HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-04-02, Page 3'NMI* , Aprii 24 1900, lb% OW To This ritim .14 In twerp newspaper we pick up . We're •eureto find La Id of • gue 'alma ; the -Mins liehhad the counter and the : Mtn behind the gaga the Mati behind . the'bues Saw and the Man behind the eon t the Mau behind the. tireeir .and tba man behind his route; the Man behind the plowshare and the man. behind the feu e. the Man behind the Whietle• 'and the Mali• behind the caretthe• man • behitid the .kodals and the --wan :behind the hare; tAttsman;belsind •his. whiskey! aud the -Man • behind his .fists. f• and everything behind has entered on the• llet. Butthey've plannedanother fel, low, of whom:nothing lute been bald - the fellow Who is even, or a little way 41,1serials who nays for What . he gete„, whose bills are .41Waye Signed -hes a blamed • sight. more important than the roan :win, le helaind. Ali we -editors' and Merchant!!, andthe whole emus Menial elan, AVO Indebted for exiss tence:to this honest fellwers Re keeps Vs all in impinge's, and his town 14 never deed; andso we . take our bate off to the man Who is ahead. --• Ude-. o pendent. ELT WHAT YOI) WANT But Find the Way td Digest What You Do Eat, s Pbe first thing' to do in the scase of indigeation or stomach weakness is to etrengthen the muscular Walls of the stomach and intestines, so that they will care for the fond that IS eaten. In no other way can this be dpne assayell •as -by taking a Misosnes tablet .before each meal. This restoies strength to • the stomach muscles and stimulates the pouring out of gastric juices'then • the food digests readily and yon begin to get. the full oenefit from what you eat. Use Mi-o-na whenever you have sick headache, heartburn, bad taste in the mouth. coated tongue, spots before the eyes, sleeplessness and the many other symptoms that are the direct result of I • Indigestion. • W S R Holmes gives with every 50c. box of Mi-o-na a guarantee to 'refund the money unless the remedy cares. 0 Dearth of Spending litoney In • West End Qt London Doleful tales of hard times are tOld being told in London just now, and while they are palpable exaggerations THREE Trying Thesin A WOMAN'S LIFE wurw " • AND NERVE PILLS ege /dax.et an ebeeless iteemiltr towel* OR totem health. The lb* civet she It 34ist budding frem ebb. Mod into this full biome of womenheed. The mooed Period am. eenelbwkie sNO* drain on the eyelash Amino Pleituenol. Th. third sad the stag Meet Sibi• to Win boort_ lelevetternbles isditizo"901011PP94 . all three peril* Hilburn'. IOW, Pia Ierre Pm* will Mere 01 'wended* "elm le dile ever the limo. Dm. /saes East aarserell, •Oresowftes: "Imo treehiPl very ewe 101 hurt Double -the mem helps to e rest with. due to" thengeof iife. 04 I hem Inesiethilecimer Heist end Nerve rills fee seem Sae. sea laws to millets debtsM SU Methfultr they ere the best tem*, nave• ei.r trod Aar Wain on the system. Yeti ere et liberty te um this statement for the benefit 04 esher milferere." Prieto Se Cents per be* or three boxes fer et" ell dealers or The 'I% Milburn Da, ..thdesill, Thronto On• t. Ate Nails and Needles • Oirl hid. Store of Hardware .her Interior, • • . • • ,The Gerinan Medical woild is aghast at the revelation made through an op- eration-justperforpiedsat lieaschrherg by a Silesian surgeon upon 'a sixteen , year old girl, who was suffering. from a strange internal grewth. The opening of this growth revealed the presence of over three pounds of iron, consisting of 1,410 one -Inch naffs 160 bent pins,70 double pointed needles and seven nail heads ° For variety's sake there werefour splinters of glass. The girl came out of the operation spenclidly. No explanation has' been published to show how it came about that this large stock of hardware got together in the, young woman's interior and became encrusted there. GREAT DANGER IN elEADACJHES It's often dangerous to consider head- ache a tiillingsaalnienttlie'sliestds aches, the stdmash is out of order and - some serious disea,Be may be impend- ing-. To tone up the stomach, to give in some respect,there is no gainsaying 1 it healthy; action; nothing in modern the fact that in the respect to • one set medicines is so successful as Dr. 'Hem - of London's bueiness men they are i ilton's Pills. TIM concentrated veget. fairly truthful. There is no doubt that I able 'extracts in Dr Etateliton's* Pills the Stock Exchange is suffering griev- I i have a quieting healthful effect on the misty from the stagnation prevalent I stomach and remove all .diserders. for some tame past. • •• l Your headache will be Guyed and they It has been stated that as many as * wont returo if you use Dr Hamilton's 500 members of the -Stock -Exchange plus. SOld everywhere: . will not renew their subscriptiOnsi ... . . Whether this statement be true or Hagaartilad Experience' not cannot be verified before the end *WA" Marals.--The -depl orabl e-sh rink -age - in business, however, is shown bythe cutting down -of oflIce staffe, Nearly; 100 clerks employed in the ,"House" have been withdrawn. • Pt, There are some 5,300 members- of the - Stock Exchange at present, and' at least a dozen dealers where there is' not business for one. • A member of the Stock Exchange Said yesterday that many of his ' . low -members had barely enough money in their pockets to pay their train fares. . This dearth of spending money is the basis of many tales of woe in. the west end. The times are almost as • bad, accordin •to one authority, he Baly Wit ruechesSattur VormerPugillet Preachee Rerraon On° Otticiiiso Street "La,diee and fellowe, there'll he no More of the joyfuljnice that ruins for me; all sports look like 80 cents to pao nONVI mad from thie day on I'll be stries THE MINTON NEW ERA The!old's eeod Record Electric Light Plant Under Municipal . ownerehip The friende of municipal ownership Will reeeive decided encouragement from what the town of Thorold has ac- tly for "Billy Stift and Jesus, and compltehed in that respect wttls Its stick tight to the chureh as long AP I tell): 701 °wall tio Iglhant p tttelneeleyeteriariabgot livT9L! was part of a Hermon deliveretl, Plants then owned by a private cor. by Stift at Mak Street and Sheffield Poration, malt insproved It and low' 4 cents a week per eixteen-caudle pow- er light, perhaps the cheapest lighting ennaposItions run into the thousands, blind poetess and hymn writer, whose in the country. There's hardly a house and whose cheerful uncomplaining In the town winch is Dot equilVed, spirit now will serve as, an example WITthheetaeucdttsli'eghettalLtement for the yea* Ita°ss°tehigehrit yfi3ori;rrilsManiet9Y .0Yreoalsv* bras" reale° shows that after paying all exmses her home In Bridgeport. Conn. in a avenue one night as OA aort of magnet to attract people to the Church of Proyidence, a Week north,where Baas. new manager, the Rev 3 s E Snyder, is. conducting revival services, "Bill's" efforts, swelled the church attendance to about a hundred. _ Nearly_ everybody knows "Billy" 'fftitt,--or ought ti3S-HO-13-agsbasensitaye-- or leap "prominently" mentioned in the newspapers for years- in some Connection. or other, A. dozen years ago he was the amateur champion middleweight prize fighter of Illinois, then broke into the professional class, and for a few years ranked aa a "top- notcher," He was known then as "the man with the fighting face." 4 J3111 fought whirskey with his other contestants, and when he was ,not in ;the prize ring he was at the black- smith's forge orelse tending bar. Then Bill' developed into a sort of regular , deputy constable, Um:4 04 private de- tective and strike breaker. But 0.1Bill' is to the good now morally, though down and out so far ItS finances and a job are -concerned. He Was converted • on Tan 23rd - "twenty.third" and not twenty-three, he emphasises,and claims he will stick ity, the "amateur Evangelise.' clases though his brother "Matt," who him- self been a chrietian for six yeara, he says, expects him to develop into a Professional. But that's getting away from "J3511' sermon, for he also said: ... "The life ef a prize fighter is simply fierce. You cannotfight other fellows without fighting whiskey. I. have fought a hard battle with both men and, whiskey, and, while I bested the men, the. whiskey floored me. No- body derives any good from the life I led. l'm going the clean way, nose. I have quit the prise fighting-gat:be 'for a better game., I am no longer. fighting for financial stakes, lint ani. now in the battle for salvation.- I weighed 158 for the professional prize fighting rip belt was never so , con- ditioned as am to-dayit1180-13os. because I am fighting the -fight of righteousness now. Came to Jesus . and be saved It is the • only ' happy life after all. - ' , . • All ',. you young fellows and) girls of OcImmone. His first budget showed ou lit to come • the -Lord •13sforeAt-.1.6 :IV clekit-of about -half -a -million dollars' too late. I run getting- old Able an -The pext eleven aye given im a tote one of the worst pangs of suffering is of 690,626,051 excess Of revenue over 1 for nae to think rhadn't more consid- ,expenditure. eration for my lovely young daughter ' i • - ' Discovery of Osteopathy.. sandsquit the awkward game before is • !The man whcSdiscovered 06Wit I have accented Jesus! as my person- th al Savior, and there is hope for you as was a great sufferer from headliche,P well. Instead•of a prize ring champ, said. a: man who claims to know. "H• ion cirie-ttr-b a ettampicni-ba.- ed.-every-Ten:Wig-on earth almost, battle of God: . . "Matt" said "you. ought to hear 'Bill' sing, and that .if “Brother Bill" will now get an opportunity to attend McCoy:1316k Theological 'Seminary at 'night to study for the ministry, he ex- pects him to blessom forth .as a sing- intg evangelist." ' . ' • . I have great faith in "Bill's future," said She Rev Mr Snyder, "Since •I con- verted him many temptations have been placed in his way.. - He will be- come a big help to me at the Christ 'C./hutch. • His wife is going to join my church in April. Billie sin cere,, end, the price o lie service finally to 'News Notes JasA MsPhireen, the well-known j Kincaeditte Lawyer, attended a timer- ; near Tiverton the ether day,and i • when he had made an entry n hie; notebook, he discovered that thet Made 2,590•11Mereis which he w at- tended Since going to • That means, that he has attended more then one funeral a week during all these years. Wednesday was the eighty-eighth birthday' °Miss Fav Crosby, the •.During the.consideration. of 'Honor- able Mr'Graham'ir bill "for the recon- struction of the Rallwsk• Commission several opposition members took oc- casion to deliver some excellent homi- lies upon the evil of partisan appoint- ments urging the Government to ap- point Conservatives as well as Liberals to this important nubile body, There Upon Haggart cruelly picked the huh- -WO of their selfaoghteouenessby blunt- ly declaring that his colleagues were talking nonsense and tliatthey knew it. It was a very easy and pleasant •thing, hr3Said, to give utterance to such platitudes :when in 'opposition, but when they got into poveer they nut& speedily find selves Con- fronted With the • eMbarrassing ac that there were not ebough Offices at aheGovernmentediriposal triers around itinong their own friends. It was diculous, he said, to expect this or p.si other Government to prise over politi- cal frieeds in the interests of 'political • - 4 i; . ' LA GRIPPE COMING AGAIN Europe is now in its grasp, and in a short time America'will be over run with this awful epidemic. Get ready, use preventive measures, Build. up a enspinestr.eige_rsey Fevre:gone audios hale Oatarthozone three . times each day: Nothing destroys: the grippe germ like Oatarehozone. It cures the old, breaks up the fever', relieves' the headache and destroys every vestige of catarrh and sore throat. For Bron- chitis,- Grippe and-whitee fibs -Catarrla ozone is best. Sole by all dealers, 25c - and 21.00. • Fresh tea is all-important. Ten weeks after beitig picked in the tea gardens of the asland of Ceylon (the finest tea-producieg countty in the w.orici) .!'Saiada" reaches yon, .17he fla- vor of tea consists in an • essential which* deterioriates rapidly with nge: In order to preserve' the, 'delicious jlav- orof 'Salad& Tea it is packed in seal - •ed lead packets (never sold. in bulk.), guaranteeing you a superior tea, in flavor, quality, purity and economy in _um • • . . TwoItalians were killed by an explce mon ot dynamite on the Grand trunk . Pacific near Dryden. • - The 'Legislatitee of Prince Edward Island bas passed a law forbidding the running ofautomobiles in theProvince JUDICIAL NOTICE To the Creditors, Shareholders and Contribut; ories of Th8 Clinton Thresher company Limit-. ed. • -- Phrsuant to the Winding -up Order in this matter, the undersigned Local Master of the High Court of Justice at Goderich, will, on Wednesday, the 15th day of April, sem itt 11.30 o'clock in the forenoon, at his Chambers ili the Court Rouse at Goderich, appoint it. Permanent Liquidator of the above Company, and let all parties then attend. * •• . Lated this 18th day Of Marob,,1908. "B. L. BOMB." Local Master of tbs Web Court of Justice. IN THE HIGII COURT OF JUSifICE In the matter Of the Clinton Thresher Com- vany,,Liinited, • and In the matter of the Winding -up .Aet, being Chapter 144 of the Ileviiied Statutes of Canada, 1906, add Amending Acts. Jnaliiial Notice to Creditors and others of The Clinton Thresher Company, Liinited.. Pursuant to the winding -Up order inade by the 1E110 Court of Jiiptiee in the matter at the Clin-4 ten Thresher Company, Limitedand in the, . matter of the windine.up Act, being Chapter 144 of 'the Revised Statutes of Canada and Anseniling Acts, and dated the Mei day of rob, reszY,1008, the creditors of the above named Company, and all others having aleAnul against the said Company, having its head office in the Town of Clinton in the County of Duren and FrOATICO of thitario, are, on or before the 6th day of Aetil, 1008, to send by' post, prepaid, to Osler wade, Esquire, Provisional Liquidator of the said Company, at his ofnee, 674 nay Street In the City of Totorita, their Christian and sur- names addresses and descriptions: the full par- ticultu'S of their diatom, and the matins n amount of the soeurities, if any, held by them, and the Specified valtie 61 KIM securities von - led by affidavit, or, in defalilt thereof, they will be proomatorily exeluded froirt the heirefite of tile said winding -up order... • The Leda Matter of the nigh Mini of Illation at Gederieh will on Wednesday, the Ali der of April, 1008, at ILSO reelooh in the feroneen, at his °nice itt the Court Heinlein the Town of Gode, lieh the Confine Of Tinton, hear the report of the Proyisiontil Liquidator upon the Iciciaiina and lot en parties theft attend. Dated the 18th day ortfarth,1008. L. n0Yrse." Loon Master of the nigh Court at Justice. 1111niird's Liniment nres Barns. one, ; ' . hichsweresuevessarily-ssery- v the department has a sarplue of$795 This is deer cash and does not take in- • • Oaas Halifax, sen„ of Broadha en to consideration the coat of 11 hting pyotyluttirc De -coveted- cottage.-QXL Wells Street, the streets. There are twenty- ve was fined $20 and costs before po ise lights and figuring •Magistrate Davis, of Mitchell, on candescent street °13 these at cOst a $aw °each, the low, •01,-asrtgellfetTrillai4gjavRaenvg-e.Weg ilealsalidaPnasesta7 est price street liaa htimg has been of to any plane in Canada, $1,037.50 fetnhdiaenf,t1wilsarnedmaoymedutrrdoemrertb.isTehheuAeb- cihould be added to the 3795,05, leaving the actual revenue from the light. six years a %arid since then there has ing department 2,55. The town of ThoSold, is just complet- in_:g a new -waterworks aystem to cost B80,000 or 380,000. and this plant Will be run by the. town in junction with the electric light. •ss Tiles langnicit Melees feeling. that comes with spring and early' summer eanhe quickly changed to a feeling of huoyailoy aud energy by the jildimous • pee of Dr Shoop's Restorative, •-sTke Restorativeia a gennine • tonic to tired, nun down nerves, mid hut a few dosea ie needed to satisfy this user that Dr Shoop's Restorative is actually reaching thet tired spot. Ths indoor life of winter neatly always leads to sluggish bowels, and to eInggisli circif- Tatien in general. The custon3ary leak been bad h nod between him and the Minister, The police magistrate told the defendant that if he appeared again on a similar charge he would be tried under the criminal •code, which would mean fine and imprisonment. sensation was sprung on the Mon - treat nnblic by the Liquor License Commission, when they brought up seven hotel -keepers for selling liquor on Sundays. For Home thee the coos miseten has been in doubt regarsling. the. work of (Thief Catapeau and his Men; -and • Put nriisatescleteetiVesste- work to watch salon -keepers. Sevee were found selling liquor last Sunday, atud all pleaded guilty ti-dav. In one saloonahere were 60 men foundin the bar -room, and four bartenders busy waiting on the thirsty crowd. of exercise and outdoor air ties up the 9 Stagnates the kidneys, andoft- 1 resnara's Unnmeat cures Dandruff • mast Pewee know and teatime ea, Work of the versatile William /31like, times .weakens the "leant s actions. Use Dr Shoops Restorative and all will be changed. A few days test will tell you that you are using the right ram- eds.. Yon will easily and surely note 1Peet and artist„ but few People knoW the change from day to day. Sold by the story of his perfeht -marriage for a W S It Holmes, W A McDonnell. perfect marriage it was indeed. .• 1780 Blake fell in love with a Kat* fleldiege Vnique Record'• ghl called Clara Woods, but -she did not care.for hint, and the !slow was a nttkyTihi5s1 severe -one -to -the imprgerlionable young Mr 0:aiding, as a Finance 'Minister, mini, ECtileft London and1O-ko. 701)-11111- is a lilaique figure. No other.servant abode at Elchmend, where he lodged ot the crown, during the 19th century, with a nursery gardener named South, presented twelvebudgets to the House tw. Mr. Boucher had a beautiful clang!** THE:WORLD DRYING UP.. • . . •• . Possibility That the Human Race Will • Die of 'Thirst. • , We are to die of thirst. . Compare- , tively ,feve persons know the suffering. inOolved in a thirst for which there is no help at hand. The consuming' thirst • more thee the pale of any wound maker! the b.attlefleldat.hell, :Yet death by 'thirst is the doom forecast for the,. race by. grim scientlita; Geologist! ' Lasting'. . find that the fresh water supply of the Yoer 'euggestien," said a depositor globe is failing. They have' data whieh to the bank 'receiVer,..“offers very cold Point te,:the gradual' withdratval ef-the' seonffort. It lea 'haeheloes' eemforts-a streams and •other bodies of water that is to say, .no comfort at •"Virhat;' said a bachelor to a lame; diet, 'only niarrisal .year and. already so bine?' . . . • 4f 'Ah, but,' groaned' the 13enediet, 'I never imagined that. At wife •,wOuld. prove :so expensive' '•• • • "The bachelor Patted the blue „mar:, Iried pan. on the beak In a consOlatoty • evil of Reininiseenoes • •At the: did. eient army etations. in' the West it is the praefice ter the °deers • on leaving. their post. for, some distant stalion to ben off- everything ...they' do' riot care tolceep,. connection. with' thie eustoniansalterninieceice,enealeis dier's Wife'," Mrs: Ellen Biddle tells an • musing story. • , •. .There. was a Very, estimable -women'. iivtag rit. the garrison, HilantoP.L She told -us -of- eome.,jewe- ' elry. she- had.lOst, and ameng the • things wile is to.nriX chain with a bean- "peT.14-1-1111-17111,"-. • '• , • 'the-8mila of -a "rattle."-Searcir-Vrati-- •The ladY held an :anction befOre she '..Mede• for the enake, hat n was 'finally lefts after her huebanCys death, ,and . ..found that ' the sentid Preceeded .froM • When some: piated kriiver! .were" .the burrowing OW);, .whieli in. the butroWs of the prairia.dOg,. often,.. it la said,. it company with the :rattlesnake. Seated on a .post the party heard the owl give a 'third rattle.- And whenever thy passed the snot It gave wareing by' its rattle:'-und:. the hersessalways•- ebied Off the track hi elarm.-Simerieatt. Nat:111111st. • •• but could get, no permanent relief. One day he had:'a terrible. headache and the =cleat. gardener's de -lighter be - went out into his front yard to lie un, .4411110 eventually a cultured wom, der the Shade of a big tree.rind rest his who avarettn ardent hero worshiner• Of throbbing- head' On the 'cooling grass. her clever husband and who *cheered Suspended from a limb of the tree mu a rope swing used by the children. The limn lay under this swing far awhile and finally Put the 'rope Under ter,. Catherine, and Oho , became. the ION'e 'affair, and her generous . dympathy da-chettred- Blake's. nietttal suffering! that he grad- ually fell in tort with: the gentle girl. Hle affection was warmly totalled, and-"Catherine7HOucher nearried--Was • Item ..Blake On Aug. 18, 1782.. It Was an • ideal union, The; young husband took a delight in teaching hiss wife, Who was all eagerness to learn, and .-arsalosesereesa Fa1nrT • . his life•more than any one else could.. mril„. Blake learned to color her hula .band'ff.'dierWings and was extraordies lenity adept-inthe work.. •• • Ids head to apt as a support. In a few, . moments he was eurprIsed and •pleased better.' In half an hour. the pain had, I • . UTLER • to find that his headache was much F: C gone. He began an investigation. He I Fainter aid Faper• Hanger. s discovered tut the rope'dwhill. Preeeeta • ' • o nerve, the...back Of; 7. guaranteed. • This pressure' stePPed the h'eadculita, ' Prices reasonable. 1 With more study he decided tait many' • - • *--• pains could be relieved. if nerves could Residence nearly opposite the . sage. He startedan osteopathic school. . be given the proper treatmCollegiate Institute. aw ent-a m , •and has made a grand 'iniccess."-- villinueseeeitts,----------'_._ •'•7:w•The •Wity Owl. •A party of horsemen Were teaveling itIong.Bridge otee,„ki_n trilnitarY 'Of Bad Water river,' WYerafig,-whiii-their- horset suddenly shied off the trick et put up for sale she rime and In & sob- bing voice eaaid:. "Oh,dear, no: . I can• - not sell them! They have!been in dear John% naouth. too often!" • from the surface. • Both in Africa and central Asia' and; indeed, in all the great levels the water beds are drying up. A, great number Of lakes well known .In the historical- age haVe en- tizeb' disappeared.. For example, Lake Chiroue, in Africa, has vanished With- In • •recent years, as .hae. alto . Lake Ngamj, discovered • by Livingstone: Lake Tchad is more than half' dried up. • For centuries bodies of• water in . tYes,' he said, 'aWife. is' an. expen, sivearticle, that It true, • 'Put then central-. Afsig have been eirapetating You. must ,remember that she . lasts a and the deserts extending Where very long " t Ities good in" ' • 2,000 years ago grea c east Turkestan there rare -found only, vaetand depressing stretchers of Feted.. The river Tarim, once a principal Ara - alio route,' is almost goile, and Lob - 'Nor, formerly four times the area ef Lake Geneva, irrhow tett a shallow • marsh. The same sad cOnditioers are noted In European Ruesia.. Novgorod, • the !moat pushing city in the czar's die: tracted realm, was surrounded by Not - ter in the middle ages. While we may be suro. that the fate which the geolo- gists suggest for hUmenity Is very far • away, the facts recited t� show the drying up process are convincing proofs of the need of preserving ourforests with more Care: - St. Paill 'Pioneer • • A Tett Citee4 . • "I'M a 'betility deetet,' " aenOlineed the stranger with the harid -eatabel fall Ofeesinetiee and illesSige .m01111160, "Do you Obit& I could get any Praet100 arouneherer' "Yeou make ugly tillage pretty, don't yeou7": drawled the old fernier in the epackled "Thee my business, eit.!' 01'i/ee1, if Yeou'll go doWnback of My bare yeotell find ;on old elate devoted eow with one eye and one horn •and Wrinkles like eanals ail over her fate. She's the ugliest •eow in seven Statee, and If yebil ean make het. pretty I'll agree that yen he a 'beauty doctet. give yeou a dollar;'" • ' . • Art otocraoy. *hat subsists today by violence, • continees • • tomorrow by aagulescenee and is perpetuated by tradition till .at last the hoary abuse shakes the gray hairs of antiquity' at tie and givesitself ' out as the wisdom 01 ages. Thus the 'dearest dietates of reason are !nada to yield to a long succession of tenter!. And this Is the foundation' • of the aristocratic syStenit at the present day.- ItestrOnghold, with all those. not im- mediately interested hi it, Is the rev, ererice of 'antiquity. • • •. . • • Satan Terrified; • • • There Is as great genins displayed in ad.vertising asin the -higher branches of literature. No prOblem 'daunts the . • modern advertising Mall. • ' Ili the Window Of a little book shit in Eighth Mantis, New. York, was re, cehtly heaped a great pile of Bibles marked very ItoW; Never before were Bibles offered at such a bargain, and above them all in big letters was the Inscription: * • ' Satan trembles whet he seem Bibles sold as itivt 55 theise. Make Your- Bit L�kIew • • Well Grounded. "IS tily liOn*gettiug well grounded in the deselect?" asked the anxious inhl- lionaire. . would put it keen kronor than that," replied the priyate niter. "I may day that he Is netually stranded on theiti,"--Ohleago Itecord-Ileraid. , • •Areseembination of the active pmpeethistel ' the most vathable vegetable remeonea tar We- • ewe anddisordere oz the Liver,8toDhIad BO'Wela. Mak Headarthe„ Jaundice, ElleaRte leura,Catenneherthellthemailyneises. Deli% Bloteheill sad Fltriolec. CtJfl e 8iL1oU5NEs5 Now is the. time ta have 13-ime.--repaintedlor--4 trimmed w inake.• it look as good as new. Don't'leave, it• off Untilyou want' to use it, but have it done now. We'll guarantee ,a good job !ices right, McMATH & OVERBURY Ruiiiball's old stand Clinton we will send-4:the •Clinton New Efa, and the ciiontoVVeeklygrlobe to new subscribers, from inQtQjje of -De -- ember, 1908. This Isa ;g�od. bargain. 1=121111•00" LSION—Save 100 per cent. •' Why buy patent Emulsions of Cod Liver Oil, When.you can getsour own m ake at exactly half the pride? Our own is 25e . and 50c. -Patent EMulsions are 500 and V.00. The Patent Emulsious are not . guaranteed. We absolutely • g uarantee ours to contain 50 per cent, pure .Norway .combined With the p roper amount of Hypophdsphites. . Itas palatable and easy to take and one 01 the best remedies for Tuberculosis, Bronchitis, deep-seated Coughs stud o olds, oz'in any conditien wililye a powerful nutrient tome is required.; • The Very Rest Materials, combiped with skill makes our Bread, Cakes and Pastry the most 07111P•paldlio SOUP tetoritilurb,1,1 ' -ious you ever tasted, you cab save 11110 delic" ' 111.canth. UV*. cheweDiffazell. 11111flenw ear • fuel, time and money by inirehasims lauddl 0,111Pieni2Pa. Vim, Bakery products, from us, de- , • ' • CLINTON licious in every. morsel. Don't forget ` our choleb line. of Confectionery also halite of all kinds in season and at loses est price. Owletthbreaetst•Cash or trOde-for Butter andEggs. = e th Atntitte all•. "1114°12111"41)Liallt(tA lir 6 f6r eteilthal 'Meath VV W NIMENS . wt . • • • . phone ItO dit top 1. Seeds Seeds Now is the time to'buy Seeds., and thi is the place to buy. •Present prices gre as follows : ' Red Clover, $t , 0 sbot4 •Alsike $13' 9 .00. LacertteiiAlialtal • $ . _,, ., _ .9 13.00 , `Ttrootny9 *3;so •. Early buyers will be the lucky ones, as seeds are scarce. .Wp willtalx of other seeds, later on. Terms for seeds, . . SPOT CASH' .. tomporium tondeehoro, 11,1ar, 24/08 ..• • , ADAMS • 41 • COUNTER, GLINTON tOIeFRCdtiCIio In order to quickly :still further reduce our .,stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks? and Fan`Cy China. vve have made our prices so low, • that purchasers of our goods will not -miss the -money -if they :buy• - them. The stock comprises many valua.ble,articies, suitable -for birthday gifts wedding pre_sents' etc. ' ". • :'JEWELER, • " CQThETER CLI.NTO:1 opmerr • ea a en em Irr ' SPECIAL SALE OF cRocKeRy no* wiing on, and. will continue until •April .1.,st. Thesere soine of' our4 prices. • ,97 piece Pinner 44 piece Tea. St Set, regular price regular price $3.00 $6,00 for 4.75 • fer $2.00 VVe haveall kinds Try our 46C of French veget- T ea ables 'in bottles New season's blend and cans. Just arrived fresh . irr;s. nut, New .york ,Lettuce, Cucumbers, To. Coffee, only place in 4. melees, Celery, Pine - Clinton to buy it,same apples, and ssinasaes, as sold in New York, 400 per lb, ; Highest irice paid f o r Butter and Eggs. We have fresh fish arriving daily MOM We handle bOth American and Canadian Coal Qil 4 - Extra fine prunes 2 lbs for 25e. Pard Dates 15e per pound, • Toilet Sas • $3.011' for $2.35 To the Farmers Drop .in and see our Clover, Timothy, Al. ti.itetzetc., extra good aie. Pure,IViaple Suga • and Syrup We have Wilyte's Hamt Boldg es, Bacon and $ sag W., tinder's Succeisor to W. • •