HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-05-14, Page 1nr•- 4 wilt •pay for the Clinton New Era and the Weekly Globe, to new subscribers to.tbe end of tbe yearg�iug Eseterassan.nei No. ROOT. nOntree• rablabon • °LINTON, ONTATO HURSDAY MAY i4, 1608 If you .wish to know whatio on !Hymn' neighborhood read the New Era. unu8ompenoinjW,Talf,'•1,4 r 11 E. Boudoir mTeraziLLte" juanrctrelnen8c1"epEtsio; Tb1;4: OYA1-&ANK • law of the township of Howlett met 1 OF CANADA With an unexpected check MendZ m . IfICOMOrated 1869. • 'Paid-up capital .,. . 111 3,900,000 -Reserve Fund... „ 4,390,000 *Total Assists • • 48,600,000 Had .40111101, • Oral14440 fn 4011.17 Prtnang• In Canada • Newfoundleud, euba and'Inew York. ' 4rreSpondents throughout •the wood. CLINTON. 13B.A.N011, E. R. Dewart, Manager, -kwAtiventotatinno Man Bargains; Morrish & Crook:S., 1 Perfumes, W A McCcannell,••,,...... 1 Neweambeen . • 4 Singlelfare,.n' R llodgens • a 'Magnetic Razonn E Novey 4 FurniturenT H °bellow,. .... . . „nn Seed Corn, R .. . $10,000 Stock,PlumateetBros.....• • 4 Melegnania Tea,W Linder 5 New Net Waists,Couch & Go.. .. . 5. Stylish Feet° Hoene.; ' 5 Men's, Suits,Poplestone ..... 5 Auction Salanas Smith, auct........ 5 Bute Baron,T Shipley & Co 5 Mortgage Sale,W nirydone...n . 5 Notice,DohertyPiano Stint -gen Col -td. 5 Auction Sale, D Dickinson, . 5 'Summer Cottage, M D McTaggart5 Satuaday Specials,Hoclgens Bros8 The ntelindo Shoe,F Jacksoo., , 8 Trip to Tore:non Tozer nnBrown:• S TA -2'0A EYEGLASS STAYS Stii-1011fljeglaSs Mountings will „. stick 'when others fail, are you an eyeglass wearer? If no try than with correctly fittedlent see fitted by us. A. 1 GRIGG, Jeweler and Optician. Diener cd. Harriatie License , 1 X+, orning. Mr J B MacKenzie h raised the point that en Mrs George W Walker. IOW Wal$ tinting ae town., ship clerk, had been appointed when she was Mrs Lizzie Dane, a widowsher second Marriage had Ipso facto van cated the office, BQ MO the township land no clerk. Monday morning she filed, an affidavit Betting forth that she had been ;ttedY 1- 4gd e different Tho argu- ment was adieined Unsam Looan Omni -Chief Justice FalconbrIdge has queened the 1008,1 option .by -Taw of then Township of Hawink on the ground that 'Dein*" Returning Officers have no right to vote and that a sufficient number of thein voted to effect the result. The Chancery Division 'decided in °name that they had the right to vote, but the King's Bench Division of which his Lordship is (thief has always'held that theydiad not. Until some -case is tak- en to the Court of Appeal the point will, not be finally settled.. Hallett --Messinn-Thos Shipleynan Co have bought the celebrated Clyde Stallion Bete Baron from 'Messrs Bawden and McDonell, Exeter, and he will stand at bis own stable, Huron road, for the season., • Stanley NOTES -Rey Mr Carriere of Grana Bend was visinig old acquaintances on the tine this week; lie. was the.. guest of Min P Campbell; Mr Carriere attended the meeting of Presbytery in Clinton. Mr Charles Stelek of Hilts "Green was visiting at the home of Mrs P Campbell on Tuesday ,,ef this week; he'purposes taking a trip to Dakota, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta during the Summer. Miss Maggie Mc- Ewen is this week teaching on •the 16th con., Goderich Ton for Milia E. Mahaffy who is sick. Mrs Wm Stinson 'former resident of the second, but ow of Idaho U S Visited the old place n Tuesday. a • o neemmewinnewenneemen rowilemingionein START IN MAY Or a une and gni& :a good course Of • t raining for stenographer or Book-. . keeper by keypad/ler, . when good positions are being obtained. Enter a ny•day. No vacations. New Cata- logue tree.. 'Irritator it Central BUsiness W. 11. Shaw,' PrIodpal, Yonge ft 'Gerrard Ss Toronto orrish4E-Croo Ready -Made *—Ctatfri .)1AKAINs._ • Watch our windows Saturday IVIorning for •TWO SNAPS, whkh every man at this 4 season of the year aqt.tires. NO. 1 BARGAIN—.00tIllariSeS a line of Shirts we have just cleared out from the manufacturers at a. very lovv kure. These are brand new Shirts this season,' and as we bought so will we sell. The lateg patterns in nearly every size. Regularly sold at $1, the whole Jot to "cldar al 75d NO, 21 BARGAIN --We have several lines of Odd Etats in broken sizes. Some are quite up-to-date, and some are a little off in style, but by no means old fashioned: These ranged in price from $2 to and on Saturflay morning we are going to give you your choice of the lot for 98c,• • Al‹. TO SEE OUR SPECIAL READY- TO-WEAR SUIT AT $8.50 1 Wheatley nappleing for the patent tor a useful and ingenious invention; one that will be of use to every farm- er. It can best be described as a com- bined wagon box, stock rack and bay rack, where a hay loader is used, and is calculated so that one mail can do ' the work of two or more; When a man is loading hay with a hay teener, he is always loaning from the back, i With this rank this is done aWay with. The rack is equipped with a Bort of e truck or careen This can be placed t at the back of a wagon, and when fill- ed is moved to the front and dumped, d and the work a filling up the back of a the rack IS continued.„ .10.4160 hada A the load in such a way as to make the unloading in the barn much easier. r Thi s should be a moneymaker for Mr: Wheatley, . . • Bina. NoTne-Thie week four well-known gentlemen happened to meet at Inc - Milian & Cons "produce store, and in - E cidently got weighed. Their aggregate f weight was 987 poundis; they were W. in J. Fyle, of the Wileon-Fyle Medicine ' r Co, 0 A Howe, Chief Westleke, and w E. J. Meltobert, insurance.agent, Lon- don; the' four Were a delicate looking .it quartette. The officers and teachers a of Blyth Methodist Sunday whoa pre- sented a photo of themselves to DT B. Ger*, Who has been superintendent forna number of years, and WhOmaves in to Fort William shortly; and able One : to Robert Slaten of town, who has t been the Secretary for 34 years, the " time the school started, w /IntnobttirOoleums. Large awrtmen IAA 011 Clothe, Carpets. Lace Curtain. Curtain Screens. nine. tins. Creatons, and Well Vacate, Butter' gge and ' mauve wanton for Clash or Trade. T.EIDDALL. Dananc-We are 'again reminded of the uncertainty of lira by the death of another of our citizens, in the person of Theme Anderson, Which sad event occurred on Friday week. „Deceased was horn in Duintrieshire, eighty years ago and at the age of IS he left his native land: Conning to Canada be remained 10 years in the township of Beverly, there he was united to his serving partner in life Elenor Streughan, 59 years ago. De- siring to secure a home of their own, after a short time they started west- ward, coming to the township of Col- heetle in which be resided -for.fifteen years. Ile then removed to East WA- wanosh and succeeded in clearing up the lot on whir:bite lately Tended for 15, years. He then removed to. gent Wawanoth, and succeeded in clearing up the lot on which he lately resided for 41 years and about 0 years ago he retired froin farming and; came to the 'tillage to -reside. He was of a quiet and retiring disposition, but well ac- quainted with the great questions of the day. In reliaion a staunch Pres- • byteriann_fon. over 39 years an honored Elder in Knox church, ,,,,Atiburn, Be- sides his aged partner in life he is surtived by three sons and one daugh- cinton-Sacraraental services were heldin. Auburn and 'Westfield, Sunday, May the third. At both the places the bomber of. Cummunicants was exceptionally large, indicating a healthy spiritual condition among the members ofthe. congregation. At Westfield eighteen were received into full connection With the church and antouctounabennyno wereainable to be present will- join the church in the near futune. The Sacrament will be administered at,Donnnbrook next Sabbath. Onntionday May 4th, at 2.30 the Official Board ofthe Circuit met in the Westfield Church. The interest taken in the affairs of the church was indicated by a large attendance at such a busy season of the year. Stew- ards Were elected as follows: -Auburn -OE Erratt, John Hoare: Westfield IncLinton, John Fowler, and Benjamin Tayior. Donnybrook-Jno Onus and Samna Thompson. J. H. Mcianton was re-elected, Recording Steward and Mr A E Jelinstnn of . St. Augustine wmaesettcgtedpilraeeprzeanntanti; the Circuit Were in a, very satisfactory condition, a little being needed from two of the appointments for 'Salary, and a little to meet the necessary • amount, for the Connectional Funds from the whole circuit, which amounts will be handed in tiering the week or so. Then:area/Mg° trustees men for a fe mutes at the elose of the cial Board Meeting and decided that the parsonage should be painted as soon as the weather was favorable, and also that We should hold our ann- ual Circuit Garden Tarty on the pan. sonage Lawn, on the evening of July . . RAT. J. -R. MANN 'CALLED - The Presbytery of Huron at their meeting on Tuesday, . cordially sustained the call from the congregation of Auburn and Smiths Hill to Rev. J. R. Mann, B A of Sturgeon Falls. The call was signed by 190 members and 82 adher- ents anti promises anannual stipend of $850 Manse ,14Oxee..igealta*Itsji.• ... ays. ' • e ea I hasbeen forwarded to North Bay Pzesbytery of which. Mr -Mann lea moldier and in -will- not be known definitely for two weeks as to Mr Manine acceptance. • In ease of ac- ceptance the induction will, be held at Auburn', about the middle of none; lintement Litaens NOTE -- At the annual meeting, the following officers were elected for thenext half-year: Hon. Pres. A ..E Jones; Pres, A. P. Johns; lit Vice, Mrs • Jones; 2nd ice A m,...Erratt; 3rd Viae, . Miss arl Denstedt. 4th Vice, Miss A. d; Treas. J H Jackson; See., Roy Munro; Orgaltist,Misdi Lottie •Jackson. An in- vitation to spend a social evening with the Members of Westfield League on the 15th inst has been accepted. Mrs.:, C Stalker enBelgrave visited relatives , in this vientity last .week. .Z, Mr W Raithbn is among those who have have graduated in Ants at McMaster University- - - - 7'. . _,' 41.---,--- • Harioek • A USEFUL INvENTION - Mr Joseph • Ontraort-The‘ rQuarterlynaweerviee in the Methodist ohne& on Suaday, May 3rd. was one of the best attended in the history of the .Church. A very largo nuniber partook of the imorin went, white a deep spiritual feeling polosessed the entire service. The guar - tarty Board Met. on the renewing Mon- daypreseenytninTtewwoithrink aonithofethyeear wittalse reviewed, indicaning prosperity in- all the departments: or the church work,. Edward Johnston wee elected as dele- gate to the District meeting. Pursu- ant to disciplinei the, election of stew - ands took place, resulting in the fol- lowing brethren being elected : -Win. oaht nh swt ne Li R, .144,11t eSn° einte be:r4e WatsonEdward " jr, and George Brooln Wm Bothwell was. elected as Recording Stew,ard. The educational sermons preached on • the Sabbath before by Rev G N Hazen B. were highly appreciated; and wereattended by a large ineinaen in the offering:, to ate fund! Last Sunday the pastor gavea very helpful discourse on the second temptation of Chrlat and next Sabbath will speak on the Spring thne and the trees. ` Sammy Sonotn,-The annual Sa,b• bath School meeting of the Methodist °Mirth was held on Wednesday even ing, April 29th. Good reports were presented in conneetion with the vari- ous phases of the school. The follow, ing were elected as ancials for the ensuing year r-- James McgiyInglat, Superintendent:0 Barnwell, assist- ant superfine -intent- and Bible ekes teacher t Mrs tRevn A 11 Brown, A, J. Keys, A. Austin, J. Denison and Mrs. John Denison, teachers ; Mamie Reed, Organist ; E Eppa Librarian ; Emma, Stephenson, treasurer, and V 11E secretary.. • W:"*M. S. n -The Vannlauxiliany of the W. M. S. held 'their annual meet- ing at the parsonage April the 30th. The following officer; were elected for the coming year :-ML's. A. H. Brown, President; Mrs John Dennison, lst Vice President .; Mrs Rufus 'Keys,. 2nd' Vine President; Miss J. Dennison, Recording Secretary ; Mrs. Jas. Mc- elyment. Oorresponding Secretary ; Mrs WM. Dennison,. Treasurer ; anse A J. Keyes Superintendent of Stn. tematic Giving. The delegate appoint- ed to attend the Branch Convention at Strathroy was MrsRevA in Brown. The annual report showed the Auxili- ary to be in a nourishing condition in all itis departments. Tato new mem- bers were added that day, with a pros- pect of two or three more, we hope, in the near future. It is intended to org- maize. a mission eircle,as a sort of train- Mgt:once:Al for the voung ladies. shortly. • tioderieh Township Couriottn Council met pursuant to adjournment Members all present Minutes of last meeting read and pans - en. Moved by J.W. Yee, seconded by J. McClure that the following acenints be paid :-Proudfocit Hays tit 131ain, legal advice, per Board of Health 82; News Record Printing $3; Municipal World; ccillectorta volt $1.50 ; A. Fowler, plans and specifications /or bridge . $3. Archie Cousins received the contract for building. cement bridge at McGuire' same to be, com- pleted on or before June 1st. Council- lor McClure was appointed 'inspector. The price of gravel was raised from 6e tin7 cents er eubi .• • • ass grave. ove y Bothwell, sec- onded.by W alobb that thisncetincil • do adjourn to meat on the 26th dayofMay at 10 o clock:an a•court of revision and transaction of township business, 'Nixon Sturdy, peen. .WOManta INSTITUTE -- The regular meeting of the Women's Instinite.will meet at Mrs Mulholland's on Thurs- day afternoon, May 21st. Papers will be given by the Misses Ford and Mc- Phail. Subjects chosen.Mrs L Tebbutt President., ' . .. Am RIFLE SEIOLV — An Air Rifle Shoot open to alln'tnembers in good standing for 1908 a ill be held by the Civilian Rifle Association on Friday afternoon, May 29th, at 5 p. m. The program will be 10 shots, n at 25 yardenand 5 at 50 yerainn using .., the 5th regulation targets nod scoring. The Mazes will be 1st $LAM; 2nd 7 cents; 3rd 35 cents, Entranee will be 5 dente. Theorizes will be given on presenting the Captaies certificate of prize wen. NoTEe-The Directors of the Cheese Factory wish the !nations and share- holders to take notice that the factory will cernmence operations on Wednes- day, May 20th, instead of Monday, as was announced last week. •It .was im- possible to get everything in running order by next Monday, so Wednesday It the day the drawers will commence hauling the milk. Some of the farm- rs on the heavy land are not quite hrough seedine yet, the. continued wet weather being -the cause for the Way. The fall wheat and meadows re loeking _excellent. Mrs Johnson rid Mrs 0. itlaninnon,-Cliiitoin visitecl- art of last week at Mr Render's'. ......:-...............440.,......*.a..... . Gerrie Cfaustitni Than= A, Roman. h- A atal accident occurred at the farm of Mr Geo. Johnson' near Behnore on Monclay , afternoon, when a yotmg raglishman, by Mune Syne. only out rota -the old country couple of ontha, met death as a result, of a unavya,y. The teamhe was driving, as hitched to a land toiler, and be• OAMO Ithroanageable, ,The unfortuin te man was thrown Under the roller nd killed. Micerrig DEATH --There died in ntuffio on tiesday morning, Mr Manes W Law - twee, a welnknonn and highly respen ed resident of Morris, Mr Lawrence as bairn in Prioce- Edward county 65 years ago,and when a, young Man aline est and settled in Stanley tovvriship, ear Inippen, for a few years, „Front here he Moved to Morris, where he tirehatsed a fern about a mile south of eigrare,and lived Mt it about25 years. r LaWrendes nealth had been failing or a couple of years ; our Canadian. inters Were rather severe on him and 0 spent the last two or throe winters ith his &menet Airs °eines, in Bun alo. Ile belonged to the A. 0, U. W. ; it religion he was n Methodist, and an ays took in active part in Churcli sad S. S, work, He WAS a member Of elgra,ve Methodiat °facia Board for tnany yeare. Ile leaves to Minim hie oas. three sone and five daughterst / • w Porter's Mil : n NOTES -Mrs Bert Lindean and child- t ten, anent a few days with her friends p Mr and Min Wm Perdue last week, It Messts Sena and Sestreenot Lucknow, M viened at Walter Westoo's tine 'Week. f Mr and Mrs 3 - (iool, of Colborne, vie. W lted at 0 W Pone'.,cs this Week. The h many friends of Waiter 'Weston will W be glad to know he is able tosit up and' f hopes soon to be out and around again 1 Thomas McDonald is also able to get W around with the aid of crutches. We a are pleased to see Min: Robert Beacom 13 able to go out for a drive after her long illness, • I Innagelield . Centre RuroulAiherals NOTES -4W ./ 11 Simpson has. gone to Wroxeter, where she will reside with her son, Cecil Simpson, Miss Tena Fraser has completed her course of shorthand and typewriting in Clin- ton Boldness College, Rev Mr Carrier Grand Bend, preached to large con- gregations on Sabbath last. Mr Dun- lop! Dashwood, formerly of this place, visited in our village on Sabbath mat ; he has many friends in our -midst who are glen to welcome him. Miss K. Thompson has returned to Reline store. • I.;ellitrOSIPOr0 SOO/AL-The roeasurenient social to have been hell in the Methodist church May 13th, was postponed .011 /MAGMA Of the rain; and will beheld on tbe 20th of May. „ Goderich Sztants-The,Goderich branch of the Y M A concluded the series of meet. ins which have been held during the winter With a social evening Friday night. The first part of the evening was taken up with a musical and lit- erary programme, consisting of tbe following numbers: • Instrumental duet, Misses Warnock and Pridham; chairman's address, Dr Ha,ydetinvocal solo, Alfred Ceolc; recitation, Rise 'Walker; instrumental selection, Den 14eintrie`Millyard; address F Blair; vocal solo',.Sid Belehernecitation Miss Edna Straiten; short speeches by Dr. Mabee and Bert Hate, on behalf of the Menesetung Canoe Club and the Eur - eke. Bible Class, who were guests of the Y A for the evening, An in- termissioo for social intercourse was allowed, and at the conclusion of the programme refreshments Were served The gathering coneisted of about 100 young men-a,nd ladies. -- • ' DEaTin-Mrs John Mosely died Fri. day abToronto,as Vona s e of paralysis on Saturday last. Mrs. llIosely was out shopping at the time the stroke came, She was taken home in the ambulance, and never regained consciousness., She was formerry Miss Sara, E Parsons, sister of inapt James Parsons, of Goderich,and was married a few years ago to- Mr Mosley, being his second wife ' - OHANGES--TWo business changes in town are the formation of a partner- ship between W R Pinder and E Paul- in, the plumbing, heating and tin- smithing business, and the dissolution onpartnership between M G Cameron and .1 L Killoran, barristers and solid - • Sieferth - Snc•nan-- •At a meeting held to -day in the Connell Chamber an Amateur Athletic Association was formed • for the purpose of furtheringand contra- ing•amateur spent .6f all kinds under one manageone'at. Teams have been entered in the sentar and junior C. L. A. It is also intended td organizes baseball club. Great enthnsiasm pre• yails over the scheme and sports of all kinds will boom Seaforth thia year. . The following wereelected: 'don. President,G E Parks; Hon. Vice President, Dr McKay; President, A. Sills, . Vice -President. W. Ann)* Secretary, II:gantry; Treasurer, A. E. •Coolsbn; FootbalnaCommittie, G. F. Rogers, Frank Silks, Chas Stewart; Lacrosse Committee, T HatchenChscan Neill Iirown Jackson- Hooke ow- --thrate; W. 3, Moffat, ° . an - Sunnier% _ • DEATH - Wednesdaythere died at his: residence,. Goderich Street east, .11tigb J MacCammond. 'Deceased was in his 49th year. • Some six weeks ago Mr Ma,cCeramond was taken to •his .bed with a very severe attack of grip, and pneumonia foltowed. , Mr MacOamixtond and family moved to here some Miro years ago from Scot- land, and has been known. here as a straight -forward hard • working man.. South Huron Liberals The annual meeting orthe Liberal Association fox. South Huron as consti- tuted for Provincial and Dominion an fairs was held in Bossenbury's hall, Brucefield, on Saturday last On ac- count of the busy - season and the insuf- jitieot, notice of the meetimthis atten• dance was not enlarge asat would ottn- erwise have been, However every municipality was well represented,and. any lack in numbers was niora-tban- mede up by the enthusiasm of those present. The chair was occupied by Mr H Smithinf Hay, president of the associatien. In theabsence of Mr J G Stanbury, of Exeter, the secretary, Mr E Zeller, of Zurich, was appointed secretary protein. Mr Jacob. Kellerman, of Dashwood, theLiberal standard bearer in the exil- ing provincial contest; gave a rousing address, full of determination; tban in spite of the large adverse Majority pil- ed up against him by the recent neut..- mender, he is in the fight te a finish, and that if he does not win, it will' not be his fault, not yet that of the Liber- als who are at the back of him. He paid him a compliment in that he WES afraid to face humin a constituency the same as that which had elected, hint, ,Mr "Either, several times before. Other encouraging speeches were ixiade by the presiden_ ,t and by Mr Thos Fraser, of Stanley, Mr Geo McEwen, ex -M. P,, of Hensel!, Mr It Gardinenof tteborna Mr Goetz, of Dashwood and others. Resolutions were nassed expressing the great sense of lose felf bf the Assn. ciatinn,hy the death of n Geo Black, of Tucketeraith, and sympathy felt for the bereaved relatives. Complete con- fldence was felt in the Gsiverninent of Sir Wilfrid Laurier) and in the repre- sentative in that House, Mr M Y Mc - Loan. They fully endorsed the les:dee- :ship of Hon. A. nt. McKay, and bad tee fullest confidence in their represell. tative ht the present contest, Mr Ken lemma String condemnation Was al. sneapressed of the unjust gerryrnari• der that had been forced on this county The folloning Officers were electedn- President, 11 Smith, Hay ; 1st vice, A, Mustard. Stanley ; 2nd vies, n Me Donald, Ilensall ; 3rd eine, P Lamont, Zurich ; secretary, 3 G Stanbury, Innen ter ; treasure*, J Murdoch, 13incelield; Muntenia chairmen, Gederich, John Torrance ; Stanley, Wm Murdoch ; Cl Frit a ; Stephen, S .Switzer; Exeter, S Martin; 17sbothe,J Gardiner; Tunkersmith, E Pantile ; Benfield, Dr. Smith ; Settforth, Tames WAWA Killop, John McDowell. • The meeting broke up with three hearty Cheers for Mr KellenMall, the candidate. Large Ann Unanimous' Convention Proadfoon In.. 0, The Candidate, A large and most enthusiastic con- vention of theLiberals of Centro Huron was held in Cardnon Hall, SeafOrth. on Tuesday last, to organize for the Riding, and select a candidate for the LocanLegielature. The number of delegates allowed was 178i and every Municipality had its full complement many others being present. Mr SW: elan barrister, Brussels, was appoint- ed chairman, pro tem; and Holmes, Olintetn. Secretary,. protem. A cont. mittee, consisting of Messrs Sinclair, Holmes, Robertson, lioderacm McKillop; Watson, neaforth, and T. McMillan, Hunan,. was appointed- to - prepare a constitution, which was after- wards submitted and Adopted. The election of permanent offigers of theA.ssociation resulted as follows:- President- J H Sinclair, Brussels. let Vice- Dr Shaw,. (Diatom ' 2nd,Vice- M Murdie).MeKillon 3rd Vice -H Morris, Loyal Secretary -4 L Killoran, Seafortla Treasurer. -Jos Bell, Carlow A.uclitor-A, J Holloway, Clinton Chairman, of municipalitiest- Goderioh-G F Blair • Clinton -Dr Shaw Colborne -A, Young ,Seaforth- 8 Hays Hullett -John watt McKillop -J McDowell ' Grey -John McTaggart Brussels -J D Warwick On the chairman' calling for the nomination of candidates, the follow- ing were proposed:: -We' It Kerr, Brus- sels; W,•Proudfoot, Godericha. M Mc- Millan, Illullettatnd J Leckie,Brussels, Rach candidate was anowen five minutes in Which' to.' speak, Mr Leckie declaring that he was notial=rotillate be-athererallowhnattheir to a ballot each candidate declare that no matter • on whom the choice fell, he would have their heartiest sup- port. Messrs Findlay Scott, Brussels; W H Robertson, Godericht and N Inernighan, Colborne, were the mein- ' neers, andprthoeudfofIciwot_wint: was a..nnou•ne- ed as the result of the first ballet: McMillan-- 63 • Kerr -- 50 • . • in•Mg r Kerr. dripped extend the secon1. ballot was unique and unusual, stand- . • Prondfoot-.88 • • McMillan.- and one blank ballot. • The. constitut- • • ion provides.that in case of a tie the President shall give bis casting vote which he did in ta.vor of Mr Proudfoot Mr•McMillan instantly 'and unreserv- edly moved that the nomination •be made :unanimous, which was as heartily seconded. by Mr. Kerr.. In fact, Mr McMillan was on his feet be- fore MnSinclairannounced his dicision and was in the net of moving that the nomination be in favor a Mr Proud - foot: In a brief speech .Mr Proudfoon „thanked the Jonvention for the honor It-had-cotiferrtdaa -on him, andwithcheers for the can 'date; fornion. Mr McKay and for •Sir Wilfrid Laurier, • the first Liberal Convention for the, new riding dispersed. . The Convention from first to last was as harmonious and pleasant as could be desired; even when some of ntlatncontentionanartsnof.the.enonstitutn ion were being discussed, nothing but the best of feeling prevailed. , A good destnet eympathy was private- ly expressed for MitItern---whowould- undoubtedly have gone to the Legis- lature, had it been that the redis- tribution stole his constituency from him; but he is too loyal a Liberal; and. too good an indiyidual, no matter how great his personal , disappointmentnto do other than accept ate • cincture" stances. Ihe strength of Mr McMillan was no surprise to those who have followed, his career, for he is admittedly a man .abiljty and energy, and will • yet find a piece in the broader domain of. publie life. . . That Mr Proudfoot will be of Judah assistance to the Liberal party in the House, will be admitted by both sup- porter and opponent and the Liberals of Centre, Huron may congratulate themselves on securing the services of -one wheetatalsnsonhigin-in- thenlbgan profession, and who has always been identified with Liberalism '. „ County Clippings.' Mr Herbert Orion, Tuckersmith, re- cently disposed of a fine' 15months' old Shorthorn bull to Mr John Sparks Stanley. • Messrs jefferson an 'Wallace of -Donnybrook have rented the 100 -acre farm belonging to Sohn Marwood, .East Wawanosh. , .4 report reached here last week of the death of Williain Dobie, of Benny River district He was long a resident of East Wawanosh, The cause of death was blood-ponnoing. - The flrm of eron & Minorcan barristers._ Goderich, has been din .solved, Mr Killoran will open an °Mee in town and practice alone, Mr. Cameron will continue practice. Word was received in Blvtla Tues- day that Mr George Dawson, who up to a few months ago was a resident here, but who has sines beet living in Feigns, had paesed away. He has been troubled for a number of years with heart disease.weahoesdav,. On of last we e k , Mr. Robt T Adams, son of Mr Pobt Adams of McKillop, and Mies Mabel McClure daughter of Mr John McClure, two of McKillop's popular young people, were united in marriage at the McKillop manse. . The following particulars hate been. taken from the Hay assessment roll Population 3140; Persons froin 21 to 60, :301; children from 5 to 21, 1118; bun. - nets assessment $83475,00; income, $1050 00; total assessment, $2,325,070.00 There Is a gradual nailing off in oopin tenon, especially in the rural districts.. The rural telephone system frote Seaforth tonWilithrop, with apig lines has now taken. definite shapa The McKillop eminent under a now act passed at the last session of the Leg- islature. will issue debentures to cover the eost of construction and staltation. Already 18 phones have been guaranteed on the 12 miles online it is proposed to eons:trod at the present time. It is e•xpeeted the line Will be completed grid reedy for tuns early in the summer, iimminiumpuompollill010111 P ERF UM E We have intimated before that we have a eelection of Per - fairies on our counter hard to beat. This is a well known fact, among our ladY customers wheta We have had the &enure of serving in thie nue.- We are •,continnally adding new and • popular oilers to our stock, and tben are all winners. Our latest addition is .."Superban delightfully fragrant and last. ing. Ladies presenting this.coupon at noninstorenwillnenetvehaneample.n. Don't hesitate;Jt is worth the asking, and the pleasure will be all yours. . • McConneIl 13. •C.Itlt. Telegraph Agency • aann insiatannenWeenetteas4. 1101.4Vig$t Otipe Ca cures any balky stomach, •One per bottle.' " HOLMES° . Liver Granules - infuse new life intcralllazy • • livers. • • . . 50c per bottle. Use the best we.sell it W. S. R. Holmes • Phm B lniannfeeluring Shetland, • ••••••••••••,•••••••••••••• 'SUPERIORITY, thoroughness. Progressiveness utilityt enthusiasm,. expertneda • are ourawatohwords. Cionundia• Stessogrectw. •Telegraphy, Mali-CourseEp-in any aubseot. ' No vageoantir n. witness College • . Geo. Scotto's. ' •••••••••••••4••••••••••• • " icTia SHOES DO NOT GAPE AT – --- THE ANKLE Empress Shoes have Set a standard for style and quality. that , his placed them amongst ' the highest • grade work. They act as a., magnet forthe better class of trade. The customer who. buys the Enapress Shoe invari- ably 'Conies, ; that's . why we Sell them., R. cLuyF, othiteR . . THE MoLSoNs BANK. aflooryorotod by Ao6 ot Parliament/eon • Capital Authorized $5,000,060 Capital paid up . •$3,372,690 Reserve Fund . • 83,872,024 - Total Assets' over $32,000,000 HF omit* molrannain * Coneral Blinking 11110111101111 Transacted d'avingsfitank tiniaronent. Slav is an nisi is reuutredi� Obil accents ; teener can be deposited in Ono or more batmen. subject to ititbdradril by Intorest lucid four, tlillaiN o our. • ParittereP Sale Notre Diseetinted or selected ahreettinibis • • rated. aWaadaawwww.daraaaa.a...dawwwwadaaawwWWwma O E. DOWDING• agr.oitutoit,