HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-02-27, Page 1astramissone lass.
BOAT. HOMO% P1'101141'4,
or 04,,x4.1),4.
Incorporatea Ogg
`rald.up capital 3,900,060
Iltmerve Fund ,, 4,390,000
*Waal Assets..,.• . = 40,300,000
Mead Ce Ifientreal.,
•39coneheain every. Province ha Canada,
New Brunewick, Cuba and
NOW York.
• Cerrespondents throughout tlae
•,,vverld: • •
.0. 11, 1)W.ART,
welt,. CLINTON 13RANO.
;,1,Awri,hautikerehiefe, W T Riddell1
hpecfial offerior, Morrisli & Ordolie1
business,' Newcombe,. , 4
• Wall paper„Cooper 84 Co. 4
Greater reductions, Counter & Po 4
PpringStock Rho Tee Snell, ..,..., 5
"Lew Dry Good's Store,(Jouch te Co5
Calf for sale. 0 Crich 5
Me* wanted, J 0 A.clams,....„ 5
Tarin for Sale, T Foie, • 5
Tenders waoted.Vtr 5
. Well'FaPar.Popleetinfie & Gardner5
• 'iiur Shoos, F, Jackson ......., 8
Reinnant days, Riodgens Bros........S
Lipton demonstration, J W Irwin a
Ob9Y-feriettlingeh of advertise's:tent
must be handed in by Tuesday
"light. Small transient ads. will be
to.e3eived up to Thursday' morning.
of wide experience, broad scholarshiP and
untiring energy, employed by us have hunt
up a cuniculum =Surpassed in Canada for
Woroughnesii.systein and actual-bud/We
procedure. •
'DIME (lovasEs - Telegraphy. 'Stellog-'
raBheleanadnI°1trair.rellgividual instiuotion •
Oraduartes assisted to Positions. '
No vacation.
Mail Courses in Languages, Book -Rep -
ug, Shorthand. Penmanship. etc.' • .
Bend a postal forinformation about
gaseenes-nreatest main or Isior.grade
isustikess Coiteges,
• Clinton
- Tice -Principal.
Crit11410a -Rev 11 R ("atria goes to
Mansell next Sabbeth, topreach anni-
versary pennons in the Meth, ohurela
there,and Rev 8 Toll,B A B D of Ben-
oit% will Preach on Londesboro Circuit
at the usual home. Rev Mr' vein
preached two very forceful and in-
- -atriletivalaiissionary eermone at 140n
deebero loot Sabbath, and the congre.
gallons responded very lilaerallY,
Logpitenogo Tagosuiroo -The Lon.
desboro Threshing -0o. met at Onle's
, Hall, Londeshoro, in their annual
sootilout wefine0eY, lOth, for winding
• nn the business of the past year, and
prohintuarE preparation of the ap-
proaching Threshing season. The past
season was a fairly good one, and a -
good dividend was realized, showing,
that eatisfaction existed; the old cem.
Mateo was re-elected, with the ex
nePtiOn of Mv Josh Hill, who has re.
moved, Mr Chits Lovett,. being elected
in his stead. The following is the
committee as it now etands.,. Richard
Carter, Pees., T Q Adams, Seo, Hugh
Hifi,. Charles Lai/St.' •
NoXoe W Weymouth, con 8,
had the misfortune to fall and break
her left arna at tar; wrist last Friday.
On Saturday Messrs Watson blid„
numberof cattle .delivered Withal sta-
tion in the forenoon and they cold
not get them loeded tilt some 'time
through the night; they were in near-
ly as bad a fix with hogs on Wednes-
day. The T It agent had taster at
the station all night TuesdayThe G
T R has a humber of men shovelling'
_snow _yesterday and today. The
Bridge men have finished at this place
and gone stone other place. Sonie of
the farmers are getting cattle to have
ready to Put on gross, Craig Broth-
ers are moving Oft ' the 'MeClacherty
farra this week.
. ,
NoTBS-Miss Mary Murdock hoe re-
turned from New *York; where the in-
tended taking a course in Belleville
Hospital, ill health while there caus-
ed her to return." John McFarlane and
Mrs unbt Murdock, last. week. Miss
Kate Hart spent Sinidity at home.
Mr. Thomas Gemmel and wife
have 'returned home -from Mooseje,*;
where they went to, attend the burial
of their son, Rev rr taqiihart Kippen,
preaches' in the Presbyterian Church
on Friday,and Rev afr_lfamilton,Cod-
erizh, on Sabbath evening. •
Ile salt
Fougn llgoogsexceasT-Illre Sellery,
'sr, of Kincardine, who. with her hus-
band, has been visiting her son,Dr Sell-
ery, of this village, is dangerously ill
at the lettere home. OnMonday morn-
ing late Mrs Sellery. went to the stable
on an errand and remaining away for
some time: • her husband becameankicois and went to look for her. He
'found her lying in the back yard un-
coneeious, in Which condition she hed
remained up to ° the present Writing.
The doctors say that the cause of her
midden illness was owing to some. at
fection of the spine), Which*..reectedon
rtse trercao%yirety. hope is felt -of--
Morrish &Croo
Jowett is HOW ProPri•
eter Of the River Home Property,hav.
Ing made the purchase recently. W.
Mustardhas bought the timber limits
owned by Uri" Parson% ta Moor will
supplyihe lumber for the breakwater
at Oederich, Mrs Elliott who has
been dantwously ill is now recovering.
30hil McLeod has returned to the
bowie at the river. Mr Roes lost'at-va-1-
uable hone- last week. The young
people enjoy a social dance in the
town hall, The piling of the bridge
abutments will be emnpleted in about -
a week. Mr Smith makes another trip
to Coinity.,Council at Seaforth.
,ApCMT 1/11C Niw Barrio% --
A good many people from Inland
towns and about the surrounding
country will be undoubtedly pleased
to hear of the, construction of our new
steel .bridge,but when they hear of the
kind:of a structure it is to be they will
probably be more disgusted than
pleased. In view of the fact that men
sena out to represent us at.the Coututy
Council would submit to the construc-
tion of a steel bridge only fourteen
feet in width is almost incredible.
These men, supposed to be possessed
with common sense, have really Bab-,
mittedte bnilci a long narrow bridge
across the river, so narrow that two
Warm; cannot pass between the rail-
ings, and the fact is that if twe single
one horse rigs were to meet 'and those
horses anyways nervous those horses
could not not pass, and as a horse and
rig cannot turn on suchanarrow space
then what -is to be done? The oillY
thins -is -for either driver to rail/Mit to
unhitch the horse and run his buggy
off the bridge,atal we wonder which of '
the men will' agree to do this. The
people here state most positively that
this bridge is to be one Of the greatest
mistakes ever -made in the County
anda Movement is being, made to have
matters recetifled as the . public de-
clares that it is not a. foot bridge
that is wanted but a g od
structure at least sixteen feet in wi
In daylight the trouble of nieeting on
the bridge might be averted by wait-
ing-till'tharotbrer--croseter firetrbut-ar
night people will be very helpless -on
such a narrow pass, All we can say is
that people of the surrounding towns
and couutryshoulteven yet for indiv-
idual comfort, make a strong protest,
Whileit is not too late to aeethat abridge
is eontructed suitable to such a very
public crossing andsave the inconyen--
lance of a lifetime for all in the county
Voice of the Public.
• eollaorne
'FARMERS CLUB -Wednesday even -
log last a meeting was held at the
home of Mr Eftigh LIM for the purpose
of organizing a Farmer's (Rub.. Ow-
ing to the inclement weather the at-
tendance was small, but the prelimin-
ary work was with satisfactory re-
-sults. Officers were appointed and it
was decided .,-upon to hold another
meetingin Walter's Hall, Bennoiller
on the evening of March 4rh, There
will be several adresses and also some
unlikel nunlbere in the course of the
,resening; This should be a'good thing
for our young men, and it is to he
hoped they will all turn out and make
t a success. 6.A cordial welcome is ex.
ended to all. • •
Ready -Made t
• 9,
Clothing t
Special Offer to
— Boys
There is•no firm hi the Clothing. Business ,in
Canada more anxious for thelkyi' trade than we are.
' rhere is no firm in: Canada can say they sell any
• better clothing than we dO.
We give tcsquare deal to every boy,
Now for a Spring. ofier to the boys of Clinton
''Who will order their Spring Suit before the Spring is
We have 30 Scotch Tweed 'Suit ends, 'all
lively patterns and extra good quality, and enough
"fo make a Suit and extra pair of Knickers; The
goods will be displayed in our west window next Satur-
day. We take your measure, and make to your
order, and finish any time you wish, with .first-class
• lining and the -best possible work.,
One Suit and Eltra Knicicers
•$8.5o and $to.00 •
We glee you our word that these goo de were sold to the
Men at seo.00 and S22.00, They are a few ends froth at
and thought this would be a good Way to dear old
this good totality to the boys, at a big bargain. .
There will beno boys .k Canada" wearing better
quality --few as good':
.1101111SA & crook
!Fhe Bos Clothier4, , Mato% Oaio.
Having noticed no particular stir for
few weeks past we were beginning
o think that Tack the Ripper had
ither died or moved away, but last
eek's paper Inoks as if the recent
thaw had unearthed him again, Doubt-
less your correspondent would like to
haveosaul more if he durst, but we
would remind hien of an old maxim.
which says,"Who live in glass hbuses".
etc, and would advise him to bury this
and write on the tombstone, "Here
lies nothing." ' We have no objections
to having people express their views,
ini,t_f_s_,Qcy it were easy
more pleasant and profitable occupa-
tion than -throwing Imucl- at their
neighbors. • • . •
[It would be as well for all concerned
in this were discontinued,. as no good
will be accomplished bylieeping it
up.:--• Editor New •Era.]
IS/OTES -Mr Miler is breaking in • his
young driver with -the ' assistance Of
Durst brothers. Bir 'BLitt has been
„drawing in his ,sniatleart'a,„eopplY', of
wood this week. • ,
A notorious character, were told '
Upon the:Ms-Wand dwells,
But who he is, arta where he lives
• The writer never tens:
, They say he tak s an .nterest
In his neighbots, old and young,
And his fame upon the Maitland
. Has far and near been sung.
But in defence of our good name
VVe''d like to say, right here,
That this noted „
, Does not exist, it's: cleat.
For the Maitland boys, thoughawful
• Are the right kind, never fear,
And farther north ysau'l have to go „
• The Colborne news to hear.
So dispel your sweet illusions
Take the "Erie without fail
For it's the paper we all want
Whoa we get our: week1V mail
• Gederich. '41‘
Was treated Us a sensation lastTuesdity
night- it public marriage of two of the
Green Stock 0o, took place on
the stage of the Opera Rouse doting
the perfortnanee, The ceremony was.
performed by the Presbyterian elerRY-
Ulan. Rev Jas A Anderson, amid a for-
est scene and camp fire, a most unique
epvirotinsent, '
WW2/DINO-About neon. Wednesday
the marriage of Donald A McDonald,
and Barbaralionnell, daughter of the
late ]"inlay MeLennab, . took place at
the residenos of the bride's mother,
Nan brio. road. The knot was tied by
'Rev Tames A Anderson, 13 Al in the.
presence of immediate relatives. The 0„
groom is a, farmer of Ashileld Tp. Ite I
is a widower and his bride a• young
1 '
Dgiern -The death of Mrs Thoraaa-
Cousins took place Wednesday ab the
family, residence Etude St, Mrs Como
Intl was in her sixty-eighth year and
had been ill for some time with heart
sultimerti I 11
RitNrWEi) -MrsB;ggin, who h
the contract for partying the Mail be.
tvveen Clinton and Suminerbill, hoe
had it renewed by the Government
for it further period Of four years, 0
sox— Should the ,weather prove
fine, a large crowd ore expected to
attend the sale of farm otock and im-
pleroents, which telt% place at the
Tatra Of Mprood Bros., On March 8th.
The Sale is With011t reserve, add there
are time of the best horses to be
found in the Oetnity.
DanA1V-The Hoiteeeville debating
chili Met last Thuralay evening; a
• number ofinteresting topics were
sed. t was deckled to hold a
debate on, Thursday evening March
5th. The subject to ba"Resolyed that
the Maitland bridge should be reraov.
ed horn the present Site," ,
THANSFEWBED -The transfer of the
Butter & Oheeee Factory to the local
purchasers took place on Tuesday last.
It is expected that it will be run as it
cheese fastary this year. Irbn pride
paid for it was $1000, being about One
quarter its original amit. There should
be Money in it.
• Inteneea For Legit Week
PORRESTEES- The Forresters had
their regular meeting on Hon day
night, •their esual niglatFridar
being, Oren up tit the 'Faraim's In-
stitute, 'After the usual business the:
new game of carpet balls was com-
menced, the sides were as follow:En-PT,
Tresvartha. Vir Stanley, Vir Jenkins,
Vanderburgh, p McDougall; j
)(0.2 W Marquis, B 1'rewartha, W
Millar, 8* La*. rent games were
-played, J Huller wining two ,games
and there being two ties. On • Friday
Feb 28th, there be the postponed
debate, shooting with air rifle and
carpet balls. It is expected :Make will
be it large turnout of the members,
NOTES -Although the weather was
very unfavorable, the Farmer's In-
stitute and Women's Instituto have
had very interesting meetings last
Friday afternoon and evening. -The
addresses were ainonk the hesever
given here at such meetings. The Chos-
en Friendsspenta very enjc,yableev,en-
ing at th home of McLeod Bros. to
ir respect and esteem to Miss
A. McLeod one ,zsf their' members.
all sat
down to an ,..2yster supper which all
enjoyed to the. utmost, Miss, Nellie
13rewn is home from Toronto, and is
somewhat indisposed. iffre Leeeh is
oinking in goclerich. Miss Amanda
'Holland ,hasieterned to her position
Paasamotaloat tTinuade.y even-
ing Rev T J SnowdeA Was taken by
surprise by theteein reef his Holmes -
Ville appointment when they ' present-
ed him with a beautiful Galloway robe,
pair of gaiintlete, anif-a load of _oats;
After the peeSezitatiOn a very • enjoy-
able evening was spent. The feltew.,
ing is the address-.. •
To Rea T j SnoWdeii
Dear -Pastor anciVrother;- We the.
member:34nd adherents of , Roltnes,,.
vilikedfigr so4tiOn. Olive. met 10 youe
house to -night,' to ,,assure You and
family' of our high estimation ot your
christian 'character, and faithful
votionto our spiritual interests. Your
Bilffe.stUdieir as yott:: are pleased to
calithem, havalseen Ministrations of
great -satisfaction profit to us;
havvenabled;usa to see . much more
beauty and harmony' in the altered
wird; and itstruths have opened, up
'before us in smell -City and grandeur.
Desiring your pleasure and comfort,
we ask you to accept this, robe, these
-gauntlets, and load of oats/ ad a- token
of our appreciation- or yo -in earnest
and faithful efforts to promote our,
welfare in all good; and we' hope and
pray that the.,11faster'a presence and.
blessing may continue to test upon us
as pastor and people, that both sower -
and reaper may : rejoice together;
Signed .on behalf of the Congregation.
Geo Tebbutt. Geo Holland.
- Mrs Frank.Layton • was
. given two graniteware sho*ers by her
man. y friends on Friday and 1Vionday
evening in appreciation of -her seryices
in the church both ' in the choir, and:
the regular church meetings. Friends
to the humher Of some 00 spent a
Most enjoyable time, The members
of the chorch• hope she will eentinue'
as leader ofalie choir,a position she
has filled most 'acceptably.
STATLITICS_-,-The auditors! report for
this.townShip for 1907; shows -the total
reem to of the Treasurer to have been
l$40354, including a behind-if:ail-WOO-on
hand at the beginning ofthe year. The
expenditure was as follows: -Drainage
$267 ; Board of Health $25; permanent
bridge aet $10,902; roads and bridges,
; salaries $910 ; Qtationery and
printing $196; stone crusher, $2808; de-
bentures -$1330 ,• county rate $3931 ;
schools 35706; Miscellaneous $2518, ;•
total $32319: The assets of the town-
ship amount to 827813 and the
thaw $19092. • • . • ,
SADOENED HOME -Death invaded
the happy home ot Mr. and Mrs W
Landsborough, cin Friday- last, carry.
ing• off their only daughter Miss Teem
Blgen. Deceased had beenatteeding
Clinton Collegiate, where she was a
general favorite with her classmates;
eontracting whooping cough, she
Caine home, but instead of getting
better, and despite the best niedical
treatment, she got Worse. her illness
turning to brain trouble, and death
resulting therefro. Her parents
felt their loss very keenly, more 'espec-
ially /IS ahe was their only daughter,
and verygreat synpathyis manifesMd
r them. The staff of Clinton Col-
legiate -sent a beautiful wreath Of
flowers; and the sehool was closed
Monday afternoon to allow any of the
scholars, wlio wished to do so attend'
the funeral* a nuather. of Wham. .did'
. , • AVIIIIOtt
Sontatieg PARTY -A surprise party
gathered at the hotne of Met3srs. Matt
and Robert Ford, of the 2nd 'Cent On
Thursday night of Met week A few'
hourfrwere pleasantly spent in flacial
chat. • Addresses were cleliverek, by
some of the 1110St popularWAIN( /MtElii
and ladies expel:dell tthheeitt4WayTibplaPihyVhtoe
the Ford brothers by hoping that be-
fore another leap year Cable around
that, hotli of thein miteat be married.
Mr Robert Ford gave a Very appropri-
ate reply, thanking them all for their
presence, and for the good time they
had enjoyed together by expressing a
desire that they all meet again in the
near future. The refreshments .were
bountiful and much enjoyed Atter
the wants of the irinet matt Were RUP-
plied, the party broke up about mid-
night, after singing. God Satre the
The Proposed By—Law con
It is Only by the ratepayere centr-
ing the by-law relating to the Doherty
Organ Co, that thie can be yOnverted
inter aviiiitsato6k- iionapany, and the
business continued on a larger eeete.
• The defeat of the by-law may mean
mote than defeat of the neiv scheme.
• The by-law le notone asking for any
additional ihninciarassietance. On the
other hand it is 10ne that will actually
rednee tile blirden of taztation, because
the sum Of $5000 caeh, which Mr Doh.
erty agrizes to pay to the town. will go
into the general twirls of the town,
The offer to pay this sum ler looked
open by Inishiess znert and others as A
very' liberal and reasonable propos;
tion, In addition there is, the offer of
stack andit10,000 of
. That there is no' otlier object or pin-pese in submitting ths bY-law than, the
re-organikatien of the company on a •
-stronger basis hiatelf evident; The coin- ,
cerning the
and Organ CompanyDoherty. Piano.
pan- is under no present necessity t
offer the .toWn 15000. in cads If Air
Doherty WW1 00 • (Reposed he could al.
low matter's Co gO "on InStaZialliarltrir
for the balance of the uneXPired tersa
of the original loan, and then take his
aware of Settling With the town. But
he le willing to give Certain. compeusso
-gen in (weer that the new company
would be in 'better wOrkiligehapethart
it otherwise would be.
• The factory is the town's ratiet
portanLindustry, and has contributed
in no strait degree to ita progress dur-
ing the years of the past. To 'oar jte
further progress Would he suicidal,
when it can be put on a more secure,
and extensive basis than ever by shn
ply Totipgitor a by-law that pot only.
doei no involve the expenditure of a
single cent, io far aitthe towta• is eon.
Ovoid, but actualifputs $5900dire'rt-
ly.int0 the treasury.
as Stanley
, • (310deFIFIt TOWIPShira ,
rAitlf SOLD- Mr John Nireston h
eOld his.fatan of 120. acres .011 the 5th
concession, to Messrs John and, Relit
Sloan, tivo enterprising young men of
-Blaltari for theanniall9,500; ' Thefarnr
has at unusually large orchard, and
it is the intention of . the purchasers
to pay particular attention to the
raising of -fruit, -.
Noxes -de 3 G Steeps had the mi
fortune to , lose a valuable horse r
eently. Mr Thos Cole's family, fit
con, entertained a sleigh toad of ligh
fantastics from con 6,,, on Tizesda
„night. Miss Luella Tichboutne di
nussedosehool this :week owing to th
death of her father, who died ver
9, on Monday, Miss. Johns attendin
the funeral of her cousin, Mise Land,
borough. • • . •
ltilamaam Natio. Mr Roy Good
win. of FullertoncTp and Will Tebbut
of HolniesSille„ visited friends in ,th
Ebenezer neighborhood .on :TuesdaY
On Monday evening a sleigh* load o
the young people of Ebenezer drove t
the hone of Mr George Holland o
Holmeaville, and report haying spen
a very.pleasant evening : they all agre
inare"spYtenlicitldhaetntBfrerta'and ,31.rlifisRaglaini
Lobb rettirned "home nti 'Wednesday
after snendipg-a couple of week') Wit
friends in Fullerton tp. Rev Mr Snow
den preached very acceptahly in Eben
ezer on Sunday last; after an absence
of bad roads
of four weeks on account
. .
settlers of the Townehip are fast pass-
ing away, to be SWOON:led by the
younger •generation, and -one that
comes in the former class wn) Mr W. •
Tichberne,•of the 5th ,concession, who
died on Saturday last. Deceased had
residad'On this line all his life,lieving
beep born on the tam next - to • the
one on which he died. He was a .quiet
unostentation man; held in high,
esteem; he leaves it Wife, two sons arid
four.daughters, rhe esteem:in Which
the decased was held in .the neighbor-
hood was shown by -the Iargecrowd Of
people, who in spite Of the storm that
raged, gathered,around the home, and
followed the remainsto the grave . on
No -roe -Mr John Slem men a Pasqua
Sask., who has been • visiting in the
country this winter, after an absence
of -twenty-six- stoats, was last week
visitingat the twine of George Baird.
Mr Robert Baird and Mr Hugh
mour, who were visiting ald acquain-
tances in Grey and Turnberry ireturn-
1-1 ed to theft homes last Week. Me T.
Baird was called to Ashfield on Mon-
ti day of last week to attend the funeral
t of his niece. Miss Margaret Falconer
y of Eloderich, was last week and this
0_ I week visiting on the second. She is
e the guest of Kiss Mary: Gilmour. '
- pheMhcorae
a 01018h
B John
, isettihoiwitatmeiciasst
Mr John McFarlane wifeand son ,of
Oak Lake, Manitoba, were visiting. al
' the home of Mr Thema"' Fraser -dun
t the first of the week. Miss Maggie
e 'McBwen,who is teaching thi year.
An Welland,- came home aliis„ week on
(f) account; .
cod,pver. 011 •
' IS the best that skill and 'Annie
can PeOthical. It i not oillY
perfeolly emulsified `Norwegian
Sall, but is combined With the
hypophoelthite.s of Lime, tisofhk
and potassium* which add great-
ly to its tonic, alterative and re-
constructive properties. It con.
tains 75 per eenb. of the pure oll,
Which. Makes- it about 25 per
cent. stronger than Ineet
` We have It in twa sizeit-25e.
and 50e - equal in 4i4e and •
quality to other Emulsione sold
at 500 and $1,00 a *Atte.
-.Telegraph Agency
riot& 110,11~11,4v1,11/1a,lagaea
t • 'YOU *if*
Heinle; :TasteiesS
Cod, Liver_ Oil
There -is no disagreeable flshy
taste, It is borne by the most
bined,with Extract of Malt and
Hypophomp les, it is a, wonder-
ful aict-to d' tion.
is Nothing.
Porter' s 111111 :
. - A. number of , our young_ S.R.tioirnes:
e peome spent a pleasant - time iit -Joe.
Cox's Friday evening. Miss Nellie Me '' $ ••• Phm, B
,• Donald, of.Loraion, is visiting' in the . Mantifilotairlsig -ehelltillit ite
.. 04.4.,,rimo.+41601,1~0041, '
.neighborhooa thiEevreelt, Miss Jennie
Burk is visiting in London, Mr, Geo.
Col, Stratford, is milling on old
friends in the vicinity, Miss Oress
Elliott spent a few days in Seaforth
last week. Mrs J Thornton and son,
of Goderich, have been visiting bee
parents, Mr and Mre aRoutiedge,
,„ Trig Sim -Among those who have
been suffering severely from grippe
are the Miases Polly and Maggie 00x,
Miss Jamisean, teacher, Mr and Mrs
Alex - Cox the family of MP Harry
-Bastings,'Miss Verna Vox; Harry and,
Pearl Potter, and inany others have
had slight attacks. • Mrs Hall Rout-
ledge is laid up with pleurisy.
(Intended for last week) •
Nous -1 --Polly ()os, • who has been
her slater, Mrs Dowson. at
Spring Baok., returned WM:tie • on Fri. -
ues ay. Mr Tichbourne: was buried
by, the Canadian Order tif •Ohosen
kriends, of which he had been a long
nod faithful membet. The funeral to
Goderich Cenietery, was oondueted by
Rev Mr Stedman, „ •••
clay last. Jennie Woods, A.nnie El-
liott. and Goldey Newton, attended
the Sunday School andEpworth Leag-
ue Convention held on Thursday and
Friday hut. , Miss Flossie Perdue vis-
ited her sister, Mrs Bert Li ad 3"ti y, this
Week. 0 Nr.potter and son. Harry.
spent a few -days at iCurtle'r, ..Crossing
last week visiting his brOther John,
ter, Owing to the storm abf.1 bad ',naafi
the social that was to , be . held at. Mr.
MoPhail's ou -Tuesday evening, was
-postponed. Mr and Mrs George West -
05 and son Harold, Of Bayfield, visited
at James Haarisoit's on Thursday of
last Nveek
COUNDIL-41oUneil n2et. on the ard
pursuant to toljourmitent., Members
sable,' Recta, keld and Councillor
JlIcalure. Moved by W 11 Lobb and
seconded by J Wire° that John Bath -
web be chairman. Mr Rathwell made
a first class chairman. Moved by S W
Yeo, seconded by Wm. IT Lobb that
the auditcaos report :new read, be
adonted. The following accounts were
paid,- Galt, p o Box,- 81; I Leslie,
repairing grader, $1,25 ; auditors $1.0
anditor's stationery, 25e '
A special meeting Was held on Feb
7th,hy order of the reeve and the
following motion passed : - re, the.
n2atter of consideration of the; propos-
e& good roads improvement system as
out -lined by Draught by-law ;No 142;
1908 of the Huron county council, that
eame.be" left in hands of reeve. The
reeve aud clerk were appointed to re-
draft the township by-laws and report
•at . next meeting. ()Dollen adjourned
to meet ()Oahe first Monday in April
at 1 O'clock. Nixon Sturdy: Clerk
Goderich Tp lost one of its oldeet
net its oldest= -resident on Friday last,
by the death of Mt William Cook; or
the 18th eon. Deceatied, who was near-
ly 87 years ()Cage, had just finished a
meal, sitting at the table, •' wnen he
folded his arms, leaned back, and ex-
pired without a struggle. Deceased
was born in Glasgow, and c mak with
bis father, the laM Roht. Conk, to this
country, when about11 years of age,
his father settling on the Huron Road,
where the"Petarle House" occupied by
Mr George Mair Stands. This would
make Mt Cook a resident of the TOwn-
ship for about /3 yrs. That he was able
to pass through all the hardship of
pioneer life and live for considerably
more than the allotted "three-800re
years and ten", alums- that he had a
rugged constitution. About 1857 he
settled on con 13, where he has contin-
ued to reside ever since. He was twice
Married; having a large family by the
fitet union ; his second wife, who stir.
vitae, was a MISS Cantelon, sister of
Messrs Oantelon, of Clinton. Mr Oook
_Was it etatiroh Presbyterian, though
not able to attend service regular of
Itte veers. In polities he was a Liber-
al. Ile leaves fiVe' sons and three
daughtera living. Therte are Joseph,
Letibutn- Menry. Hulletta,/itinelO
itt Lineolti,'Xeb ; Fred and George, In
(Minton. The daughters are •Mrs Gor-
don, Sheppardton ; Mrs Vielters,Esseg
entre ; airs Dr Reeve, of Florida.
The late Wire Creel of town was also a
datighar. The high respect in which
he vlt„ko held was filieWn by tile
'gaily large eumber who attended the
funeral on Monday, to OlintOn come.
Wry, • '
PettYliied0;tibetel fitihilhee in
EitettaMbtort for the Legialature, has
retired, owing to, business holm.
• We have a •of this •season': Robes and
Illankets left, and will give a discount of Ikper
tent. on-Rtibes, and 10 per cent. on blankets; we
will also include Whim in the 10°k discount.
•H.E. liNOX
Ladies Hemstitched Lawn riandkere.hIefs 15
for 25e cents. Men's Rubberine Collars to clear
1115 cents each, Butter. Eggs and Dried Apples
taken. Cash or Trade. -W. T RIDDELL..
OYSTER SIMPER -The annual Oyster
Supper of the Auburn Rifle Ass' will
be held in the Temperance _II I on
Wednesday, March 4. Supper will be -
served from 0 to 8; after which a first.
elites pr ogra,m Will be given furnished
, by the following talent; Joseph Stalk-
er and Jbhn Moore, of Myth; Robert
Downs, of • 'Minton ; Jas Redmond, of
Westfield ; J A Sutherland and Hatve
McGee. of A.tiburri, and a number of.
others, among theta two good dia:
Ognes. ,
NOTES -The 8eesetila
vs Pligot case
came up at Goderieh,on Monday 215h,
the lawyers will argue the case be-
• forojudge Doyle, on Monday, Mareh
2nd, Proudfoot EC for the prosecution
and Dickson for the defence. Mrs Jo
Mistier on Tuesday evening diet with
what might have been a moat serious
accictent, she WAS On a Step hider
wino had some ice on the foot on it,
the ladder slipped, throwing Mrs Mos.
er to the floor, causing her to break
her arm and also cutting her face
Which cable in contact with Sonle
other article. Mr Gooday of Ottawa,
wee a visitor in ton, on the way to
Goderish As a witness in the Beelie, Vs
aPtoigngt case. Mrs Routcliff. of lieneall
is the guest of her sister Mrs S Popple-
e.Wait Watannoo ,
• CottNo1i4-.0ouncil met on ,the 22nd,
Members all present. , Reeve Bailie in
the Ohair. Minutes Of last meeting
read and approved On motion ot
Thompson and Andersen:. The Treas.
trete !lend Was presented by Wm
Thompson and excepted on motion Of
Thoittpeen and Anderson, The Audi -
tots Report was presented by 3 A Mai -
lough and aecepted on Motion of An-
derson and Medd. The Connell deeig.
bated the Reads whfchlthey 'deeitied
to be placed under the Oeunty Road
System, in the event of the OloinatV
adopting uch system; The following
acdoinit'i Were paid: Auditoria$7 etteh;
Municipal World Subscriptions $175;
Atattement Rolle $7,56 ; Teleehoning
and express $1.40. Caution adjourned
to meet on March Olth 410 o'clock,
. , .
Yonr, Subseriptien?
. .
A good many aubscribere have re-
newed their- Subseiiptions --but
• • have Y 0 U?
A single:dollar makes coMparative.
iy little difference to the average
individual, but theindiyidual dollar -
makes a &eat deal of difference to•
a 'publisher, when he has luindreds
of them scattered all, over.
If .VIOIT have not 'renewed, would
you kindly do so as soon as con-
$21,..`4/4A -4,•'* --7744;a0/0
Gamw sect,
we pay specialatten-
don to this line, and
are this season Show-
ing a large and choice
collection of
Diamoads, Pettrls,
Ilabitks, Emeralds,
Sapphire, Opals,
. and Torquois
Set singly and in conabin.
idiom Values ,the best
-TAY-fags ago OrrtotAtt•
Twiner of llitarrttileeneenge:s
• almorborated by Act of Parliament 18911,
• CapitslAuthorized . $5,000,004
Capital paid up # 43,300470
Reserve Fund . $8,389,174
'Total A.ssete weer $33,000,000
• HEAD 0E1100 nerintim."
Bus fileas
Ilayloas too lataarisottiit.
41.00 lot oh that Is required to oben
•a40Ount IllOnest San he dot/Milted 1» Sis
or more babies, stibicet t6Withdtaleiii er
cheentlit, Interest paid four timeit year.
Tomei* Mit *Weis
hiseatteka ,er ealleciectItt etteaahls
•re .•