HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-04-02, Page 8=r. •Q 11 linery11411, a Do not,.let' these cool, duly days m , y Ariake you de- lay ordering .your Spring Millinery, Soon, the bright,. sunshiney weather will be here,and . • then everybody will want their hat in'a hurryNow we can' .give you everyattention �' and serve you 40104, We have Made greaterre '. .aration • p p s than ever be fore for this :season's Millinery business; Qur stock is larger than anyformer amen. 1t• is better too, Our Millinersspent the greater part of the vacation a ion. getting in the closest touch with the latest and best styles ofAMM linen, for spring wear. They came back with the right goods and the right styles, and you run no risk ofgettin anything that is not absolutely correct, doing your Mil: ynghere,. ••; :t is a fact that we never had .so magnificent a collection of Milline, for any season., Come and see•it, You. Simply. Cannot•feip Saving Money If You do Your Spring 5Buying • We have just one object in view this season, and that is the selling of every dollar's worth that we possibly can -=-to get the stock down to the lowest point itcan be got to --to° clear it to the last -dollar's worth, if at all within our power to: do so. We are willing >;,o work without -a prof we can accomplish this. No need to tell you that the stock isgood. You , know that—know that - what it was in the past, so it is to=day --the BEST Dry _. Goods-_ stock in _. _Clinton?: Here..,..are_some April Specials Tweed Dress Goods 59e-2 ends. only Tweeds Suitings, Medium shades in the•popular,stripee suitable for full costumes or senerate skirts.1 yards wide: verys- ial per yard••pee�OOOOOO •• 9� Tweed Suitines 48c- :Che new Fashionable stripes, 42in wide. splendid wearing materials in greys, blues and fancy mixtures, capital thing for separate skirts, s ee ���o _ • ial at per .yard l' •- _' i 1111 Wool Venetian. Z42e- A1 wool Venetian e1oths im- ported by ourselves direct, bright finish, lit blues, browns, blacks, reds, etc, at per yard' .. ; . •, 42C'.. Our Standard cloth at 98c -Every wanted shade in this handsome suiting. made from pure Australian wools, London shrunk,unspottable, in black and all the seasons fashionable colorings, extra good quality at�] per yard aiOC Striped Suiting* *1.10-Handsoime striped suiting, 1 Imre wool, in navies, greens,. browns; self colorer fane _ ietc, either • ,cp: ' g mixtures. -•1�-to_1}_.yards ode,. .�-•�,A , Pancy Ribbons 70 -Just about 200 yds in this'Iot,fancy silk ribbons, 4l to 5 in wide worth double the priee'*e 71 ask, special per yard r. • r .� .•,, .. ; . 2�y, Ribboends 10e-200 ends taffeta silk ribbon, 2 in. wide ofall 1} yard lengths, in 'blacks, , blues; .;white, . cream and red, Special. at per end. ,:....... OG 15e Pearl SYtttonai lOe- 200 dozen "'earl sutt4ns lain, two hole or'four hole, all sizesput up' p Bards: We cannot -ln ..one dozen break he.ca t his:: Reirular 15 s e ill per card'p c �1 Laces 2 yards • for- 5c• -U undreds of •'•yards 'll'eeneh' Valenciennes Laces and •Insertions.d i Many different Patterns, regular' 5c per yard. Saturday you• can buy 5e 2 yards for - Lir en Towelling at 100 -Extra h eav y pure re Lin en Orasli Towelling, 18 inches wide, heavy weight, very special 0pea r yard At 55C- GoodbIeachedTabl . amask guar- anteed urel;nen, Our own impirtathonwll stand no • • end of hard wear, and bleach nicely, Special, per yard 55c At 21k -•Good • jualit half -bleached bleached Table. Daniasle, 56 'to. 58 inches wide, good designs, special at per yard. .. ; . 24rj P• rints at 10o --Very fine quality. English. Prints, soft finish, dark and light colorings, the navies'. are Indigo Dyes. Very special at per yard.. ... . ,, ; 100 • , Gingham at 12e, -Good quality imported .Ginghams, • checks and plain colors.all colors in the :lot g ieran- 119ln. teed fast. Special at per yard ..- „ II L2 Enatlish eetton at 10c- Good • quality ,English white MM • • Cotton, full yard wide, fine flnish,. special at per yard : 1 UC • Bngilisb Batton at 12ie-Extra, quality. White Cotton, • English make,, very fine, cambric finish, special per 1' yard . ..• /A/ j■A{ ,... , r r. i.., LIMY Embroideries ai Se -Hundreds of yards Swiss Embroid- eries and Insertions, new patterns; regular Sc to 10c, CA special at per yard ...,n. New Embroideries at 10c-Rundreds•of yards of these too, all new designs, regular 12ic to 15e, special per yard f OG Indigo Blue Prints 106-A. big shipment of Indigo blue Prints, imported'direct from i'ngland, fine, soft cloth, neat small designs, beyond doubt the best cloth you can get for the money. If we bought it inthe ordinary' way. it would cost us about what we ask you. Special per yard �... ..:.... ..... r , . • r, , .. , , „ 1Uc • India Lavin 19c -Very Eine quality real India Lawn, ex- tra sheer, suitable for waists, childrep'e *ear, etc.1. Regular 25c quality, selling at per yard ;.. ........... I fr India Lawn' at 1.20 -Part of a big shipment bought England, Very 1 from the men who made it, t; in hl tine and sheer,; splendid values at per yard...-.... direct .,..,. 2C' • irt"sh"tifnnit' 190 -Heat designs in genuine Irish .ikim= ity,:white ground with spot,. stripes or floral de e, ,Splendid material to wash and wear, very special at p �1 QC yard . .,.r4.,r•rr�i'.,.ri:rv.r' rr,r,r -- ,Ia en' CLINTON, TEE CLINTON NEW ERA THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 180E Local Npticas. Plain Rowing, Ohildren'e clothing a Iepecialty..-A DIR L. RA I?MAN • 11R. OVENS,London. turron, Qcu 1st. Specialist, will. be at W. S. R ' Holmes' Drug store, on Thursday, April. 2nd, .(classes properly fitted, deafness, catarrh and failing eyesight treated. , *otvn SONO. and wVia,-conaP1c10a3.11a FAOTORY OTES:-Stocktaking is now going on at the Organ rectory, be .over by the joint Stock Company, who' will sestime_the man- agement from the lit of April.. MAIL ON THE GF c0 G LINE --The new ;nail service for the Guelph ,and Gioderich line was supposed to go into operation on Wednesday, April let. The train arriving about noon at Goderic l carries the wail west, and the train leaping Goderich• at 4,5.0 p.w.,.the mall going east. DIED AT THE HOUSE OF REF - 174E -James Brown, of Ashfield, who had been an inmate of the House . of Refuge for some tune and in poor health for a couple of years; died, on. Sunday. This is the first death that baa taken place in four months, some- thing rather unusual among fibmany old and decrepit persons, •Toe remains were taken to Ashfield by Mr Mitch. T1 MPE A , issued INN NEW ERA OHANGES-Mr Josepl� aattenbury i `Local News, moved into the hotel thea week ,,..r... 1 Mr. T;, A. (*rel moves into .- 'the. Mira LElllott bargresumed her dress - house vacated byy. Mr Rattenbury; Mrs' making department over :razor do Beacom succeed. Mr Greig, and tis i Browne. Misses Jackson succeed Mrs Beacom. 1Mr Beaton found some money 9atnr- Mies White has rented her house op ay, which had been loot by Win. Rattenbur� *y Street to Mrs. Norman . Sh_eppaa"d Fair, and has gone In with Mrs W 1 Miss Deverell bait opened up a'drees- Grigg to reside, they being, old friends. making department over the atone of April 2nd, i OLOSE ENbt�'GH -- A, couple of young children. went into a barn to play; en Saturdaby, end shortly after. Wards . the mot er of one of them thought she would go out and see what they were doing.` :ro her amazement she found the barn filled with sruoke, one ;of the children. having started a groin the loft. She was just in the nick, of time to Prevent what might bavelleen a ileus, ... TI3.fli ASSESSMENT,- Mr. T. Oottle has , th about completed altthe not yet closed up, •anticipates there will be very) little change from the figures of Jot year, either as.to assessment or population He ;gays that in hie g{riznage around town he found very (areful, conscientous'and painstaking therefor ; Mr Sherman is an induct. assessor,, and that he is very ace- 1 trious and steady young man, who ate is shown in the fact that iii former deserves success. We believe it is Mr years there have been very few appeals earn intention- to move, west, of any moment against his, assestr}ent, reproduced in Mo sing spietures befores A,.REAVY•STORM-mFriday night alazge and appreciative audience inl a most terrific thunder sterni was ex. the Towean n kinll Tuesday evegi_n_a. Mr; perienced in this 'section.. Lightning Thompson, who bas charge ofWonder-: struck, a chimney. on the house of Mr. land, in Glodericb, secured the reels:{ Geor Doherty, abatteripg.the same, frons New Yoik, and wit;th tbo asNis-. and doing some alight damage ;. it also lance of Mr Munro and McVittie passed tlowh a chimney on the house .of Soderich,the .,ave aver - sat; ct• �..., .,o....,.a...:�: YS y sfa pelage empty houses. town Cottle is a ueh & 40, She is experienced in this branch of work. being well known to our readers, fl J Rollister, who has been mail clerk on the, L 1J`; & a between Wing - keen and nsferred t tor !mem rrunybeettweenn Kincardine and Durham. He is- a pop ;der and efficient, clerk. De is succeed. ed by Mr McRae Sere is an manual co -incidence se Par as names and businelkoccupations are concerne�d...In:Oli atop, din ,hair, Brussels and Seaforth are undertaking establishments conducted` by: persons' of the .nave of Wiliker,• and. only . in the cases of Wingham and Clinton are the: parties related., j: Mr Joshua Sherman, of town, has bought the Ilearn farm, off 00 acres en the 13th.voncession ,of°1Goderieh tp., in the neighborhood". of $1700 1tANQE CONVF)NTIQN of. ,.J. .Qqurt oo „xu ring. out of..., ea!I has been issued for a . rally of base burner at' its feet, burning the temperance workers from all the num. linoleum and then disappearingg, The icipalities of Huron county to meet in rain descended in torrents, flooding Clinton Thursday, April 18th.. Ben $ the lower story of Fair's.niili, and . in - Spence, Secretary of ' the Ontario /tiring a car load flour., .d-. good Branch of the Dominion Alliance will !'nar Jy' cellars in town were flooded, blit be present, and important matters are wit ont serious damage. The tram - to be dealt with. very. church W C 1 way at Stapi'eton was moved four feet T. V and,Temperance societies are ask- I by the flood, and some of the trestle ed to send representatives. There will work carried away. A bridge near be single fare on the railroad. •Trick a mill, between Stanley and Goderich 'Tp, was half destroyed DAIRY CATTLE A car load of dairy- cows arrived here on Friday evening for Messrs W. H. Lobb, W. J. Nesbitt, and D, J. Burne, of Goderich' Tp. They had been bought in West- minster • township, and were mostly Holstein, being: a really superior lot of milch cows, and their milk product and the end of the flume . at 'crick's. mill was washed out. BRIEFS- Mr 'Geo Meliennan has recently added a patent meat cutting machine to his store equipment....Mr.: Jacob Taylor was in Hensall this week on 'business Miss Maggie Mt,haiiy, will_go towards the.. development . of daughter of _Mi James Mahafly, ..is, in the ilolniesville cheese industry, Mr; the Hospital; having undergone an I;cbb came. up on the train with them, operation for appendicitis;she is doing and happened to get his left band. se .well.....Mr.Geo Cottle, who has been verely cut As the car was shunting liying with his son-in-law,,, Mr Charles. 'he' wad thrown partly: through- • the Smith, of ;Seaforth, is visting at the window. . home of his"daughter Mrs Thos Mason 'Wedding or any other kindof in- . NO CAMPS THIS YEAR. -. Thai% vitations neatly an promptly will be no annual y and. p P.tly .print= ed at. the New Era office. The• first year, but instead thereof the' govern-' Spring rain -storm 'experienced last ment will mobilize 20,00i1 officers and Friday was a heavy one, and no mis men at .Quebec' to participate .in the take.:.... , Mr. V. J. Wallis: expecte to tercentenary in July. The intention is go West next week*Ali a shipment to select one half of the privates, and of horses.... If yo want anything or. all the officers from all the 'Battalions have place to rent or sell. the New Era that made a favorable showing at the is the medium to supply your'wants, annual camp last year, both from the. With guaranteed: circulation, results' city and • the rural corps. In. the case are'sure to' follow Mr Israel Tay - of the 33rd itis anticipated that about tor, of Ldndon,wae in town this :week. 200 men, exclusive of officers,:, will be ; Mr .Will `Moore,who.holds_a position selee.ed; the officers in all cases being,'in. Toronto, was home this week, had • responsible for the .selection. ' Speciain bad an 'offer to dispose of hie trains will convey the men to Quebec laundry businesshere,which, however' city, where they will ge into cawp,and, was not acceptedElsewhere will remain probably five o .six clays,doing be found 'announcement of the marri- routine camp duty,@and also taking'. age of Miss Helen, Frost, formerly of 'part in the grand review, t town,;(neice of RevJ' Greene) which • GET A MOVE ON: Ties rim upon took place at Indian flea;]; "go West,' P g p girls, go West Jean'Southcombe which we are:. now entering,.. and the ' the little ., grand -daughter of - Mrs.' our Town Faeer face rly summer wil bring .Southcombe, Rattenbiiryy' Street, is;we' face with ,.regzet to learn, seriousIy' 111 -Cor- with some serious. street. •repairing respondents who send_uotices_ofpxe . firoblem�--The atreec' '� ills -,:.yeas~ -are --e al militia camps this incomparably better than'last; but I. mollon'vai sige3n utur ompani ng theeaddress pace� sua l accompanies •I still something, must be done to diem. same,'our -apace usually being too. s The roads to the station and 'freight ;crowded to uselthenh:: r.... Col Hoare shed should ,repaired. but in view ' haebecome'a resident of town, having ofofApoeisible_Mangnef the station, tea moved to the bouseoi Mr; Ladd Albert much work should notbe put t'hereon,: Albert'Street needs possibly more than council Monda meeting . tti'e eting"' anyotherplace. council on ;Monday next; or..A meeting o one expecte the of the � South Hilton board of:License whole : town to be. rejuvenated and Commissioners was held a 'few days. .placed in:respectable'condition all•./Er since,. for, organization u one year;' but so far a B n x mace, but r s work,is under-, • no . chalrige whatever was .,nhade : a .. taken, let it be permanent;and then it , ;meeting for the purpose ofrantin' will•cougt, now that ive have a' stone licennses'for the, current" • eargwill be • crusher' there is no excuse for bad :held towards the end of roads, except lack of funds)theingfron -• • • '•• Mr M D McTaggart is'sutl`erin from a .. WOM1'S I1�tSTI'1'i7fi1+7:11here slight attack of erysipelas in Nisi face.: alar' meeting of the Women s Institute'' heiag a bog's have advanced sli ht - held` on Thursday• afternoon gf last ly, being ',quoted at $5.$0 ; itleesrs ritz- elay week at the home of Mrs John 'Johns., simees and Centelce ship on• Saturday ton was,�a s• ery interesting and instruc- h re Clinton, ons th eld - and.. L .0; J. tive one and the attendance unusuallyhero. , ...Among the horses week t7; J. large.. In the absence of Mrs Kearn"'Wallis will take west next weeis a her paper on `rthe prcper splendid team bought..from Mr James p, p r vegetables. to be used with the different •varieties. Leiper, Hallett, which cost somewhat of meat," was read by Mrs Bradshaw;' over $50 o; be bars al$o•a very :fine one The subject "Kitchen 'Costumes" was.; cost over Mr Tyndall, bile,• that then discussed, and 'several' articles, cost over $200ealso ; gosh are, good flgnreeis displayed', • which were ' admired b , but ashy re good herses Mrs those present, there being 'a demand boles; of 'Hamilton, has rentedthe cOr patterns of said articles, .The neat house on Victoria St, Beath, belongin- ,to' lc Jae. Yourig,::T,ueknaw, obit ad, vertised in these columnaThe Many friends of Mrs D Eckn ler will regret to learn that she is seriously ill, and it may benecessary for hei,ti+.un- dergo an operation before, she culled - prove much. • -iheeting.'will be-held'ut-';the home -Id- lers Frank Hall; The speakers and their subjects will be announced biter. At the •elose of the meeting a very. dainty : luncheon was served. by the hostess,. who received the thanks of all for her kind entertainrcent, S ervlcable Shoes . ° For School Boys A good healthy schoolboy .Will wear out , any ";shoes soon enough. But he won't wear out a pair of our -kind as soon as some otehr kinds.' Thats .becuse our shoes are strongly, honestly. made' of good wear•resisting leathers, no skimping no' shod- dy worked in at unseen places; and then again they're so good-looking and comfortable that, the. boys like them and rake better care of therm will Our-Stock,the largest. 4 , Our assortment complete. - . ` , . i aid Our rices the lowest uallt ,consldere � q �' Boys School Shoes $1.25, $1.50,11.75, aid $2, red. •-J a:ckson. Boots and., Shocs. r • Trunks and allies, The Durabil-ity of an. Pop0._. is the real factor that determines the cost, It costs as much per roll, labor .or cash, to hang a paper as, itedoes one at a few cents more, that will beautify our home for u. y a much ch longer time, Tbe----.Moral we' want to make is that "there is a rice below which+ it is not wise to go." We think we have, the' largest variety, We know we have the popular goods, and i , � that our prices. are honest prices at which, you can decorate your rooms,. ]becoming the season, . yourpurse, and.above all,, your individual taste. W even have the c per kind. It wille 1? l cost you nothing to see ,owr, stock. ` .ht• .may cost you more not to.see n. The P aiteo., Often'' the Chea•pest; ° — Always ' the Best. azimusiammiessimiiimMurnoWellimemilmillimmammit ew Spring Jackets We were very fortunate in buying–a, '. a, traveller's .` y 'set of NewSpring Coats, at a -bargain and we are passing.' the BARGAIN an to our patrons Thursday, Friday and.Saturda y. 25 coats in the lot—all the very Iatest styles and designs, in plain fawn, fawn stripes and checks, black Broadcloth 'and fancy. Tweeds. Don't miss . the he, c chance, and ome ' in and look them a mover. No trouble to show our lines. 4$10 ;Jackets $7. Ladies .-plain and striped fawn oats trade of •goodquality. covert, .:.aiirOo - I2t..: Jackets $ . 9 i e • ,7,,ad s Spring lain p and °� striped '; n fa :a n d black'J co - w atslined'orunliried;, self strappings, , butterfly'sleeve. newest style? size 36, reg. $12 for$9 0' Tweed Jackets$�es • Misses and. Ladies light grey fancy :jackets, velvet collars, •all. �" sires, -our -special -'.-at , .. infants Coats Infants creamer, e g and, Cashmere • coats, very.daintil trimmed, with w silk insertion,: we have t' em to fit children from one year to .three at . several prices,-•ask-to-see_thetn;-•• - + " 0*** ** * ** * * i7 *xcik— .•_ p r n t-Special*illinery S.ho vin T the Stook .Show 'and 'we z . � . ,invite :you...to' call.. and � �ee� the many pretty •novelties.,for Spring. M ICANT�L/QN' y i. ** AJC******- C * , NeW . O inghams h2% e. The new. Magog fast dye Ging- •hare are now in 'stock -in black and white; blue and white, pink and:' white and red and white. The .same - old` value at the same, old ,price 2; Ne!uv;'ll+tust;iri , The vel' latest" in Panoy Dress M usl•ins are now' here in all the Tien - did 1tose-buds; Gross -bars and ° fanc. designs, call in and see these, no'troub le to show"=geo'ds: w. ,Spring'':Dress Goods. The' new spring dress goods are here in great array in Voiles, black ands' all the popular colors, Panama cloths in black and 'color, Ladies cloths in.`all the popular shades,black and col - 'erect cashmeres at from sec to,...$'I.50 .1'. .New Prints . i z c • The nevi English prints are here in blacks, blue lilac and light color- ings, fast cc tars, nice smooth fin- ish at the old price ,.,.,x,: .................•1220 1 .l