3. -Maggie aaxsy.K, Si_e.‘
Lansing, Clifford Laming. Jr
bert Lawson, Panne Lemon, Grace
Eno. Sr 2 -Dave Blair, Alice Shep-
herd, Edgar Morris, Sr Pt 2 -Nellie
Manning. .1 L Wilson, teacher.
NEARX.Y DROWNED -The 'other day
a Son of MriTlieo,tHale, of the 3rd con
had a narrow escape from drowning.
Some pattiweere washing sheep at
Jones' pond, on the Huron road,which
was deeper than expected, and young
Hale undertook to cross, when he sank;
he had gone down a second time,when
Ate Rohert,Biewn phthgla in and res -
Cued him. The bey Was in pretty had
hehimapaer,bouutnact few minutes work brought
PERSONAL -Mrs Ashley, daughter
of Mrs Millin, who has been home for
some time, left on Monday raorning
for Ridgeway, where she will engegg
in Women'e Institute work. She has
been made superintendent ofa district,
and should; do, well, as sheis a platform
speaker of more their ordinary ability.
She has for four years been ,Superzn-
tendent of a Maternity Hospital, dur-
ing which time many diseases came
under. her care. She has had actual
experience in the best methods of
home mana,gemen, and for years has
taught and addressed large gatherings.
Her subjects are:- "Respopsibilitiee
of mothers to daugliters, and AO
Veract ; the feedbag and care of infants;
the sacredness of ;the body '; simple
meals,-etheir refining influence : sana
tation and hygiene ; hoine-making
versus house keeping." "
SexiOot REPorri-The following is
the report of S,S No.4, Hullett, for the
menth of IVIa.y, based on 'eonduct,regu-
levity, and general proficiency. rith-
Winona, ,5.undercock. • Jr -t-Margaret
Adams, Etelka Leitch, Charles Carter,
Robert Fairservice., Sr firclaaCaroline
Rogerson, Carleton Rogerson, Lillian
Adam's, Orrin Certavright. Sr 2nd --
'Emmen Hesk, Charles Sundercock,,,
Jain AcIains,'.Vuren Rogerson ;• Ruby
MeVittie, Leonard MeNall. Jr 2nd -
Flossie Cartwright. Jr Pt 2 -William
MeNall, Jr Pt 1 -Edith Moon, Robert
Keith nal:rattan, May Rama -
ton, Jahn Leiper, Tbe 'beat spellers
for the month were: -.4WinonapSunder-
cock, Margaret Aditurs Etelka Leiteh,
Caroline Rogerson, John .. Adams:
Those whose conduct was the best
were-Winiana Sundereock, Caroline
Rogerson. ' E. Sturdy. teacher,'
• • • • •• •
, Plahtleld
DEATH -Mr. Beatty. Webster, a res-
• •of Gaderich.
Liberal Candidate for ()entre Huron,
litany Happy Returns
To -day Mr James Smith, of town,
enters on his 71st birthday. tie is
justly entitled to be called -one of the
"oldest inhabitants" having lived hcre
for over 50 years. For a considerable
length of time be conducted a succesa-
fattaileringinisiness'though of late
years he has enjoyeda life (of leisure.
J[eloolur to be just in his prime, and
his many &lends will join us in wish-
ing him', "many happy returns of the
The corner Stone of the new St,
Joseph's Church was well andtruly
laid on klunda,y last loy.tb e- Right Rev.
J. E. Meunier, Administrator of the
Diocese of London, Notwithstanding
the disagreeable weather, an immense
crowd assembled. to Witness this., im-
pressive ceremony, carried Out accord-
ing to the ritual of the Catholic
Church, 'The prodession headed from
the vestry, and after the blessing of
the cross, proceeded to place the corn-
er stone, which was executed in a mas-
terly way by the Right Rev AdMinis-
tratora After the customary •prayers
Were). recited and the Litany of the
Saintchanted the following official
pirated resident of this township, died
at his home,con. 13; on Saturday,
May 80, afteran illnesS with which he
had suffered for. about, three years.
About six weeks ago he became bed-
fast, and .though he has, dtiripg the
past year, undergone' fouraurgical
operations ; he bore his al:Illation pat-
iently and without complaint, Deceas-
ed, Whose age Was 48 years, was a
Methodist in religion and a Conserva-
tive in politics. He was Of a very quiet
disposition, and made friends of all
with whom he came in contact. Four
• years ago he was married -to Miss °an-
telon, of Goderich to., who surviyes;
. Heiman '
;NOTES. -Mrs John Taylor, who rec-
ently went b.:, the London hospital, is
still very ill. Janina McQueen and wife
„Visited,,rn .Goderich last week at the.
home of W 0 Landesborough.. '
ENGINE DISABLED - As the.liassen-
ger train (going north due at Mensal
,at 10,10 a nr) approached the village,.
on Friday the coupling, which hal&
the spring on the right side of the en-
gine, broke allowing the free end ' of
the piingto fly up against the re-
versing red, so jamming it that the
lever in thecab could, only be Moved
by aid of a haMinee or other weight.
The engine was sidetracked.. for re-
pairs. In the -meantime the engine
from a sreight tram was coupled to
the passenger coaches and proceeded
to Wingham. The disabled engine
was jacked up and the spring eead-
3,78Atemdp.R'IOA. N FOINITGRE O'n'e day
'eat week Mr -James." A: Grant, deputy
CUsterns Collector, • Goderich,. ,earne
here to pass two car loads Of beautiful
Am.erican furniture tit at had arrived
'for Mr N. Conlin; from Tennessee,
which, it is claimed, he will put in the
hotel at St Joseph. This is the grst.
timethat it hat; been necessary for a
articles With the furniture came a
French road cart, a two wheeled
:ale evidently intended for about
th ree passengers,aed of unique design.
Oontin drove hothe in the cart, much
to the amusement of the villagers.
Curious people are 'wondering what
will be done with Inc hotel even after
it ia furnished.
Stanley ,
Sol./001. REPORT -The &towing is
the May monthly report of S 8 No. 11,
Stanley. • Names are in order of merit:
-5th-M M Fisher, G. E. Stephenson,
Rena McBeath. Sr 4 -Janet Logan,
W Kehl, A Petrie. 'Jr 4th -Arthur.
/ones, Lola Rathwell, Sr. 8rd-H., O.
Kehl, W M Mel3eath, .11 A Fisher. Jr.
:rd -Anna Hood, Ida P. Rath*ell, W.
0,.McBeath. Sr 2nd -L. E. Wasman,
A McMurtrie, J. N. Hood, Sr. 2nd -,-
Anna, Fisher. 2nd .Pt -Gracie Ross.
lat Pt --W R Cooper., W 0 Johnston,
Maggie Cooper. The best spellers in
the mon.thly4lpel1ing matches were:-
5th'alid Sr 4th -Arnold Petrie. Jr 4th
and Sr ard,-gerbert Kehl. Jr 3rd -
Anna Hood, 2nd -Lawrence 'Virasman.
Noxxs.,-Mr Steer, a blind man,gave
a lecture in S S No 1 Stanley, on Fri-
day evening of last week; his lecture
was illustrated by ma.gie lantern views
and interpersed with; musical select-
ions on the gramophone ; he was ac-
companied by his daughter who man-
aged the slides; he had a fairly good
audience, who highly appreeiated ilis
leeture, On Friday of last week the
contract for removing the eement
ablitments at Dield's creek 4th eon,
which were undermined and broken
by the freshet, in the Sprina, was
awarded -to -Mr Dogcart McEenzie.
-Waillss of -Varna -started last
week to draw cream frian the second
concession for the Exeter butter
taille assortment et tineleums, 011 Cloths
Carpets, Late Curtain Soreerut, Mus
Una, Createnk add Wall Pavers. Butter, Mao
Add Potatoes wanted, tor slob or Thief.
W. T.
• Lundesboro
• NOTES -Miss Flossie Jamieson and.
haye returned hame
from Drayton after a week's vacation.
There is a large scale (that was the
property, of a Company) on the street
nere, and it is outof order. , Why do.
not someeatour ?citizens get to work
and fix it up, ot else have it removed
entirely ?- iVho will ttat ? The politi-
cal Meeting held here On Friday night
last in the interest of Mr Porter 'was
addressed by Mr Elliott ,- there was it
fair attendance, RevLickzehad charge
of theAuburn and Sarah's Hill work
on Sunday and Mr 13arnari at Londes-
boro and Burns churches, •Wrn..Bali
te attending' the General Assembly of
the Presbytery at VVinnipeg,as a dele-
gate of Huron Presbytery. Rev Currie
is attending the Methodist Conference
at _Exeter. There was a meeting izi
the :Methodist church on Wednesday
nig.ht in. the interest of the Lord's Day
Ali iaoce,, The teimperance house serves
ice,4rearp now on Wednesday and
Saturday nights, T If Squire shipped.
a car of flour this Week ; he also deliv-
ered flour at Blyth, and shorts at Aub-
urn.. Wedneiclo,y a, large • shine:lent of
hogs. was made here. The thanke'of
thenubile are chalet° the G T R for the
hew station and platforms they have
• •
•Summerlflll. , • •
NOTES -Mr John Colbourn is engag-
ed this week in building the stonework
under the etzurch, ',Miss Phillips, of
Londesbortais in Charge of the school
here till inidsummer.as Miss Petrie has
'been obliged to remain at hoine owing
to illness of her mother ; she was giv-
ing up the school at the end of June at
any rate in order to attend the Normal
„ .
Porter's Rill
NOTES -Mies Emily a,nd Annie Root -
ledge, of Toronto, spent a few days
with their parents last Week: Mrs W
Johnston, who has been visiting her
daughter Mrs F Moore, of Mitchell, re-
turned home last Week. Thos Cox left
for a trip to Winnipeg, bn Monday last
john,Potter, of ()male's, spent Sunday
with bis brother, O. W. Potter, Mil
'Walter Weston and Mrs. G. Vander.
burg,are Mending a fewdaysatWalla
'erten this week, C Johnston of Toren.
to, visited at John Pickard's this week
Mr and Mrs O. SV, Potter and Mr and
Mrs O. McPhail attended the funeral
of Mrs Archie Horton, of. Oolbern7 ofl
Saturday last,
Sorfooelisroirr - The following is
the -report of S S No 5 Goderich Tp.
far the umnth of May basedon attend-
ance, test papers and general proflei-
ency. 5th Class - Ruby Potter, Lucy
lVfars hall, lima Jordan, Elmo, Beetles.
Sr 4- George Lindsay, Charlie Oox
Cox, ll McDougall. Sr 4 -11'
IOM's, Pearl Potter, Gordon Mc.
Dougall, i1 Sowerhy,Willat, Cox, Alien
Beetles, Jr 8 -Tommy Sowerby,,Evit
Cox, Earnest • Vanderburgh, narves,
Patel, Edith Vanderburgh, Hazel
1VieDonald, Fay Tiehborne, Nertie
_Young. Himont Cox, Gladys IVIeDoug.
all. Ella Hastings.' Jr 2 --.LIC'heitint
Bennett, Edna Hastings, Sr Pt 2 .0.
Harrison, Alma Jordon. .71* Pt 2 -
truce McDougall, Walloce AlcDoogall
Nina.Tichborne, Ella Sowerby, Sr Pt
I -Chester McDonald, L Potter, Mir.
ray MeDougall, Maggie HaStingtko 41?
Pt 1 ,---Lizzle Sowerby, Ger& Blair.
W 'Pearson, Average attendance 83,
E E Jamieson, Teacher, •
document was read to the assenehled
A.D MAICREM • DEI 6L041A1VI 0411.11"*".W.114611111"41000
' On the 81s1 day Of May. in the year
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-Live on it, live'in it, eat it, drink
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Of Our Lord, one thousand nine Inind-
red and eight, this corner stone of the
Ohnrch of St. Joseph, in the town of
Clinton, Ontario, was blessed and laid
by the , Right ttev. Monsegnor 7. E.
Meunier, Administrator of the Diocese
of. London,. Canada. His Holiness,
Pope Pious X gloriously reigning;
the 'Most Bey Donates Sbaretti;.Arch-
loishep Of Ephesus, and Apostolic. Del-
egate to Canada ; theMost Rev Fergus'
?AURA A1OXVoy, D, D,, Arclablehop
and Metropolitan, of. Toronto ; Rev,
James Hanlon, 'Parish 'Priest; Of Clin-
ton; Xing Edward -VII happily rulingoazer the British Ernpire ;Mord Grey,
Governor General of Canada; Sir Wit;
frid Lathier, Prime Minister of the
Dominion of Canada ; Sir Mortimer
Clark,Lieuteriant Governor of Ontario;
'Hon JP Whitney,Premier of Ontario;
EN Lewis, Eeq. M.P., of the Dominion
Parliament ; Malcolm Graham Camer-
on, Esq member of the Legislative
Assembly of Ontario ; H Wiltse. May-
or Of. the Town of Clinton, . Here pres-
ent at.the laying Of the -Corner Stone,
the Rev IT Ayieward, /lector of the
Cathedral, Mondona Rev P. Corcoran,
P P, Of Seaforth ; Rev D. McRae, P P,
Goderich : Rev F X Laurendau, P. P.,
of Sc. Augustine.' The architect of the
Church, W J Ireland, Esc', Stratford ;
.The contractors. Thos McKenzie, Esq,
Mr H Hill ;.• D Prior ; J Gardner ;
Mesera_Capp andKaiser, and_ aiarge
concourse of people. • ' '
This document was placed in a bOx,
duly sealed, and, the stone lowered into
After the laying of the corner stone,
an eloquentanti splendid address wits
delivered by Rev F AV1Ward, Rector
of St. Peter's Cathedral, London.. .liie
subject was "The 'Worship of God!'and
in foroible and beautiful language he
showed ' the importance • Religion
plays inhuman aflame, how man the
creatnre,by his very.nature fkrelthanat.
being, is dependent and subservient to
His Creator. In the Old Testament he
showed hew God himself had corn.
Mended the erection of a magnificent
temple, wherein he might be adored.
The erection of a ehurchthen gave
great honor and,glory to God.
In the New Testament the Rev
speaker showed that at the Last Sup-
per, the Divide Master chose a well
furnished roora. Relurther explained
how religion alone can give true con-
solation to the human sool,and to seek'
happiness outside of Ond only ends' in
despair, and often suicide, He praised
the people of Clinton for their religious
fervor, zeal and generosity. He dwelt
especially upon the excellent spirit ex-
isting between all d*ellizig together
in.peace and harmony. -He concluded
his address by thanking the people for
their presence and their hearty co-op-
eration With their pastor, Rev. Fr.
Hanlon, who was entrusted mith the
ereetioh of the new
; During the service an offering was
taken tip, which was generously res-
ponded to, amounting to abOilt MOO.
Hie Grace; the A rch Whop of Toronto,
sent a chegue for $100.
The visiting priests were Rev 'Fr Oera
coran, Seaforth ; Rev Fr McRae, God-
erich ; Rev Fr Laurendeau, St Augus-
tine. The trowel used on the occasion
was donated by the contractor Mr. T.
MeEetaie who had eharge of the ved-
ette works'. In the box placed in the
corner stone; besides the official parch. ,
ment, copies of the Toronto Cillobe,The
NUB & Empire, the locar'papers, NtW
ERA, News Record; - Catholic Record
of London and Register of Toronto,
also current coins, ete, were enclosed.
The estimated attendance was about
two thousand,
• • .
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There must be a reason ;" w,rite for it
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Pnbile Seeting,
Meeting in the interest
•Proudfoot will, be held in 1 he Town
on Saturday evening, to be ad.
dressed byiMr Proudfoot, and Mr. T.
, "
Empress Shoe.s have.set
a standard .for style and
has•,_ placed
them aniongst the highest .
:grade -Work.
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The 'customer who buys
the Empress Shoe iflvari
ably comes back, that's
why we sell them,.
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• Reserve Fund $8,072,600
Total Assets over $82,000,000
•* 1001111ordil
• fttiolillelt Transacted
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oilcan a. Intereat raid four blreett ayaar.
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