HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-02-14, Page 4" TUE ()arrow Kim au 444. .• „HERE If you come to this store Saturday. you can° see many BARG AIN.5 in winter. goods that will more than pay you to buy now i,; This is house- cleaning time with us, and we're'. anxigus to sell „every dollar's worth of winter goods, o we. may. - start next season with a cleanstock. We have lots of other bargains not advertised here. 40C Worsted 'Rose 25e Less than 50 pairs heavy Worsted Hose with douh- IORA le knees, splendid stocking at 40c all size e Saturday... arati " 15c Wrappecelte tie 200 yards finest qualifies Canadian and American • wrapperette in neat anciaretty patterns sultable,• for Waists, Wrappers. Drepang.sacques. etc. all new pat- terns this ieason,•regulrr price 124 and 150, ,Saturday 8c morning per yard - • •. 200 yards Navy Blue Print full one yard wdeJn. 1 per yard c four different patterns, regular price 15c Saturday 12 Best Underwear Bargains of the Season Less than twenty five all wool vests and drawers including Turnbulle-Natural and Unshrinkable un. derwear, The flnist, qualities we sell at $1,2a each 75 Saturday 4e and 50r Veiling •19e 4 pieces Black Veiling, Regular price 40 Saturday 15c Shirting Flannelette 10c pieces only shirting flannelette, regular price 15c, Saturday • ani5°°19c flannel pattern,. 10c 1 Bide Cotton Batting 3 tor 25e 1 bale best Cresent Cotton Batting Special 3 rolls inn for 411/ 5e Towelling 2 yards 5e • 2 pieces roller Towelling' goodquality. regular price 50 5c, at 2 yards for 40c Gloves and Mitts.15c , A table full of wool gloves and mitts in almost alt kinds and colors, some silk lined, a clear up of tbe raga entire stock at per pair. A Winter Coats and Furs Less Than Wholesale Cost \ Your chance now: to buy Winter Coats and.. Furs at less than wholesale cost. We are clearing out all our Winter Coats and Furs- at remarkably— -- low prices, and t iis will be about the last chance of th! season to get a fair assortmelitai'ig—mit your owu price. If you *ant a Coat or a Fur,buY, one now. 'Spring Goods No;vv Sale. We are showing NEW Dress Goods, , • 'fins, Prints, Embroideries, Lace, Waists, - etc -and will be glad to have you call and see them. AM, " GRAND IR IN4 ei °." • • REDUCED One way, second.class colonist tickets i will be on bale, commencing Feb. 29th, i and continuing daily until April 29th. To the following points. .Vancouver Victoria San Pratitille0 Loa Angolan Seattle Portland 'raceme , Spokane San ne,Fieo OILY Tickets and ,full information mar be obtained fratn Town Agent. Pur- ehaseyour tickets at uptown offlge• and avoil delay at denata .. F. la, BODOIBNS; Town Agent, • -I- -START ANY -TIME - Get your training in the School ? that is qualified to give you best .3 results. NEM 111ERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE, yoneeana steam St., Toionto. S T. M. WATSON. Principal. ) No! .0140 CLINTON EW.l‘I CLINTON, ONT.. 'FEB. 14, 1008 There is nothing Like -a robuet optim- ism, even if once in while it may' ber coxne ludicrous. The London , Free Press has recently been lending itselft to an Ottawa .eorreepenclent who both versatile and possesses; , a most vivid imagine:age. •On Mgaday it publiiihed a statement by this 'CZrrespondent, who, speaking Of the prospects of the Conservative party at the next election, says: -Mho Ounseryative peaty should be returned with a substantial majority. I predict , . we will have 126 members. In eery province W ft will have gains. In, On- tario,we count on 132 inemhers ern. the esta-inclatting-ManitcantaBeitish 'got umbel. ana the new provinces, 25, and in Quebec g5. • Isn't that bracing f�rr you The 'standieg of the.parties after the genet . - al election of '.1909)was as aolloWs: • • _ " Lib . Con Maritime Provinces.. i; .. 20 quebee , • 52 Ontario . . ... " . , Western Pthoyinces ' 6. Since then the Liberalize have gained MrsR J McGill, of Chicago, le visit- - the train was running about twenty mr ot mureeton speitt crews were injured ismiraculous. Geri- BtatteetVick, and. lost •one in Nova Death of lir 11W Kelly The following particulars toneera. erly of liullett and Blyth, are taken ing the death of Mr W Kelly, Zona - from the Bastrop, Louisiana Enter- prise: - The announcement of the tragic death of Mr Kelly was lt great shock to this comMonity, especially when Me tragedy was rnade known. On the 7th• at hi. hotue at Vaughn, La.1 he Was requested to Mt as near Man. ager and peace, officer ata ball or entertainment given under the ans.. pices of the best element of that com• munitY. During the entertainment one Dan Yorrey 13egan, a disturbance with one of the other floor ma,nagere, whereupon Kelly remonstrated with hill) and in a gentle and corteous mane •ner inadueel him to leave the building it the liana- trod iteCompanying-hinr to the Not of the stairs leading to the public hall wherein the entertainment 'Wes being had, On 'reaching this -Peintawithent.- any. -warningi-lesey- pulled a pistol which he had concealed on his person, and fired *brae shots in rapid truccession, ail of them taking effect in the body of his unsuspecting victim, and the brave and ,ativalroter • Kelly fell mortally wounded. Simul- taneous with the last of these shots anotheretret rang out from tile crowd of excited bysetnders and it fouud its way to the heart of the slayer oniony killing him instantly. From the effect of these wounds Mr Kelley died and was laid to rest in the new 'cemetery of Bastrop amidst a large concourse of sofrowingfriends. Thus ended the UN of one of Morehouse'amost valued citizens, in the perfortnance of a noble duty, in the &tense of the peace and quiet of the corinnunity in- wItiaiiim lived. Henry Kally combined ialtitte self such rare qualities of heart and mind as to make him FL leader among men and constituted him one of nature's noblemen in the truest ?sense of the ernes Those who knewhim best loved inost. This entire community nourns sincerely over the de;ath of this brave man, who died a martyr to a high sense of duty and a cooseient iods regard for right. 'Mr Kelly was a member of Mirth Masonic Lodge, and tlie, Mesohe of Bastrop attended his funeral, and also , ,bY resolution expressed their high an- preciatem of him as a man. Mr R. Rance, of town, was an inrnate friend of Mr Kelly, and was just arranging to pay him a visit, when word was re - craved. of his death • • ••• &lute Your Bride There MS printed in The Utiles' Rome Xournit for February a page of amusing ineideute at weddings. The following Wagi taken from that page and actually occurred in Olinton. ceremony was perfortned in the on. tart° Street Methodist parsonage by the late Rev Mr. Edge, and the article _or was puhlithed in the New Bra at the , was a PeultOi at the +Aim in One of f the Canadian towna, and they came from the rural districts of the 041114,1 sea prOvincea, They wanted to be. mars atIr ried in thg paisonage and 1 had asked * ******************$9000*** mi Valealbit's t ine.- a few hien a as Witnesses. Th lady was apparently. about twenty.three years of age, fairly comely and self.; possessed, and the prospective grown was Omit twenty-one, though he look- ed inPre—liker treventeete—The acerrar ;pony -went Off without incident, the volvs:baci, been exchanged and the un- alterable pronouncemeot_hadabeen. rontier-There'reinitiliel but that they should Seal their union with the cus- tomary. thee. I therefore said in low tones - intended exclusively for the couple, "Salute your bride." They at stared at inc in mingled astonishment Aga and interrogation. I tried again and, : stepping toward them, I said in con- fidential tones, 'Salute your bride." They evidently grasped my meaning new, and determined that, if • they 415. were a little slow at compre- headingme, theyawould show methey were quick to obey. They turned their faces toward each other, backing away at the. same time with a gracefut bate, and wetting with' rhythurioal step ' Lttth4k•.-- - ARTISTIC PRODUCTIONS IN OREAT VARIETY. Valentine, Post Cards_ _comiCS-AND-NOVELT-lES_ OF VARIOUS KINDS.. Cooper'sBookStore *CLINTON. ; ?ix and elastic moVement characteristic .of the quadtille Forward they came again before I grasped the situation, •advancing with the same springy, dancing movement, and were just reaching out their arine, to "swing" eaeh other when I rushed tothe rescue of tlfe reputation of my home. Some. Echoesorthe Storm The situation on the Goderich divi- sion ef the C., P. R. was bad. Eleven engines were tie./ up within a few miles of Walton. Several men were nearly frozen between Walton end Blytl3. • In an endeavor toevaise the blockade on the Buffalo & Goderich branch of the Grand Trunk Railway on Friday, an unfortunate accident occurred te the snow plow, when within about- a mile of Goderich.. After the main.line fromTorento totondon had beenclear- • ed, One, of the largest plena, with •tvet• X*************4444-24.- -heavyaMoguiengin ea- -Was-sent to .4. „ . 9 13 48' 44. Godertch, andupon reaching Seaforth Personal Notes + another Mogul engine was coupled on sae The outfit just struck the last drift .44t when the jumped the trae If those having rolatiVes or,frieoa ÷ virIng•inf tan or ting aawat' great impact scut the plow into the. *301511.********* 14******* .g011/4 gOlfirgi. 4Aefrallid era- , RefallsTESSQ OFIA.NGE; - Mr 'Ios. Members are asked not to forget the Rattenbury has disposed of of his ilea Poultry Meeting Monday night next. .uor store to Mr Pew, of London ; Mr Mr. J. Colclough has moved to Kr. &, house shortie,. Everything which will. Rattenhary expects to occupy' hie new ; R Baker. . 3106:aryl:Is store, formerly occupied by V public has been, installed, and the'Grip • daMugishstoMr oafamBrej101.1•InofB' •,31.41403edMvisniettineri . , , • • men" will soon be staying under the her oldfriends here. : roof, of the widely known and genial add to the cOmfort of the travellieg proprietor. ltir ktattenbury is one of tile most popular hotel Keepers in the prgvince. . ,,, , • •• . • , WOMEN'S.INSTITUTE-The 'regit- lar meeting of the Women's Institute Mrs Laycock, of Paris, an aunt of Mrs James Shepherd, Townsend St., died a few days since. • Mrs Fisher, formerly a Miss Spurg- eon, of Kincardine,and relative of We of mr8 Heiner A T Cooper, died last week: . was held at the home Andrews on Thursday afternoon, Mrs. 0. J. Wallis received word on Jan 30th. There was a good atten- Tuesday cif the death of an uncle, Mr. dance including several visitors who 'Joseph Salkeld, at Stratford. will in all probability become mern- Mr P Rovecliffe has what is perhaata • bers. The spertker of the day being int - avoidably absent, the time was spent out of - thirteen eggs. set he has ten the first brood of chickens this season, in discussing vermin' subjects pertain- Buff Leghorn chicks ; who heir airy ing to the home.' At the cloaca' of the chicks before this, this year •?. 'meeting ,the hostess served refresh - The regular meeting of Canadian • anents which wereanueh enjoyed. Order of Rome Oircle will be held in L 'GOOD----Sovereign--Bitn hee-Oddfellene.s flall'onMeralarave ing, Feb 17,at,8 o'clock for the purpose - notes or bills are goo or one un re • df h d d 4. would announce it in the NE lE 4.• air, and the first engine plunged down fest , cents on the dollar. The fact that the * an emba,namenta landing fifty X444440+444+44+4.014.1444/ away in front .of a farmer s house. The 1 Sovereign has handed over its business to the other banks does not didcount '• Ken Chowen is home from Detioi second engine struak the plow, turn the value of the bills of the Sovereign d • - on . e'lli.11;37E-ate Scott had gone on a vieit to Toronto. at!ly remait Pined Yon the tees, while :the aaariety. People need have no hesita- third, with the von, remained on the tem in accepting the bills as legal ten- track.- At the Awe of the accident der.. Any bank will take hem on de-. mut or change theta tor others. Once ing Airs F w watth, at present. miles au hour, and t at none of the two seats in °ataxic), one in New Sunday with, his brother•ia-faw Mr. 4 was hi era oa master Fergusocaof Toronto, charge of the train. and imme- Brydone. , diately veired,for the auxiliery to corn - Miss Helen Doherty hag' gone on .a mence wrecking operations. s. • , visit to the family of Rev Me Manning Two mail trains reached 'Miriam on ..at Peterboro. • . • • Friday afternoon from the east; ' and.. Mrs Wm Lindsay, of Clinton visited had to remain here until midnight, R d Scotia: ' Eut the Ottawa romancer , thinks the 69 odd • majority. , now held , by the gcrvernrnent, Will be turned in- to a Liberal aepresentation of wily 79 , . after the next election. ' Any man WhO T tkrinks the' COntiervatives will held 25 beats in Quebec 'next etecticin, simply doeszat know what he is talkingabout Atter-the•Staauiteadeiectionethe other_ Lay; the correszondent of_th_e Totonto„. World (Which' will hardly' be called ;Libeseal). said : -.lit is plainly evident that while Sir Wilfrid Laurier lives, there is • no Chance- whatever, for the ConsetvatiVes ths Province of Que- bec." • The Whale matter absolutely pro- blemaacal, bat'the indications tor the Liberal Government haying a stibetan- inajerity•in the 'wit house; and • Certainly just as good, AS for the °we., sition. To erre e sorting phease, "It is safe bettingahat Sir Wilfrid back into power with all the majority behind him that ie necesserv."; • $ Church Chimes$ •ft..1110111.11.111144begililltqAtWit• WILLIS Despite the inclement weather and the all but unpassable state of the -roads,' which it was thought would necessitate a postponement the an- niversary services of Willis church last Sunday were a decided success -in • 'every way. The Rev Dr Kilpatrick, Of /Knox College, who ministered from .1 the pulpit, fulfilled the high expecta- tions entertained from his reputation. His sermons at both services were strong. evangelical and convincing ex- positions of his texts. The services of Music, under the guidance of Prof. Camipbell, were appropriate and - up- , lifting...Anthems were sungat both the rispriaing and evening services. In addittMrs Dowzer sang a solo after the .:lerition in the morning and , Mieratire Mc0orv1e Bangle the even- ing, aapecial offering which is to be de'igted towards reduction of debt on tliillurch property was liberal, • , itimounnag to over t500. A Soda under the auspices , of the Voting People's Guild was held in the "Wheel room of the church, Thursday eVening. A.good program was given, and refreshinents aver° served ; a good attendance enjoyed a good evening's ,program. WESLEY‘ ° It is -expected that the anni4ersary orv.tbett, will be held on the fith er 4lulch, and that Rev. Dr Briggs, of Toronto, will preach both morning and evening. The Pastor will preach next Sunday titning eubject; -"The patience Of *auk" Evening "The Form of Godli- .1tessavithout the Power. The offering in Vehalf of the Educational Fund tvill taken Up. 5. .0 - ONTARIO STREET The Educational offering will be tx k- en next Sabbath. The amerunt asked for is $50. It is expected this will be In spite of blockaded roads a large number partook ot the sacrantent in the quarterly service last Sabbath. The basement was filled for the • love feast and fellowship service. At the official board meeting • on Tuesday evening a uuaninious vote of appreci- ation was passed to RevW E Kerr and his wife for faithful and efficient ser- vices rendered during theta term thee far. By a unanimous, standing vote Mr Kerr was invited to return as pas- tor of "Ontario St for a fourth year. Mr :Kerr accepted the invitation, thanked the- officials for their loyal support and unfailing sympathy through the years and expressed the ' hope that the closing year of his pas- torate may prove the best. The church if; reported to be in very-fleur- ishingacondition. Along , all lines it was never stronger or more prosper. aus in its history. Because of the sto: m and blockade the "Story of Jean Valgeam" which was toilette been given by Rey. Dr.. Cleaver, of Metropolitan Church, Ter. onto, on Monday evening, Feb. 10th. was postponed to Thursday evening, Feb 20th. By request, Dr (heaver gave the story in the Metropolitan; church last week, this heing the: third time during bid pastorate of three years. A. large audience assembled and all pres- ent Were delighted, /n Exeter, . re- cently, James St Church was filled to hear the story. ,It is. expected a very ipage audience will hear him in Ontat. lo at Chinch on Thursday, Feb 20 if the Weather pecare favorable, Messrs Sykes and taillea expect to hold nightly meetings nextweek in the Brethren's ball,Searle'e Block. The public are Cordially invited. • • given. Mrs li Parsons of hixeter, the 'former owing to the snow plow being off . the part of the week. • teaok: Traies have been running re • 'Mr Jamee Sneli; Wee ele3ted :oine7-44- 'flatly -on -both ank tine' week. the officals •of ' the Dominion Horse Ereederar Associationaat Toronto;last , eek. • -111Y-N-Baileafty, wheiat--Onaime _heti charge ot the Studio of Photography here, has now chargeof a studio 10 New York:, Miss Stella Wigginton has returned' home, after spending two inontha-vier iting her larger at Lucan Creasing, and her friend, Miss, Blanche Mellyeen at Aired, C'reig. Miss Susie Egan returned to Exeter' on Monday front Clinton wrier@ she visitea 'relatives and friends for a few. days. She was accompanieil by her brother,. Mr. R. N. Sweet,. wife and child, who will visit here- for a time. • Povihuttentory-7-Note . . Just What along parliamentary 'ca, - a B. MPtt nh ha . , ' shown t� -day wheti he referred to A bill to amend the Electioes. Act, has been introduced by Hoe atr in the -Ontatio Legislature.' -It:is all right, hut does not go far eeough. At. present nearly all Voter's Lists' are revised Omit the Month of Oetober, certain events which had taken place in parliament in 1880, between twehty- seven and twenty eight years ago. Just across from the•eeteran minister of customs sat. Hon John Haggart, an ex -minister, who was in the house at • that time too. 'George Taylor, the Conservative whip, is a third member 0,aaameasmainaeatitathaaseueaaeata•Who has been in the House for almost next list, which generally takes Wade in July of the following year Should an election Occur between these dates, revised list for October is the one ' used.. A great many' changes take Place in all constituenciee between the Issue 'of the lists, and many persons' are disfranchised, because they cannot ' vote in the place they left, nor can they vote in the, place where they re- side; their names not being on the list. Some provision shouldhe made for giving these people a VOte, In case of an election' being held. 00 The argument that protectioe helps the workingman doss ntit hold good in Germany atleast which is one of the highest protected countries in the world. In the city otlierlin over 60,- 000 worknien are unemployed, and there is much suffering. West tturon Liberals are novv in•bat tlearrat. for tne coming contests. Robt. Holmes, the well-known Editor of the Clinton New Era, who has had M. P. honors previous to the bat general election, will try conclusions again With E N LeWis, the pftsent member, who resides in Goderich and the need- le of complies pinta to a victory for the pen wielder of Clinton. Barrister Proudfoot will carry the banner for the Provincial election, and will make a doughy candidate who will stand a good chance okiminning. His option-' ent is not yet named. Some say it may be Realoseph Elliott of Goderich others name Jae laitehell; of the God- srich Star, while not a few pub their th hand no e shoulder of David Co.nte. Ion, of °Anton, and say "You're the boy." Time will bring the solution. The seat has been held by Barrister M G Cameron, of Goderieh, who de- clined to be nominated. We expect to see liol :nes and Proudfoet at the winning Wen in West Rtiron.-Brua• vela Post. 1 not quite as long a pericid. Approximately 1,802 miles of the National Transcontinental Railway has been located IP etween Moncton and Winnipeg -and approxiMately four miles remained to be located. • There were 8459 miles • of, construction now under contract, rind it was intended to let further coetracts tnis year. . Mr M Y McLean M F, for South Hutenaarte introduced into the House; on Monday, and took his seat amid Warm Liberal peers. Bad tio Prejudices ' of election of ofileers and the transac. of other business , The American Oultiyator, publihtd at Beaton, has an interesting and well written article in its last number front Mr Joan Joynt, Lucknow, on"Produe- • tive Farming," for which we will find space in a later issue. , hey reach the banks however, they On Tuesday; evening, while skating will no longer see the light of circulae at the rink, Miss Vine •McCourt had tion. As, they are gathered in the the misfortune to fall on her face, and . ,SuvereignBank bills will be forwarded break her • nose, besides sustaining - account with the' Dominion govern - to Ottawa,and credited to the bank's doctor and her injuries ' other injuries. She was taken' to -a attended to. . . ' • • , • a a.. A recent -lire 10 New liaskeerd gave LIBRARY BOARD The annual a. test to a system of waterWorks shin- ' meeting was held on Tuesday evening lar to that which the citizens here vot- 'to elect officers and tianseet other ea to install. . The fire department had ' business' in connection with the Streatne of water playlet; on the fire' 'itiechitnies-Iestiauta .Thea-follevriatg4 --threeaminutesaAftera thealarmwas , • are the.officers for 1908; President, W given. . This is nutking pretty good Brydone; Secretary, W. H Manning; tinxe ; a syritern like that *mild have Old Ciintotrian • Treasurer, • m D MeTaggatt. Cam" _conuabaintudYleet ellaringa• ' - mittee-to took -after building,---A---ale- A Morris boy writingdothe sketches 'Kenzie, Dr Shrew, W liaMeneing. ,thlteeettur intolintacinun,aorn wmilloina(fladyr,eitsema.... ot his early workama es the following reference to a eouple of Old Clinten, ians, and also to a mill that ceased to exist 40 years ego; --After I had helped to take. in :some of the crops at my home, I hired with a man who had the contract of logging„crosswaying and bridgingthe town line from Blyth to Wingham .,nrairies --a there was no. IV'ingham then. This man • built the both reading roomr• anddistributing .1 vertiser, reters. 'to an old Chntomanr first frame- bridge at Blyth: It was room are overcrowded, and the Board) but who has been In business in Lon- • made of hewn itbiltments andacrossa way approaches: There were eight •or ten .men in the gang,. and when .we had finisherithie work.; we went to nrendationa have been. •pre,sented.the Ly ill from bloodimisoning is much lim- a plate near Clinton called Charles- .00uncil accordingly., . •: proved. •Mr Wright, sustained a." Finance (jommittee, ing, Merck 2nd, his subject to be on , Mayor Wittse E M McLean. •flocli Committee W. Brydone,• W if Man- the line of the Lord's Day. allianseaaaa work, Mr Hanna is a native of this. r" . inomingw, EasM$1-0'M9,CLbaelteno.00Thoen ihnocoodmseificsr. countyahaying been born near Olin- • . me.number of books issued during ton; he is On atdur of this province, in ' the interests of the Lords Day Alli- ttaenYeitiar1906wa,s• 1T5hje°°11138:amrye is growing marcgrewingi anee: too large for present premises at times • The followiag frorn the London Ad- is therefore desirous of securing a grant from Mr Carnegie,if thepeople are of a mind to accept it. Rea den fot.some,-year; -cOndition. of . • Air T It Wright; Contractor,. of NO get a. 'Princess avenuteWhO•haa been eetiOusr • --wortiTir-alillir; car -the-laa,yfield ri,eLtt • H ' ere we remodelled and enlarged the . saw mill, and repaired the .dam ; the Cioderich Evaporator • cently end contracted blood-peisoning wake took a very serious form •spiles used in this work were about 12 . • " The Elgin, Matra Banner, gives' an feet long, and t• inches thick. They Season Closed Last Week -Employees account of a Masquerade carnival were sharpened at one edge and bola Address Proprietor and Foreman. there: Mr. W. Webb, of town. • took lowed out at the other,so that they fitted into one another like rnatchluni. bets " • Mr George Fulton; the contractor, was a good aeon," and as we never worked ' after the regular hours,. it seemed easy for me, as I was accus- tomed to work from daylight to dark. seratcham the_legawhile at,avotkave Atter that- Mr. -Fulton engaged ---tie build bridges andculverts for a Mr. 'Whitehead. co inected with the Bea falo and Goderich railway construc- tion. •• C I Notes . Principal Murray, - of Owen Sound 0!, Visited the school on Wednesday of this Week. • ' The regular meeting of. the Cana-. dian Club -Was held on Thursday. It was announced that Dr Shaw would present sasilver medal to the member of the club making the best fifteen Mai tspeech.• • " " Last week the town council adver- The followinprizee are offered for tised for application for the various competition in 'Form III. One for the town offices. A parry residin .out of highest aggregate in English and His- tory given by Mr Ball. modern .lang- uage masteriaand- 0118 for -the-highest- aggregate in Mathematica And Science given by Alb: W-. D. Fair: • Arrangements are being made to have a debate between two pupils of Clinton, and two pupils of Goderich town wrote to the clerk as mg the 1 nature of. the dutiesto.be-perforrne by the Claug of police. As is well known, he has about one hundred and one things to do, and the clerk wrote out a complete liet of duties, which covered a full sheet of *Elea and sent it to the applicant, receiving afterwards the following explicit letter: a- . "Your letter received inst and in reply will state distiectly that I haV'e looked over all the duties carefully and if your present chief has given you entire satisfaction and is likely to apply agate. I sea it willingly and. without a grudge that he is the man that•shoeld get it' . • Some startling revelations as to the utyages in Canada of prevetitible dis- eases Were wade in the House in the discussion on a motion by Dr. Black for the establishment of it national bureau of public health, Dr Blitek esti- mated that the loss oecasioned to Oen- Oa every year by typhoid 'fever alone was five and one hall iniIlin doliars, and that 27,066' deatlas from 'disease 8e5a4n14 sEaxa/t°13ranhsistetiistl. :aeta;$.a2lt2h;e' 7VV, $12,1; terms thatiking his l'ellow employees were preventative. Nearly one-half of Gerrie. $244; wreacter. sly; mile._ for their kindly. emieideration, ' the) deaths froth preventile diseases oc. vale, $173; Ashfleld, $282: ilolmes- , t Wit h e been it fatal acca it at RV The raoderich evaporator closed last first prize for Gents fancy costume, week after a good season. The proprie- representing a Roman soldier. also for tor, p F Barn -link, had fifty men, fancy skating, of whith the Banner '• boysond girls employed since the 15th says :- "The fancy skating of Mr. of September last, and the wages bill Webb was much admired, and though for the season has aggregated $3,000. Mr flamlink haa shipped from Godes rich and •other points each Month romallovemberattraJanuaryinclusive- 10, cases of evaporated apples, 1,060 to 1, barrels of waste, and 1,000 111 he. has lost some. of his eupplenesa• - since his -professional days, yet he can still do an excellent turn that is de- serving -of -modem -raise. .0• .4--7'• • . W M SayThe Worrier -Ps Missionary - Society held their quatterly meeting barrels of sun-dried apples, m addition on Tuesday evening at the home of to 5,000 berrels.of green_apples. It will Mrs E, Courtier& Aaarge number of • thhruesel:teoleyenbthoautdiothge, leiovapbcror4aotoft;e-t_a SeVei oeing . added to the toll, A meitibe s and visitors were present, special feature of thiS Society le the. %- large number of young ladies whose. • names are on the roll. In this day of marra interests it is gratitying ;to note that „so many find time for missiernitey • work. We look for nutny more. has been a hive of Industry um:lathe fall and early winter months. That the'relations between Mr Hamlink and his staff have been of the best, the following letter which was mailed 'to Mr Hatn-link last week, is . good evidence-•• Mr D Harolink. Goderich, Big Celebration In 1310derich, docicirich, Jan 1008. • DuAn Sifit-Now that, tlse Wark of the season . ea xt vyroe us sr e July 13th •will be a great day in • loaurariP°ravtljaritrideee6fniorl'itehtuedp; zelowylinshettiot given us and also for the prompt remuneration the beautiful tewn, receive. for our services. We feel that You at all Mines treated tui fairly and' courteOusl ;grid • . .-..........-,--1. • • , 1 summed. wish to express the hope that the ventur av The Orangemen of iouth Eared „„...__ jitioad_ov„Artimity,fgain _offeyu ,, have' decided to celebrate.the Battle of . wvaibirtahoughlyboteeglaaehtopbepy.agoantridarperoysopuerroueriisyloser: athoedapitrooty-tydorstIrtetowlenla-0-',/,filitOrfort000nAr - sienea on behalf ef .the employees,-Spil YE°. the Oraneemen of Goderich have the • employees met tithe home Of Chris Sanderson T Dtranows, N IiimiCetwold, B Gilmr; _., On Thursday evening last a number of the mtoamttearkewetlhleienvehnatnda. inTohnesyt e rp, r uo pp .ots: , date, old-time .Orange celebration, its , the prettiast ankhealthiest town in Canada, and will have assistance of the citizens generally. 'VVith the G T R and its Convenient in tersectiOns anti, • the opening of the 0 P R from Guelph as well as a much improved boat ser- vice,and the expectation of chartering have observed that, no matter how meat the tire steel steamer, "Greyhound,"of the , %manes epee your time. you WerealWAys,ready guara,fitee of a good passengger list by White Star Line, Irma Detroit, and a Itianswer.our qu_estionti and assist us in every meter from Grand Bend 4_ W,j1 .re therci possible Ivey. While_insisting on strict attent• is it dock and fourteen feet of Water. at all times. Please accept this entail gift as an , t tie.rte shopvalerlytedrreitny thousands of • ion to buidness you Were cheerful and courteous have proved, a success financially *he •all is who was foreman of the evaporator during the iblearadanParrnted tea behalf lof the C011egytte Institute, to be given in Goderieh. Ae yet no date has been 'The address was rgasr byallaW re oe tho r set but it is .being looked forward 'rine was presented by Neil MacOallum, The With much' interest. ' address was as follows:- , Goderfoh. Jaz 2231dt 1008. TO Mr Christopher Sanderson. Goderiell. the completion of the work of MISS1101111rY fvfogs DEAR 8/a-cht the season at kr Ratulitik's evaporator. vie tee e Ploy eos think it an Opporttine time to express The -anon4 Missionary report of lannadnWentagitbolousmwahnintearmocut Ivo eamaprefigionanano!vovvuer She Methodist OfierrehpfaCanade, has just been issued, instead of stating the ititiount given by each separate ap- pointment on a circuit, AS he hereto- fore, the total amount raised on the circuit, by the chureb, the league, and She Sunday Scheel is given Only. The amount by various stations in Huron are as folloWs: Goderiah North St. $518; GodetichNictoria St OM: Clin- ton, Wesley $1448; Clinton, Ontario St. $446. Seaforth $301; Exeter. James St.• iteknowledgmentof our aiwrociation, Should it Vifil ort.4 is being arrang" fan toting lotto be outplayed • by Mr ed, and further announcements will ba 130 again associated With You. Wishing yr a secretary rnade. The chairman is A M Todd, the 41 O. • johneton, assistAnti, • another season, We Wattle consider it a pleasure hary and prosperous Year.. Nlitnf no be alf Lc (7 re he entployeeig-- BUN- 'no. T. WigialVs, N. rne acid treasurer, Thermal It. sitesceraare, chat. Burrows. he lith of July at Goderich Mr Manderson was taken greatly by protnises to be One of the roost SUCJOSS- turprit,e but made a reply in imitable tin' ever held in any city et towp ' curred under the age of five years, an d 2 2 '444 $ 214 nalgarm'kn',, deVV nt betel r J Preach, Seaforth, were attributable to the use of impure Nith, $2,70; Benthwer, am; nal& and food. The evidence et earn - tary lidifinfin went to show that the on Theeiea hint, while at work hi Mr I bum. $53'1. Walton, $100; Loridesbovol B 0,conteda bush near Dublin, A. $801; BaYllehl, $82; VitYntti $245 Ceti - 200 falling tree strueIhtmon the head, el average death rate could be re uee tralia,$139; Rensall, 0227; Kippen,$ by one-third, and the infant Mortality Beigrave , • and itillieted a severe scalp -Wend an by ene.half0 ' also slightly injured his back. •• d d • Western ootario.1 4• Mr Wan MeCrae of IleleraVe, hart been seriously ill, for the last three or four weeks with 11 peiinful foot,. It turned to blood poisoning, and to sieve his life, the limb thad to he MA. Tmtated just below the knee, last Friday.