Clinton New Era, 1908-05-14, Page 8" " W.111941r Surnmer. Millinery Display • thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 2ist, 22nd and 23rd. Grand display of Stemmer MUier,$tylee in our Showroom on TiturolaY, iday and 'Saturday, of next week, 1?ight styles for Summer, prepared specially for this Wagon. 1Irew novelties OW wilt be shown for he firsttime Opening .Days. Visit the Showroom. hook them over. They are new, very attractive and trimmed up for this Sommer Opening Come and see them. No awed to feel ander any obligation to buy, if you do not care to. Note the days, Thursday, Friday and Saturday May 21, 22 and 23. These Specials are for Saturday, May 16th and Next Week. They are good—every one of them ! Posi- tivels money -savers t Go and buy the goods whole- sale,. and you could not get them for less money. No need to tell why and hoW the prices .are made so low. lust come and buy the goods, if you want to save money. They will' be ready first . thing Saturday morning, and stay at- these prices_ :until sold, Quantities are limited thoffgh,- and best choosing will be done early. mietir0I-RemniintOt 40 remnants and short ends of Brussels, Tapestry.' . Wool and Union Carpets. Lengths that could be made to do a small room, or will make splendid mats, Sofa Coverings, etc. The last ends of some of our best lines. Not enough in any of them to do an ordinary -sized • room, so we want to clear them out quickly. Saturday your choice at One-quarter to one.third less than regular prices, Linoleum Remnants. - Short ends of 2, 3 and 4 yds wide, English & Scotch Linoleums. Just short pieces that are left from some _ of our best patterns. Not enough to do a roeni, but big enough Ur lots of purposes. Saturday special at . One-third less than regular price - One end only 4 -yard Scotch Linoleum, good pat- ' • tern and quality. It is slightly imperfect, however, not enough though to interfere with the wearing. Regular inn 600 per square yard, Saturday, special at . .... fain -T-evrel ng -End -Te---- Good quality Crash Towelling, 17 inches wide, col- ored border, lengths all run about one yard each, make le splendid tea towels, clearing at per end . Lohg Lisle Gloves 250 • 50 pairs long Lisle Gloves, silk finished, line quality . per pair black or white, reeuler 35e and 40e, clearing this lot at 25c• Pear Buttons, 2 dozen for 15c 100 dozen extra fine quality Pearl Buttons, ball, 2 and 4 -hole styles, assorted sizes, put up one dozen on a card, regular 15c per dozen, Saturday, per card 8c, Two cards for or 150 Wool Dress Goods 17c Two.ends only pure wool Dress Goods, will make • very attractive costumes, or separate skirts, clearing Saturday at per yard 17c Striped Dress Goods 35c Two ends -only fancy striped Dress Goods, correct - • • ----styleslorthtErseastni, reign -W -60c, these two ends on lna Saturday at per yard !.PUO Embroideries and insertiohs 250 yards Mnslin and Swiss Embroiderieg and In- sertions. Last ends of lines that sold for a good deal more money. We gather them all together on ' Satur- day, and put them on a separate table at your choice.. 120 14 Silk Waists at $2.50 14 only Ladies' Silk Waists, cream, white and black, splendid qualities and -good styles, reg. 34.50 tri to 35.00, for quick selling, your choice Saturday.... tP Li Ulf Lace Curtains flolfsprice. 25 pairs only Lace Curtains no two pair alike, these Curtains are slightly soiled through having been used , as samples, otherwise they are in perfeet condition, regular prices 81.00 to $5 00, Saturday morning II allfsprIge. Frilled Curtain Muslin 15c Colored and white Coin Spot Muslin, fine quality, frilled on one side, regular 300. just the thing for bed- 1 CA room curtains, clearing Saturday at per yard Art Muslim; 10e • • terns, special for Saturday, per yard • 100 yards colored Art Mnslin, good quality and pat- 1 OC eorset eovers 19e 35 only Corset Covers, made from good quality . trim- med, each English Cambric -finished Cotton, all sizes, nicely trim- me Muslims Aprons 45e 15 fancy Muslin Aprons, made from good -quality white Muslin, bib and straps nicely trimmed with Em. 45c broidery, regular 65c, Saturday, special at each-• eoton Hose ile • -._ 200 pairs Ladies' black Cotton Hose, guaraideed fast black; fine quality, all sizes,- -Saturday special at per pair .. . • I I ti - Skirts Raincoats $5,00 - Here are two of the biggest specials of tne , days, Skirts and Raincoars at just about did half- price mark, Skirts at' $2.90 The choice of our entire stock of Readymade Skirts, Black Venetians,Lustres, dark and light fancy , Tweeds, priees were $4.00, 84.50 tip to $5.50, We watit2/ to clear the Skirt stock out died Saturday you take your choice at each . $ 90 Raincoats at $5.00 10 or 15 Ladies' Raincoats, These come in grey fo. and fawn shades, can be used eithet for Dust.ccats or Rain -coats, If you hive any driving to do, one will save its cost in a season. There ate 8 or 10 flifferent - styles, just the last one or two garments of each, et nn Reg. 39 to S15. Saturday special at each. • t ; • TEE inArsToN. NEW EBA CLINTON NEW ERA 1 Many Rappy Returns f 0 May t4th, 1908 `018.1101101. CLINTON. ONT., MAY 14, IOW On Tueeday last ert Fred Rumball Passed his 74th wilectooe, V/ of which have been spent ba Clinton. Ile learn- LOcat Notices. • D.coss. and Mantle.... making, Plain Sewing, Presaing and Cleaning Ladies' APParel.---ADDIE L, KAUFNIAN. NOtil'e , nutatanding accounts must bfa ealtkfla,t !Moe ggitUgitimbolt Pli:cneilatontTliejr.°wtOF 8 floww. action. 1 DR. OVENS,London, Surgeon Oen- Hat, Specialist, Will be at W. 5. R. HolmPs' Drug store, on Thursday May 28. G'asses properly fitted, deafness catarrh a,nci falling eyesight treated: gown Segio. • DOHERTY. AGENCY. -- By refer- ence to advsrtising columns it will be .aeen that Col. Hoare has succeeded in again securing the agency for the sale of Doherty Pianos and Organs, He is back to his first love after an experi- ence with other instruments. INTO INSURANCE - For many years Mr tido, F Emmerson, a former Clintonian, represented the Nordheirn- er Piano Company, hut has severed his connection with that firm, and ac- cepted the district Management of the. Dominion Life Assurance Company, of Waterloo,pnt. Mr Emerson!asplen- - -alid itysique, pliasing personality and stet ing integrity have made . him hosts • of friends. who will_ give him. theitloyal support. - - , THE CONSERVATIVES - A well attended Meeting of the -Conservatives of town was held in the Council cham- ber on Thursday evening, where the following officers were electedt--Ptesi- ffent,-.T.B Hoover; Vice, A. J. Grigg; Seery, B. E. Rorke; Treasurer, J. W. Stevenson; Ward, Chairman, St. Andrews, D. Cook; St. James, R. J. Rorke; St. Johns, 0. Johnston; St. , George's,? Dantelmi.• I A PRIZE WINNER- A short time ago the Canadian Pleasure Resort 0o, of Montreal; offered 'a cash prize of $250, and ten lots with $50, each, to the parties who would suggest the most suitable names for a new sur- burban resort they were developing. A young lady won the money prize, but Mr J. W Newcombe, the popular merchant, •was notified that he had won one of the_.$50 lots. The name he suggested was Candera. • ,- • RETURNING- OFFICERS -The re- turning officers for the coming Proven cial Elections are, North Huron: WI -c"-*-41-a-liel-e-fis ; ... , utti=thiron, Consist, Hills Green, and Centre Hur- on, T. li.Johnston. It is altogether -N. likely that the polling places in Centre Huron at least, will be practically the same as those,used for the municipal'. • elections; Of course the Deputy Re- turning Officers will be government supporters, this being the first One since Confederation; that the electoral • -machinery a the Province has been under control of .the Conservatives. The nomination for Centre Huron will • be held in the: Town Hall, Clinton, on Monday, June 1st. . ed the trade of carriage and waggon inakingleith Mr Edward still a resident of town, and probably the oldest man an the county. Though always taking_ a keen interest in publicnifairs, affaira, Mr liumht41 never ventured but once into the domain of public life. He is a man held in the very highest esteem,litl though he is getting some. what frail, we hope he may be spared to enjoy Many more years of this life, • SPORTS- The Citizens Band will have Foot Ball matches and other games at the Exhibition grounds gumming and afternoon of Victoria. Day, May 25th; and a Grand Concert in Town -Hall, in the evening. Watch for large and small bine for more par- ticulars. Ooderich, Seaforth, Wing - ham football teams are expected. 1- WHAT THE OLD MA.N SAYS - Now, above all times of the year is the time to clean uP your yarril.yOur house and all other buildings. Do not allow leaves tarot in your yard. Rake them into a pile and set fire to them, Do not allow any vegetables whatsoever to decay in your cellar,This ab ye every thingselse breededisasegerm your • premises. Don't throw o.s s, and Itesolve-that-you-axe •going t have rubbish of every j_clad into thstreet. your nrentiscs appear as neat is any in the Town. A. lltie labor MAMA - witty applied everyday "wilFdo this, If a nuisance. is maintained `near you;4 don't hesitate notifying the board of ' WOMEN'S INSTIIITTE-The regu, Jar meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home ot Mrs (Rey) Hall, Mary street, on Thursday, May 21st at 3p, m. A full attendance is re- quested, as there will be election of officers. A meeting of the directors of West Huron Wornen's Institittes, was held on Wednesday,. May Oth at "The Maples, the home of Mis F W Watts„ Dist Secretary. The Goderich, Holmes- ville, Winghitth and Clinton branches were represented. Several matters f:if importance were discussed. It was decide ta . . . Hall,Wingharn, on,Thurs,7„ • day, May 28th, 'when other business will be brought up and officers elected for the district for the ensuing year. FORESTERS ARE DISSATISFIED -The following appears as a despatch from Clinton in the Globe:- "At a. epecial •meeting of the I, 0, F., which took the form of an indignation meet- ing, the new scale of insurance ra es,. as proposed to be adopted by the Sbp.reme Court, occasioned much dissatis- faction and'was vigorously discussed by the members who will be affected. The general feeling prevails that the plan; as a whole, is uncalled for, in view of the rapidly increasing surplus of the order. There would be little or no objection to the payment of future increased rates, but should the propos-, ed plan be adopted, whereby the insur- ed are compelled to pay "supposed" back duewinterest,' OW. jt1l leave this Odd? in Clinton, with but few ' members.' It is further argued that the members have at all times paid all that was required of them or that the constitution stipulated they should pay, and therefore it is the general feeling that Canadian law cannot com- pel them to pay what the authorities of the past considered unnecessary.. It is further argued that there has not been a precedent, and considerine the stability of the order, the 1 0 F should not be the one to set the same. rionowassionmermaismismisanot Monor Roll of the Col, The following students, of the ()Ra- ton Collegiate institute obtained over 50% of the possible inatke at the recent examination. The percerttage obtained by each pupil is given; - .Form ...100„cly 03.3, W. Mc, Queen 01, B. SI onerean 57.9, R. Kilty, 55.6. A. McRwen 55, L. IkteKay am, J Cameron. 521, roma LV -D Stewart 74.k L Brown, 71,3, F. Lucas, 70.2, It, Vodden, 63.1, C. Copp 663, E Cantelon 04.2, $ East 58.3, S ROSS 54.8, 11 Etcoat 54 5, 13 McEwan, 31.1, I Pearson 52,1, S Holmes 50.5. F rm III D 0 71.4, B McTarart 60 0, I) Ross 05.4 - ourtice 72.8. AtOunn Wisemart 50. , O. Macpher n 55 0 M McMath,55.0, M Bamford 51i,14 Conte: ion 58,9, 3. Scott 51,5, T. Weir 502, 0. Rance 50. FmII-F ElbotI 68t 11 Reid 66,2,H Watto 06. W Doherty 05.5 M Brown 61,7r -,I, O'Neil 50,2, 0. Kerr 57. M. coun- ter 54,9,13 Cummins 54.8, M Turner 048 G Chant 52,4, B Draper 51,9, N Robson 51.1, L*Woodman 51, 1 Ohidley 50.2. Form -1-J McTaggart 70.3, LI Fair, 074 .A. Trick MI, A. Irwin 83,3, U Herr . 61.5,E Rodaway, 61.1, W Hall 61.1, E • Turner 60 3, G. tiantelon 60.1, W Ford 58.4, 0 McGuire 56,5, L Reid 55.8, L Wasmann 55,2, 11 McArthur 54.4,1e1 TiPladY, 54.3. T Elcoat 53.7, j Steven- son 03.6, M Jackson 538, 0 Millar 51.7, L Beaton 51 2. Among the Olintonians who attend- ed. C/entre Hawon Liberal Convention r 'tug ;- Dr. Shaw, W J Paisley, T, B•.,e,ibafv,or,,_tsh000nopTuere:dAa.v. were thp fol - '744 citclmbre'r, tB11.1°1brimvipbaiYO' pj. g -()`41.1 ..;*.Stevens, T. Trick, W. ‘,/,?.,?,-*Nwart, 0. Helyar, J. '1 #4. r•kotallesa.l4D. J. health or the health physician, In this way you will be sure of an early abolishment of the same. The In- spector will be around in a few days. DEATH OF HENRY COLE -Still another of the early pioneers of Huron has passed.awa,y in the death ofHenry Cole, at the residence of his son in Rapid River, Mich„ a few days since. Had he lived until August, he would have been 94 years of age. Born in Ireland, he came to Huron about 60 years Ake, settling near Constance, where he lived -for 16 years. From there he moved to the Bayfield line, Goderich Township ; after giving up actual farming, he took up his resi- dence on the Huron road, about 2fr miles west pf. town, and from there he moved into town, where he continued to reside until about six , years ago, when he moved to his son's place in* Michigan. He was three times times married, his four children all being of the first family They are Henry and Peter ix, MietqlBeniam; ,tn Kansas. He was a zealous member of the Methodist Church for many years. Beyond giv- ing his support to the Conservative party, -he took no active part in public affairs and had ,certainly reached a good old age. ' • BRIEFS -Mrs Cooper, Albert street has had her house thoroughly repaint.' ed and re -Shingled, Mr P. Ker doing the work...The County • Road and Bridge Committee will meet at Fores- ters bridge, near Holniesville, on the 26th inst, to report upon the proposed •change of the bridge at that point Anyone who mayforget is reminded that the law forbids the killing of robins and othsr songbirds; the killing of three robins in Toronto cost three • boys 36.45 The Toronto impels contain the -advertisement calling for tenders for the sale of the Clinton Thresher Jos plant and building, the company being wotind up; tenders are. to •be opened in Judge Doyle's cham- ers on Monday, June 15.... . Harold Johnston, son of Mr Oliver Johnston,t and a gikuate of Clinton Business College. left -for Toronto, on Tuesday, where he expecte to take a situation.. T .e 01into rue iye experienced in Clin- ton, occurred just a year ago on Wed- nesday of this week. • .. Mr Elliott is making an addition to his Livery Stable... .Mr 'Jacob Taylor gave Mr. S 'Cooper a cheque for $56.54 the •other day ,; accident Insurance for in- juries recently sustained by him....Mr A Gori -ell, a well known Olintonian now in the west, renewing his sub scription, wishes -to be remembered to his old friends here; at present he is living with his daughter, Miss Bacon, near Ox • Bow...... -A pair of Fur guantlets were left at Mr John Medd's Barber Shop, on day, of Clinton's Spring Stock Show, and Mr Medd is still locikine for the owner Mr. Watson, who has been employed in the store of Mr Linder, for some time, ,leaves on Monday for his home at Listowel; his place will be taken by Miss Little, late with Tozer & Brown, and Miss Edna Jackson .-.Mrs A J. H011oWay was . called to •Blyth, this week, owing to her cousin, Miss Dodds having sustained a stroke of paralysis. ....Plumsteel Bros., announce their intention of moving to the West; they are a bright young firm, with many friends, who will regret to see them leave, ....Inspector Weathered visited. the Collegiate to-day.....Mr, S. J. Ah- drews willte-111, Thos. Johnston's as- sistant in conducting the Ceiltre Hur- on election.......Mrs Howson, Albert Street, is having some improvements made to her house, dindo Shoe We have jug opened an advance shipment of a' new shoe to be 'known. the THE RELINDO, ex- clusively for women: It is, without a doubt, the most beatitiful shoe in --the Canadian market to,day. • Come and •see thent. REPAIRS WHILE YOU WAIT Fred The Ditrability of Wall paper is the real factor that determines the cost, It costs as much per roll, labor or cash, to hang a • 3c paper as it does one at a, few cents more, that will, be autify your home for a much longer time. The Moral we want to make is that "there -is a price below which it is not wise to go." We think we have the largest variety. We know we have the popular goods, and that our prices are honest prices at which you can decorate you' rooms, Becoming the season. your purse, and above a.11,.your individual taste. We even ,have the 3c per roll kind, It will cost you nothing to see our stock. It may cost you more not to- see it. The air Co., Often the Cheapest. Always the Best. .