HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1908-02-14, Page 3Veto. 44, 11011 1004,Ved YOUIr CiriPtigie • A raid OUilitOrliterit 114.SVO re- ° lteWeal thSir etibitoriPtiOnat -but IsooVO TOO? „ • A r;,tioe dour noake000Mparatilre. • IT/little different*. ta) Out averege AFOIVIdniil. bat the indiVidualdollar • *e�& great deal of differenOtt to pablisiter, when be has hundrede of thiln. !Mattered all over. if YOU have net renewed, would i-Tthali-do so as soon as con- , Venient Tile...New -Era.. lieu? are Will be Sent boli now to the, 1st 0 AN. 1900. to new crabeoribers, for$1.00 ca,sh, "Ithe. Neer Bra and Farmers' „key. - cote to jam, 1#49Q11, for SUS The Wew Ere and Wee* Globe, *f° t, Jan 1909 VA% Peek ia advance: *a New Ere and Family Menai zad Star, $1,111), caeh iladvanee. ' rePeival Pelee ei the New 14e, for 1098. to Oanadian subscribe'., is • 91.1111 °ask" in advance, The. rePewal. liiprilre to subscribeen in .the Vatted. ' States, in $1.50, and no paper WM be . sent OILS. subsCribers unless' paid in eilvanoe. • Sehaoribere in the United Stately, or friends sending papers to the' So; in renew before their subscription empires, otherwise the paper will be stopped whe 'subscription has run • :au t • • Synopsis of Canadian ' THINGS THEATRICAL .,.. ,, )3040ilhuilit,• the author 0 hs Ito 0 the tfonr," fa geld to he tO write a Play on Wash. 1 Ington politleal lite, Arrengemento have imell. COMPletetl WbOtabY Reltri Mier Will have A 040040 Steck company in Ban Pan, ciao, where he nrill try out severs! JleW Plan. WM A.- 'rage, well known as the WON tePreeentertive 0 the New York HIPPodreole, has left that. position to becente the busIneati manager of Mies julla tlitrlOW0,. . .. 'Tulle Sandemon, the prima denim in MMUS- Prohinitii'S company 'oleifiiif wrhe Dalrymaidsi" is the daughter of Albert Sackett Of the "Brewster's Mil- lion/3" company. .. . 0111 Scott is to have a' new Play by the - De lifine `..bentbere called "The Vol." It la 11, WRY ei.theXanadla lumber eamPs, and Mr. Scott °will have the role of a young Irishman. A movement has been started by the Italians in New York to • establish in that citY on Italian 'theater with a. Mock company, one of the plans -being to bring over the Feted Italiandramat,- ic stars. • • • • CULINARY. CONCEITS., Boned sardines or anchovies are add. • ed to ,th4 petato sated by dome cooks, The Ge.rtaan cook adds honed herring. Most housewives fry pork sausages; but they are excellent and not •iso ftraft3' when broiled. Prick 026 wan- e each sausage once in•. the center be- fore ,cooking'. . A turkey 0 • eight or ten pounds should be roasted twelve minutes to the pound.. !Squash' and potatoes take from twenty to .thirty minutes to cook and pies half an hour • if the oven Is. very het 'For. after dinner coffee al- loW" three cupfuls of boiling •water to 'one of ground -coffee. • Ordinary fried eggs are • delieleuel with browned butter. put three table- spoenfuls ,of butter in a frying Pan. Set the pan over a brisk fire.. Let the butter turn a • light brown color th add two teaspoonfuls or good vinegar. Shake the pan slightly TM mix the but- ler and vinegar Well. • Thep pour it areund and.over the e . Serve aiikts Own Tablets Me Lite Sever Baby's Own tilete have Mee,' is prooleue ttlu life. There is no other medicine for children so safe and sure in its effeetit, The Tabieta cure etomach and bowel troubles, teething 40101900 destroy Worms, bre* Op colds and /vacant deadly croup. And you baire the guarantee of a goveruient analyst that thio rim& icine doom not oontain a particle 0 °Plats Or narcot4o, Mrs I laroque, Leg Valley, Sask., says; to-- "I am a great believer in Itaby'0 Own Tablets: - J. have, used them en *many °major's and know of no Medielne"equal to them in curing the comMon ailments Of babies and youngchildren." Sold by - all- medicine de ertiorby'-ftfall 85c a box from the Dr Willianaie Medi- cine Co Brockville. Ont. \ E •NIGHT MAGNIFIES. • king Worth KnoWins For These • Who Lie Awaits and Worry. "IOU hare lain itIVOICO at night" NW PhYsiclan. "and hive heard •a mouse gnawing at the woodwork • Soniewhere down in a Weber* cup- board?" • „ The listener nodded. "Oine loud did it sound to you -as• joud as a burglar the door •arabs with a jimmy?" • Another nod, "'You baye been awakened at 100 a, by the crying of a teething In. , "And it *mended like the hoarse Run: more of trawled ululation's of a frail- zied mob asse. Mbled .outside to demand . Hickory.. soinebedy'a. hiciodra - • " American hickorr as wagon material Partial collapse, • • . . is better suited than any other wood . Or'nwist, tropical. climatea, "Along toward inothing you havens.% • tened a the thin, small voice 0 a moe- .• quito circulating above your head?" An Involuntary sten. "Did It sound. like the screech of a planing mill turning out clapboards for a ' .Two nods. "Would yell have minded any or those seunde In the daytime?" A shake 0• the head, "Now,have no doubt you think that tle seeming loudnehs 0 • these sounds was due. to the contrasting 81 - lance 0 the ulght„But take atioftfs test You have been in lover • UM -um (without utterance). , "And dp you remember how much softer. and warmer and more thrilling was. the touch of your' best girl's hand as you strolled with her on the way biome from singing school at the witch, ink' hour' of half' past 9 p, m. than it was when you called M the forenoon to ask if you might escort her to the aforesaid. vocal eierclses?" • An unspoken Yum pm,- • "Was it the night silence that added 'the finishing touch? - • "It was not," the aalysielan replied to his own question, liking his listen- er's look of uncertainty. "Takennotlier ' iostance: You think you know how tO Write -a ' • • , •A...srialle_of-gratitleation. , Swallows In Palestina, In Palestine the 'swallows are alio*, ed the' freedom net only Of the houses and living rooms, but 0 the mosques and sacred tombs, where they build their nests and rear their young • Carriage Springs,. Carriagis whil • springs, were prac- tically unknown prior to the seven- teenth century and did hot come into general use until well into the eight. eenth century, •• • . • Costly Coffins. , Zing coffins are largely used in Vienna but the more expensive ones are made 0 topper and 'cost 'as . much as .E500, while: a bronze and Copper Coffin made for a Russian archduke cost oyer £1,- 000. . Christmas. Christmas seeps to hive first been Observed between ad 1O. A. D. • A Pretty Safe Safe.' " t 4. remarkable burglar proof Safe has been 'placed in a bank in England, ;At night the safe is lowered by cables intoan impregnable metallte lined OW- ! vault 0 masonry and concrete. After reaching the bottom it is fastened down b• massive steel 1i o er ' I • • "Well, you find yOurself awake ,at night and thluitingr A gein of an idea Suddenly • Sparkle& .in the , darkness. You surrbandit'with- efil6rams • and . 0 • while elaboratino. the settln • on fall asleep,. What &ea :this Jewel amount to in the morning?" • • t••• "There. you are. . You recall . the idea 111 11- HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS • FLOWER .AND TREE Any even numbered section of Dominion '• e a e y. Lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan andAl- . by a. triple time 'tack. . Until theite.lugs are released automatically at a *desired time no human agency can *raise the safe,and to break in through a ,maSs berts,emeting 8 and 26, not reserved,may• • The negro republic of.. Liberia. has 0 stone ,and concrete which measures r • le. homesteaded by any -person who ie• the sole head of a family, or any male over -18 years of age, • to the extent of one quarter. Section of 160 acres, more or. less . Application fer entry must be made in • person by the applicant, at a Erominion Leads Agency or Subagancy for the dis- trict in which the land is situate. 'Entry by proxy may, however, be made at an Agency on certain conditions by the • father, mother, goo, daughter, brother or •sister of an intending homesteader. , . • The homesteader is required to perform the honteetead duties under one 0 the fol. • lowing plans: . . • „ (1) At least six menthe' reeleletteetupon.„ and cultivation of the land to mob year for • threeyears. homeeleader may, if he so deiiiret„. laerforni-lhe required residence dntksTh laving on farming land owned solely by him, not less than 80 sores in --extent, in the vicinity of his homeetead. Joint own- ership in land' will not meet this require - meat. (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is eceased) of the homesteader has pert manent residence on farming land owned solely by him, .not less than eighty (80) • acres in extent. in •the vicinity ot tha homestead, or upon a homestead entered ' for by him in the vicar ity, ouch homestead- er may perform his. own residence duties • by living with the father or mother. • (4) The terms "vicinity" in the two pre - 'lading *seraphs is defined as meaning N not naore than nine miles in a direct ible? \ 'occlusive of the width of road allowances awned in the measurement. • (8) A Homesteader intending to perform his residence duties in accordance with the above while living with parents or on farming land owned by himself, must not- ify the Agent for she district of each inten- tion. Six months' notice in writing must be given to the commissioner- of Dominion • Lands at Ottawa of intention ;apply for Meet. twenty-two speclea ofruhherrtrees'.- n Arran, where the maidenh-airfern grow 'S plentifully. some :0 the Inbab- itants use it as a substitute for tee. Heliotrope can im mire In the .house all winter if the, pots have perfect' • .dtainitge and the plants are !cent in a' rather coot :temperature. Too Much moisture Wilt -fa -use the leaves -to turn Meet The should be' given just ".enough water to.keep them from dry; Ing out. .10 feet by 10 feet. by, 10 feet with-dy- namitewould Wreck the bulldin .with- -out -making it possible to get at the Bate. ' ••• • • -• PITY, THIS POOR GIRL Growing fast, - yes, into weakness, but without strength. • Tired of course she is --pale and thin too. • She doesn't eat enough and 'digests far too little. This conditionis so common, but how seldom noticed even by fond parents. Give her Ferrozcnie- then .wittch her 'Nicotiana, or tobacco plant, Is a ra: appetiteimprove-see-her cheeks and lips grow roddy- watch her spirits .;•-vorite-winter-bloo.naert as it ls---onelif- :the few: plants that de well .without '4unlight .One„of the best, varieties Is ---Decurrens;-which is• more .nwairfn • habit than the efilnisand does' not .re quire. constant .pinehin'g.' back to keep it from getting -,too • ungainly .for the. ; windoW. W. W. CORY. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. ?LB.--lJnatithorized publieation of this advertisement wiltnotheptlid-fer:-• FHE WRITERS; • •••• 'Sordoni...the F'rench dramatist,' never •achieved success ,•netli after !lie Mar- riage. • .••• Profeasor. Anitchkoff, the celebrated litterateUr Russia, has been sen- tenced 6 eighteen months' =Prison - anent in a fortiesit. for 'carrying on a' propaganda against the government.•; .;-Thoznai 11-arfff,"-fh-e mnovella-st. has ac, cepted the presidency of the • Soeiety : of Dorset Men InLonden in succession to sir Frederick Treves, Who has re- • signed after holdlog the effige since • the formation. of the society, • Alleyne Ireland, the well known au- -•thor, has left New York. for the West -Indies . where' he will remain :until March to secure •material for a book: •atost of his •visit will be spent hi •Bar- bados and, British Guiana, 'where he : has • friends. •1. THE HOME, DOCTOR:' .rise. This gain is.simply the result of eating and digeistingL.AnougheAnd thMialiy nourishing' laleoClitain -and- nerves. To a woman Ferrozone re- stores strength she has lost, to a girl it brings strength perhaps' she never knew. Yoiall try. Ferrozone; 50c. at• Poison Pactorks You Will be Ottrnrieed To Learn, Um Many There Are Bargains in. •Ruinitur.. Bid you eYor feel stupid and dull after eating a hearty dinner, When food la retained too long in tbe stomach, because of stomach weak. nes% tbe poison factory %Yorke over time and there is giddineee.. confusion of thought, despondently, heart burn. eleepliseneee, nervous trouble • and other forms of indigestion. It is high thou! to look about or quick health whiu you have dizzy epelle after eating. • The general use 0 Mi.o.na, stomach tablets puts Within the reach of every one a reliable and, positive cure for all stomach weakness. rdl-o.na quiqk. ly cures the Worst ease 0 Indigestion, and the pain and distress which is often felt after meals will soon dleap- pear, such Is, the wonderful curative power of this little tablets. ads upon entirely different principles front any of the ether rem- • edies that have been used in stomach • trouble. It is taken before ineels, and has a sneeifie strmigthening" action upon. the Muscles of the storbach,in- creasing the flow of digestive jieces and making the stomach get te work and digest easily and naturally the food which le eaten. Mi-o-na is sold by .druggists eVary where for 50c; and we positively guar antee to refund , your Money should you purchase 'Ojos and be diesatiefied Nirith results, Write for free saniple addressing ,R T l'aop`tb, Company, Ltd, Eriertntario, ,• • LACKS VISION OF 'FUTURE Canada is Disappointing Says Dritish • JOurnalist. There .is no Milton -minded men in Carte.da, no captains and fuglemen whose moral grandeur and fervor of • • unamation exalt the nation and throw a gleaner about its destiny, writes Harold: Begbie in The Daily • Chronicle; In a young country whose- . brow is bright. with the dawn, and • whose feet move with strength ono. the • high nam. intliine; we look . for the state• smans of a Moses, the pro- phecy Of en Isaiah, and the rejoicing poetry of a Shakespeare. Weexpect inspiration. We demand glory. But Canada disappoints. She speaks • tO nii--11`r--nrrLsuleoeu •.••••1 • majebti•G" • We are offering some good snaps in ° Furniture for this month. * coueb.es from $5.00 to $8,00 Mattresses from to $4.50 Springs from $1.90 to $2.75„ Iron Bed, from $3. to $7.75 , We are too heavily loaded' in these lines, and want to clear them out. • If you want something at higher prices than these, we can give you the yery • best goods on the market; and at special prices. 011 Cloths. Linfoleums, Rags,Carpets, Sewing Machines, Pianos and. Organ% • liabrCarriages, etc. alker & Ecs • FtR1fl1URBap UNDERTAKERS. • • *Phone 28. ;:PEN E:V NA 'NG S. el s • Great January Sak $5,000 worth of new, Seasonable goods to be. • cleared during the next two weeks at whole3ale prices, •and in some cases less. These goods are all • new and up-to-date and at regular prices, are excep- • tional values. • Space wilLnal_pgrnaff-0.1.,My-flilata- tengue. She sings to us with no .1.yri- dons, but if you wilt. read hst belciwi it will -give " •• you some - idea of haw we are 'sacrificing p-rofits, nal sweetness. •In the dawn streaming With increasing brightness on her o 'path, she sees no, outline of • the I Throne o God, ,she hears no. .quirine ;of the young -eyed cherubim'. She is !uonscieus 0 the greatness of her , future, but that greatness is:all of the market -place enri the :Wharf. She -goes forward to tate_her Jrihgritance,. not. and smile of the epigrams and a little et, At:setting red- all- :of it so -common- place that you wouldn't think of try - Ing to make anything presentable out • fact is,” the •phYsician went on; 'lb° Oglit magnifies.. Atnight our pleasures are more keen, our painsmote distressing, our smaIl successes are triumpher...ourr little failures are disasters, our faintly cherished hives alMear before Us as things reallted, out small vrorrieir • ai • overwhelming ilginifles. !Telt .fled , yeurserf *alike in . the • tO some night,. and your the wander back time. in your ,yOuth :when •id the prelitiCii7Of those eiderAnci_ *feet • you -as you now See it-guilti 0 :soine•slight breach, in d'epOrtment Or„of • some little offense to -good taste-in .speeCh; and you dwelt 'upon the con- demnation' that Must have fallen upon . . ". • . rm.: Money In. WU. . To the EnglishL vietera est Havana heionged the spoils', and very rtCh and important these were. • •• • Besides. the nine Spanish nienaif-vre;r found- intact in the , Mita:art .wbleh added' tei the three sunk at the en- tretnee Pend • to. one two others cap- tured Outside in the Coarse of the Op- : ----------ef-Iftreiiirfoinied-of the naVal power of Spain And seriously.' eriPpledo her for the keit of the 'wet,' no leis an amount than £8,000,000 was realized in prize money by the cap- ture • of -this wealthy eity, ' Of this. great sum We are,:teld that Albemarle and Pocock as, ecitinnandieg respectiVe- ly the land and. sea farm! received no less -than £122,687 each; :while Commo- dore-KepPeFe share -arreninted to as much as £24,589, ;and doubtless. his • brother, .Major General Keppel receiv- •ed an, almost email • sum. Thus., the Keppel family 'benefited by this expe- dition to the tuner of considerably, over • f150,000, and it is recorded that Gen- " • • eral Eliott with, his share' of the prize rtioneY purchased the estate 0 Heath- . field, Sussex, from which be after. ward took his title, Such .‘ were the :wild' towards 'Obtainable in war in the eighteenth century, when the mores-, sfon of arms was for. the sticeeasfuil• aoldier -considerably ;more lucrative all dealers. - • Notice to Creditors, . • For chilblains tub on Witeh , hetet This is also 'excellent for pain in -the jo , poor c cu a . -Notice isherebreiventhat all persons having • n claims or domande. against the late John •Spnina, who died cii about the-22iid day.--ol- JannarY. NOEL at the Township of Mille% in the PrOVIllet) of Ontario, are remilred to send by post. Prepaid, or to deliver V) Fitz Allen Sprung. one of the executors under the will of the Mid John Sprung, or the undersigned solicit- ors for said executors, their natries., and ad- dregoas and hill particulars, iniwriting,-of- their - Maims, and statements of their accounts and nature of the security. if any; bola by them. And take notide that aftbr the Midday or Feb- ruary, 1908. the said executore will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims cif which they shall then be.veliotice ,and the said Executors will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose elate notice shall not have boen received by them at the time of distribution. Dated at Hoderich this 4.112 day of :FebruarY. Ail HOS. PROUDEOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, solicitors or Executors. Field Stone Wanted . The Street Committee of the Clinton Council are prepared to bny field steno from farmers for um on the Streets, to •be delivered in Clinton, Farther infer - magical, pries ,ireto.,on &option= to W.G. EMITS phairnian St. Committee 4.• co . may • 9 en e preven when -the first creepy feeling is -no:, t: •ticed one gets down .with the back elcipe in front of a hot register or --radiater-and-stays therer-until-so -Warm, • la to be uncomfortable. It irs, of.•• you. .In the morning If What you- Were dweiling upon. so • seriously omits to your mind at all 'yen smile. and. say to yourself that if your fault was noticed by... anybody: 'at the time it 'waii. too trivial •Ier any one but .you fo: remeni: ber. . • .• . ••"The night magniflear the physician repeated.... "Suchthingeas I have, Mem tioned-r-Prcrreat----Itia-pititlythurtoltre - silence, but more to. ourselves. To au count for- the *hitter, *Mild keep me talking: • "• ' • "But take' it ler granted that what- ever your cameo ..for worry at -night it. ; ' • with hymn. and -song, but with the grim masterfulness of. a merchant en- tering his counting house.. . Sir Wilh•id Laurier is a pod mein .and a dexterous politician. He is not a great than. Ile, cermet trust him- self to., make the righteous and pas- sionate appeal to the nation which would rid .it *ever of its ;corrupt and • abominable , Politicians. • He dis- misses ministers • whose iniquity is brought home to 'them; his own virtue is known to the people ;his'inCorrupti- bility. la accepted by Brigliehmerl., and • Frenchmen; but , he has nothing -• of that Gladstonian passion kw honor and purity , which can sway Multi- udee-and-set-e,-Liahole o-nation-in-th way of righteousrfess..' 1110 long, as) -colored Egyptian face reminds one wherr itleinalmated by his, rhetoric of Henry Irving, and when-itlii-aphinw: like in repose of Benjamin Disraeli. Like these two men, he is a pictur- 'ample erator, an adroit politician. Ile • uses events, he dies not Make them; .he watches opportu'aely, he does not fashion destiny.. Fortunate is it for Canada that amen' s0. many base and pliant politicians there should be this central . pillar • of honesty and self - I respect ;• but happier would it be for her and for us if the chief pilot of her • fortunes had -the lofty eoul of a .Mil- ton and the spacious mind of Gari- baldi. Politics are the ...curse of 'Can- • ada, and the praise which history will "bestow upon lite ' French-Canadian .Prime Minister is that he mitigated: the curse. Oenius alone can Men's furiblind Cap's,regplar 75c and 0,00 Sale price 509 See caps • •' Men's lined Boots, regular -price $2.00, Side price $1.25 Sizes WOK Women's Felt Boots, regular 01.35; sale price $1.13 • • _Women's heavy lined Sateen Underskirts, regular price $1.75, Sale •A few of those $1.26.blackBateen_Underskirts leftnt .95o (lig Wool Blankets, $2.00 ; $2.75 Grey Wool Blankets, $i:ps. A few .pairs only Men's heavy'Duck Rubbers ;481.75- • '•' . • Clothing, ' Menai Black Melton Overcoats, velvet collar, regular price, Sale price $3.85 • • • •' 510.00 Overcoats, in Meltons and Tweeds for January Sale 410.15u Special priceann lines'of Dry Goods, Olothing 'Boots and Shoes . , . during this -sale. • Our• expensed are very light; and We canigive you better value for • your money than you can get elsewhere. Come and see. • 'r • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Phinisteel Brost-, • • ' • • . • • 1 • New Fruits. • ••. -FRIJITS-We carry the best from beet Shippera. • • BRISINS-Valencps. Sultanas, seeded and tattle' raisin& CURRANTS -nada. cleaned, Patritts,' Figs, Peels, Nnts.III Dates, Conady •. • Oranges, etc. Oer. prices lower tharrofferings Orinferor qualifies •• from other sources -Cali and see. •• TIM S -.Black, Green, Japan and MixedExtra Value for 25e. Sipa RR- Granulated, Yellows and Batts we lead in Quality' and Quantity per dollar or bags (24 Das Brown Sugar for $1.00.. • . remove •Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, Fancy China, Table and • will look smaller by daylight .and re' fuse to dwell on •It. If your anticipa- tions are pleasant, nurse them, and you wilt fall asleep. In the morning -you_ will not be dewncastbecause your magnified hopes of the night seem ina likely to be realized." thrill it is; tedili, • course, important ,not 6 chill niter' • A poultice of -witch hazel is often ' very soothing to a muscular pa n is dm I 0 11 this toasting. • • The Circassians. ' • The OircassIns, who live in the ply made. n a ma saucepan put a square, folded flannel cloth. Pour over Chia enough Witch hazel to nortVelstern p rt of the Caucasus and ' who hink It is More honorable to live i,by plunder than by industry, Make it custom to bring their daughters up • thoroughly moisten it Ileat and placd the flannel cicith over the pain; Cover it with dry. flannel, and pin a- toWel . over it to keep it In place. ID e 64'.13,in› before the '• ' ' , Many. hundr I 1 Christian ertethe people .0 India prate - e i • ticed deep regular breathing as a cure • for disease, and no better cure has been • found today if it is kept up regularly. Girls Wanted. • We Are Metalling a number. of• ma/41114o_ alla intuit inertias& our eita . We require a 'number • of smart &la at good Wages. Be - &net% taught free ofcharge and paid Wages while learning. Fab-, tory is conarottablel and work • pleasant. . Apply personally if: possible. Clinton Knitting Go. 1 • finoWflakeis. • . contain, about nine tiniest as many .YellIfines of alr, entangled, 00 to speak, among their crystals, as they contain • water, so that a fait 0 snow ten inches deep is about eqUivalent to en inch of . • , Pillars Of Hercules. The opposite rocks at Gibreitar art called the Pillars of Hercules, because in the ane.lent story Hercules tare them apart in order to get out into the Atiantle. The ancients *led the "p11. Ian?' ceitio and Abyia. oo, illitillall.. , - . A pretty woman's Worth some pains to see.:_,Browning • -•. . • Consideration for womanis the meas- ure of a natiOn's progress in soctal • life. -Gregoire. - , • • '• No plan has yet discovered the means- • Of giving successfully , frleddly adviee - to wemen,-Balzac.• •• WOnaen know by natere • hew to die guise their . emotions far better than the most consumtnate male courtier Ivan de-Thacker:1y, • , , 1, The One w 0 as read A e oo Ufa ' lit cilied woman knows more than the one who has groWu pale in libraries, - Mousey*. • . . contain's. Rule: in train. • "Our rule in India, no doubt, le to • some extent•in the -nature of a miracle, but it ishone of these mir,acles Ina t that In face of ' a thousand risks run by • day and • night. There is no reason why it snould net con inue . or an- other 150 years. • Further than that no wise • man will care to 'look. We, at anY rate, refuse to -be pessimistic about bale." to. be sold as slaves to the 'Turks and • Persians. Circassian ' beauties, there - Tore shine not in their native land, but in the harems of the orient; . ,o NII001111 " eak Wo en ife.wWr and ail* *oaten, there is at least ono rnto heiv. net with that way, two treatments, est be co.t1.1341"1. One ta Mott one Is connate al, but Dorn ereviniportarit, both tainntill. 31;ctalrggerfaigattiv 1israelCintinal. , The forMer-Dr. ShooiVegit Cure -leo touted ' rorlatt liggrralgrriir Art __:rettgali ugalt: men.. The Restorative Inseam OM:Mahout time I: gp_tire sYstork seeking the repair of all nerve. al tidal°, and all blood 11,11Mente. The 'Night Cure", it Its name Implies, does its kitt k While yOU sleep. It SoOthell sore and Milani. ' Mirui %%Welt lies" 1"44"altn Wirelittettlild rite& 0 0 Rekterati .. sea a tement, eves retiewed.vieor and ambition', ds tip wasted tissues, bringing about renewed b, viaor, and energy. Take Dr. Shoop'. ratior-Tablets (* Liquid -ash general tont, the Saltete !or 11014thre lOal help, nes MI itial 1Dr. Shoop's !Night Cure eiipi NOM Cape Horn was disioyered by ten in 1616 and named, fitter his birth - piece in tile Netherlanda,' IfOrrl, Or .• -• • = • • # Hoorn. This was hearty it eitetnry gg:isolye lisainient. Cares litehtberts after bilireilan's tinie. • W A MeCONNELL W. Si it. MUMS. • Att Elephant Eirpart. This 'is a steal of an elephant side in India, A large herd of the aninials' was placed on exhibition and a DAM. her Of prospective purchasers were critically • examining the ponderous beasts. • The dealer noticed one man who seemed particularly impressed' with a certain elephant, and deco, noted that the elephant under mfarninatton Was one which- had been doetored edpeoltilly for the sale. The dealer went te the Man and called him aside. "1 isee that you know a great deal about elephants," he eidd. Of course you, noticed thnt the anintb.I you cx,- zunined had been doetored. Don't give Me away Mid if I oaell the 'brute ghat you ten per oent. of the Sale price," The Man nodded his head. Some hours later the dealer went to the man and handed Win a. considerable sum of money. .."1 solcl that elephant," he explain- ed, "By the way, how did you come to know 80 nmelt about elephentsP" "1 :don't know anything about there," 'replied the roam "tit fact that was the first tinu 1 ever saw an ele- phant. When you called Me 1 'WKS Whig to fignre out which end lts tall WAS Mi." Librarjr,tamps,' Largest and Finest assortment ever offered • in Clinton, Cheaper than ever, White Toilet ets $1.25, Din- ner Set for $5.00,,97 pieces for $6.75, China Tea Set 40• $3.00. 4 different patterns in:open stock. get iN hat you Want. CASH PAID FOR EGGS AND Burip# .1 W. IRWIN , • , • TO-C1TRE SNIFFLING' COLDS-. " • • The easiest and pleasantest- euro is •"Catarrhozone" which fills the nose, throat and lungs with healing balsams and pine essences that kill • a cold in- stantly, ;You experience a pleasan t sensationof relief at once. Soreness congestion and initatiOn leave the throat and nose, the head is cleared and every trace of cold or Catarrh is cured. Catarehozone is so sure,so pleasant, such a safe remedy tor wint- er ills that You can't afford to do with- out it. Sold by all dealers, 25c and $1, Get Oatarrhozone to -day. •.•••mmmoawa•iio••i••••Ipgrop•••••••••m•••••;. 1 ardli ahitineas Miro dairgit In Cows. LIVER COMPLAINT. TM Hier is *Mood lad in the 10(11 He Mimi is to ohs MO the blood Ow properties whisk tio 'Meta asilOd "It hithiSolit ,ilario4 furnish bias toi ilos bonds. gassing *Saito Moine bound aiid oast** Th, a *ens of Moo or wdald 15. right etia Od shoodnIt Pelee in the • tido, pains Woks the thouldons, yolktwasila 11 15. skis sad toyes, fiords •Ifteguisr. *Mid haides, 11164 *OM thi oirahis. .to. MILBURN'S •LAXA-LIVER • PILLS 06 piano* sad' Mr* is el* de OS Wititsia sot Ado., worse 641a ihok sesoti, O. WM' As *dolt sad ocielout toned" the alse'aeitt distiderti of Si. IMO trice 25 Ceuta, or bottles for $1.00i . all dealers °totalled clirtvit an **riot 'et liebie by The T•.:, Milbtirn.00., iforouto, Ont. - • Why buy patent Eroulsions of Ced Liver Oil when you can get our mei% . make at exactly half the price P Our own is 25c and 50c," Patent Emulsions are 50o and 3140. The Patent Emulsions are not guaranteed. We absolutely -guarantee ours to contain 50 per cent. pure Norway Oil, combined with gm proper nmount-of Hypophosphites. It is palatable and easy to take and cite of the best remedies for Tuberculosis, Bronchitis, deep-seated Coughs and Colds, or in any Condition where a powerfiil.nutrient tonic is required. HOVEY,.- pe Disnsing' ()he/11114p CLINTON.ilL Still TO the FrOnt. We make known to you that we are prepared to 'Serve you better than eyele the change of Banks does net affect us, the 'Mint with us is to simply your wants. We have an iminenae variety; to choose from. NV e can meet any cj- petition is a legitimate way. We want your qustotri• and can make matters pleasant and profitable for you, Try us for Dry Goods, Groceries, Boont Shoes, Rubbers Leggings, Sox, Robes, Blankets Hardware. Salt in barreia or sacks. Coal stove and nut. We will take your Cash, Butter, Eggs, Trillow_.,.'esed • Dried apples(for a short time)at highest prices. Terms Cosh or Rroduce. 0O - JAL OPER- We would supPlY farmers with ClottonadA berlinis Shistiegy, Wrapperettes, Plannelletts, White and Grey Cotton. Prints, Sp•!)ells,. ere., as , these goo& could be made up in the slack time, and allow you to bring m your • butter, eggs, ole, , later on.. • . Londesboro, Jan, 20i08 • R ADAMS. THE LAST CALL • It is abeeintely necessary that all outstanding 'accounts he sm. , by the Itth of February in order that we may close up our Wei - •moss. Those who have not yet eettled up, MUSt govern themselves accordingly, as accontite not paid will be placed elsewhere ter antidament, • Hot." umball 4St NieNiath ems**