HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-05-28, Page 1will pax for the Clinton Now gra to new OW adion alloseribers to the end of the year 1. earintasearn ieSe No. NOP Bove, SOraine, PublIshor, • T1.. E AL BANK QF 0A.NADA incorporated1869, Paid-up camtat 8,900,001, _Reserve Fund ,,. 4,890,009 Total Assets"... *** •19.••,§0 40,5003000 Reid Office a Mosirsalle , lit youw411 to know whet going on in your neighbor he,* rend the New -Arai OLINTON, (*TAR* THURSDAY- MAY 26-,.19d8 (*amnia:Oat* • THE BENMILLOR Nianelranns-The rorelient seaeon has been a record one for the well-known Stewart nurseries and the prOprietore. report that: More tree* and ehrtibe have been sold this reaMislvlit.14:11rsZegua tfr tre'vtgi. Iarge ordete Were dispatched for pointe, many Miles away, and nearer home the firm supplied Messrs,Hoare, of Clinton t Hunter, of Exeter- ;::Sloarti of Blyth ; James Young. of Ooderich • ., reoefoi ra-;"01141:0111de''Is-J%412111:11nVidrit4uvnide: ri:ieetsht Fnatna int 10:6 dt cit e°1 vf appler ° ha rt d 8 eube onfe *eie Teo, ing flowers anr atteniaagell tihnedetlejavinare'. • traYel: is: all diteetions. an torrespoUdents throughout the world. ourrroN BR4*011, - E. R. Dewart, Manager' Soo Xdstuistattato Call on Holmes, the druggist.. ..... . 1 May Bargains, Newcombes ... . . 4 Tourist tickets, F R Hedgens........ 4 Pure Gold,W Linder ' • 4 /lune Wedding, Etellyar. . ... 5 Elliott Business College..., ,... 5 - Summer school, „Central B 0. . . 5 Pasturage, Angus McLeod-. .0. • — 5 Lost, New Era office ta 5 Farmers, W Smith, Stratford. ,.... 5 Teacher wanted. T H Hardy 5 Mortgage Sale,W Brydone • 5 A Few Specials, Pouch & . . ... 5 Millinery specials; Hodgen Bros .:8 Boots & Shoes,Fred Season-. 8 Your holidays, Tozer & Brown •' 8 Vatch Quality Watch Prices In buying. a-aia.tth:btry as good a case as you can, afford, but first get ,a movement that will be accurate. Every watch belongs to us until it • measures time accurately. Pick the case and let us decide on the movement, and you will own a. watch and a time keeper. Drop in and let us talk:Watches A.' J. GRIGG- , Jeweler and Optician, , Issuer of Marriage Licenses. orderedi, Clothing Tun BRICKYARDS -Under the able management of Meson & Pithiest°, the -well-known brickyard here has taken a new lease of life. The excellent quality of the bricks and tile made here, which are so much in evi- dence, is their best recommendation. The members of the new arra are two enterprising young men from Scotland who have had several yea* experience in the business and have a backing of ample capital to carry on an extensive business. .About twelve hands are now employed, mostly men from the Old Country, and the new firth starts on - der the most favorable auspices to make their works, a. profitable and 'busy centre. .THE WOOLEN FACTORY. - It was with pleasere that we • saw our old friend,. Jesse Gledhill again at his post ar his famous woolen mill after a ser - ions illness of several weeksthis spring When we celled on him • he was up to his eyes in blankets, yarns and cloths, the product of the mill during the spring and winter months, and as ready as ever to attend to a large bus- iness that the new clip of wool entails at this season every year. There have been complaints that the fleeces are not sufficiently dried atter shearing, which causes the damp wool to mildew .when stored in large quantities; but the most serious complaint is that the farmers are in the habit , of .fleeces witlrbindertWine, the fibre of which mixes with the wool and will •not take the dye. In fact. some firms positively refuse to buy wool tied in that way, and Mr Gledhill wishes to caution the farmers to ese some other materialthan binder twine if they want to get the top price on the mar- ket this season, ' • Summer School " June. JuIY and August lands Imo Our Fall Terns without 'any break. Enter any time. New Catalogue free. Write for it to -day. Central Business Cgllege. TORONTO, ' the I argest, most rentable °fits lind W..11.• Shaw, PrInicipelp • Yonge & Gerrard Ste. Toronto. Morris Dungannon :..--Ontrantlt-Thei May—meeting of the Quarterly Official Rood of the Dna, galloon. Circuit 'was recently held. The reports' from the different departments. of church -work .showed the circuit to be to A prosperons, condition. During the year the cmiptni syetem of financing Ave* introduced and has proved to be its‘ decided fillereattothe treasurer report- ing a tidy earplug, after all expenses for the current year were met,. The - pastor? Rev W. A. Smith, Was voted Six Week's Wilda* and 4189 reeeiVe4 a hearty and 111)6011010U0 invitation to return to the Circuit for another year. R E Manning was elected to represent the circuit at the District _meeting. The, Dungannon appointment has pur- chased # site for a church, .and the people here, are 'editing forward hope- fully to the time in the nem- future, when they shall worship in a .new and more modern. edifice, •11 TuckersmItle .b • DEATH -After a lingering illness of some month's .duration Mrs Robert White passed peacefully away on'Sat- urday last at her residence on the 3rd concession. She was born in Morris some forty-three years ago, but had resided here for the plait ten years, A husband, two sons, besides her father, Frank Ashton, aodtwo brothers are left to mourn the loss of a most kind relative. The funeral took place on Monday to Turner's cemetery and was largely attended by. sympathizing friends. • • Porter's Hill , ILLNESS -We are very sorry indeed ' to hear of the serious illness of Mr. A McDougall, who had been so low for several days thathis life was despaired of. We are pleased to hear that he is slightly better. - NoTEs-Mr and Mrs Dawson* and children, of Spring Bank 'visited at Mr . John Cox's this week, returning tre . their home on Tuesday. • Kate Ale- Dotigall and Willie Sterling !pent the. %A.:among-friends in -London. 'Mies Sara Cox returned to her home in . dtratford on Saturday. ' WON OUT -NormairM6Pougall was the euccesful contestant, in a field. of 11, for the Stratford -St. Mary's toed race, - on Monday; :The.codrae-was-ase miles, and he covered this, notwith- standiter the heat', in 1.85.30, over 2 minutes ahead of the second man, and half an hour better. than three of. the contestants. The Oriie Was a $25 geld witch, and also the silver cup trophy. •prizesait the St. Mary'straces. on kton- dMaowat y. ,.......4..._,..McDta.e.tail alsOcarried off some , ' FlohniektIlla PROPERTY Soma -It is reported that -Messes John and A. Di McCartney have disposed of their property to Mr. Will Jenkins, who will take up his residence in the village • e, . GOderleh. • BANE _Marrecian Einar= Manager Williams of the Beek of Commerce hfitthiearmbroken...in. a _runaway ac- cident Thursday evening. Mr and Mrs Williams and family weredriving out liatothe country, and the accident oc- curred on thehill down ' to •Maitland bridge. The party,werathiewn out of 1 the rig, and all soineWhat hurt. I tr00 r• Clothing A,BAD FIRE -Mr .W. Sheppard,Of the lfith con., Met With a serious lose • '' on Tuesday afternoon, by -the burning of ,his barn by lightning. During the sterta that mese up the 'barn • was strtick,and a young man named Gibbs, Who is employed with Mr Sheppard, was stunned by the shock. The .bare was a mass of flames before anything could be done to save it. In the barn 'Were some pigs,thiplern`ents, etc„, all of which were conserned. The loss is estimated at MOO, partially covered by insurance. The barns were fine ones, haying been thoroughly Carer. hauled a couple of years ago. .NoTes-Mr,...and Mrs; 6: Hooper, of Hensel', spent the 24th visiting at Mr. N Sundercock's, the parental home of Mrs Hooper. . Miss A. Shepherd had a number of .visitors ,on the 24th. Mr and Mrs' Thomas Stewart, of Myth, spent Sunday with Mr Wm Brown. GOOD Honsx-,Mr. Wm. Brown, of the -18th concession; 'sold a .fine-shorse to Mr J McCloskey,- of Goderich last , week, for which he received the sum of : It evidently pays to raise good horses. • MAY BARGAINS Watch Our windows Saturday Motning for TWO:. SNAPS, which every min at this season of the year requires; NO. 1 BARGAIN—Comprises a line of Shirts we have just cleared out from the manufacturers at a 6 very low figure. These are brand new Shirts this season, and as we bought so will we sell.* The latest patterns in nearly every size. Regularly sold at $1., •the whole lot to clear at 75c ' NO. 2 13AIZGAIN —We have several lines of odd Hats in broken sizes. Some are quite up.to-date, and some are a little off in„style, but by no means old fashioned: These ranged in,price from $z. to $;.50, and on Saturday morning we; are going to give you your choice of the lot for 98c. ASK TO SEE OUR -SPECIAL READ.Y" TO -WEAR SUIT AT $8.50 itorris et.Cr001( 11 "Xing" and "Borsalino" flat neadquarters. '41Sqiiari�eaiForIvery Mai' 4 ilshneld • • AN. INTERESTING. OLD MAN - The following from the Goderich Signal, refers to one of the,flnest old Men in the county of fierce "The editor of the Signal was in the village Mon- day evening; and had a pleasant chat with Squire • MallOugh, Dungannon'e grand old man. Mr Mellough is past eighty-eightyears of age, and is still active- physically' and mentally, He has been in this country since 1844 and tells many interesting things about the early times when settlement in this section was just commencing' As everybody knows he is an ardent Grit,' and just at present he is keenly inter- ested in thecandidany of J. T. Currie, the Liberal candidate in North Huron, But both Grit and Tory ih Dungannon agree in ' esteeming the venerable gentleman as an honor to the commun- ity in which he has lived rio long, Goderfeh'uwoeolst • Mr Oliver Jervis, formerly of Goder- ich township. Met With quite an acci- deg.-whieh might have proved serious. While driving into Sintaltita his pony shyed, throwing him out and scratch- ing and bruising his face, and giving him a severe shaking up, but he is now on the mend., " • fien0.11 Lima Parra Mem - We have the sad news to record of the burial On Monday of Mr Peter Moir, *he depart- ed this life on Thursday last. The de- ceased, who Was in his 77th year, had , been it resident of Heneall for nearly a year, and war& a highly respected citi- zen. The body was taken to Carmel Clhurch, Where the funeral eerVicee were condnoted, after which the re, mains were removed to Heneall Union cemetery' for interment. Much sym- pathy is felt for the bereaved family in their loss. ' SELLING•013T-Mr Robt Jarrett is giving up his Livery business here and will have an extensive auction Bele of Hones. Buggies, Harness, Robes, and other effects on 'Saturday next, May 8013h. Mr Jarrett intends going to the Northwest. ' Brimfield • • Divrns-Robt Morrison ti rebuilding a barn: . He had it removed and raised last week. He will. have a stone foun- dation placed tinder it, Herd Bros do, ing the framework ; Williazn Henry is also rebuilding his barn, he having put a cement foundation under -it. Rota. Fitzsimons & Son, Clinton; shipped hogs from our station last week, the price being $5,65, a large decreasein price. B Higgins has -moved into Mr. Snider's house until his own a ill be re-. built. Mrs Johnston is 111 at the home of her daughter, Mrs Woods, St Hel- ens, Among those who visited in our neighborhood forEmpire day here,are; Alex Aikenhead and wife, Misses Mag- gie and Bell Rose, Toronto, Nellie Broadfoot; Toronto, Miss Kate Hatt and -Miss -Petrie: Our vilified wavvf-i-rir quiet on Monday many of our villag. ers haying gone to other places. Miss MaryGibson visited at home this week There is a good promise of fruit in the vicinity, the country is at present at its best. Geo 'Billed a sale of farm ,stack rn the village on ..Friday ' last, good prices being realized. Mr Jones and wife, of Blythapent Monday here, the guest of Mrs Sohn Gibson. • , . ' • .13lytft. WEDDING -A very quiet wedding took place in the Methodist aura on Wednesday morning, May 27th at 8:30 when Rev 5 Anderson pronounced' Mr Wm.. Sims 'and Mrs Mary J.• Talker, husband and wife, .As they both have resided in the village. it is needless to say they are both held in high esteem by every person, and the community joins in wishing them a vast amount of prosperity . and happiness' in the °future. Mr and Mrs Sims took the early 0 P R train for Milton,. where they will visit for a few days. • ., *.s stinuey NoTss-Mr Walnasley, one of the colporteurs of the Upper Canada Tract Society, was visifing can the second of Stanley hist week, -Mr Wm. Swan, of No, 10, Mr George Baird of No. 1. and Mies. Maggie Mawan, Of the 16th, Gralerich Township, attended the Teacher's Atiteiciation onThuredity and Friday of last week. Mrs J Falconer, of 13ayfleld. was visiting on the lino clueing the first of the week ; she was at the honie of Mrs Schn Gilmour. Mr Sohn aleEWan arrived home. last Sat- urday from Toronto ; he left on Tues. day for missionary work in Alberta, during the summer. Messrs McFarlane and Glen shipped a number of Shrop- shire ranki to N'oya Seale, on Monday of this week; they wore bought by the Dominion Government to be placed on Dommicei lands there. Mr Hugh Mo. Gregor and wife spent Victoria day at Bayilekl, enjoying the breezes of the lake; Mies Martha Smillie has re- turned home atm spendingtwo weeks with her sister, Mrs Wm Vi.ylor, Miss Ida Taylor is visiting _relatives in Grey toWnehip, • A iiiiinber 'of &ilia 'people spent a pleasant 'evening At the home of Mr A Innis, on Thursday evening last. NOTES-Pishing is the order of the day at present by both young and old. Gilbert Jamieson eon of Gavin Jamie - eon hi taking, a couple months vac., cation witn his _parents and friends there. Mr Levi Barr and Mise Elnia Stephenson of Grey Township were the guests of Miss Stephenson's aunt Mrs 'rhos Pollard last Sunday, Mr and Mrs Ohas Andrew, of Genie, are at_present visiting with Mr and Mrs 1313 Stephenson at present. The beautiful rain an Tuesday last will make the growth morerapidand there is °Very appearance of abundance of fruit and acomilegjiountiful harvest. The Sabbath Scheel of this place in- tend having a strawberry festival on the 'evening of the 18th June further Retire will.be given later. • EPWORTH LEAGUE - The officers e/ected in the Epworth League for the ensuing year are as follows: Pres. ident,Miss Maggie McDonald; let Vice Pres.'Wm Britton; 2nd vice Pres., Miss Evelyn Clarke; 3rd vice Pres., Miss Cornish; 4th Vice Free, A Law - eon; Organist, Miss Charlotte Millson; Secretary, R B Rogerson, Treasurer Wna McIntosh. • • Colborne .NoTze,-R9v E F Heist •visited at J. Schwanz's on Sunday. -Miss 13 Million attended the Teachers Convention in Goderich last week, returning Monday evening. • Wm.11cOalietook a business trip to London on Monday, Levi Stip, -der had a very suecessful raising on Tuesday. Henry Young --has -rented another farm in Wawanosh. J Durk - has purchased several colonies of bees from W W Fisher. Evidently he is fondof sweets, WEDDINGA very prettYwedding was solemnized on Wednesday, May 27th, at 5 o'clock at Pleasant View. Blyth, the home of Mr and Mrs Geo J. Bowes, When their Second daughter, Miss Rosie was Married- to Mr. Thos. Colson; of Muskoka. The bride look- ed sweet in a gown of cream embroid- ered* chiffon,with white ribbon- trim- mingstand pearls, and carried cvshow- er boquet of Mlles of. the valley and .maiden hair fern. She was given away by her father,and enteredIthe drawing room to the strains of thebridal march played bo Miss Dale, of HOlmesville, a cousin: The ceremony Waslperformed by the Rev S Anderson, of Blyth, in the presence of about 90 guests from • Ilarlock, Kinburp; .01inton, Seaforth, Molnlesville,Goderich, Muskoka, and Blyth. There wasa beautiful lot of cut glass; silver and china, and other' articles, gifts to the brideanost notice- able Was an old silver teapot in beau- tiful condition, which had been wed- ding present to the .groom's grand- mother, -and a cut glass and Sterling silver biscuit 'tar from the bride's par- ents. After the ceremonya magnifi- cent wedding dinner was served, to which all did ample justice. The even- ing- was spent in music, games, a,nd friendly intercourse. The young people will immediately take up their -resi- dence On the farm recently purchased hythe groom from Mr -Murdoch -Ross. They have our best wishes for a long and happy weddedlife. . ' • Auburn Large assortment of Linoleums,' Oil Olathe' Carpets, Lace Curtain. Curtain • Screens,. Creatons, and Wall Papers. Butter, Eggs and Potatoes wanted. for Cash or Trade. W. T. RIDDELL,. Warm -Mr Charles Robertson, who has.beian attending the Central Busi- nese College, Toronto, has completed the course and taken a situation in - an Insurance office. • POLITICAL -A good audience gather- ed on Monday night, notwithstanding the fact of it being a holiday, to hear the political issues of the day diSCUSS- ed. The meeting was held in' the in- terest of Mr Proudfoot, Mr Sohn Fing- land being • chairman. The speakers Were the candidate himself, Mr Proud - foot, Mr R. Holmes, and Rev J Elliott, whonppeared on behalf of Mr Porter. • LondesborO NOTES. -Rev Mr Currie exchanged with Mr Jones, of Auburmon Sunday. Mr Barnard. of Hamilton, is a visitor at the raanse, Miss Smith, of Hamil- ton, accompanied by„eix.ether. young ladies of the Sable place. spent Sunday and Monday .at the manse ; they Were certainly a lolly ' bevy of Hamilton . beauties. Misses L Young, R RiIe, E Mains, and E Lyons were all home for the 24th. Mr H. Holmes is. away for a trip to Owen Sound. . There are a lot of changes to be made by ourresidents iffa fere-dayiii eolese than six families will move. The Presbyterians held a meeting Wednesday night to arrange about the let of. July festival, • POLITICAL -A well attended meeting in the interests Of Mr,-. W. Proudfoot • was held here on Tuesday night, The chair was occupied by James Snell. while the SpealtOrS were Reeve McMil- lan, B and W Proudfoot.' VICTORIA DAY CELEBRATION _Fine weather induces large crowd to witness good sports. . The athletic sports,under the, auspic- es of the Clinton Citizen's Band, -on Victoria pay, proved to be a . great s arawing-card, and although the mone- tary part was net the prime- consider- ation, enough of the Material was gathered in in to pay all expenses, and perhaps add a little to the treasury. The band provided genuine good MUSIC throughout the ehtireday: The first game called was a Junior football match between Bayfield. and Clinton. Both teams put up a good One, and at the &deli the result stood in fever of the home team, , by the score of 1-0. .A return game will be played in the near future. Line up :- "G TarimaYsfi..P.rd. ICIP.-BlInta°1ntlead-..-- B'Mbore...:. fall back., .*.E Mason• • • - 0 Toms . . ...... M O'Donnell B Pollock.- .haliback ..B' Disney W Leatheh.. , McKenzie E Sturgeon .. . . , R Vincent Mc Leol.... forwards... • H Disney R Sturgeon, AMit,chell L Lilly.. Forrester M Ross.. .... ..... T ,Churchill A Roherts ... . . . ... Ohapmen. The first attraction in the afternobp Was' a lacrosse match, between: two local town teams,known as the Tecum- Behr; and Maple Leafs. 'Should the par- ticipants in this game continue to handle the stick., we predict a good lacrosse season an oplinton for next year, Line-hp:- Tecumsehs • Maple -Leafs E, Mitchel. .,.goat" R McConnell T . B. Witts :• • B Halstead TrowliM.. . . .... M O'Donnell F Rumliall • ...:J Levy B Greig . . Levy II Disney.. ...home G McKenzie 0 O'Neil.... ,P Grigg • 100 yards race-lst-- W Weir. and - W, McQueen. 50 yards race (boys) 1st 0 Trowill, 2nd -W McQueen. Wheel. barrow race - 1st Wassrean and Mitchell. 2nd -Grigg and Cook. ' Po- tato race-4st J Levy ; 2nd -- Wings" man. Girl's 2.5 *nisi race-tet-Letam Elliott ; 2nd, Lulu Howe. Girls' 50 yd race - let M ()bowels ;2nd - Daisy Leeburn NOTES -A meeting was held at the Temperance Hall onitlaturdaa evening, in the interest of the coming election; Rev Mr Elliott and Me Robertson of Goderieh, were the speakers and the meeting saw a good attendance and was kept till a late hour. Mr Richard Gliddon visited relatives near Hamil- ton returning home on Tuesday. Mrs H. Horton and her sone, also Mr. Alex 'Mutton spent. the 25th with friends in Stratford. Mrs Owen Moore and her three sons left Tuesday afternoon to Visit her sietefiMrs Geo FreeMan of Nairn. Miss one, of Goderish,sgent • the holiday with her friend, Jean hit - ton, Miss Edna Taylor, of Goderich, spent the 25th with her parents here. The W P M Society hold their month- * meeting at the schoolroom on Wed- nesday afternoon of last week and a report was given of the ProviticialOon- vention held at Torento in the first Week of May. Our pastor, Rev. Mt, Hamilton, expects to leave on Tuesday fune 2nd, for Winnipeg, as a delegate to the Assembly, His people Wish him safe journey, a_happy time, and safe return. 1 14 14 Sallow% Goderiph, has received •Et tootraat from a &With &no.' Men*. facturing picture postcards to supply' views of over thirty cities and "towns in Ontario. smatunielf 112 aztrAtvars Corner Stone Laying Owing to the appointment of Bishop McEvoy to the position of Archbishop at Toronto, he will not be stole to Is the Corner St0130 of St Joseph Church Clinton. next Sunday, as announced. The ceremony will be performed at 3,80 by Right Reverend Monsignor Meun- ier, of Windsor. The sermon will he Preached by Rey. rather Ayleyard.• Rector of St Peal* Clathedral,London, and priests from other parishes will be Present, The public are invited to thole services. Personal Notes Mr James Flynn Spent the 24th with Port Huron Wends, visMitrinnglirlielVticniveens; hcefrSet.. 11,1 Mtes Susie Mulll has been visiting Mrs a E Brcoks, of Mitchell, visited at Mrs Ed Oanteloo's this week. • Miss Butler, who has been visiting in Flint, Mich, has returned to town. Miss Lily Butt, of Chathatn, Tent her sister, Mrs Jas witchell. a few days at home here this weel. er, and Mrs A Foster, of arietiffted at Mrs Ea Oatitelores.. Dr Gunn assisted in an operation for appendicitis at Seaforth last week: Mr Mbert •Seeley went to Parkhill last week to instal a gasoline engine. Mr Sibley left town for NOW York on Wednesclay,being tieketed. by F. It, Hodgens. Miss Sadie Mahaffy, of town, ' has been visiting Mrs Janne Miller, of the base line. • • Mr Henry Smith, of Stratford, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs J.Smith, Mary street. , • Miss Gertie MeTayish, of Stratford; was the guest Of ,atirs Ed Scruton, over, the holiday. ' G T Dockrill, the genial travelling ,peseenger-agent ot the C: town last week. . Mrs Brown, of Londeshoro, spent a few days this weekwith herdaughter, Mrs Thos Lawson. . Mrs Snell, and daughter, of Seaforth, were visitors at the lhome of Mrs. H. Warren, this week, ' .Mrs Chambers- received- -word on her brother at Hensel!. Wednesdity, of of the serious illness, of. Mr Robert Biggart has gone on a trip to Weyburn, Sask.,being ticketed through by Frank Hodgeirs. ' Mr and Mrs James Miller, of the base line, spent a couple of days last week with Mr and Mrs Will Lindsay, Goderich. ' • . Rev 3 Kenner and wife,: of Mitchell, formerly of Clinton, have left on a the erewe west, month's visit to their children h M Tiezzo, sr., on May llth 'eel-. ebrated his 771h birthday by Working hard in his garden all day ; he's pretty active for an Old Man. . • Messrs Sue. Johnsten - and Jaime, •Steep will leave Saturday for a ten: days' Outing 'up the. Mad Rivet in search of speckled trout. • Arthur Bean, son of the late John Bean, who is teaching neat Qu'Appelle has been successful in obtaining the degree of B. A, with second class honors, • . . . . The district meeting of the A. 0.1;. W. was held at Stratford on Wednes- day eyening,Mi R J•Cluffrepresentine Clinton, and Mr IV, Baer, district or- yanizair„. Wart -being present. . , • Mr A 0 Pattison ticketed the follow- ing persans wort this Week :-- Ma's • Annie McDonald to.StratheOna; John, Alex, and J 0 Weston to Saskatoon; John Policia to Winnipeg. Mrs Milne. Who has been at Lleya- ;minster for some time, returned to town on Friday. She speaks very en- couragingly of the west..and says they are looking forward to good times, ,A.niong the holiday visitors to town were Miss Callender and Mrs. W. A. . Cooper, of London. both daughters of the late John Callender, who were guests of their uncle,Mr J Rattenbitry.. We an, sorry to learn that Mrs Far- quhar, Albeit St., is seriously fil at the home of her son-in-law,Mr A Mo- rrell ; Mrs Matheson,. Rattenbury St., ,ie, also seriously ill, and Mee Whitely, Huron St. . After the races came an exciting Base Ball match beeween two local teams, captained by Messrs. Hawkins ann W. Johnston the latter team winning. Score 822. At 8.30 in the evening a footballe battle royal took place between the intermediate W F A team of Goderich and a picked team of Clinton. This was a strenuous gam throughout,and while the local players hardly* expect- ed to defeat the visitors, they were fortunate enough to hold them down to the score of 0-0. • ' We were unable to procure theliee-up The band contain in the evening Was largely patronized, When a concert is prepared Of such excellent local tal. en t as those who participated, is al- most certain of meats. Among those taking part were A ar P A Orchestra; Sole, Jae. Doherty, It. DOWiltill Ontario Street Male Quartette, Haaland.Weir Gibbing% Downs ; Miss Gertie Chant: vitae • Miss Clete Pord, pia110 ; ex- Mayor'.1100Ver distributed the prizes. Others who Were on the prograniwere unable to take part. North Huron. Maetinr in the interest of Mr, t held as follows St. Ileteris-June 3rd 4' fantail. June4th, to be addrestred by Dr Macdonald and Geo*. H. Mooney. Dungannon -June 5, to he addressed by Thos. McMillan, reeve of and G Murdock, Of taiokeow Orirrie, t 6 Liberal ,candidate, Wid be WANTS:D.-50,0M Mi, Wool. Itiehon orate Paid, also any dUltittitY linker and Eggs. , GEO. E. RING, wingbana. *National Dyspepsia Tablets • afford immediate and permanent relief in cases ofindigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, etc. One tablet will give ymi a whole lot of com- fort. 50C ' a 'box. W. A. McConnell • Phna, B. •V• • 0.P.R. Telegraph Agency. Whith&11,111M cal.& ex wouvies TJI•131 R 110 G I -S You will be :•donvinced that his tJAIR• BRUSLIESAI at 20e, 35e, 50e end tdo are the'laest Value that ever casne to Clinton. HERP1CIDg • is a delightful hair dressing and -Positive cure' for Dandruff and falling hair. . W S. R.Flolines Phm. Manulocturing akimitit* ose61"*. 50c willpay for the NEW Ene toNevr - Subscribers for the balance ot the year •••••.,•••••••*4,0•••••••••• SUPERIORITY, thoroughness, • progrativeness utility, enthusiasm, expertness are our watchwords. Commer- cial. Stenography.. Telegraphy. . Mail Courses in any -subieet. No vacation. • Clinton. nnsiness "College Geo. Spotton. - Principal. • 1111t*•••••00041411111.44111,•••• Mr Bert•Bean, who recently bought the 14 odney. News, and improved it greatly; has resold it; And for the present taken a job in Toronto with •the Mail Ijoiroffice, where he Was em- ployed before. _ W B Teylor,eon of Mr Jacob Taylor who has been attending Trinity (lot. lerre, Toronto, haa gone west, where be expecte to take pp teaching for the summer months, rte left for Regina, on Tuesday,being ticketed through by W Jackson. The wife of Rev W Jolliffe leaves in three weeks on a continental tour. She accompanies a sister and other friends who are (ping on one of the Withrow touts, and will be away several months. Ming-Ohne% Of Itolmesville, will also accompany the iarty. • The.Citizens Band will give an open. air concert to -night:. The contract for the boring Of the test well has been signedbyl theldayor, and it is expected that work in connec- tion therewith will be undertaken at once. There was ionie defeat in the first contract, hence the delay. The Business Men's, Association will meet for luticheon and business at Nimens pale at 8 o'clock on Friday evening. The credit system will be further discussed and Other questions •of vita imp4tance *ill be considered, 'WHITE DYKES' ENTERTAINED -Monday evening last The White Dyke Band was entertained by Col. Hoare, our local knisic man, at, his comfortable residence, at the Mirth end of QI16611 St. Ice cream, cakes, et% Was hospitably dispensed. The even. ing was enlivened, by several excellent selections of music by the band', and also instrumental solo and duets by its members. After darkness made thr appearance, a very fine displey of fire- works was indulged in, Mr Hoare in- forms us that this is only the first of a series of such entertainments the people of that end of the town will enjoy this summer. Having purchased the prop. erty wellAtnown as the Wm. Robb home, he hag greatly' improved its ap- pearance in ninny ways. has the entire plaee planted out With small fruits, etc aticl is itegotietirer 'for •the parchase of edditional ptopetty, Whichie.?to be 'utilieed ale° fot the fruit industry. 61413 SHOES -7\ po NOT GAPE AT • — THE ANKLE ( • Empress Shoei.halte set a standard' for 'Style and quality that. has I placed' themamongst the highest grade work.. They act .as a magnet for the better class of trade. The customer who hays the Empress Shoeinvari- ably conies back; thee, why we sell them. R. J.CLUFFlcilintovi THE 111 0 L SON BANC, noorporated by Act ef Parliament Ilia 0 cipital Authorized • . $5,000,0 itpital paid up , . $3,872,06 • geserve Fund. . $3,312,0116 Total AssetsjSieida2,-606;00 IIISAIS OPIUM SIONIIINAL II General Ranking Builliossirrakosimetall *••••••••iii. thrfintre Stank Detiartsketat.NOS ' *1 .80 is all that iS rikittired SO, Oen Account t Money 06111* deSOSIlaa ba biki Or mere titiMesetzbiett tO Withdrawal I* 6 health Interest Paid fOttr Weide. rem . Partnere' Sate Notes scounted �t colleeted at reasOnatila rates. • O E. DOWDINO, — —