HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-03-26, Page 8• 74"9111TIMPINFIRPRIIirrir 7771"77 -"Tr TIER CLINTON NEW ENA New Waists 98c each Regular swigs• • 'Saturday We put on sale a shipment of new ,waists at 98c each. These waists a.re made from fine LawnS, have three.quarter sleeves, handsome embroidery fronts, and are and. insertions. There are fou distinct styles. All good. Regular value is easily $1.25. Saturday morning 2; to. sell at each ..., ..,. 980 Better Waists. at $r. o, $2,00 and $2,5o each.. Alla are Retiring Sale values. Mil�fit�er,� Opening Continued. The opening display of S ring Millinery will be continued all next;, week."•:This is our last Mill-. inery opening in Clinton, and we have endeavour- ed to make it obr.best. That our efforts have been successful is shown by the many' appreciative coin ments of the crowds who have thronged our Show rooms. `since the first day.' , We never prepares more hats for an opening, .never. showed Millinery that was�the equal of that' in, our show room to -day Don't miss seeing the the. new hats,- whether you want to order just: yet or not. Even. if you do not youreally.ought to see what is by ,`long odds the - choicest collection of high class.Millinery we have ever attempted to offer our' customers... You will be welcome any day. • ° Local Notice15. I M A II Good 'i h has been Collegiate Notes The entrance doors at .the Collegiate opo alt-, DI l4, ATI M ; have been changed, now opening out. SUGAR ADVANCING. --Although The London Assurance corporation sugar le•steadily advancing we have our season's supply bought, and are prepared to sell, .as usual, at wholesale prices,. W. T. O'NEIL.. r o wn, who paoily for some tune has;bten confined hln a to bed' for the act tell days, T lain Tewin ,'•Children's olot _ gg ci --Aid 1 S b' AN, CLINTON NEW ERA. FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1908. gown 11G�aliils. through h their.agent D I. Macppherson, settled the damage on the A . it Smpith store at $70.00 Mr. W.. Z. Lindsay,- of town. has bonght the Farr •grocery stock, in Godericb, and will move to, the couo'ty wards., The meeting of the 0 0 0 0 was held in the Assembly Room. The' main feature of the meeting was the contest for Dr Shaw's prize. The Collegiate Institute Football Club met on Monday,, and elected the town: at once. • following officers for the spring term; on.. Pres.,. J A. Constantine , lion.. Mr..J. B. Hoover was elected to• the Vice President, J Crooks ; • Patrons; the Wood- B r done . J Ra sf d Do. Board of Management of h W B n or W her- , y : , men of the World,at the annual meet- ty,,. M D McTaggart, Dr. Shaw ; Free., ing in London last week. ; J 'W Treleaven ; Vice Free. W Weir ; Dr. Sbaw, M. D. McTaggart,. and, R. Holmes, went to Ottawa this week to THEY WERE EASY--Olinton con- interview the Minister of Militia, Con- tingent of chelker players, who went writing the military celebration at to .Blyth on Friday evening , to play `Quebec, They returned yeeterday, against BlythandBrussels, found they having met with a cordial reception. had an easything, defeating them by a score of 23',to 3. SCOCEBSFUL TENDER -- Mr. E. Gardener has. secured the contract for -the plastering work enU, the fine new brick residence of Mr Tao Middle., ton, Goderich Tpalso of the Catholic church in Clinton. Be has one or two other jobs on hand. ° L' GOAL OPTION CONVENTION — A meeting of the Local Option Associ- ates for East and West Boron will be held in Ontario Bt -Church on Thurs- day, April ltith, at. 10 a. in. Rev. Mr. Spence, of Toronto, will be present to - address the gathering. THE SEASON IS OVER— Put the cutter in the_ hay loft,. and.Btow_away your sleigh, for neither will be wanted for man another day. ' Take the bells LadieeIfoine Journal .Patterns, the best ' trade in, the world to -day; can now be had from. us. We have the agency' for this pattern in con- -vectioh o'ur n wito erzen store, and it only takes halt ,a -day to. get one you any time.. Catalogue showing all patterns made by them are here for you to .order from. Sec Treas. E. E. Bali, ; Captain, J. V. Copp ; Manager, J A Cameron ; Cara, tor, 0 K MacPherson:; Exeoutive com-- tnittee, W. N. McQueen,. K. Mair, D. Stewart, B Johnston, F. McKenzie, N. ttobson, A Trick. A• challenge hae. been entered for the Hough Cup., As A s urovise birthday party was given soon as the ground, is in good condition to Mrs W. S•' iiarland, on Tuesday practice will begin, and it is to be evening by anumber of her friends. hoped that the trophy won by Galt She was the recipient of a fine tea set last fall will return to its Wold .quarters in limo ues china. Refreshments. were .�. iA . Minton,. The 1'reasul•er's report, served by her friends,. and the evening showed a substantial surplus. on hand, spent in games. Her many friends and everything bodes•well for the. suc- y y f health cess of tl?e• Club daring the present, wish her man .more ears o, season. end happiness. THANES—Miss E. Manningdesiree ,to express her thanks to all, . who .in ,Spring Show InClin.ton,Lpril 2nd. so many ways, and in such a generous manner, showed their sym- - Entries are cooling in •fast and at. paathy during the illness ofher mother. 'good day is altthat is required to make Mrs Thos J. Blacker wishes to ex: $gr and success. tend' her, thanks to 'the.. officers . And.mr W R Counter has'donated a members of Court Magic No 16 O F. handsome Silver and glaws' berry dish, 'xhe+.prompt.paymenhnf iao-- ':•'valued at SILO for. Uie,.beet.eoww-ang., ance held by her husband in the Oan• age exhibited at. the . show. This adieu Order of Foresters, and also should stimulate the cattle men and bring out the best in the County, This show. has a Provincial reputa- kion• so much so that the•Ontario Gov-. ernment is sending a 'representative to report upon the .stock. .The members for the different rid- ings have signified their intention of being present.. Now, Stockmen re• member:,you' reputation is at, stake, and:do your utmost. • • from ofF•the harness; and the .the so for the kindness shown her ••in the lar a and, warm, will find a cosy.corner time of her bereavment. CONCERT— The Clinton Uollegiate 'Canadian Club will give an entertain- ment in the Town Hall WWI evening of Thursday,. April 9th. "Tineprogram is an excellent one, consistingdftwo plays, e, tableau and music, • he plays are short, not longer than 45 :.minutes in the'gtanary of the barn. NEW. BAND—Dame Rumor has it that there is to be a. new band organ ized here, Balled Clinton's White Dyke Band, and, we . understand that the. instruments are ordered, and will he: here in a few days, and will be on . view at Mr Watts shoe Store. each and .very .funny; the'taubleau is ILLNESS—The wife of Mr. Thomsis truly unique; the music is the best ob- Kearns has been 'ill for Seve- ral eve tainable0• To pay expenses and to as. seriously sist the C O I Football's: Team in'com- peting for. the Hough Oup, an admies- to know her condition is somewhat ion of 15 cents will be, charged. be;ter. .Mrs W;Marten, one of the b t tit oldest residents of the town, we regret• to say is in rather precarious health, -due%`t"o`her age. Mrs 'S S Co`oper'who- has been i11, is, we are glad to know, improving quite nicely. The Seasons:: Correct Dress Goods., at a.ries -o : most -a ; in s are—s 1 most popular and more in demand than any other Dress material.. ' Fancy Stripes are also good and are in favor for those who wans something a little out of the ordinary: Our stock of plain Dress . Materials, such as Venetians,; B.roadclothis,r'Pana mas, Foiles and. Wbol Tafettas, is practically •, as' good as it dver was: We 'have. all the correct shades for Spring wear;_ and prices :,are based on the• fact that we want to sell -the goods right .,out this season because we are -retiring. from business in Clinton.. ' We are also showing some very nobby suit- ings and costumes in ,chevron and ' Taney . stripes that will appeal to those -who want something ex- clusive. Come and examine our Dress - Goods stock before you select your •Spring . costume. If saving money isanyobject to• you, •you.. can do it here. Panamas 48c ` 9$c • • Venetians and. Bnoadcloths 69c, 98c, $1.23. Wool Tafettas 42c, 48c, 8.2c. Voiles 45c, 69c, 82c. All at . Retiring Sale :prices, which means they cost' you less money here than any where else. . Saving prices. 'on Lawbs Good Lawnsat saving prices._': Just .a litt , le_ say from 3 to 6 cents a yard lower thanyou w it get the same quality for.any wher_e;..else, __.: India Linen Lawn 110 Goodquality India Linen Lawn, one of the lines we have imported direct from the makers, Clearing now I at ner yard ..... ° : 1• !r A Better one at 124e Better quality genuine. Linen • Lawn, nice . even thread, ,suitable for waists, underwear, etc. .Very.' 41' special for sale at per yard . 2C' 1 Better One -Still at 15c Finer quality.real India..Lawn, nice finish and suit- able for almoot any purpose, very special for sale at. 15e per yard....... ......, •... .. ... ....bk. A Aetter One Still at 19c This is an axceptlonallqood lawn, the regular value is 25e per yard, this is the price it bas been sell, ing at. Of course we want to clear it all out now, 19c and as long as it lasts, you can buy it at per yard.... - • .NEW SPRING. JACKETS. Some nobby new Spring Jaskets, in black and fawns opened up this week. Real natty styles, correct in every detail, analtboughthey are all new, they are..selling_ at „. Retirtd bg $ale prices- t You Save on Everything a We want you to eniphsize the fact, • and pressit upon you,.that, although the stock is being kept up-to-date right along, thisis being contin- ued this season with the sole. object inview of sell- ing out as speedily as possible. We are positively. retiring from business in Clinton, and . have no thought of making money out of the business tlys. season. Price on every .line are cut Not an article . in the store, save spools,but is selling at reduced • rices. That means your.dollars will get more here than anywhere else. If saving money is any object to you, •you ought at least to see 'what we can do for you •before you do your Dry. Gods. buying—for Spl*lrlg. - FAIRFARM SOW -The Fair. farm of 214 • acres which was ' offered on Wednesday ;March 25tb, was sold to Wheatiey-fortl$1012A--`Flee• fay _•` • is about as well situated and conven- ient to Clinton; as any farm could be; it is -worth a couple thousand dollars More than •it sold for, and was a good bargain at the price paid.• . • OVING PICTURES— On Tuesday -of-next-week--what-is-claiwbd.to.be_the_ most perfect hand colored moving pictures ever produced will . be shown in'the Town'Hall, Clinton, illustrating the "Life and Passion of the Saviour." There will be several illustrated songs rendered by good musicians, and over 3000 feet of. , beautiful hand colcred scenes, • ENITTING FAuTORY: r'IRE = in thebasement of the Knitting Factory Saturday morning flyings from the brushingmachine took fire, andthe fire alarm was sounded., but owing -to the' good work' of the factory brigadewere ade ty the different members and an ample supply of water from al mof the Club and: one and all expressed large tank above the building, it was I the pleasure it was. to show their app easily put, out before 'any damage•preciation of Mr Davis •seryices.to the was: done. The factory continued run.. Club. Mr Davis was very much affect- ning as.usual. ed;bv:the honor bestowed upon him byhis club, friends and replying gave ..'A. SPRING VISITOR'.—'Two men the Club's >3tanaing.and: its position. as with a small tame bear made their a moral factor'in town, which is to appearance in town one day last week band together young•men and-- 'keep` They '•were soon .surrounded by 'a them out of temptation, by having a crowd of: the admiring public.., The place to spend their spare time; and to bear was: well trained . It• could dancemake:stvange s_coming-to•---town; to- el at home, and among friends. No .gambling or liquor. of profane lengu-• age, is tolerated in the club. Speeches • were also made by the, guests,: Mr Met. Leod,: W. Colyer, Dr.. Axon, and G. Bargge and they all heartily endorsed the• Club's policy, • Mr • Nimen's • was all that "mine host" could•be. A three ball billiard and a; pooltournament has. been started with the . handicaps set on the scores_ made .in the tournament recent iy:finished., • H 1 March U08 Durability of •Paper is the real factor that determines the cost, ' h costs as much per roll, labor or cash, to . hang a. 3c paper as it does one at a few,cents" more, that will beautify your home for a much longer time, The ' Moral we want • to make fs :that � �there is aprice below which it is not wise to go."Wethink we have the largest variety. We know .we have the popular goods, and that our prices are honest prices at which you can , decordt-e your rooms, Becoming the season. your .purse, and . above all, your individual taste. We'even*have, the 3C per roll kind. It will cost you nothing to see our stock. It may cost you more not to see it. er .Often the Chrapcst. . , . at Always-- tire Best, . °* Advertise in MARRIED — A quiet, u : pre y wedding took' place in Clinton, at the ::home_of .Mrs. -Pinning..; -Isaac...St., nn Wednesday March 25th at 7 p m when her eldest daughter, MissMaud, was whited by the bonds of 'marriage with Mr Wilfrid Hudson, of Clinton. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Mi Jolliffe,. The bride and groom , ,'• ., '. the 7.35 train •Thursday; moy l rning' to spend k few days at Mr Hudson's home, they will reside here on their return. ' Miss pipping is a popular young 1ady,wh3 hasrnany friends here %1r Hudson is very Well thought of by' a great number' of warm friends. - PASTIME ULU13 Iriday evening March 20th, the members of the Club. and guests gathered roundtlie festive board to celebrate 'the happy event 'of being entirely cut of debt, and to honor _their financial secretary, Mr, Newton Davis to whose.', untiring en- ergy and unselfish devotion to the Club's welfare is due ..: its enviable; :position;: to•day.. Mr W Johnston, as chairman, read the address .. in a very able manner, and Mr. Allan .Conliff. made the presentation of a fine signet ring. After the presentation speeches ..the.. olka rch,-:spit-^up-'if a chair, •rn soniereaults'and do mangy :other tricks ` After the usual collection had been taken, the- visitors departed for freshRelds, ' HOUSE•OF REFUGE—There are at present in the House.of Refuge forty- six persons' over the age of '10 years. Twelve of these are. about 70 or ,75 years ; :fifteen are between' 75. and 80 nine are between 80 and 85; four are between 00 and 95; and there is one in- mate who is. over 100 years of : age.' There has not been a death in the House since the 27th•'• of November. TF is speaks very highly for the mas- ter and matron of the House. Y.M. 0. A.—There will be a meet- ing of the Count* Committee of -the Huron Y 'M C Ain Clinton, on Friday to consider -questions involved in the opening..of work,_in the, County.: ' The committee has met with muoTi' en`�x- couragement; and are desirous of hav ing the work advanced as . much as. possible. The .36th provincial conven- tion, of the Association, •of,Dntario and: Quebec will be held .•in Stratford on April 8 and 9. A. number of prominent men will take part among whom are: Sir Mortimer Clark, Lieut Grvernor of Ontario;Fred Smith and.DrG 3 Fisher of New York ;. Prof Magrimmon, of Toronto, and D A Budge, of Montreal. SPRI N(I TERM frbm • April 8th merges into our Summer Term from July 6th.. Enter"now and be ready for a good "situriflGn""iia isle early AAuttinin Ne Catalkgue free. Write for it. • Central•,,Business College: W. 11.. Sb w, .Principal, Yonge`& Garrard Sts., Toronto,, • S.prvieable Shoes. For School Boys A good healthy schoolboy Will wear out any .shones soon enough. But he won't •wear out a pair. .of dtir kind as soon'as some otehr kinds. Thats becauseour shoes are strongly, honestly made of good wear•resisting leathers, no skimping no shod- - dy'worked in at unseen places,' and .' then. again they're so good-looking and comfortable •that the boys will like them and cake better care ,of ,thein. Our Stock, the largest. '• . Our assortment complete. Our prices the luwest, quality considered. Boys Schowp1 Shoes' $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, and $2. ed ac so Trunks and Valises, Miss Ca4ntelon. & Co ,beg to announce.to the ladies of Clinton and surrounding -country that they have open- ed neiv, PariPr over. Messrs. Tozer & Brown's store and are having a GI -rand 1V1illinery Opening on We :exte44 tIO, you. and your: friends. w tion to attend.' this Opening .Coine. and enjoy yOurselves • and see the .niany dainty nOvelties for' spring. wear. .,Wc have. engaged-MiSs 'Leigh, of ,St. Catharines,- for and %comes -welt reConIniended, Oiir Prices 4171e /11,046 -ate.. Our •S,tyles Exclusive. .MISS. CANTELOiSt 'Ca ring Coats. The neW Spring Coats are here, in all their'''. splender, faWn and black' Covert Cloth Coating, pretOly: trimmed with colored Yelvet and Silk Braids. This season, dame fashion says. short *Coats; hip length; semi -back, are to be worn, and worn they ihall be. We have thern in all the popnlar colorings, and invite your inspection as Style same as above ::cut, in black or fawn 10,10001000001100011111141111111.111111.88.01