HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-03-26, Page 6a
• 01.4.9
▪ UDRE •
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• 0, Erzs sv.,sasopm. •
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coll7righteci, Me by `therm Sereglio.
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Aeroge the enoer .clad tha en,
rhatited eaetle was erilliaetly lighted,
gad Aildrey Sheldoe, scanning were
iOnging eyea the wintry wastes, eighed
be treed to 'Picture the corafrirt
hidden by the gray Walls.
°It Was pet real!Y castle- notelet en
cheated, but It had. pleased Major
nirkwood to liflae Ids home a copy of
a castle on the Rhine which he had
seen On One of ele'elaturaer tripe. alio
A -Wirers imagittation: supplied the root
• The -major was a bachelor and sel-
dom entertained on a large ecale, but..
. every. night the 1106 Hashed .4scroee,
tlie glittering anow, and Audrey loved
tb stand by the window and Imagine
• that Abere liVed the knight who some
day would Come to rescire her from the
'Ogre .as representee by Mrs. Thome-
gon-Terluine, the major's elece arid
seighbor, • 8 r•
' It wad only twe years' since Audrey
h eedelf lied been •a soCial queen of a
▪ domain; but something. had gone
,.wons,..1.14Aexfa,,theyXyank, She never
understood what•Was, but his per-.
• ouno fortune-, had gone to sustain the
wrecked credit of the institution, and
the treachery some of the directors
s•eomhined with." the wreck of his for- "
-ttine had sent Henry. . Sheldon_ to his .
grave, . , e • .
• Audrey had . faced ' the ' situation
•'bravely, an q '.for the two yeers since
" r her fatbers death she had been goy-
-.mess to the ,two Tbompsee-Terhune
• .giris at a salary so alisurdly sMall
/that Mr& Thompson-Terhune lieed In ,
4aily dread that some one, might des-
eaver hove small was the sum' paid.
aid coax the girl crwae, . 7' • '
• Audrey turned- away' .froin the: .win -e.
- dow and wearily sat down at the desk
U. correct the girls' exercises. It was
g severely plaie apartment; for Aire
Thompson-Terhune was tine embitioes
Turns Bad Blood isste
Rich Red 1)1004. ,
No Other tetnedy, tioatetatigall
perfect cleansing, healing and puri.
IYIng* Properties,
Externally, heals Sores, Ulcers,
Abscesses, and all Eruptions.
Internally restores the Stomach
. t
Liver, Bowels and Blood to hesdtby
ctio; If your appetit0 is poog,
your energy gen, your. ambition
lost, 13...13.B. will restore yOli to the
fullenjoyment of happy Vigefeua
. • • cow
Thompsen-Terfame•acidly as she gave
the,Signal to the. ladies to risa• In order
to terminate the argument.' •
The men were noeleng le joining the
ladies; and the .major made straight
for Audree's side, nor would -he be dee
" As the last carriage rolled wear An:"
drey turned•to. her ernpleyer with eyes
that danced. ' "It was such fun to Inas-
querader ,she 'cried,: with. a little
-laugh. el _wonder. what the major
would sey. could he know Unit my.re•
turn to town in the'morning was mere,
ly a change- to the nursery governess."
"Tem will go up to town- in' the Morn -
big," was the quiet response. "I will
pay you a: month's eatery- instead of
the usual hake. 'cannot_ have. my
darling children la the charge Of 4
person.8'whrareesharnelessly pursues a.
rich :melee
dazed to argue rigainSt thee charge.
She had nowhere to go,. and the pitiful,
ly small i3um she Would receive would
not last more than two weeks, The
The unexpeetedness of the dismissal
was such reshock that A.udrey-was too
ass e, ase
mis§ 'Hartnett !
• Copyrighted, ifle8, tor P.. Bastalant.
• •
✓ assoesest000100neeMostessosheiso
Mien Deacou Joab Whitman called
at Mims Taylerea,select, road highly mot
al and refined school for girls to an
range (or the attendanee of his ward,,
Fanny Hartnett, aged seventeen, his
attention was called to the fact that
the school bnildings were surrounded
fence eleven feet high; also that
all windoWs above the first story were
frosted' dna impervious to masculine
gam. • Further, no pupil was allowed
outside the fence without a ceaperon,
• Miss Taylor, who had barely turned
fortylseven and carried the idea that
itlwas twenty-seven instead, then went
on to speak of the lectur* she„gave
every Wednesday night, of the. care
taken to keep newspapers and novels
Min her pupils, of the early heurs for
bed and of the fact that the. Only man
about the institution, except a couple
of servants, was Professor Balch, who
had charge of the higher mathematics
and was an ,old bachelor of tlie. most
Ineorruptible principles, •
Then -she had a number of questions
to ask about the young lady, and the
the latter giggled, she also chewed
• gem, she bad been caught reading
novels, she ,had had a beau, and she
loved to go th a Circus.
' ,"In feet," said Mies* Taylor, "she is
what you Would call flip?" • •
"Y -e -s, I guess so. Not trio Ole, but
a little flip."' •
"I see.; Well, while Male not a re-
• formatory, we do now and tlaeti take
In a pupil in order to cure her of dip-
pancy„ The fee -is a tittle larger; but
...ve warrant a perfeet cure.". ,
The deacon was willing to pay alit,
• Careful testa have proved 'beyond
Icalestihn that orange juice has clear..
ty clefined medicinal virtues. Those
who puffer, with Indigestion-ake coma,
Polled "to flet" -end that after eat,
Ineorengee regularly for breaeteet
there is no clistress, no palpitation,
Where there was a tendency to-
wards constipation, the eating of or -
•surges eegulated-the bowels,
•en skin troubles, those vebo began
•-l-.he „ morning me,a1- with an orange
were noticeably iraproved.
. There is, however, a quieker way to
get- better melts. Tole` is to tae
one or two "Fridt,a-tiveS" tablets at,
bedtime in addition to the juice ef an
orange before breakfast,' the next
morninia "Frult-a-eives" are ,he
Juices of oranges, ePeIcs, , Ms- ed
Prunes. in Which the medleinq action
Is many times kgensilied by the ape -
Oat way oe combining' theme 'Valu-
able tenics are then added.
Take the Alma of an orange before
brealxfasta-take "Fruit -a -Aire"- at
night -and you will quieley be rid ot
Indigestion, . Stornaeh Troubles. Con-
• stipation and BillouSnesse "Fruit -a -
Alves" are geld by all dealprs at' 4,00 a •
box -6 for •Seaa Sent. on receipt of
pitce by "Fruit-eatives" Limited,
that you have said.that eou would le
married before you were twenty-one'
Further, once -more, that you have re -
;erred to Professor Balth as lopshovi
dered and squint eyed.' •
"There are the respective cOunte,
Miss Ilartnett, just as they have -been
prepared to go to your guardian, :and
noW you may tell me What you have
to•say in offset -that Is, 1 don't suppose.
you have anything to say."
"Oh, yes, I enteer replied Miss Fan-
ny as she drew •a paper from her pock -
Frederick the Great We Pelted and
Marie frausoh Wee Wis.
There is e good story told of a prima
dolma named Marie Frausch, Who Wed,
tbe time of Frederick the Great.
Whenever anything or anYbOdY hie-
plearred the Weighty Vrausch sbe, after
the manner (if prima doneas in goer.
al, would suddenly become too boaree
to sing. One evening there was to be
sung an opera in ber repertory, and it
Was exPeeted that the king would Itte
At the appointed hour the luenager
came forward and anueunced that
oaring_ to a sore throat, fraulein
FraUsela was. unable to appear. ,
The people. were preparing to leave ;
the 'Uouse, but his majestY rose. arid !
commanded them to keep their seats- 1
A few moments afterward an officer
and four dragoons entered the capri-
• cious einger's room.
"Frailleln.." Said the officer, "the king
lequiree after your beanie" I
"Tier. 'king • Isvery. good,"Said
Frausch, with a pout,. "but have e;
sore tbrorit.""'* • .
• "His majesty 10 aware of the fact '
and has charged me to take you V> the
military hospital to be cured."' • 1
Fraulein, turning very pale, suggest-
ed that they were jesting, but wee told.
that Priissitto officers never indulged'
In persiflage. Soon she .found herself"
taa eoachwitlefour men. .-
' "Urtiaa a little better now,"'rairie*
faltered "and I will try Veering."
Walt te the-tifeefeerraild 'thsofficeri
to the coachman.
• The fraeleln began to think she hod
yielded too easily, "I shall pot be able
to sing my liot,!, sheinterposed.
'Pardon, fraulein," responded the of-
ficer, "but I think you will."
. "And why?" • ; •
• "Becanse two dragoons In attend -
*nee behind;the scenes have ordere to
•"eari7 you off to the mititary hospital
at the lease•cieugeee3
Fraulebi Frauseh never sang. better
than she did 'that night. •
--itarch'25'0;i00'—i '
i......„ .
_ei_ain In the base -rein anywhere, bee lis nd Tallow
male rOash paid for aides, Sking
lost usually. At kat. so hays Dr. Shoop, and ,
rn_ ilirongestion.Pierti$1/10,0,1 pfeSSurempotl ,
PrOVe It belles created a little pink tablet. T . i
viblet---called Dr, l'hoon's Ileadathe Tables.* prolzsilminon4 St on..
coaxes bloodpresSure away from pain °Vella
Iteeffectischanninir.vieasIntily(ioltiottul. iene4 , ' •
The .Myers'
ihoint se ely, tsure y f.toua 4tst o . ,
11youhave a headache, It's blood pregame.
II 1,0'0 Pagful periods with_ women, samecauree
«Atql. ;,.1ran1).1: i nervous.,11 srbc'e5i1"4
13-11°- restless,i
'') s ea ac a s
I• d ria
Le unnatural 1:doott peessure,
Bruise your finaer,and doesn't it get red, an. Ida.G. Holmes Teach
owe 1, au° rain you: ot course it does. It's core
on, blooderessure. You'll find it where palm
,iiretr0 it 0 01,414 common,s00.00. m
We at 26 cents, and cheerfully reapamo
ddy thi to' and . • . •
tle mire, 'and the 'financial end was .et, es, I have some ng say,
pupil arrived. Perhaps Mies Fenny emits` I will ree:d- theill+-11.7..tellie ru dltnger, her gysterp Painting and •
was .flip. At least, :She Was in good please; . down, weak -she needs- nourishment, •
sing the school I was told .of about abeut -500
the -bright side, and she could
Dr: Shoop's.
w.a L H014/4112,
Ads. In the NEW ERA, pay,.
Massey-liarrIS Agyt
Raving taken the agency for the
IlIseseY-liarris Co., Lvetll be glad tc)
show farmers any kind of Machinery
or Implement they desire. Binders,
Mowers, Cultivators, Gasoline Engines mad
ell kinds of -Farm Mach/Pork
-OPPoiiteMoltions Bank -Clinton:
Reductio'ng in .
Wall Paper.,
We are offering Bargains in.
Wall paper. • Al? stock reduc-
ed in &ice; and borders same
price per roll as -wall and ceil
ing.. Large stock from which
to select. •
soon sewed. .;•A Week later the new. •• also grouped. It under. the term , • IEEE GIRL T.RAT - •
• We trim all raper RRE -and do
''Count That upon ,m arrival 'at •needs rioter laloocl... More than all else ' • • mecoratiad. '
health and spirits, inclined to look OA
rtimenegdesirortvg;rnveeeedS ritgybewctitsg Window Sbades,'.RooM1VIould-
rapid growth 'and study have exhaust- irige ready -Mixed , Paint, Var-
thiugs mustn't do.'
d hi tl the village
glimher whose aline were far. in •ex- happy light gone from -her eyes, she some an w s emore. lee .
e 'Count Z. Tliat i was sent to .4. ed. The old time vigor,' happy spirits__ ...4-1., .....?....- '.... •-•1 'ul
• .eess . of the. Mamie. She enjoyed. and groped her way • to, her room; scarce where' she bad been. • brought up . the • ml:-..."
ter money was spent only where it seeing through her tears. . . Was. considered'. something Of a tore- _dormitory about as bare and Poverty and new strength .retUrn with Fereo- -illellTS•asureruesente re100.a•-eareera
stricken as our ola garret at home. zone. The delicate maid is energized, • kept in stock, 'alsc Floor OilsA fe, •• ant cl s were the onlY niornIng •and with h r few belongings her detriment* . . ' . ' ' • -•" Count & That I have had about strengthened.' and r ebuile. Isn t it ..
-would show. ' ' • There i was no relenting the next ' hoy, but the phrase was not used to
want to. get out and steel raw turoips,
"'Collet .4. That one evening I. got
into the yard; and while snooping •
The Myers!llfusie Method, for begin
ners, provides a thorough preparatory
corse rnthisiWilinients 3st musiorlinc
lessons are conductecton Kindergarten
models, elle Include practical Plano
teaching; making the titedy pleasant
and interesting.
Private lessons also giver), and mils
prepared tor the Conservatory Junior exam
t t b Mies.
• decoratithis of the schoolroom, and •'packed -in the tiny trunk, she was drif- She was given o waders end y
' leleac St.'.
.desk too old for office use,-, a folding To her .siirprise ,the major was' impa- dormiteq. She ogeied.
protest three hard wooden chairs, a shabby en to •the station for the early train.
Taylor what was what and sent td- her
• ' h t Next door to Morrish at Crooks.
half enougb to eat up to date and
worth while esing Ferrozone When it
-surelydoed so Much. St all dealers in
tee boxes.
T. SI/11T
bed and a wercleobe'cOMPleted the Afently eacIng the Platformiti the 'rear •argument, from tne .
aroupi, paesed Miss ..Tayler's room
her jaw. and eomp.ressed herelps elaiSe : •, sue Tr-aogeor:a.pmer; • ,
nishing. It was at Once. the School-. of. the- einiinutiVe depot. .He hurried' • and •Iodked tete the ,Windew and saw One .of the most eingular epecemeee
teem and Aucliey's. apartment. • : forward .te assist her to alight, but Are- Taelor anticipatederebellion at' no dee'
:Professor •Balch holdingher heed in Of -bisect !gels the trapdoor *leer of
Patiently the girl Worked at. herlask dree shrank frOna ••• • tant clete,* •• e'•
while she thought bitterly of the: gaye+ . thought you would ix going to • One :of :her ..methodir , of cornpeilieg.
ty downstairs, where preparations were town oe Ales train," he Cried exultant
being made for a.dinner Parte ei honor ly "I'm going' toe Didn't Isabel
• 4:1f Major Kirkwood's birthday. eome-te-see-you-Off?" • • •
Long after the usual hour the boom- "It. was all a mistake," Said Audrey;
keeper would send up a trayful of. trying to sneak bravely. "It was be -
broken meats, the leavingof the feast, cense of your aversion to thirteen at
•and she vvouid eat it on the top of the
• dark tlitt also served as a bureau. and
• dressing table. She thought, ef the,
• time when she would hive been one of
-the- , e guestsand. her:dainty...head...A
table that 1. was 'called -upon. I was
Mre..'Thompiuni-Terhuire's grererness:".
."Wits?", he echoed. -eSe that's the
irouble,- Is it? .. 1 guess Ido not need
• orwar e arms• a efere-•-na ratriten-felfirded;".-tivo
Sipon the desk. ' tinned ,bluntly. "I 'did !,fall 1i love
The nervous closing °ea deor.routed With. eou. That's , why I are' here :this
Iter, and she. sprang to her feet to face morning be ask if r may. cail boon yea
Thimipson-Terhune...- . • :•In town."- • •
o "You must help tee Out, Iti§S Sleet, • eI don't even know Where 1 am 'go-
on;" she said abruptly., '.9 am lq, a lug," . demurred Audrey.' ' •• .
ialoet terrible plight. That hogrid Mar-
-the timer and her crowdare. not com-
ing Over. That leaves just thirteen itt
table, and MajerEirliweed Is e� :her-
. • elbly stiperstitfouse " You simply 'must
• pretend to be one of the gnests.;,
one areued hete knows 'foie, and .it
WIll he all right" • •,. • ' .
"But I have nettling to wear except
the most simple 'frocks," seld 'Audrey.
.4&j sold my evening gowns; you oknoW,
to get money for the purchase of things
. :I really needed."•• • • •
• " .,•
"I have Some things that May fit
We are almost oa.gize. Maria shall
kelp you...Come.with.ree." The bestess
turned abruptly' and led the way to her,
bin apartnients.. She .was 'accustomed,'
• to implicit obedience .froin , enie
ployeetreand,AudreyLkeew betteretbeg _
to object. " .
' She smiled to herself as the deft
'French maid helped her into a Aulet
r•Igown gree. 'Audreywas a .favorite
Witb the servants, and with loving care
pinned and draped until She was
+setisfied with thereeult: • • !.' . ...• •
. Audrey was Nat in'time todeseend
• the stairs 'and, :recelye • with -letes.
h�Teihtii the•
guests. With the strange feeling 'that
It was all a Part of the enchantment,
she moved through the rooms, chatting
with the .guests •untll dinner .vvas an-
nounced.. •
• Mrs. Thompson-Terhunb counted Muela
capon her...prespeetS from the major.
• He was still hate And hearty, but she
ltved In pleasurable anticipation of, his
nnexpected taking off., and she sadly
needed the money th et would conic . to
beret his death.. • •
His.. word as :law with • her, and
. when he insisteil that Audrey be plaeed
. .
siett-Iti-hTm, at table, .th° os esa
•proinpfly &hinged ti3e Seating arrange-
Metits oven while She- Planned that
• Audrey sheuld be .dlethissecl the next
daY With salary in Hee tir a notice,.
Aucir9Y, ail unconscious of the aexte-
ties Of her' hostess, enjoyed herself to
the full, and enjoyment transformed
the little face that had become so Wen
add somber in the last few months.
Knowing how anxibes airs. Thome-
' lirea-Terhuire was thnt her guest of hofl.
• or might enjoy Jihnself, Audrey met
• ad herself to be miterbilning with such
good success that the major insisted
that Audrey shotild be brought over to
the caper' 'ter lanchoon same day be.
tore .her return to town;
'• "Miss Sheldon unfortunately IS re-
turning to town tomorrow," .said Mrs.
the yoinag ladies to walk the chalk
line was quarterly " reports Every .
bee when it blew sech: a ..gele. ii. lat
% three' Months. each of the girls was Gt trance to the burrow and When closed
payers were blown frore the. profess; • r
recover from . the yard next morning so+ precisely corresponds with the sur
called into' he private lecture robin
40 or's window. One of these • he . didn t
'aird•eref d ictions apnounced to her, draiset4ctictrishererdetelivetnhewt hietn'ealins phoasridtlioyn beis .
oue . of his and- patting It ,.evith .the .3 -amaze. His burrow is lined with
ether. .. - • .• • • silk and closed by a -trapdoor with a
• 'Count ,i5z That the hight Octo- hinge. The elooraexactly- fits the en -
and record on a blank.... • a half sheet on which hebad writ- • if i a. strange sight te see
• It depended upon that 'girl to naalce was • , Known- $
ten two verses of poetry to Ange haa s the earth open, a little lld raise, Isom°
• immediate improvement,. or the report
would :be mailed away to, father or
guardiae. As a matter of fact. no Me -
port was. everemailed. AA: stip.. action
the ssbOok but • the threat had alway- s
provedi,a very effective, weapon,
• at came to be whisperee about as the
regular quarter (ley; drew nigh that
• Miss Taylor had been saving. up
complaints against. Miss Fanny •and
• :"I drew sitid the major, with decision.
"YOU are going, to be .the guest of my
partners Wife bath .yeu: .find. 'a . new.
place -or -fine that, 'after .411, old.
man May still he worthy. of love. 134o .
Yell Pink that Will be so --so hard?"
' '"Not very," Cotifessed the girl shy -
ie, ah In her heart she knew that al-
ready this kindly ciicIlhae.had wen het
affection& She had not thought of tile
InorieY; hut it was tnexpreseibly Pleas;
• ant to be lcibked after insteacl Of leek-
ieg after, Othe, and as the {rain sped
along the side of the river Audrey
• lege" that it would net be before
she would come back &gain' to, be.
• ehatelaine ef the .crietle of her 'valiant
There is only one Angelina cen- •
.: hairy legs protrude and gradually . the
nected With. this „secluded School, dna ..,
whole form of the Spider show itself.
She is net a teacher: •. ' .• ' 'These 'spiders •generally hunt for feed
`4 'Count, 6. Thee We don't have plan- , by night, and le the daytithe they are
' euin,, ill.. deer -et -their ----
warm. . .
, 'deaden°. and if the tran be raised from
"'Connt 7. That the only three, girls • _.
the. Q laS i dee they rim to the .speer hfteh•
who get Sweet cake are 'the three who the claws of their forefeet in tie lining
keep riskiiig tee pig:Opal when her . Of the herrokv. and go resist With all'
twenty-seventh birthday will 'arrive, le e
their alight. The strength of the spider ,
Is 'wonderfully great In 'proRdrtion, to
.. . • ,
itS Size. ,.. , _ ....,_
• ‘f 'Count 8. That this secluded and
that there must be many tears and ldghlY moral and refined prison for
• promises- to keep'a report from the.
hands of the, deaton. • . Nust ,one imement., Miss Hartnett,"
Much curl. oil* and considerable 411X- interrupted Miss Taylor in her sweet--
iete were "felt, save by the delincelee7 est eones. "I think we are at cross .
herself. "slit) giggled and whistled and • purposes!,
plied if he could run putty. .
:- •
- • '; •He C6idd Run
r • A laborer,, Search of :.work was
asked by a • .builder :te Whore :',.he" ata -
bribed'the grocer's boy to smuggle in
gum, and when "the fatal day at. length
• a.rrived she wait smiling to the seed-
hee. Miss Taylorkept her on pima and
needles for three or four.'minutes to
let the scare sfrike hi and then. soberly '
• began- • - •
"Miss+ elartnett, I hey! received sev-
eral complaints against you and have
grouped them ender the term couhts.
I will read them to you:
• "'Count 1.. That on the 8d of SeP•
litany Peoplp gain glair
Using Purgatives in Spring.
' A spring medicine is an actual nec-
• essity. Islature demands it as an aid to
-carrying-50f •thep_uree-bhitt-have-
aCcumulated in the blood durrng the
winter menthe Thoueands of people,:
reeognizing theneeessity of a spring
• medicine, dose themselves with harsh.,
griping eurgatives,. This is a serious
mistime. Ask any doctor, and he will.
telt you that the use of purgative med-
icine weakens' the system, but does
riot eure. disease, In the spring. the
systein needs building up -purgatives
weaken. The blood. should he made
rich; -red and puts-- purgative cannot
do tbis. What is needed -in the spring.
is a tonie, and the hest tonic 'medical
science has yet destisd Is Dr Wtthanns
Pink Pills. Every dose of this mech.
keg -new iech re biz;
This new b ood sleenghtens every org-
an, ev et y ner v e, every part of tilb body.
That is, why Dr Hatnilton's Pink Pills
banish pimples and unsightly skin
eruptions. Tint is why they cure
headaches, backaches, rhennatism,
neuralgia,general weeltness and a host
of Other troubles that come from poor
watery blood. That IS why men arid
women who use Dr Williams' Pink
Pills eat well, sleep well, abil feel
bright, active and strong. Mrs Joseph
LePage, St, jerome. QUO; says "My
ds, tighter suffeeed front headache:4 and
dizziness, Her appetite wee poor. She
had no,strength •and could not Andy
• •"Yes, He replied that lie coiled •arad.. •witee•
r come 10 look ag-ilineeat'the ' atethe Weeke at 6 o'ileek.
record I readyou it appearstoan-err e
next nothing. He erriVed.at the einae
• seeted, and when risked. if were ,
• reatly stripped Or his evercoat
cleeed himself .to tee delenished
clad running costume and primes.
• "What .are you going to do in those
• iiiing.--.1pquired.the 'employer. '•
.• "Bun Putty," answered the 'man.• •
But I 'leant* you to rue it down into
ON .120i the builder. .
• vOi don't eare if It is dOwn drain'
• replied the 'mere "Throt him out, en&
reelleinin hien.leelleirden
to Miss. Harker instead of IiIertnett.
Similarity of names,' yeti see,"
'Ys, weep." • • •
.• "And wheneyou: came to lools again
at•yotir record"- . '
•"It seems to be a echiple of -verses
of pee* that e sceibbled • off last
night,• I hope it is not against the
rules to Write poetry, ma'am?"
•tember, two days after your a7r171.1-1. "Well, no, not if. you submit it to the,
here, you tried to tear a board off the
-fence •in- order tolook.out-leisebelleyee
ed, . but not. absolutely provete •that
there „wee a young man on the other.
gide .of the fence at the time. • -
" 'Count 2, That on the secOnd Week
. Of. "your. arrival you made use of such• .
terms cfs "hully "crude ore" etoo
•ithin," etc. '
"'Count 3. That on the- third week
eenteeeeeenhewinglgum and eating car-
amels. •
id "Coubt .4... That wbile goleg 'ere and
returning from the postoffice in chriege
.ef Miss Lee you refusecete east your
eyes down or look In aeotherdirectiore
on•-meetleg Carious old end yeurag men.
"'Chant ei That on a. certain night ip
the 'fifth •Week of your arrival aud.
wfiile eoti were supposed- to to asleep'
in bed your were as ae matter •of fact
sitting up in bed ancesinging aboutnn
old earky whose naine was Uncle Ned;
" Taunt 6: Thaionenccesion eon
mounted to the roof of your dormitory
wny.• of the stairs Owl .scuttfe and
i'vd%---a7-161—E-drtr - an terablerTor-s-onie
young'inen playing .baSeball.
• "'Count 1. That it is believed, though
not. proved, that ah epistle of. seuti8 back, and see •what Can ' cou,
mental nattire- was lied to a stone, and eame tell you not eo get excited,"
tifrowit over the fence: and that it was "Mir rosiest. Sake," linplered the at,
InCatit •fer yen,. and you reccivea It end
beaked. that Unele Sam didn't rue all
the• postoffices in the country.. Toot*
eare- reasons for helleeing that on the
beet nighc. soiethreW letter .over In
"'Count 8, That at various titteR
yon have iirgited• that there was With..
or do any work She was thin and Ing wicked about the circus or the the.
pale as a sheet, A neighbor ildvised. Etter mid that you have said that you.
the use of Dr 'Williams' Pink Pills,and
a, couple of boxes we. pitied old maids; elso. that you WIN
after taking
teacher. You may leave this, if you
-wile-and-4-willelooket-overatind-see if -
your meter is coriect. -Yoe, may go,
. my deer. Please tell Miss -Vaughn to
step in here. I must tell :her that she
:doesn't seem .to have •the, interest in
her studies to be expected .of her."
, .„zel'houghtfel Mao.
. lady :VI° is sabjent t� heart dis-
ease let* tea lila Sunday with :a .
0101)047 alid-:-Whiltr •sitting-at-table7
her husband rushed without a hat.
and in his shirt -sleeves. '
."Be calm!" he exclaimed' herrieely
ft. his wife., "Don't, excite yourself.
You knoW You Can't stand excitemeet
and it might be Worse!" •
"Good +. graelouir cried" the :wife,
"The children"- '
"They're:all right 'lSlovV, Mary, (lane
get excited, Keep Calm :and • cool. It
can't .be helped .nolv. ' We- pear
• these visitatioes of Pfovidence with
'philosophy'," ' •
• "Thee It's uaotherl" gasped the wife.
thitiga, Mit don't Warty or worry. WO
• too late to be of any use, but I'll fly
OOlild 84144 • gig,gled when .rey mime road cOndition
r natal her core
hne ilars°;ibeenepilis fel! seine ill life' hare linen dIscus&ed. Portlier,
sireeks longer, when they frilly 'restore •
• ed her liealtheind she is now Cm4nvInir-
• '
Marjon Bridge, 013, May 80, '02,
I have handled MISAILDIS'
IVIENTlittring the past year. It is al-
ways the first liniment asked for here,
and unquestionably the best eeller of
all the different kinds of Liniment, 1
Pain can be quickly stopped. A 25c
• ihox of 1)r Shoop's. Headache Tab'ets
kill any Paha, everywhei,e, in 26
iiiitautest 'llesideiSi they are thorough.
' 1Y sare.., Pitinfol periods.with wonien,'
nentalgifteetc, quickly nereui after one
tablet. Sold by. W. S. 13; _Holmes. W
A. McOonriellt after an illness . of nearly two years
• duration, ICate MeItay, wife of 3. A, f
gliaard's Who* Cares Ositdroft .
the best health she ever aid. iry IYi
inile this springif yon want
to he healthy and strong. Sold by all
medicine dealers tn. I•1y mail at 00n a
vox or six boxes .for $2450 from, the Dr.
Williatne Medicine 0o: Brockville,Ont.
There died in Gotterich, on Monday;
YuIe, aged 30 years,
most *fainting worrian,' "tell me tha
worst?" • '
"Well, if you Will have it, the Cones-
enence0 be on your oWn head, Mary,
I've tried to prepare you, and if yort
will knOvaadon't excite yorirself; try
and keep cairn -hut otir kitchen chilli-.
no's eft fire„and all the neighbore are '
In our front garderil"
She eurelved.-Loriden Answers.
• A Puzzler. •
.8010Moll Wee fain to admit that there
Were three things tee wonderful for
.hini, Yea, font which he knew not:
4'I'he way of an eagle in the air, the
way of a Serpent up011 it hick, the way
of a ohip in the midet of the Seaalid;
the way of it man With a maid." Had
Solomon lived tip this day and gen-
eratIon, soya the Philadelphia Ledger,
he WOttid h41,e added 9, fifth [Metier -el
to wit, the way of to etpress nottpluir
with it prepaid package.
. .
aids Wanted.
• We are installing a number
of machines. and must increase
our staff. We require a number
of smart girls•at good wages. Be-
ginners taught free of eherge and
,paicewages while' learning. • Fac-
tory 10 comfortable :and Work
pleasant. ' '
APPly personally if ;possi ble.
Clinton Koittinz Co.
Mt IN- '
ftleitir and. Feed
MasseyaHarrIs -
seed licrchant, alaariremi;
• .
Our Photos are the mOsillife7
like i'land artistic that can be
made, and:the:price-3- are' rea-
sonable for this class of work
. .
j. RoBERTs
..Seeley 4. West.'
• . .
' AND ,
Subscribers having foyined:e., partner -
hip. are ea•rryingon businessenSeeleYs
1 old stand, Rattenbury tn.* whe re
they are prepared to glee prompt per- .
sonal attention,th anythingineheir line. .
.. .
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Seeley 8c V.Vest.
• BaCksiniths, Clinont
Just think °Lit; a cold eured in ten
initmtes-that's what vappens 'when •
you -use 'Oetarrhozonee :You inhale its
soothing balsanace and out :goers' the
cold•-•snifites axe cured-eheadaches rale
cured -symptoms of catarrh and grip
edisaepeer etteence. lteeethe healinge
pine esSenees 6..ticl power antisent3cit r
Catarrhosone that enable it to Act go
lu disease of the -nose, for ir,
ritable throat, bronchitis, .coughs and.
oata,irb, it marvel. Safe even for
CO A.1.3
Before placing your orders for
• your ifeaSon's stipply of CIakget-
our prima., The,very best goods
carried` irt stink and sold at i the •
. lowest poseible price,. :
Orders may be left at,„Dayis
• 81 Roieland's-liardware store, or
with , • -
.W.- J. Stevason,
. .
itt Eleatic 1..ight
• .
lh FitZS11114000 4t $011.
We are still But-
busi 'legs; -and -are-
in a position to fill all or-
ders for seasonable meats,
int:tasted cti,'c'ae,
Our new businegs.scand
is' In the Combe Block,
. • .
Plisle TO '
children,: 256 and $1 sizes Mali dealers• mem
41/00011iterrieggegaggrege=ggsesearreitgilgaiserieeClleigellail -IfeelPagileigmillislimleogmensawevereeree eeeiel
' • "
• ma AT cosi*"
I arn agent for the Consum-
-ers' -Wall Paper--Co.:,-1W-indpOrT,----:--
and arn offering these .goods
at cost,in order to introduce
them. The patterns ate n ew;
and,no pla stock. ,.1 vvill. hang.
theni..atiot a toll)._ from._ now
.tothe 1st of April. '•
Waft ond eating .Papers and
'Iliordera all at 'saute Trice.
Something- 'New -
Now is the time to place your
. order for a
hekore the Pdvanee al wire. A.11
.• ()oiled Spring Wire used.
Also agetit for the Celebrated
Reentzmen Piano
Prank W...Evaas,
Ageut "Fence 00.;
Always keeps in. touch with.' eiierylhing Omni
new—not, only in *style of :type, but typographical
arrangeMent , . • . •
If you are about your •Stationery,, or
any other printed matter you require, °Send your
copy tothis office, where' the 'work. :will 'be. dlone,
by particuar artists.
satisfaction Guarantee
e .hrt'sikt--;1/4 r a
The New Bra
. 4