HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-03-12, Page 8xnlana4ion HEN we announced "aur Retiring from. Business Sale, in November, we expect- ed to have had the business disposed of before now. We have not beton able to sell the stock en bloc to our satisfaction,and have, there- fore, to alter our plans somewhat, and now.purpose Selling it off over the co :titer. That means the _ continuance•, -of :this--Retiring-.from-Business Sale, IT until everything is sold, or we find ,a satisfactory purchaser for the business as a whole. It is our intention to close the business as soon as possible. Everything in this bi • stock will be sold at Retiringe' '' gwill Sale' prices,. It will pay • .you to remember we are not conducting business. this se sO- s t i7na e n Ino a b' - - . t to se 1~ v 'al- lar's worth of merchandise in the store as quickly as it can be done '4 4r ,You know- thehigh stanlard of tan we' ar. e selling.that nothingof inferior and. unworthy quai ity is allowed a place in it, and you ..can still shop • here with perfect .confidence that the goods you �'' are reliable and dependable et liabl"Way. . - Haringour Goderich stock `iiiaVe'yto draw from, we :' will k keep. the stock ...of staple, ever � y, waH ied -goods fully assorted. -As . long ...as we are• . doing" business in Clinton, our customers can. depend ' on gettingthe. hundred and one,things that everyday: Dry Goods stores keep, just vi hen they want them, These new goods we may have to add from day to, day, will, with the rest of the stock, be sold at Re-., tiring Sale prices. Remember, we are 'continuing in Clinton to -day, not with : the idea of making money, but simply to turn' every Dollar's worth of ,> merchandise into ready cashjust, as .quickly • as cut , prices will do it. We -have other :plans ahead of us that are being held back from completion on account of having too remain here .longer than ` we • anticipated, and we are anxious to get the stock disposed of in the shortest time possible. There will be no halfhearted cuts in order to' sell the goods, ., It ;is }tour_chance-:to profit:and save money,. on your spring Dress Goods buying. TIle Dress;making Department in charge' of ,, Miss Snnith,:and.the Millinery with-Miss'Reynolds ° in charge, will be: continued as usual. ' Miss, Reynolds has returned from ' her holidays, and' is busy preparing for. the formal '.Spring: Opening. Miss Smith will be back Monday, 23rd inst., when the Dress -making ..Department will resume operations. • Some Saturday. $ peciails : » " Specials for Saturday and next week. Sample values that will show you the say- , ing this Retiring Sale has for''. people who come here, All prices for merchandise of dard-qu Imported Gingham's• '12ic 400 yards imported Dress Ginghams, assorted checks, in dark and light blues,reds, pinks, black '�' and white, etc. Also neat, small invisible checks, heavy weight, soft 'iinisn,'that would he a Bargain `1In at 15e, Special for Saturday L21.0 Genuine Indigo Dye Prints 10e Hundreds of -yards -or real Indigo Dye Navy Prints Dozens of nea t,small patterns, very soft ,cloth, good : weight. special per. yard ^ , . '. O Factory_ Cotton.7c • Real good FactoryOotton., so t finish, suitable for:'"'; anyur pose you do notan treal': P " " heavy Gotten for, Special for Retiring Sale. , ,..•,,, . 7G Eactory actor Cotton 9e Splendid Cotton at -this price; cleanand fresh. one that will bleach nicely and wear well. Retiring An Sale price .: Embroidery 10c Splendidpatterns, good quality Swiss Embroil- ery and Insertjon, 12o and 15e values, special for -Re, tiring Sale piiicee,,per yard . ..;...., ,:; . 10C. White eCotton ibe • More of our.. special White .En lish Cotton regular 12,c quality anywhere g . A for this Retiring Sale,ust when you buy it. Special g J • e you want it .. .,. :• �: a '• cLawn Still a•giaid.sufpply of that famous 100 yawn' that is regular 25c Quality. Nothing •'to equal it in the. trade. There is a straightsaving of`:& a y� ardfor you�]A on every yard you buy, Special per yard.:....... ,. , , -Inob India Linen 12ic • • Very fineqquality India Linen, nice even thread, r " suitable for Waists, Underwear, etc. Very special at 1.440 per yard c .... , ti L Pearl Button Special 7c per dozen for pure pearl' buttons that you will pay120 to 15c for -anywhere else.' True, it is. only a little thing, but -little savings soon make big ones.. These buttons are put up one dozen 'on . a card,. and. we cannot break the cards,' 'They -come in all e,i?es,. • either two or three holes, and ere suitable for childl- red's wear, Waists or Underwear,' 15O dozen, clear- ing at per dozen ,. ,..,...•. ,�:........... .. ....., _ 0 4' . Exceptional press (loess . s Values Plain Dress Goods, of. all kinds, will be just as popular as ever this. Spring. Our stock was exceptionally heavy, as we, laid in heavy f reserve quantities, on account of the advanc in price. All the fashionable shades fcr S rite ' are here, in. Broadcloths...;Wool Tafettas, Panama Cloth, Voiles, etc. Every yard is selling at Retiring, Sale prices, and you can save, decidedly, on your Spring, Dress Goods ' ' buying; It will pay you to see. weat we can. do bekire you buy your Spring Dress. THE CLAN N EW , /MA CLINTON NEW ERA Local Nevis, FRIDAY,. MARCH 12,19es Mr Iloltzhauer, miller at Fair's, heti , : sold his property in Blyth, The officers of the 330d Battalion Lodi 1%O11eeS.; • . will hold their annual meeting at the DR. OVENS, London. Sur "eon, Ocu. Normandie► on March 19th. ist, Specialist, will be at W. S. ' 1t - Mr John Jefferson, of Saskatoon, Holmes' Drug store, on Thursda , formerly of kl:ullett, and cousin of Dr. Mar.as •t e S is visiting 5th. Glasses pro a flit haw, vi filo old. friends he p t y �, , gf ods re, deafness., catarrh and faring eyesight The Misses Watson, of Orangeville, freaked, have•taken positions with Mr ,J, W. Newcombe, as xnllliners for the com- I.'lain Sewing, Ohili,en's alotliir g a ilii season, specialty,^-AI7t1]IE L. I AUIa`MAN. Dir l'aislep ie making ar'rangernenta . , . a own goyim • to' wark tha,,$olbinson fitrm,. Huron roeci;, which he lately purohased, un• DOI3Eltr' ' .SX-laA,W--We would der his own direction. -call theattentian ofdor-readers--to-a4---Messrs-T-Meltenziie, 'W; --and J,- 3i#- letter upon this subject which appears ;, gins, had the pleasure of serving on in this .issue; The Train facts. of the z on the jury, duringthe sitting of court at •Goderich, Last week, Oft, Saturday, while Mrs Stewart, Victoria Street, was preceeding home. ward, she slipped on the sidewalk and broke her left :arm above the elFow,. Mr and H Mrs.11,, s r h os entertained g Il a lnuniber orfriends a Tew ` evenings sinee, proving themselves excellent bosts, as a I present had a splendid time, Vietor French, of Wetakawin, son of Mrs French. of town, has been elected Grand warden of the Oddfel. lows, for the Province of Saskatche- wan. ' • • Coming Events Scotch social, .TVi1 e•Ohurei , March 112th. St Patrick's Day soolal, Wesley Church, March 17th. Voting on Doherty by-law, March 1 lath, - calm Are there clearly set forth and we ..confidently support all that Mi Bans - ford advances in favor of the By-law. We have taken the troubleto examine closely into his figures ani have assur, ed ourselves that they are beyond die- Pue, t • AWARDED Quite a number of lenders were received for the new :Ro- mhn Catholic church, sand these were, opened on ,Wednesday, Mr -Thos Mc, ll enzie being the successful tenderer, an assurance that the work will be -wen done. The church will be a hand- Bombe and commodious one. of which the popular pastor, ttev. J sA Hanlon, andcongregation,the will b y every y reason to be .proud ' -GREATER THAN-• EX?EOTED , -- Owin8to the donations being, reater. . in :number than was expected, tha ex- ecutive x- e ati et of heP juiltry�Aessociattio swere lilt, Thos Gibbings' las' been . dmnger'= n e o rap to h pri l. t• f r ou sl M for several days, the,SWeepetake Show, to lie held on y . y , with wide iib - April 2nd, in time for publication .tiffs 'offrition, of the bowels; his cirgle. week, bat all interested sliciyld "watch of friends will be pleased to know he this space next week." Local feather is improving. lovers should all• "take a hand. " .Me Simpson,; who has been With Mr. A COMPETENT ixoTUREtt_Hire:, .Hamilton, coal dealer, ever since he climate town, has . taken ` a position .Pr Rutnam, 'Who is President of a with Waiker's Livery; • W. Mario" Women's. Institute in •Ceylon, has ac- takes his place at Hamilton's:' . cepted a six weeks -engagement it .the Ontario Gvrnmet e.deliy r.a Mr 'John Medarva Underwent a .series of addresses at Women's Instit- 1 operation in the -hospital, on Monday,. rates throughout the -Province, Her and. so far appears to be • recovering remuneration -will he $3 per day and from the effects. thereof, a fact his. all expenses. She is &thoroughly cont- many old friends will be delighted: to petent, fluent and trained speaker on� know almost 'BBACKn TO �TOtWN Mie 31artin—mtteesin'Coof nnction e with-the ern1 Wird coin. Charlesworth and wife,the latter a hy.law,will beheld this(Thursday)even sister of the Misses Whitely, on 'Huron in;, at'8 o 'cl ock, in n the•G oun cil Cham - Street a darry and Bub Charles -her. ithe members k ndl 'talee worth have come from Grand )?'o*lee, ,''notice and attend. Dale., to Clinton, and are going to re -1 side here. ' TYiey have' -done, remark= l "` essrs R-Gioyier•-andee ve r olalacly able- well, and are retiringi vv a hope,- thinpp Pel and, fine threw year old filly.: they will always: remain in . Cliri. oil. 1 to. Mr Puliand, of St Thomas, le, ht Mr (]harlesworth was at one time tun- from McLeod Pros„ Would like a a netted' with: the Trick mill and will be • good figure ; they would like to pur. chase a few more for the same remembered by 'old-timers place. • THE SCHOOL DOORS—Hating in: .LAST ,MINUTE ,•:BRIEFS Mrs •I. arren, Clinto:i,'has-sold her • Ot many children lostnd the r, lwher bylie 'firm, on the 5th con of Hiilf tt to members of the Collegiate • Board in Co si East, f the 4th., sir oc. f *mitigated the means of exit at the Clinton had ' a • firSee inth, so placep n Olinton, d a Fire in his lace on school -here, and found to their sui- P prise, that while. he main doors open .Tuesday, caused -by a new.. Stove, the ed outwards, the "storm doors opened. Sh �r��pp, Jane with the Thresher Co.. legit inwards, so that in case of a rush, for -Winnipeg, this morning - •..Mr. the doore would 'knuckle against each John •Sterling has just completed a Other. Thi•s hag since„ been remedied. fine, colonial verandah for: the. house THE NEWSPAPER MEN .1.11e- • occupied by -Mr Jacobs, Joseph St. annual.weetin of the Oanadian Press The membets of the Clinton Bowling K ()lab presented Mr James McMichael, 1 A.sociation'was he'd:. in ''Toronto last -Seaforth, with ahandsonie badge, on Week, it being the 50th• anniversary;of Wednesday, the Occasion- of his 85th the formation of this'Association, one. birthday ; the -citizens of 'Seaforth ; of the founders, Sir Mackenzie',Bowell, gave him a banquet on the occasion, being present at;the ;banquet,at which those representing the 0 'futon Bowl; the overnor -General was. one of . the -ers•.bping Messrs W • Jackson, J Fair g , eakers,—The-ess-renpt-Trfieseneii j4 W Trwi , eyene uron• were : -HD Elliott., W ingham; d Harland, and F:Jackson, .... Dr Mer W E' Robertson,• Goderieh, Leslie iaughton,.• of s Fordwiclr, brought tii Kerr,'Blyth and :Robt..Holines;' Ciin: ,patient tothe Hospital on Wednesday ton. A E Bradwin •Galt, formerly of .: Messrs 11 13 Chant and Ben Cole, the"Blyth Standard; andti B Elliott, two of the Organ h'aetoryhands, have of Wingham,wero elected on • the Ex-. both• been laid'iip with grip, • ,but are ecutive. , improving.,.. Mrs McLennan, is also •NO DAMPS _HIB YEAR- ' There very -ill but we hope to _hear of -her will be no- militia camps this year The of London was Mr. Tarsal Taylor. of London in town -.on Wednesday' Miilitia authoritleattt Ottawa are plan- , • , ,TSackeePi.t5e, is, attending the Hing to conibine this • year's training ,meeting Of,' the Canadian ' Orders of with the ceremonies: incident to the Home cireles.....Owing.°to the ilia; ;big Quebec tercentary celebration: in bility of Hodgen's. Bros., to dispose of July. Itis conceded"thatthe new sic-. their business in enbloe,MissReynolds periencelobe gained by the -ni sbiliza *hp ,has hadcharge:of the --millinery, tion, campiiig,anid•rtiiulitary operations department .for seN eral seasons has of twenty thousand men on tliehistor- resumed the: position there,. fcr'the.. is Plains of Abraham:will be worth present. censiderably more • than • the .usual' camp . training would. 'be, , The 'great bulk of this big army will be gathered. , from the military districts. east of, -Winnipeg, and not less than five. thou. �J %� sand, probably, from the,Western-On.- i \ V OPEN tario• Comnnand, which.includes the * , London district..- Every corps in the i l>li l` AIIy ay. command will be expected to furnish ' quata for;theTercentenarycontingent. The cityors and the r corps h ural, corps yell) have: equal.._ show.:._ Tho people.-of-God-- erich• have been looking forward to:• having the annual camp for the West; - ern district held there this year, and ggenerously offered certain concessions for the purpose of securing the same, ' However,their disappointment will be .lessened in knowing that,the .camps will likely be held -there. nxt year, a ' Ybrige.d: Glen' srd Sts. Toronto. conditional promise haring been given - rMr .R; Holmes to this effect, ' • • . ..': - ; �EH Ayer, of•t eWhite ' Star r Line, Detroit, announcesthe $2 trip from God r c toD Detroit .r turn on • atiia• S ay, June 20th, -per the steamer Greyhound, warserairesiessiotsee Winter term in all departments o' the Central Business College,'" :_-.::Toronto,. ofTers.spleendid-chanies., .- for spending a few- months • pleasantly ani profitably. 25 teachers. ,flatalogue free, Write for It W. A. Shaw, Principal, ORANGE Messrs Rurrtball & Mc" Math, carria pmakers. have di so , ed partnership, Mr Ru»ball ion of the oldest business men in the town and no anan.stands higherinthe esteem 1 of the'cottiniunity, as a Man of the strictest integrity, and has reaehed the age where he -is entitled to a rest from .business activities. Ile will still however, do sono work, though the awnless' " Will be-.-eurtailed, . Messrs.- McMath and -Overbury have leased the p#inting and trimming branches of the business, and both being practical and reliable men, the very beet of work in these branchesis assured.. 1'R:WENTATIQN—Miss Susie Slow• man, daughter of Mrlacob Slowman, the popularularand efficient Baggage mas. terstation, tt a eG7. .stile' h R tic .. as... n w t , he re, pient of a very : pleasant surprise on Wednesday evening,For sometime she has been Secretary of "The Com- panions of the Forest' and has die charged her duties with exceptional. ability. She leaves town in a few days to fill an important positionat Toron. to, and the Oompenion's wishing to show in some tangible manner, their her a regi o t a i of se nz ices gathered Pp in .full, force, and took possssion of. the Slowinan home for a fewhours, presenting Miss Siowinan with a com- plimentary .address accompanied by' a beautiful suitcase and a -handbag. After which a pleasant eveninv was spent at games and conversation.. h 1'2thitii?s otim St, 'Sue 's, Day Tue day.a March. 17th.- 'lroiu will Lind the Novelties at parr -Green Grape -leaf Dc�ylles» - Look very attractive. Plain Silk Shamrock— ' Appears like the genuine, Primrose and Flaw Shamrock— fllehlY ornamental. • .• ' Picture Pcst•Oards-•- • In large „assortment., ' _ roo ; wits re iu4iii'e= Button, wi-� t greeti'riibbons. Big Value. Brooch Pin . - Goid and green enamelled, Idinirture Irish Ulan Pipe-, Wivli gaeen bevy and stink piu, Owns, W i thRibbon and i es - Red, white and blue ribbon. .Irislt.SP-idWe -They; lank like _life. _ Paper Hat with Pipe attached, Little Brown Jug Irish Grotesque Figure Head. Irish Potato, - • Silk and Cotton Irish F ge, etc., Store. ' e" Wv r' ^ D.Fair Co., Often the Cheapest." •Als w $Y .- ��' Q BGSiIa . o. 08 SPRING S" SO Vhite /,awn Waists. A' Woman's Eye -and keen judgment of values will te11"her in one,, something second that these are so a m t � out of :the ordinary. It is out' of . the - uestion to:describe these :artsstic styles . accurately. 4 ty a We simply state the facts, andask you to come and have the first peep at these new styles. a e Stand rack o u1' lioes.. If an- unworthy pair finds place in our stock, it's not your fault and not your loss. Our Shoes are made in such a way, from such stock, that thereis• no•excuse for anything, but entire satisfac- tiarti-- We seldom have a complaint, and never, •`a• dis-satisfaction ; we don,'t • do business that way. Our Shoes are fashionable, durable and comfort- able, and you pay only for' the Shoes nothing - tor name- A larger.stock than you usually • see, ,and • lower prices for the same ••„ quality than you ever run across, Fred. Jackson: boots and Shoes. ' `Drunk s• atnd Valises; ine. White Lawn Waists $1:00 Several 'pretty •styles, to choose • from. : Front made with two wide pan nets of Embroidery. and . Lace Inser- tion, back tucked. Three -guar. ' ,ter and.long sleeves, at •. only ..:. $1, U0 ... Pretty Lawn Waists _,, sleetves 1:19_ - Vastened at back, front tut ed :r k to yoke de.nth and trimmed with a wide pannel of Embroidery and Lace" Inner '. tion, back tucked and trimmed ' with two rows of Lace Insertion, at at ._only each _ ...., », �...»._.. ....: .19: sleeves, .$1.80 Three very'smart ,designs, with full front of Embroidery, tucked and fastenedatback, at each , $1,50 White, Organdie Waists $00 _-__-.Dainty style, tucked back arid front, forming yoke with wide Embroidery Insertion• .over shoulder, `'• giving the broad effect 'so much desired thisseason, atl sea only :,.... An nn .Mercerized ':1Vtull ' Waists ' $3.28. _A handsome stylet front tucked' and trimmed with three rows of. Open Em- broidery ar. d'six rows .of . Lace 'Inner tion, tucked and fastened` 'at -:back and trimmed at back with Lace In- sertionfor ;:....,, $3,25.. Mercerized ► ull; Waists 52.7.5 'Tusked Wont and back, formingyoke; collar, shoulders and arm holes finished with narrow Embroidery beading,' cola lar and cuffs of .Valenciennes Lace Insertion <<t each - _.<.,:.,.'$ rla,. • •Watch fors (}u r hl l l>l elry ;Op In l g. � vSprIngSuItiij � OL1r . fL1lf range of New Spring Snits is now in stock . • iiniported direct from the largest manufacturers, and we • incite you to call and see.,the range. 13rown worsted and elephant greys ''promise to. be ' the i ashianu ble colorings.