Clinton New Era, 1908-04-30, Page 4tin trimirrm Mr! 1414'
wit4944Y Pinto added tor admission to horse
,1'1'0, end Return
from stations west of Kingeton in
Canada,Tickete good going A ri,i
28th' valid returuinp on or before May
0ei*eekers Excur.lans
so um
North West
,done dates{ all rail via North Ray April 28th.,
May'12tb.,aud Seth., Tan 9th. and 23rd., July
7th. and 210t., August 4th. and 13th., September
1st. With. ana 29th., ;906. Excursion dates via
rail and boat, 22eSets will be sold to �ppe�rmit uan-
tinuons passage for steamers sailing crow,
Sarnia at 8:39 on the following dates. April
29th.: Dfay 13th. and 27th., Tune lOth, and 24tn.,.
Julytjth. and 22nd.. August 9rd. so 19th. and 91st
Voketap, ,R,' HODOENi , Town Agent
This is a. good store in which to buy your
Uosier`y, Gloves Arid Corsets, and if you are not
already a customer at this department it will . be
profitable for you, and benefit us also if you will
do your°next buying here.. If any. purchase ycu,
make at these counters. should prove unsatisfactory
we give you a new -parr free of har e. Ask to. se
any of the following lines... We gknow we can
please you.
Cashmere 8 N
I�`oittIea rointersk
HIM Dr Willoughby,:minister with.
rant portfolio iu ti;e th tarso cabinet,
died at• Ooibourne, Out„ Wednesday°
mornings jte had been ill top home
APril $01:120, 4008
Panne atinnor etatee. that Mr.; M,.
Lockhart, at present Chairman of the
old "Wet Huron Incense Board, is to
,get the position of Licenee. Inspector
in North flurgn, in case Mr Clegg is
removed,. .
S'araporbignaW rates. ta-othor•pointe- Exour.
bit, made without brass eyelets, lace trimmed, hose l3qu(se for, ingestfation. A
Ins a Ube, 0, as.
Made from finest imported yams lel extra fine
guarwnteed pure wools rand stn,ipfess aye sizes 5 t
penis 85e to
were Hose.. �Yo. R. 40 .: r
double nee, a splendid wearing stocking fote boy
e 5 to 10, price 25c to .,.,,... �,.;,,,.,«,..
n Cashmere1�gse�
Several difisrent brands its plain (�ehmere lies
including the famous Llama stocking, all sizes 4l to
from ISc to
Gloves of all kinds
Tans, Browns, Blaoltand
W �'ihter Mode, Grey, Lisle
Ta Gloves e
good reliable makes, on sale -at one dove. coupler,
ICfd Gloves_ .$1.00, $ t.25 to $2.75
Silk Gloves S 7
t.l I .; d � ;00,
&'C Corsets.: •
B & C Corsets are acknowledged toy • `
best brands manufactured in Canada.
sole agents in Clinton. for this make and
new models you can secure here' the.. following
C ;1'o.3aL •
lade rem tie qua sty White-Biztiste; ;extra:
Boys all o
1'uroli a rutiokeEg at Taiwa Q doe s
with TncluiryF WHIM) Prompt,
$. 1 5OC 'floe• other day thc� Mail and Empire
inbitpattid that inquiry into Major
�... .. • ...1;,9algina'6tatem else regardi'na,�the
2'ratlQeo#itmnental work classification
Bose bad;beeki refused ,• while to its 1's�rlia•
•,. �5U •mentary report it made it clear. that
' Sir�'.GVil•#rid Laurier was acquainting
i;imBeifwith the facts with a view to
in�mii>•p, Next day the principal head-
line•af its' report of the matter cvaa•-
tc; � "Le;urier Forced to Probe Charges
T.herbader of the ParIiamentar�
• . ceediligs, however, tyre learns that
SriWilfrid himself gage notice that
oli 1%4ndaY he weals move for the ap•
pointr'nentof a committee of ave mem-
berg; to iq•vestim;ate the eharges made
by, lll:.�Joc Hodgins;formex engineer of
be one the•"National Tranacontinent
and requesting that the rustler
be referred' to a committee' of the
Kid Gloves in lop
over Oe, _5c to 81.25 = •
s e Gloves 25c, 50C 75c and 1
snpporters attached, a splendid fitting and w4 earingQ� 25:
Corset at .
B tt C \o •24t- nd
Made from French Qaotel or Batiste in ,Grey or
Plain White, lace trimmed and hose Supporters at
tached, two good styles at $. 1
B SO No. 365, at 7iic
made from good quality French Corset Sateen in
White or Drab, made with the•new 'long hip, with.
• hose supporters, all sizes in stock at
A great showing of Spring Curtains i d Cur-
tain goods are now on -view in -our. Housefurnlsh�.
ing°Room, more Bargains. are being -offered in ' odd.
Ctarta.ins, Draperies, Art Sateens, S.atin. Damask,
ect. It will pay you to see the fine stock:ofhouse-.
furnishiug goods we are showing. Everything is
Norlh Heron Llberaiti) field. Mr • Ourele .in a short speech*, '
_ thanked the, delegates for the honor
john T Otirrie, ex -Warden selected they had•e„enfeYTed npoil him ancl said
_ he would do all in 'his power to keep.
• the riding in the Liberal column '
' There was a good attendance of Lee The selection is a popular one, as Mr
erals at the first convention- of -the-Carrie Igi a roan. -well- versed -in munici--
new North riding of Huron held at pal end political affain3 and is well- ,1
. Winghatn, on Friday. A new essocia- known and esteemed throughout the
tion was formed, a, constitntion adept- riding. With a united party behind
• ed. end officers were eleeted as fol. him. letr.Currie should hold the, riding
lows:- for Liberalism. .
residents, Alex McLaughlin, Gorrie ; the candidate; Dr P McDonald, ex -M.
Richard Clegg, Wingbann John Stiles, P., East Huron ; Arch. Hislop, M. P.
Kintail ; Secretary, H B Elliott,Wieng. P.. East Huron ; George II, Mooney,
ham ; Treasurer, j A Morton, -Wing. editor of -the - Ri le eg se ...- , .
ham. Ken', editor of the Brussels Post, and
Chairmen for the different pollieg ' J. G. Murdoch. Lucknovv. The key- 4
aub-divisions in the riding were named note of the addresses was that theNew
as follows:- North Rum, riding can and will. be t
Ashfield -1-11 M Duff, Dungannon; pliteed in the -Liberal -column when the r
2 -Anson Findlay, Mafeking ; 3-J. J. elections come.on, EVery Liberal was
Hackett, Belfast ; 4 -Jas. Crawford, urged to work heed, and. a successful I
Port Albert: 5 -Thos. Sullivan, Kings- fighteri assured. The convention clos- t
bridge ; 43-D, McLean, Lothain ; 7-.J. • ed with_ cheers for Bon A. G. MacKay T.
TH.>7RSD:d.Y: ARRIL, l3(), 19
The Mail Empire takes the very un -
11011.01 groped thatbeoauee roe Downey
M P P , is a useful and popular mem.
her, late should he returned by socia,
relation. When did the Conservatives
allow "useful and popular •Liberal
members" to be r=eturned by acclawat.
EYen • the t'oronto ;bail & Empire,.
referring to Whitney's eleventh -hour
better if the matter had been fully.diss
cussed in the Legisla,ture." Zlertamly
land grant abd bond.guarantee legis,
al Rai
�e wap'at.Kepora, ag+iiinst the commis
among $ion« The Premier presented the co
respondence which he had had with •
" the National Transcontinental Com:'
• .. mis8ion dealing with the insinuations
made .by'1Vlajnr .Hodgins. • at :sone
will be chosen. Centre Huron Oen-
servatives will hold a convention here
The Conservatiee Press has bee)?
busy painting out the number of Libre,
rals who have refused renominations
to the Legeslature. Well there are
some in their own reeks. There is Mr
Omelet), Dr. Willoughby, -end Me,
Morrison. If retirements have a pro-
eound meaning in the one case, have
they not the seine Meaning in the
ealicIdleiexeii and the three, klurens,•'.
was the optimistic prophecy' . of Mr:
W. Curry, K. O„ candidate for Errit
York, who addressed the South Wel..
lington Liberal convention on Satur-
y. e. ope forecast proves
correct, 'hue muet admit -we ere slighe
Chief Engineer Luinsdene deny-
ing, any knowledge of wrongdedeg in•
,connection with the work, WO alai)
The course of the organs in endeav-
oring to make. a scandal of the state-
ments of this discharged employee,and
itheir attitude in seeking,in defiance of
the facts, to represent the Government
and the Conimissien is striving to pre-
vent. inqUiry, ere at lead significant.
It indicates more eagerness. to ptit the
protect the country, In due time the
faets will be disclosed. The prompt
acticie of the Commission and of the
Government forbids the suspiclim that
they. haye anything to hide. .
Rev DC Hoge&
peechine in politics, wrpte a letter dun,
used te great.a vantage by the Whit-
.thnOsands of other IndePendents' -and
Liberals who favored chenge orGove
ernment in 4905 has since learned thet
the lion. James Pliny Whitney iS
written another letter. I t. s well
Worth readizw. Some of the points
Mr. Hoseack makes are as .follosvs:
On January 4, 1905, Mr Whitney
dared that should his future conduct
not be approved, the people Miglit
witbdraw their eanfidench. Does Mr)
Whitney feel that he has lost Wide
confidence? lee has so arriinged many
constitiieneies by hiving Liberale that
she withdrawal of Liberal cozifidence
parties in the Legislature. On !Jane -
are 243, 1905, Mr. Whitney published
his vied e•ppreciation' of the fact that
"Libeials in large numbets" support-
ed Min. in190/3, apoar ntly with the
rotation of loeing oral support, .
Mr. -Whitney's appreciation is express-
ed by hiving the Liberals; There wail
a prim humor in the situatioti did 't
dinciry, _commonpiace and tricky poi-.
• "Wherythe Government passed the
hree-fifths clause they were guilty of
eactionary legislatiote Ever since:
Ontario became a Province the major -
o decide upon the granting of licenses:
hese rights were firmly established
nd founded upon a eense of British
tistice and equality. Why . have the
Government tainpered with them?"
e"AJudire only a few dog age de -
lewd to hear a case in which his son-
Llaw wawa witness In the LeBow,
eSe the'.,brotheaein-law of one of the
aiven to him and hie., aesOciates.
he explanation is that the reel ierits
*es the information? The people paid t
foe it and should know *hat it
PThe close of the session witneesed a
rapid degeneration in the Government. "
the Provinee eleitild be on the iwatcher
.”,Eecire Liberal- taxi there are Mar*,
-who from te eenae of duty supported u
in -the hist cainpaign the patty now in w
pouter., When he considers the present v.
situation will perceive that the same
for %street; and able opposition. at
It is repotted that the Conservative a
tatelidatee hi the two Wentworths so
circumotancee,• Mr II° Regan. in the ea
South has been presented with an ulti-
inatUrn by the temperance campaign. ne
era, calling upon him to deelare oppo.
Educe. to lbe three-fifths clause. while of
Mr George 0 Wilsou in the North it; in
confrohtec with the poesibility of op.
TitiOrt Within his party, It hi saki hi
Oharlea Winne, who lost the Con no
settettiee conventien, may 'Ain eta an, *
independent Coneervative, 094
Dungannon ; g -D McKenzie, Auburn; A Pioneer's Preacher
nvp... St Idelens i 6 -3dhnSherriff, Luck- The Toronto News pays this tribute el
East Wawanosh-1 - Win Dobie, sr, of Godericia: -- The death is just an= e
Blyth ; 2 -James W. Bone, Marnoch ; nounced of Rev. John Anderson, of M
3 -John Shiell, Wingham ; 4' -John Tiverton. He was one of the pioneer _vie
Gillepsie, Whitechurch. rninisterct of the Presbyterian Church, ',I:
Morris -1--A. Laidlaw, Blyth ; 2- 11 . and only a few years ago celebrated
Bewley, Brussels 1 8 - II Johnston. 13e1, the fiftieth anniversary.' of his induct.
grave ; 4,-Thoe Miller, .Brussels 1 5-e ion to the Irdnistry. His life reitehed
sreellluevale. , „ ,, when. the settler's axe reng in the
2 --David Moffatt, Jamestown. ;,3-P. along 'Weed trailse and the log shanty
Bowlek-1-john Gowdy, 13elmore 3 pastor. Ile preaohed the old theology
' 2 -John' Darroch, Lakelet ; 8 --,lohn in its integrity. The note of the dis.
wick; 5 -Jas. W. Edgar. Gerrie I 0 el inerraney of Seripture was his saered
*Minch, Newbridge. and enduring fettle But with &Whig
It wati decided that the annnal ineet- tenacity of ' opinion and tugged zeal
effige of the Association be held in for the ancient standarda, he was a
Wingharn on the third Tuesday in De* sympathetic frie d at the bedside, a
y r. tender eouneello . the dine of
The most impurtant business -before trouble. aud au' co worker in
the meeting was the selection of a sten. all the higher co of the cetri.
tegialatare. The nomination was by for wide reading and aolid thinking,
ballot and candidates were placed in a, geneeoue sympathy with all move
' rinininationt each delegate voting for mentefor human betterment., and a
whom he wished tei tee the caildiditte, patient telerance for social practiees
On the nest bailee. Mr. John T, Currie fete Welch he could not when), enter,
ett gentlemen receiving votes bitving dissent, Ile gave etrelegth and char
leianiMeuri on motion of 11fr Win HMI. lived; ancTiat td hie descendants the
leo Reeve of Weet;Wawanosh, and Mr, , record_ of a blateeleSs life, ennobled/by
The finance minister 'told the house
in reple'to ler Blain that the questicin.
of prohibiting ' the .nianufaCturing and
sale Of cigarette *as engaging the at-
tention of the goVernnient. 'oh inay be.
that -before th.e -close of the iession
abine legislation .will he brought for-
ward it not eleogether what my hon.
friend deeirecre _at least something, ap,
proaChing it .ori the. sarne lines,' he
en= A.. GeMeKay_Liesieettea._AiLa
peal to all Ontario ridines to put.Libee
rel Candidates' in the field, , pa far as
Mr McKay himself is eonternecl; he is
Very anxious, that there ;shall not be a
single Voneervatiye acclamation: He
will have a follOwer noroinated in all
the New Ontario constituencifie before
he concludes his tour; nd it is expect-
ed that in thee older districts the list of
Liberal nornineeswill be completed by
from Peel. has notieed the Execotive
that Ire will net be,e, candiciate at the
coming election. • Thenetiring member
islatere for the past six teeu yeara, .and
was one of the -most painstaking and
attentiye of members: He has tried for
several sessioes to get legislation pass-
ed conferring the fran3hise on women,
but has not succeeded. He is a bache-
lor. The probability is' thet Mr Chart-
ers, Conservative, will repeesent Peel
in the next Anuse. He has already'
Speaking -of the Liberal cindidate
North Huron, the Winghern Advance
Currie is on one side of the political
fence, and theeditot or thig 134per on
thseet_hseejout nevertheless, Mr Cutlet
is a Man entitled-tiereepeet;•ifed'16Tar
as wa know, we are good fi.ieeds: He
desereed the nomfnetion, and from
his experience he rounieipal matters:
and being widely known atid
respected,Was Probably the best avail-
able cendidate; and will no doubt
make a good -run With two candidates
in the field such a.sPrIncipal Musgeove
may he lively and' cleerly defined,
should certainly be Olean and credit -
obit, to the tiigh standing of the
candidatee. We believe it 'will he of
such characterl and we trust it will
be so eonducted by all concerned,. that
imolai and business relations may be
as little disturbed as poesiblee and that
good avill may continue between- the
candidates and their supporter% We
see ne reiteon why suck should ant be
. Mr A 11 Musgrove, of Vitothain; is
the Conservative nomineafnr,the new
tiding V North Huron, as we all &Icing
predicttd, he would be. He had en ad-
antage ever the other. candidates at
he Convention. in .the faCt that he
Wns the choice of the government
hree Menthe ago, and Was eien then
ssured that the ridivg, far as pose
ible, would be made sefe for 'him.
ur own opinion is that the riding,
atiVe is not safe. Mr Mus.
rove is a man of ability and good
landing, and will probably. Make a
ood man, hilt he has for ail opporient
man who is his equal Id all ria -
toter exent from a purely education.
arderi of the County, IS the Llb6ral
tulidate. He le well known in differ -
6 parte of the riding, his toeg con -
sown township, Bast Wawanosh,
ell as with those of the County, giv.
%biro it thorough acqueintance with
lie matters, Should them ;gentle.
en agree to hold loitt • public
eetinge during the campaign, they
old be ititeresting, as both itre good
Church chimes.
The Rev Mark ,'urnbuji, of Gorier-;
ich, will preach atMiddleton'e,Holmes. •
vine and Sunernerliill on Sunday next.
lie will be assisted, by Rey Mr Dunbar.
.Ber g W01104111, Winnipeg,. has
accepted a call to the p_gatorate of
Trinity Methodist Church; Pert Arthur
Mr Churchill i$ an old Huronian,`iray.
ing been born in Godericb, .i'p, A
Rev .i Greene, of Clinton, preaohect
on the Heneall Circuit, on. Sunday last,
Rev Mr•Tolt beteg on the Nile Circuit,
Rev Mr Hazen, of Ooderich, took the
work on the:Varna. Circuit, Rev, Mr.
Brown being in Goderich.
_..... • ST PAULA
Holy communion next Sunday at 11
a, m. Oonflrmation service next Sun-
• day morning by Bishop Williams, he
evening service will be conducted : by
Rev anon. Richardson, .of London; •
Rev Mr C untie goes to .Goderich - for
Miss McDougall of Toronto,who has
been visiting at the mites% rendered
coltiyated voice, it was much apprecie
ated, by the congregation. „4. mele
quartette by. Messrs Mi °Rae, gainphell
Goodwin and Pearson Waif also wept -
ably rendered. •
instruetiVe and profitable child-
ren's service was held In Willis church
last Sunday. The ,unday school,
centre pews near the pulpit. The ser-
vice of praise was lead by a choir of
young people under the leadership of
Prof. Campbell. Many in the congre-
gation bays come to look forward
with pleasure to these services, espec,
Jelly for the youna• as helpful and in-
spiring and es occasions whenDr Stew-
art, the wOrthy pastor, Particularly
shines in hie gift of lucid expoeition.
The sermon on Sundae was founded
upon Jeremiah 28 ' 13, the theme being,
governmeet, .unker the imagery of
yokes, __After exPleiningthe language
of the text the teaching was that if we
do not yield to the easy yokes of the
home, the school; the church, and the
state, the alternative is the iron y,oke
of chastisement and punishment.. The
quiet and ettentiVe behavior of the
youngest children,such-as to ellicit the
praise of the preacher, -..was an uncon-
sdious tribute to the excellence of'the
sermon. •
, The Quarterly Love Feast %ill be
held in the Lecture room next Sunday
12119rning at 10 o'Clook. Pastor's Sub -
pets -morning, "a. secular education
is mit sufficient for 6ur young.people."
are welcome. -
The annual Meeting of the Epworth
League Of, Wesley Church was held on
Monday evening, April 27. •The fol-
lowing officer§ *ere elected: President
Miss M Davisll 1st vice., Mr E E. Ball;
(missionary) ; 8rd !ice, iss May East,
(literary) : 4th vice, Miss E: Reed, (ao.
del); Junior Snot, Miss M Rudd,(11on);,
E Cantelon; Recording Secy, Mr Edgar
East ; Organist. Miss L Pette ; Asse. .... A H Musgeove seleeted
organisL Miss ill Chant
: Customers are delighted with our 1,94#3 selection, and '
are cheerful buyers. .Without. a oub
choicest papers and best values in the history of this
depahment. Remember, many of the lines are ex -
elusive; and made only to our order, so the first ells-
tothets 'always have the best choice..
:BORDERS same price as side ' limns
APRIL sales have been go-od.
_MAY should b'e much better
Special Prices on-Reninants.
and smali lois
Tell us e,xactly the number of rolls you need and we
can make it easy for you
North 11111'00 Consorystivei
night, under chosen the' Conseryet,ive Candidate at
sehoorroom on Friday.
citallersegii!onftilettreeshbertr:zikPieortlerssi.ennttabIerwI vblii erohka ralli 117:8 eUre°: . illesdaY•aftern°°12.
did • program was rendered:'-instrix,
mental solo, Mary liolines ; exercise,
entitled, "Do it Kindness" ; Flower
Song, by five girls ; recitation, Russell
Moore; Missionary Ex er cis e; Solo,
Merle Mooteediaeigiie, Uncle Morton's
teen, Bette Cook; Temperance exere
cak• e were then served. The receipte
_ .Every part of the riding oyes rep
ling side vision: tieing- entitled to be
Connor Clippings.
John Brest' has :rented the 50-acie
farm of Ale* %titer op -the boundary
The Cranierook trustees arg.arrange
leg to secure an. assistant teaelaer for
one teacher.
re- Rev john Anderson, Oi
ie at his late residence on Weddes.
day; the 22nd inst.
Present a vote, Of the 117 delegetes
chosen, 118, ere prdsent. ' Besides the
delegates there WM large gathering
of those interested an the election of
The annual excursion of the Huron '
Old Boys' Association of Toro t •
follows; President, John :Thynt. Wese conducting the Metropolitaii. Hotel,'
Saturdar, July 4th. .
Winghana treasurer, David Bell. ' aee eleateee, 001601;11e has sae hie,
islature were thee nominated: A. II.
The following candidates fo the Leg -
ern Tres is the hi h t fl
getting five and tbree-qua,rtee cents for -
Lock art, East Wawanosh . ,las Bow- for years in this.localite, . g 6/43
At the borne of her daughter, Mrs 1.
Armstrong, Huron St., Exeter,. earl3r
Wednesday April 29-h, th d
curved of Sarah Huish, relict of the
late Edward Hunt, in her 80th year.
Each of these addressed the electors Word was received on Tueliday of -
„briefly and all . retired except Messrs tele den deatti in • Wellesloe . of T le
whose narnes went 'to the ballet. On Sanders late of - ' '
The ConservetiVe press now insists
the second bellot the vote stdod Mine
that Rev DC Hossack is of straWs.
grove 09. Bowman 35 and Lockber t 18.
but even a straw shows which' wayr the
Mr Lockhart then moved, and wasetec.
onded by Mr Bowman, that the noini- wind blow%
nation be made utianimous. After the The Glebe, in ite Cointriereial col-
Ool Hugh Clark, M. P. P., Centre dilation of Sieger this season will not ,
Bence; addressed the cue vention, re- exceed 900,000Itons, whieh is a deficit.
viewing the legislature of the Ontario eorfoapb.ouLt4.500test0figtoulssfrnzotheestpirmevaitoeusa,. .
open session of the school in the after- 6.°Yet•nillent' . - 1 ehortage of 180,000 tons , in the beet
The 'pastor will peeach at 'eaeh ser. man, Morris ;.B. a Cook, kordwicb ;
vice next Sundae-. SubjeceSonorning; Wm. McQuillan, West Wewanosh ;
Some things a blind man The
Lord's supper will 'be ' observed. alter
the morning service, And seVeral new
members will be received. ,
Loye feast and fellowship from 10 to
it a.m. Publie service at O. a. fol-
lowed by the sacrament. The ()Melee
board will meet Monday- evening, May
Th haet Ss
• cessfui. Lame audiences assembled,
Mid, were edified and inspired by the
strong, earnest addresees delivered by
Mr George Stanley, of Lucien. In the
sented an interesting exereiseof recite- Mr Chas Tro er, postmaster at statistica position of s
noon'about twenty -boys and girls pre- sugar crop of western Eurepe. TheA
s an memo. 1 e offerings of the
eisey were liberal -oyer $65 -surpassi ng
considerably the- anionnt -ek-trabied:
The chileren 'were treated to a free
supper on Monday evening. The
snhool, under the superintendence of
Mr Albert Hooper, is in a, niost flour-
ishing conditiOn.
• Thursday evening of last week the
oung gentlemen of Miss Steven:31
ible class entertaineci the young
ladies of Mies Llourtice's ,bible elaseln
the church lecture rOcen The nt
tainment took the form of a box social -
with an- interesting programme.
About seventy-five young peonle •of
the two classes were present, rt is a
delight to belong to such enthuilinitie
le -
'meeting in Chathana• last night, Mr.
Phil Bowyer, M. r., P., denounced the
Government's guarantee of the Canad-
ian Xorthern bowls., and Mie Gamey.
ditiend probably never- weee. so good
for sealing since the settlement of the
Canadian West, The wheat already
in iis coming up fine. ,, The cold is suf.
iicient to make it etool out nicely,
An Italian reataurateur named Roc-
co of Winnipeg. Wile cell toted a few
days age of vloleting the icense laW.
He refusee to isay the fine and was
eeet to lail. Xotliing would alter his
decision till a barber was sent in to
shave off his rrioustacbe. This was lois
dpuriedeed, sain415. to Save it lin, promptly pro.
betWeen Belleville and Kingeton, Test
twenty lino nilleh CoWil in a very short
time , from myritedous disease. The
animals became paralyzed in the fore
'Nis., after whieh the hind lege became
la investigating hito the matter. Up 1
WierdAri to the Cantle:et th di vitt
to date Mr Boulton bas recieved no i , ,
nen, roppe dead Thursday morn- fore, a particularly strong one, and,
in's. Mr Troyer had gone to the river refiners are Making active purchases_
tO fish and-it-Witil While there-tbat. alrthe large sugar, prod -I -icing coulitT.
death suddenly -carne, Apart from a ries of the world for theie fature sup-
sicanesi3 last tOnter. Mr Teoyer had pliee. Prices of refined segat ,are ai-
been in keod health. ' ready abont e above lest year, '
Thesa'are the sample goods of one of the largest Whole-
-sale houses in Canada, and are therefore .the pipit of
their ate& These 'goods are all perfect in fit; style and
workmanship., but in some caees, are itightli, ,
The lot on Sale' Saturday 'at Manyfacorer.'s':- prices.
Our second, great snap is One Which is of interest to inen,
tvomen and thildren alike. It eensiete of hundreds of
brand new, no-to,date Caps, in ail the latest -Makes, and
is the over -production of One of Ontarkee iargest Mann -
price that we now pawl them ori to yen itt, in many,
cases, half manufacturer's ItObt, See thole in out VitridOW
soc, 6oc and Caps at 380.
Cur eat Clothing Sale still eontinuee, Save money by buying
your footwear -here. Watch for next week% ad.