HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-04-30, Page 5A I$Ot
TitttLitttia ai.t ., •
Signet et Rings
If you contemplate
a ring . purchaise, an
umisual assortment
of good ring values
awaits . your inspec-
tion here.
Genuine Solitaire
Diamond ring $9.o0
and upwards. Birth-
day rings $x175 up
wards and good sat -
purchased here.
Jeweler and Optleletl.
Opposite the Market
"eyes Tested Free
Clinton Market I{eportw
Corrected every
Thursday sda afternoon
Births Marriakes, do Deaths
iFERGUSON-0 In Qifnton, April. A6th, to Br
and MMJobn Ferguaau, at Bru*Sale, a Aon,
10ENN1414v.an Clinton. April 96th to Mr and:
Mrs Norman i ennedy, n On,
Mrr a andgMMOOA John Dodawioorth,ra NOP. 1 34th, to
ABOHiBALH:413. Tuoker.mith, April Oh. to
Mr and Mrs W Arebibald, a sag,
CAMPBELL-- At Zurich, April. 8, to Dr and
Mrs Ca=hpbell, a eon,
_LINDSAY --Ip Bayfield• Apri ]2, .to Mr and
*re Geo I,indefY, a daughter.
a n Oo decal llsth, to Mr and Mrs Dow,
MoEWEN-In Borrie, April 29012, to Mr and
Mre. Alex NoBwen„ a' deesenter. . "'
JOHN$T4ET-M3 Wingham, April .22,to Mr and
Ere Ivan Johnston, a dea;ghter.
' • • • .MAEI+R+IA.GIES,.
LAMPOR'Bi^WITgti1L -Qn Wednesday, April
28nd by •Rev lie A Fear. Air Robert 3 E Lamport
to. Miss Lizzie M., daughter of Mr Wm Witzel,
Iboth of the township of Stephen.
WALTERS--MITaLNR--- 1n Seattle, April 14'
at the horn of Mr .r A Gilmour, uncle or the
bride. by Rev Mr Forsythe. Miss r'lillian Miller,
of Clinton, to Mr 3'as3Waitere, Seattle, formerly
of Clinton,
•• COLE -In Go erio Wee April 26th Charlotte
Wife of My Wm, Vole aged 76 years, '
TROYER-Dropped dead, Thursday morning,
April32,. Charles Troyer. Postmaster at Hille
PINKERTON- In Goderioh. Tp„ April'18t11
1 Mgardc a Y e, Widow of the late Robt Pinkerton,
Allen, beloved wife of Thomas Heeney,
BOA -In Tuokersmith, APri116th, Maud /hint -
1 nen, belo4ved wife of Wm Moe. Jr.. aged 21 years
6 menthe, •
'Tf l COUNT!? dei l 1tllC IBTn
Sun Apr, 80
110041....anInnO quote. this week at,
$615 at local points on boardeare,$0,40
ted.awed watered at Weet Toronto, and,
$0,85 off cars at West Toronto,
Swum -Wesley Dunn bought 20
head of sheep at $4.75, 00 head of com-
mon yearling lambs at $0.50, and some
spring lambs at $5'each,
O i'rx.E-The Choicest export steers
areuotable at $5.50 to $5.80, medium
goods being worth $5 to $5.40. Butch-
er cattle of the choice kind --were
bought at $5.25 to $5,40,medium butch,
ere at $4,60 to $4.80, and the""colnmon
goods was not easily sold at $ to $4,23.
New Advertisements,
Gilt Wanted
For General' housework, no washing,
the highest wltgO paid, Apply to
• Subscriber id prepared to pasture a
number of cattle during the summer,
n er h.
B �dic
icreek, 131rOo, go
Spring ,Lot $5.
Township, JOSl3UA SHERMAN,
Portland Cement"
411 orders for Portland Gement prompt- -a
ly 5lled,;kiampeon Brand Portland Gement
71 beet in the world, J. ,K -HA -MILT A ,
coal dealer,
1 }loving l ented'the Draper 'Farm,. I, am
i ___, • prepared to tyke in a -limited number of
1 • • cattle for summer.' Plenty of water.
.'Sprin 'IS Here" 4iin o. w, WILLIAMS, }lolmeeville
and thrifty housewives .quill be looking
for something to make the drudgery of
Ouse=cleania easier.
h � i k_ ..-_. ro :.
:.'Mur ;h .. Bros..
One pound (10o worth) of " Solvene "
powder will make you a whole pail of !
soft soap, We carry a well -assorted line
of Soaps and Wash Powders, Brushes.:
Mops, Broome, in fact everything neces-
sary for Spring Cleaning. .
I •
Lt' What'poutthe very.4niportant goes -
tion of , •
LOURHave you.any trouble n
bread from the flour you are using We
.carry in "stook the famous "Royal House
hotd," ' Diamond' and Starr " brands,
Wheat 90 to 90 One that will prove to you the superior
Oats 045 to 0 45l . t► qualitiesofthese brands. .
Barley 0; 50 to 0'h
Peas ... 0' 80 to 0 85 :
Eggs f,,
013 to
i e ti
g t ng good
Bogs el 6 15 to 6 15
Chickens, dry pinked, lb 0 07 to 0 10
Ducks, per lb 0 08 to 0 10
Geese' "... 0 08 to 0 10
Turkeys " ...... 0 10 to 0 13
Successors toaeololongh Bros;
lifHavinn' bought out' this: bnnmeee ie
ealioit a share of patronage, aas•iring the
public we will do our best to supply'their
wants at reactor able tlribe -
Brick Block, Clinton:
Notice to Creditors:'
In the matter of the estate of John
McGarva, late of the Town .of Olin -
The People's Grocer.'
Phone 111'i
• 'td,00ds Dettvered Proruptly, .•
DNaw•N� 0.04NN mow'
E. i
In Norfolk,an
iiece Suits'
Bought from the Celebrated C.N.R Clothing Manu-
facturers, at a greatly -reduced price. by clearing out
the benefit of the reduction while the suits last. Ali'
the newest styles= materials that cannot be beaten
for wearing q i; l qualities; gain` rices from: to" 34
rangin g P22
our Isi gear
We batre ju9t closed our first year in
business in Clinton, and desire to thank
the public for the patronage bestowed on
' us, and to ask for a continuance of`same. ' •
Walker ti Ross
Furniture Dealers
and Undertakers.
Do You Need Furniture
and do you want to save from 15 to 25 per cent,' on the cost, It will pay
5 feet
1 with you to come and see our ecce stock. This mammoth store, w1 its 6•00
of floor space is filled with the most beautiful, brightest and best lot of. k'urni-
'tura, including Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Extension • Tables,
Chairs, Couches, Mattresses, Wire Springs, etc. Also newest patterns in Cur-
tains, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums and General Housefurnishings, Oi r guaran-
.tee goes with every article. Your money back if dissatisfied.
J • _. ri: Chelle , BIYth:
The popular • stallions will stand this
season as follows : .
Notice is herebvgiven pursuant to Sec 38 ofChap
129' R. S. O. 1897 that all persons having claims
against the estate of the late John MoGarya,
who died nn or about the 4th day of April, 1908,
are required on or before the lst day of June,
1908, to deliver orsend by post prepaid to . the
undersigned executrix, of the last will -and testa-
mentof the slid John McGarva, their christiaet.
and surnamos. and addresses and descriptions.
the full particulars of their claims, the state-
ment of their accounts and. the nature of the
'.securities [if any) held by them,
f e the 1st .of
that t r day
March, 1908 the said :executrix will proceed to
distribute the assets of the mid estate among
the parties entitled thereto, having regard only
to the claims. of wbioh she shall then have notice
and the said executrix: will not be liable for said
assets or any part thereof, to any person or per-
sons of whose claim:notice' shall not have been.
received at the tithe of such. distribution.
Dated at Clinton. the 28th day of April, 1908.
'bin • , MARGARET MCGAEVA, Executrix.
Do- not. miss this chance for
• SpringSuit.
A Base Ball and Bat given with each Boy's Suit'.
Garden See
We • have every varietyeof Seed: you want.
Come -here Y g andget your arden. slippP lies.
Successor to J. W. Irwin.
Grocer and Dealer.•in.
j Fruits and •Vregetabies
,. .
Tenders tor Dredging.; '
SEALED' TENDERS addressed to the under-
signed, and endorsed '• Tender for Dredging.".
will be. received until -Friday, May 15th, 1908.
at 4.30, p.m , fgrdredging required at the follow-
• url ngto Bei d' Iver, leaver on, " o ng -
wood. Cobourg, Goderioh, Hamilton, Kincard-
ine. . Little Current, .Midiand, Meaford. Owen
Sound. Nigger and; Telegraph' Islands, :Point.
Edward, Penetanguishirie,Port Burwell; . Port
. Elgin, Picton,.-Rondeau..Sum[nerstown;Thames
River, Toronto, Thornbury, Trenton Harbour
and Dark Channel, Waubaushene. Warton and
'Wingfield Basin, •
Tenders will not be considered unless.made on'.
the form supplied, he
signed With the actual,
signatures of tenderers. `
Combined' specification end form 'of tender.
canbe obtained at: the Department' of Public
Works, Ottawa. Tenders must include towing
of the plant to and from the works. Only dred-
ges. can ne employed which are registered in
Canada at the .time of the filing of tenders.
Contractors must be ready to begin work within
twenty days after the date they have been -noti-
fled of the rcceptance of their tender. • ,
An accepted chequeon a chartered bank, made
payable tothe order• of the Honorable the Min-
ister of Public Werke,,. for six thousand dollars,
($6,000), must be deposited as sccurtiy' for the
dredging which the tenderer oilers to perform
in the Province of Ontario,. The ebeoue will be.
_returned in case of non-acceptance of tender,
Tb Department does not bind 'itself : to` ae-
eep west or any tender
By order,
_ ._.__ _.-- = FRPD. GEI,INAS. _:.:.. _ .. -
>;epartrnent O Public
Aprl 223, •
Newspapers will not be paid for this, advertise -
Went if they insert it. without. authority from
the Department
J. B. Hoover.
Neelsen Bell."
An Artistic
makes a fait picture gopd and a
good picture better. It need not be
expensive, bat it const hormonize or
contrast •attractively ,with the
Our Picture Primes
are designed to produce lust that
effect. Let us have one or more of
uWe thinframe
youowill bexpert-
than pleased with the restilt.
atTA,HI (3
Work Wanted
undersigned is prepared to do
kind of housework, either nursery. sewing
or Mit/Iasi work by, thevday. MRC BLISS
Girt Wanted`
Wanted.by the iGt of May, a girl to do
light housework..,Apply. to
MRS 'MURRAY, Rattenbliry St.
G William Morgan; one of a Welsh
cotony from Patagonia, which settled
near Winnipeg, has arrived in Wales,
and according to a glowing interview:
intends making • his countrymen aware
Of • the glorious opportunities offering
in Canada for vigorous workers.
The Choicely -Bred -Clydesdale Stallion.
First. Kin
No. 13978. Vol. 29, C S B.. of Great Britain
and Ireland No, 7742. Vol. 15. C. S. B. Canada,
w131 E"ani for t'he improvement '3a'id'ai if •
l+ ws:-MONDAY, will leave his own stable, Lot
6, Con. 4,Hu1Iett, and proceedwest' to M. Glew's"
for noon; then west'taBase Line, to J. Cornish's
for night..TUESDAY. will proceed north three
miles, then west to. C. Lowrie's. Ieth con. Godo -
rich Tn.. for•noon' then south to J.B. Lindsay's.
for night. WEDNESDAY. west to Holmesville,
then along. the Cut Line to t. Proctor's; 9tli con,
Goderioh Tn., for noon ; then 'south to J. G.
Steep'A, for night. THURSDAY, by Bayfield
Road to end Con. Stanley, then south to Win.
Taylor's; for noon ; then north and . east to Ira
Johns'. Tuokersmith, for night. FRIDAY, ptn-
ceed to his own stable. where he, will remain
until ,the_following Monday This route will
weather permitting., •'
McGREGOR'ea SPOONER, Proprietors.
E. SPOONER, Manager.
A dining room and a ca chamber maid, at
Auction Sale of Farm Lot
Part 45, Ba field teed, 20scree more or
lean, with goo - nildlaga, wil)!be offered
for sole and will Bell at,' the C)oinmeroial.
Hotel, Clinton, on Saturday. Hefty 2nd, at
4 win. Ts rite nisde known at day of sale
and llmmfdiate possession given
JA8 A SMITH, Prop. and Anet,
The imported Shire Stallion
-Birdsall- Melanite
No 20250. will stand for the improvement of
stock this teason'as follows:,- MONDAY., will
leave bis own stable, Clinton; and proceed West
8: mites on the Bayfield Line then south l mile to,
John Rathweii's. for noon; then west on the
Baylol3:Line to the 7th concession.•then north
to John Green's, for night. TUESDAY, north
to the Telephone Road, east J.1-4 .miles, then
north 21.2 nriles 1,6 Herbert Cox;s Mr noon; then
cast on the Cut Line to .Holmesville for nil ht WEDNESDAY, north on the Maitiand 8 milds,
for night toTIIURSDAY,for
ast to Suinmorhill
then north by. the Base Mine to concession 8-f>'
Htlllett, to Wm.' Nair's, for noon; then esst.Jo.;
Gravel Road, then .south 11-4 miles, then east
lmile to Joseph Blake's. for night. FRIDAY;
l? oceed.sonth .21.2 miles, then east 2 miles to
th n w st to Commercial Hotel; Clinton. for the
night. SATURDAY,south -to-George ..Hanley's,_
Granton, 1tom 9 to 10 o'clock, then back to Com-
mercial Hotel: to remain. till Monday morning.
D. REYNOLDS, Proprietor and Manager. '
is the leadingbusinoss training school
, Westorn Ontario. Wo give t4 thorough.,
practlehl training on Commeecli ld Subjects
Isaac Pitman's Shorthand, Touch yp
writing. and in Commercial and Railroad
Operating. Each do artmont is in the
hands of oxpiierioncod instructors. Wo
assist students to positions. Our grade-
MOSbest. always
out free catallogue and iearr'n
more abeut ug, Ecu MON' enter neW,
Elliott Sc McLaehlith
The Choicely Bred imported
Clydesdale Stallion l l-
Cla niore 1V.o 1198> •
MONDAY. May 4th will leave his ownstable
et Constance. and proceed south to 'Alma, then
east to Norman Carter's for noon. then oast and
north by way of Harpurhey and Roxborough to
John MoDowel's for night, - TUESDAY, by way
Of the Town line to hie own stable for noon, then
north to Allan Bros„ Harlock, for. night. WED-
NESDAY - West on the Thirteenth to John
Tamblyn;s fornoon, then west and south to the
. Temperance House,. Londesboro, for night.
THRSDAY-West to H J Hill's for noon. then
west and south along the . Base Line to W. B.
Ball's for night. FRIDAY -East along the 8th
and 9t1i to Jas Cartwright's for noon. then home'
to his own stable, where hewill remain until
the following Monday morning. 13. B. STEPH
ENSON, P.ropriotor and Manager,
The imported Clydeadale
Huirpark 13111
MONDAY, will leave his own stable, Holmes-
vine, and proceed by Way of Forrester's bridge
to Colborne, to Henry, Young' for noon ; then
to Aaron Fisher's for the night. TUESDAY,
pfocbed aeroes and down the 4th con•, then
across to the 6111. to A. Kilpatrick's for noon;
then to J Millers, Carlow, for the night. • WED-
NESDAY, proceed to A. McDermid's, Nile. for
noon • then aeroes past Percy Stewart'@ to Glee -
thee; Hotel, .Dunlop, for. tight. THURSDAY,
proceed to Bogie's Corner, then to Albert Mug
ford's' for neon.' then to Mr 1'bram :let's, Ben -
mina, foe night. IGRIDAY, proceed into Gode-
From Sap to
You haven't forgotten our last
year's Maple 'Syrup have you?
You liked it so well, you remem-
ber you said. " I'll get it at
• " O'Neil's again next year.:
That's This'; Year,
Syrup ;S her" e: 113a�-liy
the seine people, from sap from
,same trees, in the same way,
and: we can say ':of it in big
letters •
It is Absolutely
> M J New
uch & Co
Lace Ctarnt r• a °
Now is the time to inspect our Lace Curtain
stock, These goods, as, you know, are all brand
new, and we have excellent values, Ask to see.
them. Prices 'front 75e a pair up.
Japanese Matting g '
At this season of the year, when you are busy
house-cleaning and trying to make things appear
clean and bright, we would like to interest you in
the anew stock •of mattings, 'These are so in de-
mand for bedrooms, dens,•sitting rooms, etc., and
we have them in pretty colorings and patterns, and
the prices are right.
Art Sateen's
• W•
e have ..these in a rice range ' of , colors 'and
exclusive patterns, suitable for drapery, cushions,
condoners, etc:, Isom 15c4p: • • '
New Scotch. Zephyrs
We have just opened up a new ass
ortment of
pretty Scotch Zephyrs, so much' in demand now
for shirt waist suits, also for.,. children's dresses..
, These are in stri es and large plaids, in all'he dif•
T P gh.
ferent shades, front 12i to n.a per. yard. See'
these in our windows' this. week ... „
Rainproof, Coats '•
Now is the time
or Coat that is
h shower-
proof, and ,yet one ;hat' you can wear on any
oc. c asion, and , we have • these in all prate ..x,and
., different :colors. - •
-t .peck
White Lawn Shirtwaists, embroidery: trimmed;
just .,.
u..t a few -Weft and , , d notall sizes, but to clear ahem,.
we offer them to you at : a smaller price than it
• takes to buy' the material Our wire, .ii€k . each.
Slim Prices
Stout Values
T 0
*21..00 Round; Trip
SATUItDAY,J Stu".NE 20th
Returning,• Malay. June 22
E. A. Aver, Exqursion Agent •
CHILDRENCitilpls• .
Leave Detroit for Go$erich 800 a. m.
(Leave Port Huron 12 noon)
FRIDAY, JUNE, 19th. • •
Central time, .arrive id Goderioh, 6,00
rich township to W Clark's Stir con, for noon ; 13. M.
then by Porter's Hili, and the Cut line k0 his
own stable. SATURDAY, to ;the Commercial.
Hotel, Clinton, for neon ; then back to his own
stable, JOHN NASH, McKillop, Proprietor.
W W FISHER, Menagor, •
- The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stalllem
• `Voting Clendrie\ '
MONDAT, wilt leave his Own stable riot 40.
Coll, 2, L R S. Tuckorsmith, then smith . to the
Mill Road, then east t0 George Eberhardt'sfor
noon ; then through Seaforth. and West on the
Huron Road, to Geerge Dale's jr. for the night,
TUESDAY, west on the Huron Read, to Leine
ridh's Inc noon; then by way of Ransfords side
road to his own ;table, where he will refrain tie.
til Thursday tnorning. THURSDAY, went to
the London Road, then south 1i ;riles, then
west 11 mites to Georite Baird's, or noon ; then
north up the and of Rummy, to James Smith's.
Reynold Road, Go erieh Tp. for the 'night.
Londe YR bardoto ltia ownaMehl° whore and
remain till the telendrle �PPineolenday orning,
(No. 859#, vol.13,) will gond at his own stable
during ton season, G. W. NOTT. Proprietor
end Manager.
8 p. m. Friday, June 19th..
Leave Gloderich for Dgtroit, $.80 a, ni,,.
Saturday, June 20th, Canada Time,
arrive in Detroit, 400 p. M.
Leave Detroit for Gloderieh 1.00 p m.,
Monday,June 22nd, . Central Time,
,00 p. in. Canada Time )
Leave Goderioh tor Detroit 8 80 a, till.,
Tuesday, June 231d, Canada Time,
Small ;profits
Quick returns'
• � Strong.Shoes
rY Y 'da • Wear
• Eve
,.._r •
,�rnes are eliest
we 'could procure 'tr� n -the Leading Manufacturers
.at prices. rangingrf`om $t':25 up to $,.50•,
Ths:sll.oe was. Manufactured expressly "for us
and is acknowledged b.' expert shoe' men what ,we'
claim itto be, the best working 'man's •shoe on the
market.: The uppers are of the• best French kid,
whole foxed with crimped belas tongue running up.
to 'the°top, the sole is double right through to the
heel, making a strong waterproof shoe that fits the
feet and is always soft • . and pliable,; People who
weal'` this shoe are ---not
troubled -.with ' sore -'feet;. -
Repairing done Promptly, and Neatly.
The Place Where Your Dollar
'Does its Duty
Men's Popular:Hats
Battersby's Celebrated Hats in latest styles. in Grey. Iiael, -w j
Black, Brown, and Silver Grey, -at $1:50, 1.75, 2.00 and 2.25.
Men's Stylish Boots
Albert Shoes in'latest lasts in patent, box calf, dongola and.
mat kid, at $4.00. and $4,50.
Faultless Shoes, especially priced, 'at $150, 1.75, 2.00, 2,25,
3,00 O
Marsh'shoes. 'in American style,g.
values, at 82.00, 2.50 and 3.00, nobby, neat and o
Melt heavy Boots. '
(limas. William's Weston's, Cote, Ahern's, all good reliable
goods in solid leathers,_ at $L35, 1,50, 1.75, 2.00,s 125, 2,50, 2,75
and, 285. •
Tretheway and Karn's Children's Goods
These are speciallydesigned and'manufaetured for children's
wear, are good fitters and very stylish, at 950 $1,00, 1,25 and 1,50,
•'`Ladies' Puritan and Minerva' White Waists
The best we have seen at $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2,50
2.75, 8.00, and 4,00.,
Ladies White Gowns at 500, 75c, $100,1,25 and 1.50.
Ladies' White Skirts at 75c, $1.00, 1.25,1,50, 1.75 and 2.(10.
Ladies' White Drawers ttt 35c, 400, 50s and 75c,
Ladies' Corset hovers at 25e, 85e, 40c, 50c and 750.
Cash for Butter and 1Jggs.
• �T�1N � C�A�D
�t�P�,� � R
Tong,ash ow Produce .: 3101TH
M..... „ M