HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-05-21, Page 614, • ..Si"Qotro it.n. turn of.s led. lioriblig n bar Increasing their flesk and nerve force. It 'gids baby with the necessary and.mill food is r healthy growth. ALL DRUGQiSTSa 10e, ANQ ELM 006 NOTICE We take pleasure in announcing that Tenders for DredgingC. Aare SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under, signed, and endorsed " Tender for Dredging will be received until Friday May 15th, 1908'" . at 4.90 p.m , for dredging required at the follow. ingiplaoes iu the Province of Ontario:- ' Burlington, Blind River, Beaverton, •Colling- wood, Cobourg. Goderich, Hamilton, Sinesrd- ins, Little Current, Midland. Meaford. Owen Sound. Nigger and Telegraph Islands. Point Edward, Penetapguishine, Port Burwell. Port Elgin. Picton, Rondoau, Summerstown,Thames River, Toronto, Thornbury, Trenton Harbour and Dark Channel, Waubausbone. Wiarton and Wingfield Basin. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the form supplied, and signed with the actual signatures of tenderers. casaba obtained atothe Departmd ent of Public 'Works, Ottawa. Tenders must include towing Of the plant to arid from the works. Only dred- ges' can tie employed which are registered in Canada at the time of the filing of tenders, Contractors must be ready to begin work within twenty days after the date they have been noti- fied of the rccontane° of their tender. An accepted cheque ori a chartered bank, made Payable to the order of the Honorable the Min- ister of Public Works„ for six thousand dollars, (*6,000), most be deposited as securtiy •for the dredging which the tenderer offers to perform in the Province of Ontario. The cheque will be returned in case of non-acceptance of tender, The Department dos not bind itself to ac- cept the lowest or any tender By order, FRED GELINAS, Department of Public Works, Secretary. Ottawa, April 23, 1908. Newspapers will not be paid for this advertise- ,- ment if they insert it .without authority from the Department • Synopsis of Canadian] Nori h -West HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Any even numbered section of Dominion' Lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al- berts ,e, ceptin g l-berts,e,oepting 8 and 26, not reser vad,may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one quarter motion of 160 acres, more or less Applibation for entry must be made in person by the applicant, at a Dominion Lands Agency or Snb-agancy for the dis- trict in whioh the land is situate. Entry by, proxy may; however, be made at an Agency on certain conditions by the. daughter, father, mother, son,g , brother -or sister of an intending homesteader. The homesteader is required to perform,. the homestead duties ander one of the fol. owing plans : • (1) At least six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year for three years. (2) A homestead •x'may, if`hT0 do desires, - perform khe required reeidenoe duties by living on farming- land owned' solely by him, not lees than 80 acres in extent, in she vicinity of his homestead. Joint own.' erehip in land will not meet this regnire- -mens...... (3) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of the homesteader has per- manent residence ease o n farming min land owned solely by him, not less than eighty (80) mores in extent, in the viornity or tha homestead, or upon a homestead entered for by him in the vioir ity, such homestead- er may perform his own residence duties by living with the father or mother. • (4) The terms"vicinity" in the two pre- •oeding paragraphs ie define•i as meaning not more than,,nine miles in a direct line, ,exolusive of the width of road allowances r mimed in the measurement. (5) A Homesteader rutendin.1 to perform. his reodenee duties in accordance with the above while living with parents or on farming land'owned by himself, mast not- ify the Agent for the district of ouch inten- tion. Six months' notice • in writing must be given to the commissioner of Dominion Lando at Ottawa, or intention !apply for stent, W. W. OORY Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.-Unauthorized publication of this deertiten ent will not be paid for, ORTER111 N I�AVIGATION COMPANY SPRING SAIi,IiNGS Lake Superior Division --For Soo and Lake Superior, leave Sartlia 3.30 p.m., May 4, 8, 13. 18, M.27; June 1, 6, 10. Sailing's on May 4. 13, 22, June 1,10. through to Duluth. Freight sailings e addition to above.1- Georglan Bay Division -For Satilt Ste.Marie and way ports, leave .Collingwood 1.30 p.m., Owen Sound 11.80 p.m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. (Thursday Steamer carries limited number of oassengers only.) - North Shore Division -For French River and way ports, leave Collingwood 10.80 p.m.. Monday and Friday. Tickets and information from given eAB s. st, d. Gildersleeve, C. II. Nicholson, MANAgER, TRAYId MMR., COLLINGWOOD. SARNIA. .60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. FATENTS ,TRADE MARKO DEptCNs • COPehidHTS &C. Anyone 1811 it% A eketch and description nisy unfair ascertain Alit opinion. free whether an invention 1s probably patentable Communica- tions strictiy ommunica- tionsstrtot1 confident sal. HANDBOOK onPatentt sent free. Beat agency for eecaringpatents. .t Patents taken through Munn Co. receive) &peelal notice, without charge, in the Jtmerican.. r, qty tilustrnted weakly. Largest oir. ctuaa toc. tday scientific journal. Terms fot ada, 223.7o a year, postage prepaid. Sold by newsdealere. UNN & Co �a"efefosdwzy, NewXlic Stanch Ofaee. 6;a, FSG.Waohi en. -o1f 'refs- Clinton Music Emporium has secured the agency for the sale of Doherty Pianos audtOrgans and is our only authorized agentsale in Clinton and " -t f r the of our instruments, 'and we will thank our numerous friends and customers to him patronize + W. Doherty Piano & Organ eo.Ltd. • . W. Doherty; Pres, 1 vrcrnl y o Mortgage Sale' of Percheron 'Stallions a u d Mares. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will beproducedat the time of sale, there will be offered for sale at public auction, by D. Dickinson, auctioneer, at Lot 40,Con. 1, Huron Road, Tuoliersmith, (1 mile east oClinton, on 'Tuesday, May 26,1908, at 1 p.m„ the following choice Percheron stock:- Velventian (28263 A H. B. A.), 6 years old. • Colosse (49254 A. H B A.), 1 year old. Prosper (6103 A. H B. A.), 2 years old. ` Madam Elmont (15090 F. D. H. A.), 7 years old. Mamie (15989 F. D. H. A.). Christine (15592 F. D. H. A.), 6 years old. Lady Margotin (15988 F. D. 1L A.), 1 year old. Leonia Maid (49354 A. P. 13. A.), 9 years old. The aboveanimals are pedigreed and register- ed. At the same time and place 'will be offered 2Polied Angus cows, 2 Polled Angus calves and other stock and a quantity of farmimplements and machinery, All of the above will be offered for salesubject to roserve'bids. For particulars andterms of sale apply to' MaoDONELL 4 BOLAND Barristers, ' 2 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. or - W. BRYDONE. Barrister. Clinton.; May 5. 1908. KELPION Co:AIMLESS 1001141E ®.41+ EN'• ,,:.. JAS.-. .. A+.. 'FOR .1,,... nacelle( orbntn cm*irticno+ • I { THE W1,01NTQN N W .MoEA. i� BLACK 1HACXERS ; THROW AWA.! LINIMENTS SHOE SIZES. Wonderful Keenness of These Natives of Australia. USED 'TO TRACK CRIMINALS. These Men Are Veritable Bloodhound* and Have a Natural Instinct •For Running Down Desperadoes Who Are. Fleeing From Justice. criminal in Australia knows. that "h a hances for escape are nearly hope- '1 if a "tracker" is put upon his trail with n a day after the crime is discov �c ered.. A "tracker" is a native blank man having a natural instinct for run- ning down criminals fleeing froel jus. blood- hounds, l Thos men .are veritable nod fico. These hounds, and their strange power is pos. sessed by no other race in the world. So implicit is °the confidence felt in them by the police that when a black starts out upon a man hunt the officer who goes with him merely,. follows in his wake. He does pot question him or in any way interfere with him, but, leading Ms own horse, allows the guide h ver direction he leas to go in w ate ti pleases, no matter how apparently'reasonless his course may seem. Tlie most slfccessful trackers are. in Queensland, "near the edge of New South Wales. They will travel any distance, animated by no feeling of ha- tred a- tred,tor their'gtiarry., but oily desirous of proving `their expertness. The re• ward they ask' is absurdly small .for the long and difficult trails., .A. few shillings or some cheap bracelets, rings, and so on, quite satisfy • them. They have no idea of the value of money, Ruin is their great weakness. Once a tracker was employed to lo- cate some valuable trees for a timber man. He had to travel some forty 'miles through a forest so dense that it was necessary to cut. his way "through with his tomahawk. All he asked for was a bottle of ruin, while the. timber - merebant derived over £2,000 from the , sale of the trees. The following description of.:a••man -hunt, will convey a clear idea of the dangers and -•hardships to be endured: In this particular . case the tracker was a splendid specimen of manhood. The usual loin garments of kangaroo skin he had exchanged for a light cov- ering of''cotten eloth provided -by. the police. • He led a horse, so as to make time in the open country districts where the runaway's footsteps • could be seen from a horse. The hunt was very earnest, because the fugitive had • stolen some cattle. In:Australia the. crime of cattle' stealing is most se- verely dealt with and considered a,seri- ous offense. ' The offender - was a well seasoned • us man cunning and acquainted with• b h u nag q the tactics of the trackers. Further-' more, he had two days'..start of his •pursuers. To accompany a chase like this. is awesome, the iitter..silence and desola- tion of the .. woods is.. so depressing. Then, too, the trails .are .deceptive, of- . ten leading' to a deserted• wood camp beneath a foliage so;dense. that it is impossible even to• catch a glimpse of I the sky. ; I)artness closes in very quickly in the mountain regions, and by nightfall the tracker and 'his mu - 1 ployer were glad to reach an "aecom- � modation -house;" or rancher's home, where' such as these were usually. wel AUCTION SALE . -OF- Town . Properties ;and Household Fu>s niture r The •andertigned has received_ instructions from the executors of the lute Root: Dawns, to sell by Public Auction, on the Market Square_tiinton • at2 p•rn„.on ' SATURDAY, Ma'y 23rd TOWN PROPERTIES -No 1. Lot 125, High Street. Clinton. There is a• large and com- modious house with. 10 rooms and 2 ballsa. quarter acre of land, planted with plum. apple, cherry, . and small . fruit trees ; 'hard and 'soft water wells, also, a good stable on the premises. No 2. Lot No. 130, Townsend Street, containing. al quarter acre: ,this is in a • good location. No 3, The evaporator property consisting of a quarter acre of land, with a building 30x60 ft. 2 storey highon the premises. This .property will be sold subject to a lease by Town & Case.' No 4. The store on Albert Street, Sub. 20 of. 253; Sub. 7 of 262. with 22 feet fronta'ae; No, 5. Park Lots Nos. 2, 3, 4, all in the Diusley terrace. Being portions of Lot 36, Con. 1. Stan- ley. On the property is a comfortableframe house of 7 rooms, with kitchen and woodshed, alsoa good barn and, stable. There is a good orchard of different fruits. No 6. An 18 Horsepower boiler and engine in, the evaporator. --These-properties•.will• be-offered-subiect to- re- serve bids. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -2 Bed room suites, 1 Parlor' table, 1 Extension table, 1 Bureau, 1 Large book case complete, 1 Side -board 1 Par- lor for suite, 2 wardrobes,.2 Kitchen •tables:'1 .CUP - board, 1 Lounge, 1 Sewing machine, in good working order, A number of Blacksmith's tools, A number of Bird Cages, also several good pictures. and, many other articles to numerou9, to mention. ' TERMS OF. SALE -Household furniture, etc„ Cash. The Real Estate; 10 per cent. at time of sale and the balance in BO ; 4rsi' •a IJAS.. SMITH. Auctioneer. along as swiftly ad possible. The way Notice to Creditors. ' was extremely rough, and mile after In the matter of the estate of John ane was covered through wild offences v he Town of -Olin- until a stranger would surely think the McCiar a, late of th w g Y ton,in County iof Huron, deceased. �guide was playing a basing game. At At Notice is hereby given pursuant to5ec 38 ofbhap n0 'time could they ride, and it was 129' R. S. O. 1897, that all persons baying claims with great difdculty/thatthey reached against the ;estate of. the late John McOarva, who died on or about: the 4th day of April, 1908, a sort of: clearing, where the horses are required on or before the 1st day of June, I were tied andcamp struck. for the 1903, to deliver or send by post prepaid to the , undersigned executrix, of the last will and testa- . night. Tearing 'huge strips of bark comed and allowed to put, up for 'the night. At this house the o!$cee; tried to hear tidings of his man, but no one had seen him, All the next day the black fellow led ment of the said John.McGarva, their christian and surnames, and of and descriptions, the full partieurars . of'their claims the estate= ment of their, accounts and the nature of the securities [if any) held by them, And take notice that after the said 1st' day of ' uhe, 1908, the said executrix will proceed to. distribute the assets of the said estate' among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the blaiine of Which she shall then have notice and the said executrix will not he liable for said assets or any part thereof, to any person or per- sons of whose claim • notice shall not have been received at the time of Buell distribution. Dated at 3linton, the 28th day of April. 1908. 3fri MARGARET McGARVA, Executrix, ,m.asn11k ' ori W= • -,Z717, The V a •.""'°B-•"r`-"„n�•-. m�e Materials, combined with skilla our Bread, Cakes and Pastry the most delicious you ever tasted, you can save fuel, time and money by purchasing all your Bakery products from us, de- licious in every morsel. Don't forget our choice line of -Confectionery also fruits of all kinds in season and atlow- 98t price. " "`"`i 'tom;•'.' iii " !Cash or t tee tc Bu -tor and Eggs: W. W NIMI N� Phone 42 eiinton. JAS. A. FORD r:plhitl ,.EI3 IN - lour and geed from the trees and wrapping blankets. around theni `each:' lay on the concave' surface of one for a bed and rested. At -noon the neat 'da a bushman's y cabin was reached, and there the tired horses were_ _ tethered.. The Bunters - then proceeded on • foot. Another night in the forest, and the fourth day found these •intrepid ;hunters' making their way : through underbrush peculiar to Australia, called "lawyers and barris- ters," • because its thorns ,end Bram- bles catch one at every turn. Once the guide hesitated, turned back and struck off in another direction down an em- bankment, the rest tumbling after him. A wild chase that must have been! Two white men following the appar; ently mad actions of a black fellow into places so remote that it would have been impossible to find the way out of them alQ,pe, but such is the con- fidence in that country in the faithful- ness and ability of a tracker. He now crawled for the greater part on his hands and knees, minutely examining twigs and branches for signs of a fresh- ly • broken passageway. for the . f ugitiee. Be was about ten feet ahead. of the others when .he gave • a subdued ex- clamation of delight. "1 catch white feller: quick!" he said. and pdtnted to a scrap of cloth clinging to a broken twig. 1i'our hours more and a river was reached. There in the damp earth°of the bank two footprints were plainly seen, The tracker leaped into the river and • struck 'ant for the ,opposite side. Emerging upon the other bank, he,ran, ''dripping, for twenty feet or so, follow- frig footprints that had again stopped at the water's edge. Then the trailer paused. • He was plainly puzzled. What had become of the cattle thief? gale he recrossed the river or swain down as far as he,cotild and landed on either bank, then struck 71, Here's: the. 'ueroription tot ' Cure Rheumatism.. . Ltalmelite only (teach the akin and the nluecles ` directly under the akin. Now,liniments can't cure Rheurlla- tism. They Amply deaden the nerves for a time. -When the effect wears away, the pain returns worse than ever. • • If the ocwele do not move reguIa '1y -It the kidneys are strained or weak -if the skin is dry^ or 31eiifeh-the blood is euro to be tilled with impart - ties or urea. Thdg tiles i» o1 Cleged into uric acid which Is the, poison, that causes rheumatism. Now, the only -possible way to cure Rheumatism isoto prevent uric . ad from being formed. Logically*,th race. e oruly way to do thisis to keep kid- neyis, bowels and skin in. good working order, and prevent die stomach from being too acid. And. the only way to do this is to take "bruit-a-tivea" These marvelous tablets of fruit ' juices and tonics act directly on the three av'eat eliminating or ane -bow.' els, •kiidneys and akin --end put. them in perfect condition. That t ie t he-only sem'et of. their great success in curing - rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago, 50c 'a box -'-6 for $2.50. "Frult-a-' tives," Limited,, Ottawa AGENT NT POE, Vook'S Cotton Root Compoutl Massey i Harris Machin ery. tntii the woods again? After sharply examining the ground . the troubled wide swam back and leaded a few yards below his party. By his actions they saw that be had found the tracks .again The criminal had indeed crossed the river, but where had he gone after that? Trust a tracker to solve riddles: Of that sort! Suddenly he began uncover- ing ncovering the leaves and twigs between him and the other two men until he reach- ed them., They were sitting beneath a huge eucalyptus 'tree. White feller 130 fool .black feller" he said,: smiling, wet and breathless.. Then It was seen that the fugitive had carefully• covered up his tracks by • walking .backward. Strange to relate,_ these tracks terminated under the very tree where the party were seated. But apparently the man huntwas finished." The game -bad vanished into space! The tracker, dashed into a thicket and hastily secured a• strong, pliable vine,, used by the •natives to scale tree trunks too smooth to climb., This .he threw about flip tree and began to ascend it. The others looked on in as- tonishment, Upwent the black until thirty feet in the air; then those below' noticed that the •wain trunk of the tree had been broken off years before, form ing a crotch for the new, branches that hadsprang on either side. • �s. u g P A. most astonishing thing happened. Reaching down into the hollow of the half; dead tree trunk, the tracker seized. something, at the same thne.:shouting to' the officer beneath: "Boss, boss, I catch white teller! He play possum!". Out of the opening.' appeared a man's head, and a more wretched object could never hake been seen. He .was tousled, dirty, gaunt, half starved. `- In due course be paid the penaltyof his .-crime._::. .He said_ ..thilt, kne n&: L tracker would be put upon his trail, he Tho groat Uterine Toni t g only sato effectual M Regal whichPah depend, Sold ie of strength- No. 1, ell 10 degrees stronger ; owe,.. for epochal owe,. •-• Sold. by all paid on ri The Way 'They Were Arbitrarily Fixed. by a Frenchman. Steel/lege have always been meas tired` by the inch from heel to toe, but the numbering of shoes was fixed a long time ago by a :Frenchman, and it's so long ago that only one New York. dealer could be found who knew anything about it, Even he didn't know the inventor's name, The Frenchman permanently red the numbers of oboes for an Europe and America. He arbitrarily decided that no human foot could possibly be smaller than three and: seven -eighths Inches, so, calling this point zero, he allowed one-third of an inch to a size and so built up his scale. Consequent ly a man cannot find out the number of 11!q own shoe unless be is an expert at exact arithmetic. And even thele he is likely to go wrong, because all of shoe experts allow for the Weight the individual andthe build of his foot before they try to determine what shin shoe he ought to wear. As far as women's, shoes are concern• ed the problem Is still more difficult, because many 'of the manufacturers instead of keeping to the regular Seal% have marked down: their numbers one or two sizes in order to capture cash, r this reason flattered customers. Fo most dealer ask out of .town qurtosi- ere to, send an old shoe with their old dors, . The system of measuring hats is muck simpler. _ Any man can tell ,what also he wears by simply adding the width and length of the inner rim and then dividing by two. Orderscan alsobe sent • to the stdrekeeper by stating tbs circumference of the head Mlnard's Liniment Cures Burns, ate , Something New Now is•the time to place your order for a NEW 'WIRE FENCE before'tlie ndvance n wire. All !lolled Spring Fire used. Also agent for the Celebrated Heintzman Piano Frank W. Evans A. gent Canadian Fence Do., WALL - PAPERS !RAT GOBS'' -a: , 1 am agent for the Consum ers'. Wall Paper Co., Windsor,.. and am offeringthese goods • at cost, in order . to introduce them. The patterns are new, :and nei old stock, ' 1 will hang• 'them at`"Ioc a roll, from .now. to: the istof April. • • ell and ening Papers •and. Borders all, at`seme price. had hoped to give him the;.impression G'LINTON thatbe had been drowned while ewim- ming the river. ' Trackers have a' horror of travelling after dark, being constantly, in, fear, of 'meetifig'the bunylp, a . fearful :: monster_ with glaring eyes,. which they believe old lie the spirit of an o d 'abori 'ginal king : who roams around the swampy land at night 'ha catch black men. You can frighten trackers half out o!• h ou send , their wits by tellingthem will m . y ed in rice, and borders:same • the bunylp after them. They also .be•. P sieve that' a grant lives on mountain price per roll as wall and cell tope, waiting to kill them with .a:club; hence they never sleep on top 'of a mountain or• near a swamp, always Welling their brush tents, or mimfs, near a • dry and level spot. Their only religious, belief is that a big god who has been asleep for ages will one -day awaken and eat up the whole world. Reductions. •in Wall Paper. We ate offering 'Bargains in Wallpaper. per. All stock reduc ing. Large stock from: which to select. We trim all Paper FREE and do all kinds of Painting and ' Uecoreting. Window Shades, RoomMould- ing, ready -mixed paint,: Var- Nay nisi, 1 8. Hat;9- UP :Your _Watch..-:.- nish. stains and .Floor Finishes The question whether it is better to ' .wind a watch at night or in the morn= kept in stock, also Floor Oils. • ing was discussed at a meeting sof' the.+, T.. SMITH British Watch and Clock Makers' guild. The London Express took up the •sub f ' . jest and obtained the views of George Isaac St. Russell; an expert on.tiineptecek. •'Giv- Next door to Morrish & Crooke, en a good watch,It does not matter in the least whether you wind it at night or in the morning," be told the reporter. "But a watch. never keeps the same: time when the position ,is constantly altered. Watches which are sent to Kew and which are 'tested in severe! positions rarely'• keep the same time. The moral to be drawn,therefore, is keep your watch as mpch .as possible in the position In which you wear it during the day. In other words, bang. your watch up at night." ' e sacci heNeW:Er,L From now to'the „end of, • . the year Pot 50 @eats In order to add as many :new subscribers asnossible to our list, L we have -determined to offer the • • paperof . ° t from now to the end the year, TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS, for the Unusually low price of _y Half - a - Dollar. We will mail it • to any address -in Canada for ' this amount, e New gives .:: a � large amount nt of home week, and at the price news every ..:: we are offering ` it, it is better 'than ` a � weekly letter to any. old faiend • or member of our family '..w.ho is. away. Turns Bad Blood Will Rids Red Blood. No other remedy pcwMwas aui pork* deanng hiding and p ProPertyd heals Sores, Mere, Abscesses, and all Eruptions. Internally, restores the 'Stoats* Liver, Bots els and flood be beak* action. Ir your appeti a ii pont. yonr energy gone, your aatblsiee B.B.B. moot. you .,to.t [. g=esstarfodsti( $(f, iattdd,apfeabYtbbbins,atd., t Seed lllif1lsnt. eLI1relis • ,`: N, ...qutea.,ToAQNa ltmeat Vd� . Vis. 1,'l. r'N� ,yl�` ,,Ly' ri�'' M �-•;ii+Y.'r� 0n'hisown 11 k Strange to say, there are ernumber of •peo1310 in the country who do not • seem to understand that I ala on my Ownhook, so' to convince them of the fit,nt. I hay . above inserted my photo. a' My anonn is three doors north of the Norman le hotel, where there is as chafe() a stock of Fancy Worsteds Tweeds, .Panting_s, Over -coatings and black and blue Worsteds es _found any place. tr Suits made to order on short ,tiiotie Kindly give its a call, and inspect; lE yourself. 12-A.. DOWN .. 6111 elOrwtent +Ith IIrlpllp , e merchant "bailor, w Clinton, tae and get the benefit of - as long a timeas pos sihle, at this reduced price. e 50 'eents•t,o End of the Year. IIOLMJ3S, PU.BL1•SHl R... 11111.11.1111.111.11111011.110111111111.11111011111111111111111.1111.11011111111 r`�