Clinton New Era, 1908-05-14, Page 7May Loh. 1,908 Q►RE ROUTES The popular stalitoae wilt "stand thio *mason, as follow.; ; • The Choicely -Bred. Cllydesdale Stallion First 'King ° No. 13470. Vol. 30, 0. B. B.. of Great Britain end Ireland, No, 7749, Vol.15. C. S. B.., Canada, will stand for the improvement of stook,a fol- 1cws:-MONDAY, will leave hie own stable. Lot 6. Con. 4,Hullett, and Proceed west to M. Giew,'s' for. noon; then west to. Baso Line. to J, Cornish's for. night. Ti,IESDAY. will Proceed narth three miles,, than west to 0, Lowrie';.15th ooh, Gode. fr } for night toWEDNESDAsouth Y, w . to to Barnesville, then along the Cut Line to L. prootor e, gbh con, • Goderieb Tp.. for noon; then south to J. G. Steer'e, for• night. Tl3URSDAY,,by Bayfield Rood to 2nd Con, Stanley, then south to Wrq.. Ta lor's. for noon ; then: north and east to Ira donna: TUckeremitlb, for night. FRIDAY. pro- coed terns own stable, where lie will remain until the following Monday. This, route win be continued throughout the season, health and• weather permitting. �� 6PUONirR. 1'roprietoYs. sPOOFikiR, »amber. I es to THE CLINTON NEW -ERA, Stomach trouble tit but a gym tote of. and age l In itself a true disease. We think of Dyspeps. Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseases, they are symptoms only of a certain s ,. Nerve sickness -nothing else. It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. Shoot in the creation of that now very popular Stems Remedy -Dr Shoop's. Restorative. Going dtrece to the stomach nerves, alone brought that: success and favor to Dr. Shoopand his Restorative. With* ottt that original, anti highly vital principle, no such lasting accomplishments Were ever to be had. For stomach distress. bloating. biliousness, bad. breath and sallow complexion. try Dr, Shoop's Restorative -Tablets, or t,'4uid-and see for Your* self what ititcan a and. will do. We sell and chess. [oily recommend - Dr h 0 00�s Restorative W A.` McCON.NELL, , W. 1. It. Timmins The imported Shire. Stallion Birdsall IUelanite No 20250. will stand. for the improvement of stock chis teason as follows:- MONDAY, will leave bis own stable, Clinton. and proceed; west ateiles on the Bayfield Line then southl mile to Joh Bathwell's, for noon; then west on the io then north 7th concession, n, fi 3 Bag el Line to the a John Green's, for nicht: '.i`UFISDAY; north the Telephone Road, east 11.4 miles, then orth 21-9 miles to lterbert Cox_e for noon; then. ast on the Cut Line to Holmesvillo for night EDNI:ISDAY, north on the Maitland 3 miles, ben east to W. Nesbitt's, for noon; and. remain r, night; THURSDAY, .last to Summerhill, en north. by the Base Mine to concession S-0 iullett, to Wm.- Mair's. for noon; then east to ravel Road, then south 11-4 miles, then east mile to Joseph Blake's, for .night FRIDAY, tweed south 21-2.miles,• then east 2 miles to law's for e : , , • . , ' =ad, An ,Authority. Schoolteacher - And ,now that . we have finished ,diseussing the lion and. the tiger, who can tell me about the lynx?' A painful pause. F,lnally a small hand is hesitatingly 'elevated, Teacher -Well, Tommy, can you de- serihe' the lynx? • Tommy-No'm. ' Teacher -Then, why •did you raise Bir DE .STA E, BROWN WOODS.. Copyrltghtsd, 1908, by ;Jessie Morgan... "Now Harry, .honestly you don't be- lieve that?" • ' "Yes, I de.. A true woman is, al- ways a coward. Brave is a, masculine adjective, incapable of being used "with. a feminine noun." . , Youare. oldf shlo ed ' a n h bosh!, O. my boy," 'MI grant you -mediaeval, In fact - but neither .coast of Are nor Boadicea stirs my heart like a certainlittle girl who faints when she pricks her finger with A pin." "That's what it Is to .be in love. Your ideal is based on what you thick to tie Miss ,Oshorne's character. Now,. for my part, I believe that young lady capable of heroisan," "And I tell you, George Evans, that the very thought of physical pain turns her Cheek pale, but in the matter of moral courage=well, I could stake my life on her there. She has such a high. ideal of truths and, honor, . She is so" - ""Oh, yes, yes! Spare ma !' Ile ber I awn not in love." An hour later h This wolrian says site was saved from an operation by .Lydia, E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coiniound. '` Mrs. Frank... Emslcy, Iandsay, £ntario, writes to Mrs. Plnkhar: "'When ;`i wrote to you some time .ago, I was3a, very sick woman suffering from femte troubles. I had infldmma- tion'of th s feminine organs and could not stand p or walk any distance. At last I was confined to my bed and the doctor-sai t I would have to go through an o era on, but this I refused to do. .L 't; p a wised L dia P, Pinkb m A frig d d y :'V'egetabi,e Compound,. After using three letittles of it, I feel. like a new woinad.' ;- ,*''' I most heartily recommend Lydia E. inkham's Vegetable Compound to all women .who suffer • with.. female oubles." • • ACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty ,years Lydia E. Pink - m's Vegetable 'Compound, made om roots and: herbs, has been the andard remedy .for female ills ndhas positively cured thousands of omenwho have been troubled, with isplacements inflammation, ulcera• on, fibroid . tiumors;, irregularities, riodic pains, backache, that 'bear- g-downfeeling, flatulency,indiges on,dizziness or nervous prostration. y.don't you try.. it? • Mrs; Pinkham invites all sit k omen to write her for advice. hehas guided thousands to eaith. Address, Lynn, :Blass. HARBOR BUQYS, Their Different Delors .Serve ne Guide; to the Mariner, • If you examine the buoys in ensek ing any harbor :in the world, .you wilt end that those on ;'our right are paint- ed red aud: those onyour left black. If youshoal() see one paintedin red and black berlkontal bands, the ship should run as close to it as possible, because that indicates the center of a narrow channel. Buoys with red and. black vertical stripes always mark the end of spits and the outer.and inner enols of extensive reefs where there is a channel ou eac'h side. When red and black checkers tu'e painted on .a buoy •it marks either a rock in tbe opensea dr an obstruction in the'barber of small extent, with chaunei all • round. , it there are two such obstructions and a .channel between them. the buoy on the right of you will bare .red and white checkers and the one on your. lleft will have black and white check- ers. When a wreck obstructs the chant nel, a green: buoy will be placed on the sea side of tbe wreck,with the "Wreck" plainly painted on it in white tetters, provided there is a clear chan- nel all aroundit; otherwise an even number will be painted in white above the word "Wre/ k" when.. the buoy is on the right side of the channel and' an odd number -if the buoy is on .the, left. • taetory:,„girls wo _beca'• they dress:.well. M♦:ore, than once she bad felt .a. Ciand placed familiarly 'upon her arm or' had hurried on to escape the •running : fire of talk .from a man • who .had dropped,, 'into step, beside her .anti 'had persisted until a Policeman ;sale in, sight. •• • Tonight tda. was frankly. homesick.. There. woe' something 'in'the breath of spring, 'tainted though .it was : by the reek of • .pavements • and 'the ; •sioisome stroke of the city. Bac!; 1n the old days, when • home nas.ai home and' not a' hole; in the wall when she trod gtteen :earth and. not the. r itid; stoneenf the pavement, this was the bout she liked the• hest, when the day was done •and the evening .shad - we changed luto the purple 'tight. • •Itwas not often thatIda let herself • get honiesick4' for those who' 'would, Work by day tnust not ery all"the night, but with :this subtle: suggestion of home in • the air and in the 'sky the • • AnAppeLtCommofl: i'or one suffering from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Palpita- tion, Flatulence, Ifeadaohe, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, etc., there can be' only one natural course to pursue, namely : ' First : Strengthenipg the stomach, making it take out of food the valuable properties which go to build up tie body. Second ; The correct working ,of liver and bowels to carry away the useless properties and waste matter. , r , spurpose• T141S IS the aesi�le of . National DD::s :ev`sia Tablets � p tr • 'Phis treatment is complete The larger tablets act_ on the stomach and digestive organs, the ;mall. tablets on the liver and bowels, Both, kinds of•tablets m each box, also complete directions. • Priee per box, 50e,, 6 for $2.50. For i sale : t . r.• • A. 3k & O.'NEIA. cheuti$tslM Mlitrna*et,' k y 1 „.tae..d01"3.d°sa+4s+' TRICKY JAIL 81•RDS. Many Ways the Convicts, Have of- Feigning Sickness, ' "Hear the swig of the dear little jail birds:” said the jailer as, a . burst of ribald melody cattle down the gray i corridor:--.±iT.1.e.4ear little jail birds!" i }le shook his head and sighed. • "They tire all playing sick In that ward," he' restitned. '``There's. nobody can' malinger like a jail: -bird. • Sts'• tricks ere auwazing. • • "To ' fake •a fever lie will whiten bis '. tongue with chalk, flush his cheeks with a red flannel undershirt and dis- order . his stomach; :by swallowing a quid of tobacco,: • • "To fake, , consumption .he . will cut Liis_,gumS so ,.as . to spit blood and go through a terrific .kind . of Swedish movement In bed so as to' produce night"5Wb1tts _ s _ .- "Some jail birds have brought on. nettle .rash by temporarily. polsoiing 'themselves with smuggled crab or lob sten. -Some chew soap so as- to . froth • at the 'wouth in fake• fts. ' Souie..even. thrust'needles .down to. the lids of 'the'. eye to bring on•. •cataract:"-Minneap osis Journal. tears welled into her eves. The dreaded 'crossing, with its roar of .traffic.end_its rush of humanity,' was 'passed .successfully; `and' Ida dt not :notice that a man tuned„ gut of the cop eg c rr i ` i , r r ; `'.?ed--af•tem' tier as. rapidly as he was abbe; Not until a. •hand closed • upon 'her arm' dial: she realize that she had been. followed. ,She wrenched herself, loose and hurried • ahead •.but a second time :the - hand fell upon her aim, and ;she turned with a little cry... "Please let pie' go," she said, while' the tears •.blinded her eyes. "Not Much," wasr':the triumphantan- swer: "I've spent too muck'time look-. Ing for you :to let you go now that I have found.yoti ". With a quick movement of her• band Ida dashed the tears from her eyes and lookedu$ into the Iaughing face. It was not a. handsome face. The inn'. bad burned the skin to a deep, brow and -tile- biow.Vite_wriiikib4 by lines of care,' while the •High cheek bones, and - the hollows of the cheeks gave to the faee.a ruggedness redeemed only; •'by the kindly smile of the sensitive moath and the twinkle in the dear gray eyes,' but. to Ida .it was the face lin all the world she Most desired to see. • • "Is it really yell, Jack."dream?" she asked • wonderingly, "or ie it some dream "I ':guess it's me, unless I've been changed :in the last` half hour," de-:. clared Deering as he .smiled down Into: the :eptur ied face 'and his ej'es Oiled: with pity as he noted the signs' of care that sharked It. "I've been, Iookitig 11 over foe: you. You 'never wrote -.baa_ home, and I just- coeldn't Stand it Any longer.' I left Jethro to do the plowing - and planting, and I came down to look for you. It was.: a bard job, but I found you," • "And new that you've; Seen me 1—sup? pose that you'll be content and go back. to .the .planting," suggested Idh. "if you'll come. with- • ine,''---agreed:•• Deering. "If you won't, I'll settle down here, fpr' 1 love you too much, dear, to_ let you run away .from me again.". "You love me?'" . she asked wonder- tngly. . "Of course," viae the prompt re- sponse.. "There isn't a pian, 'woman or child in- Carsonville that •doesn't know' that" "You never told me," she reminded, "You wanted to marry me because I needed seine one to, take care of trie ,- "Did• I have to toll you that?" he asked in astonishment. "l', supposed you knew." "A woman likes to be told," explain- ed Ida, "The next time you ask a woman to marry you begin by telling hor that you love her, not by explain- ing that you ts'ant to keep her out of the poorhouse." • . "I love you," said .Deering protnptly. "Now will you marry me?, We can 'be married' tonight and Start• for hone by the midnight train. That will get us in tomorrow. just as the day is done. "As .the day is done?" sighed Ida happily. . . For her the nightmare clay of prlva- Ibll was doll;, and a purple twilight ease was at hand, The sprIng breeze as still tainted with the reek of foul tvementS, but tot` her It was blowing cross the tipple eblossOrs of the or. bards fit home. • A Bank of the Year 600 B C. . The i•ery earliest banking firsts .of which there is .any 'ecord'was. that of Egibi & Sons,, an institution .which car- ried on advance,.exchange and general fivaneial business in Babylon in' :the ,year'f100 B. C. .Knowledgeof.this firm fs -Obtained 'from. certain:. records on clay` tablets which' have been found in , recen•teccavations made by a party of -1nglish and French archaeologists •• 'near the site of the Ancient: city :above. mentioned. • Bilis of credit: drafts, - in-the.foxm of small burnt clay' tablets, each' bearing the characteristic .signs . ture of Bgibi' & Sons, have been Pound .ln many other tjnLis-oi"-:.1,2*.sicirinneer • It • is 7 believed that close study,: will prove that. some'. of the., clay,. tablets,_ 'found in tombs and pyrstanids in Egypt will' finally, prove to be Egibi "sego tiable notes." • All depends onr'•the tuition you receive ina college whether you will make a success of business life.Uygur teacher allows you to depend on other students • and look .in : the...back of_ the book for• answers, your course will 'be a failure. There'ire, no answers given in OUR books—we teach you to stand alone. You need -no sup- port', so that when•yoitt start life in earnest _you ' have that confidence.. its yourself -so essential to a :business man. We have the reputation of giving a thorough'' and effi- cient training in : both our Business and' Shorthand departments.: : • Booklet free: School: term: Sept. till lupe,. inclusive. Students may enter .at any time, Forest City Busiliiess -College 1. W. WESTERVELT, Y. M. 0. A. • Principal.: . LONDON. ealoll!"31044,treafttittvtxuargosattaitat- 001.001 41nar d's •Liniment• for sale everywhere r I L 0.1 RN— S-. Heart and Nerve Pills. A.re a epegsfto for all dia..r a and dls-.. • orders arising frost a rnn•dewn condi-. tldnrbf-thti'heart'oraervesystef. such as Palpitation of the Heart. Nervous Prostration, Nervousness, Sleepless. ' ne=e, Frtiat andDisray S Brain. oto., They are es beneficial to woolen troubled, tios- n. r ms psloe.6 per box, or 3 for.$1.1111 an da tea's, or • Tag T. Co..L bean. �to, On Killed by Snowball • One can hardly: imagine a snowball ' fight ;ht wing a, fatal termination. Yet at least one such ease is on record. A young Mae • home' on leave from,. Egypt, and staying with his parents at Finsbury Park, London, Was leav- ing the house one winter afternoon, when a •squashy lump of half -melted snow, thrown by one of •a number of boys who were pelting one another; hit w on the head. He gavo one ery and . Cell down dead REG. V. S. PAT OFt7CE _• :LETS— • FTBetterThan Pills For Liver Ills. • matures Remedy is tetter tiun.ps is became haus to the ;tet way . N It strengthens the Stomach. aids Digestion!. eines Dyspepsia. demure + L +t UM se Bowels. curing Constipation. Usuatiy one NIL Tablet is ail that b necesnrl to corned the avenge trouble. b shots • ,•.ia the Stomachand searches throutb the Wen KMacrs saiLiestleta disaltier sed suothinsas it goes. Mt Tablets are always- •at•ttSM and odder skim grip, sorban urelor sM absr tfik.2Sel: 80X. m - Hovey:, Clinton Yaw vimai Just Like Rich Folin. "Marshall Field; day Gould and Pot- ter Palmer habitually . Carried only small amounts in, their pockets," said the man who has a taste for the odd.! "Well," responded his friend, "when I am gone you can truthfully, say the same about Me." , Minaret J Inlutent ltetlIevcd Neuralgia' "Wr ooe.'g The Grout , 7hib Tones and inatimtat,itho�` erVontl system, makers 4i loos in eel Y ehr'., Owes Otte Debility; Alcatel and Prat nz al no, ,4 .Huai lVertienePt'r, tea, awl .beet's O,p4bice.0) voeeaeo Si per box, eixfor .. One wide cure, Sold by�,alt drru �gilte or ma pap¢ nre•M O VII000f M.d10 100d. gr ry sy` N,NNONNNNs+N��o�'! HOME-MADE MEDICINE Said to Relieve Kidney Trouble arid Rheumatism ' One ounce PIMA Extract Dande- lion i One ounce Compound Snlatone 1 lour ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla ; Mixed and taken,., in teaspoonful desert after meals and at bedtime, is stated by a prominent physician to give moat excellent results in kidney or urinary aflli. tioite, and also • in rhounatitism ,and sciatica, The mix tore opens the clogged pores of the` kidneys, thus aeeisting thein intheir work of filtering all waste endppoison- ous matter from the blood, and'expele these in the. urine. To allow this poisonous nutter to 'remain. mean; that it will settle its the muscular, times or joints, and cause the untold misery known as rheumatfem. The mixture is competed of harm• lent vegetable ingredient. whish ten be purchased at any good drug store, and mixed at home. Anyone sut%ring fro* any of those afflictions will no doubt b«leased to leint of Blondest grorrieid;tle stud hl' rattail - eine Photos. Our Photos are, the most life- =like -land ife--hke- aand: artistic that can be it ade, and: the prices -:are _ rea- -- onable fir this class of. work 'JeR013ER`S .Photo Artist, . Clinton Seeley & West., BLACKSMITHS, • • AND [MACHINE REPAIRED' '. Subscribers having formed`a partner - hip. are carryingon business in Seeley's old stand, •Rattonbnry. Bier whhere. they are prepared to give prompt per- • sonal attention to anything in theft' line. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Seeley & West Backsmiths, Clinon HakeYour Buggy • Look New. Now is the time to• have your buggy repainted . or re- trimmed to make it look as good as slew.• Don't leave it off until you w�• tnt to use . it, but have it donee now. - We'll guarantee a good job 1 and prices fright. McMATH & OVERBHRY Ruimball's 'old stand, Clintons Murphy Bros. . .tiocessOf5 to Coloiotigli Bros. BUTCHERS 1#aving bought out this business we `tlolitiit a there of petrotiage, ags'tlring too polio blto supply heit watts t dor Aeprice. 1Vli RPS V BROS..o ....... ...... barley re e ., for it. -=-- profit IT won't .pay you to grow what everybody . • grows, -get out of the 'rut this year and sow plenty of barley. Get 35 bushels an acre from . ordinary' land, -48 pound ;bushel,—brought ' 8oc.; spot cash readily last year,—ought to bring more than that this year..`.'.. Barley is a ready -money. crop that too few• Cana-. �dian farmers grow. • Try ft—you'll be glad you did. les Yaw vimai Just Like Rich Folin. "Marshall Field; day Gould and Pot- ter Palmer habitually . Carried only small amounts in, their pockets," said the man who has a taste for the odd.! "Well," responded his friend, "when I am gone you can truthfully, say the same about Me." , Minaret J Inlutent ltetlIevcd Neuralgia' "Wr ooe.'g The Grout , 7hib Tones and inatimtat,itho�` erVontl system, makers 4i loos in eel Y ehr'., Owes Otte Debility; Alcatel and Prat nz al no, ,4 .Huai lVertienePt'r, tea, awl .beet's O,p4bice.0) voeeaeo Si per box, eixfor .. One wide cure, Sold by�,alt drru �gilte or ma pap¢ nre•M O VII000f M.d10 100d. gr ry sy` N,NNONNNNs+N��o�'! HOME-MADE MEDICINE Said to Relieve Kidney Trouble arid Rheumatism ' One ounce PIMA Extract Dande- lion i One ounce Compound Snlatone 1 lour ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla ; Mixed and taken,., in teaspoonful desert after meals and at bedtime, is stated by a prominent physician to give moat excellent results in kidney or urinary aflli. tioite, and also • in rhounatitism ,and sciatica, The mix tore opens the clogged pores of the` kidneys, thus aeeisting thein intheir work of filtering all waste endppoison- ous matter from the blood, and'expele these in the. urine. To allow this poisonous nutter to 'remain. mean; that it will settle its the muscular, times or joints, and cause the untold misery known as rheumatfem. The mixture is competed of harm• lent vegetable ingredient. whish ten be purchased at any good drug store, and mixed at home. Anyone sut%ring fro* any of those afflictions will no doubt b«leased to leint of Blondest grorrieid;tle stud hl' rattail - eine Photos. Our Photos are, the most life- =like -land ife--hke- aand: artistic that can be it ade, and: the prices -:are _ rea- -- onable fir this class of. work 'JeR013ER`S .Photo Artist, . Clinton Seeley & West., BLACKSMITHS, • • AND [MACHINE REPAIRED' '. Subscribers having formed`a partner - hip. are carryingon business in Seeley's old stand, •Rattonbnry. Bier whhere. they are prepared to give prompt per- • sonal attention to anything in theft' line. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Seeley & West Backsmiths, Clinon HakeYour Buggy • Look New. Now is the time to• have your buggy repainted . or re- trimmed to make it look as good as slew.• Don't leave it off until you w�• tnt to use . it, but have it donee now. - We'll guarantee a good job 1 and prices fright. McMATH & OVERBHRY Ruimball's 'old stand, Clintons Murphy Bros. . .tiocessOf5 to Coloiotigli Bros. BUTCHERS 1#aving bought out this business we `tlolitiit a there of petrotiage, ags'tlring too polio blto supply heit watts t dor Aeprice. 1Vli RPS V BROS..o