HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-04-16, Page 41fr, THE 0,14i4TO NEW ERA April keth, aster If you. have left off buyitig your Easter Bat until the last minute, you •can come to this store with the assurance of seeing the biggest collec- - don of Stylish Millinery in Town. Our milliners have prepared another lot. of New Hats for Sat- urday and it will be well worth your while to see them --all at popular prices, • From up .EASTER. EXCURSIONS -A T.-. SINGLE FARE Betweeo all stations in Cansait, also to ol and Port Huron. mice., Buffalo, niaearit t es and fluseension Bridge, N.Y. Tickets good going April Mb. ran, eith, leth and Web, Valid returning on or before April sist, leas, 00Ingleekersi EXeltealo no Commencing apriutthaind continuing every second Tuesday until Beet. Oh the Grano Trunk. Railway Siretere will issue second oiass return tickets, good, for 60 days,trom au stations In ontarlotO principal points in Manitoba. SABIN atohewan. and Alberta. ons-winnleeli and return, $42.o0; Edmonton and return $42.5e. rroportionaterates to other lioints. Tickets and full information mav be obtained from Town Agent. Pur- chase you*, tickets at up -town Office, and avoid delay at depot. HODGENS Town Agent. ;Week End Specials mode, white, black, specialVS. uto Best $1.25 Long Silk Gloves, tans, brown"hite102 1 navy, black and mode, special . Best $1.00 Long Silk Lisle cooves,,teo,brown, . • 7 • Best. 75o Long Lisle Gloves,. in tap, brown, black Age • uu.v end white special ** lidtIOVe gitedasi • 60 pair Genuine French kid gloves, in black, brown,grey.fawn.tan„green !odd navy. The famouso, 19. Alelcandria gloves. in almost every size. special at.. ,. Lour, Tan Kid Gloves—Special $2.35 25 pair long tan kid. gloves,. guaranteed genuine • kid, the newest shade -Jest out. Sold everywhere attf) $2.75 and $3.00, this week ail sizes 6 to 7. .. • „IPA ildt, •Short Lisle Glows 25c „ Ladies Short Lisle Gloves, in black 6 to 8, splendid value st perpair •Z5C only,•all sizes The new Hefts aro Here • Just opened another lot of new Belts .itioluding the "Merry Widow." All the new seades and buckles At 25e, 50e, 75c, 85e end 81.00 • New MadrasCurtlins GOodS • . • • Some beautiful designs inThew Madras. Curtain Goods now on sale. The peettest color combinations ever shown by this stole. Theyare_suitable.for . din, . lug rooms, bed rooms, etc., .and, are the very latest • OKA teas in curtain goods, price per yard -...,....35 and ' ** Good St.) les in : , We have two dozen or more different styles in Spring Coats and the best values you can get any- • where. We are making a Splendid display this week, whieh will pay you well to see prices . /07•50. $8.50.•attel. 810 00 Nikte.:441( .1 '.%%% 4,11014.444&161101., Miss Hattie Levi -Si -Reo.-sec„ Harry Porter- Cer aec Perry Plumsteel- urc imes Tread., Adam McMurray; Pianist, Miss Emma Lavie;Assistant, Miss Margaret• , Mannifig. • . • . .•,t , SALVATION ..ARMY . E ' I t $ with Special meetings will he held in the special Easter music by ' the splendid • A Hall on Easter Sunday as follows ch'oir of, thei church. ' • at 11 aam A. special HOline.se ineetieg. and at 8.p m. Rev. Mr. Newcombe will speak, and at 7 p. m. Rev. Mr. Wade. We give you a' hearty invitation to these services. Lt. Colonel 3D Sharp of London. assisted by Staff-tiapt. Hay and Ensign Riley will be here on Thursday, 30th. • WESLEY Mrs Steep and her sister, Miss Rowe, were very much surprised on Wednes- . ST PAULS ' day afternoon by the coming of sever- Services: -Good Friday, -at 10.30 It. -al ladies of Wesley church, each bring- m. Easter 'Day, Holy Communion at* ing a basket Of good things with them. 8.3b ca. -11i0, Mat s and 'Holy Commun. The table was spread, a good time was ion at 11 a in' ;Evensong at 7 p.m. • enjoyed. There was no formal address, Sunday School at 2p. m, but the ladies left a well filled purse ! expreesive of their good will for the- Rev W H. Dunbar has been appoint. occupants of the home they had so un- led rector of the charges at Middletons, expectedly entereo. I Holmesyille and Summerhill, and took Appropriate Easter services next ' charge thereof on Sunday last._ He is Sunday. Morning subject, "The resur- a Voting man only out froth Belfast: rection ot Christ and things above." about 18 monthe,and had the honor te Evening subject! "Quench not the tie-ordhined in Montreal by 14, Bishop Spirit." The choir will render Easter Carmichael. His sermons last Sunday music. The pastor will preach. All were much appreciated by hiatearers, are welcome who have lately been dependent on College supplies. Mr Dunbar is un - A banquet for the parents of scholars maenad: but is looking for it house to a.tending the Sunday School, and oth- which he aim brine his . father and ex', was held in the school room, on mother. We welcome • him to this lo - Tuesday evening. Four long tables eality, and trust he may receive true were well loaded with all kinds ordel. Canadian hospitality from all classes. imicies, and after those ' present had their wants supplied, Rev Mr Jolliffe 1 , 3 stated that the object of the gathering C. ( 1.. Notes was to promote greater interest inSun- . day School work, and called upon sev- TheOlin on Collegiate Canadian eral of those present to speak on vari- ou phases thereof. The addresses was a splendid saccess. The Town Hall 1 we' alt all brief,butlnterestingrparticu-- was well fllled,wtilch-showed the in lar y those bsyTthjeolsaEdypEtie,aschers. prindipal,•filled the chair, as the presi- terest felt by the citizens towards the • welfare of Inc school. Mr Gundry, the A part of the old church building , dent of the club held a prominent part has been left standing, and the open- I in one the plays. The program, con- ing where the vestries were torn down , slating chiefly by school talent, open - bas been boarded up, and the whole I ed with an instrumental solo by. Miss `Mired to the back M the lot, to be I Elva Wiltige..Then followed an instru. used -for service until the new church niental duet hy Misses Ruby Cook and is ready for uae. Service Will be held I Gladys Cantelon. The chairman gave on Friday at 3 p. m. and on Sunday as I a short address. Then came the main usual. . . part of the program. The play, "Dr, WILLIS ' Curtain,' by ten girls and two boys; • the boy's play; 'the school scene Rev Mr Leckie presohed last Sunday from Nicholas Nickle_ yli " and the tab - evening. -The W. F. M. S. meet on leau, "Bargain Day Harekut Shave." Thursday evening. These threenumbers kept the audience The singing by the choir the past laughing,especially the last. Clarence two Sundays has been especially lgood. Coop, winner of the Dr Shaw' medal The quartette by Airs Davezer, Mrs for oratory, was presented with the Oarepbell. Mr Pearson, and Mr Good- same by Rev Mr Gunne, tiolo by Mies owni n aansnyneyr ye vaec eget, aebol ro rendered, parts in are lectionitig iTheknGeilt Club tni lesnega ;let teii, tre anthem were web song by Mrs Dowser National Anthem. in a rich pleading vadiee, The Music on ......,—,_,-....,..,---„. Suoday next will be appropriate for The Mao on The Street aster. A well -attended- ineetiiiraVie hold" in Ontario St Church to -day, to eon-'• sitter submitting Local Option in vari- ous parts Of the county, No decision ' had been reached, at the time of going to press. The WM S.held its ' annual 'Easter meeting on Tuesday. There' was a • .le.rge attendance and a liberal thank - offering was received. CLINTON NEW ERA gLINTON, ONT.. APRIL 16, 1938. North Unroll Liherais North" Huron Liberals Will hold, a nominating convention In,the Town. Hall, Wieghana, on Feiclay,April 24th,. .connoencieg at 10 o'cloek• Liber'al Executlie - Ft ••••••+•••• • A meeting of those Omni:Mrs of the Executive coven ittee of the old riding of West Huron, who now live in the hew riding of Ceiatre. Huron, will be held at Blyth on the Mb inst at '12 o'clock. Those membefa: of the Exec- utive of East Huron, who now 'reside in Centre, Huron, will also attend. The idea of the meeting is to consider the advisability of calling a convention for the -purpose of organizing the new riding, elect Officers and ' choosing a candidate te-represent the riding at the next election for the regislature, Political Disappointment •• Whatever may have been Mr'Whit-. PoIItIcat rObitere. Dr Chisholm, MPfcr North Annul, .repped hig.felloW-Oonservative, W.110 Bennett, M P., over the knuckles, on Tuesday, tor his reference to .alleged tkedgitite Scandale Concerning' the redletrIbutliin o t Centre Huron, the goderich Star said: "The Crowding 'into' one „riding of three out, of the four ••toWns in the .County, IS not tbe justified frem any el:311°031ml or political standpoint." ender If the Star still etandsby t at. opinlen, .4 The payment of 5130,000 to the La Rose Mine Syndicate in settlement of its claims against the government in the lakt hours of tbe last session of the Legislature is something that will 're- quire a great deal of explaining at the hands 'otk• he Whitney Government, to and' while kxplanations given may be eorrect,•it w uld have been infinitely better to haiie put the transaction through *Arlie • in the session, --• •. ion of Centre Huron f a Liberal reason, priyes our Con - that "fighting • If the redistrib makes the election • ably, certain, and • servatire friends"?' „ chance' ' which they ha e hitherto en. joyed, it will be a relief o the Liberals who have had a difiloolt task to elect their candidtite. in • West t Huron , for sone years past, *1+1-1!.44++444+1•44+1.14 • Pennants/Notes jt theee•hoving relistivse or friend visiting * Own or irOing DOW coot the rapt oftob eek we would tweet:m*10in the NieW PKI4' I P04444044444444+1414 ' Mrs Parker, of New la skearek visit. ed in'tovni over last SundaY, Clarence johnstone re going to Tore onto this week for a few days. ,Mise Mau Stewart, of Toronto, will epend the Baster holidayat home, Mrs Vanetone, of Winghana, is vitt. iting,at the benne .of Mr Bartlift this Weeg. Mrs Lionel Paisley and. baby Elmore, are vieiting friends In St. Thomas this week. Mrs, Mellarcly•Smith left on Satur- day Mr Torobto, wh ore she will be for •a week er go, Mies E, L, ' Holmes, of Orangeville Business College, is spending the holt, days at home. Mr, and airs Doty, of Oakville, are spending a few days at the -home of Rev Mr Kerr,. , Master George Lucas, of Markdele, is spending a few daYs here, the guest citairs jE Hovey, his sister. . • • Mr. bid Hall, • of the News,Record staff, and family, are spending the, holidays at Simcoe, their former home, Mr .Tanies brown,of Kincardine, has The Brussels Post eaye:.--t\is re, returned home after spending the win. Rorted that the celbithK, C . oneer -ter...witb_his,,,danAter,afT,Gretki- oinineting Convention • for ' olinton rth o Huron•will not have to complain \ of , Mise Goldthorpe, of Goderich, and lack of candidates now that the gerrk- M vete:1„, Miss id Cameron, of Hayfield. were mender has bolstered up their The names we have heardmentioned guests of Miss E Terrance on Friday , are ex -Warden Bowman, of Moirid ; '"."9t* Barrister Dudley Holmes and A.11, •Mr FrankWatson, is going to his • Musgrave, of Winghan3. ; John Wil- hdine in Listowel for over Sunday', Mr ford, of ' Blyth ; M Lockhart, of Bast ArEkhur Clarkson willaccompany him • Wawanosh ; and Mr McQuillan, West as his guest. • Wavaanosh. j j4 O'Nei. ot Brudefield, sem of Mr. Frank ,01Nei1, oftown, has taken ai- ' It would be a, particularly interest. imsitionses Sniuor, n the Farmer's ing contest in North Huron, for tbe . Bank, Bracefierd. ' Local, should both the Liberal and - Mrs J Mulholland, who has been I Conservative candidate be a resident spending a feW.days atHespeler where of Wingl3am. Mr, ldosgrove will be Mr Mulholland ilg,engaged at his trade, I tbe Conservative candidate (if prey'. returned home on' Monday night. , I ousnrotnises"are carried but). and Mr. R. Yanstone, of Wingham, might haPpen t� be the Libe,rat.• nominee: eeO's desire to make South and North • Should this prove to be the case, the make Mr. Mosgrove's chances of elee- . ; contest would be so interesting as to Huron safe for the Conservatives, it must i,. $4...I that he had no con -1 tion sliftly doubtful. . Mr, W. H. eideration for soine Of his Own suppoit-- 14Cerr' " Brutsels, would also. make things interesting foe Mr Mosgrove. -Club Concert held on Thursday -last, Anyone Who teilftilly' drives on a ONTARIO STREET boulevard, should be fined al least $25, ' The Epworth League Of Ontario Sf. Midi the roads get good there is a Church has secured Miss Alice Chap- temptation to ride it bike on the side man to give a program of Biblical walk. This is striativ • illegal, but stories and scenes in that church, On Ohiet Wheatley As good natured and Tuesday. April 28th. Miss Chapman indulgent, arid there is no intention to is a gifted young lady, who seems , have the riders "pulled unless they practically suited for such work, her I mime the privilege by reckless riding, eimple, clear interpretationS, and her Riders should govern themeelves ae. dor ng y, There are at least half -a -dozen good, paper.han era mid house dee- sympathetic. reading and talks Create enthusiasm. The London thee Tees;,3 speaks very highly of her, The Epworth Learn* elected ihefol-Ioratorsin tnwn,ail willing to help in ititeing officere, oh Moilday evenieg, as the spring leinige.oleaning;atild it little RA executive for the ci,ming year: money Judiciously expended in this Pres , 0 S Hawke; let vice; Mies II D way will make a vast improvement Coutitice; 2nd vide, Miss Lucy Siemens; • both in the appearance and value of Srd vice, Miss Sybil Courtico 4th vice, residenees. twain Centre Huron. It is well known that,dertain persons In both Clinton and,Goderich had !addable aspirations to 'secure a Seat in the Legislatiire,and had they been given the . fighting chance to whirli they had been accus- tomed, some one of Ahem might haye secured the coveted prize.' But Mr Whitney has dashed their hopes to the ground. It is said he even refused to listen to reason, and the very ,natur- al result is that these estimable per; • the best of burnor over_ the ..?hetrige, They must do as the Liberals haye •tornake the hest of „ the situation. The Liberals have a substantial major- ity in the county, but only in the Centre Riding is it likely to be repre- sented. . . ' ' We may be wrong, but we do. not see that the Nni-th Riding is se. hope- lessly Conservativethat a Liberal has no :chance there. Howick and Wing. ham both have large Conservative majorities, hut there ars • Liberalrea- aorities in all the other municipalities that make up the Riding. • '7'01'6o -twee the vetein-clifferent muni- cipalities is subject to more or less cbange,•° but generally speaking the classification of the county politically is as follows, the places' named having either a' Liberal or Conservative may, ority • - Liberal , • Ashileld Colborne • W est Wawanesh East Wawanoish Tornberry Morris. Grey Mullett Tuckeremith flay • Brussels Blyth • • Clinton Seaforth Wroxeter Conservative Two reasonable propositions were placed before the Legislature on the closing day of the session in regard to the regulation of automobile traffic. One of these was to wholly prohibit snob traffic during parts of Saturday and Sunday,and the other to compel a motor vehicle to stop on approaching one drawe by a horse. Strong reasons were advanced why these restrictions Should be enforced, but notonly were the amendments rejected, but, by what has the appearance of a trick, the yeas and nay's were prevented from being reeorded. Weekly Sun, Mr Clark, M. P. V. for Northumber- land, got otT a neat joke in the House the other day. Some discussion has taketrplace concerning the payment of $1500 for an alleged blind mare for • the Experimental farro,and the Speak- er is paid $2,500 for his services: These I two circumstances formed -the ground I for the joke, Mr Clarke was anxious- 'to have the y eas and pays recorded on a certain measure. • It is necrsary for Eve members to stand-up an 'demand a vote, which was done,hut he Speak- er said he only counted four. 'They protested,. hut the Speaker's .ruling stood. Quick as it flash Mr Clarke said; "We pay $1500 for a blina mare, and .$2500 for a blind Speaker." • . • • . Drinefield Spying Show oice Wall*Paper helpsmore to • beautify your borne than the furniture in it, a gaudy design in Wall Paper will spoil the finest furniture you can put into a -room, a suitable design will help out a meagerly furnished room. Tears of experience and careful study enable. us to buy the right goods and they are here for pew inspection. Decidedly the finest line*we have ever shown. The saving on border now that it is s d by the roll .at the same price as the wall paper, ttea1s con- siderable on every room. • All Paper Trimmed Free 4 EASTER:EGGS, CHICKENS, and NOVI.- TIES, EASTER POST CARDS io,sc and 2- for 5, EXP'RESS WAGGONS for the Boys and .Grirls. CARRIERS ancl GO CARTS for the Babies. Mr John Quirk.late•eonductor on the I oilinallimille L a k B,. and Mr MCVoig, fornierlr:l. ' - .- • station agenp 'at Londorovere in to )vn imminimimmilw fo short time on ThursdaY last. ri,,,.. . .,.. • cooper. a, Co-. c.4iNrroi MiSS Lela Hoover, is speeding her • °Hays at home She has taken a ?Olt ellen, T"os 1 musicoro,wheillechb is o4nlikle r4c7e dr gia11. I , . .411egistrar W Omits was in town 'cik Wednesday ; some one jecularly re- marked - that he. was Aciolcing. more '. likenv.,frovinciel Secretary Ilannaevery dI ,Robt, Thompson, son of Mr John, Thompson, aceonapanied oy his:bride. I left last week for Lloydrinnster; being ; tiCketell through by F. to HOdgefis, G i T R agent. • Mrs W McAllister, Kincardine, vis- ited her friend, 'Mrs D Bck tiller last week,. Mrs ECkinier has not been en. 4, joying the 13e4 of health lf late, and -1 ' Miss Pearl Meorei of Win hen, I spent Sunday withher friend. MS Mabel Cantelon,' milliner. at Tozer & 1 Brown's. Mimi Cantelon was cm the 1 sick hit for a few days, with grip. . -... is still poorly. • • laif is the time for HouseNcleaning. Here are -a. few things you will need. 'Steve, shoe 'and Scrub Brushee, Virtisks and Brooms, Mope and Mop Cloths; Irwin'. Famous Soap,' 7 cokes. fir 150; Irwin, ierge bar. 2 Jot 25o; . '•`Sunlight, Surprise, Comfort, Richard's Pure. Searetolight, Fels' Naptlia, • Odok Navin, Castile Soaps, alao toilet Soaps; Ammonia, powder and liquid. , sopolio, hand and scouring; Blue; Washing Soda; Whiting; Dutch Cleaner ; tat* Silver Gloss one bulk; also nibs and Pale. • uccessor o -11,EIrwtn. "Mr Sohn Or0.010,•.of the well known ' • What. riiight'lhave pre' ved a fatal ac- ( eisnii; Deltevilile,,, . . . gents furnishing firna . of Morrish - sp ,. Cident:haopened while Vutting trees .. "11.eni.amill-E. Pi. Crooks, who has been in the West for I clown at Stelahen's .thurch, Gorrie, on - - met Teiiible Death 'ion. , a couple of Months, looking after '. the Tuesday', when Win Et Aid,ell had the. ' • _floitelll: interest, ..s.:e,xpe7t.ed hem! . this .mnultefbcieritouvneihton heiabvoewhbisy alrefablaermslipbpaidilyg, . '. ....• : ..!..r.. •It ir- iir.‘ .b,,c.lib.6.11.91.*:'.',.... ... . 1 1 Mise McTavish, a twee in.the Hos, pital.:bas,gone to, her hoine Strath. „roy, owing to her father being laid up with blcod-poisoning; Miss Mahafry is esmatieg .,Hospital . during her abeinide.. ' - • - „ Miss Helen Doherty, who is visiting at the Rev. Mr..Manning's, Peterboro; and Who was confined to her bed for six weeks w ith acitte rhetintatiere, is able- to walk out again. and expects to return home on Thursday, 16th. inst.. . ' M W Mitchell, who has for a. num- Stanley Friday last, and larought'out a good her of years been. in the' implement Stephen ' trsborne Goderich Tp Hayfield • Exeter Mensall Goderich W Ingham 'Howick The annual spring ehow was held on. r • - Additional gown Zopiro. Mr H Spackman, of Exeter, sent the inmates of the • House of Refuge last week,a. four gallon can of maple split. It wail much appreciated. • Al*LICA.TIONS FOR trotrOrt• LICEN- SEB The license dominissiOners of West Hnion'ate to meet at Inspector Asquith's office. Auburn, on Wednes- day, Ai:MI.22nd, at 1 o'elOck, to con- sider the applicatirine for licenses:for •the year 1908.9. Last year twenty-fiye tavern and two shop licenses were is- sued in West Huron. There are ap- -plicationse:- year-for---twenty-sfir tavern licenses and three shop licenses The new apPlicants are Joseph Ratten- bury. for it tavern license in Clinton, and Michael Dalton for a shop license in Goderich. LEAVING -Miss MeN4ughtont who has held it responsible position with the Jackson Mfg Co., for some time as foreman in the suit nepartinent,.lealles, for her home in Brussels in it few days where her time willbe devoted to an invalid sister. A sister, who has hith- erto performed this duty, being about to be married. Miss. MeNauglcon is spoken of very highly hy her em - plovers ; she has also been an active and zealous member of Wesley Church, :being a teacher in the Sunday School, and will be missed.She will carry back to *rum& the esteem of many friends, in Clinton, A HusTLING Frani- Mr Wm Jack- son, of tbe well-known Jackson Mfg, Co., was in town this week, and gave Tun STarta few facts which aroworthy of publication. In their new premises on West street they are gradually get- ting into the shape they desire, and are greatly pleased with the location and progress being made. An average of 2,000 pairs of boys' knickers is being. turned out, and every Week bales of reeterial for their manufacture is be- ing received. from England. Arrange - men ts are being made • to utilize the ct biteement of the building entire- ly Or the reception of raW material and the packing , of inanufaetured • goods for shipment, so as to allow the, upper story to be devoted entirely' to oillets and as vvork-rootni Tn-a few wi'c'ks tha 'company will haven oreeeiro tion day," when the piddle Will bein- vited to come in and, eee the handling of the business in all ,its departments. -Cloderich SW, exhibit Of horses .and cattle,' though the crowd was nat very large. The . . . • prize list is as, followie- HORSES ,Draught clase-LAged stallion,•Archi- bald & Oudenore, Seaforth ;3 year-old John McGavin, McKillop ; 2-yeee.old, Joseph Blake, Clinton ; sweepstakes for becereertieedg4reaTuAghgtedhontastiJonld, cwrGulavBine.rry, Roadsters -Aged stallion. Jibs. Rey- nolds, Clinton; John- McIntosh, Bruce - field ; T Murdoch, : 2.year-olds Geo E Troyer Hine Green ; W Wil- son,Brucefield ; Hackney stallion,Thos Shipley,.01inton; sweepstakes for best light horse, Wm Berry. • • CATTLE . Shorthorns -Aged bull. E. Wise, Clinton ; Jae McIntosh, Ttickersraith ; 2-year.old.Jaines MeQueen, 13rucefleld; yea,r-old, H Smith, Hay ; Jas Cowan, Seaforth ; Alex Sinclair: Kippen. Hereford Bull Alex Monteith,Tuok- eremith ; Polled Angus, G McIntosh, McKillop ; sweepstakes, E 11 Wise. GRAINS, Wise • white oats, J K Wise. ; bTablif oats, J.,X Wise ; six -rowed barley, J K W ise; two -rowed barley, j K Wise, W R Smillie ; fteld peas, j K Wise, •Wf Taylor ; field beans, K Wise ; Um. ethy seed, J K Wise,. Wm Chapman; red clover, *Win Chapman ; early pot- atoes, Jas Paterson ; potatoes for gen- eral crop, ditties Ross, WB, Slane. business at Exeter, and formerly. in Clinton. left Tuesday for -Togo, Sask.,' where he has been appointed agent for the Geo White Co, to sell thresh- ing outfits. , • County .tlippings.. . Miss Duncsin-formerlz Of Seaforth, died at Guelph!last wee . Mr Nicholas Foster, has leased the IJohn.l_Kneh 50 -acre farm at the Baby- -19nline, 114; for is birth: of Iwo years. - The 'death occurred in Howick on Saturday, of ' Mrs Robert Lenten, Mrs, Linton had attained the age of .86 yeara and 7 Months. Mr Wm 'Miller, of the 15th don,Hay, met with an Accident in the wooda on Friday last. receiving a fractured ankle, hY a log rolling on his leg. • ' _ • Rev Fletcher, of Ihe Thames Road Presbyterian church, last week Under- went an operation at T,oronto for the removal Of gall stones. At present he. is very sick but no , serious results are anticipated Gordon Young, Colborne, has sold. twelve -fine steers to -Thos of Hullett. They are choice export eattle,weighing 1,400 pounds and over, and we understand the price Was about $5.35 Or better. „ On Saturday as Mrs R W McKenzie, Goderioh. was standing on a chair in the pantry of her house, she slipped and fell off the chair, striking the floor with such force as to fracture her Easter Meats win Fingland, seen Of Mr John ring- ' land, Bullett, will spend the° summer The diziplay Of Easter Meats meats at Toberniorey in charge of a, F'reeby- liy our butchers will be a tempt.' brterian m1001011. Me TiOglarid is a, tog one ,1 , , , sterling young man who will be a aired. Conenotreit. 'Bitos, it to the comity wherever he goes. ,_ Two lambs, raised by C Williams, 1 Wm Merhee, Colborne, has about weighing and 65 pounds; three heit- coneldded a deal with his Mother Alex., of Wayne. Ithativ for an ex, ers, weighing 8,800, one steer, weigh- „„ege of their farms, illiam taking calf, re l Aug I.,Z10 fattened by D Glidden ; one ""' itsed by .I Vanegniond, weigh ° his brother's farm .in Michigan, and. ing 875; two pigs, raised by S Col-. Alexander cOnting back to the old chickens, i ' TO decide who • should pay for MI bomeeteael, . dough & Son; choice • turkeys and R. FItZBI1110148 & Sofa. oyster supper, Messrs G itobertson ' Two steers fed by, R Tiplady; two and Jas D Barber of East Warranesh heifers fed !yi It Gower; one heifer, by coant•Woaevidir: easda2y8 Lacsht, omutargeithiciacerionssi jne.Dale; six hogs, by L Weir ; one minutess ahd 25 seconds. This was calf, by Inc Dalin/ two spring lambs, pr,Aty sag liaeak, , by L Aldstvorth; tato yearling lambs, by L AldigWorth. Also It quantity- OfThe Imre of Mr .1 drag, 'Weep Wa. turkeys from W Bradfoot, All kinds tianosh, was recently burned and the of ether wields in season, Insuranee Uo. MORO to a deal with his Ines, paying it.. An interesting feature J. Sontrroto, - or the ease Was developed from the ker, Stanley; two extra heifers, by L bae6:ntisititd ly3lIti4ggiehirr8:•;roTilsell, htti! Two extra fine heifers, fed by R Tao- 11.1yridall, Hullett; three eXtra, dne fire, but was not yet delivered, was . et this Mitred belonged to Mr Orafit er burned, wall the question arose wheth steers, by II Archei,, Hullett; one ottra lab °elf' " Win ii`taillinrYs StalileY' to the beynt. The Company decided' spring lain , bred and fed IIK Mr. Sas. ed and paid the claim *sir the; lose of kinde of smoked mea and sausages. five flee by `Itte' Val% elite extra the horse wile Mr Craig's until deilver: the horse, Hullett, weight 1(3(1 1 lbs. All • put of the hands of Dario WaO.• , , On 'Wednesday, a, quiet hot very pretty wedding took"Place at the rem - deuce of Mr Jas Buchanan, Goderich, Benjamin Eiterson, an employee of the G. T. Il.„ Thursday afternoon, Apr 2nd, met with an accident. which caus• •-. ed his death. -.The unfortunate man when his youngest daughter, ' Mies was assisting in unloading. ties off a. olive may.. Biiiiheeitei B x..., thie „if car near Cohourg and steppin:g off the "Goderioh s prettiest and most P0/.i'r anr... car on n°ontticeththee7Iniltesritneattornacet' bEexpfaresiles1 - girls, was married to4lt 'Charlet e , which was at that . moment going- • ry Armstrong, B A, of Toronto. • - Rhq Exposwestward s. - itor saysi-Last week l'i10 He was .struck by the engine and possession of some factig relative tO "hots"' thrown some distance. When. picked taken to Cobourg„ ' where medical'. made mention .. of the Hays. , up it was .seen that his olujuries were, their. Ream and achievements. T is serious. As quickly as possible he Was week a correspondent has put ns in other old residents of 'this section cit aid was suntrooned ' His injuries con - the country that entirely. puts thi• slated of a broken leg, head crushed, Hers. recerd out of business, ead,. and eet.are bruises about the body. He - Unique there are !others who •can gq-LC:1 proves that while their record le lingered 't.11.Entir catIn=cdP%lie,:idZeilicgril: ___ The • remains were interred in the them one better.. Our correspondent ' Pelleville cemetery on Monday,funerat says: -"You have, only to go three miles out: of Seaforth to fled a gum*. dPrViCe0 at the family home were con - dieted by Rev. j. A. Milts, pastor of - tette of brothers who can place the re. cord quotecrlast week in the shade. tnke Baptist church.. A number of the . These brother's are John; Thomas. Ed- ra4mbers of axe Canadian Order of ward and Robert Devermix whose re, Odtirllows and L. 0, L,, Fa 274 vngre • 7Lekctinlyge ages greatzs,5e1720, af nid80(838_ 7y:::::,. in a c men. tendance. Six of5(' O. 0, F. act - and we truat will continue so for many They are ail actiVe and energeti - :Lehr tiallbearers. Some beantifid • germ tei uteig Were pilaeed-on-the cav - years' to come. The eldest brother, John, rarely misses', day, summer or Lond winter, that he does not perform work Sum . that wbulcl keerran ordinary man at work; In addition to this,htesers Dev- ereux have a sister in Chicago, Mrs. ftyan, who is 77 years of age. This swells the grand total Of 885 years." The Meters Devereux are among our most enterprising and progressive far -1 mers, and the ,,wish of their - many friends is thatthey Way still be spared for many yeare. It is now up to some person toe beat this record, but we think there will be few to attempt it. - relatives and friends. The de- viate a nephew of 0 F Emerson, 12, and cousin of Mr13 Biggins, "erhill. • A lif te an e John D dent of ab the a ...The G Works,' Co., was some Tor Doty En of usefulness and energy came d on Monday, Argil Oth when • wn, a highly respected resT- 'xeter, passed to his reward • e of 76 years. .• derich Bicyele and Engine ter known as the Rogers Mfg purchased a few days ago by nto narties • associated with ine Werke Ce. • OirGreati Giotiopg Sale. is -still in full swing and there is still merit of new and nobby Clothing to Men's and Boy's Suits, Overcoats, Vest, and everything at Clearing pri It will mean DOLLARS in yo buy yourf Clothing here during this Sale. I See usocfkorboRtetolinipable R See our new Dress Goods, Fawn and Silk Waists, Skirts, etc., Ladles' Corsets, in white and drab, porters attached, at soe and 75°6 • a large assort - choose from' in Odd Pants and es. r pocket, if you Great Clearing ices, a miouosioinusr,. ParisP r t Ath Hose up - • I"