HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-04-30, Page 1• - • •••-•-• LOOM .Lir • wili pa'g for tbe 'Clinton • New Era and the Weekly Globe, to new subscribers to the. end Of the year. awsssiaseate 18ea No. OM' Eon. nOtatES. ir you wish to know what is going on in your neighboihind read the New Era. r II ROYAL BANK OF CANADA , " Incorporated 1869. Paid-up capital • • • • •.• • • • • •S 3,900,0e4 Aeeerve Fund • • ,, , 090,000 'Total Assets.. •,.. s• .• 46,600,000 Head emce • Mosstr•ar iiranthes in every Province in iinada, Newfoundland, uha and NOW York, MINTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL, 30, 1908 -.-• ••,- ? SeirOrth , I " Goderich Town0ftlY • ,Avoroivw - Mr Wm. Henderson, mu vuu„...,,woare eorry to hear Of 3141110S Street, who ie in the employ I the moose of Niro a °faces, Mr.John •17'f the Oanana.Furniture Company, smith so having his verandah painted. happened with a very_ clanrous ac- cident on Saturday. He weregoarryinbeen on a visit to ber father in Delhi. a PEnsozur.4.-Mrs George Crooks has a board in the factory, when one en i Mrs F Leonard and son, who visited Mrs Leonard's brother at Kingsville, have returned home. of it caught in a beltsoausing the other i end to strikehim violently in the face ' giving him a very nasty cut acrose 1 the cheek. The force Of the blow threw him with the top of his head against the end of a pile of lumber,in- I flitting an ugly scalp wound two and i a half inches in length on the crown ' of the head. The *made were bah Quite deep and bled quite profusely. Fight stitches were necessary to deem I the wounds. \Mr Henderson has hien ' rather unfortunate of late. this bein Correspondents throughout 1 the second accident he has met 'rang the world. oulTrolstiBRANoft. E. R. Dewart, Manager. snaps in odd suits,Morrish Lk Crooks 1 Sow Successful seeds, W. McConnell I , The best Hosiery. Newcombe's."' 4 , 'Wall Paper, W Cooper & Oa .. 4 Two Snaps,Plunasteel Bros , , . . : 4 •Our First year, Walker at Ross........5 Do you need furniture, J H Chellew 5 Garden seeds, W. Linder , ' 5 Men' a strong shoes, C. Hoare .. . 5 Popular hats, poplestone & Gardner 5 ft Notice to creditore,M 5 Tenders for dredging,Fred.Oelinas., 5 Horse Routes: - riast King, McGregor az Spooner., 5 Madsen Melanite.D Reynolds... .., 5 Young Clendrie, G W Nott .5 Muirpark, 18111, W :W Fisher .; 5 Claymore. B B Stephenson, ... 5 Pasturing, JotrSherman 5 -Wetland Cement, Jas Hamilton... • 5 Pasturage, 0. W. Williams 5 Murphy Bros., Butchers... ... " 5 Goaderich toDetroit, White Star Line 5 Unrivalled Millinery, Hodgens Bros. Trip to Toronto, Tozer & Brewn8 oeing the boys, Fred Jackson • • • • 8 TO Advertisers copy for changes of advertisement ust be handed in by Tuesday nig ma ransien a S. wi e . rezeived up to Thursday morning. sowsemmass within a year. • Orms'Erzows, The brethren of the Fidelity Lodge Independent Order of Oddfellows, to the 'number of about sixty, attended divine setvice at the Methodist Chetah Sunday; when ' an appropriate sermon was preached to thena-by-Revs-D.-Rogers, pastor of the church. Special music was -also pre- pared for the occasion, Mr Middlemost a prominent member of: the order contributing a solo.. ItteKIHOP Muter -The death occurred -in Mc - Sinop, on Sunday forenoon of an old and respected resident in the person of William Pletcher Grahain. Deceased had reached the advanced age of sixty- three years and six months, He was a son of•the late Rev. Mr..(3rahain, of Egmondville. • s Spring Term from April ein_merges into our Summer Term from 'July Enter now and be ready for.a • good situation in the early Ant- nmn. Ne* Catalogue., free. Write for it • • Central Business College. W. H. Shaw, Principal, lona 41 Gerrard sta.. Taranto. • . ski -zoo tgegiass • Mountings win stick • when • all ' others fail, are you aneyeglass wearer? • If se try them with correctly fitted len- ses fitted by us.' *Jeweler and Optfoian. leaner a marriage ' License Itanaan-Mr. 0, W,, William's has rented what is ,known as the Draper farna, on the. Maitland, It consists Of over 200 acres, and will make a splen- did pasture faun, as there is plenty of Water. Dgleru-By , the death of Charlotte Carter, wife of Air sWin Oole, of the 9th ctai, on Saturday morning, April 25th, another old resident has gone to her reward. Deceased was well known andmuch respected by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. She leaves her husband and a family of four grown-up sons, Peter F Cole and 30 Cole, both of Michigan ; Thos. H. Cole, On the homeitead,and Wm•Cole, of Galt, who many will rememberas a slaw sstudents-in-S.-Malcolnamn kS law office in . Clinton some 35 years ago. The funeral took place to Clinton cemetery on Monday, April 27th, Belgrave• , DEATH. -The death of Mr. William McOrae, of Belgrave, • on Sunday, re- moves another of the pioneers of this district, • Deceased was in his seventy sixth year, and .was very highly • es- teemed. He was a member. of Trinity Chetah, Belgrave, and jn politics a conservative : . •••••••••.....m.••........•••••••,•••••••••• • D Tuciterainitft . • NoTie-The .triends of Mrs. Robert IVhite will regret to know that she is seriously ill, and not hrproving. The friends o f Turner's Church- have contributed .in the neighborhood of. $400 towards their new shed. ' RE,Ezigotno GRAND MAsnet --• At the meeting of the Orange Grand Lodge of the. State of ' Michigan held at Clio, in Geenesee County, Mr W M Doig, barrister of Sault Ste Makie, was unamiously re-elected for a third 'term to that very important position. The OrangteeZdz4rtegruovverfiil ra-ViSat influence in matters 'pertaining to both church' and State, and it has . flourished and -prospered very rapidly' shied Mr Doig became its head. He is an old Tuckersinith boy and his many, old friends are much pleased to hear that his ability, energy and integrity are recognized and ,appreciated under the Stars'and Stripes. • . . Cinnion.-The Council Met in Sea- Londeshoro forth on Saturday last; all the mem- Notas-There hi opposition in the . - . berg being- present. ArrangOmente- egg trade here this,week and in conse. were eemPleted, by which The stone. _uuenee woo has gone up to us cents. a -effieher will be started -for the season, dozei s, Butter s easing off in price. in about two weekiatsair. D Faber- 4 Adams is distributing coal this week inghtures. pit. Mr Harry Tyndall will for next winter's supply. Henry again be in charge of the machine,and Holmes purchased a fine driver last it is expected a large amount ot ina- Saturday from W. G. Perrin. Clinton. terial will be placsd on • the oads, at; The Boating Club are having the boat the work done in past seasons seems paintedand: caulked readyfor the to give very satistactory results. For season's trips. The stew -min will start this season a second hand, portable, work in a few days. The now station 14 II 0 enaine'hati been purchased to is progressing well, and will be a, con, ?penile the Crusher, which will -assist veruence that the public will appreci- in reducing the cost of operation. Some weeks ago Sit James A Bell, en- ' ate. CHintima.2:1130 special S $ Services gineer of St Thomas, made an exalt". nation of the EgmondVille Bridge at held last Sunday week in the Method - the request of the. Council, and al- 1st chetah were greatly enjoyed 1ff though his report on the theme has net excellent congre atiens, Rev. A* H. LL lystAbe• enareceaVedscems4A-AfrzW ,B.A. ii. dent thathe thinks it necessary te Dist., S.. S. preaehe two very instrue• - have the bridge strengthened in some trop and . impressive sermons. The g - way. either to reantotce .the present uarterly communion service ofthe Lendesboro circuit will be held in the' steel tress, or to replace it with a • heavier structure, as the leads Which Londesboro Methodist Church next Sabbath morning at 10.30 o'clock. The it Is now required are much heavier Constance congrd,gation are. expected than the Present structure, which was built in 1871,was built to carry,- ac tcsbe present at this service. The even-; counts were pasted amounting to : hag servicewill be conducted at the $137,08. The next meeting will be held usual hour, 7 o'clock. . . in Seaferth•on May goth at 10 o'cjock.• , as a court for the Revision of the assessment toll, and for general busi- ness after the close of the Omit: , flolherns • Nova - Mr Levi Snyder late of London, spent a few days in this neighborhood venerating old acquaint - mace& prior to leaving for the West, Miss Elsie Bean is visiting with her sister Mrs Una Stevens, Dr Freeman and family of Goderich, Orient Sunday at the home of Thos. Pennington. Miss Adeline Pena who nas been spending her header in Goderich, returned borne on Saturday. far George liabel bus disposed of his fine young driver for a goad flguie.' Seedingt operations are nearing completion in this section Henry Schwanz informs us that he finished on Monday. SeirOol reopened on Monday, no doubt the scholars were all anxious to get back to work again. Ha. Ua, the IfidaY'lleld corres- pondent says leap year is no fizzie down there, neither Is it here with , Colborne but what it saving With Goderich t Trip we expected, to see something doing after' all Mat poetry, but probably the bachelors have figur- ed it tiO -something like this; ' To wed or not to wed,. -That.sisTthErsattestieo• Whether tis better to remain single, And disappoint a few women, For a While; Or marry, And disappoint one woman, For life. „, • - GORDON *YOUNG, SR., PASSES AWAY AT Wen Aor.--Orte ofthe isturdy yeo- men of Colborne Township palmed away Monday morning in the person of Gordon Young, sr., at the age'of eighty-six years.- and two months. Mr Young was a, native of Scotland and came to tbis country- when only.f$even years, and has resided ever ' since.in Colborne Tp., assisting in the clearing up of the land and suffering the hard- ships usually incident to pioneer life. Mr 'Young even until. quite recently re- tained a large amount: of vigor and energy, and a chat with the venerable. gentleman was always a source of in- terest and instruction of life inthe early days. He was a. member a the Presbyterian 'Church, and in politics was a staunch Liberal. He is the last of the family, but is Surviyed by three sons and six daughters, as follows: - Alexander William Young, of Nile; Gorglon Young,. on the old homestead.; John 'Young, in West 'Wawanosh ; iirs.-Sam„Bassat-.--Quihnrslaip ;- .tdrt3. Peter Bissett, • near Winnipeg.; ,Mrs. Fred Sorels, at Saskatoon ; Mrs. Love, at Hillsgreen ; Mrs Chas McPhee and Mrs. Thos. McPhee, of Colborne. MrYoung was predeceased by his part- ner-in-life,fornierly &Mist Smithabbout . . eight years ago. .•••••••::.'..=•••••••..••••......••••• 'Ordered Morrish & Croo • Ready -Made 'clothing. naps 11 dd Sul In going through our stook of Ready-made Clothing, we find that after a big- 'year's, business, we have many broken lines in Men's Odd Suits,which we are going ti clear out at ridiculous- ly low prices. We have these suits iI only:_odcL.sizes,_..but if there is one in the let to fit you, it willmeanmoney saved in buy- ing, for our loss means your gain. We are going to put the whole lot in at two prices, as ,follows . 15 Suitceonly,Which sell re-0111MT 9(1 at from $8.00 to $9.00, cleating at • U 25 Suits only, which sell regelarlyt7 at from $10 to $18.50, clearing MA*1.U 8 odd black Coats and Vests, in Cut- • away style, regularly sold at to tin from $12 to $15,,clearing at raidtUU ' ,We have our new stock of Spring Suits in at present, and are ready for your inspection. They comprise the latest styles and cloth, . Our big eeli- era range in prices at $8.5o; $to.00, $12.3o, $it3.5o, . $15.00 and $t8.00. We have cheaper or more ex- pensive goods, if desired. 0 Don't fail to see our $4o.00 Special which is the best Value ever shown to the public. - • Boys' Suits. Out stock,of Boys Clothing is now complete, and if requiring anything itt this line; we can con- vince you that it is to your interest to inspect our stock before 'buying elsewhere. Prices ranging from $8.00 to $7.50. All Morrish &crooks, "Xing" and "Borsalino" Hat Headquarters. " Square Deal For Eve ri Man -.../.1;m1••••••-•11:-A.• •"Dick" Worthington 'Wins Silver Nadal genie Clintonians know thatkri It A Worthington, eldest son of the late Dr. Worthington,of this town, US, been studying medicine at London Medical College. but very few are aware of the fact that be has been putting hamself through,aral to that extent was handi- capped; added to which is also the fact that a delicate sister claimed Consider- able of his. time. • When he was able, under:these cir- enneltatleesito not only pass with first clam hcariors,but to win a Silver Medal as well, he is certainly deserving of great credit, ' The London Advertiser, in connate- mentining the winner of theOcad Med- al, says that "Mr Worthington did well also, and was a good second to Mr Macpherson." ' We are indebted to the London Advertiser • for the abovi cut • . ••••••• Nt++++44-144+4414444414 Personal Notes If those bovine erelatives of rriend irieltias in town or going ewer notify es et the feet seek week,' we would announce it in the tiTslY NBA. P1:444414144444444444441 Rev Dr Medd spent Sunday with his brother, Mr J kr' Medd, • „ Miss Dora Scott, of A.eburrs was the guest Of Mrs Froward Fowler last week. Mr Fred Campbell of Ayhnervisited his brother W Olen Campbell last ' week. Misses Charlotte and Ida Colborne, were in Mitchell, Saturday evening, renewing -Airs H Fowler and little Gertrude Were visitors at both London and Park - bill during Easter week. •I• • Mr A E Bradvom,forraerly of Blyth, and late of the Oak Remake% haeave understand severed his connection therewith. • . Mr Cook, music teacher, has been Vatatmeftanagut. istablceembe Immo!. al services at Palmerston. Mr Cook goes as the singer: . • Miss May Webb and W. C., Mead of Toronto. spent their Easter Holidays at the home of the former's mother, Mrs W H Webb of town. Rev W.14 Kettlewell, recently up - pointed field secretary of the ion'ailianee was in town Wednesday as the guest of Rey W E Kerr, • ' Mrs Thos lieachie, of Galt, is Presi- dent of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Y. M. 0. A. She is an old Olintonian being a daughter of Mr john°roll: , • Mrs Belcher and her naother, who has been here for a year, leave this week for St Thomas, Mrs Belcher will return -to town in a cOuple of -weeks. . Ma• Welker, of Portland, Oregon, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs J W Eiliott, and sister-in-law, Mrs. T. Walker, left for home on Monday Morning. We are 4.sorry to 'record the. -death of William Girwood, eldest son of jag. 11 and Margaret ColclOngh, lot 21, con. -17aGrey, Death came as the end of a long illness, and was not unexpected, iitieS-Awf 8-teiiraiE; hilit �ii Myth,' • spending a week at the manse, left for Otanomanws--- On Sunday evening Toronto, on Monday, accompanied by trie raembers of Blyth Lodge, I 0 0 F her friend, Miss MacDougall, of Teets), To 388, marched • to the Methodist N. b., who was spending the 'validity Church, where their second annual here with her. • . - • sermon was preached to them' by the pastor Rey S Anderaon. • Ile took as his subject', "Vor.ine to live isChrist," About forty of the .• members . were present. . COnsensaaaivas- The Blyth Con- servatives have elected their officers for the follwing year. The officers are President,- T Coca; vice-president, L Brown; Secretary, GI- a( Chambers; treasurer, .R McComnione. Chairmen for the two divisions are: NO 1, T Coed No 2 3-J13 Carter. , • • • zNeTas-Bainton Bros have started the brick work on their new double house, Win Stackhouse is having a verandah erected at his new bowie" ' . Auburn . . zing Crown:to, and wan papers, Butter. Eggs. Carpets, Dace Curtain. Curtain Screens.- Mus - Large assoitmelit of Lipoleums,*-011'Cloths, androtatoes wanted. for Cash ox Trade, W. T. ittramm. Nozs-s.The Epworth League Anni- rsayasserviees.beldaasts-SundaYAver very succeseful; Mrs Dr Rutnam.gave a very.interestin.g and instructive ad- dress on Ceylon to the Sabbath School in the Morning pervide, while Rev. II, Curry, of Londesboro, gave a stirring address on League week in the even- ing. These were followed by a lecture on Monday evening, by Mee Rutiram, on the history and present 'condition of Ceylon. Mr, D Kennedy, of Blyth, : : spent Sunday wit elatives here. , Mr • It McGee attendef -the North Heron • Wingliam . • Convention inWin am last week.' bound to have three livery stables. --...,...—r-,, " brueeffeld LIVERY BUSINESS - Winghara is ' .Goderfch. Robb Tennant, who owns the bending NOTES -Dan Munro has purchased Disaktias-s The death occurred . on recently.vacated by Cassels & Robert- Mr Scott's old ' store, "The Glasgow, Satinalitref Eliza Bright,avidow of the son' Will start a livery himself in case Home" ; he has had it taken down and latelJosepli Spreadbury, at the age ef,_ he can rent his farm.intends to erecta butcher shop on the 75. Years and 7 months.Mrs Spreadburys Witom- A meeting. of 'the public Jot. The Ohl store is an Old landmark husband died a few years ago, and rhe taloa' board was held on Saturdasa of our town. Peter McKenzie lost a had been living with her daughter,Mrs evening, Principal - Mlis arae was working horse last week ; it fell dead George Stancombe. . Mrs R Evans of present. •andaPPIled I or a few 'while „he was plownagat being a heavy Odderialcand-Miii C Mei, of the Bay- "weekr?leave-oVabsetteei--Ilis -jetlile6t' 'loss to him As he was obliged to buy field road, are also daughters ot the was unanimously granted. Mr George another. Mr Simons has moved to Thompson, of Stratford, will eirppir deceased. • Ilensall, where he is engaged to work , The asuesia of anso Margaret uo4o,. Mr 1Vluagrove's work ,.during his ab- for Mr Geo McEwen, of that place, Mr Who died on Friday : a.t Saltford, took eeuee' 1VIr Musgrove keg., served the Smith has moved into the home lately place on Tuesday. Miss Roes had been board faithfully for the past seventeen vacated by Mr Shnone. Reuben String living for the past twenty-four years years. If, elected to the Legislature and mother' have Moved into the house in Sanford withher sister, Mrs. Wm. by the electors. of North Huron,. he they have lately purchased. Mrs. A. Potts, but was a native of foderich tp, will retain the Position as principal Johnston, Stanley, returned home last where her brother, James Ross, is still of the wheal until • Christmas, and week from visiting relatiyes in London living. George ROMs, of Manitoba; is then tender his resignation, . Mr Sage, Port Albert, bas organized a another brother. • . • class for music in our village. START/NG To SURVEY - VM Roberts 1 '' Stanley, has been appointed chief engineer,and , with a staff of draughtmen, todmen NotEs-sWe are pleased to noteihrit and chaiurnen started Monday the Mrs Alex ' McEwen of, the Bayfield preliminary surveys of the West Share Road, is steadily improving in healeh. Electric roadawhiela it to be built from Miss Jean Mustard,_ who spent her Goderich to Kincardine, a distance of Easter holidays at home,- left on Sate 80 miles. It is expected this line will urday for her werk4nEast Toronto. take two years in construction. It is Mr and Mrs Wm Taylor and their son . the intention of the Company to ex- Ross, spent Easter with relations in tend their line when- built to Goderich Grey. The Misses Amy Gunn, jean sonthalong the Lake shore to Sarnia; Scott, Hazel and Jessie O'Neil, Ruth a dietance of 80 miles, opening up one Walkinshaw and Edna Lavie, of Olin - of the most fertile dietricts of Ontario. ton, were entertained by Miss Flossie It is said this line is to be Operated by Pearson, on Thursday afternoon and the tf' P R. , evening of last week. Murtariat - Kaman - A wedding 4 which has been looked forward to, with special interest took place at the DIED IN SCLAIR, MICH.- Mrs Bedford Hotel on Wednesday at high Glazier, Albert St, North,received noon, the contracting parties being_ word on 'Wednesday, of the sudden. Miss Ethel Veronica Seller, (laugh- death of a sister, 11fre Ann Autterson, tet ' of Mrs. S.. Davis, . and Mr: St Clair, Mich, She Was also a sister Stewart Murray, a well known end of Henry Kerr, NVingham, Mr Thos 13eacom, of town, who is a cousin, ac- PoPular Goderich hOY* now of Phila. thephia.' The ceremony was perfOr111- C011ipatlied by , Mrs Glazier Me and ed in the parlor of the Bedford, by Mrs Kerr, of Winghatn, attended the the bridesmaid being Miss Olive S. funeral. Friday. Rey M Turnbull, vector of St George's, ' Keller., sister • of the bride, and the DIED IN ROSOOP, OHIO -,--- The groonisman. Dr Lewis, of the General many old friend:: hero about, -will be sorry to learn of the death of Mrs Hospital, Toronto. Maggie McMillen, (daughter Of Mr )as Andreres) formerly of Clinton, which The Ottawa Free Press states :- Among the names mentioned in con- neztion with the position of Assistant Chief Railway•Commissioner is that of Mr William Prouclfaot, K. C., head of the firm of Proudfoot, ;Duncan, Grant & Skeane, of Toronto. . ' Mr Fred Stephenson of London,svith two other gentlemen' of that city gave an excellent address in the town hall at Stratheoy' to the young men's association last Sunday aftern ,on, He is a son of John Stephenson, -Clinton. • It was an address that impressed his hearers Very much. • Mr J T Currie, of East Wawanosh, the Liberal candidate for the Localin North Huron, went to Clinton Colleg- iate. was married by Rev Dr Stewart. and is a brother-in•law of Mr Job - Cooper. so that Olintonians have 4 personal' interest in his campaign. ' Miss Ella aletsuiee, daughter of Andrew McGuire of Porter's Hill, and -dregfiteratf-stdr--Ds-Shatianats-. as accepted the position of steno- grapher' and book-keeper, with •the Noble Dominion Detective Agency in the Trader's Bank Building, Toronto?. CEnnort NOTES - The first meeting Of OWN- M 0 A will be held on Tues- day evening in their rooms in the Mc- Donald Block, The meeting will take the form of a Bible study. Mr W A Noble of Hamilton, gave an address to men only On Sunday afternoon in the parish hall. There Was togood at- tend:ante, and the speaker gave an ex- cellent address on the subject, "What- soever a mark soweth, that shall he al- so reap," The Methodist • Sunday School will treat the scholars and nnemberreof the school to a supper on Thursday evening Large congregat- ions gathered in St Paul's Church last Sunday to heer Rev T S Boyle's fare- well sermons: The Warning subject was "faithfulness, ' and. the evening subjeet "Life's Destiny," Rev. H. E. Allen preached an appropriate sermon to Wingham Council, No 222, 0 0 0 F on Sunday evening, from the text, "Ointment and perfinne rejoice the heart, so does a sweetness of a man's friends by hearty counsel." Prov. 9. There was ag,00d attendance of members of the order. Rev, G. D. Sage, rector , of St George's church, London, will occupy the pnloit of Sr. Paul's Church next Sunday. Sunday school anniversary services will be held in the Methodist chureh nett Sunday, Rev Mr Rankin, pastor of Carleton Street 1VIethodist church, Toronto, will be tlul. preacher for the day. A 'platform meeting will be held In the afternoon, 'When there Will be addresses, presentation% reports, etc,. Special music Will be rendered at all tim servieeii. suascanntotrifto4yerza*A*00 OW • UCCESSFUL •BEDS.' • Not a bad idea, to sow geede that are reliable. We have theni, both In Garden and VIOWer Seeds. Sw.44 Pena (la balk) • Five distinct venetian • Venus\ Senator Firefly • The Dricle ---:Monarch • also mixed varietiest44,-,-,. hleurturtfttine (in bUlla) Dwarf Tall Phm,B. O.P.R. Telegraph Agenct GOO- • T . ••• • , ..• • FOR .STAR:i.BRAND .F4rtnalikhy:d0-. The best to)till.smttt. We have some\choice • S-we.tr-Pea-r-ratid 'Nasturtiums. ' W.S,R.fl�lmes Phin B Mantrfeetiring Ohentint. *go ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • : '• SUPERIORITY, 1 — thoroughness. progressiveness I.,, utilityenthusiasm, expertness . • • are our watchwords. Commert cis/. Steno/00hr. Telegraphy. Mail Courses in any subject. ...,. ` No vacation. - Clinton. ' Ensiness College ' The wife of Mr Russel E Manning, of Dungannon, who has been in London . for some time on account of ill -health, returned on Saturday last Her many old friends in Clinton will be glad to know that she is improved in health, and is remaining with her mother,Mrs Boles, in the hive that her system 13'1Wiliebreebgruieltt up. have'. to ' record this week of the death of jag. R. Stewart, son of Mr Robt Stewart,' Tuckersmith The deceased had been a, great sufferer LastSummer he underwent two opera- tions in Toronto, and when taken , home in ()doter last, it was thought that swith good medical attendance an d caretul attention he was improv- ing, but this was not a fact. - Mr Joseph Leech of Bluevale, was in town ou Monday, and paid • a short visit to his old Mena; Mr Wastrian and hew J Greene. Mr Leech is one of the well-knovvnfamilyof 10 brothers who settled in the northern part of the County, many years ago. Of the ten three were ministers of the Meth- odist church; only six of these brothers are alive. .Mr .Leeeh was at one time President of North Huron Conservative Association. Among the callers at the New 'Era. this Week, Were J O• Cole of. Flint. Mich., and his brother *Villiana of Galt. "Joelf.! is_well tozmembered as an esteeined,employee for years with the late firm of R Coats & Son, but for about 15 years has, been in business across the lake, where he has evident- ly proposed. Mr W Cole studied in the law office of the late S Malcolmson but has been a. resident of Galt for , many years. Both were called here owing to the death of their mother in Goderich Township. 0, • . occurred at her hornet, at Roscoe, Ohio ••••••••••.•••••••••••••••• Dungannon on the 24th inst. There are° four DE/int-The death „occurred on Sat- brothers Hying, all being residents of, urday last at Sault Ste Marie, Ont., of Clinton, except Williano H wile ref Jane Ann Bell, wife of D. johneton, at sides in California, The rsmains were brought here for in. ' To OVFNS, London. Sum?. 011, Ooll- the age of 41 yeare And three months. torment. The deceased was the See011a rmil Glee. Elpotton, Principal. 041••••••••••••••••••••*••• Mr J Bowman, of Guelph, who is knowntofstockmen as a prominent breeder of Aberdeen -Angus cattle, paid a visit to Olinton on the 27th. It 'was the first time he had ever been in Huron, though he has travelled ex- tensively, but he had, heard a good deal of a particularly" complimentary nature about the farm and stables owned by Mr John Ransford, and wanted to see these for himself. Be- ing the breeder Of the Aberdeen -Ang- us bull owned by air Ransford, and having heard it highly spoken of, Mr. Bowman was naturally anxious to see how it had developed. He was greatly impressed. and filled with admiration for all he saw at Stapleton, and frank- ly adraitted that Mr Ransford had rearion'to be proud of his stock .and farm list, Specialist, will be at . S. IL daughter of Willis Bell, of Dungan- Holmes' Drug store, on Thursday, non, and it eurvived by font' sisters May 28th. Glasses properly fitted, and. four brothers.: Mrs Thoretie john- deafness, eattuth and -failing eyesight etc% Mrs John Johnston, Mrs Robeet treated. Johnston, of Goderich.and Miss Nattie,.. ? Mr W Murray, foreman of the Jack - at Dungannon, and David at illiatils, sok 's Mfg., eilfabibihniellt at Goderich, quo ; JIMA and Robert, of Goderich, renewed acqueititances in Clinton on and Ebner, at Detroit. Wednesday, • COnstant e Outrneu-Owing to the Quarterly communiqn service being held at the Londeebiarif y Methodist church next Sabbath morning at 16,80 the sevyice in thd Conaletnce chureh will be COI/ - ducted at 7 p.M• by' Mr Robb Clarke. • Local Elections J tine 8th NOT GAPE Ar -m- -THE ANI(I-E • Pmpress Shoes have set a standard for style and quality that has placed them amongst the higheat _wade work. They act as magnet for the better class of trade. The customer who buys the Empress Shoe invade • 'ably comes back -r there, • why. we sell them. „ R. J. CLUFF„ Mutat, The date a the rrovineial eleetions is announced for Jure 8. Nominations will take place one, week previonsly, Monday, lune 1. ' THE• MOLSONS RAM OnefaPors.ted by Act of Vermunent1330 Caatal Authorized. . $5,900,0111 Capital paid up . 53,372,890 iteserve Fund . $8,372•30 Total AsSetanver 02,000009 • MEAD .011m0 -• MONTREAL; flanartiflatanhing JiturinelsTranailetedl. •"gavinisiOnnli Renatiment. $1.0D IS ell iamb is reanired to %Pen 4tel adaorait t meter eau be aeoesites in OSA or More notes, subiect te withdrawal tar sheets, Interest Paid tear timet a Ylar• Eartiterte gAlt Noteit • Diaceitinted of Waded altre6rbirsi?it ratio& 0. E. DowniNG, 0ftntorr. • ,ro