HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-03-19, Page 8PRE v'N 144W1A.. • Murch i9th1$48. 1 Thursday, hrsda, .'Friday and . Saturday, reh 6, 8 2 rORDISPLAY MAL OPENING of Milliner for OPENING Spring,. on the above days in our spacious show rooms. Ever since . returningfrom the Wholesale Openings, ings, Miss . Reynolds and her staff have beenbusypreparing p spa ><ng for this Spring Opening display. What is s newest and -- most fashionable in Millinery for the g wring ' of 1 Q8' will be"here y�r. ,. i- `� , w ready 'fo>y your irl• s action: We cordially inviteyou to visit >�, • the show room any or all of • the Opening days. Come whenever and as often as you like. You ke w><Il be interested in the new Millinery, and we want you to . feel free to examine it at your leisure. We "are well within the mark . when we -say that never have we had a showing of season- ° able Millinery the equal of that we will have ready for: you next week. Ready Thursday 'afternoon,..March 26th, at ,; 2 o'clock. Comeany time after : that. . - • Dress -making Departmeafi e -opens- on ' ay, ' ar. Miss Smith u ill be back from her holidays the. end of this week, and our. Dress -making_ depart- -ment will be open or -mess the morning of March 23rd. i .CLINTON NEW ERA_ FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1906 Local Notices. - • DR. OVENS, London, Surgeon, .Ocu, Specialist, will be at: W, S. R Holmes' Drug store, on • Thursday, Marg 5th. Glaaees pro erly fit deafness, catarrh and failing 'eyeq11 treated... 1, Plain Sewing. Ci ildreli's clothin a speciatlt ,-.-AI DIE L,.KA.U1 M At�- %On% Sepia. �NOT' SOLD.— The. Dominick Rey. '•nolds farm, in Hullett ;'the Dodsworth farm, in 'Mullett; and the Auburn _• TIotel ,w ar -alio ra .-f an salnb ation on Saturday, 'but none of them, e� were •sold. - c SUBLET The contract for the stonework in connection with the new Catholic church has been sub -let to Mr Hiram Hill, and the contract for the brick work tn Mr D Prior, Both are competent and'releable - men, who will see that the work is properly done. DEATH OF MRS, CATLING -- Word was received last week of the death of Mss James Catling, at Cock: • burn Island. Deceased, with bet hus- band, was formerly a resident of Olin - ton. i;•She had been an invalid for -.a - number of years. he-ledves a' sorrow- ing husband and ten children -- See girls and five boys—to mown the loss' of a loving mother and wife. , Her age was 62 years. ,.. h VERY SUDDEN 'DEATH — Last week, Mrs A T Cooper went to Kin, cordite), to attend the funeral • of her aunt, Mrs Frank Seliery. In the even- ing, while', thefriends were, sitting AT HOME--Thetnernbara af'Diinton L (I L No 710 will bold an at home in the Lodge xoom, on the evening of Friday,, March 27, which all the mer',• hers of No 710 are invited tca attencf, and bring their friends. TEACHER'S. ASSOCIATIO A meeting of the East. Huron Teachers' Association wale held in the public school in Seaforth on Saturday, the following members heingpresent. Miss law, A Scott, John Hartley, and • Moffatt. It was decided to hold the. next annual convention in Seaforth on May 21 and22. LONG TIME 'ON THE ROAD. -- Eight months' ago, when Miss Ruby Jolliffe, daughter of Rev Mr Jolliffe,. started for home from' Walla Walla, (WEshin alua)r h . shi ed " box eon- tainint.vble clothig,etc.ey freight. For months all trace of the box was lost, it havinggone astray in transportation at' St Paul, and irteps were taken to recnver damages from one of the railways involved. This week the box arrived at its destination, It was certainly a good while on .the road. DEBATE.. -,-A debate between the Clinton Collegiateandthe e Goderich Collegiate.Institute. t took plaoe.in God- erich, on Friday evening last, , on the subject, "Resolved that Uanade is jus- tifed in excluding Orientals." The vis- itors were for the nolicy of exclusion -and the--Goderich-'speakers'ttoolr the• negative. Wm McQueen, and J Cam- eronwere the Clinton speakers, and Wm Fin land and: Gordon Wightman: debuted tor. the GC 1,. The speaking was of a high order, and the oppoa �pag views were ably presented. • The 'Judg- es were J Hartley;, principal of the M Mackay,Messrs D. Ro , T Shilii ng - Clinton Model School ; E E Ball, of the teaching staff of the 0 U I, and G him F Blair; Goderich,and after longde. r ' tical N ,ws. Mr. S. H. Smith ehipped a 16,04 of cattle last Week. the average weight' of which was 1650 per head ; thins a pretty good average. The wife of Mr Harry Hessian, Tor- onto, died last week in her 20th year, from pneumonia. Mr Hessian is ma grandson of Mrs W Marten, of town. D 0itchriet,e,.n of Mrs Gllchriet,of town, who has been in par.,nership for some time with his brother4n-1"aw, Mr Neal, at Platteville, has bought out a general business at A:yr, and moved .thereto. - Mr John Govet, has a pocket knife which he bought.in Liverpool .2 'years, ago, and has carried ever since ; it is. nearly as good as new, and he boasts with h >irceovneisiderableQatisfaek'en ,,th Yet cwt a piece of tobacco, Charlie Twitchell, Dayid Douzer,and M Graelie; went for a walk down to Seaforth, Monday night, for their con, stitution and to see what kind, of time they could make. It took them 1 hour and 50 minutes. - They returned hylthe late train., The late Fred Whitley carried an insurance of $1000 in the Dominion Life, for which Mr John, Ireland is. agent, and arrangements have been made for the ' payment of this to -his grandmother,to whom it was very ap- propriately left, Mr Howard `a'ckson, son of Kr Issa"ac Jackr'on, who for the past two years has been employed as money clerk in, the Canadian;. Express Co, 7.oronto,has resigned, and left on -Thursday, to take a position with the Wells Fargo E -c. press; Chicago, 111. _ Mr Jackson's sey- eral sonsare all holding good and res- ponsible positions, and are a credit to about the .house, 'Mr John Cochrane, liberation they announced the Goder. . o ramp on, brother of Mrs Sellery' ch ebaters as the winners, both. . on com gained of a ain in the head, and style and argument, . Tbough .Clinton _ il par pus of the limbs, and almost be. advanced more arguments the judges `fore medical aid could he en mmoned, considered those (If the negative were he had. expired.. , weightier. Owing to the condition of DELAYED SERVICE - Passengers' the roads only the judges and di tieters from Kincardine, on Monday__morning Were present from here. They were bound for points on the -L H & B, bad •pn eshments.afIn addition r hprogto the debate to. reach Clinton via Stratford; the e to re - the programme includeda fancy drill reachingrengine broked down before y the girls, instrumental duet by Rey iniof wait, and sathng H had B dams and DeLereme Miilyard,recita- to go did not so passengers tion by Miss' Haggett, solo by Scott to go a long way around. The late.! Itrain for Goderich, due here tat • 11.10- Hays. choruses by the Glee Ulub and m Monday. did not reach here until ' selections by'S m Slick Orchestra' and the: reading of thee 0 I Joprnal ' A re - twit debate will be held here later. •-. BRIEFS= The Band yolentarilyturn•. ed out Monday night, on the. passing a niVuesday, owing to a wreck on the main hoe. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. --The reg- , meeting of the Women's Institute of the'by-law;and serenaded the home, I Johnston held at theehome of Mrs Johne of some of the_ prominent workers as Johston the afternoon of orcin well as that ofMr Doherty;later in the t 3 p. m, All ,mom bars are requested toi attend.: Mrs Mc evening.itmade Its -appearance on the Ewan; of London will deliver 'an ad_ ( rinkand favored skaters with'a couple divas. Mrs Kearne,"will read a paper -i omentmamong the members of the he ur on "the prciper vegetable to ese talk time Club .is Allan •Conliff; and; Bert different varieties es' t." A talk I Hovey,'flret and 'second. respectively; on "Kitchen costumes' will he given, -n pool; -and- AlexMitchell• mind ctivel d illustrated -h different•artiol rix Pickett first and.second,. respectively ing apparelP y at -billiards. . There• is an oyster supper. F1RE—Fire broke put in the build'-' on the tapis for some date in the near ing recently vacated by Mr AR Smith future A change in the fisheries on Tuesday at• about.11.45 a:m.. 'Theregulations. for Ontario provides that fire was in the fioorih , near 'a small , bass shall not be caught fr7m April 15 •stove. toward the back. of thstore. to June 1, except in that portion of When discovered it was but an intip- theStLawrence River between Bing lent blaze, and Was easily • extinguished. stun and Prescott ;'there the close. How the fire'started is a mystery. The season shall: he £rom'April ISth toJune stove and furnace in the building were ( 90. Local.lishermen will do well to both cold. Mr Smith has not been in realernber this change.....:.There is town for a day or so.' It is suggestedbut it' that nice might }Hive had - something I still good skating at the rink will not likely .last much • to do with it. • There was .very little • Mrs Diehl. Paisley, (daughter 'of Mr. t: damage done. McGarva,)is'here owing to her father's ; ilia ss. ..:•Mr'Angus McLeod iii now • PROPERTY (-13-"GE-44r G Hoare .a resident of town, being 'the local .has sold his property of 17'acreson the• agent for the'Massey'Harris Oompanq gravel road,- north, to Mk .Isherwood, Wallis,. l 'Uantelon report the of London, for better than::.$10,000, _ _hog market—w-slightly- upraa • is an eaxcellen►: property, `beim practi tendering,. .. Mr W Biggins'. has cally-ail set out In - bearing •,fust:; and sold his house on Jasenph;St., to Mr T,• should be a good investment for- the. Darter; of town, for. $450..... .A special •:purchaser, whom we welcome to this meeting of ••Council; is called for the. neighborhood. Mr Hoare has rented evening of Thursday,: 'March 19, to re - and will become a • resident of town delve report• .The speaking con.,est.:for Com - about the'end. of. April he is a push.- the prize off red byDr Shaw,' will -pro- : ing business mangy whom we.are glad h • aerect , to see, settle•do wn in town. week take pplace on:: Thursday of next week It - is proposed to 'hold . a DEATH OF MRS A II: MANNIN{d public, meeting- in the near; fitture•and There- passed to rest, in Gunton , one invite Hon Adam Beck to speak' on Mar 17th, Lillie, Coats, daughter of the' the ppower question: Mrs Rowe, of fate Wm Coats, and relict. of the late Fordwieb;. who underwent an'opera- A H Manning. hi her 49th year. She tion at the hospital, is doingas well as had been confined 'to _her.. home_.:for_ earl be expected ....'.Blyth . wanted to . some time with consumption; despite playa hockey gamehere skis week,but- care and attention she passed' away on satisfactory.arrangements could not Tuesday Morning. She was the eldest he made.. ,,.....The _ following : local. • daughter • of.the late Wm ..Coats,. born checker players expect to visit Blyth. •in, Clinton, and•hasbeen a„ resident all on Friday night. to play, a game' with her life.. One df,the • finest of women, the experts of that place and Brussels, a Presbyterian, arida faithful member Messrs Hoover, Houlden, Cook, Grant, of Willis -Church, and at one' time a L, Wiltse,'J Watt; J. Johnson, and 3, moat .prominent ` church • •Mr. 'worker, •she Howson ..•....MrBreckenridge, a re- . host of friends, "who much , re- :i lotion of :McGarva, died at Ripley .' gret-ilia a woman or sue s ering'"b w armed , he remains Bern tak--I qualities, should be taken in the mid en to.Goderic for• nterment....g.Mr. dle, of life. She was married to' the late I Harry • Smith, 'formerly , of town,but: Mr A H Manning, who predeceased ' now a resident . of Stratford, had the =her some-fourteen-yoara.- -She 'leaves misfortune to -lose : one of the fingers 2 sisters,five brothers and her mother, t and have another finger and a thiipab and a daughter and son , Edna analbadly cut Wednesday morning by a William, both of town. • The ' funeral. I. saw at which he was working:....The, took place on Thursday afternoon Co , Business Men's 'Association will hold Clinton cemetery; there ueing a large a°supper in the Council Chamber on following Of frienflli and acquaintances •i the evening. of April 3 ; every, business Rev Dr Stewart officiated; the. pall -.I man 1n town is melted to be present, bearers were- Messrs' Jas Scott, j. tv as an effort..is being made to make the Irwin, A Armstrong, Jas Fair, Wrid. Association even more useful : than Brydone. and R Holmes. heretofore, • . ' • • Ladies' Home Journal pat- terns, 'the bestin the . world, can nowbe had here. Month=' ly Style Books free • for the, asking. March books. now on• our counters Come' and- • 'et one: The indigo Prints . at : foe You 'never ought better'Prints for 12sc than this special line of genuine g Indigo Blue Prints we are selling g at 10c. We bought than direct from. the makers : in' 'England, or they would have to sell at 14c or 15c. in the • regular way. Soft quality, neat designs, good weight, little figures. spots and stripes. All at One 'prike; 10c per yard. her in rn • at' 12h (� s t �e • 'Genuine imported Gingham' at12ic; dark and light' blues, blacks; reds, eta..'Fast`colors, 'fine . weave, strong cloth, checks and mixtures. A good 15c cloth anywhere.. • Clearing at per•yard;l2'C• New Novelty Dress Goods. --11-a idsorite-Spring-8ress-1 oods-op ileJ up this week., Novelties in stripes and fancy weaves, with the new shades, in all the fashion- - able plain cloths. :'An assortment worth see- ing,and every yard, of it ''selling; at Retiring; Sale prices. We have had . sent from our • Goderich store a collection of the season's novelties, and you can save money • on every piece, if you take advantage of this Retiring Sale. " Retiring Sale •Bargains. all Along the Line.` No need•to pay full price for anything in Dry Goods this spring: ' Everything' in this big store clearing at prices that -spell " SAVINGS" in capital letters, for those who buy. You will find saving prices on Dress Goods, Linens, Cottons, .. Wash Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, And the hundred and on every day now. }'• f ' / ate= things 'you are needing • a it i :The. . Durability of Wall Paper . is the real factor that determines the cost; ' it costs as much per roll, labor or cash, to hang a 3c paper as it doesone at a few cents more, that will beautify your home for a much longer time. e Moral • we want to make is. that "there is a price below which it is not wise to go." We think we have the largest • variety.We know we have the g popular goods, and that our prices are honest prices at which you. an decorate your rooms.. Becomin then season.'" our purse, and above all, your iividual taste. We even have the, 3c r kind, pe roll k . It:will cost you nothing to see our stock. h. may 'cost you more not to -see; it. D it �aCr) ftenlrs,tG' Cheapest'. — • ;Always the Best, :4. OLA? ,SA'''O ND tana� ur' Shoes. If an unworthy pair finds place in "our stock, it's not your"fault and not your, loss. Our Shoes are -made in such a ''way, from such stock, that there is no excuse for anything but entire .satisfac- tion. We seldom have a complaint," and 'never a dis-satisfaction ;-',,we don't. do business that way. Our Shoes are fashionable, durable and comfort- able; and you pay only for the. Shoes -nothing `tor name. A larger stock than you usually see, and lower prices for the same quality than, you ever run across,,,., '. Fr•ed. J Boots and Shoes. tum -Trunks and Valises. M1 p MILUi1LRY ftcrn oon venin, Miss: Cantelon & Co beg to.. • nnounce. to ,the . ladies of. Clinton, and 'surroundin `�._. untr� �.' .tha :the ' ' C Clinton, . g co y t have o n e . a 'new Mi mery Parlor• oyer. Messrs1 Tozer ' & • Brown's : store and ' aro h avin • a ', Grand .Milliner Opening ` . on . the. g Y. � he . g ._.• above date: . We etendto •' n . . ou a d our .•fr ><endg , a' heartyxnvita • tion to attend this Opening. . Come and enjoy .yourgelvses and see: the' many. dainty novelties for spring wear: We- h-av-e-en- d Miss Leigh__of $t... Catharines, for- -the season, as our.: head trimmer, Miss Ilei h has' had sever al ,years' experience on high-class Millinery it cities, and .oumes well recommended. Our Prices are Moderate. :Our: Styles Excluslve prig The new. Spring•Coats are herei. in all their splendor, in lawn -and, black . Covert -doth Coating, prettily trimmedwith colored Velvet • and Silk' Braids. This season, dame'`lashion says short Coats -hip length, semi -back, ate to be Worn, and Worn. they shall be. We have thenn in all the popular colorings, and invite your inspection• as oftenas you .please. Style same as above cut, in black or .fawn, Special at $S.00 a_,