HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-04-16, Page 1‘')F"
will pay for the Clifiton
tiew Am and theWeekly
. Globe, to new subscribers
to the end of the year
eistarinnunin 1885140. sea
BORT. HOLMRS. Feblieher.
1 If you wish, to know what is
going on in your neighborhood
read the New Era.
suBsompTymi tro giniroatgra","
Incorporated i869.
Paidoap capital. 444444044/44$ %LAO%
414,SerVe Mind • • 4 • 4. • • i• • • • .4,390,000Otal Aimets. • • 44146•4444!RO 400300,000
• Hood mice- • Montreal.
1111100041 IP inrorY Province in
, ennotta,.,Newionoditulds
Cuba and Igete York.
Correspondents throughout
• the world.
manor; Bumf'.
'E. R. Dewark - Manager.
tut 4ttiiieut
Formaldehyde, W S R !foliates .1
Easter Hats, -Morrish & Crooks
Fmpress Shoe, R j Guff.
Electro Chemical Rings,..Conneer.. 8
Stylish Easter Millinery, Neweeinbes 4
Now is the Time, W Linder. ,, . 4
To the nublic„R Adams . ▪ . ...5
, A great Sale, Walker & Boss 5
Stratford Business College 6
Elliott Business College.... ;
Tenders wanted, Nixon Stutdy • 5
Girl wanted, Mrs Mulvey; . ; ..
New house for sale, 14 E Dohert.y5
krona. sap to syrup, W T O'Neil, 5
Seed Potatoes, W Jenkins 5
Two lots for sale, W W Ferran:- 5
Carpets for sale, John Baker 5
Pure Maple Syrup, .11 Wiltse (local) 8
We are ready, Hodgene Bros -8
E ister novelties. Tozer & Brown ;8
Easter Term
Opens Aprilmst.
Canada's Greatest Chain of high.grade
Business Colleges, located:a
Peterborough Viringhame
Clinton, • Walkerton.
, Orangeville. Goderich,
, follows the custom of:business concerns *au
' takes no vacation. •
Stenographers. Book-keepers tin,d11Te1eg-
raphers are in giant demand in July.
August, September and October.
We train more young people than any
other managementin Ontario.
Thereiniusf.be a reason; writdfor it.
'Mali Coarsest
Business College
• Tice•Prineipal.
GEO. sliorrox, - Principal
DEATH The death too.* placeon
Friday of Mr George Lockhart. De-.
ceased had .reached the advanced age
of traventrilite years, and . ten months..
Hie death reinoYeeone of the earnest
settlers in the township, iingt apeofits
most respected citizens, • - . •
Red Clover, Annus, ransiren, arsiThOehlY geed.
oar lout of Manitoba te7I •whewat, wle.iittlle.;11z
INonce -Mr and Mrs MeBrien, who
have been conducting the tentoerance
house here for some time, are leaving
for London where they intend to 'start
.1 a boarding house, •
• &Hoch. RivonT -- The • following
shows the standing and classification
of the pupils of 1:7 8 8 No 5, based on
results Of the uniform promotion ex-
aminations. Pass 375. jr to.Sr IV. -
Mary Raitliby 535; Fromilda Pfeffer
490,- Grace Plunkett, 417, May Den-
stedt 417, `Minnie Howson 405, Ernest
Jackson, 404, Bella Stalker 397, Laura
Jackson 393, Zella Doyle 375; Sr III to
.:Jr IT -7 -Te 1We 37§21 Bah Jackson 56.1.
Alfred Lenip 428; Wei Lamp 421, Elma,
Youugblue.400, Ivan Armstrong 403,
Ressei King 395.131anche Ferguson 375.
Jr• to Sr IIIPass Marks 330 - Esther
McOlinclrey 406, Jennie Stalker .390,
Earl Raithby 383, Robert Phillips 377,
-Ferns Symington 371. Laverne Robin-
son 357. A kr Johns, teacher. •
Junior Division • .
.• .
Sr II to Jr II1 325 pass mark - Gov-
il-si AlcOlinchey 485, Nornaan MeBrien
457,Harvey.McBrien427,Arthur Lemp,
415. :Willie Carter 414, Edna Robinson
409, Henry Taman 387. Jr II to Sr II
- 300pass marks .- Ada Stewart 447,
Lena Plunket 410, Ellen Phillips 409,
Effie Stoltz 389, 0 A Selsteer, teacher.
Or der e e
• Clothing .
sta=zon fgeglaSs
•'Mountings Will
. stick when all-
' Others fail, are you
aneyeglass wearer?
• f so try them with
• correctly fitted len-
ses fitted by us. .
• Jeweler and"Optieltin.
Issuer of • Marriage
6.0.11filiela TeetenelltIP
% _ ,
1:ENPNRS--Tendere are being asked
for the construction ofli. concrete aron,
cuhert at McGinnis' creek, and willbe
received up to the 204 of May, .
PARma RENTED -Mr W Cleats has
rested his farm on con 1.0, to Mr. fai.
'erector, and the one on the 9th to Mr,
Thos McDonald; these were formerly
occupied, by Mr Marquis.
We are merry to learn of
the illness of. Clifford Lobh, second
eldest eon of Mr W 11 Lobito: Maitland
Oen, but his many yoong friends are
hopeful that it may not be serious,
ACCIDENT -On ThqrsdaY last Mr.
Walter Weston met with a bad and
Very painful accident.. He was engag-
ed in. pulling down an old building,
when it fell on him,. He had several
ribs broken, and sustained other in-
juries that will lay him up for some
time, his back being also injured.
_ Farm ORANGE -Mr Robt' Beacom
bas rented his farm- to his son-in-law,
Mr Ady Cantelon, and Mr W
two well-knoWn and enterprising
young men. Mr Beacom is compelled
riyeup,farnuog: because he has ne
help; and also bemuse his wife is in
Poor health, a fact their friends will
regret to hear, ' . •
MOVED -A number of the friends of
Mr Wesley Marquis came to his assis-
tance, on -Monday .and, -helped him.
move his effects .to the farm on the 5th
con, Hullett, that he has rented. Both
Mr and Mrs Marquis will be missed in
this vicinity,where they have lived for,
years and leave many warm friends
NASTY ACCIDENT -While driving
out ofGoderich one evening last week,
Mr Bert Holmes, Huron road, had a
most unpleasant experience. ' Meeting
an automobile his horse became fright-
ened and ran away. the buggy, aliew
one, being splashed, while Mr Holmes
sustained a severe prain of one wrist,
APPOINTMENT- Mr -Chas Williams,
eldest son of Mr 0 W Williams, of the
Maitland con., has been appointed to
a position in connection with a survey,
ing party ,under the Dominion Gov-
ernment, and expects to leave shortly
for Soutbern Alberti. where he prob-
ably will be engaged for the seminer ;
he's a thoroughly good man for service
ofthiskind. • -
PERSONAL- On Sunday last Mr W
.G01110:I of the -Huron road, passed his,
75th birthday, .1Ie has resided in the
township for over a quarter of a cen-
tury, and looks like a man etnisider-
ably younger. A man of sterling prin-
ciple and honor, he •enjoys •the confi-
dence and esteem of all who know;
him, and it is their elvish that be may
be floated to enjoy many mord birth-
'DAMAGED BY •W/ND -- The roof of
. the new Willis Shoe Factory was con-
siderably damaged during the wind-
storm on Saturday, -the roof being tilt -
,ed over one side of the nuilding.
CONCERT -The charity concert given
in Cardno's Hall Friday night was
very largely attended; . A very enjoy-
able progrtunrne, all of -Which was.pro.
Tided by local talent, and was green
for the entertainment of the audience.
orrish & Croo
• .
choosing you Easter Hat,
The King or
which are daily grovving in favor with our numerOus
customers The uniform quality and: satisfying ser:,,
vice, psergiar to these- two brands ,have made
hundreds of customers for us:
°OR PRic
The " Borsalino " Hat made in Italy, soft and stiff,
black and colored, at,
._$3.00 and $3.50
The "King" Hat; made:by the best English makers,
soft and stiff, black and colored, at
$2.00 and $2.5o••
Thea Cana.dia.n ' Hat, made in Canada,
Special at $1 5o
We have seyeral other brands, including the
field ", ", etc. •
1 We Solicit Your Inspection. 1
The Ratters. efintoue
A Sijiiarc laiPor Every Mau
ceedsarnounted to about $90.
,QUITE A Loss --.An annoying loss oc.
'eurred In connection with a certain es-
tablishment -on Tuesday. A boy was
sent into -the cellar to draw. some mo-
lasses from a newlyopened barrel, and
left the tap open, forgetting all 'about
it until the whole barrel had 'run
entailing a lots of $10, to say nothing
of the mestou the floor. • • • •
Ophrtemocs-L;Mr Andrew °bidet un-
derwent a- very critical :operation on,
Monday. - For many years he has been
suffering from a:disease in the bone of .
OARIAD Bx-1.4.ws. -Exeter rate-
payers carried two. ljy-laws Friday by
good majorities. The Gibb bylaw was
to grant 4 free site to the Gibb Evap-
orator Ootopany and thePonnor bylaw
to grant a free site and fix the taxation
for ten Years to . the Connor Machine
Company, The vote requited: For the
Gibb bylaw 332, against . 52 ; for the
Connor teirlaW 3384 against 48,
4 . Remo .. .
I Eanr..X Barak/ RAISING ,:ok ,Mr 'Wm.
, - LeeonthrtifOetdli cheisitcebea:innla°140ellti." uewfarThursday.m
) He had 4 very good raising. .EverP
• thing worked well until about the last
l et:oboe:I:S.1r II 11 Hilt. got two of his Ow,
- ere badly crushed and aloe. Mr A Ando
Dwarf -Moth r of the few remain-
ing 'pioneers of this section passed
away on monvlay In the person of Me.
Miles Miller, a highly 'respected resi-
dent, at the age a 86 years. -
JACKSON-- CRAIG -A very interesting
event took place on Wednesday after-
noon, 8,th inst.„ when Margaret Janet,
daughter of Mr Robert Craig, 43th line,
Morreawas ,united in marriage to Al-
bert Henry, on of Mi Jae Jackson, of
the same township The ceramotry
was Performed 1,y Rev L Small,B A,
of St A.ndreWs ()hutch, Blyth. The
bride was attende • by tilt groones
.sister Miss -Blithe- iekson, While Mr
Wm G Craig, brother of the bride,
supported the groom. The wedding
march was . played by Miss Florence
Jackson sister of the groom. The
bride was handsomely costumed in a ;
..gown of cream lustre trimmed - with
white satin lace and ribbon. The
wedding took place beneath a prettily
detorated e eergreen arch. The
bridesmaid was similarly- attired. The
ring -bearer was little Miss Nott,
niece of the bride. There were many
guests and the presents were nunaer,
011e and useful. .After the ceremony
the guests sat to a sumptuous
supper, " The evening was spent in
music and dancing, le and Mrs Jack-
son will take no their residence on the
13th con, of Mullett township. ,The
New Era extends congratulations. A
circumstance that might be mentioned
in connection with- this wedding oc-
curred in Clinton on then9th. of Jane
1897. On that date a horse ran away
on the . London Road, going over the
side of the bridge that crosses the river
and landing/ on the bank belon. In the
buggy was Mrs Craig; of Morris; Mrs
Nott, of Tuckersmitb, and a littie girl,
.all of whom had a marvelloas escape
from death. The littic girl of that oc-
casion was Miss Oreig,the bride in this
Incident • " • • '
Nonce Wesley BUnking left on
Saturday to spend a few days with
friends in Goderich. • ctev. 3' a Burn
left on Monday to attend- Conference.
Maitland Allin is engaged at present
working for his. uncle Allin,who is
laid up with a sore foot, we hope for
his speedy recovery. Mr and Mrs Wm
McCabe spent Sunday with friends at
Saratoga. -I` Holtzhauser has engaged
with Win Hill for the slimmer, James
White Jr... has purchased the old
.CherrYdale farm; he has also bought
,a line draft -mare froni Peter Fisher
Michael Flick moved to town on
Tuesday last the assistance of J.
Schwanzk Mr and Mrs Flick will be
much missed as they were good neigh-
bors and took- .4 1:Tontine/A part in
a .
ii-Sotnal-citedes7,---The fann-
ers are hard at work again getting
ready for the Spring work, some hay.
ing-sAready done considerable plough-
ing. Last week's Buffalo Express has
a photo of a hog -killing *Eine by -Mr.
Sallows of Goderich, wherein the prin-
cipal and:prominent figure is a profile
, new of Mr 'John Tiffin, one of the
most highly esteemed residents of this
his leg. Dr Scott, Burrows and Mac-
Kay amputated the diseased limb just
above the knee. The ,operation was
quite successful and the . patient is do-
ing nicelysso far.
- Lama. Town. --.:Mr W II Willis left for
Wingham this morning, where he is
opening a boot and shoe business. Mr8
Willie and family will follow in a few
days. The Choir of ' the Methodist
Church, of which both were •niembers,
,Mr Willis being leader, presented Mr
and Mrs Willis with an. address and a
purse of goldas a token of respect and
gratitude for their services to thechoir
.,_ Cor.RIAT -A Poacert was given last.
monnity night in theFirst Presbyterian
church under the auspices of the4hoir .
A very large. crowd was in attendance •
The thaw was occupied by Mr. R. S. .
Hays. Programme: Anthem,the choir;
solo,. James Scott; recitation,Mr Foley;
Solo. Miss Helen Beattie ; address, Rev
D Rogers; chorus, the Choir.; recitation,
Mrs TO Greig ;.anthem, "Go Worship
the King,' the choir ; duet, Miss I.
/ Maids and Mrs Meredith; solo,Mr Mid-
dermoeLigene,proceeds _Wilt- ga.tio.lhe. .„
organ fund of the chinch. .. • .1-
.• ,
iinteeneld '
Narks -Harry rialrcl.bank manager, i
attended the funeral of his 'brother at
his home at Thedford. on Friday last; f
he died-in-LOndon-hospitak-Dan-Mun-
ro has bought the butchering business
of his brother, Geo Munroe; the bed- ,
ness is e good one. Ifiselifary Gibsona
has gone to Louden, where she will re- •
main for sometime, 1,1r Dunlop, Dash-
wood,visited friends in Our village lad P
week. Mrs Bridgers, Sr.shas returned
--to her-bome• in Belmore. The farmers ,_e
Who this year maple syrup say a
it is the best yeer there hat; been .for 1,
many years. Mrs Cotner, London, is a
the guest of her daughter, Mrs Rod. t
gers. Miss Emma Reed has returned
to her place in John Reeds' store after a
a short vacation. Mrs Strong has mots- Ef
ed from Sarnia; she will live with het
son, .11,eubert Strong, who has.; lately
pur...haeled a house. Wm. Ross „ has c
moved to the farm in Stanley he has
rented, Miss Langley, Belimire„ who '
has been the guest of We. McQueen, a
has returned home. r) -
West Wa nrenoish i
Cotrxozt. MEETING -Meeting opened
., in dee- form according to edjournnient
l Members all present, Reeve Bailie in
the chair. Minutes of last meeting
confirmed on motion of Murray and
M edd. The Treasurers Statement
showed tial on lhand of $030 77, filed:On
motion of Murray and Thompson, Jae.
Lyon waited on coenell, Re James Me.
Pherson, who is sick et his place. The
council agreed To pay J Lynne $5.00•
per week. for ,„care of patient, until
his removal to the Respite The olefin
of 11 Smith Re Drain Was left ever un-
til next meeting. Fence Viewers,
, POundkeeperti, and Pathintisters Were
. appointed. Council adjourned to meet
on „Mayl'ith tutalautirt offlevision-And
for General Business, W 8 Meovostie
FrEEL-, 'At o'clock dut. ay
evening the fire bell summoned toe
firemen to the residence of Win. Fes.
sant. The chimney was found to be.
on fire, and had it net been for prompt .
action a disastrous blaze would. have
resulted, The very high :wind was
quite favorable to afire. '
Hughes was sentenced Monday morn-
ing by J A Morton to 30 days in Gode-
rich for -vagrancy. He took possession
of Wm Salter's barn, a- few miles from
town, on Saturday, and apparently
didn't want to give it up. until forced
to do so. He was brow t. into tpwn,,.
iiiiit spent he night in the lock-up;and
received'a hearing. this morning. -
MM.=- Mts Henry Ball Weed
away on Friday after an extended ill-
ness, at the age of 71 year* and 11
months. She is one of the pioneers of
this district. For , twentyfive - years
she and her husband (who. died last, .
October) were highly respected resi-
dents near Brussels, and for the past
nine Years have resided in -Wingham.
Iii5y- were;leyal-Methodistsi-and their - -
home was alwaysopen to the itinerant
poinisters. Deceased was a beautiful
Christian character, • never complain.
ng, but always bright and cheerful.
The family consist of four sons and
our daughters.
E. L. Aientviriteartx- The Epworth
League anniversary services on Sunk.
ay hr. the -Methodist. Church ,were
ery successful in every respect. Rev.
Richard Hobbs of Toronto, a former
gator, was the speaker or the day.
The serif:ions were ylgoroiis and earn-
st; and were ,ffitened to attentively
y large cotigregatioes. 'In the even.
ng the church was crowded to the 1
eon. Mr Hobbs' sermons evidenced •
he fact that he still retains his old
ime vim and enthiliastn, and his
osts of frietide here *ere „delight,
d to see and hear him once more. Miss
Laura Hiimuth, of Toronto, a former
Wieghitin young lady; assisted the
ho,r,and also rendered in an excellent
Mettler, it couple of solos, entitled:
'The Publican" trad "My Redeemer
nd Lord."
NOTES -Mi Harry Ainsfey,stin of Mr
and Mrs Ansley of town, is seriously
11 in the hospital at Winnipeg. His
Mends are quite anxious about his
condition. Mrs Margaret Bell receiv-
ed the sad news yesterday of the death
of her daughter, Mrs F. J. Tripp, in
5pokane. Wash., at the ands a, shock. age of 48 years
her sudden demise mile
Mr Mrs Tripp spent, some weeks
here last fall visiting re ethos, and
0 T R Station Agent Henry is laid
aside from duty by illness, Relieving
Ager time has c'hlrge in the meantime
Miss Lou Lloyd returned last week
from California. -where she had been
Spending the past year or more with
her brothers, Dr Gilmer, who has
been in connection with the , business
college here, is travMerred to the Goid-
*tub erdteee .and leaves an Thu ad
He - will be missed in the Baptist
church, '
NOVA, - We are sorry • to sa_y Mrs.
Rundell Bunking is on the sick list
thesis last few days. Mr Fred Yung-
blut is greatly improving his barn by
givingit a new coat of shin les, Mr
• re in Shepherd of arlock
spent Sunday with her sister Mrs H 11
Hill, who has been on the sick list the
last two weeks but we are pleased to
say is getting ;potter. •
NOTES - The arrangement recently
made between Mr J Little and Sir -
am Hill, in reference to the farm,' has
fallen through, and Mr Hill has ar-
ranged to work Mr Joseph Oolclough's
farm on shares, Mr W Lawson -who
recently bought the Wallace farm,. on
the western end of the 7th,has partial-
ly moved thereto; he etell,retaine,„am,
will leave next week on a trip to the
akw0eastte.sfRitri Richard
a.' Outlir,0 Brown,
will gwa:rir
both places. It is said thatMr/1 Archer
..sisomvies.iitiimegesf;riends. and relatives on the
2nd, he is progressing all right in the
West, but -he likes. to see Ontario
SCHoor.REPORT The •follOwing is
thereportof S. S. No, 8 based on the
recent promotion exams. Sr Division
Jr. 4 to Sr 4-E Gray, Rubie Manning
Norman Garrett, Violet Phillips,Eliza
Kirkconnell, Annie McConnell, Kenn-
eth- McConnell, Tames ' Snell, Bert
Brunsdon. Sr 3 to Jr 4 -Stanley Lyon
.Laura Shobbrook, J D Risley. Jr to
Sr 3 -Frank Brown, Elva Manning,
Ephie Snell, James Crawford. We (31-.
Beaton, teacher.
' Jr. Division
.Sr 2 to Jr 3-117 Roberton, Vanley
Garrett, Armstrong Snell, Annie
Kirkconnell, Mabel Grainger, H. Craw-
ford, Pearl Lee. Jr. 2 to Sr. -2 -Lillie
Brundson, Orval Phillips, J. Grainger,
Crawford,. Jennie Minns, Lizzie
Johnston; Olive Little. Bertha Little.
Sr Pt 2 to Jr 2 -Mary Crawford,. Mary
Curry, May Lyon, Olive Lyon,
Braithwaite, Percy Mumma, Dora
Riley. W Scott. Jr Pt 2 to Sr pt. 2-,
Minnie Orayvford, Bunking K.
McOonnell, II. Riley, N. Manning, M.
Kirkconnell, Mary Jamieson. Sr 1 to
Jr Pt 2 -Nettie Woodman, Viva Cole,
Kate Brown, Maud Shobbrook. All
new pupils are requested to be in at-
tendance, Menday, April 27th. • O. E.
Huston. teacher
: uelteromith
.. PARALYTIC STROKE -Mr Stephenson
formerly of Almg, died Sunday night
at the home of Mr Robert Brock, of
the Mill road, Tuckersnaith. For , the
last few months • Mr: Stephenson has
been living in Chicago, but came here
on h visit a, few weeks ago. Death
came very suddenly, as the result of a
stroke of paralysis. The funeral took
place from the residence of Mr Jamie-
son, son-in-law • of deceased, Huron
road, Bullet Toyvriship,on Wednesday
afternoon, to Maitlandbank cemetery.
CHURCH -The ,Sebbath School pine -
era and tear:hers of Turner's church
were elected on Tuesday evening, Mr.
Herbert Crich again becomes superin-
tendent, With the steff of last year to
'ittAiin. • The sohoot will open ' On
May 3rd. The Trustee board of Turn-
er's church have decided to erect an
enclosed shed in -connection With the
church. subscription has -already
been startedand given liberal support.'
The shed will probably be built in .Tune
-The. Epworth League of Turner's
church is bolding a literary enrartain-
ment on Monday evening! April 20th,
that promises to be especially interest -
lug: Local talent Will be .assisted by
Mr George' Pearson, of Stanley, Mise
Pearl Wise of Brucefleldt and Miss
Minnie Elcoat of Alma College. 'A
collection will be taken for the League
F,orward Missionary'. Movement.
., •
• Goderich,
0 0 The Members of durop
Lodge, No 62, I 't) 0 F, celebrated the
eighty-ninth anniversary of the order
by holding an "at herne" in their
handsome ledge rooms. The first part
of-thereVeningi up to iibout 11 o'clock,
was taken up. with progressive euchre.
There were two dozen tables, and the
prizes were won as follows: Ladies
prize -Mrs 11 T Edwards, a beautiful
hand -painted platter. Gentlemen's
prize -Mr Fred Platt, an Oddfello ;Vs
watch charm. Consolation prize -Mrs
Will McLean. ,After refreshments hied
been served, Alex Johnstone was pre-
sepuer ne stpeelindetdat ot hfi by thea beingevemt made
se . stmeywi stehhl , e ratrnhi f fe
till about 3 o'clock, the music beinq
Johnstone repiied suitably, and this-
wals folloWed by a trance; which lasted
Henn, The annual church parade
of the ledge will take place on the 26th
of the month -
, •
NoTitS - The annual meeting of
Hohnesville Civilian Rifle Association
will be held in Holmesville Hall Mon-
day, April 20th, at 8 p.m • All inter-
ested are requested to be-preseht.
SAI,E-The sale of the effects of the
ate Miss Ford took place on the 8th,
and was well attended, the prlces real-
ized bong satisfactory, calves going
rem $10.50 up to $50 for 2 year-olds,.
other stock hi proportion.
, :Porter's Hill
WEDDING.- A quiet wedding was
performed by Rev, Mr, McNeil at the
Petshyterian parsonage, Bayfield, on
Tuesday, April 7th, at two o'clock in
the afternoon, When Miss Grace, eld-
est daughter of Mr. Arch McDougall, ,
was united in marriage to Mr. John
Thompson, of Steinsleigh, Seek., son
of Mr. J. Thompeon.,,,, of the Bayflelcl
Goderich tp. Miss Platt Thomp-
son, Sister of the groom, attended, the
bride, and Mr. 'Fred. Emerson the.
greet% After the service the party
returned to the groom's father's home
where a nice wedding dinitbr Was ser-
ved, only immediate relatives being
present. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson left
on Wednesday for Stainsleigh, to take
Up their residence, where Ur. Thom!).
son had alrelicly taken up land. Miss
McDougall is a very popular youn§
her much happiness, She Was it MOM4
ber of Bethany chinch and Sunday
sehool And will be missed from these
circles. Mr, T'ionipstm Ise hlghly res-
pected young inam-thouglihe hail been I
awayter some time he still has many
warm friendehere..
lady, and her many close friends vats
Many Happy Rekturna
Born April 17th, 1885, Mr, Alex, Mc-
Kenzie, who, therefore, observes Geed
Friday as his 73rd birthslay.
Mr McKenzio'e birthplace was on the
London Road, a short distance from
Brucefleld, but the best part of his life
has been spent in Clinton, where he ie
one of its. most highly respected red.
,dents. He had the honor of being_ the
first child ever christened on the Lon -
dos road. the ceremony being per-
fermed by Rev Mr Grant, an uncle of
Mrs John Bunter.
Mr McKenzie is now in the ' enjoy -
meat of good health, and that he may
reach many more birthdays Lithe wish
of his many friends.
The License District
A license commissioner in eastern
Ontario has resigned, because the re-
distribution placed him in another
riding to the one he represented. Sim-
ilar conditions Enda so far as the West
Huron Lionise Board is concerned, for
not one of -the members are in the
new _rjeling of. Centre Hurep.._ Mr.,
Vhin%ffill hae--;15.e-en' tratieferted to
South Huron, and • Messes Lockhart
and Durnin are both in North Huron.
And the fact that the License Inspect-
or, though still in the Riding, is away
to nue side, is being used by some of
Mr Whitney's supporters an argu-
ment in favor of a change being made
iathe Inspectorship.
edar-Ile.ving hist received three carload of.
Scranton, Chestnut and Stove Coal, I tun ready
to supply all orders, so get your °eel bins ready.
Chronen.-- Special S 5 services will
be conducted on the Londesboto cir•
cuit next Sabbath by the Secretary of
the Goderich district S. S. RPV. A. H.
Brown, B. A. B. D., of Varna, and the
, pastor, Rev II E Curry. Mr. Brown
will preach in the Loudest:tore church
.at IO sun, and 7 p.m, and at Constance
at 2,30 p.m. The morning and after-
noon addresses will be especially along
5 S lines. Everybody welcome at all
services.. -
LIPAGUE-A meeting was held in
the basement of the Londesboro Meth-
odist Church, writhe 8th inst, for tths
purpose of re-election Of the officers
of the Epworth League. The follow-
ing were elected, Pres: Miss A Bell. let
Vice D Carter, 2nd Vice Wm Tamb-
lyn, 3rd.. Vice Miss • M Broaden, 4th
Vide T EL Squire, l'reas. Miss E. Patt-
er, Sec. Chas- Watson, Organists
Misses Z Whitley, M Voden and. Brig --
ham. • '
NOTES -A car of hogs were shipped
on Monday -the -,price .was $6.25. Mrs.
McPhee whp has • been in the village
almost a year, has gone to Clinton to
reside: /W..-Greenctailor, has decided
to.leavirhere and goes to Millbank..
Wilford Orisp is packing his 'furniture .
etc., •and purposes removing all to
London. James Leiper, one of the
craincillors, is -on the„sick list at Pres-
ent. Therms Moon is also laid up,
with a sore leg. R Adams secured a
large stock of sugar before the last ad-
vance. We are pleased - to see Mr
John Phillips out again after his re-
cent illness.
• ' [Cloven
- re • omson,wi • c i . en,
of Hawkeeville, ' is visiting her eister,
,Mrs Johnston. this Week.
Mae„nvet-William Ross. Briicelield,
is moving out ofBrucefleld,to Mr Gen'.
melrs farm, which -he has rented for
five years. He is a good "farther and
we welcome him back to the neighboi.4
GoNE, Westr -Last:week David Blair
and Harry Cheiney. left Kippen for
Saskatchewan,_ .where the former
will . cultivate the farm left by his late
brother'William. They took With
them carload of effects. Thee Gem-
mell'also left With a cav for Tuxford,
Seek. Mrs Genamell and the remainder
of the family leave this :week. They
will all be missed. here,
• ashileld •
POSTAL CHANGE -Mr John jamie-aon
on whose farm Laurier postoffice is
situated, having sold out, and his-stio.
cessor, , not caring to continue the
°Moe, Mr Wm. Kempton has been re-
commended for the position of `post-
master. This will necessitate a. slight
change in the iodation of the oft:iced:int
not•enough to make anymaterial
Stanley •. •• •
Nonra-Mt Cenral and his friends
are now beef repairing his farm for
spring crop.. Farmers have had a
good season for making maple syrup
and more farmers than usua,1 took ad-
vantage of it; a large quantity of • the ,
delicious juice Was manufactured this
year. The sTilr.ote7ra, bvpaastlii...e.fioichoel.
for- the
summer season on A
NOTES: - Mr Ernest Adams com-
menced seeding on the 18th inst., and
reports that the land tills well. Wth
Lindsay lost a valuable cow lately, by
throwing itself into -the manger..John
Stanley left forhis home in Dakota
Wednesday last Miss Charlotte
Clarke went to Kerwood this week to
visit her Sister, Mrs P 0 Papineau for
tirne.. Mrs Chas Millson . conducted
t he League Tuesday evening last, ,The
onte of Mr and Mrs Win Britton was
c heered on Sunday evening last by
t he arrival of a little daughter,
Myth. ,
NOTOS -.Me newly elected Supt. of
the Methodist Sunday School for the
coining year should -have read last
week Mr 0 H Beese, and Mr E Bendel.,
assistant superintendent. The town
council have the road grader at work
on the principal streets, and is finish-
ing things utvfine. Rev A Brown, of
Varna, preached two excellent ser -
moue . in the Methodist Church last
Sunday, : Mr Anderson taking his
work in Varna., Building operations
have commenced in the village.
WEDDING -•-A most enjoyable event
took plitee on Thursday, 18th, at high
noon, which made two hearts beat as
one in the persons of Mr John Vincent,
of Blyth, to Miss Ada Taman, youngest
daughter of Mr Joseph Taman, Blyth,
Rev A. Anderson officiated. Miss
Taman Was held in high respect by all
who knew her, she beteg a good and
faithful chtireh worker in theEpworth
League, and also in the Sunday School 1
Of the Methodist thiirch. While John
holds the respect of all who he ASS001^
ates With. They left onithe 5,25 0 P 11
train for Toronto and other eastern
points. When they rant% they Will
take up the duties of housekeeping in
tee residence ell the dOrnet Donn.
mond and !Will stteet. May happiness
and long life be theirsIs the wish Of
all their friends,
A Spring
If you want a good tonic and 'Mem
renovator at this thne of the year, you
will make no Miehtke in takbe
Sarsaparilla •
iv. a rton.se' arab medi ine, suety/a knOW
there isn't anything hotter, •
The brand that gave owls Med restate
last year. It has been testa and comes
up to the .requirements of a40% ma-
duotw•thor highest standard.
Pull pint
50 :
. •,.
Phm. B.
0.13.11. Telegraph Agency -
W. S.R. Iiolme
The best to kill smut
We have some choice
• Sweet Peas and
: Nasturtiums. .
7-VV.S R.Holmes
Phm B
Manfileeturing Chemint
06.01116•1&dIr •
front:Atka 6th merges. into oar
• Summer Term from July 611i.
•'-Eater now and be 'ready 141..41
good situation' in the early Alit-
' limn. Kew" Catalogue ; free. ,
, Write for•it /
eptra1.3 usiness o ege.
W, Shave, principal*
vonse & Gerrard Sta.. Toronto. '•
Empress Shoes have set
a—standard -for- style and
quality that has placed
them amongst the highest
grade Work.,
-They act as a
for the better class of trade.
The customer who buys
the Empress Shoeinvari-
ably comes back ; that's
why we sell them.
1. J CLUFF, Clinton
(Inoerperated by act of Parlianicht 1866)
Capital Authorized . . $5,000,008
' OaPital Pala tie • ;• s3,887,500
• Reserve Fund . . • 83,837,500
•Total Assets over $83,000,806
, • unto omen - noirrents.
Carteret Deakin('
_BUSIneee Transacted,
S1Witige Bank nevartatent,
' $1.00 le all Wallis tooalrad so eon an ,
cocetutt; twiner can be deposited in _cult
Or more Mulles. Sullied to withdtaltal bir
CUM:MC Iliterdet Paid fedi, Minot a
rarlifiers.. Sabi Notes
• piecotintel Or collected at xeiteabIs,
Of 10* DO%VDINV• MgroCilliton •