HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-05-21, Page 3'44
se e •
3faY tisk
Partridge Wyandotes.
.03/ ILO. Rorke, 011otone .
The Origin of the Wyandotte Welly •
.440448 ter back as the 70's of the 140
century when by cie.veralerosees of the.
• then leading varieties the $11Ver Wy-
andotte Was 'produced. Tete 7 eare later
came the. Golden% Nearly anothere
• decade paseed when the While* were
produceci. 'These in turn were follow-,
• ed by the Partridge and Buffo. Later
glue! leaf !Opiates. re-Ot
Aloe Foallatife Wrsetor Silo%
Lana aail at mew
Seeder am silo* , •
~rem, raisrAtacnt,
FON 141.0* VOW
came the Silver Pencilled, Celumbiang
and Blacks, making,in all eight varle-
, ties of the most excellent utility few',
' The Wyandotte is very justly design- '
ated 'the bird. of eurves," there being
'nothing angular or ungainly in their
;Make up, from beak to tail, from
wattles to toes a delightful •combine,
tion of arbhed neck, beinitifdly curved
back, full rounded breast, iskese fluffy'
thighs, set .upon short, • firm, bright
Yellow slaanks, '
ele a utility fowl the Wyandotte,
easily riinke first:They are active,ex-
cellent foragers, tame, hardy, and
thrive in exposed positions. The chicke
mature rapidly! the cockerels often
Teaching the weightof three pounds in
12 weeks, and the pullets usually coin-
•mence to lay when five to silt months
old. They are espeeially prized 00
Winter egg producers. For a conibin.
ation egg and market fowl any variety
of NY'sranclotte will fill the bill, . while
their variety af color gives every fan -
der ainple opportunity to indulge his
i taste in regard to pleimage. ,.. .
For the Fancier or. utility lateeder,
• the Partridge Wyandotte cannot be
• equalled. Look at their color and
,form. . In pnimage veil, fine, • glossy
and even. They are one of the most
beautiful of etandard breeds; The rich
1 red and mahogany exidkreen and black
feathers of the Male Ltheir red eyes
and fine rose en.galia,• Their erect,ear-
riage they hold And fearless attitede
stamp them At once as "Kings among
birds."• , ,,
**the fine facing in the pluinage.of
the female foundation, color, dark ma-
• hogany triple -laced -with, fine glossy
blank. They combine the beautiful
'shape of the ,'true standard -One of.
W.Yeleellotteewith.the 'delightful liefibif-
- 'ling of the Cochins and Homburgs.. A
suitable fowl for the ,open fields, the
lawne or the 'city bitekvard. 'Wherever
Rourid Trip:
I- •
Returning, Monday. June 22
E. H. Ayer, Excursion Agent . •
'CHILDREN Onsoriolt.sit
Leave Detroit for Goderich 800 "-..1,71,
„ (Leave Port Huron 112 noon): •
FRIDAY, JUNE, 19th. •••'"=11,
-Central time, arrive in Goderich, 6.00
[ 8 p. m. Friday., June 19th:
Leave GO-clentich fo-r-15"etrait; feiFiriree
Saturday, June 20th, Canada Time,
arrive in Detroit, 4.00 p. meeeteee;
, .
Leave Detroit for Goderich 1.00 p.
Monday, June 22nd„ Central lime.
.. • •(2.00 p. m. Canada Time )
Leave Goderich tor Detroit 8.30 a. rile .
Tuesday, June 23rd, Canada Time.
Shorthorns for Sale
good yoeng bull/LID:pad 12 inonthe_old,
Sired by Duke of Richmond,and bred from
good isowe,eriees to--.snit-the thaw. Also -
a quantity- cf good seed barley. • '
(Minton P.O. .
fanciers and utility breeders. •
Pasturage •
Haying tented the Draper Farm; I am
prepared to take in e. limited number of
cattle for summer. Plenty of water.
4in C. W, WILLIAMS, itolmesville
..••• '
16CA:pyriihe ip•r ,,,
• ,,,,,,,,,
-• -•
•seep they, ;will Arrest the artistic eye
•of the beholder, and charm the meet
fastidious lover of beautiful fowl. : For
the fancy they. 'cannot be beaten, al
ways ready for the show room and
•always the 'most achlaired by yisiteee to
•thesbows. • • ' •
In regard to their laying qualities
they are prolific layere Of good , sized
rich brown eggs. They will lay eggs
all winter it properly cared- for, and
"the winter layer is the beet payer."
The cold Weather effects them very
little as nature has weltfeathered them
.and thin rose meths are seldom if ever
touched by frost.
The young chicks are very hardy and
activeebeing like -the older birds, greet
workers.. They grow geicklyand make
fine bioilere. and 'being the color of ,
Partridges; are not easily Seep' by
haWks and , :crows, thereby escaping
the ravages ef these pests, whicheome
lighter colored varieties suffer. ' .•
: -The Partridge Wyandotte has not
been boomed, to such an extent as
some of the other varieties of stand:
ard bred poultry, but go to any big
showand see the • notice . they elicit.
See that fitet prize cockerel' haw he
shines:Arid how proud he looks,certain-
ly the embcclimeut of geed looks. and.
to all who see him proof, of tbe 'value
nf pure breeding. .
The • Partridge Wyandotte
Americ has the future of this . lirand
ing by all honorable means to meike
)(newel -to- thepublic the intrinsic. worth,
Of thie variety_, disparaging the good
qualities of other breeds, to prase nt
to all its claim for recognition by
• • If any one yvants to prcive his ability,
and•experience the pleasure and de-
light of breeding and • meting ' fine
fowleor desires some chickens to lay
eggs in cold weather or a fine
to make a. dinner fit for a king, to
such a one we say try the 'Partridge
Wyandotte. • •
The writer of thia article will be
pleased to haye any one inspect his
flue pen of this variety of fowl, which.
includes both pale and fetnale birds
that have won valuable 'peizes both at
home and abroad.
' E RORKE . •
President Clinton Ponitry, and Pet
Stock A.ssociation. .
I •
. •
Subscriber is prepared to pasture a
number of :settle during the summer. •
Spring creek, Lot 85, 13h Con. fioderioh
Auction Sale •
'What Boob' e Nidney Pills are Dieing
For Olintan 'People ,
All the Wood in the body pease
through the kidneye every mtee,
• The:Kleiner, filter the blood.
on General
A. Caro for *mom% That 13 I
lolle4V411141;e4hilh4t/11,1**1041 Showing Romorksbie Proots of
, week nkrht day to daily .'"The 0 P shops at 'Winnipeg have VI111313 111 Stubborn (iases
reMote about graine ot impure aosed for two weeke, ,
inapere metter is left in the ti000, A fifties of thefts fromthe Winnie
Matter. If they tall some part of this
bringing 0)1, pain the back,heade,olie, Peg P°e,t°1ffee are rePortedo
dizztaege, irregular heart,hot,dry skin, Betille Stonier. the Unionist
heumatism, dropsyelepositsin date, was elected in North Shropshiree
the urine. Booth'e Kidney Pills make by A majority of 951,
the filtering right And overcome Kid. -Oiande Monet,theetameus Front*: aie
ney trouble. Hundreds of Huron001.1rie tist, utter'y ruined a germs of valuable
tY reeidents have found this out.. paintings by himeellt
hire. j. Oook, of Joseph bp,, Clinton,
oat., says: -"After suffering with 04 Oharlee White, a colored man, hal
severe attack of.la teritee, ne,01 been committed for trial at "Windsor
scarcely get around. A continual dull One hundred and sixty eight teach -
wearing down pain had settled in the ere from London Ont„ visited Buffalo
region of the kidneys awe extended publieschools Tliursclay,
around my aides., Illy head would ache The Mpg has oubscribed one Ufl
constantly and there Was often a dieh red ae toe, ed a B -e- h •
thotigh I knew my sickness, hat weak-
of ° ° Qn ca
lf a and t LI 18 Illein°Z*Ia
feeling. and spots appearing and a
couhleuit tiod anything to benefit me. quittinhis office has done this count -
an advertisement and procuring a box F D Deacon, a well-known AeimOter
at Mr Holme'sPharinacy I Commeneed of Stratford, was arrested on a oherge
treatment. ' It was a comparatively of stealing a prormseory note for -$1000
short time when I had been reltifeed
of the headache and dizziness. My Twenty' six hundred cotton opera -
•eyes began- trie dear ;' and were soon tives in QUebec have decided to accept
strong and well. The pejo- gradually the 10 per cent reduction and return
left ray back and sides•and I strength- to work. • • • ,
oiled. I am very grateful to Booth's .The close season for. hese in Ontario
Kidney Pills for the speedy relief give has been fixed by Dominion order, in
en me and will gladly ereconamend it." . Council from April 15 tO*June 15, beth
Sold by dealers. Price 50c. The R. days leetuaieee .
T. Booth et Clo. 'Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., •
Mr P MeDougaid of winnipeg has
• Sole Canadian Agents. '
been 'appointed* Chairman of the
• WORSE •THAN HISSING. " '" Board of Conciliation On the 0 P R
. • labor dispute. • • - *
red. W Boschen, .stock -broker,
Stone Throwing Was.a Habit In Thev.
titers Of Ancient Greece..
• • Getting .the bird., Writes a cor.ro
.flgoadfalt.' need not alwasis prove a
ern* et' woe to the unfortunateactor,
for there are still seine enatioris that
express their applause by hissing. The
-•liatutos,..fer instanev, and the natives
of the New Hebrides einigOy this meth-
od of expressing their Admiration.
Elven- -among ourselves any interrup-'
tion -of the actor yeho gripe. eur Attene,
"..tioneis witietightiaing "Hush!" cover.
which It. intended'•fe silence the inter- Helpless and starving in a .barn,
. rooter and show our adMiration for this ',04 utifiee?phil 0.:Indeotillekde3;
" Interrupted. ,• -••
• On the whole, .atithore and actereeof
, ,
today elcurike reason to congrathate
themselveti upon the disuse lof ninny* of
:the anCient.preek methecis of showing
ellesatisfaciecri. In the -theater. The
werst that' a playwright' must reckon,
. with nowAS an ironical cry Of "Au-
thor!" ' followed by hoeing. demon-
stration. : But it iseon record tiled the •
Athenian auclienc„e at least once forci-
bly- ejected uesuccessful comic poet -
the theater. The pelting of bad
Actone with vegetables and questiona-
ble eggs is rare now even in tine ,,ree
'encitest provinces.' But the •: Athenians ,
did not dm*, the line at ;figs and oll**
tie inisailee. Aischines Was said nearly
to have been. stoned to -death during
Ida stage career, and .there: is ft etety
d'eaf a second , rate Musician who bier-
rorred. a quantity' of stone. from. it.
friend to'build hOus,e With: prom,isiiiit
Was so tender and wea thee I could for atemPted murder'
ened and eisorclered the lei neve, I Not a single Goyernor-Gereiral after
I learned of.Boot 'ei Kidney Pills thrte ty the honor ef revisiting. it. •
Montreal, with branches • at.. several
points in Ontario and Quebec, has sus-
pended payment. a• • • 'T
Absolutely, all packetteAs and most
bulk teas show the grocer a larger
• profit than "Salada"-but few of them
show as much satisfaction to the cem-
The right arm was abfieost seyered
from the body, a couple of ribs were
Uutthru and the skull -out in tea byethe.
saw The -doctore -think "lie -,W111 re -
Nouse and Lot in Clinton.'
Irhe under.Signed will offer for sale at Public)
Auction, at :the prereises, g
Lot 403,slidneete Street,
coniainbieg a Quarter of an goo, on
Saturday, May -23rd, 1908
e • almsostmo.astar
at 2 o'clock, Pam
On thie property is a. comfortable totigh-east
nonage. The surrotindings itre good% and the
it. •
location is central. ...Qin. •
Vrnirvis.-Ten per cent. on day of sale, balance
In 80 days. • ,:aaljt
For particularearinlY tor. 1"
/AS, MATE, Ontario St,
Before placing your orders for
your season's supply of ()oat, get
our prices. The very best geode
curried in stook and sold at the
lowest pot:Bible pride.
Orders may be left at Davis
& Rowland's Hardivere/store, or
*t Bieetile L,Ight
1, •':
• `.
The Briitality. That Went Wlth War ln
• , Former Tieriesee ' • .
'Bate* a battle' in former timeeethe
priests solemnly deyoted• to 'gods
the Whole • of the hostile army then 'In
'sight,' and,. if possible,: no man. of it
• Wats • left ealivee • When ;Hermann .dee
Coyed the greitt heat. of Verus bito the
/tared depths; all the Remarks that es-
caPed" death in. the. battle . were cap-
tured and led„hato the dark 'recesses,
where, !yeti than Of .theni was snort -
'Aced upon hastily erected altars. .
Lathain; to his. edition of .Tacittis,:'
illiOteS SIX contemporary ' *hi:4/41es to
• AIM that .this Practice of Concluding
a Yletery With human sactifices Was
Customary among our Teutonic mices., :
tors. Some Crucified their prisoners,
others hung them up te trees for arch-
• err practiee, but in general a captive
• was either shiln• on thIs spot or else re-
. seryed to be sacrificed to the gelds:
--Evenewhenethe-regreeseof ei-griettiturtie-
Induced theta to 'keep. malority
the prisoners alive M be slaVei. they '
nripeased the gods for this indignity
by' increasing the tortures inflicted on
the Mall remainder, ; •
Giblent 'desealbes ho*, • before the
blazing filter, every hundredth man's
,,,a.rins were hacked off him and, before
his eyes, thrown into- the flames. ,All
that a red Indian wonid have: done
In the eighteenth century was freely
• preetieedby our ancestors of tn-elve
centuries ago. And the highest ideal
was suffering frona gangrene in both
legs from neglected frost bites.
;Near Singhamptote, Albert Hindle.
18 years of age, employed in Curran
Bros rtable se wnaftle tendertook to
big loge The saw started and Hindle SKYSCRAPERS OF ROME.
When the body becomes weak and.
run down, either from overwork
worry or severe illness, an exam mat -
ion of the blood would iihow it to he
weak or watery. This condition is
called anemia, which ie the medical
term for "bloodieetiness." The cora.
mop symptoms are paleness of the 1
lips gums and eheecks, shortness of
breath and palpitation of the heart
after the slightest exertien, dull eyes
and lose of appetite, Anaemia •itself
is a dangerous disease and may grad -
many pass into consumption, It can
only be cured by treating its cause -
which is the poor condition of the
blood. The blood must bk/ made rich
and red, thereby enabling it to carry
the necessary nourishrn'ent to °Very
part of the 'body.
Dr Williams' Pink Pills are UR;
greatest medicine in the world for
making new ride blood, and they have
been curing.anaenaia and other -blood
diseases featearly ageneration, and
are nnve recognized the world over as
an invaluable household remedy. .•
Mrs D Estabrook, Brooklyn Road,
N 13., says-' My' daughter Gertrude,
who is now in her sixteenth year, was
sickly from early, childhood, we were
constantly doctoring for her, bot it
did net seem to help her in the least
In fact rurshegrew older she seemed
to grow weaker. She was always
pale and listless. suffered from head-
aches, dizziness arid palpitation of the
heart. She did net rest' at night, and
would.often toss and moan the whole
night. Finally she had. CO discontinue
going to school,andese she wail continu-
ally taking docems' medicine without
benefit I grew discouraged thinking
we would ;lose her. Friends urged
us to give her Dr Williams' Pink Peas,
and I -finally decided to do so, By the
time she had taken three boxes there
was 'an' improvement, and a little
later she returned to school,' From
tleat on she grew stronger, had an
-excellent appetite, slept well at night,
and is now .as healthy: a gieLLas you
will -see, I bellefe that Tir Williams'
Pink Pills saved :her, life, and as a
.mother I • would .recommend these
pills to every family in which there
are young grils.
All medicine dealers sen thesepills,
or you caa get them by mail at 60
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from
The Dr Williams' Medicines Co., -
Brockville, Ont. •
m (it
are guaranted to cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia.
The Electro Chemical Ring is not an ignorant -,t3
charm or faith cure, but. a scientific medium for the 1-3
elimination of uric acid from the blood. The secret,
the power, the merit in this ring lies in the coin.
bination of various metals of which the ring is CI
made, no matter what the trouble is, if it is caused 'txi
by excess of uric acid the Electro Chemical Ring
will effect a cure, looks just like any other. ring, '")
can be worn day and night. We guarantee these 14
Rings to do all we claim. Call and examine these tT.1
free the saw yvhich had ammed in a -
was thrown against it.
The 1mrnigratian Departinerit' haS
sent notice to all steamship compan-
ies and booking agents that: theonly
°lessee, of immigrants required . in
Canada -now are experienced .farni
laborers, farmers who cilia, homeltead
or by lands, and domestic servants.
• There is' . plenty • of railway labcaefor •
this year.. 411 but the three above
classes intuit have $2,e cash • and rail-
way ticket to destination, when they
land in Canada. . •
• Ites proposed•to ruralise °laza Brett .
Martin, the first female lawyer. to be
palliated to the bar in Canadseagithist.
the Thin. Dr. Fyne, Minister of Edu-
cation. Mies .01ara Martin has ,been •
for years aeriaember of the board of
education Which is eletted by it genet -
al vote of thopeople., She has intimat-
ed her willingness to be a candidate if
the campaign is financed by spripeth-
izers in the suffragetteniovement. Miss
Martin is supposed to be a 0ouservete
tive in politics, but that doesn't seem
to•worry her particularly.•'She issoine-
what inclined tole° a;•free lance,
All those who have been neeninated
by party conVentions to coeteat rid-
ings, or havOannounced their..intentL
• ion to •seek—deetiem, einee Mendel,
beconie amendable to theprovisions of
the law governing the conduct of the
'candidates. The levees, it 'now sta,mis
Bevil that any person is guilty of bribe-
ry and liable to a fine of $100, and im-
prisonment ter six menthe, who gives
or promises money, -employment, gift
of loan to any leiter for voting, or re-
training from voting. The same pen-
alties attach feni the offence of accept-
ing or applying, either before or after
the election, for Consideration for
voting or refraining from veting.
Qindidates may not provide refresh-
manta:at any publicimeetinge on pain
et a fine of $1110. The same applies to
other persons, although refreshments
maYberovidedby the host et -it )meet-
ng.heldeiri.a.privitte house: Treating
litakes a 'candidate Or his event liable
-tofine of 8200. It is not .a sufficient'
defense that a person charged . with
the corrupt practice has beenin the
habit Of treating. Betting in order
to influence an election. is an offence,
as is also the hiringef conveyanceeby
the "candidates or his agents, and the
supplyingof transportation to the
voters to the p6118. Persons providing
conveyances for consideration are also
guilty of a eorrupt gee. •
• • •
Ancient'. Regulations • Regarding the
• • ' Height of .
; "The Skystraper• is no ;Modern 'riven,.
. tion,” says fi St. l,outs architect well 7
read in the history• of hts. profession.
•• "In .411 the 'indent cities where Africk'
: or stone:- was available high lioneell
within, the Walls of the 'City were -very
numerous becatige. cif the lack of, ground
space* for building. * ' I ••'•
"In the of Augustin; the tine-
. meet houses of Rothe becanae so. high
. et' to ' •dangerous,,• and laws were
passed condemeing a number of tenet-.
ment reerei and Oiderifig' them to ha
taken down, •at. the 'Same tiMe
law wail enacted limitirillIterlielght Of
all future tenevients to a hundred feet
,IfOr palticegvid
..1"1"Arfiter141Ithite -.1:4:rnag' • Of the eft; I'd:::
Nero's time the streets, which befere.
werie BO: wider' than our alleys(Were
;made brioader. Bowe of them through'
'the .bnsiness pert of 00,017 Were for..
ty; 'feet 'wide, • and sonic:: theegiveit
.. thoroughfares!. wereeedetyi • -•
. • :nit" terienientebeiglit was lowered t�
eighty'. feet Aid as a-Copies:pence the
city Spread' far beyond. its wills. The:
averagefiOght of 'a ceiling in a Roman.:
tenement was .1 little over five feet.
The windows were Open hales iri the
wail, stoped in cold weather- with'
board .shutters. So the worst modern'
eteeement he a paiace eompared With •
the, skyecrapet home 'of the peer When
the emPire was It beet' . . •
Mrs Sohn More, of Brantford, was
the victim Of a very strange mishap
one cley recently. She was house.
of a man then included, a'duty, dark cleaning, and went into the yard to
cruelty And grewitonaeerevenge against shake a carpet. She felt a sharp
all his enemies. • . pain in one eye -and when Dr Bell
' arrived he foluid that a tacit had
Marriage by -11:ilter• flown out of the carpet and the head
.A.mong' ignorant people' of English of it penetrated the eyeball. She may
bite!' it -was once the belief that a wife
bought with money or goods Was !eget.
ly iiiarried if the purehaser led her air itieneee: Liniment me elite svcryvatere
lose the sight of the optic.
Eggs for Hatching. the way home by a halter. •
. Partridge and eolumbian .
• • Wyandotte*.
Erten a pen of Partridge Wyantiottee
including the cup. winnine pullet, the
' special wiening hen and the first prize
000keral at the Uinta: show. eilso (iol-
umbian Wyandottee winners of let prigs,
at 412. pet 18, or three settinge tor $5. ,
• ' - 'H. E. ROBEE..
• Room Comb Brown Leghorn*
• eggs from reeognized egg meolainee of tilde
excellent variety of utility fowl, at 751 Per
eettnig of 18 eggs, FRED EASOM,
• Clinton,
Opposite Coliinercial Hotel.
The hen that lays, is the hen that pays.
DarroadMocktro and Light
'Brehm *a •
• Eggs for bombing front rioeve lareede, se
follows: Light Brahrnau, 62.00 per 15;
Barred Noche 500 per 18, only a limited
imbiber of Detenta of either" order *Arlie
JAB= RAND, (ilinten.
Rhode Island Reds.
neve as excellent laying attain; in both webs;
, My Pellet Matings are mire to p eater, even
eo Ot', and winning biz a•
$ing16 Clomb. 1.00 par 18, -
• 1 ese Comb, $100 per 18.
es Ka elliit00.
Mr. 13aring. Gould, the English antte
quarlan, told of n village poet* known
to him who bought wife for a half
crown and led her twelve miles to his'
cottage. The squire and the 'rector pre- '
tested to the village poet that he was
notlegally wedded,_
'Wb', yes, be," he replied. “rii
take uly Bible oath I never once took
the 'halter off till She'd Croses4 ,the
doorsill and the door Was Out° ,
The lateet inetiniees tff such wife
saints occurred in 1858 and 1850, when
women were sold in Little Horton and
In Dudley. In these cases blue rib-
bon took the place " 'he strove halter,
Potter. Warps at Werk,
the family eumenidae, of solitary
wasps, contain some curiotto worker*
Some are Millet% and oig tiny tennele
In the earth, ‘ some ar,e earpentera and
eat obannela in twood and then divide
the space 'Into chambers by pat/Ethane
mud; some build oval‘or glabelikt
Mud nests on branches or twigs. Thiel
.botne may be partitioned into several
tiny rooms; into whleh aro put Various
*mall !Meet* eaptured bY Mut mother
Wileritind npn *bleb the Young etaligill
tetdo-dt. Nicholas. • • . torente. Oat,
who.fisid 11. i imam, ilia bor. UMW aill
atmainit mowed by the me ed
Heart and Nerve
his ropbriiiiimotapia'issikaaavittsgstkinsbart. _.hageal'Isimatairsolidit:
ethinfetealt,tiker and tinting silelk whibilivilk
whom Uwe le a etetimi nollePee of thearremet,
sena it is servoutnelie sad paisiadisa, meth
Nfileinee Ihtem sled NOVO Ps twee * silo
naval- stleeethea tbe blare aad web* tif hear
alitlfkg lad *War, *Imo new red blood wow
seeder, earl hawk, Ark Win a latiyeallit 0
tie older it ir Ore'reatile 41 erninrea arsiosi
. .
lin& D. 0, Searalree, Oilillei. OM., whist
For over a year rwas troubled with neeirsow
yen see heart trouble I &folded 10 she
bare's MI6 *ad Nem Plile*trid. mai Art
wine eve boxes I towed 1 weir eafipietely valiaL
1 slime tosemmeud them Se ISO Menge
Prise 0000 00 boltor thaw Woo ler ilf"
ail dealers Or The T. Itinbtam oo.. limo
. • •
, •
Australlato.„:Laughincy liiird +and ' It.
Startling eryl. •
TO, thelititside -world the-greetesti ore
nithologleal oddity in Australia is the
kookaburra, • Though Aucitraliatis take
little notice of if except occasionally hi
a hostile Way, its cachinnation appeals
irresistibly to the uewcomer. Like the
alnikes and Parrots; the curlew and
the mopoke, it is a conspicemia figure
in Vas scenery of a typical bush home
and therefore too common to be worthy
or notice. In earlier times it was
Imown as the "settler's. clock" train a
belief, that its joyful paeans .yeere vent.
ed regularly at morn, noon and dusk. 6
being quiescent through the heat ef the I
forenoon and the wane eof .the after
000n. That belief has long been shot.
tered; The kookaburra laughs just
when the fit takes'it, particularly when
excited; and it laughs as readily at the
violent deathof its mother-in-law as it
does at the enraged settler when he
• bine oft his haystack: A wounded bird
We have secured the ex: 1
• clUsive agency of the-fam-
• ous American Walk - Over'
Shoe for Clinton and invites.
•our friends to call'and see a
full and complete line in the
various shapes, sizes and
. widths, The
VValkia0ver Shoe
because . of its general
-excellence, ' isSbid in 44 -
countries, and is conceded
h-eT.-the- height -of- shoe -
perfection by the world's
wisest dressers.
IRAIX NARK RIG ° 80(1111.1181831 tgo:oviiiset cfliii'dyai:aludlryifFeictte.ihyeosue
• VICTORIA BLOCK,t. jii-2-40111„/CLINTON.
• 711Repairing Neatly and Prom ly Executed•
0, 1 ilc.21
tING.964r474F.#7r: .
•H avpghe1dthe attention of the purchasing public
. .
e past year, by popular prices, we .nave slated
new.goods, to begin the second year, and he prices- will
at. once suggest the advanta es In 'dealing here : ' •
Lot 1, -Iron Beds.
40 Beds in the lot; ranging in prices as follows: $4, $4,50; .
•• $4.75,$5, $5.75, $6, $7, $8, $9.25, $11, $13, $14.50, $15.•
difrm ,t
• • -Guaranteed-purely sanitory,l $8, $8.50---r.and-: S. -Stitt the lot -
• ,41)u'r special at' $4.00
Lot 3— ouches. •
•' 23 in: the lot, which Weans skidoo. Prices will 'interest:. You.
, $4.50, $5. $6, $7, $8., $11, 812.50, S13.50, $14, $15 and $20. Ora
special this spring is the $13.60 and $8.00. ' •
Other Specials ' 's • •
• , Springs, any 812e, 82.2.25, 2,50 and 8.00, Our special is 3.00.
• Rattan- Chairs, 3.9Q, 4,00, 4.50 and 6.00. ,• • -
Dressers and Stands; ranging in price froth 0.00,- 10.60, 12.00.
• I
12 76 and up to 50.00 Our special is 12 75
Sewing Machines. We are special representatives for the •
" Standiiiii.1"-Frices range from $2b.00 to $4600.
. .,,
•"7+ •
House Furnishings.' .
This department has specie/ attra,ctionstthroug the house -
(cleaning season. A few remnants in' Linoleums, at special'
pricesealso Oil Cloths, Reg. 60c Linoleum for 50c, per sq yard.
, •
• • .
Makes a demoulacal. row, which will',
being all others within hearing into
• the neighboring trees, and these at
once set up an echoing cackle that in •
• repeatedegaln.arid again. , -
The kookaburra is alio known as the
laughing goburra and *e laughing.:
jackasm-Sydney (Australia) Time&
Why Negroes Like' Witerineleao •
The humorists always aseociate the
African with the watermelon, mum-
ing that the taliteoof the colored titan
for his favorite 'dainty arises from libt
life In the southern states, where tto
-melon Vine groWs like a Weed. Al a
fact, however, the A.frlean taste for
the waternielori is hereditary. Thic
vine is a native of Africa, where it is
found Wild in the great cetalmi PlAine
of the, continent, and has aka) been cal -
floated for many ages. Is illelpt the
melons grown along the 14116 rival
those of tsoutheastern Ristionri. orbot
melons mentioned by the Israelite, as
being among the good thIngis tbey had
in, Egypt' were undoubtedly watermel-
ons, for fri the wall pahitinge *bout
the time of the exodus the melon vine
15 repreSetted, and in one case long
process on 0 s ares Is depicted, etch
bearing on hie shoulder a htige, dark
irreen wa term Mon.
Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, Clinti,n.
, .
.• Phone or Call Day or Night. "
The earbo Magnetic azor.
• "Always „Ready for -use..". No honing.
No. Qrinding. No smarting after. shaving, •
Buy a Carbo Magnetic Razor, shave viith it 30 day, then,if.
you would rather have your money backthan the Raw', We
will cheerfully refund it'
J, 1E, • EY tfisvenid"0g•-:CLINTON. -
Do you Want Seed Corn ? We have White Oap, Tin ro ed Leaman
Uarly Buttler and M. S. Sweet. Mangold Seed; Yellow ev athan, Gut
Yelloey, lotee mediate, and Mainoth Long Red. Sugar Mangold: Steile-Brigge
Rennie's and 0. P. *Ferry's, also Turnip Seed, in packages and loose. We oould
supply Setae Red and Alsikti Clover and Timothy Seed, Germar: Millett, Rape:
and Tares,
. We will give more than the peddlers: Atidwe stay all the year at thite
work; net just a, few Weeks, when the roads are good.
Emporium •
Londe:above May 12/08
Do You Need Furniture ?
• ' •
ACy° Wan t te from,15 o
cont. a the cost. A tot
lip :irlfand Bedstead. golden oak nIh'1g!6 irrer, Bar 0 70
inches L 415 , t incheshigh, A on:1s,00tf $0.5. ee.
per ted,r ng seat and ae.cotred n plush. full len a box for bedding,
worth $18, for $14.60; Union Oarpet, yd wule; fancy pattern, worth 30e, foi . °
25e; ficoteh /4nolemn, ,tWo yds sod four yds wide, worth 690, for 40e and 50
,per sq yd. come and see the g.,ods, ,
J. H. Chellew, BI tit