HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-02-27, Page 8r
SaluIMIag,... 29111
Two o y days ofbig 'Remnant selling,
Remnants of all kinds;. gathered from all.
over the store, and .marked at quick -march
prices for Saturday and Monday, A, sale,
. such as We have been `holding, means rem-
em-n nts by the scare. ' Nbw we want to clear
them out, each and every one. They willbe
divided into 5lots,put 'on to bles,apd you can
.take your choice of each table at one 'price,.
Tabl No. 1; Choice02 G
■ 5 C
.able No.Iz
Choice -oc .
• f 5
3, h , l c .750 `•
4, Choice $1
'.will •contain"a"collection
prices, of whichjwe have
any one price:" Come and:
is a remnant in. the lot
surely .get a' BARGAIN.
kinds, from every de-
., •
h- br N
Table No.
Table No:..
of remnants at various
not enough to group•=a.t
look them over. - If there
you can use, you vkill
Remember, remnants e►f'all
partment in the store..
Speials in GinghaMs and
Save on your Spring buying, in prices of Gingham's
and Prints A 1 qualities. here, good patterns too.
All at saving prices:
Prints at. IOe
Hundreds of yards . of them, extra good quality •
English prints, dark and light colorings. large and 1 fin
small patterns, very special at per yaad. •. . , Utr••
Fob. 27, I;R
FRIDAY, FEB •2'l, 1
Local Notices. ` ,
1)R. OVENS, London. Surgeon, Ocu, I
let, Speciallat, will be at W. S. R
Holmes' Drug .store, ,on Thursday. ;
,Feb. 27th, Glasses properly fitted,
deafness, catarrh and failing eyesight
.treated. i
Last week of demonstration of Lip-'
tan's Tette, Coffees and Jellys, -Friday^,*
each pircha ser of two pnunde of Tea,
gets one pound'. of Lipton's Best toffee
FRE E`.. ---AT J. W. IRWIN'S, IN'S. .
° &an 4400,
A. FINE FAltiil--The splendid farm
belonging the estate of the late
Tarries Farr, will he offered for sale by.
auction, on Maroh25th. There is no
better farm in Ontario, a and to any one
wanting n, farm of 200 acres, two betc.er
chance will be offered, .
FAT AND LEAN—A good crowd.
attended the exhibition game of Hock-
ey at the rink last Friday naght, and
there was "heaps of fun" as efforts
were made to score, which stood 5.•5.
Play was sometimes. fast, and snnte.
times •furious,• but always good -neat•
....INTO-1hA,NKING}—MrLeonard How=
on, son of Mrs John Taylor, of town,
has just been made President of the
Farmer's. and Merchants Bank, at
Rona, N.D. The vice-president. Mr
Gaipes, is from Waterloo. while the
Secretary, Mr, Graham, is•from Acton,
showing wherever they go, Canadians
.progress and anal bold the best pee-
ittoxIED ..
DIlY GUELPH -On • Saturday:
last, Mr Andrew Plater, of Goderich.
received word of the unexpected death
of his. sister Lizzie ---Mrs Wyatt, ,of
5 Brampton, whichoccurred at Guelph:
She had undergonean operation there
and was recovering therefrom, when
she contracted aneuw:onie, which re -
suited in her death. She had 'only.
been married four months. Her . old
friends here witLheafr of her death
with deep regret. , •
J Taylor, insurance and real estate
agent, has now got comfortahty Set-
tled in new office adjoining theNew
Era. It is divided into two rooms,
each being' 14 feet square, , the front
one being a reception room,,while the
Tear one is Mr Taylor's private office.
The wood° -work was done by Mr T Mc-
- Kenzie,' the brick and cement work by
. Messrs D' Prior, and HHilt. The office
is heated by'furnace, lit by electric!
light, Antibes telephone connection.se
1, that it is in every .respect up -to -,ate, '
and, one of the most ccinplete' in the
cr; town. .The • office adjoining has not
yet been rented, though Mr Taylor
has several applicants :for it, , • : J
Giughii us at i•Lis '
Plain and checked Gingham, blues, reds, pinks,
black and white, etc, Splendid range of patterns and
fast colors. Inc values at the least. Special at per -1 2
yard .... d
2Uc Gingham's at 16c
Genuine ficatch Gingham, big. variety ot fancy
stripes and checks, WI colors, sold --the country over .inn
at 20c. Specialpriceper , , . , . Mr*.•
P yard
Extra Fine Gipghams ,at t9e
' Ginglrms, extra rquality, beautiful designs in
• stripes and checks. pinks, blues; reds, browns, blacks,
etc. suitable r Waists, es ,
t fo dr ses or children's wear.
Regular 25c, special now 9e
A Saving on. ' Cotton .Prices'
yard,tot.. „ 1 ' u .
• ..,..A:..saving on.:euery y . _ .a•. 1. > Q...t .;:,.,-.
that. Test the matter yourself; and you will
prove it.. No'need topaythe regular rice for
g p
your Spring supply.
English s art 7
English Cotton, good quality, strong and service- ..1p
able, very special at per yard 1 £Y
12i3 English Cotton toe
Full yard wide, clear even. finish,- nice round
thread, splendid cotton for general nse.- : Regular ;. J OR
1'2ic, special per yard
i Y
Eu lish Cambric t'2 e . a
Very fine quality English Cambric, especially
suitable for fine Underwear, imported by ourselves 1'q]
direct, clearing at per yard .. , "• i L2G -•
India Lawn Hie
Fine quality real IndiaLawn,•sheer iioish,. suit-
uit-able' for Waists or Underwear.—,Extra-s -eeial-at- eta
yard ...-. ......
p.. '
25e India Lawni9+ r
200 or 300 yards still to sell. li,egular. 25c India
Lawn. You Will pay-that_for..it Anywhere. While ....
the lot lasts, you can buy it here at per yard...,...,.
Thos 'Whaley, a former.' well-known
resident of Clinton, died at the home ,
of• -her d,tu :hter;-Dr- Harriet Foxton
Clarke, at -Billings, -Montana on Sun. =
day Feb 16th, at the age of 78 years.
It will be remembered that she 'lost a
sonand two daughters by the ill -fa ed, ,
Victoria disaster in London, some
years ago, and ; her remains were
brought here on Saturday, for inter-
bythe side of her children. Mrs •
DrClarke' and another 'daughter ac-
companying them ...Among those
who attended .the funeral, was I
The friends a)f Miss 1daMurphy' will
be sarrY .to learn that Alia is seriously
Mr Will Lindsay has rented the
h useof Mr Adana
er, High
Svhisiettto. 'linton and Gesierich, ou Eat,
George Ifodgens made a business
Mrs ETurner, who has been con.
lined to her room for a coupleof weeke.
is improving.
David Lindsay, son of Mr J .H Lind'
say,who has been here on a visit, re-
turned on Tuesday, to Alberta, •
Mrs Skier's wether, who has been
very ill for the past two weeks, we
are pleased to hear, is .improving,
Last Thursday afternoon Mrs V, R.
:Davis, 51itcheli; entorte ined in honor
of her guest,.Miss Hine, of Clinton.
The furnishing stock of A R Snaith
has been sold to S It Witinsky, Taran-
to, who has moved the same away.
While walking on the street, on
Tuesday' livening, Mr R Hunt slipPed
down, breaking his leg above the
Writ Cook, a Goderich to pioneer,
who died on'Friday, was the grand.
father of Messrs Robt and Lock.Qree,
town, .. •
Victor Goodwin has sold hie tame
wolves whiea be brought home from
Saskatchewan, to air American Natur-
alist•at at, good figure.:. •
AA, wheel coming-offa shaft in the
woeks of the 'Electric. Light Co on
Tuesday, caused the •shuttInr down of.
the Knitting Factory for,an hour, on
Mr James' Shepherd, of Townsend
St, can boast of the earliest new rhu-
barb, be having sent some excellent
samples to the New Era. It was grown
undeir coyer.. ;
Mdr James Mc' Math was -called to
Dungannon last week owing to the,
serious illness of his mother, whose
advanced • years makes ultimate re-
eoyery.doubtful., .
FuMllrartaoind, Mspesnwtharedir Jhaaocknsenm; 000nf
''sere last w.eek, the' guests of Messrs
W C Searle and' J Mcrflacherty, to
the latter of whom they, are related.
Rev W 0 &annait, Secretary of the
Ontario Branch of the Lord's Day
Alliance will addreee a union Meetitlia,
iu the eeho0l•roout of . Wesley church,
on Monday evening next. The pnblie :)
ie Invited,
MODEL SCHOOL— The statement
of Run Mr Whitney, that the Model.
Schools • will not be abolished for
atiothen year, is im rtant as
It affeote the welfare of all places
where such schools -are in existence.
The srnowstorttaa of thismonth lave
proved costly to the railroad conven-
t* as well as troublesome to their
patrons. Among other iters, some
2,000 feet of portable snow fence has
been constructe'l at Gpderiarh by the
C P R and is being sent out.along the
Guelph- and Goderich Railway to:pre-
vent driftin
SUPPJ R --It is
expected that the supper of the Busi-
ness. Mini's Association, which was to
have been held on. Fridayof th's week
will t e"held in the . Donnell chamber
next Tpesday night; a full attendance
of all business men is particulari•v de.
sired, as some matters of importance
are to be discussed,
BRIEFS --A freight engine was
breaking dow.a a couple of mi'es from
Blyth, on Tuesday demoralized the.
passenger service of the L H & B, the
afternoon train south, not going
through until Wednesday, and. the
storm demoralized the service in the G
T R. , ..Bogs have goaie down to 84,80
,.L'arge quantities of ice are being
laid in for the summer Claudia lit
Co, the new dry goods firm,make their
how to the public this week ,Re u.
lar meeting of, Council nekt Monday
night..: , .. Weather permitting,a •earr,.
nivel will be held on the Olintpn Rink
Thursday evening of next week,
:.Messrs Srnidt and Flaxburn, both of
whom have been in the Hospital for '
some time, were able to return this
week. Mr B P Sibley, also an inmate °
for a couple of weeks, is .fully.recovet--. _.
ed. • • . , .
. Mr Matt Brown, who has for many
years been one of the "engineers on the
:L. H.'& B. express train, is retiring in
accordance' with the Grand • Trunk
pension fund, -whish went into force
on the. first of the year,
Etter Sunday, `the :church festival.
, ranking ; next -to Christmas, will he
late this year; falling on April • 19th.
Lastyear it came on March 3t0, and
IT,ent-_begau-:An_Feb 13th Thie year
.Lent_begms 4th, __•-
,This refers to the famous Perry pictures,, a good
as .ortment (250) of which we now have on display at
3c, 5c and 10c. They are truly unusual in merit, being.
reproductions of many of the world's .masterpieces and
many subjects are „printed in a, :beautiful photographic
brown, or sepia tone, on rough paper, resembling
of expensive art photographs. '1o know their superior-
,tty, you require
to. see them, when we" thing you will
agree that to possess one or more is much greater :value,
than is indicated by the cost. It requires a dark mat-
ting to properly display them, which will cost 5c extra:
for the 3c. and se size, and roc ezttra for the lea size.
See. them in north window.
acrd Fir Go,
Often the, CheaP"est.Always ,the Best.:
nkrupt. Stock o
The Poultry Assn meeting . Monday -
evening next, promises to be the most
interesting yet held, Rhode Island,
Reds, of which there is a; large class,
will be in. ,competition •:: Last year's
:~members are urged to renew, in order •
to he eligible 'to•coni.pete,in. any com-
petition. . Remember the Sweepstake
Show, :March'16th. A list of the prices:;
will be published next week.
ster, of Aurora.. Under her
maiden name of :Mies Jean Dickson:. The uniform promotion .examine.
she was for some tune a teacher in the r titans; for the county of Hnron will.be
,t'ublic Seboot•here. She is a cousin of held. On Thursday and Friday. April
Mrs Wesley Walker; 6f Walser and' 9th and loth. 1908, Examination t
Ross; ' A :brother of'. deceased
'aged ,Pa ers'will beprepared forthe juni.r
86 years,was• alsopresent, :having and senior divisions .or 11 and 111 •
come from rrockville.
Rev Mr Jolt•classes and junior IV clam. A 'post-
1ide conducted. the services. • .I card,: sating the' number' of papers re
to 'tileuired fublic school inspector • befosere
funeral of Miss'Wasman, daughter of March 10th,
Mr J P.: W asman, which took place on
TFritfs:y°hist,waslargely.>attended,:Rev ,In this: month, of snow and ice,would •
Mr'Kerr, of whose church:; she was a • you believe it, It you were -t irctOf the'`=`
deveted:Member. was; not. able to take t pretty little woodo where the flowers.
thefuneral, which was 'conducted by could be seen1" It is nerd' to iiaggine:;.,
:Rev Ru ere of Seaforth,.a former' pas. " such a'thing, and yet it' is :true, The
tor. of the family. Some 'beautiful .Bluebells are dancing. and > inging,the•
floral tributes ,'Were contributed by "Bu'tter-cups tellby its . power,.;
foimer.associates:' nd friends as fol ., whether we like butter, and the "Rose'' •
lows: •-- wreath, employes of Jackson ! wiser than the rest tells of sorrow to
Mfg Co.,, wreath, Ontario St Sunday -_ the •ane who lingers, by the way. Alla:
School; Sheaf, Onterio•Street Leaague; this you can See.inthe prettiest scene ,
spray, five of her friends;.' spray,., Mrs of;the "Red Riding Hood Operetta,.
Fred Wasman, Brodhagen; Baguets, in the Town Hall March 3rd, 1903. '•
Mrs Smitn,11;rs Robt . Etty, Misses
:.Hattie Courtice . and Luc Stevens,
1Vlisses Rena and Emma -Pickett' and
Pearl: Dunford. The pall -bearers were
—Percy' Couch, PerryPluresteel, Louis
Manning; blip Hooper. and John hl}ip-
ley.: Among friends from a. distance
were Mr and Mi,s Robt Etty, Mrs Jno. •
Ellison, :Mrs ,Geo.Ratz.: Wm Statton,
all of Mitchell; Mr end Mrs J Eckmier
arid Mrs Diehl, of :Broadhagene Chas.
Pollard, Brussels; Mrs Jahn, Robb and
-Mrs R Bosman_Bluas:'aleLMiss .Thome
and Mrs Raankie, Seaforth; Chas : Wee=
man, BT ucefield
- Mr and Mrs Wasman desire to ex-
. pros
x--press their sincere an' heartfelt g at=- --iH•-Shaw,--PdncIiral -=
tuiTeiTlir'any friends who render •
ed to diem invaluable assistance in
•various ways, during 'their recent be-
More Specials ,for. Saturday
More Specials, that mean savings for people who
buy them : ° • '
50e Corset Cover Lmbroidery 39e
Genuine Swiss Corset Queer Embroidery, neat
• patterns, good quality, regular 50c, nperial. Saturday
per yard•
.. , •' ,
,Daces, 3 yards for 10c
l`3ot •
o'£ ii Trife aces, "English make, atesbited.
widths, Regular 5c, clearing at .,,.. ,3 yaiirds toar.
EmbrohIenes 5c •
Hundreds of yards of Muslin and Cambric Em-
broidery, assorted widths, regular 8e and 10c, clear-•
ing oft at, per yard
25e Cottonade .19e
Heavy striped Cottonade, several good patterns,
qualities that sell all at 25e, Clearing how at a 19c
per yard .., , ... , .4644•
Can 'We; Interest Von i11 a Pur. Coat?
If you have the slightest thought of buying Fur -lined or
Fur Coats, even next winter,we a:an make it pay you-ta tlo the
buying a little,ahead, We have Six or seven Ladies' 1!'ur-linod
Coats that are extra choice, and eight or nine Astraehan and
Electric Seal Jackets. We'ttre anxious to sell these garments,
and are prepared to make a' very tempting offer to any buyer,
As we said before, if you have any thought at all of fur buying,
come in and talk the matter over with us,
worth of up*to=date City Men's Furnishings,: sold
tinder the hammer, and purchased.byus at a
Enter Any pay.;:
'Meter term in all departments
0. the Central Business College,
Toronto, offers splendid chances
for spending a few .months ,
root -ably: 25---
teachers,:.Catalogue free. Write
•for it,
'Kongo Bc aGerrard'Sts,,Toronto;
rate on the dollar. Stock' only ,five
month's• old`=all new good
C _
eat Siau .hter, 'Sale of above' stock'starts-
g .►y, . Feb..
`let Exceptional chance •to bu F'nrnishln s atweat
savi ng . D0N T: MISS • IT
25c Silk Ties .19e
Men's silk four-in-hand bow and '
str:ng ties in all the. newest.designs.
and lregular 5
,colors, z5 _ for • . . e' •
50p. 'lk T'•
.350 ., ..:. .
Men's four-in-hand puff Ascotands
fiowii g end silk ties in all the new
est shapes and colorings, reg $oz 35c:•'
• Men's and boys' rubber .collars
Y r 1
all shapes, all sizes regular P gular 2oc,:... 112
15o :Linen: Collars•. 9c
Men's. and boys' three-ply:linen col-'
.ars, : in --all. the , popular : shapes,
sizes, regular. r5c'.for •
25e :i ubber Collar; .19ci.
• Men's rubber :collars, Arlington
brand, best quality, in all,the pop-
ular shapes, all` sizes, regular 25c 19c.
5Oc Fancy Braces 35C
Men's fine web,' extra quality trim-:
med• braces in all the newest colors,
regular 5oc for ::. 35c.
Men's Fleece • .lined underwear
heavy quality; ° all sizes regular soc. •
'50e Boys Underwear
r$ oys:=fkeece-lined--under Casal -pool
quality, ; all. sizes, regular 40c an
5oc earirig ;at
.` nd
TJ erw ar
• ,::Men's wool, fleece -lined Under-
wear, reg. 75c,. all: si' es ;,., 50e
Men's Shirts
75c Men's Shirts ;.:;hoc
$1.00 Men's Shirts ......;....75c
$1,25 and $1.5O.Men' Shirts :$1.00
$2.00 Men's Shirts $t 25,
•5oc Working Shirts
Working Shirts... ... ....:.:. ..::„:5oc
$1.00 Working Shirts 75c
M"en's Arm ands 6c
een” Tollar Button .;; . for 5c
Men's Cuff Holders:... ...-..,$c
Men's Tie Pins . ............',..,..,. .... .;..:..1sc
Linen -Collars --
Men's pure four-ply—linen collars,
W.G.& R. make,:in all the leading t
shapes, all sizes, regular 20c for
\Ale Stand Sack of
fur. Shoes.
1f an unworthy pair finds place in our stock„
it's not your fault and not your • loss. .Our Shoes
are made in such a way, from such, stock, that
there is no excuse for anything but entire satisfac- ',
tion: ' ' We seldom"`'have a complaint, and never' a
alis -satisfaction ; , we•don't do. business that way.
Our Shoes are fashionable, • durable and ' acomfort- •
able, and you' pay only- forthe Shoes nothing
for name: "
A larger stock than you uivally see, and
lower prices for thesame quality than you ever.
tun across: 4.•
NEW e BL.A-C1I . VUt
In •Thain and Resilda Stripes. Early lira lural!; Indic ting Correct
Styles . for Springland Summer, 19081
' Stripes are the dominant• features --the keynote --of every clash, and • there. are
few materials in 'which stripes1 of some sort, are totally excluded. There are single
stripes, double stripes, tape stripes, fancy braid stripes, and on tol the -wide giant
stripes, strong and fashionable. These are in Voile,:with Resilda stripes, also self.
stripes and all Resilda stripes. WHAT IS RESILDA ? A mohair and silk mix-
ture, "liglt in weight and close weave, ;a goods not transparent-, and requires. no
'special Atop skirt; ' This material is finished in such.a manner as,to.render it .non-.
crushable, more . lustrous than silk, • permanent' .and called Resilda,,.
These stripes are also woven on Wool Voile,.. creating very netv and handsomestyles. They are 44 inches wide, and per yard 15e, 85c, $1.00,: $11.25 and $I.50.
.'slain Wool Voile and Etarniinne.
These are lit greater varietyof weaves this season and Clore popular and
fashionable than ever, We have them from Priestley,'s, and Tinsel' makers of high -
Class,; black Dres's Coods, in the fine crisp, woven meshes, the medium and on to
the heavy mesh- etamine weaves, Of the rnultitudeof these new, things w'e' have
notspace to tellyou ail, but corpse and i
see ; all are interesting.; they are 44 to 46
,iaches,wide, and, per'yaxrd 40c,1' e.85 •$10O..-abd $1.0.
we CAN _i,NT RE ST-.VOtt.1--.-.
Fred. -Jackson
Boots and Shoes. •
.• Trunks " •rhd Valises, •