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T.-r.wry•,.. _ �`'��1�
CLINTON. ONT,, APRII, 30, 1008
Quite the beet shoving ' or
Artistic Millinery that has
beer in our show room. Nolte-
ing to approach it anvwbere
near Clinton. Always some-
thing new to be seen, fore there
is a constant stream of new
goods passing through thio big
department, This week, new
shapes, new flowers, new tab•
bons, new novelty trimmings
are ready for you. New hate
too, trimmed up by our ex•
perts,.and ready for Saturday
Local. Notices, of
for the gel tion of delegatee to.atten
the Centreuron. Liberal nomination, A
will be held in the Connell chamber,
on the eveningof Friday, MAY Stb, at' hM
$ o'i 1nnk, Alts Liberals are invited. J.
MIANGtES—Mr • Jonathan Brown, to
Iltess and Mantle; - making, Plain who has been living at Iielniesville :for.
Sewing, Pressingand Cleaning Ladies'.
Apparel,—ADD.gome tliiie; to returnin;r to town, lieu -
E KATJFMAN. ing rented the house on Rattenbury
Note Street, occupied by Mr Mann, and be.
longing to Mr Seeley, Mr. Mann, whoo
All outstanding accounts must be Paid el ogee was Mechanlcal , Superintendent
taken a ositio;t
or they will b9 laced in Cour rpr aallectioa. the Thresher (Jo., bast en po
tlettleieent may tree ,rade at the store atilt Stratford, and will shortly move
J; w. iziwlx. ere.
, 2
The Great Sale of
Carpets and Curtains.
There is great selling in our Oarpet and Cur-
tain room these days. Great big stocks of both
are here ready foryou, Almost endless variety.
Choice, new -designs. Quality,•. to be depended
upon, beyonda doubt, Retiring Sale prices on
every pair and every yard, Here. is a hint of
values. - Just a few price items°out of the many.
Curtain, Prices
Nottingham Lace Curtains, full % yards long
taped edges, two new designs, strong net, specia1Rit
per pair ..•............... ....... 1
gown goptcp.
runior is current to the effect that Mr,
Andrew Porter, late manager of the
Sovereign Bank, Goderich and a well
known Clintonian, may take an inter-
est in the Gtoderich Star. Mr Porter
is a• .practical printer, having silent
some years at the business, and he
would make an exceptionally able and;
popular newspaper man, •
COLLEGIATE—During the holiday
the rooms were thoroughly cleaned.
and the floors oiled by the caretaker,'
everything being 'in splendid order for
the're.openinglast Monday. 'While •
in Toronto; Principal Gundry secured
about $100 worth of supplies to add to:
the scientific equipment 'of the school
• which is now one of the very best in
this direction.
S. R. Holmes, who hi Secretary of the
'C 0 F here. received word on Satur-TRIS KNIFE TAKES THE CAKE
day of the. death of a. former resident, Wai haye•for. some time been men -
Mr, James A Miller, who for several, tion instances of oldand well re -
years has been living at Sieve Mttdre, p
Cal: He was in'the employ of Combe reference invari„ablyysbet eruthandthe
Drug store when here, and has kept reseeding one, till we thought Bill
up his connection with the Foresters, Lister, of town, had reached the limit
in which he held an insurance of $1000, with one about G• years Old. But even
Made in favor of his mother, Re was this is 1peaten by Mrs Thos Walker,'
30 years of age. Huron road,. Hullett, who has a pen
PROPERTY BOUGHT - Mr Jahn knife that has been in her possession
for over 60 years. If anyone can go
Carbert,'' of Hullett, whorecent;y better than this we would be glad to
had the misfortune to break hie knee hear from them.
cap by falling from a tree, intends to
move • into town - shortly, - having WATERWORKS. —A well-known
bought the house owned by Mr LRatepayer writes as follows:—Some of
Doherty, Victoria Street.. The. price ' our citizens have evidentlygivenup•
paid is in the, neighborhood of $1800. all hope, of the .present Town Council
The house is new and well worth the _proceeding with Waterworks. Mr.
price. Mr Doherty will take up 'his Rettenbury hasinstituted an electric
residence.. in. ,Goderich,that place motor which works his pump and
suiting) his present business better. . gives him an. ample supply of • water
"Mr"Carbert-will•.make.a:-.gooal...citizen., •- fr• house and...sta ble,.• and now Dr
and we welcome• him to town. Chinn is going to connect his stable and:
LAWN BOW.LERS: —The annual house with Mr • Rattenbury's water
meetingof the Clinton Lewd Bowlingsystem. The question' is -often asked,
Club wheld in the °Mille lChambewhy a it ghat, in. sous b ylie elector=
oh Thursdayevening, Mr, W. Jackson atedhaving se unmistakably pronounss
� ed upon the question of waterworks
in•the chair. The a ection of _officers or no waterworks an the' affirmative;
resulted as follows: Hon Pres„ J Rans- our Townfathers' are practically delay-
ford ; Chaplains, Rev. C. R. Gunne, ing operations and proceeding as slow-.
.W, `Jolliffe, Rev. J. A. Hanlon' ; lion. ly as possible, and we fail to 'find' an
members, A Porter and W Coatv,God- answer except that some of the coun-
erich ; J P Tindall, Buffalo ; W Dock cil are • 'p 'rsonally opposed to the
rill and A, J. Taylor, Toronto ; .Pres.,: scheme. But should personal consid-
W. Jackson ; vice -Pres.. 'el . K. Dow-ir
erations outweigh nubile require,
ding ;'Sec-Treas..J Wiseman. Ground menta, '
Committee. : M'esers. J. Johnson;_ 4._14. r
Courtice, W Graham,' and J. Hunter, t CHECKERS On Friday evening
lest, Mr W T Walton.of Seaforth,who
Three patterns in Nottingham Lace At Cur-
tains, full • 31a yards long, button -holed. edges, • '
very strong net, suitable for anyroom, .Splen
did Curtains at a popular price. ,. Put them .
SLAM against anything you will get anywhere .at
$125; and we think • you will-buythis,.,apecial at tV1e„
per pair. j
These Curtains are particularlygood.value.
At Regular $1.50 qualities: Made from the beat
$1.18• Nottingham Lace, with button holed : edges. $1 � u
Extra large, very strong, price per pair, ., . u
These Curtains at 31.3$ are worth at leash
$1.75. We could have -marked them $2.00, and
81.38 not be very far out of til way .New, patterns, e1 gQ
full size. Really a bargain, at per parr ap at7tuJ
At '
This Curtain Is . exceptionally good. $2.50 "
At is easily what it is worth. The pattern is one
of the beat we ever had, and quality of net is
81.90 extra strong; buttonholed edges, special at per Al s90..
pair.... ..... ,...
New Lace Curtains, made in Nottingham .
plain net, with insertion set in down 'one side
and across bottom, . edges -trimmed the, same
way. Have the appearance of••those costing
twice -the money. Plain white or Arab.shades,
also two-tone effects. Price per pair $4.25 and $5.50.
re Wi bitehead has rented one side
or house to MrCharles .worth, late
Mrs Oolcloug.ghBrnters, butchers,
e•sold out to. Mesertilhoe and siert
rpUT,. The latter will have Charge
he . usiness. Both Are well • and
rably kiown here.
vs Alexander. of Toronto, who
vi ting her son, Mr, A. A. Alexan
of a Jackson Mfg. 00., entertain,
nu 1 ' er of friends' to WWI at the Ho-
tel • rmandie, on Monday,
M Rowe, of Newbridge,. '' +lb has
been'n the hospital here for game time
having undergone an operation, wasable to return to
GOOD RESULTS•— Gips of the ad. ' muchmproved i heal lime this week,
vertiers in the Poultry, columna o : Mr,Jas Livermore, who was Engirt
the New Era informs as that thtroeg eer for' the Ulinton Thresher Co., has
this medium alu7oe; a ie_,able to di taken• a 'situation as engineer for the
pose, of all the egggs his birdsare iayi . Dohei: ty Organ and Piano; Uo. He
and is making saie� hundreds..of ins s a good, ,reliable and qualified man.
away. We.would like to see others. y
it, and thereby make the Veno rtm k •BBi p'S—The Pastime Club hard a
More interests . We will each h w nice little dance in their club ronin •on
publish. an• article of interest to all ,he , Wednesday evening; ,., .The last $n
craft. )shiny touches are beaux put on. the,
offices erected• by Air J Taylor, Mr, D.
REGISTERED STOOK A Mr. %iiorfs doing tbie work.;.,, A neat
Marshall from Vermont,has been in 'golL►leaf si n,by Joseph Oopp, adorns
this vicinty, trying to buy registered the ft t o the:. Rattenbury House
mares. There are not ri ally �o of this this se willbeened to the public
class ofstock here, and what there'are on Fr ay Mr,David. Cantelon
a toxen
command cod prices. He a bought one has .of eggs whish could have
from Mr Herbert Crich, Tuckersmith, e t the , contest, at the .recent
paying therefor in the neighborhood P ry $how,for largest dozen Their
.of $265, and offered $800 for a pair averageweight is about, 3i oz;
owned by Mr A tunes, but the offer world be no _money in selling eggs
was declined.. Be also bought one ruches these by the ,dozen.... Mr•A.
from:W Rinn, Hullett, for $265 He H. Goodwin'is im roving his prop@rty
was the guest . of Jas, Snell, Hullett, on llatte`abury $test b • having the
while here.. fencfk�� taken dotyn he price of
•milk.'comes dopwn to 6 cents next week
..1'ouincil'Rclil meet on Monday night
Y .red Cook has gone into the milk,
business... '•
The r• tat iii y of
Wall ► aper
TOWN ASSESSMENT —'Mr Thos. ' holds the Championship for Ontario,
Cottle has' as a Checker player, gave a demons -
Cottle the Assessment
Of the town, and handed in his roll tration of his skill in. the Council
;which is in splendid .shape. The chamber here.,. He :played against
following figures showing the total eight of Clinton's checker 'experts, all
A b1 be of in -
one time, each having a;board'be--
terest ment, y wards,.•
will fore them, and out of la` games, he
St: Andrews.$202,OB5 ,won 10 of them, losing one, and four
`203; beim-bra• _ . -,- -r- were
St Johns cot 290 Messrs H Ho`hlden, W o rant, ' eorge
St George's..:. 166,889 Robertson, 7 B Hoover, Levi . Wiltse,
J , Watt, • Jas Pk; and E Johnson.
Hoover managed •to win one genie,
.while Houlden,Watt,Cook.and Wiltse
managed to - get a draw. Walton
afterwards played a game with Mr.
Hoover, the latter making his moves
ou ,,aa-boaaa as -usual; hut-• Valton- -de--
pending enthely on his memory,
without the use of a board; and won.
o. He-is-ce,,ta nly-an -exper
in the way of.checker-playing, though
some of the Clintonians puzzled him -
FISH AND GAME -The trout fish-
ing has com'inenced,: although the
season does not start till May lst. A
couple .of "sportsmen" enloyed them-
selves in Deeve's and Trick's creek , on
Thursday afternoon of last week. Can't
this be stopped. The trout are always
Some Carpet Prices.
Good quality Union Carpet, full yard wide, .
in shades of red and green, good patterns, fast 9
colors, per yard s7
Extra heavylilitlitp heavy Union Carpet, a
splendid carpet for a room that • gets - lots of
wear, nice new • • sig s ln• gr
reds, etc., fast colors,per yard,.., .;..,.'.
Solid wool Carpets, gc.od weight, firmly
woven, new patterns and, colorings, full yard a 75c
wide, per. yard ,•,•••••••..0.06.11001,
This is practically the same as the
assessment of .last year. The pop ulat-
ion is 2148, an increase of 25 over last
year,�which is very good considering'
that -the -Found eh lastyearise ;
a number of handsel shut down. The
ber of do : s in town is 125.
English Tapestry Carpets, thick, close,°pile,
made from good quality wools,. many new de 6+
signs, floral or conventional, special' at per yard- 6,5C
English Tapestry CarpetaY, extra neavy,.
large assortments of .new patterns, suitable for
any roam, green, fawns and reds, floral and
oriental patterns, close lofty pile, special per yd
Our Brussels Carpet at $1.15 is excepti6;<ial
value. We carry a very large stook at this
1.15 price, and can show some splendid new designs
in all the popular colors. Cut, made and laid, $115
per yard Y ...... .. ..•. , .
Union Rugs, all sizes, in blues,;reds, browns, ep 50'
• greens and mixtures e5 O0 to0Ui
' Popular Wool Rugs, guaranteed fred from all
impurity; fast colors, designs suitable for bed-
, room, dieing -room, etc., in greens, reds, browns, '16.50
and blues o •'. • •$9.00. r
Tapestry Rugs, bought .directfrom the malt
ers in England; color combinations, suitable for ,
almost any room, sizes;, in , stook from and 3 0 nn
ya,yds to 4 and 4a yards $ .SO to L01UU
' Brussels Rugs, many new designs in two-tone..
effects and fancy mixtures, sizes 3x3 yards to 3,f x
4# yyards. Extra good :wearing qualities, and. 2.5 OO
pattthat are suitable fora ,any' room
at . $i5.00 to .
Dress Goods froni Paris.
A few novelty Summer Dress Good on our
counters this week, right from Paris tri `this store,
Ne,w weaves and new shades. You will not 'see
'them anywhere else. 'Correct= for summer wear.
Stripe voile 75
Pure Wool Monotone stripe voile, 46 inches.
Wide; -Very fine cloth. Will make very effective
•costumes. One. of the most fashionable fabrics
of the season imported •direct. from Paris,
where they are one of the late novelties, in nave, inn)
tan, castor and co fenhagen blue, special per" yd
Striped Voile Taffetta $1.00
'Striped Wool Taffetta, Monotone effects 46
inches wide. Made from extra fine Australian
yarns. A little •heavier than Voile, and Stripea'$1 nit
very - little narrower; stylish, special at per yard . u
ODDFELLOWS-The members of.
Clinton Oddfellows' Lodge, numbering'
about fifty., • accompanied by several
from Goderich, marched to St, . Paul's,
Church on. Sunday evening,; ,where
they occupied the centre pews, which •
had been reserved for them,and listen-
ed to an excellent sermon by the Rev.
.O K Gunne. It was based on the words
found in the 2nd epistle of Peter, 1st
chapter, verses 5 to 7. "Add to. your here. • They do nob migrate as t e
faith virtue, and; to virtue knowledge..; . ducks and;snipe do you have as good
and to knowledge temperance, ••and to , a chance of getting there in the sum-.
' temperance,patience ; andto patience' mer as anyother time, and the only
garUlnessand to. godliness brotherly reason these gentlemen had for fishing
kindness."He enlarged upon' the out of season, is thet,if they had wait-'
seven virtues here enumerated, and: ed till next Friday, May 1st, others
showed how all blended into one hal.- would have an equal chance of getting
monious whole, dwelling more partic
ularly on "brotherly love," and. by an,
a few of those delicious.Ivxuries. Fair•
alogy showing the love of God. With with
is evidently nota --known quality
out being in the slightest fulsome, he still,w with -us- Why he a.e
can't hine tef is �
complimented the "order.on its stand- ":with his friends puzzles us ; he seems
ing in Ontario, and its benevolence, to lode' his decency when he sees a
showing that a large amount of (popsy couple of settraps and must steal them;,
had been raised to assistthose in need., simply for the sake of stealing, for few
After the niembers had marched back . .
to the hall, a vote of thanks was tend -
the traps stolen are ever' set again
ered the Church wardens and other by the thief, We hope we do not have
'members of the church,and also toRev fishing
call attention to any illegal thi liprs;
Mr Gunne, H B• Chant' 'was Master of.per, for lthat m bwould.be ent issues
bout the limit.
Oeremonies for the occasion.
is the r 1 factor that determiles the cost. It.
costs as uch per roll, labor or cash, to hang a
e cents
3c pape as it does. one at a few more, e, that..
will beatif your home for a much longer time.
The MOal
we want t make is that "there Is <a price below
. .� h
which it isnot wise to o." We thik we have
the largeg variety.
e know we have • the
to _alar ds, and that our' prices are honest.
l � ?
prices at w ich you ' can decorate your rooms.
Becoming a season. your purse, and above
all, your Ind iduai taste, " We even have the 3c'
per ,roll kin Itwill cost. you_nothing to see
our stock. may cost you more not to see it.
Often the. Chea est. —. Always the Best. '
he Boy
,. To sell shoes that look well and wear well, has
been our aim. The results justify the care we have
given: If there are youngsters to be shod to -day,
think this matter over. All of our shoes are good
looking. they're good wearing • too, and. what is
• equallf certain, we can and' do give unusual: shoe
values.. '
HERE ARE A FEW SPECIALS for this- week
Boy's grain leather lace, sizes 1 to 5, regular:
$L60, for ...,...Y„YY,:Y.$i1O
Boy's strong: farm shoes, .,sizes 1 to 4, regi
' ular $1,60, for.. N4•$110
Boy'grain raid leather lace, .sizes 11 to ' 13, reg-
ular $1,50 for . YYYi,Y,Y,YYi„Y.iYY•Y..,YYY„ $1«OO'
Rowans WIUL1i V0D WAIT