HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-02-27, Page 4• 0 MC •CUM* NIN Feb, 27, iO8 •••••1 nweseentettiestieit :_sait..niet.sgesenteerinvientsonsteses . • we place 0.11 display all our New Spring %pods, including Dress Gaols, Muslin's, Embroideries, Laces, Coat; Lawn Waists, Whitewear, Ribbons, Prints, etc., etc., and it will be well worth your while to come to this store and spend half -an -hour in looking over the ri!,w things, .We'll be glad to spare the 'time in showing. you all the neiv goods for Spring, even, if you are not prepared to buy for some weeks yet.••-;* V.F.lfassiss-s,sis • ss, Rempapt D Saturday. •Saturday next will be Remnant .DaY at this store and you may :e. come expecting theBIGGEST BARCAIN SURPRISIE you have ever had. We've gathered ' remnants from every deRartment of the ' store, and they will be marked so low . you will be more than surprised. Come in the morning,- if possible ;—you won't regret it Goods .on sale include —Dress -Goods . Velvets gibbons Laces Embroideries haudkeribiefs Hosiery Underwear orgets- 0Ioves Fancy Collars Neckwear • :.Belts ‘. Flannelette Wrapperette Table Linen Blankets Toweling .cottonss'ete. • Two Millinery Apprentices Wanted. -RAlkili .1iIi The new liattenbury llottse One , way Colonist Excur- sions to the West. Coromenoing Feb. 291b, and oontinu. Ing daily until April 291b, 1008. • To the following *400. Ivoicoviver , vtotortit , Seattle Sae !Vendee° * Loa fingenew Tsaar Meow . , spro:",orsionntIty vateta nine sold to tithe* certain sell'ase*yon7ItnictskeintePalvtPlic:41:Pw'n office, Tiokete and fall infOrmation may be obtained from Town Agent. Mir. and avoid delay at depot. • ' kl, R. 110DGENS, Town Agent. t/.114 q V .. 4 ... 01•0..00.04...}.1 ............ START ANY TIME Get your training in. the School t t that is qualided to give you best I results. . I song mom -amiss 'clam. ,y(Inge sae wean 8te Toronto, • 5 T.M• WATSON.Princieni, .. ...... ... ,.„ .... .. hotelpft ... .... 81,%O. ... ... Bayile.ld Bridge • Under otirBayfield beading hi' cOln- Mamie/Won referring' to the eposed new.bridges• lbat shou'd, ciaitn the at- tention of the Road CoMmissioner and County Coencil. If, as•thete awed, it is the, intention .te erect a 14 foot. • bridge, a Mistake is tieing Made that slionld- not be ellOwed. There is too much travel in and out of Reynold for Any such obstruction of the highWa,y. We are informed that • the reason for erecting a 14 foot bridge there instead of a in foot, is because the abutments are not strong ' enougli,. . the County of ituron an b.etter afford to • erect new ablitilients than to !noon's - mode the.punliefor..an tune to come. 'The • robtO News predicts that if the Legislature can ' get through its business by Easter, the Local elections will be held on sit before. AIM) MiAS/111Nky 41+41141,116,10101,1, tirCti Chimes: BAPTIST Rev Mr Price,,who was redently in- vited to the pastorate of the church here and on the base line. has declined the same. baying accepted a call to Listowell. Rev Mr Origg, missionary, will of - Adak° here for the next two Sundays. WILLIS A scotch sooial, under the auspices of the W M will be held on the even- ing of Thursday, March 12th. in the school room. Both the program and the refreshments will be "Scotch. WESLEY • . • and Ur E Hawke in 'the evening. Rev Mr Greene will take the service next Sunday morning, and Mr Hawke in the evening. SALVATION 'ARMY -•••••••••.. Special meetings will be hold in the Salvation Army barrack! next Satur- day, the 20th, at 8 pr m; .4.'War . with the Indians of B 0," Will be the sub- ject of a lecture delivered in the halt by Staff•Caption ,Hay, who will also be here for Sunday.and will hold spec- ial 'meetings at 11 a. m. and ,7 p; M. • There will be an enrollment of soldiers on Sunday 'night. .All are. cordially invited to these meetings, • The Quarterly Doard of the Blyth Methodist church invited RevMr And- erson for the fourth. year. . The official 'Anal of the Walton The anniversary services of this Methodist Churches have given the church will be held on Sunlay March pastor, Rev Mr Currie, B A., a cordial Sth when Rev' Dr Briggs, manager of invitation to return fora third year. -the, Book Room, and one ot the best' A unanimous invitation was extend. preachers in the connection, will - --- ed to the • pastor' of -the :Methodist spreachmorning anit.eveising. s• _ .... tiburclirs-Kintardine;-..RevE W Lecke,- _ Miss Akam rendered a solo at the', ..,„niain a fourth y er, e but he declin- -evening service last Sundayt which r''''''' -was naueh appreciated. ,,, . the- pastorate - of Hope Methodist ed, and bas accepted' an . invitation to .1It S wIll be celebrated by a• Frobi.xl in .., . : The Silver.Anniv.ersar_y of , he W. teh,ereh_. Beer Toronto*. _ s lug. A good program is promised. , ada has appeinted the Rev G,R Turk, lite schol-room, this Thursday even- 1 • The /tome Life Association Of Oan. n.. . sday next, March 1, will be, morning - Rev W 3 Jollifre's subjects for Sun- t_./.1",fcminer Bv.11.nrhst.‘" 8°0er-in-ten' . pens or agencies or t e aseociation, with headquarters at t e- Rome Life 41"rue Painsietrio f evening - "G°ci'" bung, Toronto: • Standael ertudgnietat. Ali welcome, , .. Rev Stephen Bond, who is well WILLIS • • known to citizens here,ha,s declined an Tho ssailos Ohojr(somposed of Mem- inVitation to remain another year AS hers of the Sunday School) furnished pastor of A.twood Methodist Church, mousiest thfinorning service on Sun. having come to the eonciusion that he .day liust. The singing of this choir will retire at the'end of the preatant of young voices, under the direction eonference year,after 52 years ef active air the organist,W Glenn Campbell is work. . • , much lapprecia'Wd by the congrega. The following newspaper desPatch, tion. ' •from Minsico, refers,too former pas- ' Mr Roy Goodwin, of Fullartorsassiet. torof the Smith's Hill Presbyterian aid in the /pastern part of the evening church and • brother -in -Ian, of Dr. service. Mr Goodwin possesses a sweet Gann, of Clinton:- The congregation tenor vole, as was manifested in the Of the Miraieo Presbyterian church at rendering of a very fine duet • with meeting. tonight unanimously 'decided Mrs Campbell, I • Thone who were present at the even. ing sesrvide will not soon forget the ,powerful sermon preached by :Rein Dr'Steurart. • :• ST' PAUL'S ' The operetta, Ited Riding Hood. to -be rendered by theseholara ofSt Paul's ...Sunday Schoolam.the evening OfTnes. day. March 8rds, promises to be an in. terestingentertainment. The A. V PA -Orchestra will also be present. !' ST JOSEPH'S Tenders are being invited for the -erection of the new Othureb,partieulars of which will be found in Our advet- ;Using column* Rev Fr Hanlon was in Woodstoelt, this week, Where he WAS essaistink in the Party Hour's deyotion; he also -at, tended a conference of the priests in •the London diocese, at London, ONTARIO STREET Mr Sydney Belcher, of Godentch, slain sing in Ontario Street efritreii on. Sunday evening. Owing to Mr Xeres! throat trouble, be winl not able to take his work last, Sunday,nor will he do so next day for the inhale reason. nilipit VW very acceptably filled last Sunday hp, itit chaa Holland in the martung, .„ to -extend a call to Rev Alexander Mc. MillanofToronto, to succeed Rev. William Morrin as pastor. The invi- tation to Mt. lYleMillati was cordially supported. by/all those present, and the congregation is very ,hopeful of ifecuring.his acceptance. , Mr McMillan was minister of St Enoch's church To- ronto, for many yearsi hut latterly anent soma tithe in Scotland. He has preached here seyeraltimes during the past,few weeks, and his sermona have given ninth • satisfaction, The call will come„betore the Presbytery of Toronto at its meeting on March•8,” • County councli The County Council held a special SeesiOnitt Seitfok th Tuesday and iVed. needay, to eoneider the question of ,goodroads.---On Tuesday night -a -tan. gnet was tendared theinat the Queen'e whieh Wes attended by large numberl of laisinees men, about, 12) eitting down. The supper,. and toast list was Snot coil:eluded nearly thrice a. tan Belt lialwerd Roberta dietl suddenly' itt loburg. Mayor ,Atdidown, of Winnipeg, is the latelit prominent man to receive threatening letters from the /Meek Matt. .11 taw lowing relents/0 at. d sing in town or galas *war flOUZY us et Ms tact each weeks_ we would nuatuuna i$le tnit Mew ir,e,a• 144-1140.444444444444.R. Mr 1WJaenbe• west in Toro:Ate this Week. Mr 4 W Newcombe was in Toronto thie week oa business. r,.,.Eminerton of Bervie, •• it is said that King - Edward. bee . • , pieced an order with a New York I, firm for 500, cigars, which are to cost r$16K A year ago he bought vpo, _for ; which MO,. These were 1 specially prepared as gifts to friendis. • 1 • •, 1 • Delegates to the Goininion Ailianca. Meeting in : TorCinto, 84 that "the Metobera of the 'Ontario Govern metit must remove the objectionable' three- ' fifths elause, if • they are honorable men We here always maintained. that Mr. Whitney will rern6ve this=elaneibe- fore he goes to the 'country, 'soo er than„run the risk sanlpsing support 14y its presenee,. . • • spent Sunday with his ather here. Mr, and Itira. W H Vancluzen, of Grimsby, were visitors et Mr A Hoop- er on Wednesday. - Mise Sarah Gibbe, of LornieshOmn /spent yntrt of last.weelt, asbe guest ot Mist) Lizzie Ricnarnson, Miss $usie. Acheson, daughter of Robt .Aobeson s ettending the Toron- to millinery opentnge, JY1rs • A Porter, and daughter, of Goderich, have been spending a few davs with relatives! here. Mr A T Coetiars is this Week in To rento attendingthe annual meeting ot the Lord's Day Alliance, • . s_ Jas Butler leaves next week for tnint, ltlichrto visit bis. sister, 'before returning to Isis 'tome in the west. ' Mit Roy Goodwin, of Fullerton has been visiting at the reeidence of • bia uncle, A 11 (iOcrdwin, Rettentory St. Mr Geo D McTaggart left ens Tnes. day °sin trip to Cuba; he was •accom. ,panied byhte brother Winters), from TorontO. ciao J.epkis and wife,who have been -spending the winter, with friends bere, left on tbeir return to Lleyelminster, on Thursday. • miset oats stiehessison of ssisssisi, woodwork done under direction of air 00Mrao4ioust, oomfeitteine an Convenient building a•••••••,..1.1 The new tbreastery brick Wilding ng • neplaceti the frame one burned I down. and so long known PO the treat. • elling public as the RattennuryHOUSeI is cenanleted externally, end is rapidly a proaching conipletion internaly, so that it will be nccupled and opened tw Mr Itattenleury by the nit of May, the beginning of the license year, The new building is larger and much finer looking than the old, and will he in all respects! medern and up.to date, being eteannheated, lit with electrinitT, and the rooms having all modern conveni- ences, with lavatories on each of the three flours. 'S. The large dining -room faces south, being bright and airy, with folding ,doore. between it and a front sitting room. which can alsOne utilized. when occasion calls for it. On the second floor is a silite of rooms designed especially for the private use of Mr Rattenbury and his fainily,so arranged tbat they are in tin way connected with the usual NOM designed for travellers. . • ComMedious parlors, and well. lighted bed.reows complete the house, which will have acme:iodation for over thirty guests. A cellar underthe whole housagives envie room for various. purposes, • . • The heating or the house, is done by -a Radiator, furnisbed by the Do,roin. ionRadiator Co., • bi lint nstalleY• d' b Harn la' Bros. The cooking -will be done on et large Huron Chief Range, supplied by thesWinnhain Found**. The glass in the building dame from ,Davis 8s Rowland. The building it- self was erected by Mr D Priori the Business College, visited ljer homes in i Thos McKenzie; the painting by Mr. 1 J° Stanley over SundaY, returning -Joseph°C)P1)1 aP-11 the Plastering by inpanied. by her sist7r 1 Tony Gerdener, Mr Pinner, of Gode- Monday, acco ,• Laura, who will spend a few days via. mob. has the contract plumbing. for the necessary . iting friends in town. Mr Rattenbury says that be believes Rev G F Salton, Ph. B 'pastor of Central Methodist church,Stratford.is the in patronizing our own business men i, :dconfined to his bed by an. at- owehneuneeuvaelrlyhedocitsunsdt°assnve, aeilhaef s Aninctlitabse ll ii . tack of ervssipelas combined with a ing away from home, and time of the touch of the grip. His board gave furnishings yet required to equip the him a unanimous call for next year. house, are being bought of local neal- a.-----s--•" ers, • A liaii Wrack' _..., ...._,._. 1 - A Fine Addreiis Three engines a snowplow leave • ' th.e track, _' s. . ' -. . The address ot •Dr Rutnant, of Brief reference was made in our is. ' Ion, last Monday evening in Wesley' t sue of last week to the wreck that , church. under the auspices of the Hp - happened at the Westetkend of the Y.. worth League.was of a• most interest - near • Clinton 'station an. aneident ' inn and inspiring Charachter, ; The tsiattook hundreds of, pen* :over., to 'school rooiu. was fl ed,. and the chair A freight engine became disabled at l'*enennled hY Allse McLaughlan. Mrs. held the audience with tnarked atten- see it; and winch meant considerable loss to the railway. •1 Itutntim is a Very clever speaker, and the junction. owing to a wheel of the , ,tionfor about an hour. Her clear and engine. breaking, and theA x1 is, interesting description of thegeograph" from London mune. to repair i, and i icalscommercial, Industrie and social this being done, the train pulled back i cenditions of theipland of Ceyloii, was The conductor of the auxiliary came s si an unmiataltelge evidence of the: fact that hee ten years residence was not on the siding at the station. : to the etation and • gave ' the informa- 'Vent in idleness. .. • .. . . tion that the track was blear, and in.1 She described particularly the pro. the meantime the auxiliary train, • cess bywhich the, tea is grown • and which had been on the Ypulledout : prepared; the .different varieties of. party. on the main lines eutiposedly fruits and Rowers which abound in the ; to pick up some tools they had left. In I Wand, sense of the manners and cus- the nieantirne a snow plow, with three 1 toms of the people. engines, had been,waiting at the sta. i Connected witn, the Missionary work; was o clear the track to Goderich . , • it ! she stated it was carried on .prin- in chargeofRoiclinester MeGar--i---cipally-byfourdenormitations---ef-the- tion t 'and when it was given a, clear track -to' t protestant faith, the Baptist; Angli- ' Goderich. the engineers started un-• can, Wesley andAreerican .Board of der foil steam, ,ers•shing with teirieo '. Ooinmissionere. Nextito the .itootari; _force into the auxiliary. Tne snow I Catholics, (who were the nist to plow struck the derrick car, •enti was •• the gospel there,) the 'Baptists Were _ • torced off the track, together with the ,, first etidthe Wesleyans next. Her The Opposition at •Ottawa has the three enginea, alt landing. souse dig. . reference to the Mae bend, led by the Government almost continually upon tance away, more or less smashed. celebrated Di COok, who is justly .call - the defensive. An aggressive,. honest How ths engineers and firemen esc 1 ed the father of Methodist misslons; GOvettiment would not se be found.- ed is a mysteey,but„ntine 0 t em weres.,. f h al' 1 was touching. - - . Queers ot Howie's, retiring trons the . s. . seriously hurt sone of the firenien was- . • ..,,,oncerniti.g hem own work. i s h ' '"t . farm to Ford wich a few' years ago. He London Free Press •.' when the former Conservetive govern-. ii ' ' • • -h f ' toall 1 d he held the • osition of Canadian em • Fudge. Did you ever know a time Percy East, son of Mr Edward Bastiof t '07driuypl'onnanth'feesptetohpailshAeshaasp.ashysstrorang Hullett ' ary as sherti ,iwa was aPresbyterian in religion and Liberal In politics. F th i a For e pea, year . . he Stratford .auxili w K she a and Wit s ree access o, a c asses, an i - • . . gap:neat agent from the Dominion -Tnent<.<was not on the, defensive. A on the scene of the acciuent, I thus has an opportunity of niinistering. overninent. He leaves a widow and - 1 b • ' - the aid of 11 th t' • to the spiritual needs of manV who ''' rille new spring Papers are arriving,. and in .order to clear out -several small ldts, we are offering speciaj prices It will pay you to select your stock now, even though you don' i use it till la,ter. .W. COOpet CO Beninillen ants -A Meiners club Wag organiz- ed on Wednesday evening last week at the home of .Mr Hue Hill, Thk. felloWieg officers were elected, Presi- dent, Mr N Kerninghan; vice,. Mr A. Ginn; Secretary, Mr Hue Hill. A' meeting will be held on Wednesday , evening March 4th at, Beoraillert, in Mr Walter's Hall. The speakere of the evening are,' .31r N Kernintrhan. His subject will be in behalf of the in- terests of the Ciub. Mr Flick, subject to be chosen. J Durst,Production of Winter; eggs.. Mr Hugh Hilrleeding .nf Cattle, are cordiellyitiVited to. attend, Neves -Mr Wesley Hankins is laid. CLINT.Q.N 4 4 County Clippings Winghant hone races t is year WU 130 hem: on .Turie.#), IQ and 11. s Mr W R Jowett has purchased that Raver House property, B. ayfkld. -Mr Jacob Weide has rented his • farm near Dashwond to Mr John, Rohde for a term of years. Mr Geo Katzenineier, a former resile dent of Zurich, died near Rodney en Sunday, at the age of 47J -soars, The West Huron Teachers' Institute • , will meet in Goderich on Thursclinn and Widay, May 2Ist andspeid. Mr Jas Anderson, who has been in ,iiAnpvstimit bearn,aatthteaoykouonfg.giramdpi: .8 ssar,:ns : , , pbusinessonatd I omnIgteh Mabel Mohring is still in our 'midst. merchants in Blyth, intends to retire.. retshonan passedawayathWeaeythea: '. Sunday last at the home of Miss Goclarich, Wednesday morning at the purchased a new cutter, Inspector ' a little over a week. ' • ' Anrianda,-Maedel. Mr Leslie 'Flick has age f 70after- illness --f ' •o years, an o a. Tom of Gonerich visited the schools, 1 ' Mr and Mrs John Grasby, and taw - in this vicinity, A few day's ago. Mr I ily, 3rd line, Morris, have moved ns Uhler is breaking a • fine young draft Grey 4T,J, near Brussels, , where they • .colt. Mr Hill has purchased some thn- ber in this vicinity, Mr Ezra Fisher '. have leased a failn, '• was the guest of Mr P Maedel onG A Robertson, Science, Master 'of present drivirsg a broncho. Sunday evening. Mr D Schwarz is or •aoderich Coliegiate is leaving in April ,,,, and Mr H A Baker has been. engaged.. ' IT -was a REAL 13.A.urt - In a previous . ' to succeed him, at $1.100...* issue was an article which - said that, Mrs Henry Pine, sr, dell -anted this. ' ."\ss------:- sonielarge tracks had heat -Teen inthe - life on Saturday, tat the home of her • -- • • vicinity of Bennailler resembling those eon Mr Ben Pfile's, "Zurich, ' having of a Baer, and it was euptiosed - that I reached the age of 85 Years. they were caused by a cow, but it bus; turned out to be a real 13:•r. On Tues. i stev R W Crew„ of St Helene, delix- . < , day evening -of last week this Baer en. ered hie farewell at Calvin church on tered the Temperance - Hall, while Sabbath andhe and Mrs Craw have lodge was in session. - Tie,. was. some_ . left follheir neiv home at Fergus what diminutive in size, .but not very I • ' lAre are.sorry to learn sitthe death. ferocious in 'appearance. Owing - to close quarters' the gentlemen could'nt 1 of 1°38 Maggie Findlater, ..in"Los Aa- . use fire arms,, but managed to keep him at bay: .tiontrary, to a Baer's -instinetarhe-halte-leave without hu . . . . ging any one.. „ PordwIck , . new of Griswold, Manitoba, recently DnorenD *DEAD -While standing n . •celeboatecl the .60th anniversary the bakery Conversing with E Plbson, . *. - - tr. their:marriage,'" Monday morning. Mr John 'Wilson Henry Homey has disposed of Ilia fell /slier dead; heart failure being the &len at the Nile - and is moving into. 'cause. Mr Wilson was one of the pi- Goderich. He has been a faithfulmeie- her of the Methodist church, being a. class leader and a meiriber of the quer- teily board, . „ The call of death came. suddenly on. Thersday last to Thomas,Hediey, wine: was engaged by, Thos Henry, Crewe,. to help with the chores.- After partak-.. gelos, California,. Miss Findlater is a.. da,uglaterof air and Mrs Findlater,2ini. , line, Morris.. : Reline' Mrs Wm Hill, at one. time well known residents of Seaforth bee overnme °fleet or a resin e s • a•e sec ion amen e grown -Op family to moult' his demise. mg of duiner On that,cla,y he sat down Buypal HolteEsLmemioh"i woe. in a rocking chair an took out hitt. of Qu'Appelle, Sask., are in this local- Pine as usual to prepare tor a snaokep . mityarpktierte.havisinegyhroellerstfrothineesveheasrtdertno l'a.nAdnexonkiireare'siindeanfteowt Ineinafuotreteh. and m.c.. .purehese,theraare plenty ,...of_tbein,asiCillopsdiett•OnsSundayseths,inst, at_hise_ but farmers are asking a higher. price home in Brooklin. Ont., in the person. than the western market will warrant i of Mr Samuel Hanna; About fogs* . them in paying...AB' a ' rule, horses ' years ago Mr Harris came to Seafoxs. .are not in as good condition as former , and, till about ihree years ago, mada. yofeaoras.tan.o doulat Owing to the scarcity his hon e in Settforthand m McKillop. • . . ... Chas Dalton, one of the respected. • , . pioneers of Ashfield, -died on Friday morning, after a short fitness,. Has came with his patents to thin' town - Missionary work for some fourteen forth, was.held al the company's °fan- • services were ship in the fcirties, and settled on the very largely attended., The morning farm on which he died about fifty ' 'morning and evening services were conducted by atie pas- neighbor and was universally respect.* years ago. He was always a kind'. ...tor, Rev,F 11 Larkin aasisted_hyMev. °d ''''Y all wh°•knew aim' ' , Mr Grigg, of Burma. Mr and Mrs The annual 'Mee mg Of the Robs)? , Grigg, who have been in Burma on Bell Engine and Threther Co, Ltd.Seas years, are najroeyiroegne. wainggoodeld stirsnoecdiattleoents. MI Wednesday when a very satisfae-e -' tory statement was presented,showing . Yesterday asternoon +Mrs -Grigg, ad. Bettis for the year of n183,000, being an dressed the Bible classes, giving many increase of over 50 per cent over the interesting biota aoncerning • life in previous year. The financial state- ... Burma.; In the evening Mr Grigg ment of the company was stil,mitted, took charge of the services - and was and was highly. satisfactory to the He etctnocodk to with his ttilheemgereaVe.. ittifeeresoti 1 strer hRoolbederrst.thime ot wingbanimot , • tian Religion." - . . , , During the year 1 -----..---,—.." , ' home of his son, Mr D Currie, and was • evening. He was about to leave the , been cut off in Ofitario.'ilLonencaar option i holding his horse ' by the lines when appears to gain, in spite, tot the three- the animal gave aquick Surnsthrossing. fifths clause. 1 MonreCoufrhrie tothe ground, • dislocating Mr R D Hail, Who is shoulders. The accident to a, °thirty years presided over One of the I for upwards a I Matiof 'Mr Currie's yea Nib paled one and his numerates friendsoheopveertrt• depattrnents • f the - Central -seheol I see hiln, fullY rnnoTered in of Kincardine, died Oast .night in his ' neer 'dm& • ' - Sixty-fifth year. -\... , " 1 • vicieity; - under' .dieection...0f mos* vreuld net otherwise be helped. She th ' • • , Lieut-Gloyeraorof Ontario; -,--This nuty be trite. but it is deubtfid..-.:Hte could -hive had the'pbeition at the .linie Sir Ilifoetiniei,Clark was appeinted,but he refused Accept it. cannot re- Mainin active putilic • life Many yearn longer. neeause ha • is badly crippled with rheumatism When . he drops 'Mit the Liberal party will lege one . of , , Itit abiestsaidiocates,..e.suienannoshasi few eciutile as a master of finande. always e defensive ; nev t- David endliadd, went to woek -to re- pointed out as one great drawback the able. . pair the track. and remove- the dis- I need of a hospital Where she could op- -. , , abled. injuriels, liPerk was ske t „swami and care for ' diseased' persons, nd that an mane she . recetved A press-sliespateh-nta•tess-that-Shs- Richard Cartvrright win be the' next — Lend.* Free Prises -calls atten- the] ,to , this untionbted evidence of prosperity; The new traction company which has been organized by London Men to reit to StratfOrtfandSt Mary's, through :the ()minty of 'ididdieser,, started te little while ago togetoptions on terra lanii along both pf the rotitee through the country under contempla. thin. • Nett) what followed: They haste already looked over more than ,inglity farms'. Of the 'County of 'Middlesex, without discovering a single mortgage Drietini.that look happy and smifingr Eighty farins already.. entamined and , not onemtortgagel It toile int:own s story eloquently °Davin • , The way, scandals are started and • kept up is ahem) by a circumstance in Connection with the alleged timber. deals, The Imperial Pulp 9049 one of the .emicerne said. to leave ontebied valiiable donoessions. 'Dr Matinee, 'a ConsarYlitive, speaking at Edmonton, said that Hon Mr Siftott vvas the head and front of this Odninany, and the statement .was printed rtlatIcast by fie Conservative press. No ,stioner was the statement made, however, than Mr Sifton. from his place hi the liouse, coritranieted it absolutely, say. ing there was not -ore word of truth\ ---Butsionmsof thespapers nr e still publishing the original statements and ignoring the deniat. • This IS Quite COMpilinentary Mr Meltay, the new leader of Ilia Ontario Opposition -made his official debut in the Legislature Tuesday. tie proved himself to be a.publie man of good preisenee and o an ReceptAble speaker..-Mait and Empire. • t and day, land it -was not until - ri ay n ht thftVthe f Ines was retriored. Even then a ten- keno], which amounted to nearly $8 5er was left behind untilSundiy,when. was ..given to her, and a vote of thanks t 'was removed. One of the em lo 'ees of the auxiliary had. severalfrils broken while at work here. The dam- aged to engines< was not as great as at liver addresses in Walkerton, Kilmer-. firstauppossd, being placed -at $1,000 dine and other places. _ . • , by the Company, exclusive of the cost , of getting them beck and , repairing the road, carried enthusiastically, 'Mrs Rutnant has calls to speak,in number of places, and leaves in a few ' days forthenorth, when she will do- Obituary. ssOnr_sOollogiaies_thias week sinotirns, the death of. one of "Ite-,..ptipils, Miss Jessie E LandeborbughT enIY'daughter bf Mr and Mie W 0-1,iandeborough, of Tuokersmith. The sad event occurred at the home of her parents 00 Elapur-. dity hist, after a trio Week'tfillness. be - inning with a severe cold and whoop - an cough, bitt.develOping into a cOra- pupation of troubles that affected the brain and. whole system, baffling the best medical skill and the constant care of teeing itarents and friends. Though only at the Collegiate for a few months e eceased had, taken rank as one of its brightest students, and bade fair to make a, Mark for herself high 'up on the school's roll of honor. She. seemed a be fully equipped for a long and useful. life On etuth, for, combined with unuseal trental capacity and. physical energy, she possessed in, a marked degree an ambitiOn to succeed in her studio, and to stand tie high as the highest in her close. Rising far imperil:1r to all thea excellent traits of character was her earliest Christian spirit, and firm and implicit trust in God, even in the days and nights of pain that preceded hetedeath. . The Collegiate ' staff and students vent beautifulliortil Offerings, . and at- tended the funeral, an a . token of es- teem, for her vt,,lioin they had learned to love. ' • .: ' t '' • ' Though- cailed-away-la her -fifteenth year, Jessie's life had been an earnest and energetie one as though a great deal had to be adeoiriplished in her few short years 013 00t91. • ,With'It.beattifful life; and a calm, confident death by which toremember her, Why should We mourn, ? and yet there is a vacant chair,' and our hearts are, nly human after an. We know aro Only the sympathy of the entire COM* M nity.is extended to her serrowing parents and Menne at tine time of sad. ness. -Gentle oyes we closed -below,.. - • Tender voideS heard once more, Smile and tall OS AR 00' go ' v On and onward, still before, . Chasi; we still with baffled fear, , Smiling eye and wanistg nand . Sought arid seeker still shall meet', Lost and found in Sunset Land. Premier •• Whitney would make no definite proliblee tothe Ontario branch Of the ITOMiniOnAllience, which ftsked that the threAtftlis,olanee abolish- ed, •• Winging NARROWLY ESCAPES DEMOLITION — A A•bilWa* *week, occurred at these/ P11 -istatioir Aii1VOS• 117 passenger train from Toronto. was nearing the station a 'freight was pull-. ing Off the Main track on to., a siding, Unfortunately the lase car, a, heav steel ,coal can, did not p0103 the switc auffictently. The engine caught; the coal car and thee* it off the trtickis On 'to the station platform and had it been carried a few feet. further the car would. have been thrown into the telegraph Oftlee and wrecked the stb.tton. The engine was badly broken, the cylinder an steam , Chest on one side • being, wrecked. The . freight engine was coupled on to the. passenger cats and went on to Teesriater, ,The- ,paseenger engine will have to go t0'. the repair Mope. Fortunately no -one washurt, Mr A Ross was standing on the plat- form where the coal car landed,hut he escaped,/ - Nogs-There is a revival ot indui ' trial life m Winghtim which points to better tinies. The Union 'Factory, which has been,elosedforsonie months called its employes together Monday morning and is. snow in fell swing. The Upholstering factory which has been closed at intervals during the *sinter, also started to.day, The, Western Foundry Company Limited, is • running at full blast and cannot turn Out • their popular .goods faet enough tb keep lip with the indent, and an addition to the moulding shop is contetnplated. Sunday was oh served as YMVA day in the Wing - ham churches.. the morning Mr Wilson Secretary of the London .1‘t OA spoke the Methodist -church, and in the °veep* in St Paul's churcla In the Preabitertan Church, Mr Sul. lens, stecretary of county work, spoke in the morning, and Mr Stewart, of London in the evening. Jr Stewart also addressed the Baptist congregat. ion in the morning, in the aftisinoon amass meeting for men was held hi the Town Bali, when 'Mr Canons gave A, splendid address on The Hind. Wanted." On Sunday March 15, Rev IS le Spence, of Toronto, 'secretary of the Dominion Alliance, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist chnech, Ott Alonday April 12. Rev Hobbs of Permit°, will peeech the mini versnry aervices Of the Epworth Leagne of thio Methodist Church, and on Sunday, May 3rd, Rev Rankin. of Oatleton St, eery terefee eon:ions for the- -Metlio. church Toronto, will preiteh an raver. i dist Sunday *whoa' *Seaton,' Onunon i4oTze--The sacrament of the Lord's Skipper Was dispensed in First Presbyterian Chutch, 'Sunday. Bath Christ as the foundatinn of the Chris- • with A piiinful acCident on Monday" r • ' • W. R. COUNT CONTON. JEWgLER, In order to quickli..still further reduce tlt. stock of jewelry, Vatches, Clocks, and Fancy Ohina, we, ° have made our prices so 10W, that purchasers of our goods vvill not 'miss the money if they buy • them. The stock comprises many valuable articles, suitable for birthday gifts, wedding . presents, etc. „w.comT J.18WELER„ CLitNT.P.N