HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-04-09, Page 4.
Qahawar sir
;mil:' 9th, ' 1908
Fi A I lnWAY
SYS T+\1
Between all stations in Canasta, also'to Detroit
add Port Huron Idieh„ Buffalo,, Niagara Pans
and Suspension Bridge, N•'iF.
Tickets goad going April 16th. l7tb, 18th, 196h
and sew. valid returning, .on or before April.
Tickets and full information may be
obtained from, Town Agent, Pur-
chase your tickets at up own office,
and aitn dslelay.,at,slepot...:._
F. A, 111C0DG1ENS, Town Agent.
We are goingto start the' Spring season with some rifusing Bargains, and• it will",,
beto your dvnta a °to be on hand and your., share, as ever thing advertised
here is orth 'of ourts �.ecial attention.
y Y fP ,•
Commencing Saturday, April 1 ith•, ' and : ending
Satnrda ,Evenirhg, April 18th..
25c wide Taffeta Ribbon Cor lac
200 yards,' wide Taffeta Ribbon in almost -,;all the
leading colors. Best 25c quality for „, ,'. , , •
50e Belts for 25e
3 doz leather Belts, in Tan, Brown, Navy, White, 25d
Black and green. Best 50e quality for
Ruching 5e. k •:. .
• 35 yards of Best 10c Ruch ng'fok'per;frill (11t
6pring Terrn
from A8a'11 al;merges Iota: our
Summer Term from July eds.,
Enter now and be ready . for n
" good sttuation••tn the early Mit.
unto. ' New Catalogue • tree.
write , fer it
Central Business College.•
"kr. S. Shaw, Principal,
. Tonge &•.gerrard, Sta•, Toronto.
reureb Chanes.
CLINTON. ONT., • APRIL 9, 1908
25c Fancy Hatpins -2 for 25c
6 doz Fancy Hatpins in a number: erne,* designs'-
all color combinations. Reg4sac,quality. Easter sale,
2 told; '•, ..
tic Embroidered llandkerchiels-2 for, 2k
j3 doz embroidered Handkerchiefs in a lot of pretty .
designs. • Best 25equality at !for-, • ' •
$! 00 Umbrellasnitid Parakils.50c
12 only Umbrellas and Parasols. `:.Best• 3100 quality: 50�
'was er sale
Wash Dress Goods —$1.25 Dress .
75. Wash dress goods ends (10 yds) in : Gingh aws,
• Eas er
(lhambrays,: Muslins, etc. Regular uta to .g1.90. t.
sale per dress
-Shirt-alis ad Ic •
16 Shirt waist•ends, CottonVDelaines,`Muslins,'Cam-
brics, etc. 3 yards in each. Regular up to 50c, Easter
_- ,
Sale `t.
lOe Val. lace 04e
280 yards fine val laces • and insertions, a dozen pat-
le.. .
35c Cashmere Hose Tie
_-_. _90 -pair Fine•Eng•l Csehr ate-' eile;111h or' plain
Best 35c quality at per pair
'Our Millinerydepartment is
'now at its . best, ' with the larg
° est. display we 'have ever
.PY• ._
shown. All' the' latest crea-'
,tions for Eas'ter are •now ready
will a we worth your
whileand s e e
to come•
Newcornbe's_Milliner before
you buy your Spring Hata
o Per Cent.oft' allEmbroideries . `
>< f;mbf*oidisrfe
. `
During 'thts,Sale.
Z Dozens and. dozens of :Beautiful' ; inser-
tion s, edgings_; all overs, ..flouncings, • corset:::
cover embroideries all:selling at 10 el''. cent _.
less than usual. •: 1
od O
Special gess �o . s •
We are glad to announce t
hat.we have•at "last
secured the services op a' first-elas3 Dress -maker;
in the person _of. i\&iss_ M,_,_ Whiddon of Goderich,
who will take charge. of aur Press -making. depart•
ment in a week o>+, two. Miss Whiddon. is well'
and. favorably known' to a good itlany Clinton• •
ladies, whom she.•has had .as customers :for some ,
time. We want to start Spring Dress Goods buy-
ing in earnest, and offer the following `Big' Dress
Goods Surprise for this Easter week :'
Best $1 Dress Goods for 79c
250 yards is the lot 50 inch all wool Venetian 'Cloth
for Suits and Skirts, a beautifully finished cloth that is
splendid value at $1 per yard, colors of Black, Brown,Tan
Myrtle Navy, Cardinal, Bergundy, Yawn, the best Dress
Goods ivargain we have ever offered Master week per yd.. ' �9�,
5c Toilet Pins 2 for 51; "
150. packages Toilet Pins.in-assorted _sizes,'
Black • or White. Best 5c quality, Easter 5�'
t, .. week 2 for"..............0
25c Tooth Brushes for 10C
Hair -Pins, 4 bunches for 50 '
25c Shirt -Waist and. Skirt. Fasteners.
for 54,
lac Collar Buttons, 3 for IOC
75c Side Combs, for 50e
Tape,all widths,' 3 for CC;;
Finishing Braid, 3 for 10C• •
,C Hose Supporters 20c.:
'i'it ^a pl3 ydies-and• hild
rens C M C HoseSupporters,East Aftft.
erWeek ..,... Tv • .. LUY
` L50r-t nt ergo is 98c
12 only Black Taffeta Cloth • Under-
' ;skirts, best $1.50 quality. Easter
White lawn Waists 29e
Just a dozen or two; plain White29d
• .29
Lawn Waists at,
• : See the finer ones we• are • n
. _
showia atiltr
. •...••....: �ie7
• $1.25 Lona Silk Groves at $1.
28,pair long .silk gloves, Heavyi}al
ity. In Black. White, Navy,. Tan,:
Brown, and Champain , reg-
Rev T W . Charieaworth comrnenced I
hie pastorate at the Baptiet (Jhurch .on
Sunday last, under moat favorable i
auspices. He comes to the church
with a good :record, having filled a
number of.important positions in. On-
tario, in each of which has done
i h he
successful work. He is an EnLiebman
by birth and education, and bis genial
,.and kindly disposition has won hint
• many friends. :Ie wasgreeted by
good congregations on Sunday, and
preached two most acceptable and
helpful sermons. 1n the morning he 1
took as hie text the words"Jesus only"
Matt 17.8. and showed that Jesus I
Christ and. His atoning work were
the centre and essence of all scripture I
teaching, the only hope for lost hu -
inanity, and the Christian's joy and i
comfort in life, and his solace and sup- ,
port in sorrow and death. In the even-
ing his subjectwas "four great sights"
first, a sight for God, the world's
wickedness; Lien 6 ; 5. Second, A sight
for sinners; Jesus on the Cross, Luke
23, 35, Third, A sight for Saints, The
loriflled Saviour. 1 Ino. 3, 2 Fourth,
sight for everybody, The Saviour as
Judge, Rev 1. 7. Each point was:.ex-
plained 0,114. illustrated,,,"and pressed
home on the hearts of the congregation
with much earnestness. ',the Church,
which has been pastorless for some.
six rnonths,is very pleased at the com-
ing of Mr Charlesworth,- and is most
hopeful r'espeeti:ng`' the'. -future. '"The
Rev gentleman is large hearted, and
of wide sympathy, and will co•operiite
in all work that has for its object the •
good of the town and the welfare- of
humanity, and we heepeak for him •a
hearty welcome from the citizens of '.
Hon Mr Brodeur cannot prevent hie
department of Marine and Fisheries
being criticized by his opponents, but
be can to some extent prevent the un-
faithful stewards in the department
being the medium of conveying inside
information to his opponents.
The Wingham m dvauee .nominates
-Mr-A H Musgr.ave-as-theConservative
candidate for North Huron.. It is quite
Certain'he will be the' candidate, and
the New Era admits that he is unob-
jectionable. but his nomination•.nove
is only part of a cut-and-dried plan
made months ago, Mr Musgrove then
bad the Government's :assurance. that
'the 'Riding would be made safe for
hint, which ,has been done..
Jude'. Cassels ha bee be a reap 'pint
Judge .�v a e PP
ed to inquire:into the wrongs of the
Marine Department.is toibe commend-
e1 -e hisdecieter ncrt to-accept-eitra East seven years 88 persons have been
ram r i - ., same period_ I have lied 36. Marria8es.
•t' toget h 'bl t d 9 F 1 S S 1 h J h cit. d has taken a esition in
a `self-denfa . has usually over; 100 at present. • We Collins, of Kincardine. '• •
common'. that any _ have had 7 visits front Bishops of. our . •
'shown .yg • made his first appearance in the House
Clinton. ,
The parents of the Sunday School
scholars are invited to a banquet to be
given in. the Sunday School on Tues-
day evening next from 6 to 8.
The Women's- monthly meeting an=•
nounced to be held on Thursday,' at
the home of Mrs W S Harland, bas
been postponed until Friday afternoon
Rev. MrJolliffe will ppreach next Sun-
day morning "Palm'.sjSunday, incident'
Evening "A saying worthy of .:accept=
ince by•all." Short Evangelistic meet-
ing at the close of the.evening service.
All are welcome.
9T P
Choice Wall Paper
hers more to beautify your home than the
furniture in it, a gaudy design in' Wall Paper 1 will
spoil the finest furniture you can put into a room, a
suitable design will help out a meagerly furnished
room. Years of experience and. careful•study enable
us to buy the right goods and they are here for your
inspection. Decidedly the finest line we hav*e ever
The saving on border now that it is: sold; by the
roll at the same price as the wall paper, means con-
siderable on every room.
All Paper' Trimmed Free•
TIES,`EASTER POST CARDSzo, sc and z. fora.:
EXPRESS WAGGONS for the Boys and Girls.
CARRIERS and GO CARTS for the Babies.:
cooper it co.,
Personal ,Notes ; .
Mr. and Mrs' W Jackson, are in To-
ronto, this week.
AUr'S Miss Mabel`Twitch:el,• of Seafortb,.
The followingis part of a -pastoral l spent Sunday in town.
addressed to the members by - the ret Mrs Pinner;' Toronto, is visiting tela-`
tor, Rev O. R. iuunnee-At Easter T tives and friends here.
shall have completed seven years as'
Ro• . C. .: Edna Manning. has returned
The'ecttimerof ieStthereforePaul's Churchconvenientlintonfora from a visit to friends in Goderich',
'e vie ' of the Church's week i f review r w `tri o fe-
br T Jackson .jr left for p t V
sines • my'. appointment; with, ''of' thrill, had ti couver, tin Tuesday •':
course, special emphasis upon the • Mr Richard Downs, who recently
year closing 19th April, • 1908.' In the moved to Blyth, has moved.' back • to.
Clinton to live.
une .tion •for his • work.The die.'I baptized and 83 confirmed: In.' the
-Miss Ella Lindsay, daughter of Mr.
position as nuc as posse a ou an n pasta s. Inc . w lc o n n sa ,
of a overnment or public corporation '.bad an average,. of_ 45 pupils in 1901; (`he Milinery Department with .Mrs:
g P P
is ' soM Y McLean, M P,, (South Huron,
such 's' )
ec'ion is or . o�• Church,4 of c visits being for:Uon- inthis direction Worthy
ularPrice'$L2"v.- Easter sale .. O0 ,•
80 pair long lisle gloves in• Black, ..
White. Tan anti. Brown. Regulllri fin ..
$1.00 quality ,.-_:
a' isle
,... , _.._.
- Black and White. Bes f 75c' (1P11-580
ity for 58c'
are ' Famous.
,The Best lroa.ts made at $10 •
Between 75 and 100 to 'chose from
length .grey: and , Fawn Plaid Back
English g Cravenette Coats,' eight or 10
differentstvles.to chose fro
all sizes, 82' td 44, `!special.
• The Largest Stock of
Ci•arments for 'Worn n
is Here.
No better. place in the Count to buy
Y. ,
Garments than here
Ready -to -put-on
Spring Coatll *1 35.00
Ladies' Spring. Coats,- Made from '
fawn .covert Oloth,•lined all through, tt fill
,• loose or tight -fitting, 32 to 88, each ., t UU
dation. iirrnatfon •
• on Mondaysinee hisrecent illness Mr.
• •
t f' d th Ch Mr Will.am
meats.. To -day we can look back ith
- ;Sever years -ago the;parish seemed • , c sail* fully restored to^heai'th.'.
to be all .but hopelessly in debt •; the•Cudnto're, of • Kippen,
out o repair, an a rc
r �Iiuron
gild School House in need of`imp 've• the well known hay, exporter, expects
While nothing to or
place been de satisfaction upon -the shrunken: o er take up his residence in Clinton durhng'
tided as to the date or place of meet; draft the aid u note and its intoest the coming
and the vastly improved condition of
to give up farming, and will probably
- What about the Convention
D&cit EDITou-As the question' .of the hour ..
has to. do with the legalized liquor traffic, it be-
hooves all who have the true interests of human-
ity at heart. to bestir themselves,and units with
all available forces to accomplish a most desir=
able end,
And while the convention to be held onTliurs
daynext has to da ;with the county in general.
weareespecialli'interetted, Several prominent
likely to outer into local option cam-
paigne; and it is natural to suppose that Clinton •
will not be left out In discussions' pro and con.:.
• And; methinks there are not afew of our busi-:
nese• men who are coming to the conclusion that
'somethibg must be done to stay the evils: of the
barroom. After the doings of last 1'hursday
night,the.rowdyiem.with which the fair -day end-
ed. and to know that mere boys were seen stag- ,
Bering. These things, without any apparent ef-
fort toprevent such is cause for anxiety and
question.', - -
The sessions of the Cooventiou willbe open to
all men and women. Come out. And the even-
ing address by so prominent a person as is an-
nouneed should be listene.d'to by a largo mud -
ionce.. J Greone.
A baby was born toMr and Mrs Rotel
ert Robinson, Kingston,havin g a tooth
in the gum. It was extracted by Dr
Sparks. This is regarded as a very un-
usual occurrence.; • •
ing,_.it-is iti.contempplatfon to hold a + P i p s miner ,
conventionof the L• iberals •'of '.Centre
Huron, as constituted for the 'Lode]:•the Ohurch property. During the past
House, "about -the 21st of`•:April. 'It 'seven ears a:SUM approximatin
will ,rcbs;bly;be"h'etd-i. • ., • xpenses'o
beingthe most central and easily ac -on. the Church, has been raised by, spacial.
as a contributions, aided by the generous
by-botha r.of greed
hand liberality of the: LOU!? Guild and the
Proudfoot, of Goderi a, • . �i Y• R A. "•
The,annu-al visitation for Confirma-
'-' tion -b
y the-Bisho p-fs•exlected-towtak
The Ramis .p'ace on Sunday morning, May 3rd,
at .11.a. in., His: Lordship will not be
Theb Fal .m'norit • which bas been. here on the evening of that day.
Lie . r y, a Services :-G}ood Friday, at •10.30'a.
on adistrib tion Gominittee.• of '.
the theo #t u. m.-• Easter:D'a , Hol' Communion at
the Y;egislature, recommended the fol-- y
8.30 Lein. ; Matins and.HolyCommun-
lowingg arrangement fol;.the liprcns:
NORTH -East and. West Wawanosh '' .ton'1 a..m:' Evensong at 7 p m .:Sun
Morrie, Grey; owick, . 'Turnberr . .day School at 2.30 p m.
Tnwnshi s•:._yin"iaiu Town; Bruss'ela , • ONTAliIO • STREET :
.p..,W g , ,
Wroxeter And Blyth Villages.i ..73a.�at-Sabbath moi�iii»� Rev. W. E.
• . OENTRE-Ashffeid.Celborne; kiillett- I Kerr•preached from' "The, Wilderness,
McKillop�, Goderich Townships', Gode-, I Temptations iii his studies'in the life
rich and Clinton Towns. ••:' ,of Christ, Next Sabbath morning he
'SOUTH -Stanley, Tuckersmith, Us '!.will -speak from'"The Agony in Geth-
borne, Hay, Stephen Townships; Sea- ' seinane." The music rendered by the
• forth Town; Exeter, gensall'.and Bar-' splendid choir " 'f this church. under
' field villages. the ,able leadership of 13' J. •Gibbings,
We are not sur prised that the . Go•6.; ` was particularly pleasing and effective
p. , l item
ernment-was:unwilling to accept this, . last' • The morning anthem,
because it would have :niade the. "LetGod,Arise",was given With fine
Sc utha harder •.constituency for Mr: :effect; and the.offertory, 'Safe Retreat'
Eilb-r; made the North fair fighting with.the solo by 2drs. W. J. -'toss was
g round for bath,parties,and the tlentre - most appropriate and very well 'ren-.
a Literal -constituency ----- . __ : ,_ ._.._ _ derc.d ' In the evening the choir sang_.
Shelly's fine anthem "Hark, Hark. My
Soul," and, as an offertory Mrs. B. J. I
• Death Of Mr John Mclthu'vi Gibbing-, Miss'Gibbings, Messrs Weir,
and Downs sang Miles beautiful guar
There era less than a dozen of the tette "•Close, close to Thee
early pioneers of Clinton left, end this • e Epworth League on Mo;relay
number was decreased on Saturday b evening was in. charge. of Missses' •hiay
Y Holland and 11B Connrtice. Next Mon -
the death of Mr John MCC not been
in his • ray evening the League wi,l elect its'
77th year, Deceased has been well i
' new officers for the en
lately, and underwent .an_.operation, suieg year, -
when pneumonia set' in, :from which 1 Speaking of a 'missionary ineetin
he was too- weak to recover, held last week 1n Seaforth, the.Exposi-
Bnrn in-Ci1about 'Ayrshire, hework-•` for . thus refers to a Clinton ,lad
to Americo about the year 1855, work- ;, , y. t:
ing for some time in Lawrence, Mass., ! A;
he slug} ace was delighted ,with the
and Dundee, settling in Clinton Zn rhe 1 ,address,g ven,n byh rtcld n me history
of 001.
year 1.859. at Which time he went into ' ombo,of this Ceylon.
hel ted from its dry
the r Until
business, 8. H wg . the .covery, the various religious degonlin-_
is -
same until the year 1858. He was also anions that have missionaries 'there,
one of those who formeda Company and of the work they are :doing, ilirs, •
T bore for oil neardthe Site of the G. Riitnam fs, an exceedingly pleasing
T v station, and when salt t was dice speaker; and the picture she.. gave of
covered instead, which, he went into its man- the natural beauty and wealth of the
utlly Ere, continued success- I island with its interesting people will
. fully from the -year 1870 to ---18114 Ex- not be forgotten by her -hearers..
Capt that he car ed on a coal business j
for some time, he has not been en- W 0 T IT -The •W C T U entertained.
gaged in actiye business pursuits for ' the •ministers and the Temperance
years. , f Coinm:ttees'.of the town •churches to
•Irl the year 1884 he was married to a 6 o'clock supper oin' Tuesday even.
Alias Wallace of Goderich, . who Bur -ng in Wesley church. After the sup-
vives him, with two children, the wife ; per short speeches were made bythose
of Rev. L.'W, Diehl, of Paisley, and ' present, at.d the ladies" Were. compli-
Andrew, for eeve'ral years residing ' ;tented on their zeal and energy in the
near Moosejaw, practical work they were doing for
' Mr Mcfiarva was 'a Man who' was Temperance reform. A resolution was,
more than usually well informed, but'passedexpressing approval of `Local
always refrained from taking an ac- Ortion.
tive nadir, public affairs, except in a ♦v
minor wiry, though often pressed to. DIED IN DAKOTA -This Week Mr
do so. no. was on several °Maelf Rabb received word of the death of his
Assessor of the town, a member of the third eldest son, Fred, which occurred
School Board. and Public Library'at Park River, Dakota, on Sunday. fie •
Chhouff or whrc Treasurer of devoted
had been siek for about three months,1
Chi , of which he weer a devoted . havinga stroke, which was followed
me er, and one of the best magic.
tra who ever ant on, bench, He was by dropsy.Deceased was in his 51st'
a wan f sterlintegrity ir> eproach. vea ,. and had been a resident of Dak-
ablc life and.eharacter, and could not •ota foe about 30 years. Bis wife, for-
have been mere' highly esteemed, merly Mies Broadfoot, of Tuekersin'ith, I"
Politically, he was an ardent Lioeral, and 7 children, 2 boys and five girls, 1
The funeral took place on Tuesday survive hem.
afternoon. services at the house being Ir41,NESS-.-We• .are sorry to )leaf
conducted by
Itev, Dr. Stewart and that Mr Lawrence Manning is serious.
Rev. C. R. (Tonne ; the pall -hearers ly ill,but• hope that hatnay rally., The :
were Messrs Beacom, James Smith, wife of Me 1' Kearns, who has also'
.1' W Irwin, Jas Scott, A .idcKenzir, been B seriously' ill, is now Enrich better,
and J Cunnfnghame, • .. Mr Thob Oibbings after' a very pair..
Mrs Mrltarva desires to express her ful and severe 'lines s is novo able to be
Mout,.",,,The•wife•ofMayor Wiltse, who
appreeiation'of the many kindnesses recehtiv underwent an operation, we
shown her (briny' the II nese of Mr aro pleased to may is Aping as well as
111CGarva. nail be'e cpeeked. , ,
If we didn't, know how to:make'a good shoe,
we would• not know `an : more ` about a shoe; than
we did not.know where to
b a • good
•- you :do, If a uy g
• Shoe, and how; to sell it' : cheaper er than elsewhere,
• • 'we ould go out of business. We want to tell you
about our:•Shoes,.because its worth telling. We
oftcr you .b far the largest stock of Shoes , from'`'
m make < your election. •It contains.the. •
wltrch :.to. a s
representative makes, of the industry
Ha er Walk -over Sovereign, Williams,
Bifl, Empress', Peerless, Art, McCready,
McPherson, and others.
This week we opened up a inge in LadieS' Pumps
Peter Pan Pl1 ni ps
produce excramationsof admiration from all• ;who
have seen then. They, are beauties.
COME •. 1,ND SEE ' THEM:,•.
1 Ipii gSale:
isstill-in full swing and there is' still a' large '-assort-
ment of new and no4y-Clothitik to choose from. in
Men's and Bay's Suits, Overcoats, Odd Pants.• 'and._ .-•
Vest, and everything at clearing' prices.
It will mean DOLLARS in your pocket, if you
buy your Clothing here during this: Great Clearings
See us for Reliable Shoes at
RockgibOttom: Prices.
See cur new Dress •Goods, Muslins, Prints,
Fawn and Silk Waists, Skirts, etc,, also our " Paris'
Ladies' Corsets, in white anti alrab, with Hose Sup-
porters attached at sot and 75c, '
Plunisteei 0 Bros.