HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-04-09, Page 9• This season we imported some very handsome Silk Coats for our Goderich Q store, Not expecting to be in; business in Clinton, we did not order enough to show stock inboth places. They just came a few days ago, andwe have ar- ranged to make a special exhibit of --- them► in'our Show room • for • the first three days of next week,—Monday, Tuesday and ' Vednesday, . April 13th, Lith and isth. They are ex-. ceptionally handoome garments., exclus- iVe sty les, and. very fashionable this season.-The'prices are reasonable, and tl be • to ested, + __ Come and see . them Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. tw. Ma Q�TGN 14 W ERA 1 fOUS1 jREAKfl(G On Wednei+ naw' TJlu'RSPAY, APRIL 9, 1808 near the rallroad,svas broken into fur* her absence d a s ed ,fiona i.cuusrroN•• day afternoon the bongs of Mrs •tag t• 1 ....�,. ing , and x ;a ack ii , . to p. to bottom, Singularly, the only. Local Notices. articles missed were a aun.Mer coat and vest, Constable Wheatleyever Plain Sewln , Children: a clothin ar hauled a couple of strangers who were Specialty,—AUDIS L. KAVF'MAN,` loitering around, but they were able „_..::..,a s ,., to prove their innocence, and were re - 1 loll U ,0010., leased, tss sosausanusuals Children'sI Natty. Jackets. • With the Ladies' Silk Coatswe will show some some • natty Jackets for small girls They come in navy and red Berges and Brocades, and are neat, stylish- and 'in expensive,: See them next week .with tshe.ladies, Silk,Coats,- ._ .... ,., ,!u! WOK A0asea 011 7": , , aster Mi.Xh ncr . New and Exclusive The Millinery in our show room to-. day has an individuality and 'exclusive- • • ness to it that appeals. to critical ' buyers. Never did we make a display that won'SO many unsolicited words : of approval. Special efforts were made to have the " Right " .Millinery this • season, and we t' •fo know .that �]t is hi, our show room im o day. • It is easier doing Millinery•buying hitt e morning;' We canive ou more time and better attention than when the fternoon's rush is on. If you can do, i so, it is the best time to- select Millinery. Try t and ti see. Get your crder for Easter in this week if you , can. We will have all we can do next week, no doubt of that. We can guarantee no disappointment if you order this week. ' This Storc;1.4 Laster Glove This is the store. for Easter Gloves." The store that sells guaranteed .qualities.. only, and sells ''them at popular prices. Big, generous assortments now on . our of .tit . counters, that See: a .surety.,, ,of1 ; plenty choice in making selections. Silk, Lisle Thread, Kib, long or short. Every size.. Kid Gloves 88e • Kid Gloves, made from fide quality skins, soft and pliable, two dome fasteners, blacks, whites, and colors. all sizes, one of the most OQ„ popular lines, special at per. pair Kid Gloves $1.19 . Sid Gloves, made ,rola.-real French Kid skins, one of the best wearing' gloves we ever handled, blacks, and all the. leading shades, every pair gnaranteed. All sizes, special at$1 19 per pair ,. s . . Kid Gloves $1.30 One of the most popular lines we handle pique sewn, glace finish, made from selecteet1 30 skins, blacks- andeolors, per pair . Long Kid Gloves $2.35 - •Giocd asiottinent"of Long Kid Oloves,in a e from ood ualith+� and whine m d tan y sq black. elbow length, real _. ood value at' per pr i�Lar7� skins, g g Long Silk Gloves $1.13 Extra quality long Silk Gloyes,full elbow' length, good weight. will 'wear well, blaok,ei' white, or colors, epecial at per pair. .. , ... .. 11. f RetifU! arar Ncw .Suftings. solution of what is most 'suit-: For a . -. our • ] ]t stile for "yolzr.;Spring ' Costume, v s• Dress"'. .Goods counter. Many • n materials on it this week. Novelty stripes and new shades in 'the=: popular, plain weaves. Quite the hest collection: and best values'anyvvhere hereabouts $roadclo . � the and . Venetians, . 42c. 69c, 82c," 98c and $1.23 *Plain 'Panamas 42c,; 63c,173c. Fancy Stripe Suitings, $1.11:1 A special line of epl'ai. fine quality' Black Broadcloths, very highly finished, made from choice selected wools, Ex yard 2tra• value at .per Scarlet Broadclothsfo� Girls' .Coa ts► qualities, w ,. $2.00. and. $2.50 • You' Can Save on Ribbons. : `hese. STILL AI.V'ox1 ERIGNi1+'F,,-•-Moving LEG HURT— A•yyon boy. • son of 'noticed items in Our reolumns, at diife- Mr Donald McLeod hadhis leg severe- rent times, concerning pocket knives ly sprained on Saturday. Re was try- ing to climb on the end. of 'a waggon, when his leg caught in the wheel, and he got twisted around. It was a. won- der it was not broken, LQCAL OPTION FOR :idURON — We understand that an effort will be made at the County! Temperance ,Con- vention to be held ip ' Ontario Street Church. Clinton,April 10th, commenc- ing att 10 o'clock, . to organize every muni ipality of the County where local. option is not in force, with a view to having the law come into effect at. the ewe timein all the Towns, Val. ages and Townships.. Single fairere for •the -return trip on the railroad for this date,. . A straight r saving : of : five cents.a gilk Ribbons. yard on these new Taffeta affeta , S Heavy avy wei ht and good quality,every LIC Y • g yard of them, • 800 yards Taffeta Silk Ribbons, good• weight and qualities, white,•crearii, black, sky, pink, Cardinal and navy. Jiust'about" four inches wide. Put it against any , Ribbon you can get anywhere at 20cand ' see;if it is not every bit as good, Specitd,: 1 these 800 yards at per, yard Somolliing Saved. -ort Towelling jtoo.11 Extra heavy quality Pure Linen. erase Towelling,— just the thing for rollers or hand towelis. 15c i9 what it is worth' atm/ what it sells for . everywhere. ($r special l It price peer yard.. .a YMir Money foes Farfficst' .retire. ' stocks „ tb choose f rota ` qualities beyond nassortments of the season's newest question, generous' ass and best merchandise, • and most ,the your money in each and every case, isthis store's,bd for our busi- ness this Spring. . We have" the .goods and they are . selling• at the right price. p Come and put us tote test,' .. _.T The' . famous Ladles' � r olrn, Journal Patterns, fest • � In the. world, now selling here. Mr Wm Foster,of Albert Street,North dropped in our office Tuesday, and brought to our notice a pocket knife, which has been in his possession 58 years He says it has doubtless cut tons of tobacco,the blade.:of the knife showing signs of "bad" usage. This knife cer- tainly bolds the record. TERRI FIO FORCE-, It was stated last • week that part of the Stapleton tramway was moved, owing to the ice and. flood of the 27th March. From data furnished by Mr J Ransford, Mr., A P Gundry, the talented Principalof the Collegiate, made "a calculation showing that one bent of the tramway ..Was struck with fnrcb•requal , to 200,000 foot pounds. This was arrived at by. a knowledge of the cubical contents of WERE THEY HERE-- Mr Brown, one block of ice, and the velocity with section foreman on the L H & B, saw , `which the current was flowing. The four men on railway track last Tales- Proverbial eldest inhabitant, which April 9th, 1909 day; whom he ordered away Ile after- wards. saw twri Of them again walking on the track these two . tallied •exact- ly with the wen supposed to have been ie" concerned in the robbery of McMurch- land an - , les bank at Blyth on dnesda d:ayeld -,, ritera,...to rife er en' x =.-A a' fall " •th th .d't it did on -this: class Mr Ransford is rapidly joining, has never known, and we are safe to say that ithasnever been•known so far as thole living to -day are' concern -.1 ed, for the water in, either the .Malt.. „ might;'Tbeothe-_•CTO""W a en h8 e a with t erapi i v on Thursday. Whether they were all occasion three feet of a . rise' and fall concerned in the robbery or not, is, of in being observed and noted. • course, mere conjecture. The Durability- of !�aX� Pape is the real factor that determines the cost. It. costs as much p r'roil, labor or ash, to hang a 3c paper as it does one at .a few cents more, that wilt beautify your bom'elor a much longer time.. The Moral • we want to make is tinct °there is a price below. which it is not wise to ggo��." We think we.have the largest variety. We> know we . have the popular goods, . and that our prices are honest rices; atwhichyou decorate your rooms. p can.• Becoming the season. your- purse, and above all, your individual taste. We even have the '3C per roll kind. It will cost you nothing- to see our stock. It may cost you more not to see it, • he W. D. Fair Co. • .viten °rhe:.-Cba8est °;lwstbie Best. it. le EATH OF A CHILD._ —• L t. eight year old Eugene Southcombe, 1 daughter of Mr Thomas Southcombe, of London, died at the home' of her grandmother, Mrs Southcombe,' Rat.. tenbiiry Street, on Saturday last. She • has lived here since the. death of her mother, and was a .particularly bright and lovable child, who had won the hearts of the whole neighborhood... This was shown by the very large number of friends who gathered' to tit- tend the funeral on Monday, Among the many fforalofferin swere wreaths from Wesley Sunday -School and also froth the teacher.of the infant class.. '. A MILD PASTIME .-- A stranger wandered into the Pastime' Club one. evening'. this week,_ and,was•much sur- =prised to, see nearly all the -•boys crowd- ed around onetable in a corner., • Sua- necting that some "illegals" game *u in progress he joined the crowd to+find. out what gsveso much interest: His suspicions were well `founded, two of the°prominent members" of-tlie..club two young men Weil spoken.of around • town, were indulgingin that • awful game of checkers. We always under - `stood that "gainblin " was forbidden in this club, We learn from other soiii i es that. many of the club mem, bets are very proficient in this 'game: -GOING TO BE MARRIED •:- Miss Icily Miller;r, eldest daughter of Mr' ' Jacob Miller.aeft here on Mopday ler Seattle, .Washington, She goes • on a:. very pleasant errand, for on her ariiv-:' al, she goes to the home of her uncle,, Mr Gilmour,' where she will be rriarriect to Mr Jarnes Watters, of ,Seattle,.: - for- merly of Clinton. '.It is expected that. her bridesmaid will be Miss Flora Ounninghaine, of town, who is at pres- ent in California:: Miss. Miller is • •ia •most estimable' young lady, : and the very best wishes of .her furan. friends' go with her: to her new home. Her; seco nd .youngest t sister, . Mist ez w ho • haebeen in Chicago, returned to town in order to accompany her to the west They were ticketed through by:Mr W Jackson, 0 PA agent.' - t ONE••OF THE- - OLD-TIMERS -The work of pulling down '• the' retne•of•St. o. the swayfor `e ;t •mak rJoseph s.Chureh, tomake new edifice, commenced, "tin Monday last:. _This building is. one of. the old- est°in town;'having been':erected origgi- Wally about the year 18,54 and used for a number of years" by the members of Willie eengiegation as a place of avoir.- ship,before the erection of the present', or a ts used church:.. Afterwards itwi short time• es a waggon shop, -ally • coming in p even u- to ossession of the members of St Joseph's congregation, and by them "refitted' for church' pur- poses.. It will be replaced b9 a ha nd- sonie brick edifice. The first year the old church was put up it was blown down, and re -erected next year by Mr Thomas. Plummer, brother of Mr. Stewart :Plummer: The. timbers , for- the orthe church,. (and the frame is as good, as the. day it was put up)were handled by Mr Duncan McDonald, still a resi- dent of. town..:'. • • '• BRIEFS—Mr 'Irl -Glazier- has been selected by the_0 0 F as delegate .tu the animal' meeting in'Niagara Falls: The wife of Mr John BBrickenden celebrated- her 75th birthday on Mon- day,an' event that was kindly remetnb- Bred by her ehildren...The new _ band _was "but on Saturday night last for the first time; it is under the leadership of Mr Herb Cook, and certainly played Very well," ,Writing fom the , West Mrs Lu Thrower said "Mr. Thrower thinks there is no place' like the 'West, but I prefer Ontario." .Mr J Edinen- sr,n, who went West recently, has rented Mr Falconer's house on Maple "Street, Where his •family will remain -for-the sin -diner, .-.Good--:Friday which occurs on the 17th, closes the Lenten, season... A good many • new farm f m- plements'were takenhouse by farmers on Monday last; Mr. J. Snell is judge of heavy horses at Lavistock Spring. 1 Show ; a first class choice.. ...Walter Swinhank, while helping to pull down . part 'Of St. Joseph's Church, fell and sprained his wrist Severely Cooper & Co furnished, the Rattenbury house throughout with window blinds .Mr Jacob Taylor settled the.claim; of Mr. 0 Doherty for damage to his bine by lightning ; he got g: o..... "Jerry', a tame crow that has been around town for a couple of years, died on Tuesday. .Four steel row -boats, made in De- troit, and having air -light compart- ments, arrived here this week, three of them are for Rev. Mr..Davidson, Varna, to be used at Bayfield; the fourth is for Rev. W. E. Kerr..... Mr, Robt Draper,of the. baseline, Goderich township, has rented the house of Mr. Jarvis! RattenburySt., he has taken. a position in connection with the Brantford Wind Motor Co., and will prove agood inlet' for the position. ..Dr. Thompson is contin.ed to the house by.an injury to one of his knees caused by an unruly horse;itisnothingg *mime, but very inconf+enient...Mrs, Thos Mcllveen who recently Sold out her business at Ailsa Craig,has moved back to town for the presentMr and 1 Mars 0 P McTaggart were guests at a 1 social gathering in Seaforth, on Wed. nesday... , .. A Concert given for the' benefit of the 4chool team by the pup• its of the Clinton Lolls late Canadian Club is billed . for the Town- hall. this (Thursday) evening,it w111. --be too good to iniss...Seeley & West havo added a largo it lr lathe to their shop' equip- mens, to enable them thebetter;tel o repair work • fioUL_RA5Tal? ew Easter ovelties in Dail The neve Easter Novelties in Ladies' -Silk: Collars, . . e � es Yellin .� ash Belts 91ov ., g , was;h Cullare, Leather and �P. _ ,. .. _ in daily.. We . are cary�ng �P,bbons,,� ' &c:, acre coming.:, ..• y .. thin ` but .the best, and'it will be worth' your • while to and. .. thing§ for new' and retty.. , g _ Dome in- and see the, many .. p Wares: r . s ho W 0 u 1 0 'aro e . t s� r N 0 a e ....... ...... �•`1 l in Easter •1. NowMx liner � . • ` ouj. E aster l y, is the . time•' to buy Y ,• r e to C O u f • ' the a ass .:*eek. eek before he rush. o ' . _ • �' .. • : he' ver >ne�e�t - �;� coni 1ete� and ewe .are Showing t y ' ' le ' :at moderate rices. �ety g: .. p . W -..--':-°: AA C •I� * *c **** ***** ** ******Y'JYe.•**. . • Belts aster Leatherr r. in • at ar- ray, r `Easter. Belts are here ,gee _. a y in all the o ular shades of leather r y, P p . • k 1 s -,-taus, browns, .greens,bac . and , blues, with fancy steel and feather buCkleF. •Yrom 25o up to 51.50 sh. Belts Easter� Wa _ Was Belts:. will be. a= -strong--fes ture this se4 son::We` have many novel- ties ;in embroidered "' Line, with pearl buckies,' , u.. to $1 00 �'xoa� 26,C p , Easter Glomes •_.,. Perrin's. ,Gloves 'arethe best .triode; every Hair .guaranteed: Our stock • of Perrin Gloves is : coin tete,- in tans, brown, •green, black, btu in all sizes, ,From 6.1.00 to " 1.50 Easter Collars We are showing the largest`rd nge • of . Ladles' Pancy, Silk Stock, Collar for Easter that we have ever shown. All the very latest novelties; very dainty and at erode:...'rate .prices . �rices• oa ier plc new styles' ;in 'Ladies' Fancy The.?' ... . Hosieryare many. this season. In ,. 'fancy open-work 'stitch;• :they come in , black, pale: blue, .pitc]k, lavender, „etc., all sizes, Prices .5:0c, and 75c Spring Jackets just:' arrived, several .new designs - Ladies' Spring Jackets, in Fawn Covert Cloth andStripS'tri: e Vicuna Cloth, self- P stra ings, semi -fitting, be Vicuna all sizes, oo . .. Black and Colored Voiles Voiles, in plain black stripes and % ribbon stripes -the - p � o:talar--- ;a-lsa, to --all til shades, promise well for ' spring wear. We have them in the -very newest de- signs, from 50c up to �per 2yard. �► q Tweed Dress Goods We are showing the largest range of Grey Tweed Suitings. in the County of Hurol ,. which is saying much, - Ask to see our special pure Vtrool Tweed Suitings, =ln Check, stripes and -plain at 60c per yard. &OWN �1.