HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-05-14, Page 341'
May i4th, 1908
" rpouttry
Another Chapter on
Rhode Island Reds.
xaunnon, Minton.)
Considering that the numerous fan.
-.clam in and around Clin•ton are pro-
crastinating, as regards letting others
• know of the good qualffiee of their
birds, I take the liberty or once more
"boosting," the Rede. Admitting the
-good qualities of Leghorns.(ttnd especi-
ally the R O's), I vein at once get down
to practical besiness.
Since writing my Previous aa tick,
eeveral letters have smaie to hand, some
being the result of the eaid article, and
every one coinciding with what was
written. Re E liBean, of Llreicliton,
• a breeder of the Reds for flame yeaxe,
testgleif that no Variety gives as znuch
__pleasurable pretfit, in his opIntrin, as
- do those of our theme ; inasmuch' as
practical science assistee greatly. in
their breeding, although double mat-
ing is not. AO essentiai requirement.
He has proven,. beyond doubt, that
-they are eoptivuons winter layers, and
this trait is doubtless doing retire to
popularize the breed, than any other.
Itir Klager, liespeler, a breeder
.-sebo is rapidly making a name for
' himself. speaks .glowrinfr terms of
• them as broilers, as well as layers!,
Wankel Le Sons, of Waterloo, are
pleased to recommend them, either for
fancy, or utility.
A Good Strain '
It is positively essential' that the
birds should be just right in shape and
.eolortand the more so, the more great-
ly will they be admired.. Having a
tendency to revert to the Wyandotte
ehape ; it is recommended that the fe-
males possess an oblong baok,knowing
• that from the females the young stock
inherit shape,while from the male birds
.conse the color ; consequently the male
bird roust be a rich even color; females,
should possess color all over, about
equal to color of breast of male .bird.
In conclusion let Me soy, 1 would . be
pleased to see more Reds, and the more
there are, the more satisfaction there
will be in caring for them. •
Eggs kir Hatching.
Rhode lalatid Reds.
• 13ingle Comb, $1,00 per 13, . -
• Rose Oombs,$1,00 peg13,
Have an excellent laying strain. in both combs;
My pullet matings WV sure to produce even
, color, and -winning birds.
EA C. Kaufman, Clinton.
ages going like hot oaks% Send for' oireulars
Rose Comb Brown L,eghoris
eggs from recognized egg =whines of ibis
excellent variety of utility fowl, &VIES° per
setting of 18 eggs, FRED BASOM,
r-•ra Opposite Coniroeroial Hotel.
•The hen that layselathe hen thatpayas
What Boothdney Pine are Wag
For Clinton People
411 the blood in the WO Pagilie0
through the kidneye every 3 initiates,
The idoept filter the blood.
They work night and day to daily
remove about alu grains of impure
matter. If they fail some part of this
impure matter is left in the Wood,
bringing on pain in the backheadache,
dizzioesis irregular heast,botalry akin,
client:Q(410M, gravel, drOpsy,deposits in
the urine. • Booth's Kidney Pills maim
the filtering right and overcome Kid-
ney trouble. Rundrede of HuronCouns
ty residents have found this out.
Mrs. j. Cook, ot Joseph St,, Olinton,
Onto says -"After suffering with fie
severe attack of la, grippe, my back
was so tender and weak that I could
scarcely get around.' A continual dull
wearing dawn pain had settled in the
region of the kidneys and extended
around my sides. My head would ache
constantly and there was often a dizz
feeling and spots appearing and a -
though. / knew my sickness had weak-
ened and difiorderecl the, isidneys, I
couhl not fled anything t� benefit me,
I learned of BoolireagidneY tbru'
an advertisement and procuring box
at Mr Holme'sPliarinacy I commenced
treatment. It was a comparatively
short time when I had been relieved
of the headache and dizziness. My
eyes began to clear - and were -soon
strong and well. The pain gradually
left my back and sides and I strength-
ened. I am very grateful to Booth's
Kidney*Pille for the speedy relief giv-
en Me and will gladly' recommend
Sold by dealers. Price 50c. The R.
T. Booth & Co. Ltd., Fort Brie, Ont.,
Sole Canadian Agents.
• Big Money 111 Strawberries
• Mr Henry Mt% tig Mint. N, Y., en-
gaged for the first time in strattberry
growing in 1900, when he set out an
acre of plants, says the Horticulturiet
He took excellent care of this acre,and
in 1901 he received in actual caslis$ 8,-
17 from this first acre of plants that
he had groWn ; and it is estimated that
fully another hundred dollars worth
was grown" on this acre winch was
given away or consuumed upon the
place by Mrs:Olate7sfamily and the
people engaged In gathering the fruit.
This case indicates what e, novive may'
do in strawberry culture, Mr Olute's
experience is not an unusual one. If
a man has a plain commons sense, is
willing to work awl intelligently, oars
for the plants, he need have no fear
but that he will sacceed in strawberry,
• growing. • •,
•-Mr John Rucker, of Boston. N. Y.,
gathered more than 9000 e nuts of ber,
rim from a silagle acre in 1907, but as
he sold them, inBuffabs on commission,
he received a little less than ten eents
a quart, nthat his total cash inccime
from the acre, was slightly ander 0909..
Mr 11 13 Steward of Myrtle Point,Ore.,
took 01500 in the season of 1937 from an
acre ; Mr James Calder, of Clayton, N.
Y., 1000 plants, 11310 ; Mr. Coliiinbus
Knight, of Falmouth, Me., SIM an
acre ;Mx F Smeltzer of.Tan )3nr-
en. Ark., made 31079 from an acre in
1907 ; Mrs MaryMalpass, of Ingersoll,
Ont.; sold $560 .worth of strawberries
from an acre last season, • .
STATIt OP OUZO, CITY or Toractsi.)
• Limas COISIVrY. •se'
Partridge and 'Columbian •• Frank SiCheney makes 'oath that
Wyandottes, • he is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
From a pen of Partndge Wyandottes
including the cup winning pallet, the
special wicniog hen and the flrat Tonic,
• 000keral at the Clinton show. Also -Col-
umbian Wyandotte° winners of let, prise,
at e2. per 13, or three settings for $5. •
Cheney & Co, doing business in = the
City of Toledo, County and State
aforesaid, e•nd that said firm will pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLL.
ABS for eacka,nd every ease of Ca,
Myth that cannot be cured by the We
of Hall's Catarrh, fe: 10.11E1NTEY.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
- - - -in my -presence, this' Oth day of Deem-
• Barred Rock*, and Light [ber,'A. D, 1888.
Eggs for hatching from imove breeds, as Mars Catarrh -Cure is taken intern -
follows: Light lirahniae, ,32.00 per, 15; ,ansoand acts -directly on the blood and
Barred Rocks, 50o per 13, only a limited mucous endues of the sYfitens. Send
number of settings of either,so order early. for free testimonials.
JABEZ BAND, Address F j Cheney & Co. Toledo..0.
old by Druggists, 75e,
Take , Hall's Family Pills foonons tip-
ation, • • • .
• °•
zati" Wr. hat le that for ?" asked t e Ittla
In General i
weltaa/trirtrui; Nire:r6O1 and
; fif,L ed • ttbe
• °ince.
"In memory of an honest ;debtor,"
replied the Discontented Man.
"Are they so rare, thenr he Linked.
"Very, and then the clecumsteenes
of that PaYMent were unusual. We
had a tenant, a little ehorile girl, who
lived in a little room in one of our
buildinge. She was out of work, had
•beeu ill. Hard up and behind with her
rent Lord only knowshow she lived.
; Mostly on picklee, tea and breakfast
' food cooked over a gas jet. Poor little
ballroom girl. Btlt else was honest, and
whenever she earned anything she
paid a dollar or two on her reut, and
struggled along, eking oat her pennies
With all the doages girls know, wash-
ing handkershiets and sticking them
on the window panes instead of iron-
ing, iloitrig tip lane. collars by.' ratting
them around a curling iron, and- --
"It seeMs to me," said the Little
r.ay, "that you know too muth--P
" r boxyour pardon
"NOthing. fats on" ••
"At last she got an engagement to
go on the road, an she was as happy
as the Queen of Varsaton. She °owed
us $10, and some little scores to other
people. and before she left she called
on each one, and told tbein he would
pay them as soon as she reeeived her
Flair olk her "All right, no burry," and
lio she tresed On After the fashion, of
tenants. •
"It wail:December 30 of . that year,
in the Oftannoon, and .I Was alone and
•a orking an souse accounts, when I felt
a kind of cold draft, and I raised my
head to see who Was °min io, think-
ing the door had been opened, and
there beside my desk stood Miss Patsy
Vane. She had, come in so softly that
1 bade% heard her. •• •
•' how are you. I said, When,
did you, get back P Have . you left the
•company r
She sal down before answering."The
show has just closed," she said, "and I
Just got back and. wait to pay my
debit,' And she opened her littie pock-
et book and Wok out a ten dollar bill
and handed it to vie. As I took it.
noticed that she had a big red mark
across hen fingers'and as I *tete a re-
ek : asked, Wnat s- the •matters
. with your hand," • . •
"I bunianditna,id she.
"I gave her this recelpt,and she fold- •
ed it, and putit in her pocket -book and
stood up. "Thank you so •much for
waiting," she said, "You have beep
1 41011,414W4h1V1hiltiktiMil,110104
I 44ward Thateber, well known chi.
mu oalfton, ' is dOr
ead after a long illness.
• Tbe renr-yearaild son of Mr Beeton,
or Piston, was drowned in a oreek near
his home.
Muslin expecting war with Turkey,
is hurrying troops and supplies into
the Caucaeue.
W R FleWelling, Deputy Surveyor
• General or New Brunewick,consmitted
Suicide by /shooting,
The town of Sandwich cannot pay
$140 a year for a policeman, and the
town is unprotected.
•llfr Thomas Higbee, wh° was/ ins
jured in a runaway at Owen Sound,
died from his wounds
Nelson Canon, who ie wanted in
Colurnbus,Ohio, for paving fraods,was
-arrested, at Hamilton.
J. Edward Boeck has aneaded guilty
11-ew York to a charge of stealing
jewels valued at $200,000. •
• Police still gourd the Doultliobors at
Yorkton, and the unwelcome guests
are eating peanuts and apples.
H Daynard, of Sidney Township
aged 70,attempted to commit suicide
by slashing his throat with a razor.,
The new Methodist church at Wel-
land• to replace the burned Wilding
was dedicated by Rev, Dr Carman.
At tbe unclaimed baggage sale •in
Montreal, a man bought a bag foe $3.
It contained golcl nuggets worth $200
at least.
• TheBritish budget fon the year 1907-8
shows a surplus of $23,030,000, which
will be largely applied to the reduction
• o • • f the national, debt. • '
The Government Steamer Montcalm
was rammed by the 0, P, R. steamer,
Milwaukee at Quebec, and the govern-
inentboat was badly damaged.
• Sixteen horses won destroyed in the
fire that broke out in the Carney Lum-
ber Company's stables at Owen Sound
• yesterday, The loss amounts to $5,000
• The dhathani Board of Educe, ion
has done away with entrance examin-
ations. Pupils pass on the recommen-,
dation of the teacher ants the inspector.
The peeeen who has once experienc.
ed the pleasure of a emu or delicious
...!..9aleflp."•Teits-that feeling of satis-
faction that itii-Piiiity aril/flavor gum,: -
antee, is not easily persuaded twee.
• oept a substitute, • •
, _ .
• During tie last fiscal year, „of a
total 'of 201,157 immigrants arrivgle
in Canada . via, ocean ports, 1.22,203
• were males over 'twelve years of age,
•Apo. were females ands 34,323 were
cnildren under twelve. '•• ••
, .
• ' The most careful investigation falls
to confirm the story sent out from
• BattleSord some time ago to theeffect
that four members.of a family name&
•Matheson had been burned ter . death
in a prairie fire, and it. is now -certain
that it was a fake. isss".'"J
In Australia are found some of the
most remarkable ants' nests in the
world. They are known as "mag-
netic" pests, for the reason that they
are built in a, due northand south di..
rection. Consequently a traveller ratty
• readily direct his course by their aid,
A. successful operation for appendi-
citis was performed at Guensh, on
Thursday, at the Hospital on Mrs 3.
E Curry,without chloroform or either,
the new drug stoaian being used. Tbe
operation lasted half an hour and the
patient. was consciousthroughout feel-
ing•no•pain-whateyer,_ _ •
AIthougn john Arnold, a negro, has
.phin. County Court a intervals the • en e re Caine we startea ouato
past five *years, has voted hi Hareisgether, and he wonld have -gat out
• burg for four years • and ,prevaously only she said "rforgot my Rocket
at Steelton for mauy more . years it book,", and she ran back for It , and
has jest been developed that he is not never g. ct out,"
a native of the United.' States and has- - !-So I kept that bill, and hall it frara
never been naturalized: edais a7s.inivenir of a rematkable
Seed Grain tor Stde
ye class oats, peas and barley, aleo
• timcahysieed far sells Terms cash, in
tome came 3 t� 9 moth e time if desired,
• Seed Potatoes • .
A quantity of bead Potatoes Rural blew
Yorks; prize winners and prolific yielders,
W. GRANT, London Road.
.Souterurea Depend. Upon the Sise
• . of the Eyehell.
Dr, Ale/auder Sehaefer inYetitigated
the vision Of many aninial speclee and
.found tbat the size of the eyeball Is
the prinolpal factor of acuteneffit et
vision. Tile bovine 13Peeles hatthe
eharPeet sight, The second place is o0-.
eupled by man and the horse, winch,
Imre fleetly equal vieual powers..the
third bY the sheep. Small and eves
• elziell 'eyed anlinale, whether
Manunalseh1rs. ansphibla orrePtiles,
have very poor welt, owls owl. box.
MINS are the only WO that possess
Peat acuteness or.vision. The low po-
sitions In the Scale °mined by doge,
• bate and nianytneheil which feed
upon living prey Is contrary to ell ex-
pectation. In tine case of dogs and ger-
tido fIshee lack of sharpness 'or vision
Is due to the great size or the .retinal
elements. ft has long been known that
(legs have" such Indistinct vision that,
a9 a r1410, a dog Is not able to recognize'
his master by sight alone. • "
These reeults einpliasize the (listing._
tfoti between vision .of motionlefai ob-
jeansand vision of !nosing • objects.
The latter raciilty Is necessarily keen
in all anhnala o prey.. A oat la little
affected by the sight of motionless ob-
jects, but pounces'01 a 'fleeing, mouse
Or a trailed string instantly and with.
unerring precision: A trout will rise
:to the most Impossible artificial fly 'If •
Its Motion .resembles that -of a lilting
The inclusion anO.position of man in
the series are hased Wee the 'oeulfir
measurements .given by Heltuholtz in
his "Pbysiologische Optilt."-Scientifla
.anneriean. • . '• • • •
Meilen.* Made . Elastic and. .Temperao
• turfs Regulated by. Moisture. •
' Phystologts tell us tbat the animal- .
body consists of almost so per cent of
Water. Admitting this to be true, it
would seem plausible,says the Medical'
'Record that this quantity ifs neceesary
s'in 'order to ^carry -en -the normal physts •
ologicei Preussen orthe animal tic0004
• my in proper condItln,'
• For similar reasons it would also. ap-
pear plausible that should 'this' quanti-
ty, In any way be .greatly reduced or
inishedreitherthrough normal prod.
esses of the body or through abnormal'
• .
• processes, this lost quantity must ing
• nceillately be recietinlied.• 'Should such
. .
a withdeawid.of.tvatee be permittedte
be unduly pfolonged the •disorders will
. assume suchgrave dimenelonsthat lire
• Itself ' may ultlinaMly be terminated. ..
Elasticity and telability. 'of nsuscleis-
. nerves, cartilage, teodons • and even
.bones depend mainly on the -amount or
water they contain. Water also serves
as a distribatee.or bodily heat and regS.
. Mites the boidy teroperenire by the
• physical • proeess of absorption• • end
.ellminetian. • ; • . , •• . • •
, 'Under nortnal. cohditionft and. in at
peeper degree of. health. thin: einpply
,Ondinaelly rfirnlilfted, partly by the food •
• and partly by the drink we are daily
. An Overindulgence In the•
, use of water, , provided it Is not carried:
to excess, will **Mon) ff, river be Op.• -
finctive of ay ,t1;;;11;ticriss i',Sto-
queuce32iirets-S•ssise-•:,:: • . •• .:: • .
Tillman Partner.. • : •
The Tutean peasant stands in the Pe-
culiar Position Of helot neither a*pro,
-prietor norsa• deOputient,....weites Hided
ainimern the YOUtles
e reartWfratther,Inniniffillitw-
try°, SAceordin • to this • ;method ef
'farming,. 'which is loaned .Menzadria,
the:proprietor or the lend Pays all the
taxes., advances ell. ,mOney Mg -aired;
• furnishes caoital for the: Mittel. f
It' •
n swe
*se. he, pegeentin.tetorla lf,Orkt
• the. fields:attends toe. Itte stank and
to Otherhome industries, sells the
Peoducti=4n 'short is the •iibiroltite males
ter Of the- land that fa Confided JO billt•
13e Works the Soil exactly as if 'it Weati
baft min, and then, at stated hiterVale
In the year, dliades the products and
profits with the real ' • "
„ .
-Mr LabouChere'i. Whist Play, .
Whne Henry Labouchere wee an at-
tache at .Frankfort he was. once plar
ing Whist . against a very high German
• . _ • .
funetionau sitting . on Ins left. Mr.
• LebouChere led a small card. „ The lead
turned* ont so well that" he ,won "tne.
rest or the. tricks. • The ininieter said:
"Well, Mr, ,Labouchene, you Won the
game by leading tbat care; But there
Was no earthlyreason; aceording" to,
the rules of' the game,why youshould
eve so.. You have therefore r Oil
the rubber by accident.", • . •
Mr. ;Laboilchere sale, ."I had • a ...verY
geed reason fel' leading that card."
The minieter asked what It was. "We
will have a bete' .sald Mr. Labatiehere,
"that My reason wee a god, on."
The bet was therefore Made,
-"Now, MS. Labotlebere, what vtful
ecier reason?* • • •
He replied,. "i had Seen. your 'head."
• Druinmond "Reiltio
awfullyskindsto_hiers_gaod-bye." Sbe_aost
hesitated a in o.nent and then extended
her hand. and I took it. Her fingers
were very cold.
"Cood I said, aid I' walked to
the door witlaher, opened it for her,
and so She went away. In a shoat
time Some of the other fellows catre in
and laid. aside my accounts and
went one, and . I got into
the street the newsboysowere barking
about the Iroquois Theatre fire. "Good.
luck that Palsy got out before'---sssi
thought. "Why, she said the show'
hen closed !"- andl bonght a paper and
saw that the 13luebeard Company was
playing there at the time of the fire.
"Still, I thought she had left the
company, until in the next day's paper
I saw that among the lost was Paray
Vane, and. then I knee* that in broad.
day I had seen and talked with her
spirit, 'just released, I 'might have
taought I' had dosed and dreamed, hut
in the cash drawer of the safe was the
ton -dollar bill. justlike any other bin
except that one end was scorched,
" W hen the members Of the company
-straggled back to New York I saw
Patsy's chum. "Oh,' Y she said, 'Poor.
poor Patsy. She Vifte.,S0 glad to get to
workand sexed to pay What she owed 4
in Ne* York, and that afternoon
she told me she had__ p tid all ,
but ten dollars rent, and she hici.-)Unt"
rot that, and would send it ext day.
• •• perience.
A story of vile brutality to animals. "Do you expeet the to believe that?"
the rural district • .
asked the Little Lady.
across the river from Brockville. "No," cooly said the Discontented
Going home' drunk, it farmer went Man, "but just the same it's true, and
• out, to feed. his young stock, and find-' she paidit to me sitting eight in that
ing that ten calves, which he had been chair yon're sitting in now,;" • '
fattening to pell, did not eat fast, The Little Lady got up hastily and
endogh, he drew a knife and cut their moved to another chair, .
• •
throats. Then • contiouing in his "I did not think you were the kind
drunken rat4e, he started :to • out the• of man to.have farmies;" she. said.
' throats of this 'horsed. The first ani- • "I did'nt think so nsyself" , replied
mal be. slashed at kicked him with the Discoatented num, "but it seenui
both feet, and he was thrown backup-. ' that to me it was appointed, -Trenton
on the floor with sufficient force. to • Times. • , • .
'comes frona
• Plapot, chief of the Plains Crees,one
• of the greateet characters among the
red men. and indeed the last of the
real Indians of the plains, is dead in.
Saskatchewan. lie died •as he had
lived, true to the, traditions and cus-
toms of his race; He was a, source of
trouble to the Indian Department, as
helrept to the last to the Indian cue..
toms,and wasone of the last to have
Choice Seed PotatOes. sun dances iti that territarysand never
ensouragedechoels or missionaries.
render him unconscious. On recover,
• Good White Giant, College MatoblesS — - - •• )3n14 kteheagiedtd9 •38PC(11Y--"114241.°?•9f- S-I"Pbg; Drall°1-t5 411°1 ---
and Erapire seed potatoiet for Cal
Maitland Con., Holmesville,
Cream Separator tor Sale
A De Laval Separator as Rood se 'new,
_ _
can be Been at Seeley & woos Tossees_
emISE shaf- ATON,
• 3M Clinton,
• Horse.tor Sale
stillt have one 4 year old driving imare
for sale, well broken to go eisluir double or
intone. Tetras °soh, or 3 •to 6 months tinie
as arranged W. G. PERRIN,
• Grain Ifferchant.
Shotthorus tor Sale
2 good young bulb; 10 mid 12 months old,
sired by Duke of Riebmondand bred from
good cows,priees to stet the timeit. Also
a quantity of good seed barley.
• Clintoe P.O. •
Bating rented the Driver Farm, tun
preparea to take in a limited flambee of
tattle for summer, Plenty of water.
41n C. W, vvturAirts.
Subeoliber • is prepeted to pasture a
'Amber of cents during the suramee.
Spring areek, Lot 36, 13sh Con, Goderieb
Townibip. „ 30SatIL 811ZEMAll,
• Sick Eteadache and relieve sit the troubles hal. •
debt., to a billet's state of the system, each as ..
• Dizziness, Nausea Drovesines_ ,s Distress atter
• eating, Pain In the'Side, &c. while theft most
seinarkable suttees Inchbeen shown in caring
•Iiresta___Iirs,. yet Darter% little Liver Pills are .
equally* valnablein Constipation, curing andprek
• venting this ahnoyIngeomplaintovhile they also
correetall disordersof the stomach, etimulatethe
liver and regulate the bewels. Evenit theyenly
dehetbeyvonda be aineistprieelois to %mean)
salter front this distressingconiplaInt; but torts. ' .
ainelytheir goodness does notend here,andtbese
Isho once try them will Arid these little pills vela*
Ible Into inany Ways that they will mot be *Do •
negtodowithoettam. nut after all elohlicet ,
II the bane of to fottly lives that here*, where
we make oar great boast. *menial cure it while
mere do not
Carter's Tem thiiiirifif
*eery easy to take. ()neer twopillsinake a dope.
ThelarectriCtly tct;ottble and, do Oct gripe or
clasp: by their gentle atom pie** SUM
Gam ItEhillifi 404 /111,101111,
Aid EL Dia tad Mai
Do You Need Furniture?
and do You *ant tit, sive from leto 25 per cent, on the Mgt, It Will pay
you to tome and See our loge stock. This mammoth store, with its 0 500 feet
of floor 40400 iS filled with the most beautiful,. brightest and best lot of Furni-
ture, inclading Parlor Shiites; Bedroom Suites, Sideboards; 111xteni0on Tables,
Chairs, Couches, Mattresses, Wiri?Springs, eto. Also newest patterns In Our.
tains, Carpets, Etigfil, LitiOletilliS and General ilousefurnishings. Our paten-
tee goes With every article, Yetis' money back if dissatisfied.
J. H; Chellew, Blyth
Soothing Mixtuces.
• Theescape from seeious injure, if
not death, of the .50 children in room A wise mother will never give her
No Sof.St George's School, London, • little one a sleeping draught, !soothing
when the ceiling felt Thursday, was miXtuee or opiate of any kind except
little short of miraculous. The aa- upon the advice of a competent doctor
eident occurred just before -noon, The • veno has Seen the child.. All these
• children were listening to a drawing thiegs eontam deadly poison. When
slesetiligivensby Miss-Poweils-theseup.-- -yousgiv.e-yoursbaby-oe-young-child--
erintendent of arts. She was being Baby's Own Tablets you have the
assisted by the teacher, • Miss Upshall guarantee of a Government analyst
when suddenly there vvas a cracking that this medicine does not contain
sound, and it was seen that the whole one peacticle of opiate or nareoticand
wooden ceilbsg Was settling. The therefore cannot possible do harm but
children "duolted". under the- seats. alwitys , do goon, Mrs George M.
• When the noise had ceased the chil. Keimpt, Carleton Place, Ont says:-
dren; covered with dust • and dint, I have given Baby's Own Tablets to
and some of them seratched and my baby since he was two weeks old.
bruised, "emerged from under the He was a vers1 small, thin baby, but
debris and were taken „in charge by thanks to the tablets he is now a big
Principal Wyatt •• fat healthy •hoy,'' Sold by all nsedo
eine dealers or by mail ,O 25 cents a '
Tired nerves,with that 'DO ambition' box from the Dr Williams'. Medicine
Co Brockville, Ont,
feeling that is commonly reit in sprites
or summer, can be•egsily and trickly
altered by taking what is known to
druggists everywhere as Dr Shecip's
Restorative. Ohm will absolutely note
elianged feeling' within 48 hours af-
ter beginning to take the Bestoratiee.
The bowels get sluggish in the Winter
time, the cireulatirn often slOWS
the Kidneys are inactive, and even the
Heart in many cases grows decidedly
'weaker. Dr Shoop's Restorative is re-
cognized everywhere as a genuine ton
ie to these vital organs. It builds up
and strengthens the worn-out weaken'
ed neryee ; it sharpens the falling ap-
petite, and universally. aids digeetion.
It always quitkly brings renewed
strength, lite, vigor, and ambition.
Try it and be convinced. Sold by W
R Holmes atel W A MeCODP ell.
• . She Acquiesced., • .
The wife of one - of the directors of
the line wall a Passenger. She Was an
Iniperioue Woraan, accustomed 'to ha,
Ing her own way; and when the shill
began to roll she sent forthwith for tin
captain. A steward mine, instead.
She scorned the steward and denianded
the eaptailial, twesenee immediately.
The purser was the nei-t tigerlike, and
After he, the third officer and the fltat
officer had all retired discomfited, with
ft flea In the ear, as the saying 44, th•
&LOAM Mime. ' By thie tithe the relling
had Mere:Med, and the ladra Vein*
wee beginning to sound far tiWslY.
• "I wish` You to stet/ thie toning at
once," oho Mild to the eaptairi.
the Vienna Woman. • irmadimo 001 the captain, nit ship;
The Vietind Woman is called the beet •• yen knows ja feminine, and If she
dressed *Marl In the World, and eh* • wants to ton 1 fear that 1 eati no mere
lVell deserves het title. She hp mere !stop her than I could help coining' hew
°Prench in attire than the Parisian, and when you wlohod to see tite."0
eke Is more elegant than the Aussie*. It VMSa illtive bit of flatter, directed
Obi t61:0411•4 the oeeteblese of the at herweakest point, and, .despite the
English with the dellcaeg of the Apes* green tinge of her obitipleriokl that fore',
ish. Vet she is a school of, her olvia in told' ati, inunediate attaelt of mei de
drneet la original to the last de, Met, the,wontatt smiled, " ,
tell. to be thoroughly Vienne* i* 'Ter, well, eir,11 she labia, titteraint‘
drese Is he .dreate (4 the well gottlatall id, closing hor "Let•-,-lat her
Eurootott Wettian.
bling ecollections."
t , 4
• •
Although generally describedas
-a a disease, can never indst utile* •
mote of the organs are deluged, •
; which is generally found to be the
s liver. It consists of an. inability to •
! 'regularly evacuate the bowels, and 11
; 'ma a regular action of the bowehrie ;
• atbsoltitely essential to general •
• health, theleastirtegnbuityehould
• never be neglected. •
• IliMUUR.teS
• have ne etptil for relieving and
11 curing Constipation, Biliceignees, •
; Vatter British,. neartbum, and all 41
• Liver Trtinblei.
• Mr. A. E.,Ilettea, Vancouver, 13.0.,, •
writes some years pelt twat •
• • Stipa •
• tmUbled with clinanie 0011
,n(/' and. bigot* beadicheit. I tried e_
; needy everything, but 4:oily got ;
• temporarredief. A frlendinduced •
inc to try Lexa-Litme Pines and •
; they dined inc eetilplettiy. •
• Price g6 cents per. box, or 6 boxes •
at for $i.00, all aestlent• or waled ,so
• ..ttatalifove. mt• urotimun atlecteeitou,petoollot.totottspelce, • •
et• *so 4.0,.ete a 4416inteee • nelaS1444041
, 4
Electro, Chemical,
Rheumatic RINGS
4. are gummed to care Rheumatism and Neuralgia.
44 The Electro Ohemica.1 Ring is not an ignorant
(..1 charm or faith cure, but a ,scientific medium for the
.t4 eliinination of uric acid from the blood. The secret,
°a the power, the merit in this ring lies in the com-
• bination of various metals of which the ring is
*; made, no matter what the trouble is, if it is caused
by excess of uric acid the Electro Chemical Ring
•4.1 will effect a cure, looks just like any other ring,
Q can be worn day and night. We guarantee .these
• Rings
Rings , to do all we 'claim. • Call ami Cxamine these
IIC W41k=01te, ShOe
- We .have secured the ex-
clusive agency of the rani- •
ous Atnerican Walk - Over
Shoe for"Clinton and itilifte
. our friends to call and see a
full and complete line in the
various shapes, sizes and
widths, The *.°
• •
Walk -Over Shoe
because • of. its general
• excellence, is sold .i▪ n 44
,__countries, . and is conceded
perfection , by the world's
to- bethe-'-height-of „shoe
wisest dressers.• '
• N,Ve tordially invite you ,
aoi.„..ilitesu • to visit us, and inspect these
• •
. HARK 111615.111011
goods for yourself
• . .
Repairing .Neatly and. Promptly Executed:
. rr avirig held the attention .01 the .porehasing public*
... .
, • 4 a , , ,
• during the past year, by popular prices, we have slated
new 'goods, to begin the second year, and the prices will .
at once suggest the advantages in dealing here
9 • . . .
' Imo; 1—Iron Beds; .._._.. , ' ___...: . . .
, ___.
40 Beds in e o , ranging in PriZeTrilitr5F5-iic=337-3" ,
$4.75, $5, $5.75, $il, $7, $8, $9.25, $11, $13, $14.60, $15,
• .
Lot 2.--41IgAttresses.• • . • -
• .,
• Guarantee4 purely sanitory, $dt $3.50$4 and $5, 32 in the lo4
, Onr special at 3400 , - • . ,
I;ot 3---Couchess• •, .
' • 23 in the lot, which wenn:4 ekidoo. PISMO will interest you.
$4.60. $5. $8, 37, 38,. $n, 012.50, fi18,50, 314, $15 and 320, Our
special this spring is the 313.50 and $8,00.
Other Specials ••-
-Springs any size, 32. 225, 2,50 and 3.00. • Our special is 3.00.
, Rattanbhairs, 3.90,4.00, 4.50` and aka' •
, •
g .
Dressers and Stands, rmnitig in price from 9.00, 10.50, 1200..
12.76 arid up to 50.00. • Our special is 12,71
• Sewing Machines, We are special' representatlyee for the •
•• . • `Standard." Pricae range _hum 320.0040 $ts.no„.
'This department has special attractiOns throug the hotise--
, • eleaning-•season. A few remnants in Linoleums, at special
prices; also Oil Cloths. Reg. 00o /Annie= for 60c per sq . yard.
Furniture Dealers and Undertakers,' clinton.
Phone or Call Day or might. • •.
,To the. Puichas'ing-PuNic :
We have told you about Seeds and many have bought, -
but we have soine yet, •We have told you about Millinery,
and there has been- a rush for 'it, but we can .supply many
more. • Row comes Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, of which we
have an immense stock. All sorts of Dry Goods, Groceries, -
etc. Then the season for Wire, for fencing has come, and
we have the material.—Coiled, Berb and
'Come and leave yoar order for Coal for next winter. We
will be able to supply you shortly.
Emporium • • R A• DAMS,
Londesboto, A14/08p1.,,
EMULSION Save 100 per cent.
Why buy patent Emulsions of (Ica Liver Oil, when you Cali get otir
make at exactly half the VAN) S• Our own is 260 and 60c. Patent Eroulsiona
areS0c and 31.01 The Patent Emulsious are net gtlaranteed. We absolutely
guarantee ours to centturt 50 per tent. pure NotWay 011, eoinbinecl With. the
proper amount of Hypophospbites, /t is palatable and easy to take and one
of toe best remedies foe' Tuberculose, 13votieh1tis, cleepateated, Coughs sad
Coldel or in any condigott where it powerful nutrient tortie is vequivta.
HOVEY, l'aventa CLINTON,