HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-05-07, Page 4'
May is the big Millinery month here, and
• we're well.prepared for it, with the biggest assort-
ment of trimmed and untrimmed shapes, flowers,
ribbons, etc., that we have ever shown, In spite of
a backward season, sales are away ahead of last
season, which goes to sow that Newcombe's Mil-
iinery has the style, yet is moderately priced.
Dont buy your new liat until you see our
• display. Our' styles will suit you,
tbe prices. also.
The new Merry Widow Tailored Suit is now on display at
this store. It is the very newest design wade, with thenew
pleated Skirts and bias folds around bottom, three -button Prince'
Chap Coat, lined with cream Silk, made from all -wool cloths. '
Your choice of Serge, Panama, or Venetian; colors of golden
brown, navy, cardinal, black, etc Th best tailored suit made
-in. Cenada at the price. Splendid val e at 320 00, .
c- .
Our price $13 95.
ariormakowinA' ofamasows
Muskoka, Temeoami, Lakes of
Bays, etc,
on sale on and after May ist,
Bomeseekers Prteursions
urth West
AT yEns' Low a2i2rxs.
Via North Bay. Tay 12th and 26th.
75'ia Sarnia and Northern Navigation Co. Steam-
er leaves Sarnia 3:60-rvnr;Mav46th-andXt.h.H
Purchase your tickets at Talcum:ice,
IF, R. HODGENS, Town Agent.
THURSDAY. MAY 7, 1908.
Political Pointers.
The Quebec Locat Elections will
ly beheld the same day as the Ontario
elections -June 8th. .
West Sirncoe Liberals terminated
Res'''. J. H. Cameron of Colliegsvapd,
for the Legislature. Rey Ievine,
forriaerly of Nile, was also nominated,
but declined to stind, •
• "
The Collingwood Bulletin announces
that Leighton MeCarthy, M, P., has
dropped out -of 'politics altogether.. Be
has an Ortensive 'law practise , in Tor-
-0117:71-vfiTehrelln en
:A. Menthe Tofer's List• .
A manifest e'lld objectionable feature
in connection with the Provincial
Voter's Lists is that they are rarely
up-to-date, and the Ontario Govern-
ment ish,011id try. and devise ante plan
whereby fewer persons would be die -
franchised than hi the cage at present.
• The Whitney Government is , not
. responsible for the 'existing state of
affairs, and we are not blaming them
for it, but it is a condition that has
prevailed for years, and ,one which .
should be remedied in some way.
The Voter's Lists upnn which the
coming Local. Election will be held
• were printed between May and Aug-
ust of last year, and finally revised by
about October. The changes that
have taken place since then by the re-
moval of people from one place and
another, disfranches a lot of people
who otherwise would be entitled to
It is safe to say that hundreds of
-persons, both Liberal and Conserva-
tive, will not be in a position to .vote,
simply because they have moved since
the lists were prepared, and while
their name appears on the list where
they formerly lived, it does not appear
on where they now reside.
Provision should he made for the
holding of special emits oE revision by
the judges, prior to any election, so
that necessary changes could be made
in the Hat. One or two courts for a
riding would be sufficient, and party
Interest. would be strong enough -to
look after the, !,Supporters of either
• Why a man should be disfr. afichised
simply because:, necessity canes Itis
removal from one Place to another,
is one of the things hard for a 'lay
mind to understand.
' This lekt, refiiin that Conservatives
and Liberals would support with birth
It was stateditly a gentlennin -pretty
close to the Odnserrative.leader at et:
taws that Mr Barden will Contest his
old county of Halifax at the commg
federal election.
In a manifesto to the electors Of West
' Of
London, announces that he will eon-,
test the riding in the coining :kovio-
61al elections as anliidePericlent Liberal,
Mr. Bowyer, of -Hest 'Kent; says he
1.10,s the ttemtrapee pf the . provincial
Treasurer that he -will ,tax the rail-
TU.L op:ors, )4w, ABA
urch. Chimes
,./ ..WS8LBt:
The following officers were electe
ler the co : ng year .at Junior Leagii
'Oh ikhle.Y. itati.s• ,President- ()lifter
Andrews:. t Vice- Botta Cook: '24.
Vico-Gere Mont; 3rd Vice -,-Kath
tleen Eaet;-,, Social- Alinlue Pinning
'Literary -Ernie Atalrewe; fiecretary
Wilnier Wallis) Treasurer -Roy Rice
Organist -.-Gladys Cantelon. '
'' ;The sairament will be adininistere
it the clove of the morning serv.le
next SondT .
.day are, morning. i Help the children
May Td1 1908
Personal Notes
I visiting in town or pins wear
thnie hiving )4ilistivw or friend,
notlft use! the feet emu week_ we
e "mita annoire Milo the New
" Miss Bye. Brimn visited, relatives
; 0,nd, friends at Bengali. this wee,
Mr e McQueen, of Petrone, has been
the guest of Mrs Jas McRae, her sieter
d u -law.
e Mies Cline, nurse, late of -San Fran-,
cisco, spent Sunday at the home et ae•r
- uncle, Mr B Hoover.
RevW sublects next Sun
; Abend Mrs W S Brown, of Los An -
evening: Truthe that frightened agov
ernor. ,Reception of members, an
the Sacrament of the Lord's; Suppe
in connectioa with, the • Morning ser
Annual meeting of the W. M. S., in
Sunday School room Thursday, 71h
lntre.r., abtu8sioas.: election of officers and
• 'BAPTIST*, .
• Rev. Mr Otierlesworth will preach a
special series. of Sermons on ..elairrian
Nature in TheOldTestament," as il
lustrated in the life of Joseph, on Sun
day eyeninge during May. The sub
ject for next Sunday evening *ill be
"The troublegrof pet child."
At the next 'obromunien ser.vice, the
individual Communion cups Will be in
tioduced for . the first time. They
• were eecureci through the Ueeera
Uo, •
• Theicongregationi; which attended
this church la,ot Sunday listened to
• two very earnest and practical Stir-
• mons preaehecl'hy the pastor Rev. Dr.
Stewart. Thecidusic of the Nday was
well rendered:. througlibut, the chtiir
being assisted by Mrs MacQueen of
PetrAia, Who'. sang at beth services,
Mrs act:a:teen possesses a full rich
'contralto Voice of excellent range and
her perfeet : enunciation along. With
htr,;easy natural ma,nner of singing
-wine for her -appreciation from all,
and Mrs MacQueen . will always be a
Welcome visite).* tO•Willis °ninth, : •
•The Right Reverend •D. Williams,
'Bishop of Huron, held cenfirmation
sepride in St. 17aWs Church on Sunday
Morning labtoit which nine candidates
were presented by the 'Rector.
• The also preached an exoel-
lent sermort.taking as his text St John
no. The. address, while primarily
intended 'kir those to be confirmed,Was
listened to with close ottetitton by all
pregerat. • •
, There, Was a large-cOrigregation, and
the service was most interesting and
Pralleable. e . -•• .
.The choWreindered offertory`ariS
them in their initial good form. • „
: :At the close Of the offertory the Holy
Communion was •administered, the
Bishop being celebrant,assieted by the
Rector. ,.. •
The evening Service was conducted
b y the 'Venerable Archdeacon Rich-
ardson, of Lore:Ion, who preached a
powerful missionary serinon frona the
tett,: kixodiis 11.15: •
The Rev .afraitinne Went •-i,o Goder---
ich in the afternoon, and -preached in•
t eorge s c • ore -ifrtir
The W M held its annual meeting
Tuesday evening, at the home of Mrs
13ea.corn. The:officete were elected •as
fcillowe: President, Mrs G Courtice:
'lst vice. Mrs W Walker; 2nd vice, Mrs
T Kearns; Rec -Sec Mrs W H Mane: -
him. Cor. -Sec,. --Mrs S Rathwell; Trees,
Mrs T Steep; .Supt. Systematic Giving,
v „Supt„,ara,41knikars„,,Tarr
Howe and iVIrs.W.Plurnateel; Pianist,
Mrs ET Plunasteel..The society reports
a year of.prOgress, • ;:,- --
The Ladies .Aid SoCiety iii, making
Borne extenSive improvements; in the
pa,rsonage; , • .
The quarterlylee fS d' I t
were very liimelyattended and prefit-
tile. • The offiCial board 'on' Wonday.
eyng. ele4o..•as Stewards Messrs
J. orboinger, J. • Miller, blooper; Tyn-
dall; LiVerniOre, johns arid Piewes,the
`first named 'gentleman being 'unanim-
ously, chosen as 'Recording Stewarcl,,,
Mi. Hooper was elected delegate to
the district peeking to be held in
.Goderich, ay Oth and 20th; the re
• ports from ' all; ,departments indicate
exceptional prosperity. The .pastor,
Rev. W. E. . err was voted the month
of August f vaciOurn. •
fermi th. the Anniversary seey-
ices- of Luc Ow:Method t ehurch,the
laicknOW Sentinel says : -"Monday.'
everting it cmidert was held in the
Town gall, When the Male and Mixed
Quartettes if Clinton Ontario Street
Methodist Ural took part in the pro-
gram. Among thoSe'from Clinton tak-
ing part were Messrs. Gibbines, Har.
land, Weir ind Downs,, and Mrs • and
Miss Gibbin . the renderings were
all in fine v ice,and were well received.
Specialinterest_was taken in the ex-.
ellent man bran wrhich Mrs Gibbings
took her pa • The Quartette will re-
ceive a hear y Weleinne at any future
date.' ,
district reeeting of the
Methodig,, -*rt.& for Goderich dis-
trict Wilt, be held in •North Street
church, Goderich, on May 10th and 20.
ThMinteriel sedition will Commence
onTuesday, May likh, at 2 p m and
thi general session on Wednesday,
May 20, 0420 a, :xi. %There will be it
Sunday SO:loot-era Epworth League
rally on Tuesday night, When the fol.
lowing sAriresses wit'. be given: 'The
Re tronellip•ofIlome Religion to the
Bp ortirteairtie and Sunday school,"
Rev WiiiJ B L; "The Re-
lationaltiOnk:voung.Men to the Sun-
day Sehunl and. Bpworth Leagnp',"
Rev W &Smith, 43. D. A cordial in
vitation'areitendecl to all members of
Sunday eihools and Epworth LOA goes
of the diatrict to he 'present on Tutss-
alay•regh4. Rev G N Ilitzetiof Gode-
rich, eheirinan cit this district, , arid
Rev. 8 44nderson; of Blyth, is • eecre-
014, „31'
oi The twenty-fifth mission, of the Lon -
doff Cetiference of the Aiethodiet
Church will be held in the Jawed
street Church Eteter9e0tEhlenc(08 on
40 bre 4th,„' at !P. MA
• .1
:Ceen0 r8 I Hi/Utak*
• ikm1.60•10**4
Tetteherii,'Will meet in convention in
Seaforthiloo;May 21-22. Among those
vfhe are the program from this Sec-
W G Beaton,
West Huron
Teachers Ahseelation will bola its •
nual iristittite meeting it Goderich, on
May 2142. Thia promises to he one of
the bast itt the history of the Atieocial
don, as in addition to it loge number
of live topics to be discussed by mem-
hem of the itelmelation, Dr Goggin, of
TOTOnto, IS to be present and (Witter
three *Adresse.,
ph:18f Oat,. are visitingyrith the form-
er's sister, Aire TA Greig
. •
Mr Sanderson, of ;England, was a
guest at the home of Mr W. Jackson,
on Moriday,'-of whom he is a dietant
relative • -
, The New Era' was , incorrect in its
statement last week to the effect that
Mr .Bradwin had severed • his eonnee-
tion with the Galt Reforixter, He had
been suffering from. illness, which gave .
rise to the report,'
^ Mr 0 Mattimon,forinerlx of Clinton,
" Collegiate but who bilk; been teach,
ing in Collegiate,
is returning to
Ontario, and has taken a school near
Hamilton. His wife returned to town
on Tuesday; and will remain here un-
til Mr McKinnon gets settled in his
new whom. .
Mr James Irving,. of Los Angeles,
son' of Mr John Irving; was VietC4"
, to the parental home this week. He
is one of the ' many Chntonians who
has prospered in the neighboring re-
public, and is on his way to Wasning-
ton, where he expects to have the
honor of meeting President Roosevelt.
Miss Cuninsha.me, who has been
spending tt, e winter in California, is
expected homein a few days, and will
resume her place in the Express Office
Miss Edna -Jackson, who has been
clerk in the offiee during Miss ()lining.'
home's absence, is an efficient and
obligiog voting lady, who has ably fill-
ed an =porta:44Pa ',trying' position; .
.. Mr 1' Jitekson, Jr.', of the Jackson
Mfg Co., returned from • it trip to the
Pacific coast on Monday, he having
• been away a month. He says financial
• conditions are still pretty stringent,
though in some instances' this is en-
tirely local, but emigration is strong,
crop prospects ,fairly good, and the
people hopeful, though not 49 optimis-
tic as they have been in the post, .1
ways $100 a mile next sesi3ipn. Thwate
„ ose who pay freight rates..
Hon Frank Latchford,of Ottawa,and
formerly a member of the Ross Cabin-
et, has been appointed to the Ontario
High Court Bench to emceed Justice
Maybe. Mr Latchford is One of the
ablest lawyers in Eastern Ontario,- ,
ztill mean so winch more taken out o(
R. L..Joynt, of Grenville, states that
he will be a Conservative Candidate in
his riding against alkcomers .He says
he was ..badly treated by the party
convention before the 1005 election,
He was formerly the repregentative,
but was turned down He is a cousin
of John Toynt of Lucknow. ".
The Winghare Advance, alluding to •
North Huron, says :-"The riding was
not fixed at Mr MusgroYe's desire," Be
this as it may, We cid not think Mr
Musgrove will deny that the govern-
mentprornised three months age that
if he would be the Candidate, It wriuld
ruake the riding safe for him. .
John Loughlin is running in the
Liberal interest in Nipisging iagaingt
Hon Prank Cochrane, minister of
mjues. Mr Loughlin, who was previ-
ously registrar, stated that at the bye -
election ne was approaehed in 'the of-
fice 'of the Booth Company and prom-
ised $8,000 is he would not be a candi-
date. He did not accept the money,
but exacted a promise from the parties
that hewould be left in•• hie . office as
registrar. Later; however, he Was dis-
missed and be -determinedto oppose •
Mr Cochrane..The minister denies the
etatenient, and It is up to Loughlin to
. prove his charge., • • • • •
• iSoine • one -signing himealf *lair
Play" writes a long letter toAbe Brim -
eels Plat nencerning the polltieal
manipulation in North Huron, and
atiaki!ka the following statement, which
has been more than current rumor for
some time: - An arrangement was
made by for Ontario litillgreegtrv4votirat11414igagnizI
e 0.
that he was to year
the ear:did/ter:IL
that a riding wouldbe formed for him
ilottrAt!lotlisnlititrvel had
his Pin
is said provislogerviietlreP:nivflee:rianthat
should he be defeated in thesure thing
tS sometiunee braIrth8g"
ro n positionbett
than he had as PritiOipal of the IVing.
how school. This was consented to
by the organizer AO iuknor sa,yeth.
parliainent should amend the frank-
irig privilege, 90 that nothing would
be sent through the naafis free, except
that which a member of Parliament
Would ordinarily send to his constitu.
'entf4 or the correspondence that it
member would usually have While iii
attendance at Ottawa. We were this
• week showing a letter franked by• al
imeinher (if Parliament,who is
Wmaiiing his ottlinary . business tor,
• respondence at Ottawa- a Mime that:
,M never Wended tinder the act.
The Postroaater General' might well
take thie matterinto cOnsideration4
Alrs A 4 33obler, last -week RoKher
residence and tiroperty °palate street,
Exeter,to Mr Wm Ouantiore,of El en
Mr Oudinore will take possession 4a
Town Council
. .
Regular meeting was held on Mon-
day night. A communication was re-
ceived from the White Dyke Band, of-
fering to give a musical program one
nieht a,week and asking for a grant of
$150. On motioia, it WAS decided to .
let the communication lay on the table
or it mon . . • ' • •
. • .oritanre AND SIDEWALKS
oi -1 -
- •
A petition asking 'for -a Sidewalk ori
the west side of King St,. from %Volk-
er's Livery te-MaRenzie's shop was re-
1 ceived and accepted. . . • •
_ Mr Smyth, chairman of the Str,iet
Oiornmittee, recommended -that' the
drain on Rattenbur Sat. east, to be
la ace in e, • ands o 'the EngineerC
That grading be done on Gordon,11Iary
and Dunlop Streets: That a curb be
placed on the walk ...Crow, Munro's bar-
ber 'shopito the.Normandie. That Vic-
torin,Street lje niacodamized.from Cut-
ter to thelPost °Mee. • •
Cbun Jackson questioned the propri-
ety of spending more money on . the
roads WAIL the inatter of proceeding
with wa milks waaalgejde,a,__
oun,Ford thought that as the people
had decided for waterworks and the
-Courts` had also decided -1n favor there= -
rctbleaddnos°:tiben.i nt ri isthw° ua known bneo warweh wa ti twbs was bt to
'MrTo„ylor thought ,..he money -about
$500- could be spent to better advan-
tage on the street to the station. The
report was 'adopted on the lowing
vote --Yea: -Wiltse, Graham', Hearn,
Smith, Ford. Nay -Taylor. 'Jackson. •
OLanZron. DAMAOE8. '
lar. Graham made a verbal state-
ment concerning the claim of Messrs J
«IrN Fair.fordamages sustained by a
recent flood. The special -committee
was not at first able to arrive at -a .
settlement and a, Sub -committee was
lippointeti to deal with the rnatter.con.
salting of the Clerk, Mr Brydone, and
himself. They had arrived at an un-
derstanding to pay him $125.and he to
keep theldarnaged flour. The original -
claim %viva& 5207. Mr Graham said
that at the same time he thought or--
rangenoents should be made to ream -
burse Mr Fair for any future service
rendered thetown in COXIDeetiOrl with
the hydrant system. ' •
flidr Taylorthought .ilifr Fair was en-
titled to this anaount, but it should be
paid "without prejudice." On -motion -
of Coun Ford,'seconded by. acitni.
Smith, the report of Air. Graham was
adopted. • •
The matter of street watering was
left in the . hands of the Street Cam -
i (3_,
'Mr Bearn,Chairman of the Property
Committee, tece-mmended that an
electric light be placed on Matilda St -
below the etation -and that tenders be
asked for coal for the town, .
, '10,014114 of Heath _
Mite, WALL.aek - The death is an.
spurned of the wits of Mr. W. L.
ciminneroial traveller, of
Toronto, and formerly of Clinton. De-
ceased was a Oster of Mr, Andrew
Jamieson, of Londesboro, and died at
the home of her eleter, in Lockport, 1ST
Y, if we mistake not she lea,ves no
family beyond her bereaved husband,
who has the sympathy of his old
kin% litictxs.a.-The death of Nits
iielyart. Wife of Mr Charles Helyar, on
Saturday was not altogether unexpect.
ed, she 'wiring 'suffered from heart
trouble for eome time, and not being
in robust health for years. She was
the eldest daughter of the late kali,.
Smith, and leaves ajain, Roy, and one
daughter, Mrs S Gardner,of Colborne.
She was a quiet,. unostentatious
worhan, respected as a neighbor„, and
beloved eit 4 mother, and Mr. Belyax
has the sympathy of many friencts in
his bereavement. A consistent mem-
ber of Wesley Church, she died in the
faith intwhich she had -lived. Among
the many floral wreaths was one from
the I. 0. F., of which Mr. Helyar va
Member,. The pall-beerers were R.
Fitzehareps, D. Stevenson, J. MeMath,
A T Cooper, A Tyndall and P
' Ma Daiiii4,Greatly to the surprise
of his friends and thekeminnunity gen-
molly, Mr S Doan, , only son of the
late 0 S Doan, died on Sunday even -
hag, Very few eyert knew that be had
been ill. A week ago he went to the
hospital to undergo a trifling operation
but he was evidently in it much more
serious condition than anticipated, as
the nature of the operation was s h
that no serious reemts could arise from
it; „Deceased was born in town, and
was formerly in !flleitleSEI with his
'fathdr in the tannery; but spent sbrpe
tinie in the west after this was diseon-
tinued. For a couple of years be has
been shipping clerk in connection with
the 'Crating Factery; He leaves three
sisters, two at horne,•and one teaching
in Cleveland. The funeral services
were conducted by Rev Mr Gunne, of
St Paul's church,the pall bearers being
Messrs W. Jackson, Q. B. Dowding, 3.
Rattenhiiry, J: tine, MO, 'Fehr
and B. M. McLean: Deceased was a,
member of Niel.; 0 14, his brethren at-
tending the funeral in a body, arid also
contributing one of the very handsome
floral wreaths,of which there were sev-
GEoEGE GEamoit-One of the very
oldest pioneers of this section passed
away on Monday, at the home . of his
son in•Goderich township., in the . per
ram of George Graham. Sr.. who•
considerably passed the ellotted"three
seine years and tee, being in. his Wad
year. :Deceased • had enjoyed fairly.
good health almost Wills life. -He was
orn in Ireland, and came to Canada
with his parents when only four years
Old, they settling in Leeds Co. In 1852
Mr Graham dameto Huron, and settled
in Goderich township, just miles
south wheee he passed his last days.
undergeing all the hardships of the
pioneers ; afterwards moved back
to Turn.berry, where he lived for some
time. When he gave up the. active
life -of the farm he moved into Clinton,
licit* here for seven years, until the
death of his,wife, when he made his
home with his son James, residing
there untithe was called home to "a
mansion not ma e-WITE-KaTiarr- n
very earl life he associated himself
with theMethodist Church, • and was
a faithful member of this church . for
over 70 years, a, record that is not very
often equalled. A man of quiet, retir-
ing disposition, he enjoyedahe respect
of it very wide circle of acquaintances,
He leaves three sons, James In •Goder..
ich township, George and •Henry in
lor, Detroit. The wife of Mr W Alex
under, Olinton,receiitly _deceased; was
aleo-tt daughter. The funeral on Wed;
nestle*, was farge'y attended, services
being conductea-by_Rev lir Snowden;
the pall.bearers being'Messrs W,••Jervis;
G Rolland; W Stanley, A J. Couetice,
Geo Cook, anc1,11:Bicks. • • •
linron Postmasters
A meeting of the Postmasters of
South Huron was held in the Town
Hell, Exeter, on Tuesday task afr: D.
B. McKinnon, Pres. of Huron P. M.
Association in the' chair, and Mr. G.
Sutherland, of Elensall,ucting as Seey.
There was a good attendance and it.
gratifying interest shown in the work
of the association, Mr. T. Farrow, of
Brussels,. delivered an Intereeting ad-
drese. tracing the historyof organiz-
ation amongst P. M's. from its first
inception in Manitoba, up to the prese
ent time. Mr J. Scott, of Clinton
dealt with state of the benefits of
organization not only to the P.
but to. the Head and Sublunids of the
Post Office Dept. A profitable dia.
cussion, introduced by. Pa r. 'Geo. Suth.
(Irian& of Renard), was had us to the
care to he exercised in the handling of
registered matter and the instruction
the public regtured with respect to it,
Mr. Faust, of Zurich, introduced the
question of P. M's. being brauirlit
within the provisions of the. Giyii Ser-
vice Act, so as to enjoy the pro/11000
of superannuation allowance, The
subject was passed • on to the pro-
vincial association for fuller discussion
It was decided to hold a meeting at
Winghitni some time in June for full-
er discussion of tidpics of interest to
the P. M. • • '
Thainance Committee recommend-
ed payment of it number of accoutita.
The receipts of the month were as fol-
lows: -Town scales, 53; station Stales,
$94,80.50;.hall rent, $10! cemetery receipts,
The sum Of 825 additional Was grant.
ed the Heron Live Stu& slum.
Mr Graham, ()bowman of the Ceme-
tery, said that it was • in good shape, ,
and well kept. Be reciernmended that
six death be purchased for the conveni-
ence of visitore, all of Wbieh was
, • TEST WELT, ' • :
Tenders for sinking it test well were
submitted to the council, running All
the way frow $000 to 01200 for an 8
hid' well. Coma. Taylor moved, see-
onded by Conn. jadksori, that,the ten;
der of Peet *S6 Son of' Petrelia, to de
Certain work at $060, be accepted. Cd.
The ineidental reference made by
Coun.Graham, to the town's oblige -
tions to Fair Brom, for irervice render-
ed in the supply of Water for lire per -
poses, is one that the Council should
not overlook. Everyone knows that a
fairly' abundant water supply has been
provided at little or no expense to the
town which has been very effective in
South Huron Conservatives
Itenri Either The TinaniMOUs Choice.
At a largely attended naeetingt
South. Huron Conservatives held in
Renee% on Tuesday. Henry Bilbet,
31 P P of,Crediton, was-,nnailimeuslY
tendered the.nornination Of the party
for' the provincial election. ,
The corevention, Which did not eon-,
inst.' of appointed delegates, but MO
open to all representatives of the party
vette 11 Seceess from every standpoint.
The ,afternoon's proceedings k were.
tharaeterized- by perfect unanimity.
The chaie was occupied y the preeit
dent of the South ginson Censer*
tive Assoeitalot, Mr 3 A. wiiiiamo. or
Ziltich.' With him on the platfonzn
were. Col. Hwhark, 31 P P of
Kincardine; Mr BenrrBilber,of Cited-
• iton, the caad date: Mr Wm Campbell
of Goderich, and Mr Haley Horton,
Hensall,eecretary of the Conservative
Mr Vilber's nomination Was moved
by ex•Writrcleh Hush Soackman, of
Exeter, and seconded by Dr Wood, of
Hayfield. The entire convention sig.
tithed its approval of the unanimous
lonainittion by a standing vote Mr.
T Carlin denied that he had any in.
ention ofopposing to Mr Hither.
Mr AV Cnuupbcti, Goderieh, WO also
one of the spbakers. Addresses were
ilso given by Mr Eilber and iltigh
Minind zing the danger from flee in the t
past, and there Is no question what-
ever that this firm should. in SOMS way •
be paid for its valuable service. The 4
Matter should not end by plug on the
minute book. It In unreasonable to ex.,.
pest this firm to supply power an4
Water whenever it is required 1or firs
purposes, and get no renuin•raOm 1
thereof, The town closetaot eipeat it..
Clerk, of Ktneardine,
Hugh Riehtionail hag teritedhis,ferni
n Gray, known es the Plckrell farm,
to Me LiTehato, afTswarkito,, •
11 PaperRush
Customers are delighted with. onr t91)8 selection, and
are cheerful buyers. Without. a doubt we have the
choicest papers and best values in the history of this
• department. Remember, many of the lirtes are ex-
clusive, and made Only to 46111.. order, so the.first cus-
tomets always have the best choice.
BORDER same price as side walla
APRIL sales , have been gocid.
•' MAY 3houlci much better •
All paper, trimmed. free ,
.Special Prices on .Remnants
and small lotsTell .
Us exactly the number of rolls you need and we
- • ' can ma.ke it ea,sy for you. •
00 P
treiollutvimr br-theretinn -tor the A Nediger 1036 Jessie Watkins:. 855
Clinton gehQ01 : Division 5 --Sr
Hurry Shaw 1063 'Gertie Wallis
month off April :-- • ; c'laggart 957 Oliver Johnson 852
Division ILMarke ohtainehle 200. Willie ceek •' 9.36 Weals, Seeley 845 "
I 0 9antelou • 926 Albert Shier 845
Rai Canteloh 173 Elmer Kw 127-- Clara Twitche11925 ,-
,Marj Manning 166 Mary Jackson ' 135:4
Elgin Maroon .• 157 L MacDonald 133 ' .,L Langford . .373-GrairLo.pingtOn 33d•
EdgarTorratace 161 Nellie R0341E6E:135 I :
Russel Harland155 Bessie Walker 132 Sadie Steep 374 Clarence Finch 320
Fred Rumball 153•Violet Barge 130' 'Qua _Argent 374 Lorna Deeves 320
Edna Levis 152 R Walkinshaw 120 Bert Deeves McDcnald319
-Stuart Paisley 150 01ausirt*O'Neitt.:I28 ' • piyision -sr. Class
Fred Cutler iss Effie, Pickett - 126!
. , • -. ; Fiank Pennebaidr, Foster Cone'.
_Divisipn. -claim jlarriet9a,ntsion Dore n Stephengon,
Wilfrid Crich, (51;nto: Cook, Lizzie Ford; -John Bali; Fred Sloman, ;
lt Loyd J
! Cole, Mervin El io t,.Rice, tie
Grace :`Walker, Margaret' Wheatley,
lrfargaret Cliewen equal. Willie Clar-.' Ileiseh. •
ling,: Fred .Ford Edgar Pattison... .; . Junior (11466'
Class . Nora Kennedy, Georgia Kanfman, • .
Willie. Blacker, Peray Ladd; Sissy
• Willie Rutledge, Dora Barr, . Baines, May Rutledge Gifford Heaton
Walker; Manly Shipley, Bessie Ross Gertie Glazier, Nellie Watkins, Willie
Jean Da, m nt M Easom Katie Doherty, Hattie •Courtice; teacher.
Div VH -Senior clots "
Alberta Jackson, Mari Ohidlay. Hat-
tie ' Greig, Marion Gibbings, Mahe -
Marshall, Hanna Argent,Ressie Chow -
kande Hall, Lulu- Howe, Harvey en,--Dorothy-..-Rattenbory, Claud Mgt -
Harland, Roy', Forrester,Lena Holmes, gine; Fred Grimes. M,Wiltee, teather.
Willie .Pinning, Lulu Connell, Olive
Cole, 'Janet Wilson, teacher.. ' Third Mee '
• Charlie McGuire Mary darter, Ittith
Division IV, Sr Class -McIdath, Carl Warner, A. Deev_es,
Carrick, George Wagner. '
• Alma Judd, Gladys •Cook, .Harvey • Fourth Class
• Walker, Walter Shier, Irene Gould, • - .
1.4yda-Livermore, Agnes Fair, Mur -
Florence Cooping, • y McNeil Nettie Glazier, Edna,
" r'4.cst. Mary McNeil,
, Jr Class, Promoted to 3rd klook
Helen Rcaeiv.e;: 0 A Taylor, teacher
Violet •
Violet Argent,
Viola Cook, Harold Bohnes_, Andrew
Steep, Willie Appleby, Arthur Grant,
Charlie Then:ipso% Eddie.Graelis, Hoyt Fred R099i teacher at Lochalsh, has
Nickle. Austin Martin, Willie Rout. sent in his 'resignation, to take eitoot,
ledgerRoy Chowen, trial -Lorne I at midsummer. He has been engatred.
Neitans, Mary Levy. Charlie ItOrseIey, to terieh at sehoolhouee, No Heron
Gooier. Lizzie Meck•herion; teacher.
Di vigion,III -- Sr ()lase
George 'McTaggart, Elmer Beacom.
• Laura Menne', Clifford Harland, Fred
Thomnson,• Harold Kiltv, Irene Wil-
• kin, t'earl Glazier, ,Eutia Weisman,
'Maud Ceok. •
Charlotte Sheeley,Kathleen Dowzer.. .
Jennie Baines. Lulu Bailey, Mildred
Cook, Lois Bolmes, Leona Nediger,
Maud Routledge• .
Pronaoted to Part II
Clara Ohidley. at a high salary,
Two Snaps.
. Ladies'Whitewear,..
.•.. .
Thin are the sample goods of 0119'of the largest Whole
sal houses in Canada, , and, are therefore the p.tek of ,
their stock. These goods are all perfect in fit, style and .
. Wpilkinanship. but in some eases, are Egightly. oiIed,
The lOefiti`§ai'§aiatiUUi.
,v,;, • t• • •• • ,•• '•;•."0 •
Caps) Caps,- Caps,
'Our eecond great enap is one which is of interest to nun,
women and children alike. It Consists of hundreds Of
• brand new, on -to -date Oirns, in all the latest makes, and
• is the over -production of one of Ontario'8 largest alan11-.
fiteturere, cleared out to us tit such A remarkably low
price that we now paS2 them on ta ytti at, in many
cases, half Manufacturer's noSt, Seo them in our WIndow
Soe, 6oc and 75c Caps at
Our Great Clothing Sale still continues. Save money by buying
yor footwear here. • Watch for next week's ad.