Clinton New Era, 1908-02-21, Page 2lwa1Time Toble )1ani 'rAarxow Wing•Iest 0,22 a, inn , 735 544 8.15 p,nt 5,211 pm Going South 7.50 a:m 4.28 p.m. OLOIWN Gang West 1,01p ani 4'.40 p.m 11,11 p.trt (•Bing North 11.07 In °..lila ti, Sleepless? li�Nerves Art Racked vitality Is Lowered e�1tb Undetermined-; Opiate*, • idati11etta Narc!.tic> , Morin '114s11 410040ns, ProfOuts t o Yertntano,it 1iood. Worry, overwork, over -study and indigestioncombo iusomonia, rtealthy, natural Sleep can't be pre ducel toy chugs. r anon must be bloc cul... r 3 i k t sG the cl improved, t,ongestion of brood' :in the head. Must t:e removed, • • Irritation in the brein must :be • re• lleved.. because ll'errozone equalizes circ, dilation, because. it soothed the irri tationi Weenie it removescongestion that is dues Cure insomnia. ' For building blood and nerve, for instilling force and h%%, into overwork- ed oreanie eetablishtng strength and vitality, where clan y'iu,tind any thong so lure as Ferrozone? Hemnemitber slip ib just as important as feed, : You must sleep, or break down. Yuu eau ifyou'll use iferrozone, and thereby now remove the conditions whi4h keep you fromu sleep. • FerrozOne is not 'a nai'cotie, not a dope; it is a health giving tome that any •hlld•or delicate woman can use,, Ab olutely sate is Ferrozone. • '1'alie"t 'rul •a• month, 'Mee it for year -.no •harm, but ifhmeaeirable good will result. ' To sleep welii Look well, feel, to be free from depression, nervousness or blues -use bserrozone.. Its a food ton, is,a heater to tui we tit aad .wresche i,, •a boon to the sleepless ,ea sold: every- where in 50e boxes. 1 The Era every.Fridaya ie' published t • the Niaw Elia Printing House, 1<dAAO;MEW.'r . . . , QY.IN''osr, Terms of subscription --$1 per year in advance ; $1.50 may be charged if 'snot no paid. No • paper discontinued until all arrears aroaid, unless at the option of the publishes±, The date • to • which every subscription is paid is s de- voted on the label. Advertising rates. -Transient adver- tisement?, 10 dver-tisements,10 cents per • nonparel, line for filet insertion and 8 dents per line for each subsequent insertion. Small advertisements not to exceed onee inch such as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen." ete inserted once for 36 cents, or one znonthfor$l,QSmmunications intended ' for publication must, as a guarantee of. good faith, be accompanied by the saws of the writer, • To insure publication in current issue copy of advertisements should be eent in early. Contract rates - The tollowingtatale ahowe our rates for specified ' periods 1 Oolunin $75 00 $40 00 $25 00 $10 00 +} Column 40n00 2600 15 00 600 Oolumn 25 00 15 00 800 300 •# Oolumn 1800 1000 550 2 00 l Inch 600 S 50 200 100 RoaT. Ho ab ,.CLINTON NEW ERA CLINTON, ONT.. FEB. 21. 1908 SOJIETIME Sometime when all life's lessons have been learned, And sun and stars for evermore have set, The things which our weak judg• . went here have spurned,. The things o'er which we grieved with lashes wet - Will flash before us out of life's dark night, As 'stars shine most in deeper tints of blue And we shall see how all God's plans were right, And how what seemed reproof was love most true. And if sometimes, commingled with life's wine, We find the wormwood, and rebel and shrink, Be sure a wissr Hand than yours or mine Pours out this pction for our lips to drink. And if some friend we love is lying low, Where human kisses cannot reach his face, Oh, do not blame the Loving Father so! But wear your sorrows with obed- ient grace. • And you shall shortly know that lengthened breath Is not the sweetest thing God sends his friend ; And that sometimes the sable pall of . death Conceals the fairest boon his life can send. If we could push ajar the gates of life And stand within, and allGod's workings see, We could interpret all this doubt and et rife And for each mystery could find a key. Wheat Outlook. Ari. our millers about' the, outlook r Ontario wheat, end they „say that the•future promises a steauily iucreas-• ing Market and higher. Ask our farm - ere, and some of them put on' a 'long.' face and say there is nu money in On- tario wheat. i.nesemen are about. fifty. years be, hind the times: They"' have never heard about such "new tangled things T (=TON W EBA A GLIMPSE OF MONTREAL Some Oheracteristr of Life in Cell* ,ado's Eastern Mstropolie.. Half; a million .People ---soon to be a round trillion. The modern and the medieval. The tense struggle and the calmness of those who do not work, but linl' b o im. Hurrying creatures, empty eyes; the elow roc ssmon' of black -robed figures moving on tb church, telling their 'beads as they go. Fits of strong banks .and, big cor• i ; ' tesalso, o ar G iv pratons.andl_geat i• , a Cit which still lives in the past Y n 1 1 kneels in the centuries, and m licit k mu$�,,,when . the Wet goes by. Mous and profoundly interesting to the student are the contrasting elements and conditions of the metro- politan city. Go to the court. -bow, and the eloquence will be that of a brilliant T"',reneh-Canadian lawyer; go to the bead olliced• of the Grand Trunk , Or the C. P. R.,, and yon will find practical men. 'who might not be able on the spur of the- moment, to frame a decent sentence, if you gave them a In bodily condition, ;million dollars, directing tremnendow, In no other wary can( you so quickly, operations with the business -like apt- se readily and so positively stimulate tilde of the Anglo-Saxon. : - the stomach togordhealth. as by using 'Read' the French press. and you will illi+o-na. • • find :...the coruscating ' pasquinade; • A 50. cent d box of Minna lasts a .glance at the English papers and y_ou • couple of weeks, and Will ward off` a will have blunt statement. dozen attacks of indigestion and bring Go to the. pelitieal caricas: and you the weakest stomach into a state. of will be greeted with n mag?retie elo- strength and good health. fluence from a. mercurial pe,oplo,. Pro- Ml -0•118 18 sold by druggists every- ceed to the, shipping offices, the offices where for 50c, and we pbsitively guar- antee to refund your money should you purchase a box and be dissatisfied with results. Write for 'free sample addressing R T Booth;gornpany, . Ltd, Fort Erie, •Ontario: , OUND TRUE REMEDY.1 PEr I AHS 'FOR EN0A40. Ott ergo Rao Oil ROW anfoo to Sipe A1t11A1C+stNtaal� 'lrfou*� ,Atetriiloger Says She Will Harm Trouble I • . In Hs' Oelenise, The iv alaulabisamount of good that fo#fte txfol�ge1es, 04P041,_is11Y tboae who m - one stomach tablets are doing in fore its birth, really fts of thelarAbe- Winton, in making sick and even de n epairing people well, should compel predictions, they must have. none but ti everyjudicious reo the gloomiest of outlooks for the year the tie f � pe r„r b u or a or 4 Rent. �a'he underlyingosuse of nervous de. Decrease in 'trade,increase in the e ess and ice of folie wars. and sumo of ineloueboly is faulty nutrition, the re- wars, sedition and revolt, pol'mti• . ups sere, bein bf00h big 100 es, {aoa 5, EseM R I sm cod' frame house a band barn 4 i *t Fan° I" wile ' PROFESSIONAL '�'a�r_ rr��m�1*� OW q! �Mi'► Wit 1p�ai� . WI +fit, . 1t con.. Godarioh township, Good (hams oris, fraise born; e . W. MR m. . ase opting 10 of b1B 180,1401TOR l'�'ato , laroud � creak, web d 8�+, hRf*'� '�"p *.t>�'it�r�' orobard. all eloaund but bout 25 sone an j PUBLLC aT=� in mood state of ealtivation., :Boil nioh cloy.is ioam. Reoonoblo tame to suit purobas- t1 er. Apply to 0.3. Wallis, Olinton, Ont. 1tea attention who is out,of health with. etomac 1008, and must, indeed, be miserable t 1 men. biltty, „headaches, sle pleasn pr y. The valuable form ooraslrting of 100 shit of a weakened stomach and mac- and downs, earthquakes, international wawj►nosa, there Etre sail .ted on the Terve e. bowel* trouble, disease and other troubles, tiv is _g clo long as the stomach is weak the are all predicted for the coining year. tissues cannot assimilate proper flour- The price of wheat will be high, soya ishment, no matter how troch food is an astrologer, and there will be a foil. eaten. Mi-o-na increases the strength •urs of root crops, and activity of the muscular ' ails of the stomach, regulates the.bowels and =less the blood capable of conveying, nutriment to all the vital t.rgans. The use of Mi-o-na stomach tablets s makes all the difference between a s tired, nervous, sluggish condition, a weakened stomach, and a ,finealthy, "Sephe,rial," editor of the . `Fore-' oast," and a new weekly, "Futures," was asked yesterday to calculate a pecial horoscope for the. year; and ome. of the more interesting of ida predictions are given below: The year 1808 is likely to prose one of the most ,fateful in the history of England. Three major planets, Nen" tune, Uranus and Saturn, will hold cardinal signs, and be responsible for the development of great political crises, On the 3rd of January there• will be a total eclipse of the sun in the sign of Capricorn. This falls close to the positbion of Mars in the royal horoscope, and as Capricorn rules India, we may' look for an outbreak of _sedition and.revolt in the pen- insula. ' IJr'anus continues in the sign of Capricorn and. -in opposition to Nep- tune in' Cancer d'u'ring the next two years; the result being that New Zee. - land and British South Africa, India, and"•Egypt Will perhaps be. the scene of sedition and revolt, "The • •position of the Government" will. be tremendously assailed •and effectually undermined in the sprung of 1908. Joseph Chamberlain will effect some signal successes In July, •and, given. a contitnuance. of the pre -:- sent improvement in. his health, I fudge that he will be a most prom- inent figure in.the administration of affairs. Saturn will then be stationary in the' horoscope of the present Gov- ernment,• of • the great industrial' eorporations,. and. you will find silent men, siie,ply doing business. Drop .in .at the: «try hall 'timid you will. hear torrents of eloquence, not ,about the future position of the city, not about the bringing in of large bet: terments, but about a broken sewer or waterp'p Forty-two members • ten i e. . , English-speaking,. thirty-two born ora- tors'; ten silent and ineffectual crea- tures who might as well be . at..home for all they ean.do or •say. The slight est :provocation brings out all the re- sourcesof the tomiane of Moliere, •The veliemenee; the deel;:tttation;.the mag- •liotisrn which •alarli• the, rhetoric, might well' be applied to 'a' profound question, ;say, of national policy, It is really all about the town pump. The eloquence does not make clean. or wide streets.; it does not give us. as blended flours. Theyuse "Western more parka and playgrounds; it, does hard flour." The scientific" farmer' not construct noble boulevards in the knows all about Western flour.: He newer portions of -the city which will knows to his sorrow, that it was the soon einbr;ice the Island of Montreal: It doeh;'not, iii a word, spell salvation, • but it gives . color .to drabness, : and drabness is the general experience. • A difference of rase, 'of tongue, of :;creed inay have complementary. ad - coming of Manitoba wheat that • sent down the price of Ontario' wheat, : He knows, too, that it its because the ave- rage farmer uses Western wheat flour that the p'mice of Ontario *heat :-has But not to -day. Then be cuntent,poor heart! God's plans,like lilies,pure and white unfold ; file m ust not tear the close -shut leaves apart, Time will reveal the chalices of gold. .And when through patient toil we reach the land, Where tired feet with sandals loose may rest, When we shall clearly know and un- derstand, I think that we twill say, "God knew the best." -neuggince' In New Vora. .a. young man was taken before a New York magistrate on a charge of larceny. The policeman who made the • arrest asked permission to take him to police headquarters. "What for?" ask - •ed tile judge. "To mug him, of couree," was the response. "There is no 'of course' about lt," the judge- responded with emphasis. "You have no righeto ' take a man's picture against bis will IIIMU he has been eonvicted. This young man has not been convicted, and there is to be po htitiggiog' in his case. _ The . sooner the police understand the sifuetton the less liable they will be to getitnto trouble." Other New York po- lieermagistrates have expressed thew seri* In similar terms. -Exchange Meal Does Not Color Hair •Ayer's Hair Vigor u now made from out neviimproved formula, does not stain or color the hair even to the slightest degree. Gray hair, white hair, ,blonde hair is not made a shade darker. But it certainly does st'op falling hair. No question *bout that. Does not change Me roger of the hob. „ tiers A reruntiii with *eh bottle V II ow it to rottl, Aootor- then dies hi KO Indeed, we believe it will stop tVery case of falling hair unless there is soMe very complication, something greatly Affecting the general hetIth, Then you should consultyour physician. Also talc isim about tholtew Meet Heir Vigor. he buys blended flour, which contains Ontario wheat,. and a little.: Manitoba. wheat to add -strength. Thus he speeds his money for the products of his own farm. He Makes 2t profit on 'his wheat and keeps his money here at home.• £he farmer. who uses'•Western patent flour;' is making -rich the wheat gruw- ere of Manitoba and Alberta.' . All this aside,, however, there ,,is .a healthy demanu for Ontario wheat. The blended hours are meeting with tale. most .gratifying success. ' The sates for each month,• as reported by the leading mills,. show a:' 'big increase Over -the comes "ponding: month of the previous year.. :ibis increased, deinend for blended flours means -. an increased demaud for Ontario wheat. Eareaerst who keep abreast of time times, know about these blended flours, --are using wheat living it proceeds .to make money them, and are plitintiug Ontariotur a o. it is• described for the advancing umarket it builds• itself .•lordly _ mansion ., it::.., .,-y--g It .. great pity that every;farmer may be; but it holds itself aloof from. 1x 'iv riirlmtbted cast=o'f tires in our pi tafnce does not.hese realize -the the .•:, current -of affairs: This ' is"not face of Oliver; C ommell, It was .pre - edlmportance ss.umakiugtl these Mend,' ;to mend, but' to make worse the situs- •. sumab'ly a cle:i o mask; Another such ed flours a success :And every failamer•, troll.. But 'this is' an' old story.. •- ' ie, according. to K aylen, in the peli- can li-- cayhelp In this great` workshy/31y ply by • Oomm.ercially `arid industfially, re toric off Michel Thomas Gloucester buying blended flours whenever the ; Montreal is. supreme: in the Dominion. • flour barrel is eitipty:' The, farmers The men whop direct' the activities 'shire. It may be r th Sevenonlcs head. thousands' of poop a are, by their di= • wive; ;CromvKell's Body. • - "What became of Cromwell?" The question is,.a vexed one. According, to . an ancient , tradition Cromwell's body was conveyed immediately after his death, in obedience to his' last orders, and. was buried on Naseby Field, . "where he had obtained the greatest . victory and glory." Accord- ing to • another account, Mary, Lady Fauconberg, Cramwell's daughter, was able to convey the body away from its grave in the "Abbey and to have it burned in her husband's house of Newburgh in Yorkshire,' where the tomb, an. impenetrable marble one, is' stil shown, says' The Lance„ -•-An- other corpse was substituted'. -for Croniwell's in.the hbbey, and it tva this nameless corpse which . under- went the indignities put upon it on. January, 1661, when the putative body was hanged on the gallows at Tyburn, together•. with Ireton''s arid Brad- y' ' il: the head w:s set ii. on hes been found rather. difficult to real - This pole above Westminster Ha 1. ire them. •A hodiogeneous people This head,. still transfixed by a, spike would elect.. men to carry. out .their which was let throw the .cranium �ril1 a A • dual potpie, split in lewd, . by means of. a specially drilled' hole, oleos the. men Answer best, to is. now in the possession. of Mr. Hor- sectional appeal: Hence you have two • ace Wilkinson, of Sevenoaks.. It is Voices 1v0 -:-counsels ander a• policy Vthe head,- urmusly_eliough,-, of soma which pulls. in opposite •dirctions: •one whose'' body has probably been' united embalmed, for the top` of the skull has been sawn off in order,. presum- ably. to admit, of the removal' of the brain. The `body to which this' head - belonged was' buried; under the. gal- lows of'Tyburn; unless, which is Prob- able, the' Fauconbergs,:obtained the body there and carried it off.: Death masks • of Cromwell might: throw some light on the ,question of the: identity of the head.. One of Hence, too, you are lacking In pubhc sentiment, which is the only coercive force you Can apply to any , sort .of government. The results are seen, An over-.. whelniing majority enforees its ideas.; A helpless rninority looks on, with the. privilege of paying taxes. The minority loses heart and interest. It .sees wrong things which it. cannot check. It notes ;extravagances for whichit will have to pay. It goes on themselves will benefit by get more money for their wheat. , 8 men and dairymen. veal share. i the rofits by trying less for bra and shorts,. As is well known, the reason these teedstuffs cost so nsuch now is because our localmills do not grind as much grain as they should, and con- eequently have not the bran, etc:, to sell, And finally,'the whole province will benefit, because higher prices for whear.rneans more money 'for every - University supplies that fear- rections, hard-headedness, and; mod - amity, in curious contrast to' that other 'city within a city which refuls to recognize the twentieth. century. Met' like Sir Thomas ShaughneesY, Mr.. C. M: Hays, :Sir William Van Horne, Sir George Drummond, Sir William Macdonald; Mr. R. B. Angus, Sir 'Robert Reid, give the city its ener- getic, its- progressive character, while BABY'S OWN TABLETS, A SMILE IN EVERY DOSE. The mother who, in • her graditiole for what Baby's Own: 'Tablets have done for her child, said that • "There's a smile in every dese" coined a,' Yery happy and very true. phrase.. The tablets cure all the Miiiornilments of babieirandyming Afildreti; and make bright smiling happy little ones. Mrs John Young, Auburn Ont . says; -"I have used BabY's Own Tablets tor more than a year and I think theY are the best medicine th.it cau be 'event,. baby. They are splendi& at teething mid for stomach and bowel tratibles. You don't -need it dector If yoU keep Baby's Own Tablets in the house.' That's about the highest praise a mother can give and its true every word of it. Yen can get the ',Tablets from any Medicine dealer or by mad Medicinello-13reckvilre, Ont. oarrAIN still FAR AHEAD. • Builds Mere than Half the, Woridis • 'Shipping. ' The statistics Of the world's Ship. 'building in 1907, Jost ioeued by; Lloyd's register, ehow a total output: of mere:Inutile 'tonnage by the Ifnited of '220,21I0 tons int compared With' 1906,; which was the highest on mead. The' foreign output in 1907 inoreased by nearly Sodloe tons. Orest Britain, 'however, _0011 builds more than one-half • the 'mercantile shipping of the globe, 'which hot year shleved a fret 11101111180 of 1.984,- 800 tatis es eon:pared With an inereaSe, of 2,168,000 in 1908. . The world's fleet df thipiires, • reduced during the year by 180,00S *tons and the 'steam tonnage was in-' Itirea/ed by 2,164,800. Great llatitain is still a large pur- ohaser of vesflels Wilt abroad. An- other ixiatter of great discontent in this couritry is the large„ pereentage • Of foreigners employed as setuten on: the British. inereantile uterine, num- bbring._ a total, Of 40,000. With an ant mid wage lid of $10,000;000. While pressing heavily ashore, this is -con- sidered unfortunate, and the British Naval League is taking active stepa to agitate the utilization of the un- employed to take the phtee of aliens • on the ships, Carte ibefillit lessness of teabhing which it of such inestimable value to the Minority In • ofli.111. UP NEW COUNTRY. Oontemplittad Work of C, ' P, R. I Mr WM. Whyte,' s,ecorid .vice-presi- dent, of the C. P. R., who has recently been ',in liontrettl-iir-connectien---with-- the work ,of settling the . company's appropriations fa railway expencli- tura in • Western : Canada during the coming year, has now . practically einnpleted his work. .The apPropria. tions that have •beert settled upon do • not provide for .aris, new colonization . lines of striking importance, but show that the' company will COnfine its at- : tention mainly to eontinuing the work , it has already help= in thoroiighly exploring- the Viler and fertile portions of the provinces of Saskatchewan and from two to three . hundred miles mirth OLthe company's main line. . • The principal work decided upon for this year, Mr. Whyte announeed, ' will be the cempletion of Pheasarit, Hills branch clear throtigh from She - ho, to Wetaskiwin, on ;.the Calgary. pahy Oar shorter route between Ed- niontdii and Winnipeg than it has fit present, , besides opening up Much new country, In order to complete thla line a section of $2 miles will have to From Lanigan te ASquith. 24 miles west of Saskatoon, there is a section elready completecl:,, Front Asquith the eotripany will build a stretch of 200 miles West to Hardisty, at the Cross- ing of the Battle River, a • that will complete the Hee, for t e rails are Ialready laid from the Battle River tO Some time rig,: bad had atta,t3k of Quirisey Which laid me up for two weeks and cost a lot of nseney. Finding the lump agaieforming in my throat, I bathed freely with ritiN- Attl:04 and saturating it eleto with the iniznerit Jot It n all NOX I.. morning the swelling VIPS gotto and attributcd the warding off Of an attack of guinsev to the free 'use of peertoz,:olrijkenesses ancl busts. of. the Catarrh Cannot be Cured with' LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seaf of the dis- ease. Catarrh is a, blood cr constito. .tional disease, andln. order te cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh qure is taken internally and acts directly on •the blocd• and is not a quack medicine. It was pre-. scribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a reg- ular prescription. It is composed Of oneof the rest tonics known, combin- ed. witts the best blood purifiers, act- ing directly on the mucous surfaces, ,The perfebt combination of the two ingredlente is what produces such Won- derful results in Miring Catarrh. • bv Druggists, price 750, • • Wanted 00, a straw shed with 'tabling tun derneath, it young orchard of 2 mom, in good bearing condition, plentiful supply of good boa and Boit water. There are 90 acres cleared and e good hard wood bush, Foesemion given te do fell plowing, apply lo BENJAMIN WITMER, • Thirty oorde ot Bra class green body. 'maple wood twenty inohes lone, to be de. livered at the Clinton School, on or before the first day of May J.908. Ten dere will be received onor before Feb:, 22" . J. OUNINGBAME,. Secretary. A Different Thing. • "Then, Mr. • Soxley didn't really glve aceording to Ids n.aeaner 'said the ' "No," replied the minister; "merely Standard end Times, . oniOnswasinao Farm lor Sale. Proprietor offers for Bale his farm on the MaitlendOmi. Goderioh Township, Lots of Holinesville church and school. The farm ntains i38 sores of choice land, a good a 0 one% and bank barn, 5 agree of pollard and 80 *ores of good 'maple busiland. • The farm hi traversed by a ran. ning brook, This farm will be sold in a block or'in, parts. Apply to ALEX BAEOUR,. lbor Sale ()heap RIDQ'UT #k HALM taoN'laY,dN ,�.> T LOAN." MONEY � O II7h mot c • 'i7 Jowl ulDo OR. O. W. TillOSIPMCit seeMetathentlon elven to diseases et the Two doors wart of the Comoierdat Doha Dorm St, Ors, Gunn Nr &nee -Ontario Street, Clinton. colts 4 front door of °Moe or residence. Us Street. :Dr. T. T, McRae, Ilithorette OiThrisnes. Lots is Cori. 9, and Lot 29 Gen. 10 GOCie* rich Township, 89 &eras in each ' • M; COATS Goderioh. Farm to Bent, • Sobs° ber offer° to rent his farm of 125 sores, b ng lot 28, con. 5, Bullets. Good uomfortable house and good out-buildizige, orchard, plenty cf water, 8 miles from 'Clinton. Fall plowing all done; 15.1licres of fall wheat. For partioulare apply on Abe premises. or M Clinton P.O. __The undereigned offers for sale north pt of Lot 20, Con. 14, Hallett; 100 Sores, all cleared ; good oechards, hard and soft water; wind mill; bank barn; goodstabling; brick house, driving shed, hog pens, hen -house. DA.V1D NICOL, Blyth, •tiouse to Rent (Suceeseor to Dr. Holmes 1 specialist in Crewe and Bridige Graduate of the ROW College of Dental eir." ge0118 of Ontario, Honor graduate of University of Toronto Dead tal Department. . Graduate of Chicago College of Dental' Suenswe -Chicago. . will visit Eayileld every Monday. • bit. H. FOIIILE.lit. Offiiies over O'NEIL'S store. %Special core taken to make dentel went patnless. as poseible. Tema natienELL.L01.1DDSBOROt" No witnesses reouired -,..are-wapeotile for all -diseases -and. .orders ariSing from a run-down condi- tion of the heart =nerve system,smodi • se Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous Prostration, Nervousness, Sleeplasa.' • ne•it, Faint and Ditty Spells, Brain Rags ete. whey are espachniv beneficial to women trunbled with irregular men. Ptioe 50 eente Per box, Or 8 for UAL T191. Iirtooda Co.,. Isarrana Good convenient house on High Street, containing seven rooms, stable, eto. Apply to JOHN- FOSTER, Alhert Clinton. A story-and7lialf frame house; on Wel- lington Street, with ood lot is offered for sale, cheap. Apply to • JAMES SMITH' Ontario St. For Sale or to Rent Comfortable House 'on • North BC con- taining every Convenietioe for small family will be sold or rented on easOnable terms, THOMAS .GUNDRY ,. Live steekand general Auction7,er Vara. Stour sales specialti,•. Ott.ei 11 Afr Naw ERA mike, canton primetly attooeso ' ,Adios.-colinerient, reasonable, ---!Farmers' sale latekt; Money Prittate funds tit loan at Ali per Gent tad. GEORGE ELLIOTT eLINTeze. ONT., TERMS REASONABLE. Orders. left ab the NEW ERA wAi„ promptly attended to, II,rise or See Mapde St, one half sore of ground, good fruit trees and other small fruit.' -house in good condition. Apply to " • Rouse for Sale. Subscriber offers for sale -his house and three-quarterof-an-aore of land on Mary St. Fruit trees, good hard and eoft water also stable. Will. be sold on reasonabl . Property for Sale. The ntidirsignet1 offerer • for sale the property on the corner of Enron and blase 131., Clinton, and known as the Elliott Bleck. It is the niost desirable store property in teen, and will be sold on reasonable terms. jOHN 0. ELLIOTT. . .House fOr Sale. A comfortable frame house on Mill St., containing 8 bedrooms, sitting room, pan'. try Woodshed, good cellar, hard std. soft water • One. wirier Imre lot Will be said :I' 1161 have RetleWed Your Subscriplon? • .. _At,:good: 'many subscribers have newed their subscriptions, -hot fry Memel; to the average individual, bug the individual dollar makes a great deal of difference to a palieher, when he has hundreds of thetn scattered all over. If YOU' have not renewed;would you kindly& de so as soon as Con- venient - Sale Register, One mite from Roimeardle, pn March 0, Thos Gundry, Atiet. A:mortgage sale of hotel property will be held in Auburn on Saturday,. March 14th. The Auburn liotel and lands appertaining thereto Will be of - rani Stook of T lot 21, eon , ilnliAtt. on Friday, Yob 14, T Brown Parte, Ntoeir, etc, of the late Sohn Sprung, lot 2, base line, Ilfillett, Feb 25. T Gutdry, Auctioneer. Parte kook, etc, of W, L. Lindsay, Huron Bead, Goderich township, ori ' seam to understand that I am on 'my own hook, so to -convince them of the My snot; is three doom north 'Of the Ithermandie Hotel, where there 'is as choice "a stock of Fancy Were Tweeds Pantinf, Over -coatings anii black aAcl blue orsteds ae, found any Suite made to order on short -netiee • Eindly give us a call, and- inspect- .144 The large Cottage an Qneen street. he. longing to the estste of the latriE, laolmes is offered for Sale. ' The lat is one-half acre, with bearing fruit trem hard and ERA office. • Good House for sale (InnAsireetbearorrinnt asebtittlyette00713Bizoieusaiheebriliww118-rentitoobryabibifirajamnneci. in good condition- sore of land, good or- chard, stable, hard and soft water APplY to GEO. "LADD, Efolinesville, or New Ere Private Sale ol nousehold From this date until March ,6th, :1908, treseeil, apricots, eto,, sideboard, extension table,. coach, linoleum, Radiant Home heater, book case, fandy and ether tablee, Rattan, Mahogany and Oak chairs, Urge • . dook /dove end other articles, ALSO • CLINTON Birds and Aximals Stuffed and Moiratat. true to Iite. Terme Seasonable 0LINToN ONT •- ineTaggart •_ SPIN.IfERS ALBERT.. *ST CLINTON-- transacted Pratte Issued. Interest allowed ow The Melcillop Mutual': Fire Insurance Co. rm and Isolated Town props Jelly J. -B. McLean,President,Seaforth; Thos Eraser, Vice-pres., Brfice5eld;, Thos. .3 • Hays, Secy. Treas., Seaforth: Jas.' Connelly, Jake - te:ionaetst,n;e:Iy:arGsea:locGkrifo";evitGbe,;:....vvi.D.ale,inzthrvanoCpsli!ito;31.;;Mha:. . nh-eis•Ewoeirwiiiii,11:3)1ocar°dhiretittoayg.teins'inipeitor of Robe Smith; HarlOck; Ed1 Hinckley. Seafortb; James Cumming, Egatowdo, vine; T. W. Yee. Helniesville RIDES WANTOD h paid for Hides, Slam ' lnd Tallow. Good Frame House tor Salo or..to Rent Subporiber offers for ante or to rent hit large and cemforteble 'frame house on with bath'roore. closets, wash it orn brie pantry, Good dollar end ftitheaer-ithid good stable, 3. B. LINDSAY, Clinton. Tendere revolved bt the Council of ihe Towle Lip of Volleit tor tie, Impels of 4 000 ft of Rae( plank, 10 ft loeg, place, T ridaro will oe opened at tile otewriship 11611 on, Friday, the 21st day of For Corn for Sale ore, ei quantity of choice Yellow Cab or excharige for other grain, 'Standard Elevator, ylintOrt. iienitry for knit,. pallete, and 1 coolieret fa $9, bred from D Ortelon's win nem, GEORGE IMAGE Polled Aberdeen, Nils tor: Sale. For ale, three thorrsbred Polka Aber.. aeon none, one tayesr.old, and one sii. Months' old, All registered the Arneri, den Herd Book, Will be abld &gap. Swan ,I110 YUMMY EXPORIENCS , Anyone sending it sit it tier DESiGNS invention is prentoly patentee a. Comments*. sent free. Oldest Sammy/0 swum& natant& gummy. ascertain our eillnion tree whether en rim, conndentieu IICAsOnFiYdBdneet:14T:patpio:irtiva Patents tAk0A throngh unit ,t -0e. receive ilgilendasocierly Massaged weekir, Lprgest uta. AdO, IS a yoardcsatme pawns. WOOS MY tt atfliaiOvirdekt