HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-03-12, Page 3"-",1
Mar.th 12th 1904
e let One rstt Swoop.
"Hare. yoil get ay of Mere prepare,*
tioneor Vera superouothi .bstrr
• HAP the Man eaters the rug Store
veith a firm treed and a Set Oen*,
'eftell., sir," allewere the dregifiet,
"VIVO Ine a p1ut Iwaattous1tot
IhY. head."
• "Rut; Man, you haven't got any Ate
PerhOclua hair or your head. Yetere
nearly held now."
'"1 know it And l'TO got ,eas aura-
oated and, tired, watching the confOilnd-
, ed bait leaking oft day by day that I
• :Want to remove the rest of it at one
*Weep and have the agony over."
Shekespeare Notwithetsinging.
•° "Ifs there anything In a newer' 111-•
linked the ,man with mouse colored
'Whiskers, "Tea can bet there is.
Name a bdy Stuyvesant .or Van Reni.
•pelfier os Gouverneur and he'll never
bold aeything but a first class job.
• -Nobody will ever dare ask him to swab
• Windowor men fibers. And by the
•litne lie's forty he'll be head of a
'try ' epany and directer in twenty,
..ev% dirominent• concerns. Oh,. yes;
therAteit -heap in a name, leniMe tell
t The Infallible Man.
moqt dull and wifshy Washy man
in an the world must be he Who neeek,
made a "mistake. But he s dOuble"'
' .dy.,when.b�w1Ikthake no mistake
• bior tit and lose . sleep over the .
' 7." " or4.-hie iiStkehber- Mime ter
' .
The ratepayers must irot
Roalthfulnoss of Oranges.
The one %Soon wiligh most PeoPle
never seem to learn is, how to guard
their height).
We have been eating oranges since
time, immemorial, yet how many of
us know that orange lake centain.8 a
medicinal principle whigithas
ad action, on the etomiteh, bowels,
UldneYs and skin. Some physicians
go so far SS to ea at they. can cure
the perage owl ncligestion, Con-
stipation, BIlliousneeS and. pry nut
with orange Nee .and • nroner_diet.
Th14 can be easily. Preyed to the
Satisfaction of any sufferer. Take
the •Juice Of ono or two oranges eve*:
morning' before breakfast, -take one Or
• two "Fruit-a-tives" every night at
bad -tittle,- exercise a reasonable care
In. diet, and the proof will be 'teamd in
• The Mire "Ali be greatly aPergtea
and hastened by taking "Fruit-a-
tives" in conjunction with the orange
"Frult-a-4.ives" are fruit Viten
in which the medicinal principle of
oranges, apples, ilgs and prams are
many times • increased by the 0Pecte1
way In , Whieh they are combined."
Thentonics are adde4 and the 'Whole
Made into. tablets. "Fruit-a-tIvess"
may be obtained at, all dealers,' or Ytvill
be. sent pOstpaid *cm': recelifr
/.41na1ted, Ottawa. "
, Men's Was. ". •
We often hear Women criticised for •THE JEWISH BADGE.
-their queer ways ef doing things, but
• DiStingnishing Mark , That Was Re-
qiiired by European Countries.
To tlie Jews"of today it Is falirly well
•known :that their ancestors in Rurcipe
were forced to put up with a great
deal of' humiliation. 'One of the most '
Insulting methods was to require the
wearing of a badge Whicit would
Stamp the wearer a an "Infidel Jew."
The wearing of a badge was Made a
• general order throughout Christendom
' In the year 1215, but it mint have been
•required in isolated places before that
•2. rise to call attention to the queer
Olys Many _geed leen have of not do.
Ing thingsc-aellock Entetnriaa.
.. THERE'S ,nething like & good sotip• to
•pave the way for ageod dinner. And
there's nothing like Armour's Extract
.of Beef to give gat indescribable relish and
mayo.= to'Soups. •
Armour's Extract of Beef gives the rich,
tasty, appetizing flavor of roast beef to all
. • • •
"My Favorite Recipes" tells of many ways
in which Armour's Extract of Beef may be
used. Sent free on receipt of one metal cap
gram ajar a A rmour:ailttract of
Address, ArmourLimit,I, Termite. .
Armour• s S olid
Extract of Beef
. , •
• ••109
"lean take you to a hundred
homes, right around niy store, in
which $t. George's is used."
"Von cdn ask those, whod�
- the baking, what they think of
, •
Si. GeOrge s
Baking Powder
"And every one of the hundred '
will tell you the , 'same tbat
St.' George's, 'stands every test
and never loses its strength."
. ;Yraeforfree ci))1-1, ijosr Cook Book.
National Dru thentira' Co.. o
, .tdo
.t The most psuelforth of badge' was
that of a ring of distinctive color at-
' tutted to the,upper garment Any one
. of French -Jewish ancestry will know.
that his forbears wore a. ring of. this,
sort, varyleg in size and in celor-new
red, now yellow and white i according
to ' the. %whims of muniapilitlect and ,
nionerclis, It was generally worn upon
• the breast,* and at one time it was or7
-dered7t0 he :worn likrvilse upon the
back,' so that a Sew 'might be known
found withoilt the badge; be was fined.
Evidence of the wearing Of this badge
is found as late. as 1592 In France. . The
'forefathers of the Spanish...Jews. car-
: Fled a yellow. and red badge -the Men
on their 'breasts, the. womee' on their
• •foreheada The 'Wearing :of the badge,
was not se prevalent •in Italy, but the
•'municipalities ethic& all ;required
it. The badge was known as the
"0" from ite • shape, resembling prob.
• • ahly the ring in France. English Jews
shenid feel the distinction of -haying.
: :1141 I 11:11L I
upon their ancestors.: It was first in
the form, of' aThand, first- white and:
then yellow, and later Jews were re-
quired to wear a badge with:the shape•
of the tableaot the law. In Germany
yellow badges. were worn, but here the.
• hot was the chief means of identifica-
tion, In Atistria :end in Poland there'
are few traces. of the:badge. but, IU
. Hungary Jews were.e. badge on their
left breast. It is interesting OS know
'that in Crete:at the' pretent. -day sorest
ofthe &limes Jews are marked with-.
the 4`o." --American Hebrew. ••
*Homo by a
Clears -Light
I,1:'.;•111,0. --*Y
s, •
Canadian- xiatjr. nestaret,
ill restore gray hair 'tette net ra color.
Stops aUjng halt staisda to grow ;on bald .
kende. Cures dandruff, itching, Scalp diserulea
By its use thin hair gray:13 fittuttantl$,,,'
Uri Or. gicasy ingrecliente.
Is entirely unlike any other hair prepared,.
tier, ever aroma for sale.
A good. reliable tantullan prepttratiOn.
lrueolletted TOXIMoniale.
Edith A. bailie, Missioas.ty a M., ()hut"'
Anil:OW, Egypt; arid friontlis, greatly plea:Sea
Vrith.reSults after two years' using. •
L. A. HOPet. 'Wilnero Montana, My hair
goal Vrhiskers teetered to natural oelot, de.rk
brOWM byutingCanadian Heir ROStoror.
. (Mini, 13urgcfssfille. Ont. Canadian Hair
llattiret is the best have borer need.
John ef:Trtin, gew AhereetatapeRrettia
lutditift Hair Rester.* hits Worked wonders.
heed is neatly all ceVered with thick
growth hitt& half, titiginaleOlor.
_geld by all Wheleable'and retell dittgueste,
mulled to ony address in the olVIlized world
Oh receipt of prim, 604' Manufaeturedor
• Ti;t cp,.),Nctindeor,Ontt,Cenaea,
SOld in by W. S. It
„ . .
• Clinton-
Bolmcg I t. 116vey, W. A,
McConnell, 'druggists.
Pail In CaPturing..thein Wild Birds
••In 'Former Times.
Th re are :occasional reports 'of Milan
flock •Of ,pigeons having been.
seen in different parts ot the United
.Sta s and %Canada: Possibly ;these
. he :harbingers'of their 'return from •
oath-. America, whence they migrated
for Some unknow•n reason .fiftx.,yearit .
It ma' y Wot be generally known that '
geon" :used „today arose • 2a. the.
.the soniewhat odious. term "40.-oE .pi-
-stool pigeon. tha aged to be .empioyed,
•br'. catching . wile nigetme.; fn. former •
used-te be so Plenty that
they. were taken :in great' innibera .by •
the:. use of spring bets. These nets
varied in size, hut were *pm' two to
ten -yards long and were belt as Wide.
They. were concealed as ratich as pos- •
sIble, being partly covered with hay or
straw Or Whatever was • most suitable.
At .each mid Was a strong spring, to
which ropes were attached, something
like 150 feet;long, to *here the Watch-
er was concealed. Close to the net. Was
Asitool, or stand, where the "Stool
geon," usually a tante or eaphired one,
•Was • placed. The pigeon Was 'fled by
the feet to the stool, and from this
Stool a rope extended to the persoa in
toncealtoent Wheat or some other
grain was Scattered, about the net, and
When the flock was .passing the: rope
attached to the Stool was pulled, Cater-
ing the pigeon to rise. and flutter its
Wings in 'trying to eseigia. This
trated the attention Of the passing
tech and ladueed them to light where
the grain had been scattered-7•Then A
slight , pull on, the ropes Would relent*
the Kiting to the net, Which .nalnkt be
thrown over them rio quickly that the, •
had • 110 time to 'effectile. orii�tini
tnanY hundreds Were captured in thh1
way at single hatti.-»Anrateur Spoil*
Tickling or dry &orbs Will 'quickly
loosen when uging Dr Shoop 8 Cough
Cure. And ibis so thoroughly harm-
less, that.Dr Shoop tells mothers to
use nothing else even for very young
babies. The wh'oleeotne green leaves
and tender Stems of a lung healing
mountainous shrub gives the curative
propertzeti to Dr Shoop's Cough Cute.
It calms the cough, and heals theisen.
salve bronchial membranes. No Opi-
um, no eholorferro, nothing harsh,
used to inure or suppress. Demand
Dr Shoop Take no other. Sold by
W(S W A McConnell.
OR the Doherty' bylaw il
A 'Couple of Hletorleal Example.
the Polite Art.
AU peOhle enjoy being.cempliment4
though many slay they do not. But 'CO
dente' „comes either of affectatien,
„neseor over self ConselotiOness, There
le Ile vonceivable subieet•mi wWcap.e0-
ple do ;not take pleaeure in a' well
turned compliment. They like one On
their good looks, their wit Or grace,: the
Wok's they have written, their touch
on the piano, the puddingsor pies they
Wake,their babies, their sermons, their
everything, from tbe heavens above to
the earth beneath. Ana the waters that
be under the earth. •
• Now, there Is an especial art et cornpilmehting that needs to he Studied and
• Mastered quite a0 much as. the art of
•,m1ISic Or poetry or oreterY,
rnnts should never be fulsome,. never
troweled on, ;lever open. to 4 suspicion
Of a private as to grind in the Way of
currying favor. They should be Purely
objective in the swum of having no
Other end in View than that of impart-
ing pleasure, _encouragement ond the
• recognitton of cordial. geed . will. Still,
if only humorously couched, 'there' may
be plenty of badinage And exuberant'
Imaginative exaggeration in thera,ocar-
tied* off with 'a iauglater• and play, of
sportive fancy' that will relieve theni.
from -being, eppreasiva A.ad , yet al-
ways muse they ..hOve a..
• To study the grt of cOmplimatinsf;
One needs only to fanillifirlie himself. -
With recorded instances of these who,
have been past masters in the 'way of
doing: it both sincerely and delightful-
ly.. Virheilii,fOr example, Turget, that.
aohlest•of Frenoh .statesinen and lever
of humanity, came tO Faris' to greet
• Voltaire, he Was • so piteously afflicted
With gout. la both, .legs as scarcely to
be • able to move. "As I look .on M.
• Turgot,", 'said Voltaire, "I think I see
the statue of Nebnehaduezsor," "Yes,"
said Turgot,' "the feet of clay," "And
the,• head pf gold -.-the' head ,ot gold!"
replied 'Wei:tire, Were ever gout,' de-
crepitude and the glory Of liuMan vir--
• tue Op deliciously and • magniloquently
intermingled as. in this -Imagery. front
the book of . Daniel of the colossal
statue of the tour -Assyrian dynasties-
itit feet of ,clay.. its 'thighs of brass, its
breagt of silver and -T so a ne
gold?' •. • •.
One more example.. When Sir Joshua•
Reynolds •was painting the „portrait of
Mrs. Billington, an entrancing singer
In. her day, in the charitater,of 'St. Cer
011111 listening to. the celestial Me* on
..hiehr-shO-took.-with-her-the - great com-
poser Haydn and ShoWecI him the plc-
tUre. "It is like," skid Haydn, "but
• there is a strange mistake." • "WbatIs
It?" . hastily asked. Reynolds.. -"You
have painted her liatening to the OP
gels. .You, beVe painted the
• ,.•
angels listening to her." "Mrs Billing-
ton sprang .up and threw her. arms
, •
aroimd my neck," added Haydn: What
• .worasin,with a- soul in her would •ncif,
and have clinched it with a hearty
hug? • ' • - .•
t to see the Co. made Into a pushing joint stock concern.
fbi 1ijI:4M H
1tie •Liver P111
einit Boor SIgnoturo of
Pao•Stmlio 'Wrapper Below.
Vary ismall, mut. as ses,
**Oka allesgsan
iJn 1111.1011SNESI. °
ollaWITC41STKAVIllia g •
Wad 11PurtgyVegetale.•
• Renietnber Oiat when the Stomach
nerves fail or weaken, Dyspepsia or
-4,ndigestion mast -always follow. But,
strengthen- these same weak inside
nerves-witlx-Dr- Sheop's RestoratiVe-
• and then see how quickly health will
,• again return.. Weak Heart and Kid-
ney'nerves can, also ' be strengthened
With. the Restprativ ,e Where Heart
pains, palpitation, or Kidnevlweakness
18 fOund. Don't drug the Stomach,
nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys.
That is wrong. . OO to•the cause of
these ailments, - .Strengthen 'these
weak inside nerves with Dr Sheep's
Restorative and get well.. A simple
single test will surely ten. •Sold by
WS R Holmes,•W A McConnell;
. Mexican Rapid Transit. "
7The queeieirthode of travel saw
in all Mexico was that adopted by a
.woman who was on her *ay to the
doctor, seated complacently in a chair
borne on the back of a than.? Sem'
Mexterin•women are afraid even Of the-
inule .ears, While they Idols uPOn- the
rapidly spinning trolley with such .•
trembling of.knees they cannot be per-
„guadecl, to nut tocituponit_Unable to
pay coach hire, they employ the human
carrier at a., few cents for each trlilr-•
Travel Magazine.
• Unchanged( •
"i Met Dimkey today for the first
,tinte .11i -ietirti.' He berhi't: •changed
.'"Oh, he hasn't changed at all, tett he
doesn't seem to rettiite
"Hew do you mean?! •
"Ob, he' S forever talking abont 'What
a feel be • used. to' be.'
You have heard of biscuits—and
read of biscuits --..and eaten biscuits--:
but you don't know biscuits--lintil
you try Mooney's t'orfection ream-,
Sodas. They Uri eVerything that
• the Ideilluscuits should' be.,
, The air - tight, Moisture -proof
'package brings them to you fresh,
env, inviting.
Practically every grocer in Canada
inks MOONEY'S. Yours wilLget
them if you ask. in 414 3 lb., pkgs.
tiJ (Rtil [4.t•
iblegiteit sigjd 1151
4' • 4
?•• d• LI
•r! await() CANADA
CURE ricK Hga. ACH-.
Annual Mirth of Mohammedans to the
••Tomb of Moses.
One of the strangest of all the pag-
eants which are to be Seen in Jeruscr-
lem is the animal march of the Mo-
hammedans to the tome ot Moses. To
them, as web as to Christians find
Jew's, •Meses is a prophet'of the high-
est honor. But rejecting the traditicins_,
of the Hebrews, they refuse te believew
that he was buried 14 a valley in the
land or Moab, -Us is described, in the
lest chapter oDeuteronomy; Instead
they assert that he was buried where
he: breathed his last, upon the Summit
of Mount Nebo,
Therefore each year at • the time of
the .Greek Ehster the : faithful gather
by thousands la the early Morning be-
fore the site ,fsf the temple of Solompn
1 r
break. Later the'strange. scene of quiet.
is entirely transformed. fanatics danc-
ing and preaChing.' hordes of fiervishea
whirling about in mysterioes."saceed"
.dances and handrails ,of exhorters rous-
ing the etithusilirani 'et their' fellows..
The scene is -gaudy , with hundreds. of
:red green bfinners,--end thehiby
semblance.of order in the...semiregu-
,lar organizations et, marchers. -
At last' the procession forms, with.
the banners .teirne , ahead, an • iman
. bearing the yattighint of the "Piesphet-
a short, Straight edged Sweird Used- by
'the armlets of: Mohammed,,and after
them More dancers and -marchers. •
'A large Part Of the population of Je-
rusalem gathers about the gate, out, of
which tlie procession : dims toward.
the -Mount- of Olives; •but few besides
the faithful endeavei to obtain
In the ranig-•Of marchers, since death
has often beet the penalty. of an
tempt by'A:nmi-Mehaititeedan to make
thietnarehto."Nebi-Mouca," the "tomb •
•of --Moses,": . - -
Traders .of• many • kinds invade the ••
•• camp, for. the marchers. remain ,at the
• mosque flve„ days, •and' nil their sup- -
plies mist be bought from the wan-•
• d.erltirtnerchants;.:who Make a bust;, •
nese of looking: after' their needs.'.:Aft-
• er the 'first •excitement fanaticism::
yielile.ta good:Manor,: and 'genies .and
banter fill the: ding for 4a = • 4.
have paid their .dutiee lit the tomb, •
•, • The .mosque On Neboli• one of the
most sacred •csf MohitniMedan shrines
ad-:Ont.of the most dithenu-roii-a
Christian -to approach. • •• °I. .'
An:English. traveler wlits' brought an
Oder. from the porte' was. :ifentecri4;
• mittonce, and; although in recent years
It • has become possible to enter,. it •is:
too early yet to forget the experience
of one traVeler• Who ,came bearing an
order, of adniittaitcp trim the sultan
.. • •
•..."Tiale tirmen,"" the guardian. Priest
Said, acominande hie to let You'enterthe
mcisatie.'• "Very . well; you can enter..
But think well . bete you do` so, for
i find nothing ..writtea•herd about let -
tine. von out aaaitil"
Meapuring,a.Spirit. 2
A .man of St. Joseph, • Mo., relates a
story* in conneetionwith a attititualistle.
meeting. ewe held in that' town, A
mitn, named • Daniel who Was
Some:. sIX . feet seven inches- in height,
had died receutlY.• . . •
The spirit Of •CallecOer
by • Senn? Oita iit the seance mentioned..
When it had appeared and announced
te• readine,ss. to reply to any :question,
some. one .asked: • •
. "Are you in heaven," •
."Yes," came from the Ohade of: Dan'
el., . • '
"Are Yen an angel; Dan?'
At thiff jnneture . the questlener.
paused • having apparently exhausted -
Is fund Of qnestions. Rut to the
amueeMent.of all, he suddenly added, -
'And what do you Measure from tip to
tp Den?"
• 1•44.414•444444444•44•1•44
rear of Coming to Want and the Tee*
TOlf ef Failure.
The terror of falitire and the feet Oe.
coining to want keep multitudes oe
peoPle from Obtaining the very thing.
they &Sire by sapping their intalitio
incapacitating them through Worry,
anxiety and fear, front the etreetbre.
Creative work' necessary to ghte then*
'AlUeeess. '
Wherever we ge 'Ulla fear ;hefts thin
terror Specter, etandu between Men and
their goal. No person is In Position to
d�. good work while haunted by it,
There can be no great Courage Where
there. is no Confidence or ciesarence,
and-batuo-battle is in the ettirvicticm
that We can do what We Undertake.
The mind, always full of doubts,
team forebodings, le not hi a position
to do_ effective, creative work, but is
perpetually handicapped' by thie enter-
tunate attitude.i
- Nothing will so completely paralyze
the creative power of the mind and
body as a dark, gloomy, .discouraged
mental Attitude. No great creative
work can be done by a man who is not
an optimist • 4
-The human .mind cannot accomplish
great work unless the banner of hope
goes in advance. A man wilt. follow'
thin banner when money, frienda'repii-
.tation,„ everything else has gone, --,-Sale.
cess litegazine. .
L.furrtishinga , That_ t'Affeot
Comfort of the Entire •House.
The condition of the idtchen may af-
•fect the comfort of an entire !tense, for
if took fa not good tempered the family
is apt to know it by the dishes: she
sends to. the table, For this• reason #
for no other it is the Pert of..nolicy to
make: the weinea'S workroom as con-
. .
venient and attractive as possible, and
much May be done with the pantry.
.Shelvess co4erect. with. rubber:!
not only look well, but are Mere easily
kept clean than if bare or covered with
never. The cloth can. be wiped trier'
with 4 damp rag a'nd made, 'perfectly --
fresh; -whereas. wood -requires -the use
of step and more thorongh drying. Pa-
per rumples and films to allow dust or
crumbs to get beneath. .
Vithepver is:decided Upon should be;
into •scallops. This is a -pretty finish
and also. prevents* the stuff 'fuelling Up
to become a dna trap. •'••
• A tack at each. Corner, trent and
back; is safficient to hold and should
net. be driven in far as the head,
for it is then more diffigult• to % tsnll"
when the time arrivea to remove the
covering., •
• Vegetables, such as potatoes, onions
and the like, frequently kept inithitch.
en pantry are apt to. attract bugs If •
not carefully looked After. The beet
receptacles for such eatables are .gal.;
vanizecl iron paila• which. will not warp •
or fall apart and from which the dirt
Is easily • washed. --The oblection to
having vegetables cleaned when they'
come into the houee is that water.will
often eatra_themtto-decay Wore theY-i
Took Kindly to the Water. • .
They tell this story of the experience
of two Maine boys in trying to rata
it woodchuck: •
They had tiled quite a number of
times to capture the animal, but fin.
"successfully. At bust they depided to
drown • him ,outi so, Procuring four
each took two, and they carried
Witter for two solid. hOut and„poured
ft into the hole ht the ground in which
the fetid chuck had takes” up his abods.
chards tired; they sat down. After
abotit half an bour the Weodehuek
Catitionsly left the bele iind deliberate -
V walked down to the brook end took
a long drInkof Water and then mooted,.
'oath to the disgust of the two boyi.
Otoklit Cotton Root. compouna
viiel great Uterine Twee,
ordy safe effectual Mont
I •
ItegttlatOMVIOhja ., . .1 .1 oars
depend, sold in three • ....
of 'etrt:ngth- -NO, I, tilsi
10 degrees stronger ;
Hold by al d ate, or
for ,speelalleaS084 de
tild On ph of IS
ptuttphillt. Addrele
°MINIS. OM. liaringirkW
n be used. •14AfatMearaift.-
...1f, as le the arse- ip some summer
• houses, the& is no* pantry, More effan
will be required to 'make. shelyes in
•the kitchen look Well and be neat; Old
'window shades will d� both -of these.
To accompligh this cut the roll from a.
Curtain and Measure it the length .tif
• the shelves:.•
• Fasten the brackets to the shelf so
that a. white curtain. tacked to the
roller .will hang • close. at at either side
1-. and -overlap it ,aholitone inch. •Fasten
ring_to--the-slat in the :hem of. the
certain to pull it down and raise by,.
and you will. be 'eurprised to see how
long y.pa can. keep it clean and lio*
nice it -will look. •• • •••
• If you want the' cupboard dark to4
help in _keeping out:Bleb, use. .a dark
colored curtain • out ide Of hit
one and tacked with it to the shelf . and
roller. This makes a very: neat little
Cupboard and iseasily kept Clean; as.
the • white- curtains only require to be
soaked •a fewhowl in warm Slide and
• then boiled, -rinsed, dried pressed and
returned to the shelves clean.
If the 'shelves and the walls behind
• them are painted white, the. paper may,
-disponsed-witbd:tile"Care-or the-
, cupboard will be much lees, :as the Driea epples(for:a shorttimett highest price!. .Terms Cosh or ftynaucelfsE(7.•
Changing of paper is more bother than TAM OFFER- We would stip I •farmer's with • Cottonade • Denims Shirtin g
The 100 Nreur OM Cough Cure
If the duvet is "mw," -chest sore• -•-bad c001.1
-and you ache all over "-take •
Bole's Preparation of
Friar's Cough Balscirri
Beet thing you, ever tried, • It eases the tbroat-haals the lungs -break* ,Isp a *dr.
son'd cures a cough in no time,
Prepared by the largest wholesale drug Ilease In the world from. the room**
me for over at century, Big bottle, ne, At druggists,
• alw."
NATIONAL onua 4 CHEMICAL Co., Luang° . , . i„oaloori, 057.
levoalincoi-mweiRaNify. (KR Tatisethesed Mot* ttsfaso
Olt al mat laws mica lo Ito* tbak Swath. tar% Marys oat giro* hi good
olden aseiSier saw Smith sedsiteralese, ,
Libt "NATURE'S ItithilIZY" Yea, Doctor.
Taki a tablei POW and dant It WI lawy4eie sYSAIS Weis goot ostratito that
•amiss asset aka Every tea k grenewei sighs satIsfacetwarr Xs purchase
Sod b
o y, Clinton
is only. another way of saying Antbition.'-:„ We all are
ambitious—we . all want to reach the top, , but if the Brit
'few rungs- in the -ladder of success are 'nosing, it's pretty •
hard to get_a foothold, isn't it?• ' •'
•Begirt right and 'attend the FonasT Calf
'SHORTHAND COLLEGR. Nothing is taught that is not needed
in business life. The rungsore all in ma ladder, and when
--- you graduate you stand alone on a firut foutsdatioa., •
, Busineu and Shorthand Work our' special*
Writs An it esialig ! tras , '
• 3411941 tam t Septensix .4 till „hiliat
• •••;,,,.
Forest ,City Business , Collegk
L -1481-0-1N--- Save 00 per e
' Why buy patent Emulsions of Ord Liver Oil, when you can get our. ow&
• Make at exactly half tbe price? Our own is 26e and 50c. Patent Emaleno,
are 50e and $1.00., The Patent Efaaulsibus are not _guaranteed': •We absolutely
• guarantee ours to Contain 50 per bent. pure Norway Oil, combined with .tke•
-proper amnia of Hypophosphites.. •If is palatable and. easy to take. and one
of the best reniedies for Tuberculosis, Bronchitis, deep seated Coughs and.
Colds, or in 'tiny condition where a powerful nutrient tonic is required. ,
J .
110vEY Teeemist, CLINTON.
. • .
Stili .TO The Front
millte known to.you that Weare peepared to serve you better than ever
the ehanee of Banks does not affect us; the point with us is to supply your.
wants: We have an immense variety -to choose from.: e ean meet any COM?'
petition is a legitimateway., We want your oustoul and. can make maters ,
-pleasant and profitable for you, Try us totDry Goods, • Groceries, Boots and
-Shoes, RubberscLeggings,-Sox;ReibeerlilanketrOittrdware, Salt in barrels or
sacks, Coal stove and nut. We will take your Cash,•Butter, ge Tallow arid
I• wiping off the shelves with "a cloth NVeapperettes Flannelletts, hite and Grey Cotton, Prints; S ' I '
g •
wrung from suds. •. ' these geode co'uld, be made up in the sleek. time, anti allow yon to bring in your '
pqo s. etc., as
• the
_Cretonne le sofnetitnee need for the butter, eggs, ete., later on. shelves and is very pretty for per -
I . Emporiuni
Pose, especially if there la a. small .•
stand with a sewing basket or book 013 Londesboro Jan 20/03
, .
It and.an- easy rocker with -enshlon of
the cretonne pear it.Thlkis, of_e_ollM__.
for the -kite -hen where there Is Plenti
of room to sit in comfort,• an!mum'
thing these days. •
• A Convenient Possum.
• An old negropreacher gave as hits
text, "De tree is known by his fruit,
an' hit des onpossible ter shake de
possum down.," • •
After the benediction an old brother
said to hint. ••
"I never' knOWed hefts' dat such a
text wtia In de Bible.", •
"Well," admitted the preacher "hit
ain't 'xactly sot down datavrais
. 1,
th`owed in de poesnm ter hit de Intel-
ligence er my congregationi"--Atlante
Stop That ,Cold
To *heck early Midi' or Grippe With “PreVentict
Means euro defeat for Pneumonia. TO stop a e0/11
With Proventies Is safer than to let it run and be
obliged to cure it afterwards. To he sure. Pre.
venties will cure even a deeply seated eOld. btli
taken early -at the sneeze stage -they break, oe
goad off these emir colds. ,That's surely bettor.
That's why they are called Preventies.
Preventiesare RUM Candy Cold Cures. No Qtda.
ine, no physic, nothing sickening. Nice for t
children -and 'thoroughly safe to, If you f
thillY.if You sneeze, if you ache all over, think
Preventies. Promptness may AlSO save half yet*
tonal sickness. And don't forget your child, X
P.ere is feverishness, nightor day. Herein prob.
Eiy lies I reventies' greatest elliefenry. Bettie
boxes for e Docket, also in Me boxed Of ea
Yeller% India °X your druggists giVIng FOX
Advert!se in
t enters more homes than any nt
• paper in the district.
The undersigned Will not be responsible
for any., debts eontraoted. in . bis name,
without a written order, •
(.31A.S, H. CURTAIL, NO. 57, North St
• Nan Wanted.
Wanted, good .reliable man, to take
chortle of farm, joie; as it Amide, and run
It for a year on salary. To competent
party, tide It a iplendid °hence. Apply,
by mail, Or in person to NE'W BRA,
4100,4 netiri10% •
Having diapered of my Grocery hnelneie
to.10, Linder, I bespeak for him the same
generone patronage that has been accord-.
ea me for the pad 19 years, '•
Parties having ont.standing accounts
will obligeby nettling at once.
' J.
°Tinton,. Mitrell 0, 1908.
Executor's Sale 01 Farm
The undersigned Executor offers for
Sale porta of lots Nog, 17 and 18, 00n, 8,,
Iltillett TO, containing 81 mores, more or 4
less, , Fall plowing end lenWing done. 4
Perm and buildings la good condition and I
NATNIEL sAtmpEncooxi . 4
SteentOr• tiondesboro. 1 4
repair. For pitriftelare. apply teHA.. . 4
W. BEYDONEcSoliolior, Clinton. One, L
Onee0o;essoelilgotpoEuxntrr stDaueadeal
Pour -ounces' Coluliottnd Syrogi
Sarsaparilla; •
Mixed and taken in teaapooaful
dosesafter eaehlimal and at bedtime,
is pronounced by a prominent physi-
Clan tobe the -best mixture for the
netirrinets07f thenkblidene.e.y, bladder, and 'ail '
This stye the doetor, is the Mist
simple though remarkable prescrip-
tion ever written to deans* the
system of iminiritiel and Waste
matter. 11 sot* a* a powerfit NW°
to the kidneys, forting theta to filter
out tile adds and pUone, overman.
log rheumatism, lame batiks StkitiOA
and other ofilletions arieing hem
sottr, impure blood, •
• This ingredients otta be protons" at
any good drug stOrts, mid being peel,
Vagetehlis And entirely Initials*, ale
easily Ise nixed at home.
* yea him *metering' Meng deur
this WI Ids, lie he will isadisebtedlit
be pleased to learn of so simple eat
highly recOMMeraled a tiatedy.